#It's soooooo baaddddddddddddddddddd
There ain't nothing Shera does that Lego Monkie Kid doesn't do better.
#and obviously tdp but like#Spop and LMK do similar things with ''chosen one'' trope deconstruction and main protagonists who think they make everything worse#Except god.#They resolve that part of Adora's arc TERRIBLY. Like. They just give it to her. Nothing happens to inspire her to change they just went#''Okay now she doesn't think she's a weapon! She has some self-worth!'' at the end of s4#But that's the entirety of spop smh#They just do whatever they want and everything is so tonally inconsistent and none of the characters are ever written consistently#I've been doing a watch through of it with some friends and god. God is it terrible#Maybe if I liked the jokes I'd enjoy it more. And also if I turned my brain off#But with the way I interact with media like oof. Not the show for me#Ougghghg it's so sad Adora should be EXACTLY my type of character (the narrative's favorite) (not a good thing) but like#They just do everything so lammmeeeeeeee#It's soooooo baaddddddddddddddddddd#God the s4 conflict between Adora and Glimmer makes no damn sense. No fucking sense. It doesn't get resolved#the way Shera handles war and grief is so weird#Like. Just go watch tdp it's better there#But for destiny and chosen one stuff and ''not being a weapon''? Living in the shadow of those who came before?#Super mentally ill protag with the lowest self-worth you've ever seen? Friends who struggle against their fates?#A ''reboot'' that treats it's source material with love?#LMK is the way to go man#spop critical#lmk rant#imp tag#imp's a little feisty
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