#It's rough and rusty but it exists! :D I wrote a thing!
mainstream-deviant · 1 year
Heyo - super excited for your prompt list and to see you getting back in the swing of writing, hell yeah :D I actually thought of two, so feel free to do one over another if you feel so inclined (or both! or neither! no rules here haha): 4 with Ryou + YM and / or 11 with Malik + TKB/YB (whichever one of your choosing)
Oooh, you gave me a deathshipping option. You should know what happens when there’s a good deathshipping option. 😂
Thank you so much for the prompt and the encouragement. You’re a gem. 💕
(If anyone else would like to request a sleepytime prompt, the list is HERE!)
Fandom: Yugioh DM
Pairing: Deathshipping (Ryou/Yami Marik)
Word Count: ~1000 (oh hush that's totally a drabble >.>)
Rating: F for Fluff
Context: Something vaguely post-cannon, when YM (Amir) is in the “oh shit I’m a whole person with whole emotions and a whole psyche and consequences?? Wtf?” part of the process and trying to Human. It's tiring work.
The mechanics of the mini-boss’s weapon were finally, finally, starting to look like they might possibly consider working with a just little extra encouragement. If he asked the monster world gods very very nicely. Maybe. He hoped. Ryou was just starting to wonder if he’d have to consider some sort of human sacrifice to get these stats to work when there was a thud from the doorway. He shifted out of the way just in time for the thump of a body hitting the couch.
“Tough day?” A stream of muffled grumbling drifted up from the cushion next to him, where Amir had planted himself firmly face-down in the cushions. Answer enough.
Ryou carefully extended a hand and very pointedly shifted his weight in Amir’s direction. Amir’s attitude towards comforting touch was… inconsistent, to say the least, so Ryou was ready for a sharp warning away. But this time the stream of grumblings continued despite the movement, so Ryou took that as permission and slipped his fingers into Amir’s wild hair to gently scratch at his scalp.
A large whoosh of air interrupted the grumbling for a second and Amir shifted an arm up under his head, tucking his face into his elbow. This just so happened to push his head further into Ryou’s fingers, a fact that he’s sure Amir would say was just coincidence if he pointed it out. Ryou smiled to himself and dug his nails in more firmly, taking full advantage of that point of contact.
They stayed that way for a while, as Amir’s already-muffled words slurred together more and more. Gaming statistics set aside for now, Ryou passed the time trying to figure out whether any of Amir’s mumblings were staying in one language from beginning to end. It didn’t sound like it. He must be exhausted, poor boy.
“You can rest, Amir. We’ll sort it tomorrow.” The string of syllables shifted to something vaguely assenting, before fading away entirely.  Ryou kept up the steady rhythm of his fingers until the last of the tension faded and Amir’s breaths smoothed out, slow and deep. Pleased, he took that as his cue and slouched into the corner of the couch, waiting.
It didn’t take long for Amir to twist around and shift toward Ryou. With a wakeful, whirring mind it was always debateable whether Amir would seek or avoid physical contact. But like this, quiet and sedate in a way his mind wouldn’t allow any other time, it was always the same.
It started with the warm press of a forehead into Ryou’s leg, insistent and kitten-like. Ryou smiled and continued to massage the back of Amir’s head, obligingly shifting his legs so Amir’s seeking arm could anchor them together more firmly. A deep sigh rushed warm air past his thigh as Amir settled further, apparently content for now. Ryou had to smile as Amir’s mouth softly fell open, huffing out little puffs of air into the small space between leg and couch. Anyone else would look suffocated in such a pose, but Amir seemed perfectly at ease. Whenever he finally slept, he slept like the dead. Ryou let his hand fall still, silence settling in like a thick mist.
With Amir seeming settled for the moment, Ryou’s thoughts drifted back towards his abandoned project. He twisted just a bit to try to get eyes back on his campaign materials. He could almost make out the chart he needed from here, and he had been so close to figuring out how the shielding was going to work…
A discontented grunt filtered up from near Ryou’s leg, and he looked down in time to catch a little scowl cross Amir’s brow. Alright then. No more campaign prep tonight. But if he wasn’t going to get any further on his campaign tonight, he could at least avoid having a crick in his neck come morning. Ryou settled back further on the couch and reached down to scratch at Amir’s shoulders, hoping he'd move a bit.  The scowl on Amir’s face deepened as Ryou shifted his legs to try to lift them onto the couch. He never like being disturbed. The arm around Ryou’s legs tightened and something startlingly close to a growl rumbled out of Amir’s chest. Somehow, it managed to sound petulant.
“I’m not leaving, I just want to lie down properly, you goon. Come on, let me go for a sec.” Giving up on subtlety entirely, Ryou threaded an arm underneath Amir’s shoulder to pry him off enough lie down on the couch properly.
It was debateable whether Amir ever actually woke up moments like this, but at least he always responded to the movement. He relaxed his clinging arm with a grumble while Ryou repositioned himself, eyes scrunched shut and scowl firmly in place. The moment Ryou settled down, Amir let out a low rumble and dove forward, shoving his head into Ryou’s stomach hard enough to force a huff of air from his lips. Ryou resumed petting Amir’s hair, catching his breath as well as he could even as Amir wound an arm around his waist and held him tight, tight, tight, squeezing the air right back out again. Ryou hugged Amir’s head close to his middle. His very own live lion plushie, he’d once said, much to Amir’s great annoyance. Ryou figured he could deal with it as compensation for enduring his subconscious anaconda traits. A leg hooked around one of Ryou’s, effectively locking in his sleeping position for the night. Well, at least he was horizontal now.
Quiet once again, Ryou let his eyes droop, warm in a tangle on the couch. He watched as Amir nuzzled in to the soft squish of his belly, scowl slowly receding now that his anchor was still. He didn’t let his eyes close the rest of the way until Amir’s lips gently parted again, loose and wafting warm breath as he sunk back down into the deep. With a sigh, Ryou joined him.
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bananaink · 5 years
KeGo December Day 15 - Ache
Inko was staring. She was aware of it, knew that she hadn’t looked away for several minutes now and it would only last for maybe two more minutes before she’d be found out, but she just couldn’t stop.
How could she, when her boy was living and breathing and existing right in front of her?
His eyes flashing with mirth and mischief as Katsukis glared with indignation over their open homework.
Aizawa had left the room for exactly twenty seconds, telling the boys to behave but that had lasted for less than five seconds before Izuku has teased the blonde, slowly riling him up. Well, slowly might have been a bite generous as Katsuki roared to life like a grenade and lunged for Izuku, who in turn twisted in his chair out of the way and fell to the ground. Her son jumped up on to quick feet and ran.
“GET BACK HERE YOU WEASEL!”, Katsuki yelled back and stomped after him. The chase began anew.
Inko watched as Izuku jumped over the couch, ducked and zig-zagged around Yagis furniture, while Katsuki ran after him, equally as nimble and fast but sligthly bigger and so much louder.
“Boys.”, Yagi said a little bit helpless as he lifted his newspaper out of the way of a diving Izuku and frowned after Katsuki who had almost barreled right into him but zoomed harmlessly by. Inko felt a smile pull at er lips and she absentmindedly kept toweling the plate in her hand as Izuku managed to get a table between himself and Katsuki, taunting him with a grin. They ran around it two or three times like dogs chasing their tails until Katsuki stopped and frustratedly held his palms up. But no explosions.
Izukus grin grew even wider and his stance oozed confidence and strength, meeting Katsukis pride and power. An ache settled into Inkos chest. Both good and bad.
He looked so different from that thin shivering boy Inko had met in that police station. Thin arms with wary muscle in torn and borrowed clothes, replaced by a bright yellow hoodie they had chosen together, covering a healthy body. She still remembered his unkempt hair, uneven and too long, white gauze peeking out every which way and that scar covering one side of his face. The scar that had taken up all of him. And now it was barely visible under his cheeky grin and then surprised yelp as Katsuki just flipped over the desk, taking a risk because neither adult in this house liked them parkouring over the furniture. And Katsuki may have been an angry boy, a loud one and rough around the edges – but he was never a delinquent.
Inko saw him glancing in her direction but when she remained stationary, he just kept his pursuit on and chased Izuku out of the living room. More yelling and taunting slowly grew quiet and she sighed into the clean plate she still held in her hands. She wished Izuku would be as carefree with her as he was with Katsuki or how Aizawa was able to touch him without freaking him out but she knew she couldn’t rush these things. Aizawa had told her about his past, about the fear and twisted imagination in his abused mind of suddenly looking at a corpse instead of his living and breathing mother. The ache grew heavy and for a very short second it was unbearable.
‘It will get better’, the underground hero had assured her, ‘he loves you very deeply. That’s why he’s being so cautious. He doesn’t want to hurt you.’
She nodded to herself, putting the dishes away and cleaning up the open kitchen and counter that separated her from the living room. She was still a little bit jealous over the casual closeness Aizawa had to her son, angry at him for that one time he had denied her permission to see him and that irrational fear off his power to someday decide that no - she wasn’t fit for being a mother anymore.
But it quickly melted away when she remembered how it had worked out so far, her little boy, her baby and light, safe and sound and protected by a hero, surrounded by people willing to help and coaxing him out of his shell in a way she couldn’t do, not yet. Izuku didn’t want her help, he wanted her forgiveness, no matter irrational that desire was. And he wanted her safe. Aizawa had been right. She couldn’t help him getting better when the only thing he thought about was protecting her from an all-encompassing evil, looming over them.
No matter how much it hurt to know that.
Suddenly there was a bang deep inside the house and she turned to the door leading to the living room. Yagi lowered his newspaper, curiously peeking over it when footsteps came closer. Oddly enough, Katsuki was the first to appear. He dashed through the living room - Izuku hot on his heels – and they both almost smacked into the sliding-glass-door leading to the wide garden, working together to open them. It was old, rusty and rarely used, so it kept getting stuck and they both tried to fit through it at the same time - “Get out of the way, fat-ass!” “I was here first!” - just as Aizawa marched into the room, scarf swirling in the air.
Katsuki managed to shoulder himself halfway outside, while Izuku abandoned the blocked escape route, jumping behind the couch and booking it to the second door leading to the hallway. Aizawa snagged his arm and Katsukis foot with his scarf and pulled them both back in.
Yagi sighed – slightly amused – and ducked back behind his newspaper.
Inko, with that barely bearable ache in her chest, watched Izuku and his almost teenager typical look of a child being caught with their hands in the cookie jar, while Katsuki angrily seethed but knew he'd make his own life harder if he tried to protest too harshly.
Aizawa put them both back in their seats, growling about homework and children and behavior and extra training and how this was supposed to be his free day - just as Izukus eyes lifted from his long gaze on the table. He met Inkos and a small grin wobbled on his lips, a little bit unsure but overall happy and unforced. The ache ebbed away and she couldn’t help but smile back – even if it maybe wasn’t the best moment, right in the middle of Aizawas scolding. But Izukus eyes brightened and the grin morphed into something easy and light. Genuinely happy.
And wasn’t that all she ever wanted for her baby?
Bright eyes and a happy smile.
Okay, this is the first time I wrote Inko. She is pretty hard and I kinda started in a very complex situation where a lot has already happened but AFO is still unknown to them. So the big bang is still waiting for them :’D And Katsuki hasn’t been kidnapped yet :D Hooray :D
Check out @banashee and her stuff, check out my AO3 and thank y’all for the nice comments! I read each and everyone and roll on the floor everytime!! :D
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