#It's ok the cracks are only visible when the screen is off so it's still fully usable for drawing thank god
proteusolm · 1 year
Why do people still suckle at Apple's teat when they've been deliberately making their products as fragile and expensive to repair as possible forever. My ipad's screen cracked the first time I ever dropped it. My Google Pixel screen has survived being dropped on concrete, rock, gravel, and most impressively: a tree planting season of being taken out into cut blocks with me. Being an outside person is not kind to electronics.
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dreamii-krybaby · 1 year
Ok so listen, yes, its me, back with my dead russian robot couple. Bc I said so and bc I have ADHD
I HC that Yeva has plenty of fucking scars, mostly are improperly healed scars by getting hurt by other drones at CFL and the camps. Some are the equivalent of robo-stretch marks and she also has a big scar on her chest and her left eye was left permanently glitching after getting blown off due to the AS.
So she tries her best to cover them up and she is very insecure about them and feels uncomfortable when people ask her about it.
And a few days ago I realized that Yeva’s parter is actually very covered up.
What I mean by this is that if u look closely at him in the picture shown in EP4 you can see him wearing a long sleeve jacket + shorts + scarf + trapper hat. Thats a lot of accessories tbh, yes he is not the only one but it’s still rare. He is more covered up than Khan and the Teacher. And from analyzing all of the scenes he has appeared, and by looking at the frames and by playing with the lighting, his chest is barely visible too. (Just like the Teacher and Khan)
So this let me to HC that some way or another his body (mostly his whole chest area up to his neck and arms) are also covered to the brim with scars. They mostly look like cracks.
So like I can imagine at some point her husband witnesses her scars and Yeva immediately starts to panic and feel ashamed. Only for her husband to gently reach out for her (specifically by touching one of her scars) and then takes off his scarf,rolls up his sleeves, unzips his jacket and reveal he is also has hundreds of scars underneath.
Her husband proceeds to confort her. You know- the 2 have a little moment and awkwardly talk about their scars and shit. And like her husband telling her that scars can symbolize someone’s strength and persistence so she doesn’t feel ashamed of them.
Yeva still is uncomfortable with her scars but not too much as before. Also she doesn’t feel the need to cover them up at home. Same goes for her parter.
Also one of their love languages is caressing eachother’s scars.
Me after torturing myself by thinking about angst and wholesome shit regarding Doll’s parents while fully knowing they have a screen time of 6 seconds, no voicelines, barely any information on their personality, we don’t even know if they are even a healthy couple,are already dead and they probably won’t come back:
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itsybiggy · 1 year
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Stuck With Me: Peter Parker x OC
Cute Peter Parker slow burn, less spiderman action more just good ol awkward Parker.
Peter has been in a bad mood all month, but with soon to be divorced parents, trying to figure out what's wrong with him is the last thing Lani needs. Thankfully summer break is here. Lani, Ned, Peter, and MJ set off on the summer vacation road trip to California. Drama ensues
🕸️Chapter 2🕸️
Chapter 1
Master list
He left me on read. He never does that, like ever. My thoughts begin to wander to attempt to make evenly winged eyeliner.
So much for keeping it positive.
Intrusive thoughts pile up in my mind. I'm not dumb enough to really believe that Peter now hates the mere thought of me; but the little "read" under my text makes me anxious all the same.
I being wracking my brain. Thinking of everything I have said to him in the past weeks. I mean maybe I said something to make him upset or did something and just not realize it. But honestly, it only makes me smile as I recall the jokes we cracked and fun we all  have had. Nothing bad is really coming to mind.
My screen is still void of any text notifications.
I check my refection in the mirror, smiling. I usually try to stay positive when it comes to my appearance. And I definitely can't complain of how my butt looks my black maxi skirt. I adjusted my white crop top, making sure the tiny cross stitched spider was visible. After a quick click of my off brand Dock Martins I decided humidity was a virtue and mirror time was over.
It was already 5:15, I didn't feel quiet ready but Ned would be waiting.
~15 minutes later~
"GET IN LOSER WE ARE GOING SHOPPING!" I yell as Ned walks down the apartment stairs.
He gets in the car "Hey."
"Hey." My smile drops and I hope it's subtle. The tone of his voice worried me. Silence between us is uncommon. I squirm a bit in my seat.
Seeing as he isn't going to make conversation, I speak up.
"Did you get the texts from me and Michelle?" I say.
"Yeah, I have no idea what's wrong with him. Maybe we will figure out tonight" he says quickly, shrugs and looks out the window. Silence fills the car again.
I know you can't sound like anything over text, but Ned sounded a lot peppier when we were messaging. What was going on with my friends?
"We should go see a movie after."  I make a lame attempt to kindle a conversation.
Ned seems to perk up a bit at this.
"Yes! The Joker is out!"
I laugh at this, I'd never been much for DC superhero comics. Especially when they are made up. It didn't really make a lot of sense why someone would make up a superhero and a supervillain when there are plenty to choose from that are real. Movie production companies have tried to profit off of rising superhero stars. The movies are never as good as the up close and real action.
I shrug "I'll see whatever you want bubby."
He winces at 'bubby' and goes back to looking out the window.
I feel my face getting hot. Ok mental note, after being called bubby for 3 years Ned now doesn't like it.
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH MY FRIENDS! Blasts in my mind. My only hope now was that Michelle was normal.
To my relief she was. We got to the diner at 6:04, Michelle sitting down at our usual table in the back. We try to sit in the back as to not disturb other customers. Our laughs are usually boisterous and frequent not to mention the cheeky jokes. And all being on the decathlon team, heated arguments or "debates" on some old dudes theories or such tend to heated. But we are high tipping customers so we don't worry about it too much.
"Hey guys surprised to see you have made it here alive." She jokes.
"I don't know where you got that I was a bad driver!" I motion for Ned to take a seat before I slide in next to him.
"Oh I think you know." She winks.
"what?" I look at her, perplexed before she shakes her head.
"Speak of the devil" she said just as Peter walks through the door.
The little bell at the top of the door gives a joyful ring. Peter flinches but his body quickly moved back into its slightly hunched position with a frown on his face. Oh great.
"Hey Peter!" I say as he sits down next to Michelle.
He looks into my eyes and gives a slight smile. But says nothing.
A waiter soon comes around with menus "Can I get you started off with anything to drink?"
"I will have a coke." Michelle starts.
"Same." Peter mumbles.
"Sprite." Says Ned cheerfully.
"Tea for me please and thank you." I say brightly, I had to stay positive. I am with my friends to get away from negativity, not have more of it.
Once the waiter left we all began talking. Peter slowly starts engaging more, and it seems to feel right again. Something about him is definitely off; though that does make me very worried about him, I know now was not the time to ask. I will just do my best to cheer my moody friend up.
I smile, mentally stepping back from the conversation, contentment filled my heart. There is nowhere I would rather be and no group of people I would rather be with. I mean they are the only friends I have...
Good Eats has become a favorite of ours. We started eating here for dinner or after school almost every weekend, for about 3 years now. It was cheap for the quality of simple yet delicious diner food. But it's usually pretty quiet in the evenings— (we learned the hard way to avoid it during the mornings where the line is out the door.) —a steady stream of customers usually taking things to-go. Which I don't get, a big part of this place being great is the aesthetic. It reminds me of a 70s diner and most likely opened then. Yellow booths, a jute box always playing great oldies music, kinda ugly wallpaper, and warm lighting. And the store owner is a really nice guy. He usually brings his grandkids. It's always funny when you get rung up by a 10-year-old or have your water refilled by a 7-year-old. Since we have been coming for so long so often, the owner has a special discount for us "I've got to treat my best customers right!"  he always says I'm pretty sure it's just a %10 student discount. We usually tip as much much as we can.
I snapped back into reality when I heard my name. I didn't really know who it came from.
"What?" I said shacking my head out of the clouds.
"We were asking about the van. Summer break is almost here, when is Caroline gonna be ready?" Ned asks
"Oh right, I would say just in time for school to let out." I say.
We have been planning our summer break since school started this year. It will be our last summer vacation ever, so it had to be epic. I always get excited butterflies from it, but it is usually mixed with dread too. Dread because I know when I get home my parents will be officially divorced. Not that I haven't known this was coming or that it needs to happen. It definitely does, I have a cup bruise on the side of my head to prove it.
No, nope stop! I feel my eyes watering. Internally I let out a big sigh. This summer vacation has to be perfect. I don't know what I will do if it's not.
"Alright let's go over the plans one last time," Peter says.
I smile reaching into my purse, and pull out a small, light pink, piece of paper. 1-10 lists of things we need to do while we are in California. We had decided a beach trip is definitely what we need.
I clear my throat and begin to read.
1. start off at Stark Tower to go over things with Tony such as Hotels, food reservations, and tickets
Did I mention all of this was Peter's early birthday gift from TS himself. We are all pretty jazzed. And by that I mean we about shit our pants when Peter told us.
2. head out across the country stopping at the finest Tony Stark hotels (hotels with penthouse suites that Tony has frequent so much he just straight up bought the hotels.)
3  get to LA and check out our crib
4. beach
5. Disney Land
6. More beach
7. eat at a super fancy restaurant
8. ruins of Mr. Stark's Malibu mansion
9. Santa Monica Pier
10. hike to the Hollywood sign
It was a packed summer for sure, but it had to be the best, it just had to be. My last slice of happiness before I move away with my mom, before I move from Queens to which ever relative my mom decides to move close to. Away from all of my friends, who are more of a family then my real ones. Who have gotten me through so much, stuck by my side through it all. And even feeling upset makes me feel like I'm a monster. I want to support my mom, but I don't want this! I don't want to be away from them. Away...I hate that word.
"You ok La?" Ned asks  his hand rests on my back, lightly rubbing it.
My cheeks grow warm with embarrassment- I was crying. And of course Ned's kind questioning made more tears flow. I quickly wipe my eyes with my sleeve, and give a quick fake smile to my friends. They look concerned, except Peter. He looks almost angry, this made me cry more. Amazing.
"Yeah I'm fine. I-uh-i yawned." I stammer, I yawned wtf, who would believe that?!
"What the hell Lani?! No one's yawns make them cry that much." Michelle said, her voice rose she was almost laughing at the dumb lie that came out of my mouth. But I knew she was just concerned.
Ned quickly drops his hand from my back, my head instinctively turning towards him. He's looking at Peter.
"I'm fine I, I-just." I paused. I had told them about my parents getting a divorce, but not much. More importantly, I hadn't told them I was moving, and I wasn't planning on it till the trip is over. If they knew it would just ruin the whole trip for me. Not to mention I was so scared to even say it out loud, it would just make it seem more real. I tried my hardest to not think about it ever. Yea I know it's is unhealthy, but it's how I'm coping now. Might as well let future Lani deal with it.
"It's just my parents divorce, it's getting close to the last of all the court stuff. I just, can't stop thinking about it." My face continued the hot embarrassed sensation. I felt my under arms tingle and I could feel their eyes in me. My eyes stayed glued on my hands like my left depended on it.
There was a small pause. Oh gosh this is embarrassing.
"Lani, no madder what, you will always have us. We love you." Michelle finally said. Her tender words caught me off guard.
I looked back at her, giving a genuine smile "Thanks, that means a lot."
But the little voice in the back of my mind kept screaming Except they won't always be there for you.
"Are you guys ready to order?" We all jumped a bit as the waiter had finally returned to serve us. She placed each of our drinks in front of us.
After we ordered I had asked if we could just forget I said anything, what I needed was a fun night with my friends. They all agreed and once Ned had brought up The Joker, a new conversation sprung. I was just happy to not discuss anything family related.
Once we had all gotten and eaten our food, we decided to head to the movie theater to watch The Joker.
"Ok how about Peter pays for drink, Ned pays for Popcorn, and Lani pays for the tickets?" Michelle suggests as we walk into the theater.
"Um, that's convenient, seeing as you pay for nothing." Said Peter, slightly annoyed "and we should all pay for our own tickets, they are too expensive for Lani to pay for alone."
Michelle give a little snicker before we all decide it was every man for himself/herself.
I walk up to the counter, and smile brightly at the young man at the register. "Four tickets for The Joker, please and thank you."
"Sorry The Joker is sold out." He replies in a monotone voice.
"What?!" Ned exclaimed "but- I just checked online like 5 hours ago."
"Sorry The Joker is sold out" he repeats in the same voice. I don't blame him, he has probably had to say this so many people tonight.
"Hey, guys it's fine we can just pick another movie!" I say trying to lift their spirits.
"It 2 is out." Michelle offers.
Oh no
"Yeah I'm down" says Ned.
Oh no
"Yeah me too" says Peter.
Three pairs of eyes look at me. I give a sheepish smile. I get scared very easily, they know this, but I'm willing to take one for the team... even if it means I won't sleep for a few da-weeks. "Yes, let's go see It 2" I say in a fake enthusiastic tone.
I turn back to the man at the register "um, four for... It 2 please."
The theater is completely empty, which makes it about 1099999373783298xs more scary. It's a pretty popular movie so the rows of seats absent of people makes it feel like the twilight zone. We look around, deciding to sit in the far back.
I see Peter hanging back, walking slowly behind us. Strategically, I begin to slow my pace; slipping behind MJ to sit beside Peter. If there is anything that will distract me from the killer clown, it's Peter. We enter the row and settled in. And Peter grabs my hand.
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gloryhrs · 1 year
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⟡ 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓! ━━ 「 Rōjūrō Ōtoribashi. 」
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gender neutral reader. ʚɞ college au. ʚɞ smth slight.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ RŌJŪRŌ RAN HIS hands through his messy blonde hair. The frustration of not getting this essay done was going through his head. He has been typing away on the computer for hours and hours, only to delete the paragraphs when they didn’t sound right to him. It was only 9 pm which means he still had plenty of time to complete the paper. But from the looks of it, this paper was never going to get finished. "God, why me?!" He slammed his head down on the kitchen table with a frown on his face. He groaned once he heard the ringing of his phone, he glanced at the caller ID that said 'Sweetheart ♡' and immediately pressed the green button.
"Good evening Darling. Have you made it home safe?" He smiled softly at your embarrassed giggles on the other side of the screen. "I have, good evening to you as well. Have you finished with your essay?" You laughed at the silly cartoons on the TV screen while Love cooked dinner. "No, it’s kicking my ass right now. I don't think I’ll be finished by the morning." He let a disappointed sigh and ran his hand down his face, it was nowhere near 11, but he was exhausted. Before you could respond he quickly changed the subject, "But anyway, let's not talk about me. Are you still getting your hair loc'd up?" He watched as you pressed your cheek against the bunny plushie he brought with a pout on your face.
"I don’t know, Love said the only thing he knows how to do is cornrows. And I don’t trust anyone else to do them." You held onto the bunny as Rōjūrō took a screenshot of your cuteness. "I’m sorry sweetheart, is there anything you would like for me to do?" He leaned his cheek on his hand and glanced at the blank computer screen. "Can you come over? I want you to spend the night with me." You sat up to reveal the Price of Darkness shirt that hung off your shoulder. The sight making Rōjūrō choke on his saliva, the dark bite mark making itself visible.
"Of course, darling. I’ll be there in 10." He turned the camera away so you didn’t see his pink cheeks. He still remembered the night vividly, the way you tugged at his shirt and begged for him to take it off, how you would wrap your legs around his waist when he tried to move, and those beautiful sounds that came from your lips when he—"Ok! Love you!" You kissed the camera of your phone which snapped him out of his trance. "Ah, I love you too." He kissed back and hung up. The tightness of his pants made him put his head down once more, "Damn it!".
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ YOU SAT BETWEEN your boyfriend’s legs as he slid the rat tail comb through your hair, his attention focused on the detailed tutorial before him while following step by step. Rōjūrō fixed his glasses and worked his way to the seventh row. There was no way in hell he was going to let you sit around and pout for the rest of eternity because no one knew how to do your hair. This wasn’t his first time doing your hair either, back in high school he would either braid it or put it in twists so you wouldn’t have to worry about going through the trouble or sorting them out in the morning.
Your fingers typed away on his laptop as the lollipop rested between your lips. "Just a couple sentences left." You muttered, since Rōjūrō was working on your hair you decided to finish up that essay he was ranting on about. "Don’t overwork yourself, Sweetheart." He split your hair into another part, quickly working his way to the last row. He could feel the happiness radiating off you, for the longest you’ve always wanted locs but never got to them because of your busy college schedule and the fact no one knew how to do them.
Rōjūrō ignored the cramping sensation in his hand and grabbed the last metal clip to place it in your hair, once he was done he let out a loud sigh of relief and cracked his knuckles. "Are you done?" You excitedly turned around to your boyfriend who nodded his head. A wave of excitement came over you as you moved the computer to the side on jumped on his lap, your sudden weight making him hold onto your waist so you wouldn’t fall. "I love you so much! You can do anything, you’re the best boyfriend ever!" You kissed all over his face with the brightest grin plastered on your face.
"It's no big deal. Thank you for taking care of my essay. And be careful, those clips could fall out." He laughed when you nuzzled your nose into his cheek. The warmth of your body made him pull you closer till your chests were touching. "You make me so happy, I love you Rōjūrō." You looked into those deep purple eyes that stared back at you with love and adoration. "Ah, you’re making me blush! I love you too, Darling." He tried to hold back the goofy smile from spreading across his lips.
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extended ending.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ "NO WAY! HOW did you get all the Sailor Moon mangas? They’re so expensive nowadays." Rōjūrō looked at the colorful books with his mouth agape. It wasn’t a secret that he was a complete nerd for manga and collectible figures, if anything he attracted you even more. The way he jumped out of his skin when he first saw your manga and figure collection was a memory burned into your brain. "I won them during a bidding tournament! It almost cost me my wallet though." You shivered at the memory of middle-aged men glaring at you because after the fact. Rōjūrō eyes scanned the collection as a certain spine caught his eye.
"Is that K-ON?!" His voice shrieked throughout the entire house. You quickly put your finger to his lips and signaled him in a to quiet down, since your brother was asleep. And the last thing you wanted to do was to wake him up. "Sorry."
© gloryhrs, 041123. // notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦) /
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tuckersdeslauriers · 10 months
Chenford's not going to break up. They're are the main couple on the show and breaking up makes no sense because their love is so strong!! You could go watch a teen drama if you want a more dramatic story, but that's not going to be Chenford!!!
so i'm just wondering, do you have a crystal ball? you must to be making big swing full certainty predictions like that 🔮
anyway: ....................ok! i applaud you in thinking that. i will likely not go watch a teen drama, but thanks for the suggestion.
i mean, let's break down how it does make sense for the story, though, just so this isn't an ask where i just nod and move along.
tim and lucy got together near-immediately (for tim) and immediately (for lucy) after breaking off relationships, which by definition makes them each other's rebounds. despite the fact that they have intense, serious feelings for one another, giving literally 0 time and space between those relationships and their own can (and still could) create issues in their ability to communicate effectively and process their relationship milestones. that's not a whole ass reason to break up, but it's a very specific part of their foundation that we've never seen them address on screen and could contribute to issues in the future.
lucy lied to tim about the metro job, never actually apologized, and tim has literally brought it up as a moment of her being dishonest (5x18) despite being okay with it. lucy may have been lying for good reason, but it doesn't detract from the fact that she did lie, and since has continued to withhold information from tim. regardless of the fact that tim trusts lucy, that kind of behavior can lead to a lack of trust or even just a flicker in tim's head of doubting whether or not lucy's actually being truthful in intense moments.
tim is visibly not okay with lucy diving into uc work, despite also lying to her and telling her he's completely fine with it and will support her. this is a heavily nuanced issue and should be treated as such, so i'm not going to deep dive into it too hard, but this matters a ton. tim is not only trying to hone in his own emotions surrounding being legitimately abandoned by a past romantic partner in favor of a life she'd unintentionally built doing undercover work, he's trying to project a fully on-board 1000% supportive boyfriend who has no problem with anything happening in the uc world. it's not something he's going to be able to sustain long-term, and lucy can already see the cracks in his facade.
tim and lucy don't communicate in the same way now that they're together romantically. that is not to say they don't communicate – they do, and when they actually talk they're good at it, but they've both been placating each other with the commutation in the final s5 episodes. tim has repeated and repeated he's ok with lucy doing uc work long-term because having the conversation about him not being could be difficult. lucy hasn't pushed on his answer because having that conversation could be hard. it's easier for them not to talk about it when it's kind of irrelevant right now, and at the same time – it's easier for them not to talk about it when he could hold her and they could simply invest in physical comfort. that's dangerous in a relationship that has foundational issues like theirs. by not talking about their issues, they're effectively sweeping them under the rug and letting them grow larger.
ok, so look at all of this and think about it this way: tim and lucy have a strong relationship, of course. but their foundation has cracks in it that they refuse to address because it could be harder to fix than they're prepared for – it could also be one of those things that doesn't have a fix in the moment, which is worse. tim would never want lucy to give up a career path she loves just to make him happy, because it wouldn't make him happy to see her do that. btw, to be frank: implying lucy's only doing uc because she's been praised about it is gross and taking away her agency/autonomy. she does uc because she loves it. if that's what she chooses, let her fucking choose it and stop acting like she needs to pick between having a loving partner and being an undercover cop. just because it's a complex situation doesn't mean lucy has to give up a career path she loves.
anyway, the foundation has cracks, they're not addressing them/letting them grow, and our story threads are all leading to a drama point. could that drama point be a...conversation? i guess. a fight that lasts 1 episode? maybe. i just doubt it. when you have characters who could very easily still connect with some distance between them romantically (and actors whose chemistry can support it)...why wouldn't you play into that dynamic? split them up and make them work together. make it hurt. make them understand that they want each other and have been put in a position where maybe they can't have each other right now. make it clear to both characters, even more than they already understood, that they need each other. that they want each other. that they'll figure it out however they can because being together is more important.
maybe that's not a path everyone's interested in, but i think it would be fucking tremendous to see them write into the pain points of chenford. they don't do that with other ships, and i get why – but chenford's always been treated differently (imo because they know eric and melissa can sell it better than anyone else on that show) so why the fuck not give them some genuine problems to work through? that's a real part of life! a genuine thing that happens between people! why not delve into some of those issues at an early enough phase in their relationship that it still makes sense that they haven't addressed it?
anywhoo if you do have a crystal ball can you ask it what grade i'm going to get on my math final?
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jatersade · 2 years
i'm tired of wearing glasses (i just wanna lie sideways on my bed to watch my tv shows) and all your answers are convincing me of having them prescribed next month when i have my appointment. any other advantages to further convince me? <3
YES YES ABSOLUTELY LET ME CONVERT YOU!! Ultimately, the best thing about contacts (in my opinion) is that 99.9% of the time you don’t even have to think about them because they make it feel like you don’t need any help seeing at all. You put in the contacts and then forget about them until bedtime. It’s about keeping it LOW-MAINTENANCE baby!!
For a more in depth understanding of why I think contacts are by far the superior visual aid device, see below the cut (bc I’m apparently just so passionate about the wonders of contacts that this got way too long lmao)
Comfort: As you mentioned in your ask, glasses greatly limit your maneuverability, especially (but not only) when it comes to finding a comfy spot to lie down in:( Contrast this with contacts, which come with no such hindrances!!! I've seen some people say they find contacts uncomfortable, but you should not feel your contacts at all while you're wearing them!! The first time I tried on contacts at my optometrist's office I said "I can feel these in my eyes, I don’t really like it." and my optometrist said "oh ok try these on instead" and gave me a thinner brand that I could not feel even a little bit once I put them in. Like I put the first one in and then wondered if I had accidentally dropped it on the ground because I couldn’t feel anything. I did once have to wear the thicker contacts for like a week because I couldn't get my actual brand, and I stopped feeling them after a day or two, so even if your contacts start out uncomfortable, you can get used to them if thinner contacts are for some reason not an option.
Compare that to glasses, which can slip and slide up and down your nose, which need to be constantly readjusted, which can fall off completely, which can get sweaty and greasy, which can dig into the tops of your ears and your temples even when you’re not laying on them funny, which leave indents on your skin if you wear them for too long. Maybe not a big deal to some people, but still a completely unnecessary irritant.
Visibility: No fogging up. No finger prints. No streaks. No scratches or dirt or cracks. No rain or water droplets impeding your vision. NO GLARE WHEN YOU'RE LOOKING AT A SCREEN. Have you ever cried while wearing both glasses and mascara? I have. That mascara will run and every time you blink your lashes will act like a little paintbrush, coating the inside of your lens with black gunk and if you let it dry there, good fucking luck!! That shit will be there until fucking rapture day!!!! Contacts move with your eye, so your peripheral vision is just as clear as the stuff directly in front of you. Also, contacts are more precise, so you’re actually getting a better fitting prescription, too.
Utility: I always wanted contacts, but I only convinced my parents to let me start wearing them instead of glasses when I told them it would be too hard for me to play softball with glasses on (which I was right about by the way). You're never going to get rid of your contacts by moving too quickly or shaking your head too hard. Freedom of movement baby!!! You're never going to have to worry about them falling off on a rollercoaster or losing them at the club or getting them knocked off in a mosh pit. I don't know what glasses people with vision as bad as mine do when they want to go swimming, but I imagine there's some kind of sacrifice involved. You don't really have to worry about losing contacts because you don't really take them off when you're not at home, and if you DO lose one, it's not the end of the world the way losing glasses is!! You're not out potentially hundreds of dollars and blind for a few days or weeks until you can get a replacement! You can just go put in a new one! Easy as pie, baby.
Aesthetic: Look this one is entirely according to taste, but I have to say that overall I prefer no glasses on myself, and that would probably be true even if not for the comfort and utility of contacts, which I discussed above.
Some people look hot in glasses. I have been told that I look very good in glasses myself. But I personally don’t think they look good enough on anyone for all the sacrifices that come with wearing glasses to be worth it.
Also, even though I do look good in my glasses, I find them so limiting. One pair of glasses can control your entire aesthetic, which is fine if you’re one of those tiktok teenyboppers devoting themselves to chartreuse academia or whatever the hot new trend is, but I personally like to shake it up. we will never know true expressive freedom until we’ve freed ourselves from the shackles of dedication to a single trend. don’t let your look be chained by glasses. liberate yourself. get contacts instead. they’ll never clash with anything!!
I also think sunglasses fall into the aesthetic category? And the only real thing I have to say here is that you can’t fucking wear sunglasses if you have glasses!! Which is a shame because there are so many pairs of cute sunglasses out there!! And also sunny hurty my eyes:( yeah you can put a pair over your regular glasses I guess if you want to be uncomfortable and look like a goober. But you could also just get contacts. You could get transition lenses, but those take time to build up and release the tint, which isn’t useful if you’re constantly moving between inside and outside, and you still have the problem of that single pair of glasses dictating your entire look.
Makeup Problems: you might not wear makeup, and this might also fall into the aesthetic category, but whatever. I’ve already talked about how glasses can cause issues with mascara, but it fucks with face makeup too!! Mine always rubbed off any foundation I had on the bridge of my nose, and the bottom of the frame did the same where it brushed the tops of my cheeks! Fucking despicable!!! I’m a smudgy little mess after an hour and no amount of setting powder or spray can help with that! Also you obviously can’t do makeup with glasses on, but if your vision is as bad as mine it can get pretty difficult to do it with glasses off too. We’re talking nose pressed to the mirror trying to see what I’m doing. ALSO if you wanna do some cool eye makeup that’s awesome, but your glasses WILL take away from the overall look, which sucks if it’s something you put any effort into. With contacts, however, you will run into exactly zero of these problems!!! Exciting!!
anyways that’s all I can think of right now but I hope this helps. contacts are like a girlfriend to me. and I love her so much <3
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castle-dominion · 1 year
6x1 valkyrie
It has been a while since I liveblogged. I want to finish watching castle before summer is over.
She got a job ok, they got engaged ok.
Lol love the yes/no/yes/no "most serious thing I've ever done"
RC: You do know how this works, right? his twelve hundred names lol (& yeah that is HUGE gem)
Ah NOW it has been two months no longer sayong "nypd" must have been a change.
I remember when I first saw this I thought "oh it must be this gif with the sexy bra" but it wasn't. & then she got hit so hard she fell back like that?
"or worse: me"
Ew she doesn't have her plans anymore?
I love the music dskljfsdlkfj "he's best with rhetorical questions"
Alexis is pretty. Oh yeah. Pi. I love him so much. Spelling is a construct anyway bro. RC: Uh … make sure you put some blankets out on the couch for Pi if he’s staying? (his meaning is not subtle) Want him to be comfortable. (his phone rings) And visible. I mean like yeah boy sleeps on the couch.
Meh won't clip
Poor them, not seeing each other.
Lol what are you smiling about to the castle cutout.
Is that still her mom's ring? How did Castle get here? You want me to leave? Immediately *starts kissing him*
Castle mr nosey man.
Wow they're good! she looks a lot like castle tbh CASTLE NO SHE'S LITERALLY NOT EVEN IN THE CAR YET YOU CAN CATCH HER
the baby sdkfljslkdjklj (clipping) Halo nights, new trivi fact "well since you offered"
could clip the part where ryan tosses the baby doll on esposito Yay Tory Ellis "isn't that beckett's backyard?" jf ey tunnel shdgy cal.l d*lat.er when i ^bet1er
*castle is already at the golf course*
"it better be on a book jacket" unless he is at home when you drop beckett off bro
"I didn't think I'd get caught"
Yes the old haunt! Mccord is also getting the same info I'm sure.
Oh no phtos of Castle.
Oh no r they tattling on becks?
Picked up a guy, talked in my sleep, let out info about Scoffield. What if you get the license plate when he opened his trunk? Really you have a match off of THAT?
Infiltration? Yeah this fellow def going into a building.
Her voice cracked hella when she said "clear" Also wow these folks are hot in their vests. Her phone is on ring mode? She just went into a building with guns, what if she got in trouble? What if they needed to be quiet?
"the kind that makes me feel all" *ooh*
RC: I have salmon that needs to be refrigerated He's so right RC: that's a read THAT'S A RED!
My man has been shot or smth.. At least castle grabbed the gun. "10 & 2, 10 & 2" XD
Castle getting checked for a concussion lmao *waves at her*
Castle say "I had salmon to refrigerate-- would I have bought that if I was planning on getting abducted?"
"Given your fiance's history.." yk what so valid bestie Her little "I'm sorry" through the screen.
Glad they are doing 70% match not more bc yeah, people can change what they look like.
KB: Maybe it’ll be better. This way when we come home at the end of each day we’ll have something to talk about like normal couples. RC: Only your day will be classified. Like that one physicist who insisted that his wife get classification access so that he could talk to her abou this work day & rubber duck to her. At least castle has the money to fly around visiting his wife all the time.
Pi my beloved. Isn't fruitarian like "I don't eat fruit unless it has fallen from the tree. Those carrots were brutally murdered."
My man lives in amsterdam? Pi has his sixth sense I love pi sm. "you're absolutely right" *walks away*
RmC: You want to talk about it? KB: No RmC: Good
of course she wasn't taking a direct route
Aww castle talking to rysposito about it
KR: You know, I don’t think Jenny and I have been apart for more than two days since we met. It’s gotta be rough. (HOLY CRAP WAIT WHAT?) RC: I just feel like we’re so out of sync I don’t know how to get back. I guess I was just … trying to make it feel like us again. JE: Yeah, by playing me and Ryan for chumps. (KR nods, but it’s not in anger) You should have known that we were going to figure out this case was real. RC: Well, you’ll be happy to know for my sins I was abducted by a maniac at gunpoint and nearly killed. But at least I didn’t get Beckett fired. [They’re both surprised.] JE: Whoa, whoa, abducted? (RC pauses) By who? RC: realizes he might have said too much and tries to evade. RC: Look guys, I really shouldn’t be talking about this. [They don’t let him off so easily.] KR: C’mon, Castle. It’s us. JE: And thanks to you, we’re already involved. KR: nods. RC: Okay, but this goes no further, all right? (at KR’S nod) So I’m walking down the street and this guy that they’re looking for grabs me, shoves me into a car, starts talking crazy, starts asking me all these questions. JE: What kind of questions? RC: Something about Valkyrie, how much the feds knew, and then I thought he was going to pass out, because he was talking about going off to dream world. (JE freezes & looks off with his eyes) But he didn’t pass out. He dropped dead. JE: Uh … this guy? Was he, uh, was he military?
RC: Why? Is Valkyrie a military term? JE: I don’t know about Valkyrie, but Dream World? It’s a highly classified special operations base in the Gulf. It’s a ghost base. The government’s never confirmed its existence, but I – I met a guy who knew a guy who was stationed there. (everyone knows someone who knows someone) RC: (intrigued) Where is it? JE: It’s – it’s a ghost base, Castle. You think it’s going to say where it is? KR and RC share a look, then look to JE. They both shake their head. JE: No. But I will tell you this, if Beckett’s case has anything to do with this base, well, then she’s into something way bigger than she realizes. (won't clip, not even the double shale heads of rystle)
Oh no they lost her, beckett's instincts screwed them up. Or not nvm. If you've never seen it then why were you running away with evasion tactics? Is this the same interrogation room as the precinct & they just dolled it up differently?
GOLF COURSE I expected rachel mccord to slam the table & yell "he's dead" to scare this jeanette girl into talking. KB: Well, people do crazy things when they’re in love. RmC: I've noticed
Well you have the encryption system so you don't need to find the Bad Guy. Stop looking for the thing they REALLY stole. Ah! Genetics lab, classified floor, etc. lmao you would SO get results for dreamworld, even if it is all BS.
Castle chill & cut pi some slack. But also alexis is so pretty really really pretty. RC: how would they know? MR: Richard, these federal agents are here for you...
Ah yes, the military Why would Jack Bronson die if they were trying to set him up? How badly was he exposed? A few days & castle is still mostly fine? ngl I expected it to be more like "a few months before it ruins your systems, but we have a few days to flush it from your system so that you can go back to living your normal life" or smth
Ok I got a few clips, I'm happy.
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littlelioncub43 · 3 years
jake jensen thots you say? i always have time for my favorite puppy.
jake coming home from a really hard mission where he almost lost everyone on his team and needing you. what that need looks like is dealers choice.
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*cracks knuckles* alright, kink twin, let's get down to it.
Summary: Jake has a rough mission and shows up needing your attention. 
Warnings: light angst, tons of fluff, hurt/comfort(?), sad Jake, I suppose allusions and hints at Jake having PTSD. 
Word count: 854
A/N: Ok, I might want to make a part 2 for this but make it smutty. But I immediately went into caretaker mode when you sent this in. I need to make my sweet little angel feel better. I. NEED. TO. Let me know what you thought! Did you like it? Would you guys want a smutty part 2? Any other Jake thots? Send em my way!
The sound of his heavy duffle bag hitting the floor tore your eyes away from the screen of your laptop. Thudding footsteps echoed through your home as Jake made his way for the bedroom, it was late, he knew you’d be in bed by now. Your eyebrows pinched in worry, normally Jake would call your name as soon as he was in the door. The dull pit of worry bubbled in your chest as he opened the door.
And there he stood.
Your little ball of sunshine.
His face looked gaunt, and for once in his life he actually looks his age and decades older. The smile that he usually wore when he saw you was absent, and in its place stood a set frown that made your heart twist. He was clean, his hair still damp from the quick shower he took before heading home, and thankfully there were no injuries that you could see, though the look in his eyes told you that he was injured, but just not visibly. You knew that look very well, you’d come to be able to recognize it almost immediately. He was scared.
Shutting your laptop and tossing it to the side off to the side of the bed, you got up to meet him as he found a seat at the edge of the bed, tossing his glasses to the side. Jake brings his shaky hands to his head, rubbing at the throbbing in his temples, his chest tight and eyes shut. You drop to your knees in front of him, your hands holding his arms, thumbs rubbing soothing circles on his skin as he collects himself. You both stay quiet for a moment, then he lifts his head, revealing his tear-filled eyes.
“Oh, Jakey,” you whisper and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into you. You hear his choked sob as he finally lets out a deep breath, the tightness in his chest relaxes ever so slightly as he cries. You feel his strong arms wind around your middle, hoisting you into his lap so he can hold you better. The feeling of your hands stroking his back and cradling his head into you had him crying even harder, his face buried deep into your neck.
“There you go, let it out, baby, it’s ok,” you whisper softly, pressing a kiss to his head. You can feel his grip on you tighten, needing to feel you as close as possible while he breaks down. “It’s all ok, now.”
A shuddering breath shakes his bulky frame, his breathing calming down slowly. You can feel the hot trail of his tears on his cheeks as he nuzzles into your skin. Soon his shaking stops, he rests his head on your shoulder, letting you rub the length of his back as he recovers.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask gently.
“Not right now,” he sniffles back, his throat sticky from crying. You nod and murmur an ‘okay’ before kissing his head again.
“Do you want to go to bed?” You ask again, this time only getting a mute nod. You slowly peel him out of the safety of your neck to look at him. With his head held softly in your hands, you gaze down at your husband. His eyes were bloodshot and wet, you could see the tiredness beginning to pool in them, his nose was a light pink, and shiny trails of tears streamed down the apples of his cheeks. You tenderly thumbed them away and Jake couldn’t help but lean into your touch. “Oh, my sweet angel,” you sighed with a soft smile, the act has more tears filling his baby blue eyes.
“I love you,” he whispers thickly, sniffling as he subconsciously holds you even tighter.
“I love you too,” you respond without hesitation. You lean in and give his lips a sweet kiss, nothing too overwhelming, but enough for him to feel how much you love him. A soft moan bubbles from the back of his throat as a small wave of desire crashes over him. He pulls back when he needs air, his eyes still shut, forehead resting on yours. He can feel his cheeks burns softly with a gentle blush when he feels you looking at him. “Let’s get you to bed, hm?”
He nods again, his muscles ache with fatigue and his eyes feel like they’re made of lead. Without another word, you crawl off his lap, setting your laptop and his glasses on your nightstand, and pull him into bed. Tossing off his clothes, he settles in under the covers in only his boxers, he needs to feel your skin on his right now. You reach over and shut off the lamp, coating your shared bedroom in a soothing darkness. Jake practically glues himself to your side, his head resting on your chest as you lay on your back, your hands playing with his hair and drawing shapes on the heated skin of his back.
“Sweet dreams, Jakey,” you whisper into his hair, and the next thing he knows, Jake was asleep.
Taglist: @smokememories @tumblin-theworldaway @runawayolives @hawsx3 @slothspaghettiwrites
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
My Kind
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warning: Swearing
Genre: Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having been chosen by the gang to be a guest streamer on today’s stream of Among Us, it’s safe to say Y/N’s super excited but also a bit nervous. The whole of her anxiety gets lifted off her when she meets someone with the exact same vibe as hers - yeah you guessed it.
Requested by @monizzle96 Hi dear! Thank you so much for your wonderful request! I’m so terribly sorry it’s taken me so long to write and post it but here it finally is! I hope you come across it and read it and if so I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
This has to be the fiftieth time I’ve checked my setup in the past twenty four hours. But no, I’m definitely not nervous, what are you talking about. Pshhh. Nah, being nervous isn’t in my brand. Plus, what do I have to make me nervous - a group of famous streamers inviting me onto their stream to play Among Us with them because they enjoyed my own streams? Ok yeah, that’s a pretty good reason. Not gonna lie, I almost chucked my phone out of excitement when I received that DM from Toast, telling me they’d picked me to be their guest streamer for today’s date. My stomach was doing somersaults for a good forty-eight hours following that text and then the anxiety slowly started setting in fueled by the expectations they probably have of me.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not inexperienced in the streaming field, I’ve been a streamer longer than some of the members of Toast’s streamer gang actually. But I never managed to garner that big of a following which I’m honestly quite ok with. I have a modest - ok, maybe larger than modest - following consisting of incredibly loyal fans which I will never stop being grateful for. They are all so respectable of me, my privacy and my boundaries. They know the main rules: no shit-talking in the chat or in any of my comment sections, no bashing other YouTubers in my comments/chat, and most definitely not asking for a face reveal. Fun fact: I didn’t even set up that last rule, they all just collectively know not to ask for it. 
I’ve been keeping my brand pretty low-key to avoid garnering some unwanted attention - some of which I’ve already experienced on certain social media platforms following the full body pictures I posted on there - face not visible of course. I tend to also have my webcam on, facing towards my hands working away on the keyboard sometimes when I stream. I don’t know why people obsess over faceless content creators’ hands, but I appreciate the enthusiasm - it also drives me to do a manicure every now and then which ain’t so bad, self-care and all that you know.
Now, back to the subject of my ridiculous nervousness.
You see, it has layers.
I’m nervous of ‘preforming’ underwhelmingly and I’m nervous of what my own fans will think of the person I will become during this stream. They know me as a super chill and laid-back person, which I am by the way, but they might think I’m putting on a show if I exhibit any nervous gestures/vocabulary. I highly doubt they would, but the possibility is not letting my mind rest. And now that it’s about ten minutes till the stream starts, I’m getting doing my best to calm my nerves.
They are all just people. You know they are super chill too. Just be yourself, that’s why they invited you, because you are yourself on all your streams. They liked you for your personality, humor, maybe even your gaming skills. So chill the hell out and be yourself, damn it!
Easier thought than put into action that’s for sure.
I start my stream five minutes early just so I can vibe with my viewers for a little while before I have to meet the gang. My fans always have a way of injecting me with confidence, they remind me of where I was when I started and how far I’ve come. How much I achieved when I thought I’d be nothing and no one, someone the algorithm would simply overlook. But then they entered my life and I entered theirs and it all became much better than I ever thought it would get to be. I rarely tell myself ‘good job’ for the milestones I’ve reached or the hard work I’ve put into my content, but that’s probably cause I orient myself based on that quote from the movie Whiplash: ‘There are no two words in the English language more harmful than good job’ - simply put, I’m never satisfied with what I do and I always strive to do better. My fans, however, make sure I don’t go overboard with it - always serving as a reminder that I’ve done plenty for myself and others. And that’s what makes an amazing fandom, one I consider family.
Whoa, when did those five minutes fly by?!
Ah shit, here we go. Deep breaths, Y/N you got this.
“Hello!“ I say as I enter the Discord call, subconsciously biting my lower lip, grateful the camera isn’t capturing it. However, I make a mental note to keep my hands steady cause that’s the one part of me people can actually see and the last thing I want is for them to see how much my fingers are trembling.
“Oh hi, Y/N!“ Toast is the first one to greet me, “Welcome to the stream! Thank you so much for accepting our invitation.“
“Thank you for having me and inviting me, Toast. This is a huge deal for me. You guys are basically YouTube legends, this is unreal to me.“ I reply, cringing immediately afterwards because of my fangirl rambling. Great way to make first impressions, Y/N. Bravo.
To be fair, they already have an impression of you. Quit stressing.
Aright, you’ve got a point, me.
“Oh please, we owe all that to our fans. We’re really nothing special. All streamers are almost completely alike, we all owe where we are to the people who helped us make it there - our fans. We’re no legends.“ Toast says, bringing a small smile to my face as well as a light pink blush to my cheeks, “And from what I’ve seen, you yourself have quite the following. And your fans seem to adore you.“
“And I absolutely adore them.“ I chuckle, “They mean the world to me. They are the reason I’m here today.”
“Then we have to give them a special thank you, don’t you think?“ The teasing, familiar giggle, widens my smile - it’s Rae, “Nice to meet you, Y/N! I’m Rae, and, no cap, I’m quite a fan of your content. No joke, I binged your entire series of Resident Evil 7 as soon as I found your channel when Toast said he’d invite you.“
This rattles me a bit. I can hardly believe it - am I really receiving a compliment from an A-list name in the streaming world? My fans must be hella proud of me right now. A quick glance at my chat confirms that they indeed are. That in and of itself fills me with joy and newfound confidence.
“Oh Gosh, thank you so much Rae! That means the world to me. You’re all so sweet.“ I reply, lifting my ice cold hands to cool down my burning cheeks, my lips spread into a grin, my stomach filled with butterflies.
“Oh please, we have some real savages around here.“ A male voice, seemingly Charlie’s scoffs, “Don’t overlook us please.“
“Wait, we do?“ A deep voice, one I immediately know the owner of speaks up, “Who? How come I don’t know about that?“
I can’t help bust snort, “Nice to meet you, Corpse. Sarcasm central, I see.”
He laughs, “Just returning it to where it’s due. Nice to meet you too, Y/N. Sick Outlast series, by the way.“
Ok, wait, I have two A-list streamers complimenting my content. Ok, I’m bound to crack open a few beers to celebrate later cause OH MY GOD.
“Thanks! I’m a horror junkie so I’d be lying if I said I haven’t binge watched all your story-times. Personal favorites are the deep web ones, they fascinate me.“
“Oh, you’re one of my kind even more than I expected, huh?“ He replies, the tone of his voice changing, raising a bit due to what I can only describe as excitement and enthusiasm. “I’ve had people tell me it’s twisted, but I really like seeing the lengths to which the fucked up human mind can go to. Like, the shit I’ve read is insane! Some stories I didn’t narrate cause I would’ve probably had my video taken down, it was that messed up.“
My eyes widen, sharing the same excitement at the thought of digging deeper into this phenomenon, “Careful, Corpse, you’re walking a dangerous line of tempting me to deep-dive on Reddit in search of those exact stories.”
“No need.“ Corpse says, his tone now taking up a bit of a cocky note, “I still got them all saved, I can send them to you no problem.“
“Please do! I seriously gotta read them now. If I can’t sleep afterwards, I’m blaming you, Corpse. Just FYI.“ I say, giggling slightly, finding myself all but completely comfortable now. I wonder where all that anxiety went? 
“Blame fully taken. Given that I’m not much of a sleeper, I’ll keep you company whenever you think there’s a killer hiding in your closet or fear a red room pop-up will appear on your computer screen.“ He replies, chuckling.
“Um, that’s oddly specific.“ Charlie comments, “Been there yourself, buddy?”
“Perhaps.“ Corpse wheezes, getting a laugh out of me too, “I will neither confirm nor deny.“
“You know what, I’ll just private message you my number so if you see it call you at some ungodly hour, you don’t freak the fuck out. Sounds good?“ I ask, already prepping to type it out and send it to him. 
“Perfect. Wait...“ he pauses for a second, sounding puzzled for a second, “You don’t have mine.“
“Oh, do I not?“ I reply with a sinister tone - thought to answer the question, I of course don’t have his number.
“Oh, do you?“ He sasses me right back. “If so then you don’t need me to send it to you. Cool.“
Ah, shit
“Wait, no! I-I need to confirm it’s the correct one!“
Damn, never did I think I’d be complimented by some of the most important streamers on this platform, but to get a number of theirs too? That’s a whole another level that will take me time to process. But I’ll do that another time, right now, I have to kick these people’s butts in Among Us and later I have some deep web stories to read.
Turns out, all it takes to get comfortable in a new surrounding is someone of your kind. And Corpse is definitely one of my kind.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse
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street-smarts00 · 3 years
I Hear a Symphony
Midoriya x fem!reader
Summary: Midoryia couldn’t tell the difference between romantic and platonic feelings. It took 4 conversations for him to realize how much you meant to him and how he had fallen completely and utterly in love with you.
⚠️ language
WC: 4,500
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Eri was spending the day with class 1-a. You, Izuku and Eri were relaxing in the living room watching Disney movies. This time Eri wanted to watch her favorite, Frozen 2. The three of you were snuggled up on the couch together; you were seated to the right of Deku and Eri was to his left. He had both of his arms wrapped around the two of you.
“Hey izuku, what time is it?” you asked.
He picked up his phone, “4:25”
“Shit, I’m studying with Yaomomo and Tsu in five minutes,” you promptly stood up and grabbed your phone. “I gotta go, see ya later guys” you waved as you jogged to the elevator.
Eri and Deku stayed in the living room watching the movie. He was really glad that Eri took a liking to you. At first when Eri started to visit the 1-a dorm she was shy and mostly stayed with Deku, and sometimes Uraraka, Tsu, and Kirishima because they were familiar to her after the overhaul mission. But after a short while she started to open up and talk to his other classmates; especially you.
“Hey deku, what is a girlfriend?” Midoriya’s eyebrows raised, “Huh? What got you thinking about that?”
“Someone in lemillion’s class said they had a girlfriend.” Oh well that made a lot more sense.
“Well um a girlfriend, a girlfriend is,” he wasn’t sure how to explain it, he’s never had a girlfriend before. He also didn't want to explain it in a way that she would be confused or misinterpret what he said. He glanced up at the tv . . . Wait, that's it!
“I know, it’s like Anna and Kristoff. So you know how they fall in love and get married at the end of the movie?” He asked.
“Well before they get married they’re dating, and when a girl and a boy are dating they are boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Oh ok, I think it get it,” she responded as she smiled. “So it’s like you and y/n?”
WHAT? Where would she get that idea? One minute ago she didn't even know what a girlfriend was. Midoryia’s cheeks turned a shade of pink and his voice cracked when he spoke. “Um not really, we aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend,” He replied as he shifted his weight in his seat.
“But you always kiss her, and Anna and Kristoff kiss,” She added as she pointed to the characters on the tv screen.
“I uh, well they kiss on the lips, y/n and I kiss on the forehead and cheek, and sometimes friends kiss each other on the forehead and cheek.”
“Ooooh, ok!” She turned her attention back to the screen and leaned into him as she grabbed onto the blanket.
FEW, he was beyond thankful that she seemed to drop that topic. Although, it did stick with him; was it normal for him and you to kiss each other? It’s not like you guys made out or anything, but fairly often you guys did greet each other with a kiss on the forehead or cheek. But you guys definitely kissed in a not romantic way though. Yea definitely not in a romantic way. Yea, definitely.
“Hey deku, is y/n a princess? You call her princess a lot.” Eri questioned.
Midoryias heartbeat sped up. “No she’s not a princess.” He replied calmly even though his brain and heart were going a mile a minute. But then again what did he have to be worried about, you two were just really close friends that happen to be very affectionate and call each other cute nicknames. He called you princess, and you called him pretty boy. It was just a fun game between friends. His pulse slowed as his train of thoughts centered around you. He’s called you by that nickname for a while. He doesn’t remember when or how he started to call you princess, but he sure as hell knew why. “But she’s a princess to me,” he added.
Eri turned to him, eyes widened with excitement, “Am I like a princess?”
“Yes Eri. You are like a princess.” Eri smiled with one of the brightest smiles he had ever seen.
A few days later Deku was meeting with All Might in their usual teacher lounge room. Although originally they were talking about one for all, the topic of conversation shifted to you.
“And it’s not so much that her quirk itself is super cool and powerful, but it’s how she uses it. She’s always so creative and has brilliant strategies.” Deku beamed.
“You sure do talk about her a lot.” All Might chuckled. He watched as Midoryia’s bond with you grew rapidly as school went on. He also noticed that his successor would bring her up a lot and would bubble with excitement at any chance to talk about her.
“She’s amazing! She’s super nice and always looks out for others. And I love how passionate she is about the things she loves like music, she absolutely loves music. OH and she’s an amazing fighter. She does this thing when she’s fighting like she always raises her left eyebrow, never the right one because she can’t. AND she  . . .” Midoryia realized that he had been talking a lot. He pulled at the collar of his shirt. “I’m sorry, I’m rambling,”
“Don’t worry it’s ok, it’s cute listening to you talk about your girlfriend,”
What? Not this again. “Uh, y/n and I aren’t dating,” he squeaked. He coughed and cleared his throat so that hopefully his voice would go back to normal. Why was his heartbeat speeding up? He was so calm a second ago, why does it feel like his heart is about to fly out of his chest or like he’s going to pass out.
All Might could see the boy tense and his nervousness still lingering. “Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” He apologized frantically, waving his hands in surrender.
The boy seemed to calm down a bit but was still visibly tense and nervous “It’s ok, but um why would you think that?” Damn his voice was still squeaky, he cleared his throat again.
“Because the two of you are so close and during class you’re always together. Also because of the way you talk about her. Like, I don’t know you have this smile on your face that I only see when you look at her or talk about her.”
“Oh but I don’t think I treat her any differently than my other friends,” Midoryia added. He really didn't think he gave you any special attention. He was close with all of his friends and is just a super affectionate person. Whether it was hugs with Tsu or linking arms with Iida. But then again he didn’t kiss them on the forehead and cheek.
“It seems to me that she’s more than just a friend,” All Might implied. He saw the boy's face turn a dark shade of red. “Sorry, if I made you uncomfortable.”
“Huh? oh it’s ok don’t worry about it,” Midoriya stammered. He played with the fabric of his jacket sleeves. “But ya know you’re not the first person to think that we’re dating.”
“Really?” All Might tried to sound as surprised as he could.
“Yea the other day Eri asked me if y/n and I were boyfriend and girlfriend, like in the Disney movie we were watching.” Midoriya felt like he was experiencing 30 emotions all at once. He didn’t know what he was feeling or how he was supposed to feel.
The school bell rang and zoned him out of his thoughts that we’re running wild. He quickly said goodbye to All Might and ran to class. He couldn’t stop his mind from racing. Did he like you? Like in a crush type of way? He’s never liked anyone before so he isn’t sure.
Once he reached the class room he passed by your desk on the way to his.
“Hey pretty boy!” You beamed. When you saw his expression you were filled with concern. His face was red, eyes were wide and his eyes were darting all over the place but refused to land on you. “Hey are you ok? You look stressed.”
He finally placed his eyes on yours and took a deep breath. “Yea I’m good I’ve just got a lot on my mind and I’m trying to figure something out.” He stuttered.
You stood up from your seat, “ok, well if you need some help or maybe a hug, i'll always be here.” You leaned forward and pecked him on the cheek like it was normal, because it was. He couldn’t believe it, that this was his normal. The fact that the two of you casually kiss each other and so much apparently that when you do it in front of your classmates they don’t even bat an eye.
“Thanks,” he replied as he awkwardly walked over to his desk and sat down. He placed his arms on his desk and rested his head on his arms. Bakugou turned around and gazed at the kid that he’s known for most of his life. “You look like shit.”
Midoryia raised his one arm and gave a thumbs up, “Thanks Kachan, I really appreciate it,” he quipped. Bakugou grumbled and turned back to face the front of the room.
He was stuck. Figuratively and literally. Literally, he was stuck in his bed because he was unable to move. Figuratively, he was stuck with how he felt about you and what this means. Right after school ended he stayed in his room analyzing how he felt about you. He wasn’t 100% sure if he actually had feelings for you and at this point he’s worried that he is over thinking things. Which he probably is.
During all of his freaking out he received a text from you. Great 🙃. He unlocked his phone and opened your text.
Princess: hey, this song reminded me of you
He opened the song, I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry. He’d never heard it before but he always loved your music recommendations. He pressed play and listened to the lyrics.
I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I think of you
Huh, so now that he is in her life he changed her, but in a good way (or at least he’s hopping). He loved the melody and the way the song started off with piano. It was very calming to him.
As the song went on he continued to listen to the lyrics carefully. There weren’t that many lyrics so he was relaxing listening to the beautiful build up to the chorus. He felt like he was entering a fantasy listening to this song. It was graceful and peaceful, but also powerful and full of emotion.
I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
You took my broken melody
And now I have a symphony
He was frozen as the song finished. That remind you of him? He knew that you always pay attention to the lyrics and the meanings of songs, so this wasn’t just any old song. Did he really make that much of an impact on you? Listening to this song knowing that you thought of him made his heart ache. His stomachs filled with butterflies and his pulse slowed down from its former fast tempo.
Not long after, Uraraka and Todoroki stopped by his room. “Hey deku. Can we come in? I’m with todoroki.” Uraraka chimed.
He got up from his bed and fixed his hair after lying down for the past hour. He opened the door with a genuine smile, “Hey guys! Yea sure come in, what’s up?”
Uraraka sat down in his desk chair, “We wanted to check up on you to make sure you were ok. You were really quiet in class today and you’ve stayed up here all afternoon.” He really appreciated his friends and how much they cared about him.
“Yeah, I’m ok. I was just kinda um freaking out about something earlier and had to think things through. But now I’m not freaking out anymore, well maybe, it's just a lot to process.” Midoryia rambled.
“What's the problem?” Todoroki asked.
Midoryia scratched the back of his neck. “Umm can you guys promise not to tell anybody?”
“Of course”
Midoryia anxiously placed his hands in his pockets. He needed someone’s advice. “I think I might have feelings for y/n.” He babbled.
The two friends in his room had very little reactions, if any at all. This’d made no sense, he just confessed that he might have romantic feelings for their friend and they don’t react?
Todoroki was the first to speak, “I thought you knew that.”
“Todoroki!” Uraraka chimed in a scolding tone.
“What? What do you mean? I just figured this out today!” Midoryia stammered. He was beyond confused. “So wait a second, you guys knew that I like her and didn't say anything?”
“Not to be as blunt as Todoroki but, we thought you knew you liked her. It was kind of obvious. You guys practically act like a couple already.” Uraraka answered.
“Do you mean like the nicknames, and kissing?”
“It’s not just that, you guys always slip in physical contact when you’re together, you both are very flirty from time to time, and any chance you get you start rambling about how great she is.” She replied. Well then that makes sense why he was going on a whole tangent about her with All Might earlier.
Uraraka’s features softened, “You really didn’t know?” Midoryia grabbed a fistful of his curls in frustration. “NO! I didn’t, not at all! I thought that was all normal friends stuff ya know!” He explained anxiously.
“We’re friends and you’ve never kissed me,” Shoto added. Uraraka giggled in response.
Midoriya sat down on his bed and played with the material of his hoodie. “So what do I do now?” He asked.
Uraraka walked over to his bed and sat down beside him. “I’m not sure, but if you really like her, then I think you should tell her. I know this is all new to you so don’t freak out about confessing right now. But I’d say give it some thought.”
Midoriya sighed and gazed at the floor. He had so much to process right now. “Thanks you guys,” he said.
It had been about a week since Deku had his mind blowing chat with his two friends. He was lying on the couch in the common area. But it was completely empty because it was 1:30 in the morning. At first he stayed up late studying, but then around an hour ago he tried to go to bed but could only stare up at the ceiling.
He figured maybe he needed a drink or snack or SOMETHING. He grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around his body. He knew it was going to be cold downstairs since it was snowing outside and the heater turned down at his hour. He made his way downstairs, but when the elevator opened he was too tired to head to the kitchen and make tea so instead he just plopped down on the couch.
He stayed there for a little while thinking about you. His thoughts recently always traveled back to you. Ever since people kept asking if you guys were dating, he hasn’t stopped thinking about doing romantic things with you. He smiled at the idea of holding hands with you and rubbing your hand with his thumb. Or cuddling with you in one of your dorms and saying sweet nothings in your ear. Or going on cute dates with you, like ice skating in the park. Or putting his hand on the small of your back and pulling you into a kiss.
Midoriya was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the elevator open. He couldn’t see who it was from his view on the couch. The steps grew louder and stopped when they reached the lounge area. “Why the hell are you down here?” He heard from a deep voice.
He sat up and looked over at Katsuki. He was rubbing his eyes and his voice was groggy, he must have just worked up. “You’re down here too ya know,” Midoriya replied.
“Tch, yea but I just woke up, you probably haven’t slept at all have you? Ya damn insomniac.”
“I’m not in the mood Kachan.”
Bakugou grew suspicious of Midoriya’s response and tone. Usually he would respond with a snarky reply or a rambly explanation. He also sounded physically and mentally exhausted. Bakugou walked closer to the boy wrapped in a blanket and poked him. “What’s wrong with you?” He asked in a calmer but still rough tone.
The green haired boy shrugged his shoulders in response. “Nothing.”
“Yea sure, you’re alone in the dark in the middle of the night, and I can tell something’s bothering you.” Bakugou poked him again, “Now talk.”
Midoriya sighed, “I told you it’s nothing.”
Bakugou shoved his hands in his pockets,
“Fine don’t tell me.” He started to walk in the direction of the kitchen; But he stopped in his tracks after what he heard next.
“I’m in love with y/n,” Midoriya Mumbled.
Bakugou turned to face his childhood friend, “huh?” Midoriya pulled at the fabric of his blanket. “I said I’m in love with y/n. And I don’t know what to do,” he replied louder.
Bakugou made his way back to the couch. “Tch what the hell do you mean you don’t know what to do, if you like her so much then just ask her out.” Midoriya covered his face with his hands and sighed. Kachan was the last person he would expect to have this conversation with.
“I would, but I don’t want to make things awkward if she doesn’t like me back. I’m worried it will ruin our friendship,” Deku confessed.
Rolling his eyes, Bakugou sat on the couch adjacent to the one deku was sitting on. “Listen ya damn nerd, you’ve gotta be an idiot to think she doesn’t like you back. She follows you around like a damn puppy, it’s gross.” He cringed at that last statement.
“It’s not gross, it’s sweet. She cares about others a lot,” Midoriya corrected.
“She sure cares a whole lot about you for some reason.” Bakugou stood up again and slowly made his way to the kitchen to retrieve a water bottle he had been meaning to get. Midoriya was silent, Bakugou took note of this. The nerd was probably lost in his own train of thoughts at this point.
“Deku.” Midoriya turned to him, his blanket falling off of his shoulders. “Just suck it up and tell her how you feel. And don’t act like an idiot and say she won’t like you back. You may act like an idiot almost of the time but your not stupid. You know that girl would do anything for you.”
A small smile grew on Midoriya’s face. Bakugou saw and retorted, “If you tell anyone I said all that I’ll blow your ass up, got it?”
“Sure Kachan,” Deku laughed.
Midoriya couldn’t see it, but after Bakugou turned his back to him, there was a small grin on his face after hearing his “friends” normal tone again.
Not long after his chat with Kachan, Midoriya felt a lot better. He wasn’t stuck, not any more. He knew how he felt and he knew what to do.
You didn’t intend on staying up late. Originally you were going to watch a little Netflix, maybe go on your phone, and then go to bed around 11:30 or midnight. But then you found a new show to watch and 8 episodes later, it was 1:30 in the morning.
Around the middle of the 8th episode you heard a knock at your door. Crap. Just your luck. Every so often Aizawa would walk around the dorms if he didn’t go to sleep or woke up. He would check on the students to make sure they were asleep and in their own dorms.
About twice you and Midoriya got in trouble because one of you was in the other's dorm after curfew. Thankfully he didn’t catch you guys the other times you snuck into the other dorms.
It was actually a pretty common occurrence. Whether one of you couldn’t sleep and just wanted to talk, or if one of you woke up and needed help going back to sleep. Oh wait yea the  knock at the door.
You paused your show and didn’t move. You waited for Aizawa to say something like open the door, or go to sleep, or Midoriya go back to your own room. But, you didn’t hear anything.
There was a second knock on the door, much weaker than the first. I guess it’s not Aizawa, you thought to yourself. You slowly got out of bed and tiptoed to the door. After opening it you didn’t see anyone. Huh?
You peaked your head out and looked around the hallway. “Hey,” You whispered.  You saw Izuku slowly walking away from your room. He turned around and faced you looking frazzled. “Hi,” he replied with a small wave.
“What’s up? Can’t sleep?”
“Something like that. I didn’t think you were awake and I didn’t want to bother you.”
You opened your door wider, “Come here, get in.”
A small smile grew on his lips. He made his way into your room and sat down on your bed, you followed suit. “So what’s . .”
“I need to tell you something,” he interrupted. A small blush danced on his checks as he spoke. “Yea sure what is it?” You asked, voice filled with concern.
Midoriya was frozen, he wanted to speak but no words came out. This was a lot harder than he expected. He even went through what he was going to say beforehand in his dorm. Crap. His heart rate was picking up and his breathing quickened.
You could tell he was anxious and placed one of your hands in his. “Hey it’s ok, you can tell me anything.” You comforted him. “I’ll always be here for you.”
His features softened, “That’s what makes this so much harder,” he replied. He took a deep breath and tried to slow his rapid heart beat. He looked at the floor, too scared to look you in the eyes.
“I’m in love with you,” he confessed. He did it, he finally did it.
“You make me feel safe and happy. Your smile is  beautiful and your laughter is contagious. I’ve never met someone like you. It’s like that song you sent me last week. My life was pretty boring and a little sad, but then I met you. You turned my broken melody into a symphony y/n.”
He couldn’t see your reaction but he felt your hand tighten its grip on his.
Now you were the one that was frozen. The two of you sat there for a minute in silence. He started to get worried. “Look, I get it if you don’t like me back, just, promise it won’t mess up what we have. Your friendship means too much to me to lose it.” He muttered.
You placed your hand on his chin and pulled his head to face you. Your faces were inches apart. You made sure to not take a pause in between what you were about to say, in fear that the first statement would give him a stroke. “I don’t like you, I love you.”
He didn’t know what came over him. Maybe it was the look of joy in your eyes. Maybe it was his blood filling with adrenaline. He didn’t know. He leaned forward and pecked you on the lips. The blush on his face only grew as he watched your eyes widen and cheeks turn red.
Only a few seconds after the first kiss, you leaned forward and matched his lips with yours. This kiss was nothing like the first one. The first one was an electric spark that filled you with happiness. The second kiss was more passionate and gentle. Although, it was a bit awkward at first and it took you guys a second to figure it out. But, pretty soon you both were in sync. You placed your hands on his neck and he reciprocated by placing his hands on your waist.
It felt like the world stopped spinning and it was only you two. You’ve waited for this moment for so long, since the culture festival to be exact. A moment where you were kissing the boy that you had fallen in love with and there wasn’t a care in the world.
The two of you pulled apart gasping for air. Your head was spinning. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” you sighed with a smile. Izuku giggled in response.
The two of you stayed in your room and went to sleep in each other's embrace not long after. You felt so safe in his arms, like you belonged there.
The next morning you woke up the blaring sound of your alarm. You turned around and shoved izuku’s shoulder. “Yo, pretty boy wake up,” you mumbled, voice groggy from just waking up.
Eyes still closed he wrapped his arms around your middle and pulled you towards his chest. “Nooo, I don’t wanna wake up. I stayed up super late confessing my love to the most beautiful girl in the world.” He whispered in response.
Before last night you two flirted or responded with wiry remarks like it was normal Tuesday. But now, it felt different. It wasn’t coming from your best friend, it came from a boy who had stolen your heart, and you stole his.
“I mean it. If I have to wake up you have to wake up,” You returned. He smiled and opened his eyes, “Good morning princess.”
You chucked and leaned forward to peck him on the corner of his lips before getting out of bed. “If I were you I’d head back to your room so you don’t have to sit through detention and have to explain why you were late.”
“Yeah you’re right,” he walked towards the door. “See ya later y/n.”
“See ya.”
139 notes · View notes
Cabin in the Woods [18+]
Jackson Neill x Female Reader
For @storiesofsvu​’s Fall Bingo! Requested by @resparza​​! 
Summary: You and Jackson take a trip to New England that goes slightly awry.
Warnings: NSFW, nipple play, fingering, praise, slow gentle sex until the end when it gets a lil rough. Fluffy fluff & the tiniest bit of angst (so Jackson can reassure you). Trans male version here
3,350 words
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Jackson made a tiny mistake with the timing. He booked your leaf-peeping getaway for mid-October, when the leaves in the city were just beginning to turn.
When you arrived at your cozy Airbnb in the mountains of Vermont, you were greeted by the awe-inspiring sight of… sticks.
“Goddammit. I forgot how geography works,” Jackson griped, pinching the bridge of his nose. He’d been in a sour mood for most of the drive up I-91 when the scenery started to look distinctly more ashen than orange halfway through Massachusetts.
“It’s like we time-traveled two weeks into the future,” you marveled at the bare tree branches rattling in a chilly breeze. Your rustic cedar-shingle cabin was surrounded by forest and at the end of a long dirt driveway. Even without the screen of leaves, you couldn’t see any neighbors.
“So much for leaf-peeping. There are no leaves.”
You picked up a bright red maple leaf from the driveway. “Found one!”
He chuckled at your enthusiasm and shook his head. “If I made our reservation a week earlier, the foliage would be, you know, in trees.”
“Found another!” you pointed at the colorful ground, grinning. “There’s another!” You picked each one up and tossed them at him like confetti.
“Alright!” he groaned, curling his elbow about your neck like a shepherd’s crook to wrangle you in. “I see you refuse to have a miserable time. Won’t even wallow with me for two seconds?”
“I think it’s pretty.” You turned in his arm and kissed him.
The tip of your nose was cold, but your lips were warm as he kissed you back and tried to look on the bright side. Just because things weren’t going to plan didn’t mean he had to relapse into his ingrained Catholic guilt.
Since the publication of his book, Meyerism: A New American Religion, Jackson Neill had been receiving threats from the eponymous cult that had him on edge. Not only was he afraid for himself—he wasn’t so macho to pretend otherwise—but he worried about you or his kids getting caught in the crossfire. The deeper he dug into the Meyerist Movement, the more he was convinced they were capable of anything.
This vacation was supposed to be a way to leave all that behind for a weekend, but stress clung to him like spiderwebs.
At least the weather was cooperative. Friday afternoon was clear and sunny—just the right temperature to sit out on the porch with a hot cup of cider. After unpacking, you settled down with Jackson on Adirondack chairs and listened to the sounds of nature as the fading sun slanted orange and red through the forest.
Pops of bright color still stood out amid the dull grey-brown landscape like flames—late trees that had waited for your arrival to change.
“You’re right: it is pretty,” Jackson conceded, your hand nested in his. Your fingertips were getting cold, so he held them to his lips and blew on them.
Tomorrow, you’d go on a nice hike with a beautiful view of the snow-capped Green Mountains. The trip wasn’t a total waste, Jackson thought. He tried to relax.
The next morning, you awoke to the pounding of rain on the roof and Jackson pacing downstairs in the living room. The entire cabin creaked and groaned with the force of the wind, and you quickly pulled on a sweater and wool socks before padding down the stairs.
Jackson was tapping at his phone, muttering under his breath, before finally tossing the useless device on the couch with a dry laugh. His apparent crankiness couldn’t have been that bad, though—he’d gotten up early to light about a hundred votive candles, filling the dim living room with flickering golden light. He must have been planning something romantic.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his stubbly cheek. “What’s wrong?”
“No signal out here in God’s country,” Jackson rolled his eyes at a wooden cross decorating a door frame, which had not been visible in the listing photographs.
“Isn’t there Wi-Fi?”
Jackson stared at you with lips so thin they vanished into a fine line, and eyes that looked ready to shatter like exploding light bulbs at any moment. “Storm knocked out the power.”
Oh. That was why he lit candles.
“And our hike is canceled, unless you want to go out in that.” A freezing mix of rain and sleet rattled the window panes.
It was easy to let another person’s bad mood get you down, but you tried to stay positive. He’d been so tense lately, he needed support. You both needed this vacation to go well. “That’s OK. We can stay in and get cozy with the fireplace.”
“You would think so,” he gave a humorless chuckle, shaking your arm off to sulk into the open-plan kitchen. “The listing said breakfast was included, but the refrigerator is empty. We’ve got… toast.”
“Maybe we can drive into town? Find one of those quaint little bakeries.”
“Out into the cold,” he sighed. “And we don’t have internet to look a place up. No wonder the host thinks they can get away with starving us—I can’t even call to complain!”
The wall of positivity you’d constructed groaned and cracked, and the anxiety it held back began to stream through. You sank down onto the couch.
Oblivious, Jackson hunted through the charmingly rustic (and empty) cabinets with an increasingly frustrated frown. “This trip is a disaster.” The words stung as surely as if he called you a disaster.
“I’m sorry.”
“What?” He turned. Your voice was so quiet he barely heard you say anything.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated so he would hear, lower lip trembling with the effort.
It took him three strides to cross the entire cabin, and he was on top of you, kneeling in front of the couch, stroking your face. “Hey, no, no… What are you talking about?” His green eyes were soft as the hay fields you’d passed yesterday as they searched yours.
“It was my idea to come here,” you sniffed.
“I know.” His head tilted, and frown lines creased his forehead. “I wanted this weekend to be perfect for you, and I can’t get anything right. I don’t know why you’re sorry. This is my fault.”
“But it’s my fault you’re miserable. I thought getting away from the city would be relaxing. I wanted some alone time with you. But you’re not having any fun. I just don’t want you to be upset…”
Something changed in his eyes.
“I… I’m not upset.” His thumb gently stroked your cheek. “I’m not upset at all—not at you. Maybe at myself. Fine, entirely at myself. This was your trip, and I fucked it up. I hate disappointing you.”
A hint of a smile crept back into your face. You covered his hand with your own and turned into it to kiss his palm. “Jax, you could never disappoint me. All I wanted out of this trip was to spend time with you. So long as we’re together, I’m happy.”
“You don’t look happy.” A flicker of a self-deprecating smirk. “Guess I ruined things by being a grouch, huh?”
Your face once again threatened a smile. “No…”
“Yes. I’m a big mean grouch. Come on, you can tell me off,” he grinned, leaning close to your neck and purring his words against your earlobe. “Punish me. Throw a handful of sleet down my shirt. Push me into a pile of wet leaves.”
“Nooo!” you squirmed beneath him, fighting a laugh as he invented tortures for himself and kissed them into your skin.
“Come on, I deserve it.” He pulled back, and a smile broke across his face like dawn to see how your eyes had brightened.
“Alright, alright. Maybe just a little sleet.”
“From now on”—he pressed his lips against your neck again and sucked lightly at the beat of your pulse point—“I promise”—he nibbled his way over your jaw—“to appreciate every moment of our vacation”—his lips ghosted against yours—“and make sure you feel good.”
You pulled him down onto the couch with you, falling back onto the cushions as his lips melted with yours and his tongue hunted for a moan inside your mouth. He found one, long, slow, and tortured as you tasted the raw heat of his apology.
“Mmm,” you hummed as if a chocolate truffle were melting on your tongue. “You want to make me feel good?”
“Yes,” he sighed back, lips moving against your cheek and his hips lazily grinding against your thigh.
“I have a few ideas about how you could do that…”
“So do I.”
His long fingers slid down your stomach and slipped beneath the waistband of your flannel pajama pants. You drew a sharp breath as his pads grazed the top of your slit, and he paused, looking to you with lust-blown eyes for permission to continue. Sucking your lower lip between your teeth, you angled your pelvis to move his fingers onto the aching bud of flesh that sent hot shivers out beneath your skin at the contact.
“Seems we’re on the same page, Dr. Neill,” you whispered, and captured his lips again.
Moaning into the kiss with a dark, gravelly rumble, Jackson let his fingers venture deeper into your folds. You weren’t drenched for him yet. Moments ago, you had been on the verge of crying, and he still had to reassure your body that it was wonderful and loved—but he was a patient man and enjoyed taking his time. Each breath and sigh was a signal he attended like a rapt student in the front row of the classroom, his own pleasure coursing through his veins as he played with your pussylips and brought out your trust and desire.
“Shirt off.”
Nodding, you peeled the hem up over your stomach, and he sat up to help you wriggle it off over your shoulders. While he was at it, he pulled off your pajama bottoms and stripped to his boxers.
“Hey, I’m cold,” you whined, pouting as goosebumps began to prickle over your naked arms.
He pulled the fleece blanket off the back of the couch and covered you both with it. “I’ll keep you warm, querida,” he purred as he lowered himself over you.
A hot flush spread over your skin. You loved when he spoke Spanish—sweetly, with the vocabulary of a 1950s telenovela, and full of diminutives the way his mother used to speak it to him as a child. A well-placed querida or cielito could send shivers up your spine. It was nothing compared to the back-arching jolt a moment later when his tongue teased your nipple.
You cried out, fingers curling sharply into his hair as if his tongue carried an electric charge, unsure if you were trying to push him off or pull him closer and make sure he never stopped. As he gently sucked and your sensitive flesh pebbled into a stiff peak beneath his circling tongue, you were leaning toward the latter. Head thrown back, you gasped out his name, begging for more.
He worshiped your chest, eyes flicking up to meet yours with a playful, attentive expression, but he didn’t give you more, no matter how you clawed at the back of his scalp. His tongue worked in gentle, leisurely circles, tracing one fully before moving on to give attention to the other.
Fingers delving back between your thighs, he found your clit swollen and throbbing. You let out a startled, sobbing moan as he stroked it, your back arching, clinging to his head almost painfully tight to brace against the overwhelming sensation. If he kept touching your two most sensitive areas at the same time, you were going to come fast.
“Easy…” he soothed, sensing your agitated level of arousal. “I want to make this last. Can you be good for me and wait?”
Whimpering, you nodded and loosened your tight grip.
“Yes, Dr. Neill.”
“Good girl.”
As he languidly serviced your nipples, he dragged his fingers lower, through your folds. It still made your skin prickle with wanting, but without direct contact with your clit, you wouldn’t come as fast.
When he found your entrance with the pad of a finger, it was slick enough to press inside without resistance. You let out a delicious, tortured moan as the long digit penetrated your tight walls, opening them a little at a time.
“Fuck, you’re so warm. So wet. That’s my good girl.” He lifted his face from your chest to kiss you in praise.
Your hips writhed to push the finger deeper as you kissed him back. He was hungry to reconnect with you—to go slowly and spend as much time as he could sharing pleasure with your naked body—but you were starving. You might explode if he didn’t fuck you.
He moaned softly as your wetness swallowed more of his finger. “Feels like you’re sucking it. Trying to pull me in. You must want more.”
“Yes… please,” you whined, your hands gripping at his broad shoulders.
A second finger stretched your entrance, and he began slowly fucking you with both.
“Oh, fuck. More! Harder,” you moaned.
“You sound so desperate,” he observed casually. “Like one of my students trying to cram for a test.” Heavy-lidded bedroom eyes betrayed his desire, but he wore a cheeky grin and did not increase his pace.
Wet sounds of flesh filled the cabin, so slow it was torture. “Please, Jackson… please let me come. Please…” you begged, but he just kept watching you studiously, worshipfully, as he fingered you slowly. Enough to keep you begging, but not enough to let you finish.
He was straddling one of your legs, and his cock pressed rock-hard into your thigh. Every so often, you would feel it twitch, usually when his fingers massaged a sensitive spot inside that made you give a satisfying noise, and he could feel your pussy gripping around him. Then he would murmur, “You’re so beautiful. Fuck, you feel so good.”
Only when you were a drooling, trembling mess that could barely string two intelligible words together did he start to actively roll his hips, rubbing his erection against your leg.
“Do you want more?”
“Y-yes,” you sobbed.
He sat back on his haunches, and you wailed as his fingers slipped from your yearning wetness, leaving you so empty. “Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked softly, so tenderly that “fuck” sounded like the most romantic, poetic word in the English language.
“I love you,” you replied, which wasn’t technically a yes, but made Jackson’s breath catch suddenly in his throat.
“I love you, too, mi corazón.” He tugged the elastic waistband of his boxers down over his straining cock, and, taking it in his hand, notched its thick head against your entrance. His forehead rested against yours as he demanded huskily, “Now tell me you want me inside you.”
You gasped. He was so big and blunt against your tight pussy, you almost didn’t think he could fit. But you knew he could—and you knew that was why he always warmed you up so gradually, so agonizingly, so he would never hurt you. With the crown of his cock stretching your opening, the temptation of being filled by him was so close that an unbearable ache drowned out every other thought.
“I want you, Jackson. I need you.”
A thrill rushed through you as his walls came crashing down. His hips canted forward, and a pleasurable burn filled your depths as his cock stretched you open farther than seemed possible—and you watched his mind empty in that moment. All the stress and worry were gone. Nothing was on his mind but you and how good you felt wrapped around him. Nothing existed for you but him between your legs and the ragged sound of his breathing.
As if to seamlessly replace his fingers with his cock, he set the same languid pace. At first, the difference in girth was enough to make it infinitely more intense. Relief cascaded through you as your pleasure finally began to build toward a finale, heat pooling in your lower body with every thrust. Dipping his head, Jackson found a hardened nipple and sucked it until you were babbling incoherently, hips jerking to add to the depth and friction he was giving you.
“H-harder,” you whispered, and this time, he didn’t tease you.
Your pussy coated his cock with so much cream, he knew you could take all of him. Knew you were ready to snap, and so was he—so his hips pounded faster, thighs slapping your skin, heavy balls swinging against your ass.
“Yes… yes… yes…” he breathed rhythmically, chasing his climax as your arousal coated his cock and slicked your thighs.
“More,” you rasped, though your fingernails were already digging red crescents into his back, the stretch almost too much. He needed a stress release, and you wanted to be his outlet. “Let yourself go.”
A final barrier broke inside him, and he took you so quickly, it was more like jerking himself off with your body than making love. Nothing went through his mind but seeking his own release. For a moment, Even you vanished, and there was nothing but his cock surrounded and gripped by unbelievable warmth. You cried out in pleasure at the new depths he struck with reckless abandon.
His hips stuttered. “Fuck!” he gasped, fingers gripping the couch cushion as his hot seed painted your inner walls.
He panted, going still. After a few moments of catching his breath, cock twitching the remainder of its contents into you, he wiped the sheen of sweat off his brow and opened his eyes.
“You didn’t come, did you?” He gave a sheepish sigh.
“It’s OK. Sometimes it takes me too long… It was fun anyway.”
“Stop that. Whoever gave you those excuses is a fucking idiot.”
Keeping himself sheathed inside you, he reached between your bodies to stroke your clit. You gasped out, finding your body responded quickly with waves of molten heat exploding between your thighs. You were still close to finishing.
Jackson circled his hips, using his spent, tender cock while it was still hard. Though each movement was overstimulating and made his body cry out to stop, he savored the way you responded to the pressure: your eyes squeezing closed, your breath growing shallow. He lowered his mouth to your chest again, stroking your clit faster as he flicked his tongue and rocked his hips in shallow thrusts. Your moans built, louder and more strained, back arching beneath him until finally, you came, walls crashing around him, convulsing and releasing, then clenching down again as your whole body shuddered with wave after wave of ecstasy.
Jackson’s mouth popped off the bud of your nipple as a pained moan tore from his throat. His exhausted cock suffered as your pussy involuntarily tried to milk another orgasm from it, but there was a smile on his lips. A breathy laugh.
“Fuck,” he moaned. “You’re perfect.”
You lay together for a while under the blanket. Even after you’d recovered, your shared body heat was incentive enough not to want to get up yet. The storm outside didn’t relent, and despite the warm light of a hundred flickering candles, the air inside the cabin was chilly. Soon, you would start up the fire in the rustic stone hearth, and you could stay cozy inside all day roasting marshmallows and reading books or playing board games. After a brief trip into town for supplies, that is. Besides, you would have to brave the storm to make good on your promise to slip some ice down his shirt.
For now, Jackson’s face was buried contentedly in the curve of your neck, hot puffs of breath tickling your skin. You held him in your arms, combing your fingers through his hair.
“So,” you murmured. “Enjoying our vacation yet?”
You felt him smile. “It’s everything I needed.”
• ● • ━━━━━─ ••●•• ─━━━━━ • ● •
Tags: @beccabarba / @itsjustmyfantasyroom / @thatesqcrush / @dianilaws / @permanentlydizzy / @mrsrafaelbarba / @madamsnape921 / @astrangegirlsmind / @neely1177 / @onerestein / @dreamlover31 / @isvvc-pvscvl  / @shroomiehomie / @storiesofsvu / @welcometothemxdhouse / @feedthemadness-sweetie / @law-nerd105 / @amelia-song-pond / @michael-rooker / @xecq / @madpanda75 / @alwaysachorusgirl / @bananas-pajamas / @leanor-min / @mad-girl-without-a-box​ / @katierpblogg​ / @worldofvixen​ / @sassyada​ / @detectivebarba​
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escapewithbts · 4 years
Clingy - Taehyung
*knock knock*
"Tae?" you called softly through his closed studio door.
You heard the muffled sound of music and some shuffling around before he cracked open the door for you, immediately retreating back to the chair in front of his computer.
You entered cautiously and sat on the leather sofa, crossing your legs under you and glancing at your best friend.
"Hey," you said to him, "Is everything okay?"
You had been waiting alone at the band's shared dorm for Taehyung to come back from their performance, as the two of you had plans to hang out like usual. Whenever you had an evening off from work, you would come over to his place and spend time with him and sometimes the other members; they were your best friends after all. Tonight was no different for you, or so you thought, but when Taehyung entered the front door, he just mumbled a hello to you and locked himself in his room, shutting you out completely. You decided to give him some space and figured he would come out when he was ready, but it had been awhile and you were starting to worry.
"I'm fine." he responded shortly.
"Where are the rest of the members?" you wondered out loud.
Tae didn't glance up from his computer screen.
"They went to dinner with some staff."
"You didn't want to go?"
He shook his head in response.
"Why not?"
He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his thick black bangs.
"Just... not in the mood."
You cocked your head.
"But it's New Year's Eve, Tae. It sounds like it would be fun."
"Great, then you go if you want."
Yeesh. You weren't used to him being so moody. It wasn't really like him.
There was a pause as he just continued to play his computer game.
"Taehyung-ah, please tell me what's wrong," you pleaded, putting your hand on his muscular upper arm.
He shrugged you off and finally turned towards you. His eyes looked tired, his face looked puffy.
"What's wrong? What's wrong right now is that I really want to be alone, and you can't seem to take a hint."
"I-I'm sorry, I just thought maybe you wanted to talk, or I could help."
"Yeah well, I don't and you can't," he snapped, turning back to the computer, "Aiishh, (y/n), you're so clingy sometimes."
That was it. You could handle Taehyung being in a bad mood sometimes, you understood he got stressed, but you couldn't handle him just being a straight up jerk to you for no reason.
You stood up. You felt tears well up in your eyes from his harsh words, but you kept them from streaming down.
"Wow, Tae, you're in a pissy mood, I get it. But I didn't do anything, so don't take it out on me. Seriously, way to be an ass. I guess I'll go be 'clingy' somewhere else."
You started to walk out of the room, but you felt his hand grab your wrist.
"Where are you going? You can't go anywhere," it sounded almost like a command, "it's a blizzard out there."
You tore your hand away.
"I'll be fine!"
And with that you walked out of the room, grabbing your coat and pulling on your shoes.
"(y/n)!" you heard Taehyung call from the other end of the hallway.
But that was the last thing you heard as you stepped outside and slammed the door.
The air was cooling as it hit your hot face. It was a quiet winter night. And Taehyung was right, large snowflakes fell from the sky, adding to the already large amounts of snow that sparkled on the ground. It was the first significant snow shower of the season here in Seoul, and it had begun early in the day with no signs of stopping soon. Everywhere was covered with heaps of snow, so much of it that plows couldn't even keep up.
"Shit.." you mumbled to yourself, stepping out onto the nonvisible front pathway from the dorm. The snow crunched under your feet; you shivered and wrapped your arms around yourself.
You finally approached the driver's door of your sedan and climbed inside, blowing hot breath on your numb hands.
"This is so stupid," you whispered to yourself, sticking the key into the ignition, realizing this was probably a really dumb thing to do considering the weather.
You looked back at the dorm, the soft yellow glow of the lights looking so warm and inviting... But then you flashbacked to a couple minutes ago, the look on Taehyung's face as he snapped at you, the things he said. There was no way you were going back in there.
You turned the key. The car made a strange noise as if to say "What the hell, it's way too cold and snowy for this" but nevertheless it started.
While cautiously making your way through the deserted, snow covered streets of The Hanam Hills neighborhood, you grabbed your phone and dialed the only member and friend you knew wouldn't be at dinner with the rest of the boys: Yoongi. He was still recovering from the shoulder surgery he had a couple months ago so he wasn't participating in many of the band's activities. He was spending his recovery period at the apartment he bought for himself elsewhere in the city, so you figured maybe you could go there for some company. Plus, it was way closer in proximity than your place on the outskirts.
"(y/n)?" he answered after the second ring.
"Hey, Yoongi-ah... I'm sorry to call so unannounced and so late..." you trailed off, keeping your eyes fixated on the snowy road.
"You can call me anytime, you know that."
"Well... can I come over anytime? Like, now maybe?" you hesitated, knowing you were asking way too much.
"I thought you were hanging out with Taehyung tonight," he said, "Isn't Thursday your day off?"
You sighed, gripping the steering wheel so tightly your knuckles turned white.
"Yeah, but we kind of... he kind of... isn't in the best mood. We got in a small argument."
There was a pause in conversation before he spoke again.
"Well, yeah, you can come here, of course. Just let me know when you're outside and I'll buzz you in."
"Thank you, Yoongi-ah."
"Mmmhmm, but be careful, I heard it's getting bad out there."
You nodded. If only he knew.
"I will. See you soon."
And you hung up the phone.
It was so hard to see in front of you. The snowflakes coming towards the windshield were distracting, the actual road wasn't visible under all the feet of snow. The only source of light were the dim streetlights, barely visible through all the white.
You turned to exit the complex, but suddenly, your tires lost traction in the midst of the turn.
"Oh no, no, no, no!" you pressed your foot down on the brake hard instinctively, but that only made it worse as your car swerved and did a complete 180. It went over what you assumed was the sidewalk and into a small ditch, barely skimming past the streetlamp a few feet away.
Your heart was pounding and your hands were shaking as you tried to take deep breaths to calm yourself down. You were okay, luckily, and so was your car, but the snow was so piled up in this ditch you were in that you couldn't open the driver side door.
You put your foot gently on the gas pedal, but your tires only sped in place, spewing snow behind them.
" No no nooo," you put your head down on the steering wheel in frustration unsure of what to do next.
But you knew what you would have to do... set your pride and anger aside and call Tae.
You sighed, reaching for your phone when sudden bright headlights shone across your dashboard. Relief washed over you. Maybe this person would help you.
As the car approached however you quickly recognized Taehyung's own Hyundai Genesis.
It stopped on the road next to where you had spun off and he jumped out, hastily running toward your car as fast as he could through the thick layers of snow.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n!)! Are you okay??" His voice was frantic as he peered in the passenger window. You cracked it a little so you could speak to him.
   "I-I'm fine, just a little shaken up. I tried to take the turn but I think I was going too fast..."
He stood up straight and ran a hand through his hair.
  "(Y/n) we have to get you out of there. Can you climb across the middle?"
You nodded, doing as he suggested and crawling out through the passenger side door he was holding open for you. He didn't touch you, fearful of how you would react considering your last conversation.
  "Come on,” he said softly, walking towards his car, “let's get back to the dorm. We can come back for your car first thing in the morning."
You nodded in agreement as the two of you got back into his car. It was warm, there were the soft sounds of jazz music playing on the radio and the windshield wipers going back and forth. You both sat there in silence.
"I'm sorry, (y/n)." Taehyung finally said quietly.
You squeezed your eyes shut, afraid tears might start again.
"Listen, if you want me to be around less you just have to tell me-"
"No! No," Taehyung was quick to reply, "no, just no. Don't ever think that. I just..." he fiddled with the thin silver rings he always wore on his fingers, "I had a bad day, I took my frustrations out on you, like you said and I'm sorry."
You looked down at your lap.
He sighed continuing.
"You're not clingy, (y/n), if anything... I want you around more."
You looked up at his undeniably handsome face and watched him flick his bangs from his eyes.
"I think... part of the reason I'm frustrated," he paused, looking straight out the front window and adjusting his long wool coat, "is because, well... I've been struggling with telling you how I really feel."
You cocked your head at him, confused.
"What do you mean, Tae?"
He cleared his throat and bit his lip which you knew meant he was gathering his thoughts.
"I think...” he took a deep breath, “I’d like to be more than friends. I-I've been falling in love with you, (y/n).”
You caught your breath in your throat. It completely caught you off guard. You weren't sure how you felt. Taehyung loved you? The thought gave you butterflies.
He peered up at you shyly, waiting for your response
"Tae, I-I don't-" you struggled to get out words. He looked concerned but you took a deep breath and continued, "Spending time with you is always the best part of my day. I worry about you constantly. You-you make me laugh, you're so interesting and smart and... unpredictable" you both chuckled at that, "Not to mention incredibly talented and ridiculously handsome..." you mumbled that last part, embarrassed it came out of your mouth.
Taehyung laughed softly.
He put his large warm hand around your small cold one resting on the middle console. You loved the way his long fingers curled around yours.
"Well then... what do you think?" He asked softly, "Do you want to give this... give us a try?"
You looked up into his hopeful dark brown eyes, his full pink lips, the adorable mole on the tip of his nose. It's like you were seeing him in a whole different light; for the first time again.
You nodded slowly and a wide boxy smile appeared on his face.
"Alright everybody, it's that time!" the radio DJ suddenly announced, "Let the countdown begin! 10! 9! 8!"
You and Taehyung looked at each other timidly.
"7! 6! 5!"
He squeezed your hand and leaned over the center, coming closer towards you.
"4! 3! 2!"
Your heart was pounding, Taehyung's face right in front of yours, his lips looking so soft and pillowy.
"1!!! Happy New Year!!!"
And with that his lips met yours in a tender kiss. Your heart felt full. His hand went to the back of your head and you broke apart, foreheads still touching. He ran his thumb along your cheek and smiled.
"Happy New Year, (y/n)." He mummered in his soft, deep voice.
You smiled back.
"Happy New Year, Tae."
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ heavy ✦
this chapter pairing; snakehybrid!woozi&bunnyhybrid!dino x reader
genre&warnings; Snake Eyes!AU, threesome, dom!jihoon, oral(fem receiving), fingering, creampies, cum eating/cum sharing, breeding kink, dirty talk, but also a bit of crack lbr, jihoon and chan being little shits 😩😭.
notes; you don’t have to have read Snake Eyes to read this! It’s not part of the main plot! 💕🐍 also the--☠️ draft for this was literally from 2013 and I literally ran it through the hot setting on the washing machine and put it in the dryer 3 times to get it to what it is today ☠️ Also!!! the final chapter of Monster Mash!!! omg!!! I can’t believe it’s done AND to end it with a Snake Eyes au chapter!! 😭😩 Enjoy!! Have a great rest of the weekend!!! I love u!! Happy Halloween!! 🎃👻 💕
word count; ~4300
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
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it’s heavy;
heavy how i want you so bad
heavy when it hits me so fast;
heavy and it’s driving me mad
that i’m never gonna give you up!
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“OH MY FUCK--GOD!” A shrill voice cuts through the nearly empty living room; three forms huddled together on the sofa as the horror movie continued on the tv screen.
“Are you serious right now, Jihoon? Nothing even happened yet and you screamed!!” You tease.
You’d come to learn that Jihoon quite actually hated horror films.
And apparently so did Chan.
Your eyes scan over Jihoon’s frame squished into your side as his own eyes leave the tv for the 60th time that night; his grip on your waist tightening as he digs his face into your shoulder. “I can’t do it, I’m trying to look at the corner of the screen but I just know something’s going to pop out, I just know it, I--”
“Hyung, she’s right you know, nothing’s even--FUCK WHAT WAS THAT!?” Chan jolts at the screen, his own arms tangling with Jihoon’s around your waist in fear as the demon in the movie re-emerges from a dark closet.
You sigh, wondering why Minghao and the others hadn’t replied to any of your calls and messages; leaving you alone with Jihoon and Chan on this dark and rainy Halloween night. And you loved Jihoon with your whole heart and taking care of cute Chan was always fun but everyone being missing and unreachable seemed a little peculiar. 
Even to you.
“You guys, it’s not even real. Look, c’mon, nobody is going to pop out of the closet later. I’m sure Mingyu would kill whatever came crawling out of the closet Jihoon and Chan, do you even have a closet for demons to come out of?” You tried to lighten the mood and reassure them as you pry their clammy fingers from your midsection.
They simultaneously shoot you a glare, crossing their arms as you separate yourself from their bodies.
“I really don’t get how you two are so easily scared by these horrible movies!”
Chan pouts, “Well hybrids exist so surely demons do too!” You shoot him a dumbfounded look, “That literally has zero correlation.” 
“Whatever, I’m gonna grab more popcorn and I’ll be back.” Jihoon grumbles; eyes avoiding the screen as he scurries off to the kitchen.
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The horror movie continues to play, small whimpers and screams coming from both of the boys on either of your sides.
You still don’t understand why they thought watching a horror movie on a rainy night was a good idea but they were determined to finish it by this point. And you, on the other hand, were getting bored. Horror movies weren’t that bad for you and you slept perfectly fine afterwards so you weren’t worried.
Unfortunately for Jihoon and Chan, that was not the case.
Jihoon had cocooned himself into a blanket with only his eyes peeking out and Chan had stolen one of the sofa pillows and had used it to hide behind when a scary scene was taking place. Biting your lip, you turn to each of them, watching as their eyes stay glued to the TV.
“Hey, if you two are so scared, why don’t we just turn the movie off. You’ll regret it if you can’t sleep later… And Minghao might kick my ass if he knows I let this happen to Chan.” You offer. Jihoon clears his throat, agreeing that maybe it was a bad idea to continue while Chan already started to reach for the remote tucked under the mass of snacks nearby.
As soon as he hits the power button, a bolt of lightning flashes outside causing the power to suddenly blow.
“Fuck! The demon’s here, I knew it, it’s because we watched the movie! We’re done, oh god, I haven’t even lived that long and Minghao hasn’t even taken me to a theme park yet and I--”, Chan cries, throwing the remote control haphazardly across the room as he tugs his fluffy ears down in panic. He immediately turns to you, burying his head into the crook of your neck as he continues to ramble incoherently against your skin.
On your other side, Jihoon has gone completely silent as one of his hands searched the dark for one of yours; his eyes completely closed in fear of seeing something in the dark that he didn’t want to see. You attempted to wrap an arm around each of them as your eyes adjusted to the darkness, their forms drawing even closer and molding to your body.
“I’m not gonna lie, I’m shocked that you two are so scared of the dark right now.”
The only real light coming in was from whatever little bit of moonlight was visible through the clouds as you stared at the blobs glued on your sides. “Let’s be fair here. We just watched a horror film where things lurked in the dark, can you cut us some slack!?” Jihoon scream-whispers as Chan nods against your shoulder, “Jihoon-hyung’s right, I���m not normally scared of the dark!”
You pat him on the head, running your fingers through his hair as he leans into your touch.
Jihoon unwraps from your hold a few moments later, his eyes adjusting to the dark against his will as he clears his throat.
“We--Maybe we just need a distraction, that’s all… I’m sure the power will come back on soon, or maybe one of the others will come see if we’re ok. We just… We need to find something to do or else our minds will wander.” He suggests. You nod in the dark, raising an eyebrow, “Like, a game or something?” Jihoon hums back an agreement. The three of you sit in silence trying to think of anything to play but nothing comes to mind.
“I can’t think of anything, Jihoon.”
Chan sighs, raising his head from your shoulder. “We could play that one game, y’know, ‘are you nervous?’ I heard Minghao-hyung talking about it! All we do is touch or do things to each other until someone chickens out! It could be anything!” You could hear a smile in his voice that almost made you smile until you heard Jihoon scoff.
“That sounds like fun until something grabs you and it’s not me or her, Chan.” Jihoon deadpanned.
You can only grimace knowing that comment went straight to Chan’s head. “Why on god’s green earth would you say that, hyung!?” An exasperated noise leaves Chan’s mouth as he lets go of you, arms flailing off of the sofa before he gasps and balls up again. “Oh my god, what if something grabbed me just now, would you have done anything to save me?” You had no idea who that question was directed to but you replied with a simple “yes”.
“Are we going to play or what? The more I sit here, the more I start seeing demons in the kitchen over there, to be honest.” Jihoon was getting restless, his fingers gripping your shirt. “We don’t have anything to do anyway, we need to get our minds off this power outage, and the potential demon. I think Chan especially needs it, he seems to be losing it more than I am.”
You can only nod in agreement; after all, what could go wrong. “Should I start then?”
It’s silent for a beat before Chan speaks up. “I’ll do it!”
Even in the dark, you can see Chan sitting up on his knees as you turn to face him slightly. He pushes your shoulder, causing you to crash into Jihoon; your back to Jihoon’s chest as his legs open wider to accommodate your figure. It’s a little uncomfortable on the sofa, but Jihoon doesn’t seem to mind. “Are you nervous?” You can almost hear the smirk in Chan’s voice and although you were confused with the shift in the atmosphere and maybe a tiny bit concerned at where this was leading, you didn’t voice it.
“Not at all, Channie. Should I go next?”
Jihoon and Chan both make noises of agreement as you considered your options. You really didn’t know what to do, so you simply placed your palm down onto Jihoon’s sweatpant clad thigh and squeezed. A garbled noise leaves his lips and you can hear the stutter in his breath. “Jihoonie, are you nervous?” He’s silent for a little too long before he replies with a slightly breathless ‘no' and asks if it was his turn.
You nod, feeling his arms come around your waist as he rests his head in the crook of your neck; lips lightly trailing up behind your left ear as he whispers a simple “nervous yet?” before kissing the shell of your ear.
You had to admit, this was getting a little too hot too fast and you weren’t sure if this was the nature of the game but you weren’t mad about it.
“Um, n-no…”
Chan takes the lead, lips easing into a wide smile. “I’ll go next!” His fingers rests on your bare thighs, slightly prying your legs open as he makes space for himself between them; careful to avoid grabbing onto Jihoon’s legs.
By nature, you clamp your legs shut, trapping Chan’s hands in between as you yelp. “Hold on, wait, wait, wait, what is going on here!?” Your face burns red in the dark, almost glad the power was out so that they couldn’t see even though you already know Jihoon can feel the way your body warms up.
Neither of them knew how to answer, so you sat in silence; only your steady breaths heard as you sat between Jihoon’s legs with Chan’s hands trapped between your still clamped legs. 
Chan clears his throat as he attempts to pull back his hands from between your legs. “I--um, uh, it--it was Jihoon-hyung’s idea! He told me to tell Minghao-hyung I was sleeping over and to not check in! And then he called Mingyu and told them to not check in either!”
“What!? Me!? Don’t you dare pin this on me, brat! We planned this together!”
Your mouth hangs open in shock, eyes threatening to fall out of your skull as they continue to argue. “I didn’t wanna do it! I told hyung it wouldn’t work! I told him we should’ve done it differently!” Chan cries; tossing his head back dramatically.
“Okay, both of you shut up! Jihoon, what is going on!?”
The snake hybrid groans from behind you, arms still locked tight around your waist. “Listen… I--It wasn’t supposed to go like this, okay? We were gonna finish the movie and then ask you if--if you wanted to, y’know, play with both of us. And don’t try to deny it, I know you think Chan is cute. I just wanted to treat you to something nice.”
Chan wiggles his fingers, still trapped in between your thighs. “But then it got all spooky instead and the power went out...” The bunny hybrid mumbles.
You could feel your body heating up at the thought of being between Jihoon and Chan. And in truth, you’d thought about it maybe once, but it was a fleeting thought that’d left your mind just as quickly as it’d entered.
“I--I mean, uh, I mean, I’m okay with this b-but Jihoon, are you really okay with this? You don’t have to--”
“I’m fine with this, too.” Jihoon cut in, his arms squeezing your waist tighter.
A thankful sigh escapes Chan’s lips as he chuckles, “Thank god. I’m not gonna lie, I’m already a little hard....” You can see his face clearly now that your eyes completely adjusted to the dark.
“We literally haven’t even done anything yet.”
“Shut up, hyung!”
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“Ngh… C--Chan…”
Your fingers tangle into his hair, careful of his ears as he dips his tongue into your entrance. Jihoon continues to nuzzle at your neck, appreciating your warmth as the younger hybrid works your body up for the both of them.
“She likes it when you use your fingers, y’know. And if you curl them just right, it makes her feel really, really good.” Jihoon guides. His lips ease into a lazy smirk when Chan listens eagerly and brings his fingers to your folds; using your wetness to coat them before he positions his index and middle fingers at your entrance. “Can she take two at once?” Chan asks, voice almost eerily innocent to which Jihoon chuckles under his breath - the action making you shiver at how easily the two of them seemed to get along so well in this situation.
“Of course, she can. She’s always so good about taking my cock. I bet I could slide right into her tight ‘lil pussy right now. Couldn’t I, baby?”
You nod shakily as your eyes flutter shut at the feeling of Chan’s fingers sinking into you slowly. He curls them almost immediately and you mewl and squirm as Jihoon’s grip on you tightens. “Oh, she’s so tight around my fingers already, hyung~” Chan murmurs. He thrusts his fingers into your hot cunt, tongue on your clit when he finds that you seem to like that best.
“Hmm~ Look at your favorite bunny hybrid trying to please you. Fingers knuckle deep while he teases your clit with his tongue. Are you gonna cum for him?” You let out a choked noise at Jihoon’s words and your fingers lock tighter into Chan’s hair when he taps your g-spot, wiggling his fingers inside of you to stretch you out.
“Oh, g-god, yes!”
Chan sucks your clit between his lips and Jihoon has to hold you down tighter as you try to grind against Chan’s face.
Jihoon’s fingers start to roam and squeeze you through your shirt; delicate fingers pinching your nipples as you mewl at the sensations they were making you feel. It was one thing to have Jihoon’s hands all over you but now that Chan was added to the mix, you found yourself getting addicted to the excitement that flooded your senses.
“A-ah, Chan…” The sound of you softly calling his name has him immediately pulling off of you, lips glistening with your wetness when he peers up at you through the dark.
“Hyung, am I allowed to fuck her?” Chan questions quietly. The snake hybrid bites the inside of his cheek.
His possessive nature screamed no, but the other part of him already felt his cock throbbing at the thought of you getting fucked by someone else and getting filled with so much cum from the both of them that it’d be spilling out of you.
Jihoon’s throat feels dry at the thought alone.
“Yes. Fuck her tight ‘lil cunt and fill her up with cum. We’ll breed her so fuckin’ good she’ll be begging us both for more.” Chan giggles innocently; a complete contrast to the way his eyes burn with unadulterated lust when he leans in close to your face.
“Ah~ Minghao-hyung always complains about me rutting against the pillows. Says my libido is too high, but I just can’t help it~ Finally, I get to fuck your tight cunt and I get to cum inside you and fill you up with my cum instead of just using my hand and making a mess on the sheets!” He grins.
Christ, Chan was really oblivious to the way his words affected you.
“Ngh, please, one of you j-just fuck me already~” You whine.
Jihoon’s fingers tug on your shirt, helping you lift it off of you as you’re finally completely bare to them both. His fingers immediately go back to teasing your chest as Chan sits up proper between your legs, pushing his sweats and underwear down. “Hyung, are you sure this is a one time only thing?”
You mewl as Jihoon pinches your nipples hard; nails digging into his clothed thighs in return. “We’ll talk about it later, Chan.” He replies easily.
Chan wraps a firm hand around his cock, moaning as he spreads the precum all down his shaft. “Mmh, I really need to fuck you now.” He mutters.
“D-do it…” Whimpering, you try to spread your legs a little more given the small space. “Mmh, m-maybe taking it to the bedroom, ah, might’ve been a better i-idea.”You mutter.
 Chan pouts, trying to get comfortable as he rubs the head of his cock through your folds, tapping your clit as you cry out in pleasure. “No, what if something grabbed one of us on the way there?” He retorts.
Jihoon laughs under his breath, eyes focused on the way your chest rises and falls in anticipation.
Chan lets out a shaky moan as he sinks his cock into your tight warmth, brows furrowing when he can already tell that he won’t be able to hold himself back. “Ah, you’re so--so tight…” He whines. His cock was a little shorter than Jihoon’s but just as thick to stretch you out to your liking.
He gives you a second to adjust before he skillfully draws his hips back and slams his cock into you. “Fu---fuck, she feels so good, I--I don’t think I can h-hold back…” His hands are on your thighs keeping your spread; biting into his bottom lip. “Ngh, please--please tell me I can fuck y-you harder!”
Jihoon smiles, snaking a hand down to your clit as he starts to roll the nub between his fingers slowly. It makes your pussy clench down harder onto Chan who lets out a choked whine at the feeling of your walls clamping down onto him in a vice grip. “Well, baby? What do you want? Tell your cute ‘lil bunny.”
Chan’s cock curves into your g-spot perfectly and with Jihoon’s fingertips teasing your clit, your head already starts to feel fuzzy. “Mmh… ah, y-yeah, fuck me h-harder, Chan… I wanna feel y-you...”
He whispers quiet thank you’s into the dark; hips slamming into you as Jihoon keeps you locked in his hold. Soft whines and moans spill from Chan’s lips and for a moment, it makes you wonder if he always sounded like this when he was alone and rutting against his pillow.
And almost as if Jihoon can read your mind, his sultry, lust filled eyes watch Chan’s cock fucking into you as he whispers, “How’s she feel, Chan? Better than rubbing your cock against the sheets? Or how about your hand?” The younger hybrid whines, cock throbbing as he already feels himself close to an orgasm.
“She---She, hah, feels so w-warm and wet… S-Shit, I’m going to think a-about this whenever I, ah, need to g-get off…” He licks his dry lips, committing to memory how your pussy felt around him. “It’s n-not gonna be the s-same when I’m alone…”
“Enjoy it while you can, bunny~” Jihoon teases. He takes his fingers off of your clit, nipping at the shell of your ear. “As for you, don’t cum, baby.” You nod shakily, realizing that at least that much was still only reserved for Jihoon.
Instead, Jihoon continues to provokes Chan, soft giggles on his lips when he sees the bunny hybrid struggling to stave off his orgasm. “Ah, hurry and fill her up with your cum~ I bet it’s been so long since you’ve cum, huh? You probably have a lot ready just to breed her tight little cunt too.”
His own words prove to do damage to himself when he feels his cock throbbing in his sweats; he really needed Chan to hurry up. And Chan doesn’t fare any better himself; airy whines and groans filling the air as he feels his abdomen tightening the more Jihoon continues to speak.
“Fu--fuck, I’m--I’m cumming!” Chan cries, hips pistoning into you at a breakneck speed as he fucks his cum deeper and deeper into you. Your body jerks between them both, choked whines of your own mixing with his as you do your best to not cum either which proves hard when Jihoon starts to coax you too.
“Mm, bet it feels nice and warm, huh, baby? Hot cum filling up your ‘lil cunt, waiting for me to cum inside you too so you’re full of both of us.”
“Jihoon…” You whisper, hips moving against Chan’s as he rides out the remnants of his orgasm. You can already feel the cum sliding out of you from around Chan’s cock and your mind turns to putty at the thought of Jihoon still fucking you and making you cum.
“Alright, bunny, time for you to move.” Chan nods slowly in return, thrusting into you one more time as the two of you share a moan. “Okay, okay, move!” Jihoon grumbles.
He realized it’d take days if not weeks to get Chan’s smell off of you. 
Not that it was a problem. He always had ideas in store to make it easier.
Chan slides his cock from inside of you, watching as the cum drips down onto the sofa in large globs. He licks his lips, already itching to get his hands back onto you as he starts to move back.
Jihoon slowly unwraps his arms from around you and moves to switch places with Chan who tugs his own sweatpants back up. “Can I take a shower after this?” He asks quietly.
The snake hybrid exhales harshly through his nose as he replaces Chan between your legs, pushing his sweats and underwear down in one swift motion. “We’ll all go shower after this, now hold her still.” Chan nods, ears flopping atop his head; satisfied for now.
He wraps his arms around your midsection much like Jihoon had done, chin nuzzled into the crook of your neck as he watches Jihoon running his cock through the mix of your wetness and Chan’s cum. “Mmm, hyung’s gonna make sure our cum stays inside your hot cunt~ ‘Cause you need to be bred, y’know? Ah, Jihoon-hyung’s so lucky~ He gets to breed your pretty pussy whenever he wants~”
Jihoon’s jaw clenches tight, a hand placed firm on your thigh as he uses Chan’s cum as lubrication when he eases his cock into you. “Fuck, you’re so wet!” He growls; already starting a quick pace as he chases his high.
He’d waited long enough.
“Ah, you’re so warm too, you feel so good, baby…” Jihoon pauses, licking his lips as his eyes meet yours in the darkness. “And all mine, right?” He thrusts into you particularly hard for emphasis; almost daring you to say anything different.
“G-god, yes, yes! I’m y-yours, ah!” Chan slithers a hand down your torso, fingertips on your sticky and swollen clit as he starts to pinch and roll the nub between his fingertips. You clench around Jihoon; overwhelmed with the urge to cum as they both stimulate your body.
“Why don’t you cum for Jihoon-hyung, hmm? Cum around his cock and milk him for all he’s got~” You mewl at Chan’s words, toes curling as you and Jihoon both feel each other close to the edge. Jihoon’s cock curves into you perfectly and hits all of the right spots inside of you that have you bucking your hips to match his thrusts.
It only takes a few more thrusts before you feel the tension in your body threatening to snap at any second.
“Jihoon, I---”
“I know, baby. S’okay. Cum with me.” His voice is breathy and raw as he, too, feels his cock throbbing inside your tight heat.
Chan and Jihoon work in tandem as your rushed cries of Jihoon’s name start to roll off of your tongue and his thrusts become erratic; groans on his own lips as the two of you cum at the same time. Jihoon doesn’t stop his quick pace either, instead, doubling it as he fucks his and Chan’s cum further into your pussy.
“Shit, that’s right, hyung. Breed her fuckin’ cunt.” Growling, Chan pinches your clit as you let out a high pitched whine.
“J--Jihoon, please, please, pl--please b-breed me! Get m-me full of your c-cum!” You cry; delirium mildly settling in as his hot cum paints your walls and spills out of you from around his cock.
“Ngh, that’s---that’s right, baby. Beg me to fill you up, hah, just like you like it.” Jihoon starts to slow down his thrusts just as Chan starts to ease his fingers off of your clit and you sob quietly at the bliss that continues to wash over your body.
Your chest rises and falls in deep breaths as the remnants of your orgasm start to ebb off and you immediately slump against Chan’s warm chest as the tiredness starts to overtake you. “Fuh--fuck, ‘m so full o-of cum…” You whine.
The two hybrids can only groan in unison.
Jihoon starts to slide his cock out of you; licking his lips when he sees how much cum spills from your spent pussy. “Ah, such a waste.” He comments.
“Wait, wait!” Chan catches your attention and Jihoon’s when he starts to move from behind you. Jihoon shoots the bunny hybrid a confused look when he ushers for Jihoon to move again. “Just trust me, hyung.”
They switch places one last time as you rest against Jihoon’s clothed chest, eyes focusing on Chan who kneels in between your legs.
“Hey, can I kiss her?”
You blush as Jihoon narrows his eyes at the other male. “Only one time. Make it good.”
Chan smirks as he immediately dives headfirst in between your thighs; lapping up the cum that spills out of you and onto the sofa. You latch your fingers into his hair by reflex, sharp cries on your lips from the oversensitivity as Chan collects the mixed cum on his tongue.
Jihoon has to admit, he’s a little impressed.
Once Chan deems it enough, he holds the cum in his mouth as he pulls away from your cunt and your hands fall from his hair.
You watch through hazy eyes as he stops when he’s face to face with you; smiling at you angelically. He leans in, lips pressed firm against your own as you moan into the kiss. And once your lips part, Chan’s quick to push the cum into your mouth; a little dripping down your chin at the messy way his tongue pushes it in. 
He pulls away once all of the salty substance is out of his mouth; a trail of saliva and cum connecting your lips as Jihoon whistles in amazement.
“Wow, can’t say I saw that one coming.”
Your cheeks flush and Jihoon enjoys the warmth that radiates from you in between their bodies. 
Chan smiles at you innocently again; reverting back to his sweet bunny-like nature.
“Can we find some candles and go shower now, please?”
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Greed - Angelic Demons (2/2)
Mammon x gn!MC
Words - 2596
Content warnings - angst, lots of comfort
Prompt/Inspiration - Angelic Demons Event
Summary - Following the events in the “Angelic Demons” event where all the brothers are turned into angels and forced to wear magical bangles that correct their behavior.
You go to check on Mammon to see how he is doing now that he’s reverted back to his demonic self and no longer under the effects of the angelic magic.
AO3 | Part One - Envy
It had been a few days now since the magic from the cursed (because that’s what they were to you) bangles had worn off. Diavolo had also finally removed the outfits so everyone was more or less back to normal. At least, that’s how it appeared at first glance. In reality, Satan was probably the only one you saw much of as everyone else had made themselves scarce, recovering from the stress of being forced to remember their time as angels.
Two demons in particular seemed to have gone even more silent than the rest and you were starting to grow concerned so you had decided to check on them.
You blinked a few times, processing Mammon’s response to you knocking on his door. You hadn’t expected him to sound so angry. But given the circumstances, you understood why he would be. He may not have been angry with you - but since he was hiding out in his room, yelling at you was probably the only outlet he had.
“Mammon, I need to talk to you. I just want to make sure you’re alright.”
There was no response from Mammon, so you tried the door knob. Much to your surprise it was unlocked, so you let yourself inside. And the sight that greeted you took your breath away.
Now, Mammon’s room had always been sort of a mess. He was impulsive, and easily distracted, so things often got left right where he set them when he went off to do something else. He still managed to maintain a minimal level of cleanliness though. You could always see the floor. There had always been seats on his sofa. The top of his pool table would be visible.
But going into his room now? It looked like something off that TV show Hoarders you used to watch in the human realm. And it wasn’t just things on his floor either (though make no mistake, there were a lot of those). There was trash too - empty noodle cups, soda cans, wine bottles, shipping boxes. You couldn’t understand how someone could acquire so much garbage in so little time.
“Mammon, what the hell happened in here?” your eyes scanned the room, taking in as much as you could of what was before you, “Mammon?” You called out to him again when he didn’t respond. You would have thought he’d have been trying to chase you out, but it seemed that now that you were here and he was instead going to attempt to hide and hope you just went away.
As you looked around for Mammon, you heard the sound of a plastic noodle cup fall to the floor. You turned in the direction of the noise, and there was Mammon, sitting in his bed, bundled up under his blankets, looking intently at his DDD.
“Hey,” you said as you walked towards him, clearing off a space on the bed next to him.
He didn’t acknowledge you, and just kept scrolling through some app on his DDD. You scooted a bit closer to him, so that you were almost touching and your back was against the wall, before leaning over and taking a look at his screen. He was on Akuzon.
Now everything made sense to you. He must have been buying things online and having them delivered straight to his room. Since everyone else had been distracted with their own things, no one had noticed the influx of deliveries. And it had all happened so quickly, you doubt Lucifer had even received the bill yet.
“What are you doing?”
“Looking for something in particular?”
You knew that shopping was a bit of a therapeutic thing for Mammon, just like gambling could be. That rush of finding something new, of feeling like you won. But this was excessive, even for him. Usually he’d have some sort of goal in mind - new clothes maybe, a new video game he wanted to try, or something nice for you. You hadn’t seen him just mindlessly buying things before. He hardly looked like he was even paying attention to what exactly he was putting in his cart.
“How have you been feeling?”
“Oh...that’s good. I’ve been worried about you.”
Mammon scoffed. Worried about him? Why would anyone be worried about him? He was the scummy second born, after all. And surely after this past week you knew exactly how scummy he was since you were able to see what he could be like if he wasn’t. So what was the point in even trying anymore? He was a demon wasn’t he? Shouldn’t he just indulge his sin? It’s not like it mattered. It’s not like it would change anything.
That’s what he thought, at least. Or rather, tried to convince himself of. But with each purchase he made and each delivery he accepted, he felt the emptiness inside him grow. It had gotten to the point he wasn’t even opening the packages anymore. Just letting them pile up wherever they fell when he sat them down.
“Nuthin’. It’s fine.”
“Oh ok.” You studied his profile for a moment while you thought about how exactly you were going to handle this. He wasn’t giving you a lot to work with here, and you were running out of questions you could ask. But maybe you didn’t need to say anything right now? Maybe for right now you could just sit with him.
You scooched over a little more, looping your arm through Mammon’s and resting your head on his shoulder. You felt him stiffen under you briefly, before relaxing again and resuming his scrolling.
“Whattya doin’?”
“I just thought I’d sit with you for a little bit. I’ve missed you.”
Mammon didn’t really have anything to say to that, so he continued with his shopping. Unconsciously though, he slowly rested his own head on top of yours and it made you smile, feeling more confident in your choice to just stay with him.
As he scrolled, you started pointing out things that looked interesting to you, hoping to engage him in conversation. He was surprised to hear you apparently helping him shop, and not scolding him. Though he supposed that was more Lucifer’s territory than yours. You never really got on to him when he messed up. At first, he had thought it was because you might be a bit dim and didn’t realize all the trouble he’d get himself into. But as he got to know you, he realized you saw a lot more than you let on, and you were actively choosing to let those things go, supporting and encouraging him instead.
Not seeing any reason not to, Mammon began replying to your questions and pointing out things to you as well. It wasn’t long before he was laughing along with you too, as you both found progressively more ridiculous things for sale, shopping now completely forgotten. He should have known better than to think he could ignore you and that you’d just leave. You had this ability to just worm your way into his heart, no matter how many defenses he thought he had in place. He was just no match for you.
And well, he was kinda thankful for that right now. He had missed you. A lot. More than he’d care to admit. But he had been so ashamed of himself, he didn’t know what else to do besides lock himself away. The stupid bracelet made him painfully aware of just how much of a screw up he was.
Before, he had always imagined that he was able to make you proud of him. He liked showing off for you, if for no other reason than to see you smile. He pushed himself to work harder, to be more open with you, even to cause less trouble for Lucifer. But then the bangle happened...and he saw just how short he fell.
The gulf between his “angelic persona” and his “demonic persona” was just felt so vast. Too vast. He was never going to be someone worthy of you.
So he just gave up.
Sensing that Mammon had become a bit lost in his thoughts, you sat up. As soon as your head started to leave his shoulder, he realized that he had been resting his against yours. He jerked his head up immediately, blushing heavily. You let out a soft chuckle when you saw how flustered he was, satisfied that he seemed to be a bit more relaxed and like his old self than when you had first found him.
“You alright?” you asked.
“Umm yeah, fine.”
“Ok,” you paused briefly, taking a breath before continuing, “Do you think we could talk now?”
“‘bout what?”
“Umm, well…” you hesitated, hoping you weren’t overstepping your bounds and about to send him back into his shell, “...about all this, actually,” you said, gesturing around the room.
“Oh.” Mammon’s blush only deepened as he took a quick glance around the room. He hadn’t noticed how bad things had gotten until then. It was like he had tunnel vision, and had only been able to see the path directly between his bed and the door, and nothing else.
“Just felt like doing a little shoppin’ is all.”
“Oh? Well, I’ve just never seen you buy so much stuff before…”
“Well, ya don’t know everything about me,” he replied. He wasn’t sure why, but he was feeling on edge now. Things had been nice when you had been just sitting with him, not talking about anything of consequence. But now you were trying to meddle. He didn’t want the proof of his failure pointed out, and he didn’t want to know you knew either.
“Mammon...I’m just trying to understand...” you pulled back a little to get a better look at him.
“I’m just being who I’m supposed to be. You don’t need to understand.”
“Mammon…!” your thoughts were racing now. What had gotten into him? Everything had switched so quickly from the fun, happy moment you had been sharing - to unconcealed anger. You hadn’t been trying to make him feel bad, you just wanted to know why he was acting how he was, and what you could do to help. But your line of questioning had apparently set him off.
“This is who I am, ok?!” he snapped, instantly regretting it, “It’s all I’m good for! Just stop...please…” his voice sounded so weak now, cracking as it trailed off.
Slowly, you reached out to cup his cheek and turn his head back towards you. You had expected him to resist, but he didn’t. And when your eyes met his, you could see exactly how much pain he was in. He looked even more confused than you felt. You started to stroke his cheek with your thumb, and he closed his eyes, partly to avoid looking at you any longer, and partly so he could enjoy the sensation of your hand on his cheek.
Not knowing what else to do, you wrapped both arms around his neck, pulling him toward you and hugging him. Again, he didn’t resist, he just let you have your way. You were a bit saddened when you realized he wasn't hugging you back, but you noticed he hadn’t pushed you away yet either, so you continued to hold him and nuzzle into his neck.
“Please tell me what’s wrong,” you begged.
There was no response from Mammon, but you felt his arms begin to loop around your waist, soon pulling you into his lap, with your legs perpendicular to his. He mimicked your hold, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You were so warm. And you smelt so good. He had missed being this close to you.
He didn’t know what he was supposed to say now. A minute ago he had lashed out at you, angry and defensive, and now he was holding you and trying not to cry. His emotions were a jumbled, chaotic mess, and he just felt so...helpless.
“...I don’t...know…” he mumbled.
“That’s ok. It’s ok,” you soothed, as you started combing your fingers through his hair. Nothing was said for a while, the two of you simply holding each other; you hoping to convey how much you cared for him, and Mammon hoping you could tell how lost he felt.
“I’m Greed ain’t I…? This is what Greed does. It’s what it is…” he said, his voice scarcely above a whisper, tightening his grip on your waist.
“What are you talking about...?”
“It's reckless, and impulsive, and selfish.”
Why was he saying these things? He called himself impulsive, and sure, you couldn’t really argue with that. But selfish? He didn’t look that way to you. Not to say he never did anything in his own self interest, but he had this way of looking out for his brothers and you. Especially you.
“You’re not selfish, Mammon. Why would you think that?” You kept your voice low and calm, as you continued stroking his head and running your fingers through his hair.
“...because I am...aren’t I…? Takin’ things from my brothers...wastin’ all your time…”
“Hey, you never waste my time, ok? I like spending time with you.”
“...I dunno why…”
“Because you’re The Great Mammon, why wouldn’t I want to spend time with you?” you replied, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Mammon didn’t answer, but you saw the blush start creeping across his cheeks, before resting your head on top of his.
“Look, you might be Greedy, but that’s not always a bad thing, you know?”
“...it’s not?”
“No, it’s not. I never felt that way when I spent time with you. You always made me feel loved, and happy, and safe.”
“If you were as awful and selfish as you seem to think you are, you wouldn’t have been able to do that.”
“And what about that little girl, huh? The one you told me about before. The one you take care of. You weren’t an angel when you did that.”
Oh. How had he forgotten about her? Or that he had told you?
“Just because you are a demon doesn’t mean you don’t have good qualities, you know? And it doesn’t mean the bad ones get to overshadow all the good things about you either.”
“Do ya mean that? That I have good qualities?”
“Yeah, Mammon, I do.”
“...even though Imma demon?”
“Even though you’re a demon,” you answered, kissing the top of his head, “You are more than just your Greed. You get to make your own choices.”
Mammon listened carefully to what you had to say, each word making his heart feel a little lighter and his outlook a bit brighter. Maybe...maybe things weren’t as hopeless as they seemed.
“Besides, I like Greedy Mammon. The Mammon that wants to spend all his time with me and never leave my side. I’d be awfully lonely without him around.”
Hearing you say that warmed his heart, thawing the last bits of ice that had settled there. You were right. Just because he had bad moments, didn’t mean he wasn’t allowed good ones too. He was an Avatar after all - he commanded Greed, it didn’t control him. He wasn’t just some mindless, lower tier demon that was helpless against their sin. He got to decide when and how he would act. And if he had to be Greedy for anything, it would be your attention. It didn’t have to be material things (well, at least not all the time).
“...yeah...I guess ya’d be pretty bored without me too,” he said, lifting his head to look at you.
“Oh definitely. Very bored,” you replied, with a smile.
“Err...do ya think you can help me with something?”
“Returning all that before Lucifer gets the bill,” he said, gesturing to the piles of junk behind you, “or well, most of it.”
“Of course,” you replied, kissing him on the cheek, “We will need to take the trash out too.”
“Sure we can’t just get Beel to eat it?” he asked, with a cheeky grin
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Always Yours (Christen Press x Reader)
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Request: Christen Press x reader based on a song "hold me while you wait" by Lewis Capaldi
Author’s note: Hey dudes, so i couldn’t get this idea out of my head. I’m not sure how well it actually follows the song, but this is what made sense to me. I hope you enjoy! hit me up with Requests, Questions or if you just wanna say hi!
Christen sighed contently, settling back against her fiance, watching whatever boring reality show the team had chosen for the night. She reveled in the feeling of the women below her, glad that everything had finally worked out for the better. Everything was perfect, well almost. There was still a little twinge at the back of her mind that reminded her of the one person she had hurt more than the rest. 
“Have you guys seen this video yet? The fans are going crazy,” Kelley asked, pulling the women out of her thoughts. Tobin grabbed the outstretched phone, holding it so Christen could see it. 
“Is that Y/n,” Christen questioned, her breath leaving her when she saw your form on the small screen. The image was grainy, but it still made her heart stop to see you on stage. To see you following your dreams. 
“Yeah,” Kelley smiled at them, wiggling her eyebrows at Christen.
“Why are the fans sending it to us?” Tobin mumbled, her eyebrows furrowing. As far as the fans knew, you hadn’t spoken to Chris since college. 
“just watch” Kelley shrugged. 
You smiled out at the audience as you stepped to the front of the stage. Their clapping and cheering were almost as loud as the pounding of your heart in your ears. You would never get enough of this feeling, and you wondered if it was the same one that she had every time she stepped onto the pitch. 
“Damn you guys are loud,” You laughed, the crowd roaring back. You shot them a cheeky smirk, pulling the acoustic guitar strap over your head and pushing the stray hairs that had fallen into your face back. 
“Do you mind if we get serious for a few minutes?” You asked into the mic, receiving a cheer of approval in response. As much as the fans loved you upbeat stuff, they went even crazier when it was just you, them, and your trusty guitar. 
“Ok, cool.” You smirked, beginning to pluck the opening chord to the next song in your set absentmindedly. 
“So, the past few years have been kinda a rollercoaster ride for me. You know, I met this person, and they were my… everything.” You stated, a wistful, faraway look taking over your usual charming smile.
“And sometimes I thought that they could love me too, but they could never make up their mind, and I settled for them just being there. I settled for them letting me hold them while they figured out what they wanted,” Your voice turned sad and bitter. You had wanted her more than anything on the planet, but she didn’t know if she wanted you or Tobin, and you wondered how close you were to be a thing. But she had chosen, and the heavy piece of paper tucked into your back pocket was like a knife in the balloons holding your Dream. 
“Today I got an invitation to their wedding,” You gave the audience a bitter laugh, shaking your head. “So this song is for them. An apology if you will, that I can’t make their wedding,” You finished quietly, changing to the chord progression for Hold Me While You Wait. 
“Holy shit,” Christen whispered, her eyes wide as the song began. It wasn’t her first time hearing it, but the emotions of this performance were off the charts. She could feel the heartbreak that permeated the song. It was the story of an almost relationship that tore you to pieces. An almost relationship that you tied yourself in knots to make work. The almost relationship you had with her. 
“She’s not usually this emotional,” Christen mumbled, her eyes wide. 
“The fans all think that you’re the one who made her this emotional. They think you two are the ones she dedicated the song to,” Kelley said quietly, shaking her head. 
“She never said that,” Tobin grumbled far too quickly. You were always her biggest competition, and you had been there for Christen when she wasn’t. When she was being an ass about commitment. 
“She didn’t have to,” Kelley rolled her eyes. So maybe she still had a little resentment about how the way things ended between her teammates and her best friend. 
“They’ve been speculating that the whole album is about Chris for months,” Tobin clapped back. It had started with an old photo of the two of you from college. An old photo that wasn’t supposed to ever see the light of day, and now they wouldn’t leave her alone about it. Your fans weren’t as crazy as some, but she was tired of being called out for being the one to come between you and Chris. “But it seems kinda petty to me,” Tobin groaned. You were usually the first one to tell the fans to leave them alone. You usually didn’t stoop to their level. 
“If it is, she has a good reason. Chris kept her on the hook for months,” Kelley spat back. 
“It was hard not to,” Christen spoke quietly after a few minutes. 
“Just stay awhile,” You said from the bed, pulling the sheets tighter around you. You always hated this part, it made you feel dirty, used. She would beg you to come and then walk out like you were nothing more than a call girl. Ever since college, you were the one who would pick up the pieces that one Tobin Heath left behind. The one who held her while she made up her mind. 
“Y/n, I can’t stay,” She rolled her eyes at you, pulling her clothes on. 
“Yes, you can Chris. I love you so much, and I’ll do my damndest to show you every day,” You pleaded. Why couldn’t she see that you were the better option? The more healthy option. Tobin could never make up her mind. She didn’t want a real relationship unless it was convenient for her, and Christen just couldn’t seem to let her go. 
“I love her Y/n,” “and she loves me back, and she’s finally ready,” Christen said, finally turning to look at you. 
“How many times has she said that before, and how many times have you ended up right back here with me?” You huffed back, thinking about the thousands of times this had happened before. The thousands of times Christen had told you the same thing and then called you crying because she hadn’t been right. For a while, it had been fine with you. It had been alright because you got to hold the girl you had been in love with since you were kids while you waited for her to make up her mind. 
“Just don’t” She spat in your direction. Going from sweet to cruel in a second flat. 
“I’m trying to protect your Chris,” You growled back, standing from the bed.
“Don’t make this harder for me then it already is,” She mumbled lowly. And you sighed. 
The wait was over, and so was Christen’s desire to be held by you. 
“Turn around Chris,” Your voice was barley above a whisper. You knew that this would tear you apart, but you needed to hear it. You needed to know why. You opened your arms for the woman, who shot you a quizzical look.“Tell me more about her, something I don’t know,” You mumble, pulling Chris back into your arms, for what you know will probably be the last time. You buried your nose into her neck. 
“She scrunches her nose up in her sleep,” She said, running her fingers through your hair, soothing you. 
“And she loves kids. Like she goes out of her way to make them happy,” You could hear the smile in her voice, and you swallowed the lump in your throat, trying to enjoy your last moments with the woman you loved. 
You stepped away from the mic when the song was over, taking a gulping breath after the final note. Your chest heaved in a way that was unusual for you, and you casually wiped the tears out of your eyes. You weren’t an overtly emotional person, only able to articulate what you were feeling through song. You blinked a few times, stepping back up to the Mic. 
“Tell her thank you for Paris,” You hummed out the words that would probably get you into trouble, but right now you didn’t care. You knew this day was coming, but that didn’t mean you were ready for it. At least you knew that Tobin wouldn’t hurt her again. 
“She’s crying,” Tobin said in shock. She had never, ever seen this much emotion out of you, even when you had come to say goodbye. 
“What happened in Paris? She never told me, and she won’t talk about it,” Kelley asked, her eyebrows furrowing. Christen and Tobin shared a look. 
Two days before the Woman’s World Cup
“Chris is going to freak when she realizes that your here,” Tobin mumbled, settling down in the seat across from you. You had picked a cute cafe for this conversation. A conversation that you really didn’t want to have, but you felt you needed to. 
“I didn’t come to see her, I came to see you,” You husked out, taking a sip of your coffee. 
“That’s a first, I was like 99% sure you hated me,” Tobin leaned back in her chair in shock. The two of you had a tumultuous relationship to say the least. She was always chasing Christen, and you were always the one who cleaned up the fallout. 
“No Tobin, I don’t hate you.” You started, looking off into the distance, trying to control your emotions. You knew that this was inappropriate, but you had to be sure. You had to know.“I just… I need you to tell me one thing,” You finished, glancing back at your cup, adamantly not making eyecontact with the woman in front of you. 
“You flew to Paris to ask me a question?” She questioned in disbelief. She thought you would have fought harder. That you would have come to make a scene and try to win the girl that you had held for so long. She took in your form, defeat visible in every movement you made. You weren’t the same person you had been all those years ago. It was like your sunny personality was gone. 
“Yeah, “ You nodded, finally looking into Tobins worried brown eyes. She could almost see the cracks in your soul. The piece of you that Christen had taken with her when she chose Tobin. 
“Ask away,” She said with a wave of her hand. 
“Do you love her?” You asked seriously. Clenching your fist on the table. You needed to know. All your efforts would be worth it if she did. You would be able to live with yourself if she did. 
“Of course I do,” Tobin said in exasperation. 
“No Tobin, do you love her so much that you feel like you can’t breathe without her. Like you’re in the dark, and she lights you up?” You grabbed her hand, looking her solemnly in the eyes. 
“I love her so much that it terrifies me, that I don’t think I could live if she didn’t choose me,” She responded, with as much honesty as she could muster. You nodded back, sitting back in your seat and taking a sip of your drink. 
“Promise me something?” You requested after a few seconds of silence. She waved her hand again. You gave her a thoughtful look. “That you won’t let her go…” 
“I already bought the ring. I was gonna give it to her after we win,” Tobin admitted with a blush. You nodded again. 
“Don’t wait,” You said quietly, placing a 50 on the table and walking away. Tobin watched you go, shaking her head. She would never understand why you had settled for being Christens play thing. 
8 Hours after they won the World Cup
“You can’t waste your life like this,” Christen rolled her eyes as she entered the hotel lobby. She was in france.
“Who said it’s a waste?” You smirked back, standing and placing your hands in your pockets. 
“I did. You just flew to Paris for me to turn you away,” She huffed back, approaching you and pulling you into a hug. No opportunity to make her smile was a waste to you. 
“I wish that I could change your mind,” You hummed into her neck, refraining from placing your usual kiss on her neck. 
“I know,” She said back resolutely.
“I didn’t come to ruin your night, just to tell you congrats,” You mumbled, pulling back so you could look at her, sending her the widest smile you could. 
“I don’t know if I believe you..” She quarked her eyebrows up at you. 
“I just wanted to give you this and congratulate you on your big win champ. I always promised to the first copy of my album,” You laughed, pulling the the first copy of your first album ever out of your back pocket. It was funny, even now she was holding you while she waited for Tobin to be ready to go celebrate with her. 
“Take it. I signed it and everything,” You said quietly, pushing the square plastic that held the key to your future into her hands. No it wasn’t like the art that Tobin made, but it was yours. 
“Y/n” She started. Placing her hand flat on the plastic, shaking her head. 
“At least it’ll sell on eBay if you don’t want it.” You gave her a sad smile, placing the album that she had inspired into her palm and turning away. “If you ever need to… talk, just call me,” You said over your shoulder, leaving the Hotel. Trying not to think about how this was probably the last time you would ever see her. 
“She told me to Marry Chris,” Tobin murmured thoughtfully, squeezing the women in her arms that much tighter. She was lucky and she she knew it. 
“I didn’t know that,” Christen smiled, leaning back and placing a kiss on her fiance’s lips. 
“Yeah, she said that she wanted you to be happy, and us fighting over you wasn’t making you happy,” Tobin nodded, brushing a strand of hair from Christens ear. Even in your worst moment, all you wanted was for the girl of your dreams to be happy. That was what love was, to want the best for that person, even if it wasn’t you, and to hold them until they knew what they wanted. 
“What did she write in the album she gave you?” Kelley asked, pulling the couple out of their sappy moment. Christen blinked for a moment. 
Christen’s hands were shaking as she watched you walk away, almost like a drug addict coming down from the high. She glanced down at the album in her hand, aptly named “the heartbreak hotel”. You always did have a flare for dramatics. Her lips quirked up at our loopy handwriting. 
Together or apart, we both accomplished our dreams. Thank you for allowing me to hold your for as long as you did. Both our waits are over, and i wish you nothing but happiness. 
Always yours, 
PS. say yes to your happy ending.
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6sakusa · 4 years
‘the man you’d marry’ suna rintarō.
a/n: so after my last two posts which were filled with absolute angst, i thought it would be better to write some fluff before releasing some new work & i happened to come across a video that said ‘i just want to film cute tiktoks w suna and do his eyeliner’ so i decided to write this out & we all know suna owns the song chill bill now so i couldn’t pass up the opportunity to include it, i hope you enjoy <3
genre/warnings: complete & utter fluff, mild swearing.
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“rinnn.” you whined slightly pulling on the edge of his hoodie in a poor attempt to get him to pay attention to you instead of the ps4 in front of him. as expected, he hardly noticed as he continued smashing buttons at the expense of your sanity.
“suna rintarō.” you stood up, standing right in front of the TV, this time making sure that he heard you fully and correctly as you huffed directly in his eye line. “y/n you’re in the way.” he maneuvered his head around your body barely sparing you a glance as he did so. at that response you refused to move until the words ‘game over’ were visibly plastered on the screen.
he sighed tossing his controller to the side, finally looking up at you. “you never wanna see me win, so many haters in this establishment.” he smirked leaning backwards onto his bed. “shut up.” you smiled crawling in after him, you parted his arms so you could rest between them and you revished in the comforting embrace of your loving boyfriend. it was a feeling you would never get bored of, it lit the same sparks in your mind and butterflies in your chest every single time.
“this is what you wanted huh?” he chuckled thinking about how you’d been bugging him non-stop to cuddle with you, and of course he couldn’t be mad, there was no one else he’d rather have to be the bane of his existence. “no, i wanted to do your eyeliner.” you sat up now facing him with a slight pout, making sure you were doing everything in your power to get him to say yes.
“no.” he spared you a glance before closing his eyes as he rested on the headboard, attempting to pull you back into his arms. “come on rin, i know you’re only saying no because you think it’s too much work, you won’t even have to move i promise.” at that he cracked one eye open, clearly contemplating his decision. “sit on my lap while you do it and i might just like it.” he smirked once again. it wasn’t often that suna was this outlandishly flirty, so when the opportunity arose to entertain it there was no way you’d back down.
“i was planning to, dumbass.” you sniggered grabbing the eyeliner you’d left on his bedside table before climbing into his lap, straddling him as you began to apply it. “my eyelids feel cold” he complained, gripping onto your hips tighter, he just wanted to be closer to you. “stop complaining, i’ve only just started.” you said swatting his hands away causing him to roll his eyes and huff. “hoes mad.” he chuckled and you lightly tapped him across the head at his remark. “you’re gonna mess up my eyeliner if you hit me.” he laughed further knowing that you wouldn’t dare ruin your masterpiece.
“well then stop giving me reasons to hit you.” you pinched his arm instead, adding the final touches to his face. “oh my God.” you climbed off his lap, stepping back to admire your work. “i should be a makeup artist.” you smiled handing him a mirror, pulling out your phone straight after.
“i can’t believe i’m saying this but i like it.” he observed himself in the mirror, not noticing that you’d caught his words on your phone, you just couldn’t help it, he was simply adorable. “really? you like it? then smile for the camera.” you teased, chuckling to yourself while he tried to make a move for your phone. “give me that.” he snatched it out of your grasp after multiple attempts of you running around the room in order to avoid him doing so.
“whyyy, the whole world needs to see how beautiful you are.” you poked his cheeks feigning a pout. he broke eye contact with you as he grew flustered, red slowly tinting his cheeks and he just looked all the more handsome. you took the chance to grab your phone back dashing onto the bed as he followed after you. “ok you do mine now.” you pushed the eyeliner into his hands getting into position for him to apply it.
“you know that i don’t know how to do this shit.” he stared at the bottle trying to figure out how to open it. “here” you twisted the cap before handing it back to him. “i knew that, i was just testing you.” he chuckled causing you to roll your eyes as you sat back again.
“just do what you can rin, i have faith.” you closed your eyes feeling him apply it, and by the way his hands were moving you could instantly tell he was doing it all wrong, but you didn’t have the heart to break it to him. besides, you were curious to see how it would all turn out.
he leaned back, getting a better look at his work before he sniggered handing the same mirror back to you. “for what it’s worth, i still think you’re the prettiest girl in the world.” he watched you blush through the mirror at his words but you chose to disregard them. “how did you get eyeliner on my cheek.” you turned to him, the both of you breaking out in laughter and that was the moment you realised you were so hopelessly, utterly in love with the man before you and you’d do anything to spend the rest of your life by his side.
“let’s make a tiktok.” you grabbed your phone once again, opening the application as you picked a sound you knew he would love. “i don’t want to be in it.” he huffed leaning back in the bed, you always knew he was quite camera shy even though he never passed up on the opportunity to record anyone else. “are you sure?” you smirked turning to face him, he nodded watching as you laid on his bed, the timer for the video counting down.
“said she wanna roll with me and smoke up all my weed” the sound began playing and you sang along including hand gestures in your spectacle, and you swear you’d never seen suna move so fast as he practically barged you out the way taking charge of the video with the next lyrics “i said baby just buy dutches cause you can’t smoke for free.” he was so extra you thought to yourself.
“what happened to not wanting to be in it?” you smirked grabbing the phone back before posting the video. “you knew what you were doing picking that song.” he sniggered pulling you back into his arms as you began cuddling again. the two of you went viral that night because the world could see how in love you were just as much as you could feel it. yes, you had decided the man you would marry would be suna rintarō.
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you can read more of my suna work here.
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