#It's not intuitive to learn and there's a bunch of features no one uses but that's because the rest are sufficient
airagorncharda · 1 year
not to be too much of a rebel but I genuinely enjoy this website. If I didn't I would leave.
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I found AO3 pretty intuitive. Took me like 5 minutes to realize how all the little buttons work. They're pretty straightforward. Apart from the AND filters - took me a while to realize what type of filters AO3 used. Beyond that, I'm not sure why people have a hard time? Wattpad and FFnet are way more of a pain in the ass.
It's all about familiarity.
I mean, look, AO3 works how my brain works. When we first set it up, it was what we were all used to, more or less, but an upgrade. It was hard to even see how it could ever be unintuitive because this was just How Things Were. From the style of trope tags to the fact that there's an index of fandoms by media type, it was all familiar.
But that thinking is a trap.
It's easy to say "Oh, well, that person's just an idiot", and sometimes, the problem really is laziness or sleep deprivation, but a lot of the time, it's different cultural context.
By the time we were designing AO3, I'd had many rounds of formal instruction in how to use library catalogues of various sorts, familiarity with Delicious, years in LJ slash fandom whose assumptions form the metadata structures of AO3, etc.
There's nothing strange about going "Why are ship types a top level system of organization?" or "How do I search for genre X in any anime fandom but not in non-anime fandoms?"
It's strange to me, but it's not strange in the context of people who read fanfic overall.
It's not just about learning the search features that do exist: it's about unconscious assumptions about what metadata must exist.
If you don't know to look for something and you aren't coming from a culture where poking buttons is encouraged, you're going to take a lot longer to find things than if you already have a good idea of what's probably there somewhere.
To pick two very obvious examples:
If I were designing a gen-focused archive, I'd make genre a top-level organization system, like on FFN.
If I were designing a more x-reader-focused or One True Character-focused archive, I'd make the ship searches work like Character X/Anyone instead of having to click on each ship of your blorbo or each ship with Reader.
If someone has years of experience searching for some bullshit 'trickyfish' style nonsense ship name because they're on sites with garbage searches, they'll go to AO3, plug some words into the search bar at the top, and then feel like they can't find any relevant results because everything that turns up is just that word in author's notes on an irrelevant fic. They might even go to advanced search...
...and then totally miss that the sidebar filters are the best part of AO3, and they don't appear when you do a search search as opposed to starting from a tag.
Isn't Advanced Search the most... well... advanced search? On every other website, it is, but not on AO3.
Each new site/technology/culture/etc. a person has to learn takes time and attention. If you're exhausted and burnt out, that's hard. Even if you're not, it takes at least some effort. It doesn't Just Happen, not for every person and every new thing.
We should tell people to read the damn FAQ, yes.
But I can't say I always do that myself on every site unless I'm both having a problem and invested enough to care about solving it.
On an average day, most of us don't need to care why some people have a hard time figuring out AO3.
But if anyone is planning to design a site or needs to teach a bunch of kids how to use the library or something, it's worth keeping in mind just how many unconscious assumptions are hiding behind the idea of something—literally anything—being "intuitive".
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qua-qua-qua · 1 month
whats your favorite programming language?
ooh that’s hard mind if i go for a bit of a rant? (also i might use some terms you don’t know you can usually find them by googling “<langauge> <concept>” or smth similar or you can ask me)
tl;dr rust is my favorite
so my first language was javascript(/html/css). and it’s a *horrible* language for tons of reasons (that’s a separate rant). but it’s gotten a bunch of nice features recently and i’ve found myself almost liking it somehow. i’m like half convinced it’s stockholm syndrome but who knows. it’s not really a contender for my favorite per se, but i might be most comfortable in it? it’s certainly my favorite scripting language.
the language with the best syntax imo is swift. i love it bc it feels very well designed and the syntax feels very intuitive and clean coming from javascript (as in it fixes some warts i don’t like about js/many c-family languages). one thing i particularly like (and miss in literally every other language) is the ability to infer the object that a property is being applied to. that’s kinda confusing without an example so basically:
let color: Color // some other stuff color = .green // instead of Color.green
it’s super minor but i love it so much and it’s a shame fewer languages have done something similar. i don’t really have many other thoughts on swift though since i haven’t used it in a while. it gets a bad rep as an “apple language” bc they made it, even though it’s open source, has its own organization, and can run anywhere. but bc of that it doesn’t have an amazing ecosystem for running outside of apple devices, so no one does it. it’s a chicken and egg problem. anyways. i want to use it more to try it but haven’t gotten around to it.
okay haskell i’m not very good at it i learned it recently but i absolutely love the functional style. i miss it in all other languages. especially currying. i love functional programming but i have a hard time when everything is perfectly pure. also monads are super cool and i love finding them in other languages. oh i also miss function composition. a lot. it’s so ridiculously useful. i think i’ll enjoy haskell much much more once i get used to it.
finally, what i would say is generally my favorite: rust. it’s very well designed, and i love the zero-cost abstractions. basically (the rust website explains it much better) they mean that rust is about as fast as c, and much faster than any c i could write (and probably as fast as any c an expert could write). i love having everything be so fast but also not having to worry about a ton of low level details eg memory management. (i can’t write a c program for the life of me without leaking memory, causing undefined behavior, or both 💀). perhaps my favorite part of rust is the ecosystem and tooling. cargo (the package manager and build system) is absolutely wonderful and just works™. like literally always. i have zero problems with dependencies and compiling and running and even cross compiling*. and the ecosystem is equally amazing. there’s a crate for pretty much anything under the sun and they’re all open source!! i love how i can just go and look at the code behind the libraries i use just by clicking on “go to definition” in my IDE. and it’s not uncommon for me to be able to understand it too!! and there we go end of rant rust is fun.
\* with one exception: when the rust code links to c code. which is mostly pretty rare but does happen.
actually i lied about ending the rant. i should probably mention python. not because i like it, but bc you prob know it, or at least of it. i’m neutral on it. i don’t know it very well. i wouldn’t say it’s bad, but it’s also not very good. the biggest thing it has going for it is that almost everyone knows it. and it’s a fine scripting language. i’m just not a huge fan personally. (one of my friends would murder me for saying this lmao they love python).
okay sorry for saying so much but um if you have any questions about any of it feel free to ask!!
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khive-cauchy · 3 months
Hi, can you tell me about btrfs? It was a default choice for the filesystem when I installed fedora on my laptop and I read little bit about how it is different from like ext4 and what cool stuff it supports etc. But I newer, like, utilised all that stuff in it. So, if you don't mind, can you tell me what am I missing and how do I utilise it potential?
btrfs! what is btrfs? btrfs is a copy-on-write journaling filesystem with various other goodies. my experience is mostly using it on one disk on my personal machine, which seems to be what you're doing with it also. you may have heard some bad things about btrfs eating your data silently and then the mailing list being really mean about it, and all that is true but it's only true if you're using btrfs raid4 or raid5, which you aren't. for our use case there's absolutely nothing to fear- btrfs is an absolutely rock solid filesystem and i wouldn't accept any other for my daily driver
i was planning on writing this whole long thing summarizing my notes because when i was learning all this stuff i couldn't find any source that had everything i needed in one place. but that was 4 years ago, and since then fedora switched to using it by default. nowadays there are a bunch of articles explaining all the fundamental concepts and commands and such. the two linked at the bottom ive read and can vouch for, and they cover basically all the intuition for the concepts and commands and such. so im going to focus on cool things you can do with a COW filesystem
basically all the cool things you can do are snapshots. snapshots, better explained in the links, are lightweight copies of entire file trees. you can, for instance, take a snapshot of your home directory and then be able to access all your files at the time of the snapshot whenever you want, even if you change them in the "real" version. but you can do better than this. if your subvolume layout is correct (and don't worry, fedora's is), you can rollback to a previous snapshot whenever you want. with a little configuration you can make all your root snapshots bootable, so you can select in grub or whatever which version of your filesystem you want to boot into. with a little bit of doing, which im not sure is easy on fedora but certainly might be, i got my computer set up so that my boot directory is just a btrfs subvolume on my regular filesystem. if an update breaks my setup, which does happen from time to time, i can go back to exactly the state i was in, files packages kernel and all
you can and should use btrfs for your backups also. not local snapshots, those aren't very good backups, but incremental backups to an external drive or over ssh to another machine. for this i use btrbk, which is a pretty simple script that just makes use of btrfs features to make safe, fast, and reliable backups to wherever you might want them. then, because it's using native features of the filesystem, recovering from just about anything is dead simple. you can send over the subvolumes and mount them wherever. the one thing is that for most of these you need a bootable drive with btrfs and enough drivers to work on your system. whatever you used to install fedora should work fine
and with that you basically need fear no file loss event, big or small. i mean i wouldn't give up git or anything, but now you can retrieve your desktop layout, your browser settings, your /etc, whatever you want. its absolutely magic. since doing an install with this btrfs setup 4 years ago i have had absolutely nothing break in a way i couldn't fix in under 15 minutes, even running arch objectively badly. imagining life without snapshots feels barbaric now. its one of a handful of things which are just objectively better on linux for any user at any skill level. data loss is a choice, and it has been for almost a decade. take my hand
additional notes:
APFS: yeah apple has this too. time machine is a brilliant piece of software and the apple ppl are lucky to have it. however! i have needed to actually go back and use my backup like 2 times ever. most of the time i just use the snapshots locally. plus afaik you don't have the same range of options to deal with snapshot size- i dont hang onto my steam directory for very long
ZFS: if you need raid id say zfs is definitely better (zpool is awesome). but a lot of the things you can do with snapshots and subvolumes on btrfs aren't actually possible on zfs. a rollback on zfs is a very specific action which invalidates everything that came after- it's not to be done lightly. with btrfs you just move subvolumes around and they're available whenever you need them
encryption: its annoying but you should put your filesystem inside of lvm inside of LUKS and it'll work fine. its the same as using LUKS normally, and once it's open it's the same as using btrfs normally. this would probably suck for multiple disks, in which case you should use zfs
hibernation: use LVM to have a swap partition and call it a day, storage is cheap these days. ive heard swap files are improved somehow (?) but i dont use one and there really isn't any reason to
compression: imo not a showstopper or anything but it comes in handy. i wouldn't expect huge gains in space usage (storage is cheap anyway) but a lot of modern cpus are good enough at compression that it's actually faster to store everything compressed bc the bottleneck is disk IO. you can test what algorithm and level works best for you, and tune it by subvolume. on my nvme i dont notice a difference, but my server has some hard drives and compression speeds things up
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cadyce01 · 10 days
Elevate Your Productivity with Cadyce’s Advanced KVM Switches
In today's multitasking world, where juggling tasks is a daily norm, you need to keep your workplace optimized for the highest level of efficiency. To such an end, a KVM switch has brought perfection in making things fall into place, and at Cadyce, we are providing top-notch KVM switch solutions to enhance your operational efficiency.
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Understanding a KVM Switch KVM Switch: Short for Keyboard, Video, and Mouse. The KVM switch is a device through which several computers can be controlled using one set of peripherals. Thus, it enables users to handle multiple systems with ease without having extra monitors, keyboards, and mice clutter up their workspace.
Key Benefits of Using a KVM Switch 1. Efficient Workspace Management: The desk can be free from equipment that may clutter it up, as there would be just one monitor, keyboard, and mouse for several computers. 2. Cost Efficiency: You won't have to invest in a bunch of peripherals for each computer. A KVM switch gives the green light to make more functional use of currently available ones. 3. More Efficiency: It requires least effort to switch between computers, and therefore it enhances your multitasking ability to deal with several systems or applications with ease.
Why Choose Cadyce for Your KVM Switch Needs? The idea of Cadyce KVM switches is to have a balance of the best performance and reliability. Following are some major reasons why you would want to have Cadyce KVM Switches: - Variety in connectivity: Starting from HDMI, VGA, and USB, each one of them caters to a different setup. - Ease of Operation: It offers ease of use with its intuitive controls and hotkeys to switch between computers easily. - High performance: KVM switches are designed to guarantee high quality and performance because it has to support high-resolution displays normally required by resource-intensive tasks.
Choosing the Right KVM Switch There are several factors to consider when choosing a KVM switch: the number of computers you'll want to control, the type of connections you need, and extra features such as audio switching or remote control. Cadyce will offer a line of KVM switches to meet your needs. Enhance your workspace and increase productivity with advanced KVM switch solutions by Cadyce. Browse through our range on our website https://cadyce.com/ and learn how a KVM switch can change your workspace completely.
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nenamatic · 6 months
AI Writers have totally changed the game! They're revolutionizing the way we create content and are on their way to becoming a permanent part of our lives. Over the past year, I've tried out a bunch of AI writing tools like Rytr, Copy AI, and Scalenut. After a lot of trial and error, I'm finally ready to give you a full review of Jasper AI. In this review, we'll go over what it is, its user interface, the most important features, and some of the most popular apps. We'll also look at its price plans, customer service, and alternatives. If you're interested in learning more about how it can help you create content, check out our blog post! Jasper AI delivers amazing results that exceed your expectations. After testing several AI tools in the last two months, I can confidently say that jasper is one of the best tools out there. It has an easy-to-use interface, intuitive features, and great customer support. Thanks to jasper's help, you can easily achieve your goals and get more value out of your data. data jasper AI (previously jasper alexis alexis) is an AI copywriter software. Founded in 2021 by Mr. Dave Rogenmoser in 2021, the company is based in Austin U.S.A. Currently, the company has more than 70k clients. How Jasper Ai Works? Jasper AI uses the latest generation of language prediction model GPT-3 . The model contains 175 billion variables, which is why it is capable of producing accurate and relevant data. Some of the most well-known AI writing programs are Rytr, Writesonic, Copy AI... Jasper Ai Pricing Jasper Ai Pricing Jasper AI has two subscription plans that can be found on the Pricing page: Creator is 59 dollars per month,39 if you per yearly. Teams plan is 125 dollars per month, 99 if you pay for one year. Overall, the cost of Jasper AI is quite high, which is not suitable for all users. If you are looking for a more affordable AI writer, we recommend alternatives such as: Writesonic, Copy Ai, Rytr. Free Trial Jasper AI has a free trial that allows you to try out all the features in Boss Mode for 7 days. The best part is that you don’t need to enter your credit card details to take advantage of this free trial! Payment Methods At the moment, you can only pay with major debit/credit cards. I would like to see them offer other payment options like UPI soon. Refund Policy If you’re not happy with your experience, you can change your plan within 5 days to get a full refund. Jasper Ai User Interface Jasper AI’s user interface is modern and stylish, with a minimalistic design. It’s very fast and I didn’t had any during my use. On the dashboard, you’ll find a list of tasks that can help you earn all your free credits. You’ll also find the AI templates and additional tools on the left side. The help icon on the right helps you get answers to your questions through email tickets, knowledge base tutorials, or even in the community. Content Tools Jasper AI Key Features SEO integration to create SEO optimized blog articles to get ranked for relevant keywords in search engines, thanks to the Surfer Seo. Integration with Grammarly to meet all of your editing requirements The tool has the ability to create and translate content into 26 languages. Create Quora or read the responses Find blog post topics and meta descriptions, subject lines for emails, product descriptions, and more useful content in a matter of just a few seconds Create quality video content for various formats, such as video scripts, social media and sales emails, video titles and much more. Content enhancer - take the content you have already written and modify in a way that makes it intriguing innovative, engaging, and creative by using different copy variants Tone - You can customize your content with a range of tones, like friendly or witty, I'm professional, disappointed, and creative. You can even use celebrities' names to personalize your content. You select the tone you want to use by hand.
YuuTube Templates Jasper Ai Use Cases With Examples Blog Post Outline I used this template in order to make blog post outline. The title was Best Chat GPT plugins. And this was the result: 1. Introducing GPT Chat Plugins – How to Automate Your Conversations 2. Exploring the Benefits of GPT Chat Plugins 3. Finding the Right GPT Chat Plugin for Your Needs 4. Setting Up and Testing a GPT Chat Plugin 5. Tips for Optimizing Your GPT Chat Plugin 6. Troubleshooting Common Issues with GPT Chat Plugins 7. The Future of GPT Chat Plugins – Where Are We Headed Next? 1. Introducing GPT Chat plugins – What they are and why you need them 2. A Roundup of the Best GPT Chat Plugins for WordPress 3. How to Set Up GPT Chat Plugins on Your WordPress Site 4. Using GPT Chat Plugins to Create Engaging Experiences for Your Visitors 5. How to Make Sure Your Site is GDPR Compliant with GPT Chat Plugins 6. Wrapping Up – Benefits of Having GPT Chat Plugins On Your Site Blog Post Topic Ideas I have used another template for topic ideas. I wrote input for marketing agency and I targeted busy moms as audience. Blog Post Intro Here is my example of blog post intro. I asked Jasper to make an intro for Best Chat GPT Plugins. First Intro: Chatbots aren't just a convenient way to interact with potential customers—they're now a necessary tool for successful marketing in today's digital space. But not all chatbot platforms are created equal: To make the most of your conversations, you'll need to invest in some powerful and reliable chatbot plugins. Luckily, ChatGPT has you covered! With its robust collection of plugins available, it’s easy to find one that suits your unique needs and provide an engaging customer experience. In this blog post, we'll explore the best ChatGPT plug-ins and highlight how they might help revolutionize your conversations - so buckle up for an exciting ride! Second Intro: Are you looking for a way to easily add chat-based automation to your marketing campaigns? Take a look at ChatGPT plugins – they are the perfect solution for improving customer engagement and streamlining your workflow. ChatGPT is an AI bot that can carry out conversations with customers on behalf of your business, allowing you to focus more on the bigger picture tasks. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why these plugins make life easier for marketers and uncover some of the best options available in 2023. So, after testing ,I can say that Blog Intros , Blog Post Conclusion Paragraph ,Paragraph Generator ,Content Improver , Content Summarizer and Meta descriptions are awesome ! Some other features needs improvement. Grammar And Plagiarism A lot of work has been put into making machine learning algorithms more efficient to create more natural-looking content. Although it's not quite there yet but the artificial intelligence tools for copywriting have improved significantly in recent times. To be consistent with a few the other AI test, we made around 300 words that I ran through Grammarly. The words scored average of 87 for grammar, which is similar to the other tests we have. If you are using one of these tools, you have to check plagiarism! All Ai Writers have problem with creating an unique content. I tested Jasper Ai and result came with 20 % of plagiarism. In the case of AI-generated texts, accuracy and the truthfulness of text can be a major issue. In my opinion, accuracy of content is one of the main concerns in regards to AI-generated content. Conclusion We're only beginning to discover what these AI-powered content tools can do, and I'm sure they'll get better in the coming years. We hope that you found our Jasper AI review helpful. What is the best way to predict where this will affect blogging and online business? However, in spite of all benefits of Jasper Ai, I don't think that I can count on AI to produce content that could take writers of content out of work in the near future!
If you want to learn more about Ai writing tools read my other articles: Writesonic Ai Review Rytr Ai Review Copy Ai Review
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themomsandthecity · 9 months
I Tested Amazon's Bestselling Kids' Camera, and It's a Keeper
Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Angela Elias One evening while reaching for my phone, I noticed that my preschooler had used it to snap a bunch of photos. There were sweet portraits of his older brother, a view of cotton candy clouds from his bedroom window, a candid picture of me immersed in dinner prep, and more. Scrolling through the pictures was like walking through our family home through his eyes. I made a mental note to refresh my phone's lock code and to get this little guy his own camera. After comparing kids' cameras on Amazon, I landed on the Goopow Kids Camera Toy ($28, originally $37), and it's been a fun introduction to photography play. What I Like About the Goopow Kids Camera Toy At less than $30, it's an affordable, low-stakes introduction to a kids' camera. As a parent who has invested in toys to foster my kids' budding hobbies, I've learned that sometimes learning toys take, and sometimes they don't. The camera comes in several colors and shapes - I chose the blue, cat-themed camera for my animal-loving kiddo. Aside from being cheap and cute, it's also surprisingly versatile. In addition to being able to take pictures, it has a selfie function, video capability, funny frames, and even games. It also comes with a neck strap, a 32GB card, and a USB cord for recharging. It's lightweight and easy to throw in a backpack for a trip to the park or zoo and car rides. Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Angela Elias What's Worth Noting About the Goopow Kids Camera Toy With a 2.62-inch screen and meager pixels, it's not going to capture anything close to the quality of an iPhone photo. That being said, the fact that my son has free rein over it seems to outweigh the lack of picture quality, at least for him. While it's pretty intuitive, my 4-year-old son still needs me to help him navigate it. He often gets stuck in certain function modes and needs my help. On the other hand, my 7-year-old son can zip through the functions, bouncing between selfie mode and the three games without any issue. The brand says this camera is geared towards kids ages 3 to 8, but I can't imagine a 3-year-old being able to do more than snap photos once you've set them up in photo mode. Depending on how much independence you want them to have, ages 5 to 7 seems to be a sweeter spot. Both of my kids usually forget to turn the camera off when they're finished playing with it, and it has one and a half to two hours of continuous photo time before it needs to be recharged. Image Source: POPSUGAR Photography / Angela Elias Who Is the Goopow Kids Camera Toy Best For? This camera is best for anyone looking for an affordable toy camera for their young kids or a good gift for kids who have everything. It doesn't provide as much endless play as a Magna-Tiles building set, but it sparks curiosity and experimentation. If you aren't expecting high-quality photos and are instead more interested in getting them something they can travel and play with, then this lightweight, durable design is a good option. Additional Details: * It features a 2.62" LCD screen design. * Its functions include photo capture, video recording, playback, game play, date setting, and frame selections. * It's intended for children ages 3 to 8. * It has a built-in 3.7V rechargeable lithium battery, one and a half to two hours of run time, and an SD Card slot with a 32GB card included. Where Is the Goopow Kids Camera Toy Available to Shop? You can purchase the Goopow Kids Camera Toy ($16) at Walmart and Amazon. Rating: https://www.popsugar.com/family/goopow-kids-camera-toy-review-49328856?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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ibrinfotech · 10 months
Latest Trends And Importance Of Front End Development In The Modern Web
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 If you look at the world of websites then you will realise that it has changed drastically now than ever. This is why front end developers have been the talk of the town these days. Some folks are saying it might fade into the background, while others are waving flags saying, nothing is going to replace them as they are super important. 
It's like being on the frontline of a grand adventure, understanding why front end web development is in talk. Crafting websites and apps that are a joy to use and zoom through the digital space! If you are keen to know about the latest trend related to front end development and why it is important then read the article till the end. Hence read till the end and you won’t front end investing your time, for sure!
Know About The Latest Trends in front end Development
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Play a Role
So, in these past few years, AI and machine learning have basically become the cool kids on the block in front end development services. They've got these superpowers that help out front end developers, like having a genius assistant by your side. Picture this: AI-powered tools and libraries lending a hand, doing the boring stuff for you, and even suggesting clever ideas or writing code snippets. It's like having a coding buddy that's both smart and efficient!
What's the real magic here? Well, it's all about cutting down on the repetitive and dull parts of front end web development. AI swoops in and says, "Hey, I got this!" That means the developers will have more period of time and intellectual ability to produce something out of the ordinary. So, we're looking at a future where front end folks get to focus on the fun stuff, all thanks to AI lending a helping hand!
Platforms with No/Low Code are on the Rise
Imagine this: there's this tech wave that's making web development a breeze for both businesses and developers. It's like having a magic wand that lets you create websites and apps with just a few clicks—no fancy coding degree is required. 
But here's the thing: while these no-code and low-code platforms are fantastic, let's not forget the real MVPs—the developers who offer front end development services. They're like the wizards behind the scenes, the ones who can waive their wands (or code!) to create personalised, top-notch solutions. They've got the secret sauce to optimise and tailor things just right. And hey, after the magic show, they're the ones who stick around to keep things running smoothly, providing ongoing support and making sure your web creations stay as awesome as day one.
So, it's a team effort—no-code and low-code platforms are like the assistants and front end developers? They're the true magicians making the web a magical place! 
Modern Web Frameworks/Libraries' Impact (React, Vue, Angular)
You know, these modern web frameworks and libraries are like the superheroes of web development. They've swooped in and changed the game, making it a breeze for developers to build really fancy web apps. It's like having a bunch of powerful tools in your toolbox that let you craft amazing, feature-packed web applications without pulling your hair out.
Now, here's the nifty part: by mastering these frameworks and libraries—kind of like becoming a wizard with a magic wand—front end development services offering developers become these tech rockstars. They stay on the cutting edge, offering businesses and clients something truly special. It's like saying, “We have all the skills to make your web dreams come true”
The Importance of Front End Skills In A Developing Digital Landscape
User Experience and Intuitive Design
front end development focuses on user experience (UX) and intuitive design. A good user experience design can affect user behaviour and contribute to a website's or application's overall success. Front end development services offering developers are responsible for building and implementing user-friendly designs that allow users to easily navigate and interact with websites and applications.
Accessibility and Inclusive Design
In today's digital environment, accessibility and inclusive design are critical components. front end developers are responsible for developing websites and applications that are accessible to users of various skills and limitations. Developers must consider a wide range of accessibility features that cater to varied user needs, from keyboard navigation to alternative text for images.
Performance Optimization and SEO
Another crucial part of front end web development is performance optimisation, which has a direct impact on user happiness and search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts. A slow-loading website can turn off visitors and harm a website's search engine rankings. From minifying CSS and JavaScript files to optimising pictures and implementing lazy loading, front end developers must optimise website speed.
Looking Ahead: The Ongoing Evolution of front end Development
Front end development services and the developers also are gearing up for a tech makeover. AI, machine learning, and those no-code/low-code platforms are like the shiny fascinating everyone these days. We're talking about a world where you won't need to be a coding genius to build cool stuff. So it’s an upgrade with less effort and work which makes assigned tasks easy. 
The developers and their front end development services are the true heroes here. As the tech landscape changes and evolves, they're also adapting and growing their skills. Their role? Oh, it's staying as important as ever. They're the ones who make websites and apps feel like home. It's all about making sure users have an amazing experience, the site is easy to use, and it's faster than a speeding bullet.
So, in this exciting journey into the future, front end web development and front end development services along with developers are like the navigators, steering the ship and making sure we all reach tech greatness! Hence if you are looking for front end development services IBR Infotech is the right choice for your requirements.
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mrkhan75090 · 11 months
Dzign Review – Make $521.11 Per Day In Profit
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Dzign Review – Product Overview
Product: DzignCraft
Developed by: Seyi Adeleke
Price: $17 (Front End)
Content Type: Online Design Software
Niche: Design
Bonuses: Extensive Bonus Package Included
Refund Policy: Yes, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
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If you act now, you will instantly receive [bonuses] worth over $12,879.22
This bonus is designed specifically to help you get 10x the results, in half the time required
​There is nothing else required for you to start earning with Dzign, No hidden fees, no monthly costs, nothing. 
​Remember, you’re protected by our money-back guarantee, If you fail, Not only will we refund your money. 
We will send you bunch of bonuses as a gift just for wasting your time 
Dzign Review – What is Dzign?
Dzign stands out as a revolutionary 9-in-1 application powered by AI, offering an impressive ability to generate virtually anything in less than 40 seconds. It bids farewell to the cumbersome trio of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, liberating users from the intricacies of MidJourney’s complex processes. Dzign not only redefines the design journey by simplifying it and eliminating intricate setups and initial costs but also goes beyond, featuring an integrated marketplace and a repository of over 2,000 Done-For-You templates across various niches. Welcome to an era of effortless and rapid design with Dzign.
Its acclaim is rooted in unparalleled convenience, consolidating various design tools into one platform and eliminating the need for installing disparate software packages. This streamlining of workflows translates to significant time savings. Additionally, Dzign’s AI capabilities empower users to enhance designs through sophisticated algorithms, producing visually appealing and professionally high-quality outputs.
Beyond its functionality, Dzign boasts an intuitive interface accessible to both novice and experienced designers. It provides users with an array of tools and lessons, catering to the refinement of creative skills for marketers, graphic designers, or anyone looking to elevate their design prowess.
How Does Dzign Work?
Login to Dzign Cloud-Based And Intuitive App
Enter A Keyword, And Select What Type Of Design You Want
(Boxshot, eCover, Logos, Websites, Funnels, Ads, Flyers, Business Cards, And More…)
Get Dozens Of Designs Within Seconds.
Use It On Your Business OR Sell It On Our Marketplace
Everytime We Put New Designs For Sale On Our Marketplace
We Make Money Like This…
Dzign Review – Features and Benefits Of  Dzign
Generate Futuristic AI Designs With A Click Of A Button…
Turn A Keyword Into (Boxshot, eCover, Logo, Flyers, Banners, Business Cards, Websites, And More).
Never Use PhotoShop, InDesign, Illustrator Or MidJourney Again…
No Learning Or Experience Needed, Dzign Is An Intuitive App…
Never Pay A Designer Again. Do All Your Designs In Seconds…
Use Dzign To Charge Clients $497 For Any Design.
ZERO Limits On Features Or Usages
Dzign Will Line Up Customers For You On Autopilot
Sell Your Designs On Our Marketplace With Thousands Of Instant-Buyers.
99.99% Up-Time Guaranteed
ZERO Upfront Cost
Dzign Review – Who Can Use Dzign?
Marketers: Those involved in marketing can leverage Dzign to create compelling graphics, banners, and promotional materials for their campaigns.
Graphic Designers: Professionals or enthusiasts in graphic design can use Dzign to streamline their workflow, generate diverse designs, and enhance their creative projects.
Online Entrepreneurs: Individuals running online businesses can benefit from Dzign by quickly creating logos, websites, eCovers, and other visual elements without the need for extensive design skills.
Business Owners: Whether you own a small business or a larger enterprise, Dzign allows you to produce professional-looking designs for branding, advertising, and marketing purposes.
Freelancers: Freelancers offering design services can use Dzign to efficiently meet their clients’ needs, offering a wide range of designs without the complexity of traditional design software.
Anyone Seeking Design Solutions: Dzign’s user-friendly interface and AI-powered capabilities make it accessible to individuals with no prior design experience, enabling them to create visually appealing content effortlessly.
How Does Dzign Help You in Your Business? 
Efficient Design Creation:
Dzign’s AI-powered capabilities allow for the rapid generation of various design elements such as logos, websites, eCovers, flyers, banners, business cards, and more.
This speed and efficiency enable you to create visually appealing materials in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional design software.
Cost Savings:
By eliminating the need for expensive design software and the associated learning curve, Dzign helps save on upfront costs.
You can avoid hiring professional designers for every project, reducing outsourcing expenses.
Versatility in Design:
Dzign’s 9-in-1 application offers versatility, allowing you to create a wide range of designs to meet different business needs.
Whether it’s branding, marketing materials, or promotional content, Dzign provides a one-stop solution.
No Learning Curve:
Dzign’s intuitive interface makes it accessible to individuals with varying levels of design expertise.
You don’t need to invest time and resources in extensive training or hiring specialized personnel.
Autopilot Client Generation:
Dzign features a client generator that can line up customers for you on autopilot.
This can be particularly beneficial if you’re offering design services, as Dzign helps attract potential clients to your business effortlessly.
Marketplace Sales:
The integrated marketplace in Dzign allows you to sell your designs to a wide audience of instant buyers.
This additional revenue stream can contribute to the overall profitability of your business.
Time-Saving Workflow:
Dzign’s streamlined workflow, coupled with the ability to generate designs within seconds, saves you time and allows you to focus on other aspects of your business.
Professional-Quality Outputs:
The AI capabilities of Dzign ensure that the designs produced are not just quick but also of high quality, meeting professional standards.
Automation for Social Media:
Dzign’s Social Media Automation bonus enables you to attract social media users to your marketplace without extra effort.
This can be an effective strategy for increasing visibility and engagement on social platforms.
Traffic Boosting Strategies:
The Marketplace Traffic Booster bonus provides tips and strategies to drive traffic to your Dzign Marketplace, potentially increasing sales.
Dzign OTO and My Special Bonuses
Bonus #1 – Dzign 6-Figure In 60 Days Live Event
Get VIP access to our live mastermind event and copy n’ paste our Dzign underground system we use to make 6-figures in 60 days. This alone is worth 5x what you will pay today, and it’s yours for free!​
(Value $1997)
Bonus #2 – Dzign Marketplace Traffic Booster
Discover The Top-Secret Tips And Strategies To Get Tons Of Traffic To Your Dzign Marketplace, and Boost Your Sales! ​ Use this system to solve all your traffic problems and get an avalanche of targeted visitors bombarding your marketplace, and buying your graphics and design… Day in & day out 
(Value $997)
Bonus #3 – Dzign AI Digital Funnel System
Discover how to create an automated digital sales funnel that makes sales 24 hours a day on autopilot.
This is a complete ready to go sales funnel in a hot in-demand niche. You can easily use your Dzign app generated designs  to promote your funnels, and get sales round the clock. 
(Value $497)
Bonus #4 – Dzign Social Media Automation
If you have a social media account You can get paid on automation using the designs (e.g banner, logo, fliers, boxshot, etc) you created with Dzign to attract millions of these social media users to your Dzign marketplace without doing extra work or trying to pitch anybody.
This Automation works on virtually every social media account integrated with your Dzign app. 
(Value $697)
Bonus #5 – Dzign Internet Marketing Goldmine
Discover the easiest way to create a profitable online business that makes you money while you sleep & how to scale up your results to from 3-4-5-6 figures/month.​
(Value $497)
App Powered By Generative AI 
The only app on the market that leverages generative AI to generate any design you want 
(Worth $997/mo) 
Dzign Includes EVERYTHING 
You Will Need…  
ZERO-Skill Designer 
Let Dzign generate any (logo, boxshot, eCover, website, flyer, business card, branding, and more) 
Without you learning ANYTHING
(Worth $997) 
Dzign Client Generator   
Wanna sell Dzign as a service? 
Let Dzign line up customers for you on autopilot… 
And you just sit back and enjoy the results 
(Worth $997)
Dzign Mobile EDITION
This will allow you to also operate Dzign, even from your mobile phone… 
Whether it’s an Android, iPhone, or tablet, it will work…
​(Worth $497)
Training Videos  
There is NOTHING missing in this training… 
Everything you need to know is explained in IMMENSE details 
(Worth $997) 
World-class support 
Have a question? Just reach out to us and our team will do their best to fix your problem in no time 
(Worth A LOT) 
Frequently Asked Questions On Dzign
Do I need any experience to get started? 
None, all you need is just an internet connection. And you’re good to go
Is there any monthly cost?
Depends, If you act now, NONE. 
But if you wait, you might end up paying $997/mo
It’s up to you. 
How long does it take to make money?
Our average member made their first sale the same day they got access to Dzign.
Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?
Nop, Dzign is the complete thing. 
You get everything you need to make it work. Nothing is left behind. 
What if I failed?
While that is unlikely, we removed all the risk for you. 
If you tried Dzign and failed, we will refund you every cent you paid 
And send you a bunch of bonuses on top of that just to apologize for wasting your time. 
How can I get started?
Awesome, I like your excitement, All you have to do is click any of the buy buttons on the page, and secure your copy of Dzign at a one-time fee
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Time to make it happen!
My most precious, delicate and cherished Treasured Souls(tm)....
I come to you with aligned chakras, an activated third eye and a totally rockin' vibe as we head into the Fall season! The 12 week groups are half filled, I want YOU to take up those remaining spots! Let's write your scripts! I've added a lot of structure and clarity to this format and you also get two 60 minute 1:1 sessions with me! Don't finish the year without getting that project out of you and into the world. You can't beat the support and inspiration of the groups, you deserve this! 
Writing Gym is back! Mon-Wed-Fri 10-12pm pt on Zoom! Details below!
I've pushed back the Intuitive Filmmaking class two weeks, so it'll start Sunday Sept. 24th 12-3 and run for 8 weeks. I am also going to rename the class Acting, Writing, Directing.  The more I develop the class and bring myself to it, the more I realize that I want to create a class centered on the symbiosis of these three disciplines. When I wrote, directed and acted in my first feature, it was a transformative experience and I saw how the three disciplines build on each other and one of the most powerful ways to grow in one discipline is to stretch yourself in one or both of the other disciplines. I'm saying discipline a lot! This is a class where we will get present, open our hearts and create work from the most inspired and alive place inside of us. You can bring in an existing project or we can jump in and create something for you in the lab. You will leave the class clear on how to embody and execute your story as an actor, writer and director, even if you don't intend on playing all those roles in the final product.... PS I attended the "Actor's Gym" at the New Collective Acting Studio (where the class will be held) and it was so healing and energizing! The space is incredible and the vibes were so powerful. To be in person with other artists, working on our craft, using our emotions and experiences to create was something I needed so damn much and didn't realize how creatively dehydrated I felt until I was back in that mode again. Let's get together and get back to the deep magic of in person collaboration and create some amazing filmmaking shit! Let's get it!
For those who aren't in LA, I'm offering the Write to Shoot short film class that will be in the same vein as the in person class! It's all about letting go and creating deep work with no premeditation and empowering yourself to actually make stuff! So many of us are afraid because we think we have to know a bunch of shit to write and direct something, but the truth is you just need to stumble through and learn as you go. I'll show you how to do it! Let's go!
Here are all the class details!***$50 off for any class if you sign up with a friend!!!***
Develop and write a feature or pilot with Scott and a concentrated group of writers. I've also added tons of structure templates and writing exercises to support the process. This course also includes two 60 minute 1:1 sessions with Scott throughout the course! 
Sessions Begin:
Tuesdays starting Sept. 19th 10am-1pm pt (3 spots left)
Wednesdays starting Sept. 20th 6-9pm pt (2 spots left)
Cost: $750
You can break into two or three payments if helpful!
8 week in person class designed for filmmakers to help them develop their work and deepen their filmmaking craft. The class merges acting, writing and directing in a playful and focused lab environment that enables students to discover the beating heart of their story and refine their vision and voice as filmmakers. You'll learn practical skills like how to break down and block scenes using "beats and actions," how to shot list and how to work with actors, but more importantly, you'll learn how to use your emotions and intuition to create and execute your vision! (7 students max)
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 24th 12-3pm pst ... 8 weeks, in person at the New Collective Acting Studio in Los Angeles
Cost: $725 
payment plans available
***Email me to Apply***
This is a new class I'm offering! The goal of the class is to remove all blocks between you and your creativity and to get you creating a film that only you can make! Students are encouraged to begin with NO IDEA! I will guide you through a process to organically create a script and eventual short film using only the things you already have at your disposal. This is not a class where you learn how to make a film with a proper crew and budget, this is about growing your filmmaking craft using tools and resources accessible to you. You'll learn the nuts and bolts of writing and directing by doing it! Students will block and shoot a "sketch" version of one scene in their film within the timeline of the class and they will end with a finished script and plan for shooting the full version of their film. 
FRIDAYS starting October 6th 10am-1:00pm pt runs for 6 weeks
Cost: $500
Can split into two payments if helpful!
***This class includes a 60 minute 1:1 session with Scott! 
This is a supportive place to get writing done and connect with fellow writers. It starts as a chill hang zone and then turns into a silent, focused space to get shit done. I'm going to be on Zoom from 10am-12pm pt Mon, Wed and Fri for all who want to join! We will chat and discuss projects from 10-10:30 and then we will do a loose pomodoro style from 10:30-12 taking 5 minute breaks every 25 minutes. Come hang, invite a friend! You can stay for one or both hours!
This is totally FREE!!!
Here is the Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7249165836
Lots of love,
Scott Rodgers
0 notes
oudelinc · 1 year
MongoDB vs PostgreSQL 9 Key Differences
MongoDB vs PostgreSQL 9 Key Differences. Learn about 9 key differences between MongoDB and PostgreSQL so you can choose the right database for your project.
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List of blogs you will read in this content:
1. What is MongoDB? 2. What is PostgreSQL? 3. Differences between MongoDB and PostgreSQL 4. Conclusion: Which is best?
MongoDB and PostgreSQL are the most exoteric and widely used database management systems. Although both are designed to store and operate data, they have some important differences in architecture, functionality, performance, and scalability. In this article, we’ll explore the key differences between MongoDB and PostgreSQL to better understand which one to choose based on your specific needs.
What is MongoDB?
MongoDB is the new kid on the database management system block. It is a document-oriented database, storing data as documents instead of tables and rows like traditional relational databases. Think of it like a digital filing cabinet, where each document is unique and contains all the information needed to access and manipulate it. The main part? No more tedious SQL queries! MongoDB uses a simple and intuitive query language that makes searching and retrieving data a breeze.
Another great thing about MongoDB is the ability to scale horizontally. With its distributed architecture, you can simply add more nodes to your bunch as your data grows without sacrificing performance. It’s like having an army of data minions cause tirelessly to confirm your applications run easily. Also, MongoDB is open source, which means it’s free to use and you can contribute to its improvement. So, if you’re looking for a sophisticated database that’s easy to use and can handle any workload, then MongoDB might be right for you.
What is PostgreSQL?
PostgreSQL is like that old, unfailing friend you can always count on. It started in the 80s and has evolved into a powerful and stable database management system. PostgreSQL is a relative database that stores data in tables and rows that have relationships between them. If you are a fan of SQL, PostgreSQL is your jam. It offers a rich set of features for intricate queries and supports advanced data types like arrays and JSON
One of the nice things about PostgreSQL is its extensibility. You can make consecutive data types, functions, and even programming languages run inside the database. It’s like estate a swiss army knife for data administration. In collation, PostgreSQL is open source and has a vibrant people of contributors that continuously enhance its performance and add new features. Whether residence an easy web app or a complex data warehouse, PostgreSQL is a solid choice that won’t let you down.
Difference between MongoDB and PostgreSQL
Data modeling
A key difference between MongoDB and PostgreSQL is their data modeling approach. MongoDB is a document-based database that stores data as JSON documents. Each document contains all the necessary information about an object, and you can nest documents within documents to represent complex data structures. On the other hand, PostgreSQL is a relational database that stores data in tables and rows. In PostgreSQL, you define a schema with a specific set of columns and data types, and your data must fit that schema.
The advantage of MongoDB’s data modeling approach is its flexibility. A specific schema doesn’t limit you, and you can easily add or remove fields from your document as your data changes. On the other hand, PostgreSQL’s strict schema provides more control over data integrity and consistency. This ensures that data is stored in a standardized format and prevents missing or duplicate data.
Query language
MongoDB uses a query language named MongoDB Query Language (MQL), which is like to SQL but optimized for handling JSON data. MQL is a mighty and intuitive language that supports complex queries, sum, and full-text searches. PostgreSQL, on the other hand, uses SQL, a standard query language used by most relational databases. SQL offers a rich set of features for searching data, including joins, subqueries, and window functions.
The advantage of MQL is that it is specifically designed to handle JSON data, which makes it easier to work with when working with complex data structures. However, if you are already familiar with SQL, PostgreSQL’s query language should be easy to learn and use. SQL is a mature language with a large user community, so you can find plenty of resources and help online.
ACID Compliance
ACID (Atomicity, Firmness, Isolation, and Durability) is a set of properties that ensure that transactions are completed well despite errors or system failures. MongoDB and PostgreSQL are ACID compliant but achieve this in slightly different ways. MongoDB uses multi-document transactions, which allow you to transact on multiple documents in a single operation. PostgreSQL, on the other arm, supports consecutive SQL transactions, which are more familiar to developers.
The advantage of MongoDB’s multi-document transaction is that it allows you to perform complex operations on multiple documents in a single transaction. However, PostgreSQL’s consecutive SQL transactions are more extensively understood and supported, making it a safer choice for mission-critical applications.
Scalability refers to the ability of the database to handle increasing data and users without sacrificing performance. Both MongoDB and PostgreSQL are scalable but achieve this in different ways. MongoDB scales horizontally by sharding data across multiple nodes, which allows it to handle large amounts of data and traffic. PostgreSQL scales vertically by adding more resources to a single instance, such as CPU, memory, and storage.
The advantage of the horizontal scaling of MongoDB is that it can handle limitless data and traffic by adding more nodes to the bunch. On the other arm, PostgreSQL’s vertical scaling is more narrow by the resources available on a single instance. Only, it is easier to manage and sustain than a cluster of nodes.
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The transcript is the copying of data from one database to another to confirm high availability and redundancy. Both MongoDB and PostgreSQL backing replication, but they do it in slightly different ways. MongoDB uses replica sets comprising multiple nodes that synchronize data. PostgreSQL uses streaming replication, which involves copying data from one server to another in real-time.
The advantage of MongoDB’s replica sets is that they provide automatic failover and data redundancy, which makes it easier to ensure high availability. However, PostgreSQL’s streaming replication is more supple, allowing you to replicate data between servers with different configurations and versions.
Indexing is creating data structures that allow fast and efficient data retrieval. Both MongoDB and PostgreSQL are backing indexing, but they do it differently. MongoDB uses automatic indexing, which automatically makes indexes for frequently used queries. PostgreSQL requires you to generate indexes on columns that are frequently queried manually.
The benefit of MongoDB’s automatic indexing is that it saves developers time and endeavor, as they don’t have to worry about creating indexes for easy queries. However, this can create redundant indexes, slow down writes, and increase storage requirements. Manual indexing in PostgreSQL provides more rules over how indexes are built and maintained, which can lead to better performance.
Conclusion: Which is best?
Choosing between MongoDB and PostgreSQL trusts the specific needs of the project. MongoDB is a great option for appeal that handle large amounts of unstructured data and require high performance and scalability. On the other hand, PostgreSQL is ideal for applications that require complicated queries, transactions, and data consistency.
Both databases have their strengths and weaknesses, and it is important to thoroughly evaluate project requirements before making a decision. Regardless of the choice, it is important to consider the security, reliability and maintainability of the selected database.
MongoDB is a NoSQL database that specializes in managing unstructured data, making it ideal for real-time analytics and big data applications.
PostgreSQL is a relational database that offers strong data consistency and ACID compliance, making it perfect for transactional applications and complex queries.
MongoDB uses progressive schemas, while PostgreSQL uses static schemas, meaning data can be compacted into MongoDB without a predefined structure. However, it must conform to a defined structure in PostgreSQL.
Dissimilar MongoDB, PostgreSQL supports the JOIN operation, which is essential for complex queries that require information from many tables. However, MongoDB offers faster data retrieval and better scalability.
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mi4014tomberry · 2 years
Maya Landscape Project 1
The following images will form a foundation of inspiration behind my landscape project in Maya.
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Terrance Unchained
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2. Zdzisław Beksiński
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3. Hans Ruedi Giger
These are the initial 3 artists I wanted to base my project on, I've been a fan of all of them for a very long time now and initially I wanted to head towards a dystopian possibly cyber punk-esque aesthetic however I found that as I'm a novice in Maya, focusing on creating people/creatures within a landscape would detract from the landscape itself as it would take up the majority of my time. I am instead thinking of focusing on creating statues inspired by these figures as a part of some dystopian temple instead of making cultist type figures. Hopefully this will come together nicely as I can focus on creating an immersive landscape without biting off more than I can chew by creating poorly animated creatures.
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Howard Phillips Lovecraft
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2. Junji Ito
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3. George Orwell
I find that a lot of the artists and media that I am drawn towards centres around somewhat of an otherworldly, generally darker atmosphere. In June last year I got a bunch of books for my birthday because there was a lot of fiction I was interested in and had heard about but had never had the chance to read and appreciate for myself. Among the classic novels that I was interested in was 1984 because I had heard of its acclaim and status as a novel and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I thought that I could include somewhat of a Big Brother type figure in my landscape drawing upon the idea of an omnipotent ruling icon, maybe I could include propaganda or some sort of symbolism of an oppressive all powerful other. This is helped by the Lovecraftian fiction I have also been working my way through. I really love the worlds that he immerses you in when reading a short story, I wanted to use his eldritch gods as the inspiration for the theme of the landscape because I thought his work especially would pair itself well with Beksinski and Giger. Finally I have Junji Ito, a Japanese Manga author and artist whose work was heavily inspired by Lovecraft. From these artists I am deriving an atmosphere and collection of themes that I will attempt to embody in my landscape. As this project is about creating a 'World of Delights' it may seem counter intuitive to create a landscape centred around dystopia and horror but these works of art and fiction are what I love to get lost in and all pair well with one another and builds a general idea of the sort of landscape I could create.
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Antoni Gaudí - La Sagrada Familia
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2. The Ancient Egyptians - The Great Pyramids
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3. The Nabataeans - Petra
As I was focusing on these otherworldly landscapes and creatures I collected some architectural marvels that could inspire my landscape. I am thinking of making some sort of an ancient temple and thought that Gaudi's work, primarily La Sagrada Familia, would be a perfect template for the temple I could make. All of the grandiose spires, statues and beautiful detailing across the entire building fit the general tone I was aiming for perfectly. I am going to draw upon possibly a ruin of such a temple discovered by the viewers as we enter a place untouched for millennia. I love the idea of stumbling upon something ancient and unknown and always wanted to explore these sorts of things when I was little and was sad to learn that the majority of our world is charted and mapped out, only the very deepest jungles and oceans remain unexplored. That's why I love fiction and art that allows you to get lost into another world and feel as though you yourself can venture into the unknown. The Great Pyramids of Egypt and Petra are prime examples of these ancient temples from history that remain some of the most fascinating areas of history. Petra is astonishing and I hope some day to go there and see it for myself. It also got me thinking about Indiana Jones as it is featured in The Last Crusade and I thought it might be fun to make a temple drawing from all of the artists, architects and authors I have chosen to combine into some fantasy temple that an Adventurer/ Archeologist could explore and use the camera as a POV of someone entering the temple in search of an ancient artefact like in Raiders of the Lost Ark's opening.
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Burnt/ Burning Matches, this is a smell that I've always liked for whatever reason and can incorporate it into the temple with the use of burning torches to like the way.
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As there aren't many smells that stick out to me other than this I figured I would flip the idea of 'Smells of Delight' on its head and pick two distinct smells that I remember despising which would fit the theme of this project really well. The locations above are the Thackray Museum in Leeds and London Dungeon, I remember both of these locations having a musky odour that really made me feel ill. This sort of dusky, musty smells really had an effect on me and I remember going round these museums holding my nose so that I could stand the smell. I think this sort of smell and tone would work really well with everything I have collected so far.
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Mount Vesuvius
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2. Wieliczka Salt Mine
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3. Lake District - Helvellyn
These are the three stand out views that come to mind when I am think back over some inspiring locations I have been to. I remember going to Rome on holiday and being amazed by all the different ruins including both Pompeii and Herculaneum both of which were ravaged by Vesuvius' eruption. I thought that I could again draw inspiration from this holiday and build towards my ancient temple theme. I maybe create a thriving civilisation long forgotten after it was buried under layer upon layer of Volcanic rock, maybe they even harnessed the lava in their city and I could have rivers of lava flowing through the temple which still remains active. At the moment I'm not sure but I can definitely work with this idea. The Wieliczka Salt Mine is one of the most unique places I have ever been to. It is a Polish salt mine full of amazing structure, rock formations and even a chapel made by the miners with amazing relief sculpture carved into the walls. It is one of the most memorable places I have been to as it just really stands out from everywhere else. It also fits perfectly into the theme of an underground ancient temple. Finally there is the Lake District, this is a stark contrast from the other two locations but is also just as memorable, I've only ever been to the Lake District once and it was another place filled with memorable views. Unfortunately this location doesn't fit with the rest of the theme but at the time I didn't know what sort of a direction this project would go as it could have headed towards more of a utopian peaceful setting with the English Countryside acting as the inspiration behind the setting.
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There isn't a lot of objects that I hold near and dear to me other than primarily the blue folder in the first photo. It's a collection of all my drawing, doodles and writings over the years since year 9ish and so it has a lot of sentimental value to me. I could maybe use this as the inspiration behind the artefact in the temple to tie the whole theme together as a 'World of my Delight' as it could be a temple to the things that I love shaped in the style of the artists, authors and places I love. Other than the folder are my books and films/TV shows which could be referenced throughout the temple. I'm thinking of having alcoves inside the temple with other artefacts which could relate to things I love - references to films, music, TV shows, people, animals, games, etc...
0 notes
freemusicbasement · 2 years
Music Tech Blog Post #11
As a musician, midi instruments have always fascinated me , whether it was an Akai Midi Keyboard, or even an electric guitar Midi controller. The way you can have one instrument and play it to make it sound like a totally different instrument is amazing to me. So when researching for Midi Instruments I wanted to find something really cool that would stand out to me. For me that was the Roland Aerophone AE-01 Mini Digital Wind Instrument. The Roland Aerophone is a woodwind Midi Instrument that has a similar look to a soprano saxophone, which is amazing to me because I am a saxophone player. With this instrument there are also a lot of presets that can make you sound like various instruments. For example with the Roland Aerophone you can sound like a violin, flute or a synth. It also features an app to help beginners learn how to notate or even play music, Overall it has 6 different preset sounds that you can use, and it also comes with its own reverb effect. It can also connect through Bluetooth which is really helpful if you either forgot a USB adapter or even if you want to quickly record something and don’t want to go through the hassle of trying to find a USB adapter. However you do need a USB adapter to recharge the battery of the Aerophone. Overall this Midi instrument is really cool, with a bunch of really cool and unique sounds and presets that make it seem fun and exciting to work with. It is also very intuitive and makes it easy for beginners of an instrument to quickly adapt to its play style.
Roland Aerophone AE-01 mini Digital Wind Instrument. Sweetwater. (n.d.). Retrieved March 9, 2023, from https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/AE01m--roland-aerophone-ae-01-mini-digital-wind-instrument 
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amrselim · 2 years
تاكد انك مشترك في القناة 💯 ومفعل الجرس عشان يوصلك كل جديد 🔔 وما تنساش تعمل لايك للفيديو 👍 نشرك للمقطع هو اكبر دعم ممكن تقدمه لي ... أتمنى أن ينال الشرح أعجابكم ...................................................................... https://bit.ly/3N9F3OH https://bit.ly/3ux7pwI شير مشاركة #BIMarabia اشترك في القناة لمتابعة الشروحات الجديدة videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 بيم ارابيا https://bit.ly/1TSqEbr ❤️ رابط الاشتراك في القناة https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 ❤️ روابط التواصل ✅ انستجرام https://bit.ly/2JY3wZP ✅ الفيسبوك https://bit.ly/3AcrQBO ✅ تويتر https://twitter.com/bimarabia ✅ لينكد ان https://bit.ly/2nqASDv ✅ قناة التلجرام https://bit.ly/3bu9Pod ✅ الموقع الالكتروني الشخصي https://bit.ly/3N9F3OH https://bit.ly/3suwyqU https://bit.ly/3bEr3zh augmented reality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9c5h0X-Kqw&list=PLNMim060_nUKpt2st91YUPa7BqWd0U2eb open source مفتوحة المصدر https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNYyejjLa-s&list=PLNMim060_nUK6qoVzrpjLucG_aBNaz_Ny revit workshop ورشة عمل ريفيت https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FIZBNN7CLk&list=PLNMim060_nULOxkcpmsGdaRXRnEj7rmGC OPEN STREET MAP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKHnpu5birw&list=PLNMim060_nUJBibv97w-SfqGMjQCDc6xT المدن الذكية https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nGsbGafZ6c&list=PLNMim060_nUKxO8GJj5c-9POTgiCfOdmE الاستدامة https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_dma-4wOJU&list=PLNMim060_nUKIQ9OEPA5xGjQ471AQyp3F Endless Possibilities What else can you do with this technology? Thinking back to the Solution section, I can easily see this tool continuing to improve on that beta auto-generate branch duct feature. I could also see this tool expand to layout and optimize the Air Terminal Placements, move the VAV Boxes around, and even create optimized mechanical zones for the building. The point is, there are really endless possibilities for similar tools, in other disciplines (structural, electrical, fire protection, etc.) and even beyond MEP (architectural design, construction optimization, etc.). Below is a list of a few of the other ideas we’ve had. Some of these we have worked on in the past, or are working on now, and others are just a few of the ideas for other similar tools that we could imagine in the future. Expand on Mechanical Duct Generator Air Terminal Layouts Branch Duct Paths VAV Box Locations Zoning Efficiency Electrical Lighting layouts Fire Protection Sprinkler Plans Gravity-drained Pipe Layouts Plumbing Fixture arrangements Pipe Routing Architectural Schematic plan layouts BOMA rental unit optimization Stadium, auditorium, and conference hall seating and booth layouts Facade design and optimization Curtain wall layouts Construction Panel board placement optimization Modular wall panel segmentations Looking at the above list, do you have any ideas we missed? Can you see where some of these ideas could be implemented in your particular area of expertise? Recap [What] did we learn? First, we talked about the problem that we were trying to solve – generating modular air duct layouts right inside Revit in an intuitive way that Henderson Engineer’s staff would be willing to try. Then, we gave an overview of the Modular Duct Generator App with a simple 6-step explanation of how to use it. Basically, you draw a line, and it generates modular duct layouts. In the middle, we dove into the generative design, metaheuristic algorithms (genetic, simulated annealing), and talked about how they work and their pros and cons. Most importantly, we covered how to promote user adoption of a tool like this through various design choices and UI/UX techniques. If there’s one takeaway from this, it is understanding that the concepts discussed above are not at all specific to modular ducts – they could be applied to a whole bunch of problems. Let’s let the computers do the optimization they are good at, and let the humans do the higher-level thinking, design work, and tweaks we are good at. With this approach, we can create ever more tools that help make all sorts of architectural, engineering, and construction tasks more efficient – to get more work done more efficiently and better in less time! Have any questions about this post? Want to geek out even more about simulated annealing? Are you inspired to try making your own tool? Feel free to reach out to Daniel and Ben anytime! We love to talk about this stuff: Special thanks to Henderson Engineers (and their partner company, Henderson Building Solutions) who collaborated with us on this project. الذكاء الاصطناعي https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWmW84ZBrbg&list=PLNMim060_nUJs5lSTwbFK8Pe1BCUPT_EB by Omar Selim BIMarabia عمر سليم بيم ارابيا
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autelscanner · 2 years
The Autel 508 Key Programmer offers a full range of diagnostic services
The Autel 508 key programming is a reliable and inexpensive solution for programming your keys. It comes with a variety of features and functions, making it the ideal choice for anyone who has trouble programming their vehicle's remotes.
Programming application
If you are looking for the best way to read and display the onboard EEPROM of your automobile, the XP200 is an excellent choice. It comes equipped with features such as Freescale 9S12 MCUs and the latest in automotive data transfer technologies. You can also use the device to retrieve and display DTCs. Moreover, it supports multi-language capabilities, making it an ideal choice for shop owners and service personnel.
Another worthy contender is the Autel MaxiIM IM508. This tablet boasts a 7 inch capacitive touch screen and is capable of performing a variety of functions including key learning and programming. The latest version of the system also includes a USB port, allowing you to connect the unit to your computer for faster and more comprehensive data retrieval. In addition, the software is automatically updated when you are connected to the Internet.
The MaxiIM IM508 is an efficient device that enables you to perform all your car related tasks. For example, you can play back a series of recorded data frames, perform a series of auto tests and even clear a bunch of DTCs for you to analyze.
Diagnostics application
The Autel 508 key programmer is a professional car key programmer, which combines a variety of functions for a single device. It features advanced car diagnostic capabilities. Whether you're working in a shop or at home, this device can perform a wide range of vehicle and system diagnoses, including ECU, BMS, and key learning.
Moreover, IM508 can help you save time by providing you with a range of common maintenance needs, which you can easily handle with a simple touch. From IC card read and write to key chip access, IM508 can provide you with the tools you need to help you repair and maintain your vehicle.
Moreover, it's compatible with most vehicles. It supports a wide variety of makes and models, including Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Honda, Mitsubishi, Volkswagen, Ford, and many more. IM508 is also a multi-language tool, which makes it ideal for a broad range of users.
IM508 is an advanced automotive key programming device that includes key learning, EEPROM/MCU read & write, and advanced IMMO functions. It has a straight-forward interface and a powerful quad-core processor.
The oh so small AUTEL MAXIM IM508 key programmer boasts a slew of goodies including free hardware and software updates, a one year warranty and a nifty mobile app. This is not to mention the snazzy customer service that is a hallmark of Autel's customer service department. One of the highlights is the fact that their salespeople are actually able to read your mind, if your mind is in the right place. To further sweeten the pot, Autel offers a free warranty card on your first purchase. If you aren't quite ready to make a purchase, Autel also has a number of retail locations nationwide where you can speak to a live person about your concerns. Alternatively, you can email or call the same customer service hotline if you aren't in a hurry. Regardless of how you choose to engage with the sales team, you'll never be short on information.
The Autel MaxiIM IM508 is a professional automotive diagnostic tool that has a wide range of functions. It has an intuitive design, a user-friendly interface, and a powerful quad-core processor. Moreover, it is equipped with the latest VIN-based Auto VIN Scan technology. This makes it a comprehensive solution for IMMO and all systems diagnosis.
The Autel 508 has a broad vehicle coverage of more than 80 makes and models. In addition, it also supports OE-level diagnosis on all available vehicle modules. As a result, it is a complete service and key programming solution for workshop and home mechanics. Besides, it has a variety of useful special functions, including tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS), DPF regeneration, oil light reset, and re-set remote learning.
The Autel MaxiIM IM508 offers a full range of diagnostic services, including basic MCU read and write, MC9S12 Encryption Chip read and write, IC Card Read & Write, and synchronization. These functions help to save time and money.
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jql-cheat-sheet-qj · 2 years
jql cheat sheet PC 4Q25!
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 A simple query in JQL (also known as a “clause”) consists of a eld, followed by an operator, followed by one or more values operator value. JQL Cheat Sheet. Learn how Jira Query Language, or JQL works with JQL Cheat Sheet. Jira Query Language (JQL) Cheatsheet. cheatsheet Jira JQL. Get Unassigned Tasks. assignee is EMPTY. Copy to clipboard. Sometimes. Function, JQL Cheat Sheet. Add qualifiers to a list, AND. Target one thing != Track a bunch of things, is in (List, Of, Things). 9 Data is one of the most valuable resources in the world right now, but the way it is stored and accessed can impact its efficiency and usability. Spreadsheets are a great way to store information until they become unwieldy, and even a basic lookup on such sheets might crash the system, let alone advanced search. You can even create custom software that runs SQL queries to retrieve data and presents it in intuitive ways. While basic search provides high-level access to issues, advanced search in Jira uses JQL to create queries to form more complex questions. Developers, test engineers, project managers, and even business users can use the advanced search with JQL to find the need-to-know information. These queries are similar in nature, even though they operate on different platforms. Jira Query Language enables anyone to build queries that can be executed in Jira to produce a set of results. These queries are very similar to SQL, GraphQL, and other query languages that enable easy access to large databases or data sets. Jira uses JQL. Before building a query, understanding a few of its different components is essential. Knowing what fields, Values, operators, and keywords denote will result in an efficient query. Fields are columns that contain different types of information in the system like issue type and priority. Values are the actual data in the field under consideration. There are many JQL plugins in the Atlassian Marketplace that can provide access to helpful functions which simplify queries. Queries in JQL help in finding the right data, be it issues, feature requests , or something else. There are two ways to go about it — Scope and sort. Scope introduces qualifiers to whittle down the results, and sorting involves ordering the data to list the most important data first. Basic Search or simple query, which allows the search of tickets by selection parameters and entering their values, and an advanced search or complex query that makes provisions to write custom queries that have multiple parameters. Simple queries basic search are a combination of fields and operators. These simple queries are connected using keywords or functions that lead to complex queries, depicted in the 2 nd example above. While the first example shows how fields are assigned values, the second demonstrates a complex query in action where functions and keywords link clauses together, to achieve the desired outcome. While it can be a little intimidating at the start, learning JQL can save a lot of time in the long run, especially if you configure filters and subscriptions to automate the sending of critical queries to people regularly. A common example would be creating a custom dashboard to display information for stakeholders without requiring them to log in to Jira to sort through issues by hand. For instance, one of the popular plugins that we developed — Automated Release Notes for Jira pulls relevant Jira issues based on JQL to compile release notes automatically. These tools help in automating important but routine aspects of the software development life cycle, freeing up valuable time for managers and developers. Collaborate with your customers to build a compelling public or private product roadmap, from your service project. Jira Query Language can help you easily find the Jira issues that you need to make decisions without having to search through thousands of records by hand. Some of the most popular JQL add ons include:. Related blogs. Sorry, we couldn't find any posts. Please try a different search. Search for: Search. Stay Updated with latest news at Amoeboids. Your email will be safe and secure in our database. Enter Email Id. Automated Release Notes. Easiest way to generate release notes in multiple formats, right in your Jira. Jira Jira Service Management. Take your Confluence content help documentation where your customers are, without coding Confluence. Roadmap Portal. Collaborate with your customers to build a compelling public or private product roadmap, from your service project Jira Service Management. Typeform Integration. Enriched Profiles. Jira Service Management. Employee Success. Employee Garrison. Connector for Confluence. Customer Support. Roadmap Management. Project Management. Embedder for Confluence. The Project Management Talks. Pulse Survey Pulse Survey. Try it FREE.
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