#It's kinda graphical but still arty
metvmorqhoses · 3 years
Thank you for your take on the Darkling! I absolutely loved reading it. (I might read it a second time tbh). He truly is complicated and it kinda bothers me that people oversimplify him, especially the book version. Could things have been better? A 1000% Yes! But I don't see how people can read TDiW and not see his perspective on life or at least feel sorry for him. Btw are you going to read the graphic novel on TDiW when it comes out? Do you think LB is using him to simply make more money? It's hard to tell if she actually cares about him as a character.
You cannot imagine how glad I am to see so many people sharing my thoughts and frustrations regarding such a deserving and yet so poorly treated character. Every time it feels genuinely like a small victory.
One thing can surely be said, this fandom gave the Darkling the consideration and depth the original novels denied him. What he deserved as a character, he certainly found here thanks to some very stubborn few.
As for your question, I am actually still debating if buying Demon in the Wood, even while of course knowing more or less its general content.
If I have to be completely honest with you, I am quite fed up with how Bardugo uses and abuses the Darkling, a character she probably conjured by chance while taking here and there from ancient folklore and other better works, a character far larger than her own imaginings, a character that quite obviously escaped her own narrative and just stubbornly refuses to fit in every single little box she tries and fails to relegate him in, and to the point of discovering myself discouraged at the idea of reading something I'm deeply interested in because of the tragic logics of its own creator.
I absolutely find this occurrence deeply bizarre myself. It had never happened to me before, to like something so much while completely disagreeing in every single way with the person who is supposed to be in charge of it. I've always been fiercely loyal to every artist's absolute right of kingship over their own creations, but I find this particular case just hardly excusable.
As a reader, I cannot really help but feeling toyed with and cheated when it comes to this series.
The general writing is plain and mediocre aside for a few lines here and there. The plot doesn't make any thematic sense. The story doesn't follow its own logic but the absolute strange one of an author lurking behind every corner, an author that doesn’t allow her readers to actually have their own opinions about anything. The majority of the characters are "heavily inspired" by some other greater source. The rhyme and reason of the one poetically and mythologically interesting personality in there completely escapes its creator, whose only piece of understanding seems to revolve around the fact that, for some reason, this very character is the one thing that makes her books sell.
Therefore everything she writes constantly hints at and promises a big meaningful part for him in the narrative, while in truth he is just strategically always put one time in the beginning, one time in the middle and one time at the end of every single book just to serve as a page-turner and to make at the same time plain and over-sentionalistic turning points work, without ever gaining any real role, development or actual depth, while the other characters seem always frozen in their own opinion no matter the evidence they are presented with, eternally unable to change their (the author’s) static idiotic narrative about him.
That LB puts the Darkling in her books to make them sell it's by now evident common knowledge. That she uses our collective interest in him for her own gain, all the while judging us harshly for it, it’s something that truly drives me up a wall. And quite frankly I am rather uninterested in following the appalling and nonsensical literary whirling she constructs with this poor character as the main bait in order to quite literally exploit our ability to recognize artistic worth.
I actually noticed she always tries to deal with him as little as possible in every novel, probably afraid to find herself in the need to really start to characterize him.
It's really quite sad.
The Darkling is literally killed and brought back to life to sell copies. The Darkling is what makes Netflix shows happen. And now prequels about him are coming out in different forms just for a capitalistic kind of sake.
I'm not a big fan of any of this. If the writing was at least good, getting idealistically mad would make some sort of sense, but alas this is not even that much the case.
I hope I didn't sound too harsh, but I really was in absolute disbelief while reading those novels.
I’d much prefer reading again some true masterpieces written by beyond talented authors on ao3 (stories that actually feel way more real and deserving than the actual original books) and leaving LB to her own, very sad, literary choices.
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andromedia5 · 4 years
I love your writing!! Can I request 7 for jaytemis from the swifter writing prompts
A little bit of a self harm trigger warning, nothing graphic, no one’s actually cutting just discussion of it. That’s kinda why it took me a sec to write this, I kinda Victor Zsaszed again this week and idk . . . But I enjoyed this prompt and I hope you guys like it, kinda healing vicariously through them. Also wrote this for @theperfection who requested more jaytemis.
She hadn’t expected anyone to find them. Artemis was no stranger to hiding scars and she usually didn’t around Jason and Bizzaro. They had seen them, trailing up her arms and back, the graveyards of battles long over. They wouldn’t have questioned any of them. She still preferred to keep her legs covered.
Those carefully hidden scars on the inside of her calves, all about an inch in length, covered by her suit, jeans, boots, and when absolutely necessary, she would simply keep her legs pressed firmly together and let the scars hide themselves. She didn’t like seeing them; that was why they were so bad, she had never been able to look at the cuts long enough to bandage them. Each scar was precise and careful, never impulsive or messy because Artemis had meant them all. Everytime she had missed Akila, every moment when she would have killed for her to bump her shoulder against her own, tease her about how seriously she was taking something. She didn’t deserve to mourn someone she could have saved.
Artemis had been curled up on the couch of the woman who might have been the personification of the failings of the American foster care system dressed in frills and lace when she had felt rough fingers brushing at her ankle. Her eyes had snapped open as she shot up, pulling up her feet on instinct. The book Jason had been reading when she had drifted off was propped open on his thigh and he had been pushing up the ankle of her sweatpants. A dusty rose color spread across his cheeks at having been caught. “Sorry, sorry, I just,” he pulled her ankle towards him again and she kicked out, scrambling backwards to the other end of the couch. He dodged her attack, rolling off the couch and looking up at her, puzzled.
“What in the Goddesses's name are you doing?” she hissed at him. Everytime, every single time she was beginning to think he might have been tolerable, every moment he was quiet enough to be at least moderately ignorable he had to go and ruin it.
“I’m sorry, Art. I’m just, shit I didn’t know,”
Something in her stomach dropped, “Know what?”
He tilted his head, brown curls falling over his forehead as he gave her a look. “C’mon, Princess don’t give me that. I’m not that stupid,”
“And yet you could’ve fooled me,” she muttered, taking her typical route out of conversations with him, using her longer legs to walk away.
He jogged a little to keep up with her. “Art. Hey, Artemis, will you just hang on a sec?” his hand wrapped around her wrist and she spun around to face him.
“Do you have a death wish, little one?”
Jason smirked up at her, “Yeah, clearly, have you not been paying attention? Listen, I'm sorry, Red. I just didn’t realize,”
“You don’t know what your talking about,”
“I don’t?”
“No, you don’t. In most situations and this one is no exception,”
“You know you’re really self absorbed, right?”
“I beg your pardon, I’m self absorbed? Do you have any-” Jason pulled his sweatshirt over his head in one swift motion, revealing rumpled hair and narrowed eyes. His gray t-shirt was around the same shade as the Red Hood suit and almost seemed to be a lounge version of his uniform. It wasn’t until he rotated his arms slightly, exposing his forearms and a series of scars she could recognize as easily as ones caused by a certain type of blade. The angle, the length, the depth, it was all the same albeit a little more erratic. Artemis felt her mouth open into a small o. Jason looked uncomfortable but still determined.
“I’d, uh get really angry when I was a kid. I mean I still do but,” he ran a hand through his hair and she felt her eyes following a particularly dark scar (indicating it was more recent) that was exposed by the movement.“They were almost like panic attacks and I’d just need to,” he punched his fist into his palm “Bru-Batman would never spar with me when I was like that. Said if I was angry I wasn’t gonna learn anything so what the hell was the point. First time it was an accident, I was thirteen and had smashed a glass, was kinda having a tantrum. But I got cut on the edge of it and . . . it was like I could breathe again. I broke a razor apart about a week later,”
“And no one stopped you?” she demanded, momentarily forgetting her annoyance, rage boiling in her stomach at the thought of this child; Jason.
“That’s the thing, Arty,” he said, shooting her a sardonic smile “I’d already gotten pretty damn good at hiding scars before I ever got one on purpose”
The silence filled the room for a second, neither one meeting the other’s eyes. “Look, Artemis, I’m not gonna do that whole ‘you shouldn’t do that to yourself’ shit. I know it’s fucking annoying but . . . just, you’re not alone, okay?”
Mercifully Bizzaro chose that moment to walk in causing Jason to scramble back into his sweatshirt and begin to plan tonight's mission.
It was late when they returned. Bizzaro had left as soon as they had gotten back as he had been doing recently, leaving the two of them alone as they put away their respective weapons and armor. She didn’t know what it was that made her decide to say what she did but for some reason after she had removed the cuffs on her arms she heard her own voice.
“I’ve been clean for a few weeks,”
Jason turned to her, seeming as surprised as she was but pulling his mask off and shaking his sweaty hair out of his face. “I’ve got about a month and a half,”
“So not since you’ve met Bizzaro and I?”
He shook his head, switching out the magazines on his guns and folding up his holster.
“Say what you want about our whole team but it’s hard to find the time to . . . that, when you’ve been busy raising hell with a missing amazon and a kidnapped clone.” He pulled out a knife, seemingly out of nowhere, reminding her once again that he was a lot better at this than she gave him credit for. “You know um, Roy told me about this thing they do in rehab for anniversaries. They pick like a symbol or a tracker and use it to celebrate their progress,”
“I see,” Artemis reached for a stray pen, pulling the cap off with her teeth and took his hand in hers. She held his wrist steady, thumb over his pulse point, his heartbeat a steady rhythm through her own hand. The star she drew smudged a bit and bumped over the vein on his forearm but it was there.
He traced the star, looking strangely at peace considering how much they had blown up that night.“Why are we doing your symbol?”
“Because it was your idea,”
“Fair,” he took the marker from her hands, fingers brushing against her own in a way that made her stomach twist embarrassingly. He reached for her leg, pausing about an inch away at meeting her eyes as if for confirmation that this was okay. She nodded and he wrapped his hand gently around her ankle, eliciting a radius of goosebumps as he carefully drew a lopsided star. Jason put the cap back on the marker and looked back up at her, smiling as he raised his arm, “Scar bump?”
Artemis pulled away and got up. “We’re not doing that,”
“C’mon, Red,” he called after her, throwing the pen at her retreating back playfully. “You know there’s also this great Taylor Swift song? You ever listened to 1989?”
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ginadespell · 7 years
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OK Now I present you my OC’s! I.. Only did the Draw the squad pictures for my friend @juanguero (Sorry sab, no se guardó bien la de Jolene ;; La repetiré después sdfgdf)
So... My OC’s, yai! A tiny description...
Rebecca “Becky” Littlewood-Díaz: -Irish-Mexican -Ginger hair, freckless, olive skin -Dancer -Peppy -Impulsive af -Stressed 24/7 and shows it -Sass af -Anime openings 24/7 -Life’s a music video -Favorite action: Sleep and eat -Eats a lot, never gains weight -Aggresive af x 10 -Cousin with Alejo -Always fighting -Married to the theater -Francis Official Heartbreaker -Looks younger than she really is -Only child (overprotected) -Looks like a cinnamon rol, could actually kill you
Arthur “Artie” King -English -Comic fan -Anxiety -High IQ -Physics, Maths and Engineering student -Sings like Damon Albarn -Dances like a drunk giraffe. -Middle child syndrome (5 big sisters, 4 young sisters, 1 young brother. Ah, and a twin with a girl). -Always ends up burning something -Tries to be responsible. Never succeds -Fighting with the stupidity -Hates Francis... Or maybe not -Stubborn af -Doesn’t hates Becky but gets easily annoyed by her -Loves his family -Cares for his cousin -Always in the clouds -Comic fan with Neil -The Flash T-Shirt 24/7 -Likes trains -Likes cars -Likes planes -Passive-Aggresive -The youngest in his class -Looks like a cinnamon rol, could actually kill you
Alejandro “Alejo” Chimal -Mexican -LOVES DOGGOS -Has a little belly -Chemistry student -Forgein -Likes cooking -Bilingual -Manipulative AF -Plays guitar -Cries with Disney movies -Disney songs 24/7 -Screams “P*t*” in the stadiums even when nobody does it -Tried to be like Breaking Bad at some point -DETERMINATION -Cousin with Becky -Latin passion is fluid in veins -Mexico Footbal T-Shirt once a week -Annoyed face 24/7 -Really gets annoyed with your presence -Loves drama -Comedy King -Cassual gamer -Sinnamon rol.
Neil Murphy -American -Rich -Comic and manga otaku -Bad luck club -Wants to be a comic writer -Never break his dreams -Little Angel -Stressed 24/7x1000 -Still a high school student -Always ends up burning something x 1000000000000000 -Stupid tips 24/7 -Spider-man shirt 24/7 -Buys Hello Kitty stuff for his bestie/friend with no strings attached -Draws like a bad mangaka -Always positive -Nobody can’t get mad with him -The only time he’s aggresive is as gamer -POSITIVE AF 24/7 -Scared of his (supposedly) “Yandere” friend -Looks like a cinnamon rol, is a cinnamon rol
Milan Kawena-Hamasaki -Hawaiian-Japanese -Vegan -Shipper -Enginering student -Peace and love everybody -Actually kinda hippie -Indie music 24/7 -Big body -Ships Francis and River for some reason -Star child -Marvelous at math -Loves animals -Loves her granny -Loves everybody -Be careful when is mad -Sings worse than Britney Spears without autotune. Does it anyway. -Is a cinnamon rol
River Harris -American -Never cames out from her room -At least when nobody is out there. -Asocial af -Tries to be inexpressive -Cute when is blushed -Graphic designer -Plays the drums -Mythology fan -Coffee 24/7 -Freelancer -Always sees the negativity of life with a weird sad smile -Tic in the eye 24/7 -Orphan -Looks like the devil, is a cinnamon rol.
Francis Bonnehome -French-American -Cook -Looks like a Telenovela heartthrobe -Actually has good feelings -Nobody cares -Likes to ANNOY Arthur and Becky with his handsome face -Actually really likes Arthur but nobody knows (except from Milan) -FABULOUS 24/7 -Immigrant -Likes to annoy Arthur x 1000000000000000000000000000000000 -Is a cinnamon rol.
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crystalcranium · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @aph-mr-puffin​ thanks dude!
Nickname: charlesburg, charles, just variations of my actual name lol
Zodiac: crib crab
Height: 5′6′’ last time I checked, I was 170cm so close enough
Last movie I saw: Spiderman into the spiderverse and you need to watch it if you haven’t holy shit
Last thing I googled: "banishing sigils” let’s just say I really needed to get rid of some negativity in my life - and it worked!
Favorite musician: hhhhhhh i have no idea but depeche mode still snaps
Song stuck in my head: askjfsaf the world revolving
Other blogs: I don’t have any other blogs but my twitter and youtube is the same as here and my insta is crystal-muses
Do I get asks: very rarely but I appreciate all of them
Following: 1081 (I may have to cut down oof)
Followers: 654 and you’re all awesome
Amount of sleep: who knows, not me
Lucky number: any multiple of 5 I guess
What I’m wearing: a polaroid sweater and some super soft sweats with stars on them. Also some very gay socks from tiger I got yesterday
Dream job: anything graphics related?? idk I just wanna have fun and be arty
Dream trip: oh man there are so many places I want to go. Part of me really wants to go be to Austria but then I also want to go somewhere new hhhhhh I’ve gotta go Norway at least once to vist my friend apparently it’s a legal requirement of being her roommate lol
Favorite food: mmmmmmmmmm anything sweet I am a basic bitch
Play any instruments?: i can kinda play piano but it’s more of a button mash style (i’m very professional)
Languages: english and very loose german - like I can read almost fluently but can’t hold a conversation to save my fuckin life
Favorite songs: there’s too many but fr look up some depeche mode singles it will save your soul
Random Facts: my toes are jacked some of them are double-jointed
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: the smell of wood smoke in a cottage in the middle of nowhere during a storm
I’m terrible at tagging people so if you see this and you wanna do it go ahead! Feel free to tag me if you want these are fun and I don’t do them enough
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randrvstheworld · 7 years
The Cotopaxi Diaries
We have just returned from 4, blissful, wifi-less days in the Cotopaxi mountains & OH what a 4 days it has been! 
We arrived after a two-hour (& very bumpy as we approached the mountains) shuttle from the sister hostel in Quito. I don’t know what I expected but in short, Secret Garden Cotpaxi is a beautiful countryside paradise; the hostel itself is comprised of several cabins (with wood-fires) & hobbit-homes, a large communal house where everyone eats dinner together & surrounded by beautiful gardens, ponds with ducks, fields full of horses & llamas, & an epic mountain range surrounding it all. After a welcome-wagon mug of mulled wine by the fireplace we set off on a short hike to a nearby waterfall. The hostel beagles, Luna & Cooper, weaving through our legs as we trekked through a thick forest, scrambled over rocks until we reached the waterfall & the pools. Gabby, Roxy & I were decked out in our primary-coloured raincoats & were then joined in a photo by Bailey (one of the volunteers) in green & another guest in purple & together we formed a human rainbow in front of the waterfall! it’s chilly & damp in the mountains so we were very grateful for the roaring fire when we got back. 
Our stay included all our meals (& freshly made snacks at 5pm), & before dinner everyone hangs out in the communal house, drinking coffee & nibbling on tasty treats & cuddling with the hostel dogs (there are five: two beagles, Luna & Cooper; the sausage dogs, Mash & Daisy & Milo, the majestic Dalmatian). There’s a long dining table where we all ate dinner together, during which time we met some really lovely folks over the course of our stay: Jack & Ellie, a couple from Devon & their friend Jen; Dan, a slightly crotchety but nonetheless hilarious & good-natured Brummie chef; Bernie, a hilarious & very German German; Harold & Deborah (more germans & a very sweet couple), Oreo Dude (aka Daniel, a Dutch guy & his very sweet girlfriend); an American guy called Nick & his cute 11-year old some Charlie; a bunch more British chicks; a cool girl from London called Tash; some funny Australians & a sweet Californian girl called Christina not to mention the volunteers: Bailey (Canadian); Victor from Argentina who looks EXACTLY like Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride; Jimmy (pseudo-philospher & a very cool dude with excellent conversation & taste in music) & lovely Sandra who was very complimentary about my sketchbook. After almost 5 months of being away, it was the closest I’ve felt to being at home with a family; home-cooked good, lovely people, utter coziness.
On our first night we decided to crack into some lovely warming red wine & an evening in the jacuzzi, situated in a greenhouse at the top of the property. We were joined by Warwick & Ricky from down undah & lovely Jen, the teacher from the UK. We hung out & drank wine until Warwick (who up until this point had seemed quite interesting, he’s a graphic designer so we had lots of arty stuff in common to talk about) uttered the immortal, spine-chilling words “sometimes I like to listen to psy-trance” closely followed by “here’s a video of me spinning fire-sticks in my psy-trance pants” to which we were like NOPE! & left for bed. Nothing, NOTHING cools the soul quite like a grown-man who’s into psy-trance. Gabby & I were in a tent that night (sounds worse than it was - it was huge, with a big blow-up mattress & a heater & heaps of blankets & was encased in a little wooden shelter) & we giggled our asses off before falling asleep in excellent spirits. 
The next day we rose for a sunrise, pretty impressive given the previous night’s wine consumption. However it was somewhat disappointing due to heavy cloud cover so instead we marinaded ourselves in coffee & steeled ourselves for a day’s hiking. We ate a hearty breakfast & packed little rucksacks & headed for the Pasachoa trail: us, Jack, Ellie, Jen & Bernie, guided by Victor & all five of the dogs. It was beautiful; very rugged, lots of interesting plants, & if it hadn’t been for the looming mountains reminded me quite a bit of the Devonshire moors & various dog-walks I have taken there with Mum & Angus & Scout. It was pretty wet making some parts of the climb a little hairy, throw in the fact that I’m not used to any kind of altitude really & at some points I felt very dizzy. The whole hike took around 6 hours & it was tough but worth it. When we had finally clambered our way to the summit we had hot tea & sandwiches & took photos; it was very misty & spooky. The trail had taken us through a very steep & eerie mountainside forest, all gnarled & crooked trees covered in moss & steeped in mist, trees with bark like paper & wildflowers, like something out of a fairy tale. Victor had to put the littlest sausage dog into his coat to keep warm.
After our snack it was time to descend, & by descend, I mean literally slide down a mountain feeling somewhat terrified that we were going to slip to our deaths at any moment. At one point I was literally hanging onto some long grass, my feet dangling off the floor. Thankfully our group was awesome, so supportive & fun & we helped eachother & had super interesting chats the whole way back, hopping over streams, sneaking through long grass, admiring the wildflowers & generally feeling like we were on a Hobbit-esque adventure to destroy The One Ring. On our arrival back at the ranch we gratefully hopped into hot showers (Gabby & I had now relocated into one of the cabins with Roxy) & I spent the remainder of the evening working in my sketchbook by the open fire.
Day three saw us go on a horse-back trek through Cotopaxi National Park. It was a clear, crisp, bright day & so for the first time since our arrival we were treated to the sight of the Cotopaxi Volcano’s snow-capped peak. Without fail this was one of the most beautiful views of my entire life. The volcano is active so we even saw it emitting little puffs of fluffy steam.
We had to drive a short while to get to the park & were greeted by a paddock of beautiful horses, in thick blanket-y saddles. Despite the sun it was brisk & still kinda cool so we, like the horses, were wrapped up warm. We were appointed our steeds for the day, got our helmets on & off we went. We started slow, a casual amble while enjoying the spectacular view of the volcano, a herd of rainbow-coloured raincoats. My horse was oddly competitive & kept hustling to the front near Bernie’s & when Bernie asked if we could go for a gallop without any prompting from me whatsoever my horse just took off! So off we galloped for a few minutes before we had to stop & catch up with everyone else, before stopping at a cute circular thatched hut so the orses could have a snack & we could have mint tea & banana cake.
On our way back going slow was no longer an option. My horse, now fuelled up on hay & with a taste for excitement would not stop galloping, especially when Bernie’s horse was nearby. Together we galloped through the desert, over the bones & skulls of smaller animals, faster & faster; at one point Bernie & I were just racing along laughing hysterically, it was just so surreal. To have that much space to enjoy a horse ride - literally just green & mountains & animal bones & rugged shrubbery as far as the eye could see. I’ve honestly never experienced that feeling of unadulterated freedom. At one point, my horse & I had disbanded from the group & were completely alone. It was blissful. Just us, surrounded by nature, hair whipping in the wind, faces to the sun.
I sorely paid for the two hours of intense galloping later however; my whole body felt like it had been beaten about  with a lump-hammer. I spent another evening with Gabby sat by the fire, reading & painting, followed by the next day of the same also while Roxy went on another hike (we’d be persuaded to stay an extra night at this point as originally were going to leave after our horse-back adventure); I would’ve enjoyed another hike but my knee was in a state of disrepair after the previous two days so I decided to give it a bit of a rest. So Gabby & I had the most relaxing day of literally all time; reading, drawing, hair-braiding, eating banana cake, chain-drinking coffees & cuddling the dogs. I made a painting to leave as a gift as a thank you for having me as it was truly, unforgettably wonderful.
A soggy Roxy re-emerged around 3pm & then it was just time to scarf down lunch before we bundled ourselves & our bags onto the minibus & bade goodbye to paradise with heavy hearts.
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dart-the-llama · 8 years
Ok, so call  me crazy, and please do, also call me me maybe, dart, darty, and arty, but i think the next pokemon game is going to be a pokemon remake of Kanto!
Now, i know what your saying. “They already made a remake of Kanto, and we need that Sinnoh Remake ™ and trust me when i say i’d kinda like that was well, TBH i love any pokemon game so much i would appreicate any big game like this!
But well, a remake is a remake, right? Actually, for what i’m thinking of, it isn’t an apt term. I’m thinking the next region will be Kanto, because well, it makes sense from a story perspective after Alola. 
Kanto is mentioned throughout the game, with your protagonist coming from Kanto, Red and Blue coming from Kanto, the Alolan pokemon, all Kanto pokemon, spins on old classics, Lillie going to Kanto with her mother, Lusamine. 
And while that could be the set up for a remake, they already did a remake right? What i hope will happen is that they make a totally new game, but it’s set in the Kanto region. 
And the trade will work both ways - you get alolan specific pokemon with kantonian forms, like perhaps a Kantonian Salizzle, or Kantonian Fromantis. At least, i find it would be really cool if that were teh case!
And not to mention, they have a potential Kanto rival in the name of Lillie - or a potential champion. I’ve got no clue what the evil team will be, although i hope it manages to somehow compare with Team Skull. What i really want though is someone other than Lance as champion, time has passed. I like Lances character, but he’s the leader of the G-men, right?
Imagine how cool it would be if the G-men and the international police league or whatever those goofs were called had to team up with you to battle the Evil Team. 
(at this point i’m just rambling) 
And even better, you know how Kanto is progressing, as you visited in Firered/leafgreen, the first games, Heartgold/soulsilver and in a fourth addition, this time in glorious graphics, the Designers can go all out with THE Kanto region. 
I’m not entirley sure whethere there will be mega evolution, Z moves, or whatsits though, as with the moves you use to do the Z move, as well as getting one after every trial in Alola, i feel like it should be an Alolan specific thing, although having some at the post game and not involving it whatsoever like mega-evolution could also be quite possible. 
Another thing i wish would be in the Kanto game is the Pokemon alongside you mechanic from HeartGold and yellow. I honestly adored that mechanic, and with the 3D modeling i am going to be awed whenever i see them honestly. Of course, it does come with some drawbacks, like you can’t do the “snorlax is the same size as your character” type in the 3D animation, but i hope they go for something like realism. “Your in a one block alley, you cannot have your mettagross outside with you” or smh like that, although obviously ye’d still be able to use it in battle! 
The poke-rider could then be extended past the pagers potentially, into the pokemon you have with you! (or pokemon the game might require you to catch? who knows) Ok, this is really wishfull thinking on my part, considering how much effort would go into animating every pokemon who can use Surf, like a Blastoise shell, or a chinchou- how would that work actually? nevermind, this probaly won’t happen. But it’s a good thought! Maybe only some pokemon ye catch can do the thing? ah well, this is the end of my Rant on what i want the next game, a sequal of all the games, to be! 
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