#It's just what I've got the energy but for right now
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andromedicasphyxiate · 3 days ago
Ok we are going to TALK about this honey because I have a LOT to say (Legally Blonde is one of my FAV movies and is 2000's cinematic GOLD, fight me if u dare 😭😭😭)
what's REALLY cool about Elle is that:
1. she straight up just went for what she wanted and she excelled at it
In the beginning of the movie (which is when she is in college) she was simply into beauty and fashion and having fun and being in a sorority and having a great/hot boyfriend, and she made it all happen for herself!! She built her dream body, her dream aesthetic and wardrobe, got a 4.0 GPA in her fashion major (and wouldnt let the high fashion shop girls fool her about fabrics lol (because she really knew her stuff)), was dating the guy of her dreams, AND was super popular in her sorority (because she was so sweet and kind and helpful to everyone too)
2. she didnt give up, she believed in herself, she had a crazy strong work ethic and her priorities were set
In the next part of the movie (kind of still in the beginning), she decided that she wanted to marry her boyfriend, so she did her best to ensure that the proposal would go well (aside from having been a great girlfriend all through college, of course). And although she was down and out when he dumped her, she didn't give up and worked really hard to follow him to freaking *HARVARD*, ok?! Everyone told her it wasn't meant for her, and she couldn't and shouldn't do it, but she had her sights set on it and went for it anyway.
It was very difficult, she had to stop being a fun, party girl and trade in her current likes and life for her future self (which meant books and practice exams, ew 😭😭) but she did it in a heartbeat, and...SHE MADE IT!! 😍😍😍
3. she wasn't afraid to change her priorities and learn from life, and she had a really strong character too
When her loser boyfriend still wouldn't accept her as marriage worthy, although she now fit the bill academically, she didn't hesitate to ditch the idea of being with him and dedicated herself to a more worthy cause--investing in herself, her grades, getting the prestigious internship at Callahan's law firm, and also doing extremely well at it. Also, she didn't give away her client's alibi just to continue being trustworthy, even though she had so much to lose by doing that. And she didn't hesitate to brush Callahan off when she could have taken the opportunity to sleep her way to the top. She wanted her merit to be the cornerstone of her career and not her beauty.
Overall, I love Elle because she was a lovely person who did her best to be kind to everyone, including her ex's fiance. She was super authentic and wasn't afraid to be in her feminine energy and be cute and have fun and just flow with life, but she also wasn't afraid to exert her masculine energies and get in the warzone in her daily life, pull on what she wanted and push back on what she didn't think was right. She just was who she was, and didn't let anybody dictate the outcomes of her life.
And that to me is feminism at its core--the choice to embody any kind of energy you want, anywhere between the traditionally feminine end of the spectrum and the traditionally masculine, and to never forget that your gender doesnt have to play into what your life should look like or whom you should be. And that both masculine and feminine energies, although different, are equal and just as important for individuals and also society at large, to have a happy, successful, well balanced and fulfilling life!!
(also, I've written the last paragraph from the standpoint of moderate traditional gender roles, which is what I happen to believe in; but if that's not your cup of tea I completely understand and respect that xoxo 🩷🩷🩷, so please feel free to skip the last paragraph or adapt it to what you see fit 🥰🥰🥰)
The bimbo feminism girls who love Legally Blonde really missed like the whole point of the movie. The point is that she's not a brainless bimbo. She saves the day with her knowledge of haircare, sure, but she got in the room by going to law school. You cannot reduce that movie down to "Girl knowledge saves the day!" because the perm wouldn't have mattered if she hadn't spent the entire rest of the movie working her ass off in an unrelated field. The feminist angle is that she can have girly interests and also be smart, not that having girly interests is feminist in itself
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 days ago
so loaded opener but I enjoy tarot, but I like it as a sort of like... yknow I sit and do my reading and use the cards as sort of jumping off points to think about recent events in my life and hopes for the future as a sort of like self reflection thing? like, no decks don't have energy and can't tell the future, but i've repurposed it into a mindfulness tool for me that's a bit more fun than like a journal. anyway what this means is sometimes i get a lot of adverts for all this sort of sincere belief in crystal healing astrology bullshit and right under your blog i got this whole advert about this Incredibly Spiritual Deck filled with Feminine Energy which would allow for Better Readings and Heightened Spirituality. This Deck Will Change Your Feminine Life. and then bam right under it. now available on kickstarter. kills me. me when i get life changing conduits for my spirituality on fucking kickstarter. do you think they use the funds to put the feminine energy into the deck
love how you felt the need to write an entire prologue just to tell me there are weird tarot ads on my blog lmao
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fluffy-feathers23 · 2 days ago
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I finished playing hit game In Stars and Time a month ago, and it's been on my mind nonstop ever since. in fact, since i finished the game, I've been working on. this exact post . I wanted to draw the characters, but i have a lot of trouble drawing normal people, so i made them all part animal !!
I might come back and redo that sketch later, but with just the height chart thing, the start of this post felt empty. so i'm including it anyway. please excuse any errors, i was working on it really late at night, right before my birthday (which happens to be the day i'm posting this, by the way !!!)
I've taken to calling these particular designs the "Critterbeast" versions, because it's fun to say and if i can't have fun thinking about them, then what's the point, right? :3 They're very Critter, but also very Beast. Critter-Beast.
Unsure on if this counts as an entire AU, but i have a lot of headcanons that could be considered part of one, i guess? This will be a long post so i'm cutting it here for dashboards but Keep Reading if you want to see my headcanons/AU 'canon' and a few extra design notes for everyone! Also includes some ever-changing playlists if you want to listen to them.
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Animal: Guinea Pig - I started with Hamster, but since he denies looking like one in game, i thought it would be more fun to do something that looks like a hamster, but isn't!
When really excited about something (and sometimes when startled), Sif hops around and jumps up to a foot off the ground, which is called "pop-corning". They can also make flawless guinea pig noises, for obvious reasons.
The worse Siffrin feels mentally the colder they feel physically, which is noticeable by the rest of the party. It starts around mid-act 2, but Siffrin himself doesn't even notice it until act 3, and by act 4, they're visibly shivering whenever they stop moving, and every part of their body feels cold to the touch under their cloak, despite the thermo-regulation Crafted into it.
In act 5, Siffrin is CONSTANTLY shivering, EVERYTHING feels like ice, including the cloak, and it doesn't truly stop in act 6 or even post-game, though it does continue to only show up when they feel generally bad.
In addition, the colder they feel, the hotter everything else feels - all sources of warmth turn into a raging fire, including party member's healing abilities, which fill Siffrin's entire body with the heat of all the stars in the universe until they're over.
Completely refuses to drink Sweet Tonics or eat most sweet foods post-game. If it tastes too much like just sugar, or stars forbid, winds up burnt, he just can't handle it anymore.
Really likes stuffed animals, especially ones that are weighted. Every time there's a window display with one in it, Sif will stand there and just kinda. stare at it for a bit. Isabeau made them their own fox plushie as a gift and it's now their favorite thing ever and if they lost it, they would probably die.
The party chips in whatever they have to get him a new plushie sometimes. Where he keeps all of them, i have no idea, but there's a new one every few months. If Sif had one place to stay, their room would be filled with so many plushies.
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Animal: Liger - I also considered Bear, but he has such Lion energy to me. and then i got to the coloring stage and thought the lack of patterns on lions would be really boring so i gave him stripes. wound up a bit more tiger than lion, woops !
Instinctively hugs and kneads pillows in his sleep, stretches like a cat, and makes growling noises instead of just yawning. Occasionally gets the urge to rip food apart with his bare hands, but somehow manages to resist. Most of the time.
Used to be a different animal entirely, before using a specialized sub-section of Body Craft to change it. Started leaning really hard into the behaviors of lions and tigers afterwards, and has been trying to break out of them a bit more, recently.
Still prefers black, but is known to experiment with all kinds of different colors of nail polish to match with outfits, including painting his claws. Rarely uses hair dye, unless it works really well with something he's willing to wear for a while.
Loves making gifts for people by hand, and has made at least one thing for each person in the party, as well as people they interact with often enough, like Loop or Petronille (once getting to know them well enough, that is)
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Animal: Dog/Poodle - I'll be honest there's not much basis beyond just Vibes for the majority of these characters. Mirabelle just kinda gives me small-ish dog vibes and poodle fits the best overall, i think.
Claude & the Head Housemaiden are both wolves, so Mira has picked up a handful of behaviors from them. Most importantly howling, whether communicating where you are, or just as a release of different emotions. She doesn't do it very often, but when she does, the rest of the party tends to join in.
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Animal: Crane - I knew Odile was going to be a bird of some kind, but it was hard to narrow it down, so i just went with "general crane/heron". though i did most heavily reference the common crane and red-crowned crane, in terms of color and patterns.
[Note here to add the playlist when there's enough songs]
Her book is full of various different notes, from thoughts about a new food, to details about other party members she needs to know for later - she rarely shares what she writes about, but everyone knows it will come back around later on, eventually.
Sometimes the party will ask Odile to share stories of things from Ka Bue, like the Expressions. She doesn't quite remember most of them, there's just so many, but she's more than happy to share what ones she does know if they feel relevant to the current situation or particular person that's asking.
While Siffrin was being controlled by Loop, it wasn't particularly difficult to put together that something was wrong, but when Odile brought it up, everyone agreed that they should just give him some time to recover, and keep an eye on him just in case things got worse, so she didn't bring it up very often after that.
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Animal: Crested Gecko - Bonnie just gives me lizard vibes, and crested geckos are just the silliest little lizards I've ever seen so it seemed perfect. I imagine Nille is some sort of bigger lizard like a crocodilian, but i admittedly haven't thought about her much.
[Another note here to add playlist with more songs]
The palms of their hands have the same "sticky pads" as gecko feet, so they're very good at climbing most surfaces. Bonnie uses this ability on a regular basis, mostly for things like trees and small cliffs.
Petronille was happy to join the party, but wanted to spend time with Bonnie at home for a while - so everyone has this agreement that, the next time they're all in Bambouche, Nille and Bonnie will join them on an adventure for real!
As of right now, Bonnie has yet to really meet Loop, and doesn't know about their new name. Mostly due to the fact that Loop only started showing up around the time Bonnie goes home, and they didn't regain their form until after the party left Bambouche.
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THE character. my little guy. i want to pick them up and shake them around but they would probably kill me. This will be the longest section for any of the characters BY FAR so be prepared !!! :3
Animal: Silver Fox - It was hard to come up with something that made sense. Guinea pig would've still worked, but then it would've been hard to tell them apart from Siffrin in human form. There is a fox constellation, but that actually wasn't a factor in me making them a fox. I didn't find that out until after i already decided, though i did want the animal i chose to relate back to stars somehow, so it still works!
Prior to act 6, both of Loop's eyes were yellow, their colors were a lot duller, and they don't have the nebula cape. They get the cape after Siffrin's fight against the party, and their eye changes color during the fight with Siffrin.
Isabeau made their human form's cloak for them, after a lot of asking repeatedly, and Loop being unsure about what they would do with it, or if they even wanted a new one. Siffrin helped them out with some of the ideas, including the star clips.
Also really likes stuffed animals, but refuses to admit it, or even touch most of the plushies Siffrin gets. Some nights, Siffrin asks Loop to "hold onto" the fox plushie Isabeau made, which they secretly love and adore every single time, and doesn't seem to realize - or refuses to acknowledge - is Sif giving it to them, so they can have one too, even if only for a night.
Loop can still "check in" with Siffrin, just like they did at the Favor Tree - able to see and hear what's going on from their perspective, but not able to actually feel anything. They mostly just use this to talk, if there's something important Sif needs to know, or make sure they're okay, if they're farther away from each other.
Siffrin didn't want to fight Loop, at all, and obviously, Loop didn't give them a choice. But at some point they just. stop. give up. can't do it. Loop keeps it going, until it finally clicks that Siffrin isn't going to fight back anymore, but they stop a bit too late. Siffrin's so hurt now, the only thing Loop can do is keep them awake.
Loop fades away when everyone else comes for Siffrin, but. It's more like they went. "Dormant", i guess? They "wake up" later, able to watch everything that Siffrin does from his perspective, and eventually recover enough 'power' to take control of Siffrin's body.
No one really notices at first, but the more that Loop can control, and the more often they do it, the more obvious it becomes over time. Sometimes Siffrin just says something that's a bit off. or does something in a way that seems strange. but it wasn't enough to really pinpoint what was going on, especially since they still seemed to be recovering from the time loop.
Enough time passes, and Loop gets tired of having to control Siffrin in order to do anything, and the both of them split apart, somewhat hurting Sif in the process, but at least they're able to be their own people now. With the one limitation to it all being that Loop has to stay in a range where Siffrin can easily find them - usually, near Siffrin themself, but as long as Siffrin remembers where they are, it can be anywhere.
For a couple examples: If Siffrin remembers Loop is near the favor tree, then Loop can walk around anywhere in that area. And if they left Loop in a particular building, Siffrin would know they're in that building somewhere, so Loop can go just about anywhere they want while inside of it. If Loop wanted to follow someone somewhere, all Siffrin would need to do is find who they're with, and they find Loop, so that's also fine.
If they go too far from Siffrin, or their designated spot, they're automatically and forcefully pulled back in range of whatever they wind up tethered to, in order to ensure they do not get "lost".
After the split, Loop usually shows up as a small star, and initially prefers to use star-person form over human/"Siffrin" form when needing to interact with something, but grows to use the human form more often as time goes on. Mostly because it's harder to explain being a literal star than it is being Siffrin's "twin". definitely not more comfortable actually being themself.
Loop's stars emit a bit of heat, but their body itself is cold to the touch. The temperature difference is based on their emotional state. An angry enough Loop could radiate so much heat you would be burned by staying too close, but if you touched them, they would be freezing. A version of this can happen in "Sif-mode", where they get a lot hotter when they're upset. Basically an inverse of Siffrin's mental-freezing-feeling.
To everyone who's not part of the main party, Loop uses the name Anser, should they be asked for a name. It's taken them a long time to get used to it, and they still forget it sometimes, but it's getting easier to remember with everyone else using it in place of 'Loop' more and more as time goes on.
A bit of meta information, this name comes from the brightest star in the constellation Vulpecula ("little fox"), which used to be two animals for one constellation - a fox, and a goose - which was briefly split into two constellations, and then merged back into one, this time only named after the fox, but keeping the memory of the goose with that star's name.
I thought it sounded like a familiar sort of story, that perfectly aligned with everything else. and it's even from the fox constellation, like the universe preemptively told me to make them a fox, before i even knew it was a thing!!!!
So yeah anyway.
This is such a long post for me. lots of thoughts i have to get out there. Also very nervous about sharing this, but hey. you'll never know what people will say about something if you don't SHARE IT so i'm just going "fuck it we ball" at this point.
Sorry for not having much for some of the characters, i just. have a lot of things i need to say about Loop!.
I have a lot more thoughts about the world, post-game, and certain scenarios that i think would be fun, however this post is LOONG ENOUGH AS IT IIISSSSS and if i don't keep some of them to myself i will never get this posted so i will share them LATERRRR !!!!
Feel free to draw these designs if you want to, i would love to see them so much!!! Especially Loop!!!!!!!! And also if you have anything you want to ask me, or little ideas to add onto my headcanons, I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR THEM!!
Feel free to send them my way, and all your little questions will be answered!! I will likely not respond to things asked in reblogs to avoid this post from getting much longer, so it's best to put it in my askbox!!
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cheriladycl01 · 2 days ago
Billion Dollar Baby - Grid x Billionare! Reader x Lewis Hamilton (Rom) Part 3
Plot: Girlie loves Formula One, but she also loved Chaos and Drama so she offers the FIA/ the F1 Teams 300 million to do a race … for her under her rules!
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You and Lewis had of course seen the tabloids, the tweets and the Instagram posts. And you guys were practically the headline in each gossip magazine.
You both chose to ignore it like you always had done. When you first started dating you're relashionship was broadcasted all over the internet for everyone to see but you guys just got on with it. You guys were in love with one another and thats all that mattered
It was the breakup that was the hardest to deal with. Seeing his face pop up everywhere that wasn't right in front of you in person was the hardest thing you ever had to do. Lewis said it was mutual and maybe in the moment you only agreed to call it quits because you didn't have the energy to fight for him like you should have or maybe because you thought that would make him happy.
But it didn't make any of you happy.
On the plane to Mauritius you and Lewis caught up with everything that had been going on in your lifes and it felt loike you guys were back to the 2020 where you guys were calm and not fighting over stupid things.
Today was a chill day, lounging on the sunbeds on the beach your villa was at while Lewis was snorkelling around. You were reading a book watching the scene around you before Lewis beckoned you to come to him.
"What?" you call from your reclined position on the sunbed.
"Come join me. I wanna show you something! Bring the snorkel mask too!" he shouts back over making you groan before getting up and taking off anything expensive and leaving it in the lock box and joining him at the surf.
"Look i got you this, remember you used to collect them?" he asks showing you a beautiful shell.
"Woah, where'd you find this?" you ask holding your hands out for it and he plops it in there before pointing out the general location he found it in.
"Maybe there's more and we could find matching ones" you grin as you place the snorkel mask on so its on your forehead.
"Mmmm lets go for a swim together theres loads of fish just past here and i saw some nurse sharks!" he exclaims and you follow him hand in hand pulling the goggles down with the free hand before dipping under the water and seeing the lagoon of life below.
You guys spent the rest of the afternoon swimming and collecting different shells and watching the sun set in the water before going back to the villa to get ready for dinner which a private chef would prepare for the both of you.
"Y/N? I want to talk about ... us" he offers and you place your knife and fork down onto the plate neatly, finishing of the food in your mouth.
"W-what about us?" you ask, a flutter in your stomach.
"Well... i just I want you back. I've wasted too much time being without you and ... i feel like i need to make up for it now" he offers and a small smile pulls on your face as you try to pick up your wine glass without showing how you are shaking from nerves and excitement.
You never even dreamed of being with Lewis again as it seemed even too far fetched outside of even your dream realm, let alone your reality. So this was it for you.
"You can have me back!" you say.
"And i know that maybe ... wait did you just say" he stops in shock.
"Yes, Lewis. I think part of me knew that i've always been yours and i just never thought to reach back out to you because you looked like you were concentrated and happy and i didn't want to distract you!" you exclaim happily.
"I - so this is official, us i mean?" he asks and you nod before repicking up your fork to finish off your meal.
"I mean, you haven't asked me yet Sir Lewis Hamilton" you tease, lightly tapping his shoe with yours and he just rolls his eyes.
"Y/N Will you be my girlfriend" he says and you place a finger to your lip and look up as if you are deeply thinking about the question thats been asked of you.
"Hmmmm ill have to think about that" you laugh looking at him.
"Come onnnnnn" he groans looking at you with those brown puppy dog eyes.
"Yes Lewis, ill be your girlfriend!" you smile, taking your hand is his. You stare at him for a few second before he puts something up on the table, it was a small little velevt box.
"Now that's official i think you should take this back" he nods, opening the box up to show the promise ring he'd given you from his grandmothers collection all those years ago when you first met. It meant the most to you, but you'd given it back to him the day you broke it off.
"I've never had anyone else where it because it belongs with you. You should have kept it last time!" he sighs, slipping it back onto your finger.
"I love you Lewis" you smile up at him.
"I love you too, thank you for giving me a second chance. Will you come to the next race with me?"
"I'll come to everyone you race at, but im still investing in Mclaren's future. Lando and Oscar have become like sons to me and i want to see those boys win" you grin.
"Alright alright, and about me driving the Williams in the charity race, can i ch-" he starts and you go to throw some bread at him.
"NO! You stay in Willaims no favrioutes!" you exclaim at his remark.
You were excited for the charity race in a month! It would be exciting to see everyone in different cars!
@littlebitchsposts @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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sigmasoyboy · 2 days ago
Hello ˗ˏˋ 𓅰 ˎˊ˗ first of all I love ur art so much, so fucking gorgeous. Also, I would love to know more about the domestic life of Hunter, Gage, and the others. Any good stuff u could share with us ?
I've shared some tidbits that would fit this question on retrospring waaay early when I was developing these characters, seems like it's time to rephrase and update some of it !
Supplies run are done by other people who also work for the same employer as Hunter, so one of his tasks is to have basically a grocery list ready every two weeks. This entails both food, other essentials like hygiene products/toilet paper/etc… AND whatever Coeus asks for his experiments, so the list literally looks like "eggs x12, bodywash, live subject (no junkie), culture tubes x5, …"
(At the beginning Coeus would ask for Ketamine pretending it was to use as anaesthetic/sedation, except he got caught using it for himself instead of working lol so now Hunter won't put it on the list anymore.)
This does mean they are all stuck together all the time in this weird captive mundanity, so of course the lines begin to blur after a while. At first Hunter was very guard-like, not interested in having conversations with or taking care of Coeus beyond what he was being paid for, but as you can clearly see his attitude did eventually soften (more his actions than his words tho lol). Despite his rough exterior, he is by no mean a loner so it was bound to happen.
The first thing that breached the rigid work relationship was the fact that Coeus doesn't cook at all. All he asked for in terms of grocery was plain porridge, vitamin supplements, coffee and energy bars (+ an electric kettle so he wouldn't even have to bother boiling water on the stove, and half the time he would still rather just eat an energy bar and a mouthful of supplements). Truly vile shit for someone like Hunter who loves hearty, home cooked meals. He could only witness and ignore it for so long before he started putting scrambled eggs* and bacon into a plate and pushing Coeus to fucking eat "something real for once". Coeus doesn't care about food but he doesn't mind the attention either, it's always a good subject to rib Hunter on, but he does eat like a bird so more often than not he barely touches the plate. Everything Hunter knows (and likes) how to cook is too rich for a stomach that has been used to nothing but porridge for years lol
(*Hunter's scrambled eggs are killer btw. It's the silky, creamy, buttery kind that's seasoned just right. Yeah his cooking would make anyone's cholesterol skyrocket but what he does know how to cook he does it pretty well.)
What Coeus doesn't eat usually ends up given to Gage with his canned dog food. At first Hunter wasn't really sure what he should be feeding him but Coeus assured him that according to his analysis, his gut microbiome was more similar to one of a dog than a human, so dog food it was. He still grills extra bacon strips for him from time to time though (and of course, the delicious spoonful of motherfucking peanut butter treat)
He doesn't say it, but it does make him happy that once Valeriy is thrust into this weird place, there is SOMEONE who is grateful for the food and is able to voice it. Though after a while Valeriy does ask if he can have "some fruit or juice, if that's ok", kind of outlining that no, the occasional tomato sauce is not really enough vegetables for a balanced diet… he does gets his fruit/orange juice don't worry
Seen in this tweet (because tumblr hates even domestic nudity) but sometimes Coeus has to be forced to bath because he has so little care for his own body, which does involve Hunter having to wash his hair because else he'll just… Dissociate in the water for a bit and then get out without bothering. It also falls on Hunter to do the laundry but tbh he procrastinate that shit a lot… They're all smelly. At least Valeriy helps once he's there.
Coeus often takes naps. He most of the time oversleeps and even then he still feels tired all the time (another check mark for the depression checklist). Hunter has to drag him out of bed most mornings because else he would sleep well after 3PM. He also takes a long time to wake up, until he does he is pretty much a zombie.
Hunter has a bed but prefers to sleep either on the couch or in an armchair. His sleep schedule is much more strict than Coeus' because of the nature of his work, but as time goes he will sometimes catch a nap (after locking all exits still, of course). His sleep is very light at first because he's supposed to be hyper-aware, but as time goes it and he drops hi guard it becomes deeper. Sometimes he is only resting his eyes though, so he might jumpscare Coeus leaving the lab to procrastinate elsewhere by telling him to get back down there before he gets up and makes him.
Gage likes to sleep either at the foot of wherever Hunter is sleeping or on his laps/on him. He will also sometimes curl up at his feet when he's keeping watch and sleep, especially after he's had his zoomies.
Valeriy slept a lot at first after Coeus' vivisectomized him, but after that he has grown wary and will often wake up multiple times during the night. He only sleeps well when Coeus gives him his laudanum spiked tea.
extra: little sick tidbits also from retrospring to close on !
I think Hunter first move if Gage was clearly sick would be to put him to bed with maybe an ice pack and some water close and go to his business, but once Gage would realize through the fever that he is alone he would crawl out of bed and go look for him. Hunter would probably grumble and complain about it to make it clear that it annoys him while still wrapping him into a blanket and helping him blow his nose while letting him rest his head on his lap. He would openly care for him but he'd make sure that everyone else knows how annoying it is for him (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ what a big tsundere, making broth with pasta just for Gage while complaining that he can't do his damn job with this stupid mutt rubbing his snot all over his pants (don't pay attention to the relief in his sigh once Gage's temperature finally starts dropping shhh sshhhh)
Since Coeus likes to take kind of any opportunity to avoid the work he is supposed to do, if he woke up feeling a little under the weather he would stay buried under his sheets until Hunter came to drag him out forcefully thinking he's just being lazy. It would probably take Coeus burning up/nearly fainting/vomiting for Hunter to believe he is truly sick (to be fair the guy looks ill at his 'healthiest' so it's hard to tell when he actually isn't well + he isn't good at asking for help (though there's little he desire more than being cared for)). By then he would probably get put back to bed (and have a snarky remark to say about it) and Hunter would pretty much put on the same grumbling and complaining he does with Gage, except with more groaning about how he's not being paid to be a damn fucking nurse, but he would do what he can for Coeus to not feel like shit/die/get better as soon as possible :'-) I think the degree of letting down his walls would vary depending on how sick/out of it Coeus is, so say if he had a pretty bad fever and was barely conscious Hunter wouldn't bitch that much and might actually do things like gently get his hair out of his face, run his fingers through his hair, sit on the bed next to him… Hunter has a real nurturing streak under his gruff façade and it's only getting worse with age.
Valeriy would be easiest to care for because he's used to being given only medecine and water and left all alone. He might actually cry a little if Hunter didn't just send him back to bed but like, cooked him food that is easy to digest and came to change his ice pack once in a while (poor little guy…). Coeus would want to know how his body reacts to illnesses but Hunter would drag him out of Valeriy's room and back into the lab before he can bother him.
If Hunter was to get sick he would lock everyone in a room so he could fucking rest lol
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theseventhdimension · 3 days ago
For You, I’d Endure the Spooks
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Gn! Reader (Reader is specified to be taller and stronger thsn Aaron, and also dresses up as a male character)
Word Count: 1.5k+
DNI: Everyone is welcome!
Author's Note: Reader knows Muay Thai because i know Muay Thai :3
HHHHHHHHHHHHoly moly mother of God i was meant to get this out during Halloween LAST YEAR. IT'S MARCH. But, at least it's here now :p
Okay this one is a little (a lot) angsty, fights, yelling, etc. yayayya.
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Halloween. Honestly, you either love it or you hate it.
You loved it. The thrill of scary movies, the adrenaline of jumpscares, the electric buzz of parties, and the joy of slipping into elaborate costumes, it was your thing! The one time of year where reality blurred just enough to let you play, to escape, to live in a world of make-believe, even if only for a night.
Aaron, your husband, did not share your enthusiasm. He wouldn’t outright admit it, but he despised Halloween. He hated the chaos, the unpredictability, the sea of disguised faces making it impossible to profile anyone properly. And Halloween parties? Pure torture.
Still, after weeks of coaxing, bargaining, and borderline begging, you convinced him to come with you, under one condition. You had to dress as his favorite Star Wars duo: Anakin and Obi-Wan. A small price to pay.
At first, you were having fun. The music pulsed, the laughter of friends surrounded you, and the energy of the night wrapped around you like a warm, intoxicating embrace. But soon enough, Aaron began trailing behind you like a lost puppy, his discomfort bleeding into every movement.
"I don't feel so good..." He had whined. 
"Ah.. it seems I've forgotten my phone..." He pouted right before his phone buzzed in his pocket. 
"Honey, I think I left the oven on." He tugged on your sleeve.
Your oven hasn't worked for the past week.
It was clear he wanted to leave.
"What..? No, why would I want to leave without you..?" He said frustratedly with annoyed eyes as You sighed, softening your tone. “Honey... I know you want to leave, but just five more minutes? I begged you for weeks to come to this.”
His annoyed expression faltered as he saw how much it meant to you. He let out a deep sigh, defeated. “Fine. Five minutes. That’s it.” He tried to sound gruff, like he did at work, but really, he just sounded petulant.
Still, he stuck to you like glue, scanning the crowd with laser focus, ensuring no one got too close. But every so often, you caught his gaze flickering back to you, lingering on the way your costume fit you just right. It was almost enough to make you forgive his brooding.
"This is taking too long..." He mutters again, looking down at his watch.
You get a final shot in before you leave. As the party is coming to an end, Aaron is practically dragging you out of the house. He doesn't say anything until you're both outside.
“Finally,” he exhaled, like a man escaping from a hostage situation. Then he turned to you with an exaggerated pout. “That was torture.”
You simply stared at him, face blank and unreadable—an unusual reversal of your usual dynamic. “Okay.”
Aaron blinked. “That’s all you have to say? Just ‘okay’?” He let go of your hand, arms crossing again.
You shrugged. “Let’s just go home, like you wanted.”
Aaron sighed, irritation threading through his voice. “I didn’t want to go to the party. You’re the one who forced me to.” He picked up his pace, not even checking to see if you were following. When he realized you weren’t keeping up, he turned back with an exasperated look. “Hurry up. It’s cold, and I want to get inside.”
You didn’t retort, just silently picked up your speed, lips pressed into a thin line
Aaron sighs like he always does when he's disappointed and keeps walking, occasionally glancing back to make sure you're still there. He's starting to get frustrated with your silence and your lack of response to his complaints.
They finally reach your shared house, Jack sleeping soundly, and Aaron unlocks the door, stepping inside and holding it open for you.*
You nod to him, walking past straight to the bedroom to change out of your costume.
Hotch watches you walk past him, his annoyance growing even more. He follows you into the bedroom and leans against the wall, watching as you start to take off your costume.
"Are you seriously not going to talk to me at all?" He asks, his tone a mix of irritation and concern.
You turned on him, eyes sharp. “I asked you for one simple thing, Aaron.” Your voice wavered between anger and hurt. “I always do what you want. I watch the movies you pick, go to the bars you like, rearrange my schedule around your stupid profiling job that takes you away from me.”  you burst out. 
"But the second I ask you to do something for me, you complain the entire time until we leave!” You finish your rant, panting, Jedi robe half off and lightsaber thrown on the ground.
Aaron opened his mouth, then closed it, his jaw tightening. He hadn’t realized just how much he had been pushing you aside.
“I…” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know I complain a lot. But I just don’t like Halloween, okay? It’s not my fault.”
You scoffed, shaking your head. “I sat in the corner all night so you’d feel comfortable. I barely drank because I know you hate it when I do. And I asked you for weeks.” Your voice cracked slightly, frustration giving way to exhaustion.
“Think what you want. You could’ve let me have a little fun. I wanted to go because I got to do it with you, but apparently, I didn’t get that either.” Your voice was quieter now, but no less sharp, your words hitting like a punch to the gut.
Hotch sighed, reaching out to touch your arm, this time more gently. “You’re right. I should have tried to enjoy it for your sake. I just… I got caught up in my own discomfort and didn’t think about how much it meant to you.”
You didn’t reply. Instead, you turned around, shutting off the light and climbing into bed, facing the wall.
Aaron stood frozen for a moment, watching your back, his heart sinking lower with every second of silence. He’d handled this all wrong. Again.
Finally, he exhaled and climbed into bed beside you, leaving a small space between you both, though every instinct screamed at him to pull you close. The room was quiet, save for the steady sound of your breathing. He knew you were still awake, but he didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t make things worse.
Minutes passed. Maybe hours. The weight of your anger settled over him like a blanket of regret.
“…Please talk to me,” he murmured, voice barely above a whisper.
“Oh, you want a bedtime story?” you retorted. “I thought you hated childish things.”
Aaron flinched at your cold tone. He knew he deserved it, but it still stung.
“I don’t hate everything about Halloween,” he admitted. “And I don’t hate you. I just… I have a hard time expressing myself sometimes.”
“You clearly didn’t at the party,” you huffed.
He let out a slow breath, rolling onto his side to face you. “You’re right. I didn’t. But that’s because I was scared.” He paused, swallowing. “Scared of the crowds, of people talking to me, of not being able to keep an eye on you.”
His voice was quieter now. “I know… I know I’m being difficult. But I just don’t understand why you like it so much. It’s a holiday for kids and adults to get drunk. I wouldn’t be able to protect you! Do you know how many children go missing on Halloween? What if we’d brought Jack and something happened to him? I see these cases every day-” You let out a dry laugh, shaking your head. 
He didn’t say it, but he was thinking of Haley. The way he’d failed her. How he couldn’t bear the thought of failing you, too.
You cut him off with a dry laugh. “I’m taller than you, weigh more than you, and I’m a red belt in Muay Thai. I’d be the one protecting you. You can’t solve everything by shooting or getting yourself shot, Aaron.”
For the first time that night, he chuckled despite himself, shaking his head. “I know, I know.” His voice softened. “But that doesn’t stop me from wanting to protect you.”
You huffed, turning away. “Your job is to worry about everyone but me.”
Aaron flinched, the words striking deeper than he expected. He hesitated before reaching out, touching your shoulder. “I’m sorry. I was selfish tonight. I’ll do better.”
You turned to face him, expression still guarded. “I’m still pissed, but I don’t want to go to bed without holding you. Turn around.”
Aaron’s heart skipped a beat. He rolled onto his side without hesitation, pressing his back against you as you wrapped an arm around him. He let out a content sigh, fingers intertwined with yours.
“I love you,” he murmured into the quiet.
You exhaled, pressing your lips to the back of his neck. “Fuck you, but I still love you.”
A chuckle rumbled through his chest. “I’ll take it.”
As sleep pulled at him, he made a silent vow: next year, if you wanted him to, he’d go to another damn Halloween party.
For you.
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roothealingca · 2 days ago
Coming back to this photo to share some big reflections I've had over the last week.
This past week has been one of major reflection, especially concerning the theme of alignment and ease.
I recently rewatched my Soul Contract reading. In this reading, the practitioner brought up how the manifestation of struggle in my life is directly linked to being in misalignment.
An example of how I can clearly pinpoint this in my life goes back to my B.Ed days. I clearly remember sitting in one of second year classes, in which we were talking about teachers that left the profession within the first five years. I vividly remember having a moment of “yup, that’s going to be me.” This was a point in my journey that I didn’t feel as connected to my intuition as I do today (I’m no master, but it’s been a journey of leaning into it), so I ignored the little, soft whisper and went on to complete my first year of teaching, which might I add was miserable.
Hindsight is 20/20 so naturally I see this situation differently now, but sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened if I had listened to that little whisper. But, also, as someone who learns from experience, I also see the value in this situation, and what it taught me.
To circle back to the theme of alignment, there’s been several moments, or synchronicities, in the last week that have really echoed stepping into an era of alignment, and ease.
1) Friday’s card pull was the 4 of Pentacles and the Temperance card, which brings messages of
“Steward your resources wisely, but don’t grip so tightly that you block divine harmony.”
"Trusting that ease doesn’t mean complacency.” (You’re not skipping steps; you’re just moving with grace now. And grace is what happens when alignment meets receptivity).
On Friday I got my hair done, and the name of the girl doing my hair was Grace- talk to me about screaming alignment!! This haircut and style also felt like the perfect thing to do under this Full Moon Eclipse- letting go of what no longer serves me.
2) The Universe feeling like a big spoon- not only feeding me but also holding and supporting me.
3) I saw 777 on license plates twice last week, and the second time it was EZE 777. 777 is about divine alignment, spiritual rewards, and right place, right time energy. With the EZE in front of it, the message screamed stepping into a chapter of ease, and grace/Grace (I’m using both because this next chapter is just as about coming from a place of grace, but also needing a consistent stylist).
So here I am, standing at the crossroads of alignment and ease, realizing that struggle was never a prerequisite for growth—it was just what I had normalized. But now? Now, I’m learning to trust that the right things don’t have to be hard, that divine timing is actually divine, and that sometimes, the Universe doesn’t just give you signs—it hands you a stylist named Grace and a license plate that literally spells it out. Here’s to stepping forward with ease, alignment, and even a little extra bounce in my hair.
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New profile picture from a branding shoot I did a week and a half ago!! I really love how my photos turned out!!
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perpetualexistence · 5 months ago
Bad news: I don't think I'm going to be able to write for ever day of TD horror week as I'd originally imagined.
Good news: The days I am going to be part of will be Cooking. I shan't spoil too much about it but one day already has 2.5K words and is only like a fourth of the way done.
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thekittyokat · 10 months ago
you ever just have a lot, a LOT of feelings all at once about a character and not even remotely enough words or brainpower to FORM the words to describe everything you're feeling. so it feels like you may explode. yeah
#sorry i got really into my feelings about mark hoffman again#the very specific version of him in my brain that i really really wish i had the time and energy to properly share with you guys#saw#well until i muster the energy to explode all of my feelings out into a fic. if you want to TRY and understand#know that my three biggest hoffman fic insps right now are as follows#your best kept secret hoffman. a series of mistakes hoffman. and rushed like a dreadful wind hoffman.#there is a very clear throughline just know i am extremely emotionally compromised rn#thinking about theee fics vs the canon path hoffman spirals down#something something the absolute tragedy of watching a man's descent into madness#the transformation of a man into a monster#and what could have saved him from himself and kramer's corruption#sorry i'm rambling so much oh my god i was just having such a crying fit out of nowhere about this#do you think he could feel it happening. do you think he was aware he was losing his mind.#the script version of him fucks with me so bad. the crazed rankings and the longer hair and him not being well kept anymore#it's impossible to think he didn't know he was deteriorating#fuuuck okay i need to either chill or write a whole longfic rn#i project on that guy so much i truly don't know if i could properly write my vision of him#until i do something more substantial the full extent of my hoffman exists for me and my boyfriend only. they get me like no one else#well ginny and jenna also get me. please read best kept secret and a series of mistakes Oh My God#where am i going with this. i like tag rambling actually this is a nice way to do it without forcing EVERYONE to read my delirium#anyways if you've read all of this i think i love you? feel free to dm me about hoffman and my very specific headcanons and aus#maybe soon i'll try and start writing my fics about this tragic man#i could never say any of this on twitter btw they'd string me up for my opinions on him as a sad wet beast who could have been fixed#if only he hadn't been weaponized first#god i'm too tired to even be as embarrassed about this as i should be. thought i unlearned cringe already#but i've been spending way too much time on twitter and they HAAATE hoffman there#rip. i know it's not that serious but i'm sensitive rn and hate feeling lonely in my thoughts#ok bye for real otherwise i'll never shut up. i might tag ramble more often bc this was therapeutic in a way i needed badly#cat chat
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cidandy · 2 months ago
i fear the general public may not deserve her...but you get to see girl cider as a treat because i like her & i can't stop drawing her.
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ruvviks · 2 months ago
// oc deep dive.
tagged by; @aztarion and @devilbrakers, thank you so much!!
tagging; @mojaves, @deadrlngers, @ordinarymaine, @claudiawolf, @adelaidedrubman and YOU!
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What common/uncommon fear do they have?
Nathan has a lot of fears stemming from his paranoia. Tangible ones such as getting captured or killed by MOBIUS, his friends walking away from him, or someone following him home; as well as more unrealistic ones, such as somehow ending up back in STEM, or getting stuck in a time loop, or a giant sinkhole all the way to the core of the earth opening up right at his feet.
It also happens often enough that certain actions don’t necessarily scare him, but make him uncomfortable or highly on edge (often with good reason); think of someone locking the door of the room he’s in– especially when it’s just them two– or getting too close without warning. He often fears people he gets too close to will end up treating him like the Administrator did, which is why it takes a while for him to let Sebastian get any closer physically, despite warming up to him relatively fast.
A more uncommon fear he has is waking up one morning and having lost one of his senses or his ability to speak. Aside from the mental erosion that had become a growing issue among Union citizens, MOBIUS observed a similar kind of process in its agents who regularly jumped in and out of STEM for general maintenance and the like– presumably caused by the constant changes in brain activity, which more than often led to exactly what Nathan’s fear mentioned above describes. While he was among the agents who worked both in and outside of STEM on the Union environment, he was lucky enough to never suffer the consequences.
Lastly, he is deadly afraid of Anima. Despite not having shown any other symptom of succumbing to the STEM domination process, Nathan would have started seeing her around sometime before Lily vanished– presumably got her attention after some of his escapades in the secret labs in the Marrow– and he has not been able to sleep soundly in STEM ever since. While his fear of her mostly acts up when he’s in a STEM environment, it definitely translates over to the real world as well; during bad mental health episodes he has auditory hallucinations of her, and she makes regular appearances in his nightmares too.
Do they have any pet peeves?
When people are too passive. Nathan can’t stand it when he’s expected to initiate everything, from conversations to taking action, both in a work context (scheduling meetings, deploying new code) as well as personal context (scheduling to hang out, doing household chores). He also doesn’t like having to constantly ask people to do what they’re supposed to do– though this irritation more than often extends a little too far, to things he is expecting of people but never told them about.
Loud and unexpected noises, especially when done on purpose. Fireworks would be a great example of this, and they piss Nathan off no end. He gets snippy when people raise their voice at him for no reason, or when they keep banging their fist on a surface to get others’ attention.
Getting cut off in traffic. Nathan’s road rage is easily awakened and he can get a little drastic with it. His reflexes are fast enough to brake on time to avoid ending up in someone’s trunk, but will in that same breath speed right back up to crash into them on purpose as revenge for pissing him off.
What are three items you can find in their bedroom?
A large ring binder full of old code snippets, notes from various projects he worked on back at MOBIUS, and all his research ranging from neuroscience all the way to electrical engineering. Nathan is a little old-school in that regard– he’d much rather have all his research physically with him than save it all to some online storage platform and risk losing it like that.
A jigsaw puzzle, made entirely out of different pieces that he’s collected over the years (stolen from others’ puzzles, found in various locations, stolen directly from the store, etc). The full piece would total up to nearly 2000 pieces, though it is still missing a large chunk in the center; the result is an abstract piece containing mostly darker colors, though with various bursts of color scattered around like flowers in a field. Nathan isn’t the artistic type, but the project keeps him busy and he considers it a type of self-expression.
The knife he killed his parents with when he was sixteen years old. He’s not entirely sure why he kept it all those years– perhaps to remind himself what got him to where he is now, or because it’s the only thing he still has from that time of his life. Either way, it’s kept safe in the top drawer of his nightstand, easy enough to reach in case someone breaks into his apartment.
What do they notice first in a person?
First: State of mind, overall mood. How approachable do they look; can he afford to lower his guard or does he need to tread with caution, can he get close without worrying about a knife to the stomach or should he keep his distance? Nathan rarely shows immediate interest in someone’s overall personality, he would rather want to know which of their emotions he’s gonna have to deal with during their interaction(s).
Second: Body language. Ties in with the first thing mentioned– cautiously watching for threats, waiting to see if they make a move to touch (or harm) him so he can step out of their range. But it also extends a little further; Nathan tends to mimic others’ body language in conversation to make himself appear more approachable. If someone gestures a lot, he will do the same.
Third: Their smile, if relevant. Smiling is an eye-catching action to him, since he’s not one to quickly do so himself. It’s attractive to him; if someone smiles at him, you’ll be able to catch him staring.
Fourth: Scars, and other (skin) details. Nathan isn’t one to ask about them, of course– but they’ll catch his attention anyway, for a brief moment, since some of them already tell a story on their own even without words.
Fifth: Nervous tics, if relevant. By this point he’s been in conversation long enough to pick up on the little details– a slight thrill or shakiness to their voice, a thumb running over the side of their index finger, a nose twitch. In some cases it eases his mind, knowing the other person isn’t confident in their conversation either; in other cases it sets off alarms in his mind, and makes him wonder if there’s more going on than what they’re showing or telling him.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Physically: 7. While he doesn’t quite look like it, Nathan can take a hit or two. Most of his injuries happen in STEM– though with the way the technology works, the pain is very much real, and in some cases the scars are lasting even in the real world despite the damage having been sustained in STEM. To an extent, Nathan even enjoys the pain; it’s grounding for him, and keeps him from dissociating. When it gets too much to handle he simply drinks it away.
Mentally: 10. Nathan’s life has been a constant downward spiral; sent to a youth detention center after being wrongfully accused of killing his younger sister, and he was bullied relentlessly there, which continued until long after his release both at school and at home. At MOBIUS, he was required to work shifts in their HQ as well as in the Marrow, in the Union STEM environment– he was required to be mentally strong, or he would have already started suffering from mental erosion by long-term STEM exposure after his first few trips in. It takes a lot to break him (or so he likes to believe).
Emotionally: 4. Once you get past all the barriers, Nathan is pretty sensitive. He doesn’t deal well with rejection or misunderstanding, and is prone to assuming things are all his fault the second something goes wrong. It’s easy to upset him, though he won’t easily show; but the damage often takes a while to repair.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (Or freeze or fawn?)
Fight, more than often; though it may appear as flight at first, since Nathan’s favored combat approach is stealth and he will always find cover before doing anything rash. In certain cases, however, he would be more likely to freeze; especially anything related to Anima or an enemy type like her, where fighting is out of the question, and he knows that a single wrong move can mean his demise.
It translates to non-combat situations too– often willing to talk to people but his initial response is to get defensive and close himself off, and if not given a moment to regain himself it can lead to either fighting or freezing; biting back with similar ferocity or shutting down altogether, unable to pick up his rational train of thought in the heat of the moment.
It really depends on the type of confrontation, though; taking his own state of mind and who else is involved into consideration. He’s known to fawn when a situation starts feeling a little too familiar– generally surrounding the abuse he suffered from partially his parents, but mostly the Administrator.
What animal represents them best?
Wolf; bordering on dog motif, but cautiously so, requiring infinite patience and understanding to win his trust. Nathan is loyal and guarding to those he cares about, but he values his freedom– his choices and decisions are his and his alone, and anyone who tries to take that away from him will suffer the necessary consequences.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Curious, above anything else. Distant, reserved; surprisingly well-spoken, almost technical in his interactions with others as if the whole conversation is pre-programmed in his mind. Nathan isn’t necessarily cold towards others, but people would also not be quick to describe him as kind; though there is a certain warmth to the way he speaks and looks at people, despite the fact he very rarely smiles and isn’t one to quickly compliment someone else.
Appearance-wise, people tend to notice the white strands in his black hair first. They’re clustered at the front of his head, and match with the white hairs in his left eyebrow and the white eyelashes in the outer corner of his left eye. Nathan has very pale and rough skin, patchy but dark facial hair covering up most of his acne (/scarring); and part of the skin around his left eyebrow is lacking pigment, though it’s a little hard to see. He has very pale and bright blue eyes, which can be a little unnerving when staring at them for too long. Many people cannot maintain eye contact with him for very long.
Do they have any hobbies?
Nathan’s career is directly intertwined with his hobbies, and he enjoys working on code even long after cutting ties with MOBIUS. Software development, application optimization– his laptop runs on an operating system that he coded entirely himself, and whenever he has some time to spare he can be found tweaking and optimizing it and adding new features.
To no one’s surprise, he’s a gamer. Shooters, roguelikes, survival horror– he does not play all too often as his schedule often doesn’t allow for it, but he generally doesn’t have a hard time playing on higher difficulties and enjoys the challenge. Nathan has tried his hand at game design and development too, but stopped quickly when he found it too similar to developing the Union environment in STEM.
And last, surprisingly, would be writing. Journaling, some sort of attempt at poetry, or articles he would want to send in to some website or appropriate magazine but never does– a lot of Nathan’s writing is for his eyes alone, but it helps as an outlet, it keeps him grounded. For a while after leaving MOBIUS, he worked on writing tech manuals for various employers to earn some extra cash, which also ties directly into his interests.
#tag games#ask:nathan#using his full name in the banner to fill up all the empty space but it feels so funny like no one calls him that. no one calls him that#idk who's already done this i'm very out of the loop but hi =] until tumblr fixes itself my brain will only let me tag 5 people#in stuff like this so if you see this and i haven't tagged you. you are tagged now. i am tagging you in my mind palace#anyway hi =] i love nathan he is a little bit of a freak a little bit of a weirdo but that's part of his charm#possibly autistic but he's got a job so he doesn't really care about that right now#to me nathan is the same sort of oc flavor as vitali is but it's hard to explain. they both carry this energy around that makes them#fit very well in one specific environment if that makes sense?? vitali being a corpo boy nathan being lead STEM developer#and to then see them outside of that environment kind of makes them feel out of place in a very similar way as#how they themselves feel a little alienated from the rest of the world#taught to do what they do and when expected to function outside of that reality and mingle with the crowds#they don't really know what to do with themselves etc etc. does that make sense. i hope it does#either way. for nathan it really shows in how he struggles connecting with his friends and why he ends up#latching on to ruben so much once he allows him to move in with him. there's SO many parallels between them#and ruben is also a guy who grew up dedicating his life to one thing only and now he doesn't know what else there is for him#that's why they work so well together... both struggling to find purpose and connection. you know what i mean#ok i've said enough now but just know i could easily write an essay or two about this guy
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mariyekos · 5 months ago
If no one's got me while hitting walls in my writing, the Berserk Golden Age Arc OST's got me.
Shoutout to the perfect ambiance created by the Berserk Golden Age Arc OST, especially Descent, for helping me get back into the flow of things for certain fics. Sometimes you just need to listen to Get In The Zone in a way that most normal music can't get you.
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keeps-ache · 4 months ago
why's all the colorful stuff always in the kids' options oTL
#just me hi#Whyyy [laying on the ground facing up. hand on your shoe]#I see a thing with colours I like and it's either a) fast fashion garbage that'll break down quick + be incredibly uncomfortable#or b) only goes to size 10 in kids#Must I suffer. Its already hard finding my shoes they're funking Black kdhsvfh#Not only would colours just be nicer to wear they'd also be easier to find <3#And I got the go ahead for multicolour so Whyhuhyhyhhyyyyy lmaoo#And if I get recced another pastel palette I'll explode. It's just not happening. Help kfvsh#It's either pastels or dusty colours I do not vibe with at this time. Or black#And black can be Fine but I don't want black but I also don't want to die immediately walking around and Blaaahh bloooooo ouhrrrr#My mother said this shoe brand she wants me to get shoes from has good colours and I go to check it and you Won't Believe What They Had#I've been SNUBBED#is that the word here? Hang on loll :)#Close enough 👍💥💥#SNUBBED dude. Just awful kfshsh#I don't want neutral colours I am so tired of them lmfhsf#That and pastels. Lord please I am begging for a restraining order against pastels#I had this same problem looking for skates last year whyyyy am I supposed to be beige and faded blue all the time BLAH#//anyway I Did sleep yea :>#I'm also slightly hungry which my explain my renewed issues with this but yk what I think I would had this problem anyway. Peace kfdhshf#At least I can find clothing with patterns and colours i like that happen to be on the same shirt right. Right#Okey I'm gonna stop talking abt it Lmfhsvfhd#//yea I've got some left over energies from last night and a thing I've gotta get on so :3#I think I've figured out my process w/ the tradi inking and then colouring! Went at record speeds last nnnI mean this morning Kfhsvf#Though I have Got to eat before that. Sigh. Sigh. Sighhhh#Life: you get to eat but you also don't have a choice lmao#Same thing with sleep. And baths. Why must good things suck so hard [shaking my fist]#//anyWho I'm going on my way. Onnn my way#Yep. Moving now. As we speak uhh huh#Alright toodles pfsh :>
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zevrans-archive · 1 year ago
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transgender-catboy · 1 year ago
I love my friends
#i think im just going to talk in the tags for a moment. got a lot on my mind#for starters. the fnaf movie comes out soon. really looking forward to that. think its gonna be awesome and amazing and I'm super excited!!!#secondly. waiting on funds so i can buy that mask i saw the other day and some Halloween candy from Walmart#i . want to do little goodie bags for the kids in my building. but im too scared to go up to their parents and ask candy preference and#allergy concerns. so. idk. maybe I'll just save it. I think it's a cute concept but it makes me feel like my mother.#she loved to do little gift things for people. but it was always people that didn't like her. i don't want to be that way#i know my value. i know my time and energy means something. i don't want to waste it on people who don't give a shit. ya know?#not saying the kids are those kinds of people. not what i mean. but just as an overall thing. i don't like being like her.#...yeah. i dunno. you get raised by one person your whole life. you pick up some of their characteristics#i can't sob without sounding like her. safe to say i am a little emotionally constipated. so i seek other means to relieve that feeling.#like yesterday when i threw up. i played it off like that was a blunder on my body. but i know what i did.#hey. at least it's not the other method. right?. .. yeah. okay. i know. not great either#but it hurts. and I'm so fucking sick and tired of crying over her. genuinely. it's exhausting crying all the time#but that's the only way I can get those emotions out#I've tried to do the counseling thing. but other things made that impossible. then i moved.#and i tried the grief thing but instead i just got a talking buddy? he helps me get out of the house yeah.#but we dont talk about her#... i dunno. I'm just here.#guess i waited long enough. now you get a mini secret. every time i make an i love my friends post. I'm reminding myself why I'm still going#I'm usually sitting around somewhere in my apartment (desk couch bed) crying. alone. thinking about you guys.#so uh. thank you.#i love you guys so much. and i don't know where I'd be without you#probably dead.#💖#vent
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neverendingford · 27 days ago
#tag talk#a friend said something about musk colonizing the planets and I sat down and just.. walked through it with him. it took while but he got it#reminder that some people can have their minds changed. some people can be taught. you can make a difference sometimes.#and yeah. some people can't. neither me nor my brother have been able to get through to my dad. I've given up on that.#but I can make a difference in my immediate friend group. I can teach the people around me.#when I first met my ex he described himself as right wing even though he's got several trans friends and is bi and dated me. a queer.#now he's way more centrist which isn't ideal. but is pretty good.#we've discussed everything from mental health advocacy to treatment of homeless people. he's still iffy about immigration#but he's made a lot of progress. he's come up against a lot of his biases that don't line up with his actual beliefs.#and idk. our relationship is special to me because he's genuinely a cool guy#but also because I've helped him become more critical and evaluating of things he's grown up believing his entire life#and that gives me some joy in knowing that even in a very small way I've made the world around me a better place#there's a lot of shit happening and it's not your responsibility to fix all of it.#but you can pick something small and work at it.#it's like that adhd advice. you can half ass anything. even if you can't complete a whole task you can complete part of it#and even doing something small is better than doing nothing.#one of my friends is a lawyer with impressive energy and resilience. she will make a bigger tangible difference than I probably ever will.#but I will continue to do what I can in small ways towards the people around me.#because I refuse to grow static. I refuse to become impotent.#I have failed to die six times and I'm not interested in trying a seventh time. I am going to live and grow and change and flourish#and part of being a living being is engaging with the ecosystem around you.#so I will do my best to positively impact the world around me in whatever ways I feasibly can#I do often feel like I'm not doing enough. I'm not donating enough. I'm not calling enough. not emailing enough.#but I can take pride in the things I Can do. the people I can help. the lessons I can teach. the example I can set.#my lawyer friend is exhausting to be around. she thinks everyone should be as informed and involved as she is.#I have had to set deliberate boundaries between us because she drains my energy in 0.5 seconds if I'm not careful#I cannot do nearly as much as she does. I simply do not have the capacity for it. but I can do something.#and that something will have to be enough for me.
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