#It's been *splendid* to draw the boy again hehe
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galinneall-dearg · 10 months ago
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Happy 5/5
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blasphoeme · 6 years ago
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Chapter 2: Found You
Chapter Summary:
Frantically running through the crowd in pursuit of his dream lover, Jon ponders whether this was all too outlandish? Would he even find her? If he did, how would he convince her that they were meant to be with each other?
Ao3 link here: Prologue. Chap 1. Chap 2.
Hope you guys like this update~ 
Gonna thank you every time i post an update hehe @midqueenally Thank you for the moodboard and the constant support in everything Jonerys I do. :)
Skirting around a stall selling an assortment of roasted nuts with a string of ‘excuse me’s and ‘coming through’s upon his tongue, Jon darted through the crowd, oblivious of the disgruntled sounds of exclamations and curious looks from the nameless people roaming the market. His eyes frantically scanned the throngs of flâneurs and tourists, searching for that one person whose visage had only thus far lived in his mind. Even the delicious smells of various food items swirling around him did nothing to draw his attention away from his search. Where was she? How could she even exist in this time? She couldn’t, could she? If she did, was she immortal? Why the heck was he even trusting the words of a psychic who was very likely to be a complete whack job? How was he to even find her when all he had was the occasional glimpse of her face in his sleep? What if she didn’t even have that face anymore?! So many questions ricocheted about in his skull as he wove and ducked through the crowd. He had to try. If there was even a slim chance that the queen who ruled his dreams day and night could be living in this reality, he’d be an idiot to not seize it. Passing through a gush of steam from a nearby coffee machine, a flash of silver gold amongst the cattle like herd of humans ahead of him had his heart lurching to a momentary stop. A woman with a head full of strands that shifted between a warm gold and silver that gleamed like the stars under the light of day. Could it really be her? He had to know for certain. Hugging his groceries closer to his chest with renewed determination and a glimmer of hope flickering like a minute flame within his chest, Jon pushed his way through the hungry shoppers waiting in line by the falafel truck and onto the path of that mysterious woman. Eyes never leaving her, he observed as she lingered by the fruit stand. He couldn’t hear what she was saying yet but he could see her gesturing at the pile of shiny red apples up for purchase. He had to get closer. As the distance shrunk between them, he could see her profile and boy was she a vision to behold. The woman looked so much like the queen in his dreams. Her hair, her skin, her eyebrows, her nose, her plump lips and especially her smile that seemed to light up her whole face. There was no way someone could be the exact carbon copy of another person from a dream his brain cooked up. Seeing this woman smile and laugh as she chatted away with the rotund shopkeeper roused a foreign but so very splendid sort of emotion from the very depths of his being. Something clicked, like a switch being flicked on to illuminate a hidden room within his heart, an empty space made just for that woman right in front of him to belong. A joyous breath of laughter found its way out of his mouth. He had found her. Now, how was he to convince her that they could very possibly have a connection that tied them together. Sucking in a breath to calm his nerves, he decided to take the leap and hope for the best that she wouldn’t run for the hills when he approached her. “Excuse me miss, could I speak with you for a moment?”
Hearing a Northern accented voice from behind her, Dany turned around to see a man. His deep brown eyes were peering intently at her. The man had a messy head of curls that matched his dark eyes. A lock of his curls fell gently to rest over his left eye. To top off his already handsome features, a scruffy well-trimmed beard framed the bottom half of his face. She had to admit, he was really, really good looking, in a masculine, rugged heartthrob sort of way. Her heart skipped a beat followed by a pang of familiarity and fondness washing over her as she took in his visage. An image of a man reaching out his hand to caress a dragon’s snout floated through her mind. Had she seen him somewhere before? “This is going to sound very forward and stalker like. But, um... Do you know me?” His eyes scanned her face for any hint of recognition from her, only to be met with a blank stare. The man squirmed on the spot, further explaining: “You see, I’m an artist and I’ve painted many, many pieces of art. A number of them feature a woman who looks like you. I’ve been trailing you for a while now. You really look just like her!” Her large violet eyes scrunched up into a squint, trying to place that sense of familiarity, to recall if they’ve met in the past. Nothing came up. “You must have me mistaken with someone else. I have never seen you in my life before today.” “Oh, we haven’t met in real life. I meant, I’ve seen you in my dreams.” The man stated. “Have you by any chance seen me in yours?” That crazy fortune teller better be right about this. Jon prayed. “What?” Dreams? “Is that supposed to be a pick-up line? If it is, it’s horribly cheesy.” Dreams. “No! No, no. I’m not hitting on you. Not that I wouldn’t, you’re gorgeous.” Realizing his slip up, the man’s mouth snapped shut as his ears turned red. This woman was even more mesmerizing up close. Tracking her for a good while to make sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him, he could tell she was just as beautiful as the woman he saw in his dreams. Other than her brunette locks, they were the splitting image of each other. And the way his heart sped up when he laid eyes on this petite lady, weaving her way between the market stalls, browsing the wares was exactly how his dream self felt, stepping into her throne room. He had found her. The woman of his dreams. “Why thank you.” Dany smirked. This stranger was surprisingly cute. She won’t believe you until you show her. “Anyway, I know it’s hard to believe but....” he sighed feeling frustrated. How do you convince a stranger that you saw them in your dreams without sounding like a lunatic? “Look, I’ll prove it to you. Come with me, please?” Dany didn’t know why she agreed to go with an unfamiliar man with a simple ��Okay’ slipping out of her mouth. An intuitive impulse to follow a perfect stranger was completely insane but the sincerity in his eyes and that innate sense of familiarity compelled her to do so. That inexplainable tugging on her heart was an added push. “Thank you for this. I’m Jon, by the way. Jon Stark. I’m very sorry for the abruptness, for ruining your plans if you had any. Not to mention, I’m a total stranger. I must come off as very random, if not creepy. You must understand, I really need to show you this.” The painter rambled on. “Nice to meet you. I’m Dany Thorne and you didn’t ruin anything. I didn’t have much planned for this holiday anyway. Also, something tells me, you’re not a creep. You wouldn’t do something like this if it weren’t of great importance, would you?” She reassured him with a kind smile, matching his stride along the cobble stone streets, as he guided her through the streets back to his loft, groceries in tow. This man, this stranger, for some reason made her feel so safe with him, like a space that she hadn’t noticed before in her chest had been filled.
Turning up laneway, Dany followed the painter up a gently inclining slope before coming to a stop in front of an open doorway.   “My apartment is just upstairs.” Climbing up a flight of rickety stairs, each step creaked under their weight. “I do apologize again for the abruptness of my behaviour.” “It’s all right, Jon. Really. Don’t apologize. Oh! Do you mind if I called you Jon?” Glancing down at her from under that lock of raven hair over his left eye, Jon murmured: “No. I’d like that actually.” Dany caught a slight hint of a smile on his lips which had her smiling back. She could have sworn she’d seen that smile before. But where? “I have to say I am curious myself. I’ve never met you before today and the same goes for you. So, how would you possibly have painted portraits of me?” “I don’t know... Your face just comes to me out of the blue.” Jon reflected aloud. That really was how it happened after all. Down the hallway to the right they went, passing one, two, three apartments before halting outside a white wooden door. “I hope you don’t mind the mess. I wasn’t expecting guests today.” “I’m an unexpected guest then huh? Can’t remember the last time I’ve been one. People usually want me around.” Dany couldn’t resist a tease at him as she watched the raven haired man fish out the right key from a bunch of three and insert it into the key hole. “Yes. You are a very unexpected one.” Jon nodded as he turned the key. The door unlocked with a click. “I am however, finding you to be very pleasant company and I most definitely want you around.” He added with quiet chuckle. Dany bit her lip with a light roll of her eyes, cheeks stained a slight pink. She was not expecting him to be flirty. Before he could turn the handle, the door to an apartment opposite his creaked open and out popped the golden unkempt head of a man. The man was shorter than herself, Dany observed in surprise. His height appeared to reach the middle of her torso. A pair of dark shades were perched on the bridge of his nose and in his hand, he clutched a clear glass beaker that held a rich purplish maroon liquid. “Ah! Jon! I thought I heard your dreamy voice! I’m hosting a party in about half an hour in celebration of my wine. After months of experimenting, I’ve finally managed to brew some that taste less like rancid grape juice and more like the delicious ambrosia of the gods. Everyone in the building is coming and you....” Waving the bottle before him like a conductor with his baton, the man exclaimed with a distinct slur to his voice. “Oh!” Pushing his glasses down his nose, the man paused mid speech to look at her almost like he suddenly noticed her presence. His blue eyes were unfocused and blurry as he swayed like a leaf in the wind before leaning heavily against his door frame. “And who is this gorgeous creature?” “Good afternoon, Tyrion! Umm this is Dany. She’s a... friend. Dany, meet my neighbour, Tyrion.” “Hello there!” Dany gave Tyrion a quick wave and a laugh. The man was three sheets to the wind! “You’ve finally got yourself a girl! Let me drink to that! Well done, boy!” Tyrion mimicked the motion of giving a toast before taking a swig of the purple liquid from his beaker. “Unfortunately, we’re a bit busy at the moment. So...” Jon said to him, hand still around his door knob as if poised and ready to flee into the confines of his home. “Congratulations on the success of your wine though. I know how hard you’ve worked on it.” Dany’s brows rose up high as she looked between Jon and the shorter man in amusement. Did Tyrion really make homemade wine? Was that legal? “Ahh.... I see what you mean.” Just then, a chorus of girly giggles and sensual moans erupted from somewhere behind the shorter man. “Well... I best leave you youngsters to it then. I’ll send you a sample of my wine soon, Jon.” Tyrion left them with a waggle if his brows and a wink, before sidling back into his apartment. The meaning behind said waggle and wink were no mystery to the two individuals standing in the hallway.  “Good lord. I’m so sorry about that.” Jon muttered, thoroughly embarrassed. “Tyrion can be a bit much.” “That was... something else. Are all your neighbours like him? Are they all so… colourful?” 
“Well....” Jon thought back to his interactions with the fellow residents of his building. From the cat lady upstairs who had ten cats, to the dancer who loved to bust a move in the nude two doors down, his building housed some of the most eccentric of individuals he’d ever met. “I’m not going to lie. Yes.” That drew another giggle from Dany. This trip was definitely turning out to be far more interesting than she anticipated. Turning the handle, Jon pushed the door in. Light spilled out from inside of his home and onto the dimly lit hallway, casting a trapezoid shaped glow of white on the floor. “Welcome to my home. Finally.” Jon said, holding the door open and gesturing for Dany to enter with a smile. Crossing the threshold as she allowed Jon to shut the door behind her, Dany took in the place that was his abode. There was a small living room on the right, complete with a comfy looking grey couch, a tall standing lamp and a glass coffee table a top a cream coloured rug. To the left was a small kitchen area with an island where Jon was pattering about, opening and closing cabinets and stocking the fridge with his groceries. Just by the living room was a pair of doors that swung open to a little balcony. It appeared to be a very cosy space, simple, but very quaint. A brightly lit home awash with sunlight, streaming in from the windows. A haven where creativity could roam free.
“You have a lovely place and it’s not the least bit messy.” There wasn’t dirty laundry or rubbish strewn about anywhere to be seen. In fact, everything looked impeccably neat, without a speck of dust. “Well, you haven’t seen my work area.” Jon said closing the door to his fridge. He’d have to bring her there to show her his art in a bit. Cocking her head to a side, Dany thought for a moment before saying: “Doesn’t creativity usually come with a degree of messiness? You should see my writing desk. In fact, you should see my office when I get busy writing. I don’t come out for days on end and if somebody comes in, they don’t even realize I’m in there. You know why?” “Why?” “Because I’m usually hidden behind piles of paper, books and empty mugs stained with tea, so high that as you can imagine, someone as small as me would easily be drowned by them all.” Dany told him. “God knows how that hasn’t happened already!” Jon laughed at Dany’s sudden revelation. Chuckling along with him, Dany clasped her hands together in front of her belly, rocking a little on her feet as peals of feminine laughter swam through the air, coalescing with his deeper ones. He could just envision them laughing together about the silliest things over breakfast in the morning or any time during the day really. How strange to think like that of someone he just barely became acquainted with? “You’re a writer then?” “Mhmm. Well, I’m currently an editor for my father’s books. When he wants to publish one of course. One day, I’d like to have a book of my own. In the meantime, I write stories and post them online for fun.” The tone of pride in her voice was palpable. Jon instantly knew that she was someone who loved what she did for a living. She was adorable and a fellow creator! He liked her very much already. “So.... where are your art pieces, Jon? My curiosity is just dying to be appeased!” Dany admitted after their laughter quietened down, looking around the space once more. Her startlingly violet irises were glowing with eager anticipation and her grin sent his beating heart skipping like a gleeful child. Gosh, she was so very lovely.  
“Oh! That! Right this way, Dany. I’ll show you.” Jon lead them further into the apartment, towards a room in the back. Shockingly, he almost completely forgot about the whole reason he had brought her to his home. Being with her seemed so easy, so enjoyable. It felt as if his worries had all been thrown out of his mind to the furthest reaches of the earth! What a funny occurrence this was. But they did have things to do. Reeling himself back on track, it was time to get on with the main event.
“Woah.” The likeness was uncanny. The woman really looked like a splitting image of her, down to the freckles dusting her cheek bones. They even had the exact same eye colour - a rare lilac purple. Growing up, people used to call her names and make fun of her for them. She hated them and would always go home crying when the school day was done. One fine afternoon, her mother calmed her down and lifted her onto her lap. Tenderly brushing away the last of her tears, her darling mummy told her astutely that there was no point in hating her eyes because one shouldn’t change what they were born with. Instead, she should love them. She was beautiful the way she was. So, from then on, little Dany faced her bullies head on, scaring them away with the promise to bite their heads off like the monster that they called her. As she grew older, she found people envied her purple irises, saying that they were so unique, going as far to ask her what contact lenses she had on. Turns out, being different wasn’t too bad. The people who love you will stay with you regardless of what your appearance was. The painted woman had her silver hair braided and coiled around her head with the rest falling freely down to her waist. The image captured strands of silver being picked up by the wind as she stood at the edge of a cliff, dressed in black, looking into the distance watching her children frolic in the sky. An odd sense of Déjà vucrept up upon Dany. The dragons are my children. Children? There were three of them, the biggest one was red and black, the middle one was green and red and the smallest one was a beautiful cream and gold. Drogon, Rheagal and Viserion. The names resounded in her ears. Except.... How? How did he know what she dreamt?  All that she’d been seeing since she was a little girl. Her heart pounded. Taking a stumbling step back from his work, Dany sucked in a ragged breath as a scene flashed through her head. Dragon eggs heated by the fire amidst a funeral pyre cracking, hatching, her babies huddling close to her naked body, unburnt by the licking flames as the wood around her charred and turned to ash. “How? What?” Shaking her head in disbelief, she breathed asking the handsome stranger as much as asking herself. “Like I said, I saw her in my dreams. So, I painted her.” Jon walked over to join her by the painting. “Ever since my childhood, I’ve been having these dreams at night about someone who was me, but not me. When I woke, I would paint the things I saw.” Tracing a finger over the canvas, over the rough, bumpy ridges of the brush strokes under her finger tips that created the orange, purple horizon the dragons were flying towards, Dany listened and her pulse started to race. “The things I see, they are just so realistic. It feels like an out of body experience of a life that isn’t my own. Definitely, not this life.” Swallowing deeply, she knew what he meant.
Trekking through the haboob blowing across a desert, following a blood red comet. Her sweat dripping down her face, so famished she could faint from hunger and dehydration.
She had never in her life been to a desert before. There weren’t any deserts in London. “These days, the dreams have changed from being focused on a man who looked like me to a woman.” Looking straight at her, he continued. “A woman, who looked just like you.” 
Tilting her head to observe the man beside her, her eyes drifted over his features. Her mind finally placing where she had seen him before. He was the man of her dreams. The man who made up the half of the union of fire and ice with the queen who wore her face. 
“Wow, okay. This is really anomalous.” Taking a deep breath, she blinked rapidly, trying to gather her thoughts. Logic and reason were battling to accept the impossible. “These dreams.... do they happen to be set in the medieval ages?” “How did you know?” Holding up her hand indicating that he let her continue. “In these dreams, did you see yourself as a King?” The queen of the Seven Kingdoms and her king stood on their balcony of the Red Keep, their new home, looking down at the city. The king had his arms around his queen, holding her close, looking forward to creating a new future for Westeros. “Umm yes.” He saw himself addressing his people as he sat upon his throne, looking to his right, he smiled at his silver haired queen, a feeling of warmth and love blooming in his chest. Jon felt that sensation once again just thinking about his dream. Looking at the woman in front of him who looked just like the queen in his dreams, oddly that sensation only swelled. Glancing up at him, Dany asked: “In your dreams, your queen who looked like me and your doppelgänger.... were the two of them involved?” His eyebrows drew into a deeper furrow with each passing question. “Yes. They were in love.” Jon nodded in affirmation. “Well, at least I think so. I could feel it in here.” He pointed at his chest. “The way the man and the woman looked at one another. They were very much besotted with each other. And the amount of snogging they did...” He coughed. “This is going to sound absolutely bonkers, but I think you deserve to know this.” Dany laughed a laugh of disbelief. “I think.... I may not be a hundred percent certain, but I think… I may be having those dreams too. The very same ones as you but from the queen’s point of view. In my dreams I saw myself married to a man from a snowy place in the North who looked just like you.” “Seriously?” Jon’s mouth fell open as he processed her words, trying to wrap his mind around her disclosure. His eyes were so wide they were almost bulging out of his head. He looked so comical Dany could have snorted.  “We ruled as monarchs together over a place called Westeros, I believe.” she replied, moving to the next art piece, leaving a stunned Jon with his mouth agape. This one was equally beautiful. It was a painting of a wolf. The wolf was so white he blended in with the snowy background behind him. His intelligent eyes seemed to glow like garnets the deepest shade of red. Or, like the very blood pumping through my veins, Dany noted with morbid fascination. “He’s magnificent, Jon. You are very talented.” “Thank you. His name is Ghost. He’s the trusty dire wolf companion of mine or well, the guy with my face in my dreams.” Jon laughed wearily, rubbing a palm over his face. “I’m never going to get used to all this. We’re clearly not the people we see in our dreams, but are we really not? This is so confusing.” “Don’t I know it.” Another painting propped up against a cupboard with Jon’s art supplies of dragons in flight, breathing fire caught her eye. “For example,” Walking over to it, Dany pointed to them and said: “These are my children. Drogon, Rheagal and Viserion. And I...” She waved her arms in a flourish. “am the Mother of Dragons. How do I know that? Dragons don’t even exist.”
The two of them shared a laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation they were embroiled in. “How are the dreams like for you? Are they frequent or occasional?” Jon queried. Moving over to Jon join who was stood by his work table, Dany tucked a strand of her hair that behind her ear and began recounting her life. “Since I could remember, almost every night, I would dream and see a girl who could very well be my twin. She seemed to grow along with me from a child, into a teen, into an adult. All the while, I had to witness her life.” She frowned as she recalled the nightly movies playing in her sleep. “Her life was.... hard. From being homeless to being sold by her brother, then raped by her so called husband, defiled, humiliated. It was absolutely terrifying. I still remember the dread that stayed with me long after I woke in the morning, almost like that all happened to me.”
 Jon wanted desperately to reach out and hug her as he watched Dany’s arms curling around herself subconsciously. 
“That’s horrible.” Jon empathized. He wanted desperately to reach out and hug her as he watched Dany’s arms curling around herself subconsciously. The woman beside him must have been experiencing the dread and the fear the girl from her dream experienced. Just like how the death and the pain of being stabbed still lingered in his flesh. “It was. Fortunately, she was strong, she survived it all and rose to queen of the Seven Kingdoms. I don’t think I could have survived what happened to her.” Dany sighed, a small little smile curling at her lips for the pride she felt for her dream twin. “Recently though, the dreams have been frequent but considerably less... dreary. These nights I would see snippets of the life of her and her King, your twin.” A genuine smile graced Dany’s pink lips along with a tinkling laugh. 
“What did you see?” Jon was eager to know.
Did she see their alter egos in love as well? They looked so happy together. Happiness was rare and hard to find. In the medieval times, even more so. From the bits of his dreams and from what Dany just told him, he could tell that neither of their dream avatars lives’ were too great, up until the King in the North met his Dragon Queen. He wondered if she also saw their more risqué activities like he did on some nights, when the heat of summer grew too unbearable leaving him aroused and frustrated under the covers. His mind conjured up images of the adventurous young rulers in bed. Boy, were they wanton. Jon cleared his throat and wedged his index finger between the collar of his shirt and his chest, pulling at his clothes. Was the room getting warmer? “Well, I saw them…” Glancing at Jon, Dany saw that his ears were turning red again. Interesting. “What are you thinking about, Mister Stark? Something naughty?” Dany narrowed her eyes at him playfully. “No.” Jon replied, his voice rose to a suspiciously higher pitch. “Just answer the question please.”
Messing with him was fun, she thought as she stifled a snigger. “As I was saying, I saw a lot of them lately, such as their first meeting, I saw them talking by a cliff and riding into battle together on the backs of their dragons. I saw the love in their eyes they had for each other. I also.... Oh.” So that’s what he was remembering. Dany voice grew smaller as a blush rose up her neck to grace her cheeks. “Well.... I....” “Judging from your blush, you know very well what I was imaging earlier.” Jon exclaimed with a bark of laughter. “Shut up.” The young aspiring writer grumbled. “It’s not my fault that those two were so damn passionate and in love!” He couldn’t agree more. “This is all very voyeuristic isn’t it?” “Very.” Dany mused. “How do you feel knowing that we’re both going through this?” Jon couldn’t tell from her expression if she was glad or upset. He certainly was pleasantly surprised. He wasn’t alone in this confusing situation. Was she happy? “Honestly?” Dany smiled. “I’m not too miffed about it. I think it’s pretty cool. Just imagine, we’re probably the only two people in the world going through something like this.” “It’s very likely.” The both of them stood in companionable silence for long moments before he spoke up again. “So... listen, I have an unusual request to make. I know I’ve already taken up a lot of your time and you can definitely say no. But, could I.... paint you? One day in the future… I’d like to do that.” “Me? What for?” “Sentimental reasons I suppose. To commemorate finally meeting the woman of my dreams. Well, sort of. It’s also a guise for me to keep you around a little while longer.” Bumping his shoulder with hers playfully, Jon told her. Hearing to her breathe a chuckle and return the gesture, taking a leap of faith, he further professed, “I do want to get to know you as well. I want to give this weird, special connection between us a chance.” And keep you with me, if I’m lucky, forever, because I think I’m falling for you. A fairly absurd occurrence for a new acquaintance, but was this what people called love at first sight? Dany considered his request for a moment. This was not what she had foreseen at all of this holiday. However, just by spending such a short time with him, she could already tell that something was simmering between them. This dream connection they had could very well blossom into something very real and magical. There had to be a reason why they had the same dreams. Maybe spending more time together, they could figure out why this was happening. “Yeah okay. Why not?” She replied with a shrug. “This could be fun. I’ve never sat for a portrait before.” Jon beamed in delight at her. “Thank you so much, Dany!”
“How about tomorrow? Paint me like one of those French girls if you will, Mister Stark.”
“Wha… What?!”
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royal-writer · 6 years ago
Memories 12 - The Drows Part 1
The story arc at this point has a lot of parts, so it’s going to be cut up into sections! :3c I quite like this bit of Essie’s past, hehe.
It had to be one of the oddest symbols Essätha had ever seen. The appearance of a blade etched into the black stone, with a masquerade mask in place of a quillon and eyes shaped like crescent moons. The sword bore itself into the marking of a raven, which had what she assumed to be blood coming out of it in the shape of teardrops and stars.
Whatever it was, it was hers now. The woman had been completely oblivious to her pick-pocketing the pouch of coin off her person, and within it a nice wealth of pieces and this odd rock. It was too easy; the stupid lady had the tempting sack hanging to her hip and peeking out from beneath her jacket. All it took was a brush past and swift jerk of her dagger to rip the bag clean off as she asked the stranger where the nearest alchemist’s shop was. She’d been a clown in this place ripe for the picking.
Fanaedar, as it turned out, was filled with dreadfully awful people. The skies were nearly always dark and dreary, and even when they were not the treeline and vegetation so thick you practically lived in a forest. People hardly roamed outside their homes then, fearing the shine of the sun. Though even on the most gloomy days, you hardly saw a soul.
Essätha came to understand the oddity of the majority race that lived here over her time skulking around. At first she could have sworn them to be but body-painted elves, half-breeds, or mutated beings, Essie manage to quip a conversation out of enough people to understand they most of the people were dark elves. Drows as they were called; unequipped to handle the upper layers of the world where the sun adorned bright in their mantle on the skyline. Why they did not reside in their homelands in the underdark, no one spoke of.
The small town did not settle upon her like many others. Much of the residents were as cunning and tricky as she was, if not even more. Some of her goods came up missing and items disappeared when left unattended. It taught the Yuan-ti quickly to keep all the most important items hidden, and her bag on her at all times no matter how much it made her back ache to carry the load constantly.
Her only positive here was that those who understood what they were looking at when they saw her did not treat her better or worse than any other resident. She was, by all accounts, just as much a society outcast as the rest of them. Sneering glances cast her way were just as likely as they’d be passed to the next person passed on the walkways.
With any luck, the stolen bundle of money and this ugly thing could be sold off to make a quick bundle of cash. Then she could move on to the next town. Hitch a ride with the temptation of money and flee far before that Drow woman had people searching for her lost valuable- if that’s what the misshapen flat gem in her hands was. It was too unusual and foreign for her to be sure.
Dropping the unique artifact into a different bag filled with her personal possessions, the Yuan-ti woman dropped the stolen purse on the ground and continued quietly on. Cutting through alleyways and past houses; silently blurring in and out of shadows.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The elder man licked his cracked gray lips slowly. Beneath the wiry spectacles he wore, his startling red eyes moved from the gemstone he held to her, and back again. A hand reached up to move through the few wisps of gray hair he still had left atop his wrinkly, black spotted head.
“Where did you say you got this?” the shopkeeper asked tentatively.
“I found it, laying on the ground near the town gates.”
The fib went over the man’s side head it seemed. He nodded a few times, muttering words in a language Essie was not familiar with.
After a bit more waiting, her impatience grew until she spoke up: “What is it, then?”
“Oh, yes, well,” the man rasped in common, “It appears to be a house insignia. Must belong to a powerful and important Drow family.”
Her hopes deflated. She twirled her fingertips into the counter, a pout on her lips. So much for making a sum of money off of it.
“So I guess it’s not worth anything to you,” she sighed, reaching out for the token.
The man’s hand sharply slapped her on her scaly hand. Essätha hissed in retort; drawing back her arm.
“Aye no, but it’ll be worth plenty to it’s owner. Drow insignia’s usually have the ability to cast a single spell, and can also be used if one knows the command word to whisper a message to family members wearing the same house insignia. They’re very powerful items. I’m surprised it’s missing; it would bring dishonor on a family member to lose something so valuable. To think no one has tried scrying to find it…”
“So it’s worth a lot of money to somebody, but not you, so can I have it back now-” Essätha ventured with a heavy sigh.
“Oh absolutely not!” the Drow balked, looking at her through rounded eyes. “I’ll be keeping it safe, as a Drow, until the owner can be found.”
“Hey! I found it first, if anyone should be getting a damn reward for finding it, it should be me-”
“Aye- I won’t be takin’ no reward, there’s respect in the older houses that still prevail! You mind your manners little miss, and be on your way.”
“But but but-” Essätha whined, reaching her hands out desperately for the gem as the man grumbled to himself, tucking it behind the counter. Something about his clipped common speaking about ‘how someone could lose such a thing’ and ‘why they weren’t wearing it on a necklace’.
“Look,” the man sighed, propping his elbows up. “If you’re looking for compensation; I can offer you a room to stay for the night, or some food, or drink. But nothing else.”
Disheartened, Essie glanced down at the counter. Oh how she wished she’d went to another shop! Maybe they would have been willing to split a reward. Or at least tricked her, and sold it to her for at least a little currency.
Or turned her in, thinking her a thief for holding on to something considered valuable by these people. It could be worse.
A kind smile appeared on the gentleman’s face, and he reached out to pat her arm, making the Yuan-ti jump like a startled animal.
“You did the right thing, turning that there over to someone,” he assured her. “Someone’s going to be looking for that, and it’ll be mighty important to them. You look like you could use some place to rest for the evening. Take my offer; my flat’s just upstairs and you could use my son’s old room for the night. I could use the conversation. The Dark Maiden Eilistraee knows I haven’t had good company in years.”
A sense of shame washed over Essätha like the overcast sky above had let lose a torrent of rain. She had stolen that trinket, and now she was being rewarded for doing so and turning it in. Perhaps it was best that she came to this shopkeep, after all. It gave her a guilty reminder, by the burning silver ring in her pocket, that not all things held value in the ways of money. The lengths she would go to; the offers she would make to keep the last item, the last treasure of her mother close was without limit. It was all she had left.
And even if this simple item was worth a fortune, or just a small handful to return, it burdened and unburdened her all at once to be rid of it. Hopefully the woman would come across it, sooner rather than later.
Regretful for her actions, but more for her next words, Essätha drew her arms away and offered a sweet smile.
“I… I’ll accept that proposal, thank you.”
A very undeserving action, but it was only for a night and she promised herself she would not eat or drink much. It was more for the benefit of the man, and to keep his suspicions if she left too hastily aside.
He seemed quite genuine, after all. Too old and frail to be of trouble if her instincts ended up wrong.
“Grand!” the man practically shouted, beaming from ear to ear. “The shop closes at sundown; so be back around then and I’ll close up and we can enjoy some dinner. I hope you like fish stew!”
She had to laugh at that. When you grew up in a municipality in warm climates, centered with a large river that ran roughly six day’s nonstop jog from the nearest beach, you certainly weren’t afraid to eat some fish.
“That sounds wonderful, thank you,” Essätha giggled, keeping her forced smile in place.
An overnight stay to rejuvenate a bit, and she’d need to get out of here before any seer’s came looking for their lost item, and found her as well. She was the only Yuan-ti in town at the moment; a recognizable stranger among the masses. It wouldn’t be difficult to make assumptions. Accurate one’s at that. She had to be gone, before things got potentially nasty.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Dinner had been splendid, and the elder man was polite as could be. It was nice, knowing that not all Drow were antisocial. He spoke well about his late wife who he missed, and his son who had left long ago. He spoke little of the boy, only in vague remarks of concern and sadness.
Essätha made sure not to pry there. So she listened instead; happily engaging in cheery laughs and chattery that went on much later than expected. Her belly was full before long despite her constant protests for now more. The warm spiced cider had been delicious, although the elder man seemed unappeased with it. He added what appeared to be an eyeball to his glass that he ended up slurping up to eat by the end of one of his glasses. It took a bit of effort not to gag at that part, but the rest of the evening was simple and the bed was better than the ground. A bit firm for her taste, but better.
Before the darkness in the clouds had faded to reveal a symbolance of daytime, there had been a loud rapping on the downstairs shop’s door. The glass had rattled in the windows from the force, and it had Essie rousing up from the bed to nervously slip down the stairwell after changing.
By the counter, the shopkeeper; Tibiius was his name, was speaking with a wild-eyed man with pale golden eyes and white hair.
Neither seemed to hear her, or notice her shadow in the stairwell just beside the wall to the counter.
“… I’m so happy you found it!” the man sighed with relief.
Tibiius smiled with genuine warmth to the younger lad.
“Aye, I’m glad it could be returned to it’s rightful owner.”
With narrowed golden brown eyes, Essie squinted in the direction of the man’s grasping hands. A hand moved up to her gnarled black hair, pushing it out of her face to better distinguish him. His outfit was crisp and clean; a suit of someone with plenty of money to spare. White undershirt, a button up covering most of his vest, and long elegant hair braided to fall close to his rear.
Within his grayish neutral toned hands, the Drow insignia stone.
Her mouth opened with confusion.
“How did you say you lost it again?” Tibiius asked in a friendly voice, leaning over the counter with a wince and hand to his lower back.
“I did not,” the man sighed. “It was my brother’s. It went missing. When he was murdered. It took a while to get in contact with our nan to scry for it; she’s a brittle old woman, hasn’t done it in years and hasn’t bothered teaching the art to her grandchildren yet.”
Essätha sucked out a sharp breath, watching as Tibiius lowered his glasses with a deep frown. So deep, it made the wrinkles on his face fall as though gravity had intensified.
“Murdered?” he echoed.
“Yes,” the younger lad stated with bitter resentment, clutching to the rock with pale knuckles. “A few days ago, in fact. We’re searching for his killer, but I’m afraid we’ve little to go on.”
Tibiius shifted on his light house shoes, an empty expression in his vacant stare. His posture straightened, and he turned his head for his red eyes to move towards the stairwell, spotting her figure in the darkness.
The newcomer’s eyes followed with some obvious cluelessness.
Essie’s mouth fell open and closed; her heart jumped from beneath her breast up into her throat with horrified realization. What thoughts were going on behind the elder man’s eyes as he stared at her almost blankly; but with a hint of suspicion and unspoken doubt in his eyes.
Oh no.
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jupiterisagirl-blog · 8 years ago
Un named: i wrote this out of pure boredom and depression please tell me what you think!
It was a warm spring day, the birds were singing frolicking in the sky. The traffic was loud like heards of elephants trampling across the desert. In a small hospital room a woman laid in the white bed, tubes and cords connecting to her like she was a battery powering the big pharmaceutical companies to "cure" her of her ailments. At her side was her daughter, she held her hand tightly humming the tune of her mothers favorite song. She smiled closing her eyes imagining she was front row looking up at her beautiful daughter singing 'Hoy Quiero Confesar' by. Isabel pantoja. The words sliding off of her tonge rolling into the air absorbed by the ears of the calm and emotional crowd. "Its time to eat mrs. Garcia" the words broke through her splendid day dream disintegrating it into the depths of her brain. "Sorry i didnt mean to bother you. We just follow the schedule." The tall nurse said as she laid the tray down on mrs. Garcias lap then left the room closing the door slowly behind her. "Want me to go get you some real food mamá?" Her daughter said knowing her mother well enough to know she hated the hospital food. "It would be sweet of you mija." She reached into her purse fishing for money she prayed she had. "Dont worry mamá i have it." She kissed her mothers head and pulled the hood of her jacket over hers, leaving the room. She walked down the hallway the smell of medical equipment and disinfectant swirled around in the air like a thick translucent fog. She felt as if every step she took more and more people laid their sharp eyes right on her she picked up her pase almost as if she was scared, only because she truly was the anxiety of people around her made her head buzz and her skin crawl her stomach churned feeling as if she would explode at any moment. She reached the door quickly escaping out, the harsh sunlight hit her light gray jacket she felt it through the thin fabric heating up her skin like a small plug in heater. While she made her way to the main sidewalk she put her headphones in one at a time not taking her eyes off of her feet as if she had done it a million times. Down the street was the small latin café that her mother dearly enjoyed. The road was almost like a video game to her everyone could be an enemy she thought as she never looked at one person. She would get lost into the music her hands in the pockets of her jacket the rhythm filled her ears swirling around her brain masking every negative thought she was having it took her to a place of enjoyment she closed her eyes swaying her hips a little not realizing the boy infront of her, all of a sudden "CRASH" they were both on the ground covered in papers she was laying ontop of something she slowly opened her eyes and looked at what cushioned her fall, she was laying ontop of someones chest she then quickly got up trembling she reached down to see if this stranger was un harmed "i swear i didnt see you i-i was side tracked i am so sorry!.." she looked down at him and lifted the paper from his face she caught a glimps of pinks and blues looking at the paper it was one of the most beautiful intricate drawings she had ever seen. "Wow did you draw the-?" She suddenly stopped and looked down at him he was stocky and pretty scruffy he was darker than her but not much taller he wore a blue jersey and some black jeans. He was the most beautiful man she had ever encountered. He looked back up at her most of her body covered by a baggy jscket and jogger pants. "Yesh i did draw these." He said as he had been trying to pick them all up. "Sorry i shouldve watched where i was going." He chuckled showing his bottom snaggle tooth it was the cutest thing she had ever seen. She remained in awkward silence then handed him the paper and quickly sprinted off busting into the cafè. "Fuck that could've ended so terrible fuck fuck fuck." She muttered to herself then sat down at a table for a moment to gather herself. The hood of ger jacket fell down exposing her messy bun of very tight wavy almost black hair, her skin was very tan with an olive undertone, she had dark brown eyes and full lips. Her hand ran accros her jogger pocket to get her wallet but she didn't feel it in there she felt the other pocket not feeling it she started to panic all of a sudden the sunshine from the window was blocked, she looked up to see the handsome man she had crashed into moments earlier he had a slight grin holding her wallet. "I think this might be yours?... Carmen Rodríguez?" He said as he smiled looking at her id in the clear slot of the black wallet. Her face was flushed and she reached up for it. "Th-that's me...thank you for finding it i almost had a panic attack." She said and pushed a faint smile out. "Of course it was the least i could do for knocking into you." He put it in her hand. He had hairy arms and tattoos covering his hands clearly they went up into his sleeves. Her heart was fluttering she had never met someone so attractive before the feeling of bravery suddenly popped into her like someone filling a balloon then popping it. "Would you like to grab something to eat with me?" She asked hesitantly she was so scared he would say no. "Absolutely! I actually was on my way to eat anyways haha." He laughed and lit up like a fire. They both sat down and began to talk about everything and nothing she giggled and ate be did the same. He had revealed her name to him he was Christian pérez. "You were really born in puerto rico?" She asked with a fork in her hand. "Haha yeah i haven't been back to the island since i was 8 though. What about you little miss cubana hehe." She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Ive actually never been to havana my abuelita said it wasnt a good place to go though. They are really in poverty its sad." He pushed a nervous chuckle. "Oh im sorry to hear that but hey can i get your number id love to do this again, if you would?" He said scooting forward getting his phone. The two exchanged numbers and left the café, as she walked into her mothers hospital room she smiled. "Mija you took forever i was worried." Her mother said looking up at her "im so sorry mamá. I kinda met a boy..." her mother jumped a little excitedly. "You did how did it go??" Her mother was full of questions all afternoon they talked. She kissed her mother goodnight and walked outside to go home. She had let her long hair down to breath a little as she smiled walking home. The breeze blew through the building and past her. She felt happy but she kept thinking about the secret she didn't tell him. A few weeks had passed and carmen was on her front step getting ready to play her music, she was wearing a pair of light blue torn short shorts with a black crop top with roses right on top of her small breasts. She was waiting for Christian sitting on the concrete railing she wasn't paying attention behind her all of a sudden two big arms wrapped around her waist and a scratchy short beard burried into her neck. "Im either being attacked by a big foot or my date has finally shown up." She giggled. "Why not both!" He kissed her cheek and she turned around and gave him a big hug. The two were going to his mothers house for dinner. They held hands as they walked along the sidewalk. "I hope she doesn't hate me." She said looking forward. "Why would she hate you?" He looked down at her. "I dont know i kinda look like a hooker." She giggled covering her mouth because she was insecure about her smile. "Id sure pay for you you." He smiled and kissed the top of her head. The two stopped at a big red door and he knocked. Moments later a older woman with short curly dark hair opened the door she had a red night gown on. "Mijo! Youre late!" She gave him a big hug and then looked at carmen. "And you must be carmen he did say you were beautiful he was very right!" The old woman chuckled and walked in her house as did the two could. The smell of home cooked food filled the small apartment and the table had been set. "You two pull up a chair and dig in carmen honey you look like you're wasting away." Carmen giggled and sat down scooping a big plate of rice. After everyone had eaten and got aquatinted Christian held Carmens hand showing him his old room she sat on the bed looking at all the anime posters. "Wow this sure is...something." She said as she looked around "yah im a nerd." he stood in front of her and she stood up he ran his hand along the side of her neck his fingers going into her kitchen area the black wavy hair was soft to the touch and felt like silk against his fingers she closed her eyes and felt his hand with hers they werent much bigger but hers were much softer. "Carmen youre the first girl ive ever technically dated and i dont know im truly falling for you." He said looking into her eyes his eyes were brown and the other a hazel color she got lost in them on multiple occasions. He slowly leaned in to kiss her feeling her soft rose petal like lips against his, she slid her hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck and kissed back. Suddenly they fell onto his childhood bed and rolled over to where she was ontop. Her hair kept falling into his face so he held it up for her. He slowly felt his hand up to her chest grabbing at one of her breasts, her heart began to pound faster in her chest she slowly lifted her shirt off exposing her small breasts. She was embarrassed at the size and shape but all he coukd think about was how beautiful she was he reached up and kissed the top of her breast making his way up to her neck leaving a trail of blue-green bruises he slowly reached into her pants she was so caught up in the moment of feeling like a normal girl she forgot about her little secret. His finger tips felt a slender sausage like appendage be reached his hand back and she realized what happened. "Chris..i-i can explain." He stood up and looked at her and started removing his shirt. She was confused as he lifted uo the black shirt he revealed a binder covering his chest. She was astonished and jumped up into his arms she held him tightly and kissed him deeply she felt relieved and free like a bathtub of water was drained and let off of her. "I never knew babe.." she said as she looked in his eyes "that makes two of us hehe." He giggled and kissed her again.
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fieryfafarfanfics · 8 years ago
Melancholic Desire
JANJAAAAN~ HAAAAPPY belated BIRTHDAY @kashphia!!! heres a special lil otp present hehe. the reason i chose chrobin is because i saw youve been drawing chrobin so really part of this fic was an inspiration that came from you c: i hope you enjoy this oneshot and have your heart being ripped out into two fluttered in glee <3
 He couldn’t lose her.  White dust twinkled weakly in his shaking hands. Pupils shrunk to tiny dots. Lips paled and parted. Tears were heavy in each socket, yet none ever trickled and instead blurred his dizzying vision. Fingers shook and twitched violently. Hands trembled and stiffened all the way up to his bruised shoulders.  He couldn’t lose her. He couldn’t lose her.  The sound of Grima’s deafening roar finally reached a silence. The force around them changing so suddenly, Chrom only felt his body being pressed downwards, elbows scraping the dead dragon’s back and forehead bumping against the cold, scaly ground.  He couldn’t…He couldn’t lose…her…
 He heard noises. He heard voices calling his name. Was it Lucina? Was it Morgan? He couldn’t tell. He wasn’t able to for all he could think about, all that was ever occupying, haunting his mind right now was the love of his life.  All that could ever rip his heart out into bloody pieces was the image of her disappearing into the abyss.  Drip…  His face felt cold. His hands felt colder.  He couldn’t lose her—He didn’t want to lose her!  And yet, Ro—Rob—in…  The hollow pain in his heart felt excruciatingly unbearable. ---  The corpse of the damned dragon seemed to taunt him.  Royal blue eyes were dead on the sight. His arms, though healed yet scarred, remained limp by his sides. His throat burned from speech that he made, and ached even more from the maniacal yelling that had pierced through the heavens. The Shepherds’ vows and promises bloomed a tiny glint of hope in his heart, yet it never once rid the sorrow, the agonizing emptiness that had scorched a hole in his heart.  The others had gone back to camp, immediately seeking healing and medical care if they wish to fully enjoy their victory.  Despite Lissa’s insistence, despite Frederick’s reassurance – hell, despite Tharja’s blatant threat – he only deafened his ears and didn’t move from the battlefield. Blood had long stopped flowing out his body, thanks to Lissa’s and Maribelle’s aid. The bones in his body felt like it had been joined back together. The scars on his skin didn’t seem to rip apart anymore.  He really wished he could say the same about his withering heart.  Royal blue eyes were frozen on the damnable corpse. It taunted him. It mocked him. As the dragon’s upper jaw plopped weakly in the hard, hot sand, Chrom could see the giant sockets were its eyes used to be. Its gaze was as dead as it should be, yet the great lord couldn’t help but gritted his teeth tightly to hear the faint, dastardly echo of Grima’s laugh.  It taunted him. It mocked him. The more Chrom looked, the more he wanted nothing more than to take anything that’s near to him and throw it at the rotting corpse—  “Father…”  Quivering pupils dilated slightly.  He didn’t turn immediately, though head turned just the slightest to the right.  For a second there, Chrom almost spun himself and tripped when all he ever saw was her.  Lucina and Morgan merely watched the emotionally empty carcass that was their father. Their eyes too were puffy and red, the royal children briefly held their breaths before slowly, carefully taking one step forward.  “F-Father…” Her voice was raspy. “I…Let’s go back to camp…” Tone brittle and shaky, Lucina curled her fingers into tight fists. “M-Mo…Mother wouldn’t want us—wouldn’t want you to stand here for so l-long…” She thought the tears were gone for today. She hoped that the façade of her strength would hold her on for so long for her family.  But alas, she was only human.  “Ple-ase…” Voice finally cracked from the gargled sobs, Lucina dropped her head down and clenched her jaw so hard.  She then flinched at the feel of her left hand being nudged and cupped.  Quickly she gawked to the side, only to gape in stupor at the sight of her brother staring forward.  “Please.”  Just like her, his heart too was broken and demolished into pieces. Just like her, his voice too was guttural and coarse from the constant screaming and crying.  Though, unlike her, apathy had flashed in the poor boy’s eyes.  “Please.” Again he pleaded. Hazel eyes focused on his father’s back, Morgan took a slow, shaky breath. “Let’s…go back to camp.” White teeth chattered poorly behind pressed lips. Cheeks flushed and eyes burned, the grandmaster raised his head and focused his gaze on Chrom.  He didn’t want to look at the dragon’s corpse. He didn’t think he could bear it if he did.  His right hand gently squeezed his sister’s left. “-ease…” His vision split into two. His breathing ragged inside a burning throat. “Father…” Apathy still clouded his eyes, through tears began to tear through right out of the corners.  He tore his gaze away, blurry vision now focused at nothing in particular. “H-ome…” The word shook between quiet sobs. “Let’s…h-home…” He felt his sister’s hand squeezing his fingers; her hand was warm.  Fury and guilt gloomed heavily in the poor boy. “Home…” His head shook. His body trembled. “Let’s—”  Tap, tap.  “L-Let’s…” Eyes squeezed shut, Morgan inwardly hissed at the tears that trickled down.  Tap…tap…  “Home—”  Words turned to silent gasps once he felt his body being pulled forward.  Both kids gawked and squeaked faintly at the sudden embrace. Her left cheek nuzzled something while his right cheek nuzzled what Morgan quickly realized was soft hair.  Their father was shaking terribly out of the two of them.  Chrom didn’t say a word, for broken cries and hitched breathing had stolen his ability to form words. So instead he tightened his hug, strong arms firm yet careful around the kids’ shoulders. Chin rested on a spot where their shoulders met, the Ylissean king gasped weakly and slowly shook his head.  His legs were shaking. His body was heavy.  Until finally, the moment Chrom felt their arms wrapping around his back, he had lost all energy and finally, shakily kneeled to the ground.  Their hugs never did break apart for Lucina and Morgan followed suit, their embrace tightened even more. ---  Months had passed since the Shepherd’s victory. Ylisse was celebrating. Ferox was in a bliss. Even Plegia and Valm, despite having a terrible history with Ylisse, were slowly picking up their pieces in order to form a better, more peaceful kingdom.    Celebration in the Ylissean kingdom wasn’t as grand as it should be, however, for the sacrifice of their queen took a great toll on them.  It took the greatest toll on their king; they knew. His smile was warm, yet pitifully forced. His eyes were gentle, though tainted with red. He rarely spoke to his people, but did manage an inspiring speech or two so that they wouldn’t worry too much. He rarely got out of the castle, but found it in his heart to meet his fellow citizens if they ever dropped by to either check up on him or give him their thanks.  Most of time, though, Chrom kept himself busy, kept himself occupied so that his heartbreak wouldn’t tighten its hold around his heart.  It usually worked. Usually.  He had sent a search party for her from the moment he arrived back to Ylisse. He wished to see her, to find her, to pull her into his hug and never let her go. But out of Lissa’s and Frederick’s advice, Chrom forced himself to stay in the kingdom, tending to the people and reassuring them that the war was over, that peace had finally been achieved.  Every nerve of his body wanted to go find her, wanted to go see her for himself so that he knew this horrible, hollow feeling in his chest was just a nightmare. ---  After almost a year since her disappearance, Chrom managed to convince his royal advisors that he would lead the search party, that he would go and find her even it took him to the far end of the earth.  Alas, every time Chrom came back, the Shepherds held back their tears and pity to see the despicable despondency that gloomed in his eyes. ---  Robin.  The sentence felt like a mantra that haunted him the moment he woke up.  Robin. Robin.  The bedroom looked big without her. The bed felt empty without her.  Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin.  Every morning he gazed at the empty spot in the bed. Every morning he reached out and felt the cold air that taunted his very touch.  Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin, Robin.  Her name echoed madly in his head. Her name torn and shred the very pieces of his dying heart.  Rob—in…Robin, R-Ro…Robin…  His right palm plopped weakly onto the cold, empty spot.  I m-miss you… He felt like barbed wires had choked around his throat. I…I-I need you…  His hand curled into tight fists, dull nails tearing through the little scars that marked his palm.  Robin…  Head weakly nuzzled into the pillow, Chrom only hardened his jaw and curled closer into a fetus position.  Robin…  Like all his mornings, he really wished he was dreaming right now. ---  Little Lucina was growing up to be a splendid child. Albeit her mother’s absence, she was never once strayed from the love of her father. The young princess was too young to understand anything properly after all, and Chrom was thankful for that.  “Who’s Daddy’s little girl?” he cooed sweetly to the little princess. Arms carefully holding her, Chrom bit back a laugh to see his daughter bobbing excitingly as she sat on his lap.  Words were unintelligible. Various bubbling noises burst from her pretty pink lips. Chubby arms waving up and down, Lucina then clapped once at the sight of her father.  He couldn’t help himself from laughing, after all.  “That’s right!” He leaned closer and kissed her forehead. “You’re Daddy’s little girl!” Teeth then nibbled the insides of his right cheek to feel her hopping on his lap again. Sitting up straight, Chrom carefully brought her closer until he lifted her to his arms.  Left arm rested under her butt and legs, he placed his other hand to the back of her head. “Daddy loves Lucina so much!” Body gently swaying left and right, he placed a soft, warm kiss to the left side of her head.  He was never tired of listening to her giggles.  “Mommy loves Lucina too…” Voice softened out of endearment and woe, Chrom briefly stiffened before exhaling through his mouth. His smile wavered. White teeth firmly nipped the insides of his cheeks. Thankfully, Lucina didn’t realize the sudden change of atmosphere, but she did calm down and now nuzzled her father’s shoulder.  “You miss Mommy, don’t you?” Head turned slightly to meet her face, Chrom pressed another kiss to her forehead. “Wanna go talk to Mommy, sweetie?”  The little girl didn’t give a proper reply, but her tiny smile and the endearing twinkle in her branded eye were more than enough to bloom his heart.  “Alright then.” His chest clenched. His smile stayed.  Slowly he turned to the balcony. From inside, he could spot that the stars that were a beautiful twinkle. The moon itself was a brilliant shine, and every step that he took felt like a hand – her hand – was reaching out for him.  One foot slowly stepping into the balcony, Chrom silently urged Lucina to look up at the night sky before looking up himself. “Hello, dear…” ---  He missed his wife dearly. Every second, every minute, every hour he thought of her, needed her. The middle of the year had reached its time, and Chrom bitterly knew it wouldn’t be long that the second year of her absence would arrive anytime.  His feelings for her never wavered. Not once.  Thankfully, he learned that the empty feeling in his chest was able to be healed with something else. It wasn’t much, but it was a good alternative. It wasn’t a replacement; Gods, he’d rather die than find a replacement for his missing half. But as painful as it may be, Chrom knew holding on to this despair would lead to nothing.  So he was thankful. As painful as it was to know that his beloved other half wasn’t by his side, he was thankful for the children who remained loyal and loving by his side.  “Do you love it?” Excitement gleamed in a pair of brilliant blue eyes. Arms carefully holding the younger version of herself, Lucina gave Little Lucina a gentle bob before looking at her little brother. “I and Little Lucina made the dress entirely from the clothing we found in the closet. It looked empty, so we decided to draw the decorations ourselves!” Pride swelling even more so than the toddler, Lucina cocked her head and let out a proud huff.  Little Lucina merely laughed in glee at her ‘big sister’s joy. The giant clothing – a dress, Lucina reassured many times – basically swallowed her body, yet it was an adorable wonder that she was still able to wave her arms up and down. The clothing draped down and down until it almost reached Lucina’s knees. A variety of drawings had been scribbled on the cloth, showing from faces of people – her family, Lucina convinced happily – to weird, incomprehensible drawings of what one assumed would be…an octopus?  Morgan was speechless, to be honest.  “Well…” Truly he was.  Hazel eyes looked up and down and up and down at the ‘dress’. Arms casually crossed against his chest, he then focused his gaze on the two versions of his dear sister. “It’s…something.” Laughter tickled his throat, but Morgan poorly bit the insides of his mouth to stifle it.  Sadly, he didn’t do a good job at hiding it.  “Morgan, don’t laugh at Little Lucina’s creation.” Though Lucina’s tone was blunt, her younger version couldn’t care less and bounced in her arms in sheer excitement.  That was the last straw for Morgan.  “Morgaaaan!” A whine finally broke out, cheeks then flushed in red at her little brother’s laugh. However, as mad as she was, she couldn’t be mad for so long especially when Little Lucina started laughing along.  From afar, Chrom only watched as his children bonded. A smile, so sincere and genuine, curled his pale mouth. His cheeks felt a tad warm at the sight. His heart ached so cosily in his chest.  He missed his wife dearly.  But he knew he always had them to help him in this excruciating time. ---  Two years.  Two years had long passed since her absence. Some had moved on with their lives. Some had literally moved on to another kingdom. His friends and family still stayed in touch with him, and some even helped him in search for his lost queen.  It had been two years without any good news.  In the morning, he would do his royal duties. He would tend to his people and have meetings with the councils. Other times he would play with the kids and have a chat with his fellow friends. Chrom started to smile more, laugh more. He started to get out of his castle more often, mostly accompanied by Frederick or his kids – who insisted to be disguised as knights so that they wouldn’t look suspicious by his side. Chrom started to see the brighter side of things. He was thankful for this glorious future. He was thankful for this beautiful moment of peace.  He wondered if the Gods might find him greedy if he wished for more.  At night, he would rather be alone. Though the dinners he had was never on his own, Chrom oftentimes excused himself early just so he could be alone in his room.  No matter how many times he entered, he always shivered to see just how empty his room was. ---  “I miss you…” Mumbles were faint through pale lips. He faced the right side of the bed, his own right hand still pressed to the empty spot. “I miss you so much…” Though eyelids getting heavier at each passing breath, Chrom tried to hold on what’s left of his aroused mind.  “Come back home, my love…” His eyes felt warm. “The kids really miss their mother.” His chest really hurt. “Your husband really misses you…”  Trembling fingers curled the bedsheet.  “Come…” A yawn broke out, “home…”  He wondered if it was a dream that he could feel something wet trickling his cheek. ---  It was a normal day for House Ylisse.  It was a normal day for the royal exalt to go through with his life.  Chrom spent time with his kids and sister. He spent time with his loyal second-in-command and sugar-loving thief. If all work were done, he would occupy his mind by either walking into the castle gardens or sparring with his fellow comrades. Time passed by quickly for Chrom. And before he knew it, night time had painted the sky.  It was like any other normal day for him.  “MILORD!”  Chrom actually jumped at the sudden shout of the great knight. Royal blue eyes widened so dumbly. Pale pink lips parted to a tiny ‘O’. Quickly he looked at the front doors of the throne room, his stupor only intensified to see Frederick kneeling and panting heavily right in front of him.  “F-Frederick?” Cautiously Chrom asked, right hand slowly reaching out for the still gasping great knight.  Before he could even reach the top of his head, Chrom stopped immediately when Frederick cocked his head in his direction.  Before Chrom could ask about his wellbeing, he instead fell in dead silence once Frederick declared, “We’ve found her.”  Deafening silence filled the entire room.  Turns out it wasn’t like any other day, after all. ---  Chrom had never ran so fast in his life.  His legs moved on their own. His heart was about to burst right out of his chest in seconds. Air was rapid and choppy in the king’s lungs, but he couldn’t care less even if he tried. Cheeks were flushed. Head was dizzy. If it weren’t for Frederick, Chrom would have tripped and hurt himself more times than he could keep count.  She’s here! That’s the only thing in his mind.  She’s here, she’s here! Those were the only words that echoed in his brain.  Finally, he arrived at the destination. He recognized the place; it was a meadow; the very meadow that they’d first met.  He spotted a band of Shepherds crowded around a single spot. He saw Lissa crouching next to someone – to her.  Her.  Robin.  He spotted a splash of hair that he missed to brush. He spotted a delicate hand that he missed to kiss. Though body mostly hidden by the small crowd, Chrom gasped – cried – at the sight of the body he missed – truly, horribly, truly missed – so much.  Robin, was all that sang in his mind as he took a staggered step forward.  Robin, was all that curled around his heart as he stretched out his right hand.  Upon realizing that he was approaching, everyone quickly make way. Finally, Lissa scooted a few steps back, her smile shining on her face and brown eyes twinkling in pure bliss.  Robin… His cheeks felt wet and his teeth chattered wildly behind quivered lips.  But hell, he couldn’t give a damn.  Finally, he stood in front of her. Finally, he fell to his knees by her side. Whether or not he had realized it, the Shepherds around had backed away slowly in order to give him space. Only Lissa remained close to him, though the distance was increased for his comfort.  It was her, Chrom awed. It was her.  Her chest was heaving calmly. Her cheeks were flushed with colour. Royal blue eyes then darted to her nose; oh how overwhelmed he was with relief to hear breathing slipping out of her nostrils.  Y-You’re home… A tiny, cracked mixture of a laugh and a cry slipped out of his mouth. You’re…Y-You’re h-home… Vision briefly blurred, Chrom quickly rubbed his eyes and gawked at nothing but her.  Robin… One shaky hand reached out for her, fingers twitching, trembling, hungering for the warmth of her body. Robin…  It felt truly pitiful to be gasping so loudly once he felt the soft, reassuring warmth of her right hand.  But hell, like Chrom cared.  Robin… He couldn’t lose her. Robin… He didn’t ever, ever want to lose her. ---  The throbbing pain in her head slowly roused her awake. A tiny, groggy groan slipped out of those pink, rosy lips. The corners of her eyes twitched. The clench of her teeth hardened. She heard noises. She heard voices.  But most of all, she heard his voice. Her eyelids weakly fluttered open. Sunlight peered through her eyes, making her groan again before slowly, heavily dragged her right hand to shield her eyes.  “I see you’re awake now…”  She swore her heartbeat had stopped for a second.  Eyes now wide as the sun above, Robin gawked to the direction of the voice. Though head now numbed with pain, she gasped silently once she saw the face of the man she missed so much.  “T-There…” His voice was shaky. “There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know.” His eyes were puffy.  And yet, Robin could perfectly see the beaming curve of his smile.  One hand was positioned right above her. “Give me your hand.”  Realization carefully sinking in, Robin slowly, eagerly, reached out for his hand.  And once she did, she felt as if her body was flying for the next thing she knew, she was already wrapped in a desperate, firm, loving hug.  “Wel—Welcome home, my love…” To hear his stammered voice, to feel the warmth of his hug, Robin broke out a tiny laugh albeit the growing tears in her eyes.  “I missed you…” END
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