#It’s mostly just a phenomenon on twt though
ironunderstands · 1 month
Ngl 90% of hsr discourse could be solved if people just accept that they don’t like particular characters/things and move on rather than everyone shitting on each other for the crime of enjoying something they dont like
Like oh wow you think X character is mid and people making content about them are just desperately trying to make them interesting? do you want a cookie? A prize? Literally who the fuck cares just scroll 😭
Some of yall have so little to say about your favs that you attack other people for actually making content about their own preferences because forming a coherent thought is harder than going “you guys will gag at anything”
So many bitches complaining and barely anyone actually creating god this community is doomed
Also if the person bitching is a fan of an unpopular character I’m sorry but that makes me happy because yeah fuck you I’m glad you have nothing in terms of fan content if this is how you treat it
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fishhjuice · 3 months
Hi read your post about Finn and I want to make a few comments on it.
The first thing is, its false that only male bettafish have long colorful fins, the females can have them as well.
But yes, they're both very aggressive and betta sororities rarely work out because so. Imo i don't think it really adds to the point. Second is, i feel like it's a bit of a stretch to say she's black because her skin is paint black and there's no indication that she's of African descent.
However the Irish part was 100% intentional over the other 2, which feel more coincidental. Of all colors that could've been chosen for the fins, orange was because of the stereotype that all Irish have red hair, even the instrument she plays, the violin is stereotypically associated with the Irish. Then when we get into the worst one that she's violent. Again of all things that could've been drawn, a barfight was, showcasing Finn beating both Tangle and Murdoch. Even the rest of the band are stereotypes.
Now my personal feelings on this as an Irish person is, i personally don't care, I've embraced it. In fact i think its kinda funny that they decided to choose a bettafish to represent an Irish person. The aggressive territorial fish conveniently alining with the Irish stereotype that we are violent and want no one on our land. Like yea i can see the offensiveness in it, but I can't take it seriously. But i do feel like being able to point out stereotypes is important. Another thing i want to say is, it's absolutely fine if you want to see her as trans (i had horrible gender dysphoria growing up so i get it) or black, or whatever, draw what you want but some self awareness would help since no matter what with this character you'll run into dodgy territory. I also want to say, thank you for opening this discussion since i did have feelings on this for awhile i wanted to share with others.
Hello! Thank you for reading and responding! Starting with the first thing, I... forgot to mention that. I have ADHD things sometimes slip by me fdsfsf Although females having long colorful things is a thing, it isn't true for crowntail bettas! Hence why i literally started my thing with Finn is a crowntail betta, and chose a crowntail betta in my example of the fins (then forgot).
It is a thing of debate whether the devs actually meant to portray a trans character, but we also have characters like Vivian, so it isn't impossible per se.
The reason i talk about female aggression is to show aggression is not a male only phenomenon in bettas (just like it isn't on humans). I know it doesn't seem that necessary first, but that specific wording is actually inspired by a comic on trans Finn I actually saw on TWT, where the main driving force is "Finn is biologically male, therefore aggressive." . It has. 6 thousand likes. People use Finn's (alleged) aggressiveness to ground their headcanon that she is trans . Then it became necessary to point out "hey, females and males can be aggressive." even though it is very elementary.
As for Black-coding, it might have been more apt to call my point "Colorism and Finn", even though I also mention in my essay "canon doesn't treat Finn as a black person per se". Even if she isn't meant to be black, it is still very iffy to treat a character with dark skin as hostile, angry and aggressive, which the fandom... does.
Finn being Irish is. yeah. Her name is Finn for god's sake. She's from Fish Ireland in lore. She plays celtic rock. You already said pretty much everything. Hibernophobia is mostly a thing of the past, but as you said, important to point out still.
Overall that's why my essay is calling out the fandom and not the devs, especially in it's ending. Fandom chooses to portray Finn's aggresiveness in relation to her dark skin, possible transness or well. Irish. Canon never really calls her aggressive, and like i said there is aggressive species of fish that don't get the same treatment by the fandom. Fandom attributed aggressiveness to her despite it not being canon and despite the implications, and we need to be aware of that.
Again, thanl you for taking the time!
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tonyglowheart · 3 years
for the most part, I do think the way ppl approach “ownvoices” as a concept where it becomes more about policing demographics - or perceived demographics - is unproductive or even counterproductive. But on the other hand, I do think it’s valuable to consider the writer’s demographic, but more in a sort of like... one facet of sociocultural/historical consideration?
bc there’s that one person who is writing a “xianxia-ish danmei-ish” webnovel that they advertise on twitter, and I come across smatterings of these kinds of things on AO3 (tho I find I have a lower standard for AO3-hosted works than like, someone hosting on their own site & advertising to EN audiences), and at least with the “xianxia-ish danmei-ish” novel, it. well, reads a lot like they’re trying to pastiche translated webnovel, except then a lot of the quirks are more quirks of translation than of a “danmei” genre style, imo. So. It was... interesting. And also they had some part about a character having their hair tied up (either in a bun or a ponytail) and then getting hopelessly knotted when it got wet, which I thought was odd bc it wasn’t my own experience with hair lmao. So that led me to trying to dig further into it bc I was already like, “why are you calling it a xianxia-ish danmei-ish novel” (except that’s not a tell for anything, bc Xiran as a counterexample notably ONLY promotes her work with these kinds of buzzwords. LIke to this day I still have no idea what her debut(?) novel is about bc all she ever says about it is that it’s Pac Rim meets Handmaid’s Tale but Wu Zetian and Chinese myth and poly. Like. that’s not a book blurb, that’s a marketing-a-”foreign” work diversity points buzzword salad.) anyway the webnovelist did say on their twt at some point they were white and I was like, ah, interesting. Also they had some twt about them looking at the readership/site visitor demographic for their site and they were saying how ppl in Asia/SE Asia overwhelmingly are not interested in their work, and I was like. Hm. What a Wild Thought. (lmao)
my point here isn’t that they SHOULDN’T write their xianxia-ish danmei-ish webnovel. But. I don’t know, maybe I hope that they can... be a bit more cognizant of the genre and its history & also the like... pathways of transmission/translation? Because I do think there are ways to write “danmei-like” works originally in English, but at the same time I do think being unaware that what you’re pastiching is translation quirks is... well, unfortunate. You probably are speaking to the same audience still - of English-readers who are reading translated danmei. But I think the implications for it are rather unfortunate, and you lose, like, the beauty of both the Chinese language and English language when you’re trying to recreate something which is essentially an artifact of transmission as opposed to artifacts of either the original language or the target language (now become original language). I do think this arising as a phenomenon IS interesting, though, and speaks to something. And I’m not saying that this hybridity can’t create something interesting, the like bridging of Chinese and English. But that when it comes from someone who doesn’t seem to have the genre-origin contextual understanding and doesn’t seem to understand or have examined WHY exactly the translations of works they read are constructed the way they are (translation quirks and the difficulty in bridging gaps of language/vocabulary availability as well as cultural implications/values/history which inflects and influences language & meaning), to my mind it really just... mostly creates something clumsy. Well-meaning, I’m sure! But... perhaps a bit more sinaboo than actually “culturally appreciative.”
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dmumt · 3 years
omg about that tik tok and body image post...there's something that's been on my mind lately, especially because of many teens and pre-teens on twitter. it's about how perhaps part of the reason kpop girls have become such a phenomenon, especially certain ones i rather not name, internationally and especially with youth is because their petite frames fit the skinny body image ideal to a t. i don't mean to claim these girls aren't talented, hardworking, and so on - they're of course fantastic - but i think part of the idol worship for k-girls comes from the fact that they represent a kind of body type that is so sought after that people attach and obsess over them. many young and impressionable girls who aren't even east asian idealize east asian features as the absolute body type (which is a whole other discourse) and mentally beat themselves up when they may not look exactly like their idols. these idols, themselves, literally have whole teams helping them diet, exercise, and take care of their skin. these teams beautify them with all kinds of make-up - not only for their faces but also other body parts, like legs - and dress them up in designer clothes that are tailored to make their features seem more appealing. these teams even place them in hip pads or push ups bras to get the skinny and curvy look that's hard to achieve but easy to sell to masses. and little girls see this and it definitely affects their own self images. it's kind of concerning how many k-girls are used as thinspo or the ideal standard in ed communities. i'm not faulting the idols themselves of course, they're just doing their jobs, but the way they're marketed contributes to skinny body type ideal so much, especially with kpop's growing international appeal. in fact, even with non kpop idols, or non east asian celebrities, it seems the people that become people's "kings" or "queens" are the ones who have the incredibly hard to achieve skinny ideal body type. in fact, stan culture, in general (at least mostly), always talks about body positivity but then idealizes this standard with no space for any other body type, and it's just so concerning to me. anyways sorry for the rant, but thanks for listening
don’t apologise!! thanks for sending this in, i totally agree with you. you’re right it’s not to do with the idols themselves but the way companies push idols to be incredibly skinny and make them lie about their weight that’s so damaging. i’ve definitely seen an increase in pro ed accounts on twt that are centred around these petite kpop girls and aspiring to get to their weight (although like you said using east asian people as an aesthetic is a whole other thing....). people hate to admit it but a majority of people stan or at least begin to stan certain people because of their appearance, and without a doubt a lot of these groups would not as big as they are if some of them were a few dress sizes bigger. kpop stans claim to care about body positivity but the second an idol puts on a slight bit of weight that’s all everyone can talk about and the moment some random fan gets doxxed for saying something about someone’s meow meow everyone’s ready to call them a “fat ugly loser.” i guess that’s just all celebrity culture though, fawning over people for looking “perfect” and aspiring to be/look like them as though the celebs don’t have a professional team working on them every day. and they have to keep it that way, because if celebrities don’t have that unattainable look that makes you feel insecure then they begin to lose their charm and people will lose interest and ultimately the companies behind everything lose money. it sucks but what can you do. like i said in the tiktok post i’m just glad i wasn’t a kpop fan when i was very young because i know for a fact it would have really affected me. (sorry my thoughts are a bit all over the place i’m on the train rn and i can’t really concentrate)
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mack1s · 3 years
meet the admin! (basic info masterlist)
hi-hello! so~ i don’t know if people will actually look at this account but just to be sure, i’d better introduce myself don’t you think? well... here goes nothing!
first off, my name’s rye! my pronouns are she/her,, though if you find it more comfortable using they/them when mentioning me, i don’t mind at all! so as long as it’s not he/him /: hhh
eng/한국어/中文 = ok! (i’m most fluent in english, so please do speak to me in eng ♡; i can understand a bit of chinese and i can read korean just fine ... i just can’t really speak fluently in those languages).
byf, byi; prone to swearing A LOT, sometimes texts in all caps, i’m a very private person... so i won’t use any tags to reach more ppl (if u come across my acc and wanna interact, don’t be afraid to tho!), no socials at all except discord !! (my insta and twt are private spams, i REFUSE to ever make a main ever again ... pls message me for my discord code if u wanna chat).
dni, dnf; basic dni-dnf criteria, sexualizing minors, hardcore nsfw acc, hardcore shipping.
p.s. if i use a strikethrough in phrases like this; i love jyuto iruma!!!! - it means im embarassed of what im saying but it needs to be said somehow hhh /srs
— ^_^ ☆ !?
some extra information about me !! (i might just ramble here so you can choose to read or not,,)
my mbti type switches between infj and isfp, though my impression comes off as type infj— i’m an october libra and my type is 5w4 !!
genshin info; na server, uid in blog page description, ar 55, childe main (he’s also my husbando!) ... don’t be afraid to ask for help or ask to play bc i’m a childe main — i’m one of sane ones— i hope.
interests; i’m into mostly anime and butai! atm... the more dominant franchises i’m into are tourabu, messiah project, HYPNOSIS MIC, jujutsu kaisen, the royal tutor, danganronpa, real-fake, gantz, and moriarty the patriot.
side note (butai-related): i just wanna say a HUGE thank you to the butai community on tumblr and on lj ... as i’m more of a freeloader who leeches off everything everyone shares — rest assured, i plan to buy my own stages and other merch soon and i will be more than happy to share with the community as a way of saying thank you! (since i don’t live in jp, it’s quite hard to pay for stuff on dmm ><) but the time will come soon!
— lomls;
tag, takenbyrye; vyn richter, ibara saegusa, sakuma ritsu, luke pearce, ren kisaragi, yamanbagiri kunihiro, ichiro yamada, jyushi aimono, saburo yamada, sasara nurude, yuuri kaito, mamiya seiren, byakuya togami, tartaglia, ruki mukami, subaru sakamaki, reiji sakamaki, horikawa kunihiro, yagen toushirou, joichiro nishi, william james moriarty, rika honjo, teru minamoto, leonhard von grannzreich, toge inumaki, gundham tanaka, kiibo, ryouta mitarai, kurou yatogami, haruka nanase, licht jekylland todoroki, daisuke kambe, soujirou seta, heshikiri hasebe, ikuya kirishima, rod benedikt widdensov.
kins; yamanbagiri kunihiro (tkrb), itadori yuuji (jjk), doppo kannonzaka (hypmic), and bruno von grannzreich (ry).
fav actors, highest rank; ARAMAKI YOSHIHIKO + AKIRA TAKANO !! do hirose daisuke and kyousuke hamao still count ):
fav actors, sub rank; kenta mizue, kitamura ryo, masanari wada, kanata hongo, someya toshiyuki, matsuda ryo, kimura tatsunari, sakurai keito, keisuke higashi, konishi eito (pls don’t attack me jjj these r mostly from the tourabu butai).
seiyuu; nobunaga shimazaki, JUNYA ENOKI (aaa enojun!!).
games; tears of themis, helios rising, obey me, enstars, hypnosis mic, idolish7, a3, genshin impact, touken ranbu, cinderella phenomenon.
— ☆彡
theme and pfp credit!
pfp; @fufefefe (found on tourabu.blog.jp)
theme; @wordbite via theme-hunter.com
*the edit as the media above is made by me ,, it’s rlly poorly made (and masked LMAO) but i’ll make better ones next time <3 remake of insomnish’s edit on yt (using live action nishi!!)
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dreamhot · 3 years
DNF needs more of the Mavin treatment LMAO like everyone laughs about it and loves their friendship and jokes about the shipping, but no one ACTUALLY thinks they are together.
...Though I do recall very early AH there was slightly more "what ifs" but they quickly went away. Granted, them having significant others probably helped end uhh I guess "mavin truthers" (that's so weird to say) but still, in general it was mostly kept to their character persona's in au's.
I just can't for the life of me remember any sort of in depth deep analysis posts about their maybe secret relationship lmao I feel like of all the RP fandoms I've seen, RTAH had some of the most respectful rpf shippers, ones that really listened and followed RTAH's boundaries when it came to that sort of stuff
okay this is an interesting comparison to draw, actually, largely because 1) i wasn't part of the dnp phenomenon so i can't speak to how that played out in the fandom & this is a much more familiar example to me, and 2) it was another situation where the creators were very aware of what the fandom was doing
by the time i was made aware of ragehappy (throwback to THAT catchall term), people were def v good about respecting boundaries. i recall there being lists dedicated to outlining who was comfortable with what & reiterating specific rules of common sense (like leaving millie out of fic). i don't think i ever saw people being invasive... aside from like. your occasional weirdos on twt or whatever. but for the most part people were respectful
maybe part of it came from michael being in an established relationship from day 1? like lindsay was clearly never a secret so there was a much lower chance of folks being like 'omg two single guys ... could they be dating ...' obv actual relationships don't stop ALL ship content or truthing (looking @ u mcu fandom), but it'll def put a damper on some people
also, iconic moment when michael found the blog that catalogued mavin moments from videos & sent them an ask pointing out something they had missed LMAOOOOO
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