#It would be frankly irresponsible for me to allow it but it is so fascinating I've never ever seen a coyote do this
malhare-archive · 1 year
“Why does a coyote want to play with my dog” isn’t something I thought I’d have to Google but here we are
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monotonemanday · 7 years
Our Days Divided - Mystic Messenger University AU - Chapter 2 Mistah Trust Fund Kid
Chapter 2! Just so you guys know, soon I will be posting things on a schedule. That way I’m not posting both fics at the same time and that there is consistency! All make everything easier all around as soon as I am more settle in my personal business.
Cypress University was more than just a campus. Basically, the small surrounding towns and the all-encompassing city was run and operated by the board of Cypress. That’s why it was easier for the scholarship students to fill their requirements of holding part/ full-time jobs. Most of the local shop owners understood the situation and were delighted to hire the students.
Kaeli was making her way down the stone pathway in the small villa right off campus. The sun was out but the weather was not pleasant. It was very brisk and even the warm rays from the sun weren't warming her chilled face. Kaeli hated the cold but she was in high spirits and nothing was going to bum her out.
The chime of a bell rang alerting the small café of a new presence. A small corner booth was the home of two girls in neatly pressed Cypress uniforms. Sipping a caramel latte was a girl with big hazel eyes and short brown hair. She normally wore glasses when they were on campus. Her eyesight wasn’t terrible but she worked so hard looking at screens and tiny print from her assignments that her eyes appreciated the assistance. Next to her was a small bag with an apron and a nametag that read Jaehee. She had just gotten off the early morning shift at the café. Sat across from her, nose deep in a book was a girl with sun-kissed tan skin and light rose gold hair. Soft and gentle brown eyes. A perky voice broke her from her book.
“What book is it this morning, Helena?”
“Oh, Kaeli! You’re here early this morning. Actually, I’m reading a script this morning. We think that we’ve pinpointed the first show of the season that the drama department will be doing.”
“Ah, so you wanted to see what kind of a role Zen will be partaking in?” Kaeli gave the girls a snide smirk. Jaehee and Helena were avid Zen fans and they weren't great at hiding it. “I’m surprised you aren’t indulging yourself Jaehee.”
“Oh, I already read it.” Jaehee said with a subtle amount of pride. She gathered her bag and stood up. “Sorry I have to rush ladies but Mr, Corporate Heir apparently has important matters for me to attend to as VP of the business club today.”
“You sound thrilled, Miss VP.” Kaeli and Helena were giggling at their friend's disdain.
“Right, VP. Basically I’m just a glorified assistant.“ She sighed. Jaehee was incredibly grateful that she was able to attend Cypress University. Like Yoosung, she was one of the two winners of the scholarship lottery. It put a lot of pressure on her and she worked extremely hard to prove herself but she often felt like the tuition kids still treated her like a filthy commoner. She didn’t like how the scholarships conducted themselves and aside from Zen, she didn’t care much for them. “Anyway, I better get going. I’ll see you girls later at the meeting?” The two girls nodded and she was off.
“So Kaeli, Yoosung told me about your little group you’re trying to form. He was handing out invitations yesterday wasn’t he?”
“He was. That’s actually why I came to the villa early today. I’m going to catch Sam on her way to campus and give her an invitation. Helena...do you think I’m making a mistake?”
Helena was surprised at Kaeli’s self-doubt. “Kaeli what are you talking about? You’re trying to mend an unhealthy behavior. Take down years of dumb discrimination. Why do you think it would be a mistake?”
Kaeli stared out the window trying to formulate her thoughts. “I’ve been friends with Sam since diapers, but I feel like I’ve gotten so distant from her. And it’s my fault. I didn’t have Yoosung deliver her invitation because it felt irresponsible on my part. I think...I think Sam is going to take it as me showing pity towards her and her friends and that’s not true!”
“I don’t think Samantha is going to take it that way at all! She accepted me right away when you introduced us. She doesn't act ill-willed toward Yoosung even though he kind of abandoned them and even though she doesn’ t know Jihyun and Jumin I’m sure she won’t have a problem with them as well! If anything I think it’s the others that are going to take offense.”
There was no response from Kaeli. Helena checked the time on her phone and started to gather her things. “Hey, how about we ask Yoosung how they all reacted when he delivered the invitations? My first class of the day is with Yoosung. We’ll come to the meeting together, alright?”
Kaeli saw Helena’s bright smile and knew she was doing her best to cheer her up. “Sounds good. I’ll meet up with Sam and give her the invitation and one for Saeran. Have a good first class, Lena!” The two parted ways at the door feeling light-hearted once again.
Jaehee was typing away on her laptop working on one of the 11 assignments she had due at the end of the week. Sitting on the windowsill of the classroom was a tall and slender mint haired looker. His hair was quaffed at the top and its mint color made his equally mint eyes seem brighter than the sun. He had a long lens hooked to his camera and was snapping away. Jihyun Kim. Coming from a wealthy and powerful family. His father was an incredibly cold businessman, and his mother a world-famous violinist although, she had sadly passed. Incredibly handsome and insanely kind to everyone. A prominent figure amongst the tuition kids. Some would say second most prominent. First prominent was standing at the whiteboard in the front of the room. Studying it in depth. Silently. Focused beyond reason. He had broad shoulders and midnight hair that lay in quaffed sweeps. His charcoal eyes soul-piercing. Only one man on campus surpassed his looks, but he wasn’t as sought after because he was an untouchable. This handsome devil, however, was top dog. Mr. Trust Fund Kid himself, Jumin Han. Big man on campus, and he was totally oblivious to it. He didn’t understand these weird social coos and quite frankly he thought them meaningless. However, they did fascinate him.
Yoosung and Helena were sat together going over notes and starting work from the class they just had. Jumin finally spoke.
“V...I have a question.” The mint haired Jihyun nicknamed V looked up from his camera.
“Yes, my friend?”
“What does it mean to call someone a ‘man dime’?”
Yoosung choked on his own spit and tried to stifle his laughter. Jaehee had stopped typing for just a moment, rolled her eyes, and went back to work. Helena was lightly smacking Yoosung, also trying to stifle giggles. V was tickled by his old friends question. Jumin and V were best friends. Childhood friends. V was never amazed at his friend's naivety. He found it endearing.
“Isn’t a dime a form of currency?” The man at the board was still questioning.
“Yes, Jumin. People often refer to someone good looking as a dime piece. It’s most commonly a term for women.”
“I’m not quite understanding. Could you use it in context?”
“Sure! Helena is intelligent and super cute, in fact, she is a dime!” Yoosung’s cheeks were bright red and Helena gave him another light smack.
“Jumin. They call people dimes because like the currency it amounts to 10. And when you are romanticizing someone you usually rate them on a scale from 1-10. 10 being a perfect score.” V was trying to break it down analytically, trying to play to Jumin’s mind.
“Ah, so a ‘dime’ must be rare since very little people have perfect looks.”
“Well Jumin, it’s based on personal preference and it doesn’t have to just deal with looks! It’s someone with your ideal personality, appearance, heart, intelligence. Basically, someone you think is the perfect package!” Helena gave her own explanation and Jumin returned to studying the board.
“Someone like Zen.” Helena and Jaehee had both said allowed. They gave each other a smirk.
Jumin was contemplating all the information he was given and came to a conclusion. “Ah, so someone like Kaeli, would be a ‘dime piece.’“
“Jumin Han!!” The whole room was startled by the high pitched voice. They turned to see Kaeli standing in the doorway. “Who taught you something like that?!”
“He had heard some girls in the hallway refer to him as a ‘man dime’ and he was just asking me what it had meant.” V was back to taking photographs already, not even looking at Kaeli as he responded.
Kaeli closed her eyes and shook her head. She always walked in on something like this. She stared at the whiteboard. “What on earth?”
“We begged him not to.” “We really did.” Yoosung and Helena rested their elbows on the table they were sitting at.
On the board, Kaeli observed what Jumin had been studying for what the group told her was the past 30 minutes.
An intricate map was pieced together on the whiteboard. Pictures of 5 individuals with different stats listed, all pieced together by different red lines.
“It’s his map on the untouchables.” Jaehee inserted without leaving her work.
“Well take it down! They aren’t criminals. Do you think they are spending their time tastelessly analyzing you guys?” Kaeli was furious. They were playing right into their own stereotype and she hated it.
“We don’t know if they aren’t criminals. His research wasn’t that in depth.”
“Jaehee, you seem really hostile towards this people. Well other than Zen. Is there any specific reason?” V’s voice was laced with concern as this was extremely out of character for Jaehee.
“I just...I don’t appreciate their attitudes. And I suppose it’s not necessarily these individuals. But they act so entitled! They think just because they have these talents they are gods among men. Just like these tuition students who think they can’t be bothered or criticized just because they’re wealthy and have powerful families! I’m not a tuition student but I also didn’t get in because I could play the piano or paint the next masterpiece. I work so hard and I still don’t belong anywhere!” Jaehee’s hands were balled into fists on the table. She was biting her lip and staring downward. She was embarrassed. She couldn’t believe she had acted like this in front of the group. She had just become so overwhelmed.
“Jaehee, let’s go for a walk.” Helena was gently rubbing Jaehee’s back and Yoosung was gathering her things for her. Three quietly left the classroom. Kaeli giving Jaehee a comforting squeeze of the bicep. She let out her breath and then once again channeled her anger.
“Jumin. Get rid of it.”
“Kaeli, I apologize if this has offended you it wasn’t my intention to be disrespectful.” Jumin had never sounded this ashamed in one of his little projects. He began to remove the things from the board when his old friend stopped him.
“To be fair to Jumin, I really think you should have him explain his research here Kaeli.”
“To me, V, it looks like a witch hunt.”
“Kaeli, please let him explain.” V pleaded with the small blonde and she nodded her head in agreement taking a seat and looking straight ahead as a signal for Jumin to start his presentation.
“Very well. Now Jaehee wasn’t entirely wrong in her sudden outburst. Many people can sing, dance, act, and say, use computers better than others. So I was wondering, what made these particular students so special. All of the scholarship students have to be exceptional in their fields to be accepted here at Cypress, but these students, are a cut above the rest. Just like ourselves. Tuition kids that contribute more than just money. My research was to pinpoint what is so impressive about them.”
“Just take a look at it. I know we didn’t get much done but we actually have to head out. We’ll see you tomorrow madam president.” Jumin and V made there way out of the room.
Kaeli walked up to the board and looked over the stats Jumin had listed. Among her scanning, she couldn’t help but giggle at Jumin’s personal footnotes he also added.
Hyun Ryu AKA Zen Most handsome man on campus (Jumin second most? V?) Talented actor, singer, dancer First Cypress student being paid to do professional theatre Second highest score in the school's history for literature (First belongs to Helena) Has published 12 screenplays that have been sold to theatre companies Won large amount of awards for BMX (Currently just rides a motorcycle - ladies enjoy this? Will ask Jaehee about this)
Liz Paradise Dancer and acrobat Multiple awards for dance competitions Cirque performer. Well versed in aerial silks, high wire, tumbling, aerial hoop, Spanish web, trapeze Top scorer in Foreign affairs Possible royalty??? (Needs further research) New discovery: Possibly a ‘dime’ (needs confirmation from others)
Saeyoung Choi Extremely above average intelligence Tied top score for all tech related exams Specializes in Hacking, Coding, and Programming Started Robotics Lab at Cypress Can seduce women as well as Zen. (Something about good looks but also a ‘quirky sense of humor’ Will speak with Yoosung) Second highest score in the school's history on the Cypress Physical trial
Saeran Choi Extremely above average intelligence Tied top score for all tech related exams Specializes in Hacking, Coding, and Programming Handles all tech and special effects for theatre Head snare drum in all Cypress ensembles President of the botany club (research in plants and medical science doing extremely well) Ladies like him because he is ‘cold’ and ‘mysterious’ (this is apparently not considered creepy???)
Samantha Dae First highest score in the school's history on the Cypress Physical trial (Beating out the redhead) Drum Major and student conductor for all Cypress ensembles Exceptional Piano player Well versed in multiple brass instruments Superb vocals (active in theatre, musical theatre, and vocal ensembles) Composed and sold 16 original orchestral pieces Performed at Carnegie Hall at the age of 13 New discovery: Another possible ‘dime’ (confirmed by my standards but will have to discuss with others)
Kaeli turned off the lights and locked the door of the classroom behind her.
“This...this is going to work.”
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