#It just doesn't make sense to me
bookishwithathought · 5 months
Trying to look at ACOTAR through E/riels perspective:
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rainybraindays · 6 months
Okay serious question: why do some people want the way Colin realizes his feelings to be though Penelope being with someone else, even temporarily? Like doesn't that undermine his character? Doesn't that make him look shallow and like he just doesn't her attention off him? Like some of you are so excited for this prospect and I don't understand.
Him coming into his feelings, on his own, is far more fulfilling. It shows that he loves her not he attention he gives her. It also just feels more like Colin to me than him being almost toddler esc and going "no fair! She was mine firsft!" You all say you want jealous colin but in the book he is jealous, not of another person but of her writing. And i think thats so much better than doing yet another love triangle. Like they have so many, far more interesting ways to go about this season, and they're seemingly going for the cheapest weakest route, and so many of you are applauding it.
I just don't get it.
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e-tankx · 4 months
Question for Anyone who might know how to explain it?
So, a friend of mine has hyperfixated hard on the Danny Phantom fandom, and one of the things she really digs is the weird inhumanity of the concept that the fandom has delved into. This is something I'm not inherently against, but the idea of 'obsessions' where you literally have to do a thing or else it causes actual physical damage to you, kind of IMO leans too hard towards the concept that the Always Wrong(tm) parents have of ghosts being mindless echos of something else, and kind of . . .Depersons them?
"This person died, but because they were just so into X they stuck around, and now their obsession is X." "Alright that sounds cool, now how would they change and grow as people?" "They wouldn't because their obsession is X and will always be X, and can never not be X otherwise it causes them actual physical pain and potentially will kill them." It also kind of ruins the whole 'self sacrificing' angle of Danny potentially giving up his dreams of being able to do anything else *but* guard Amity Park from danger. "Well if he doesn't do it anyway he's going to literally die so there's not really a choice in the matter." Not really self sacrificing when you put it that way. The other things that bug me about it, is that it seems too. . .neat and tidy? Like, we already know *fuck all* about the human brain as it is. Psychology is a shot in the dark and based around general vibes with patterns that seem to be common in humanity. Why would it suddenly become less complicated if you're dealing with emotions that are no longer tied to chemicals in the brain and are instead spread over the entirety of your being? //TANGENT WARNING// If I was the one originally putting down the concept of 'obsessions', it'd be something early ghosts, or ghosts that lack maturity/introspection/self awareness deal with because yes, in order to stick around after death you probably *would* have to have something to latch onto, at least in the moment. Younger ghosts cling to said obsession because they haven't actually self actualized, the whole I think therefore I am. There's also that whole feeling of self preservation because "this is what I held onto and what kept me going even when the rest of me didn't, so if I don't hold onto it with literally *everything* I may just die." that kind of drives them instinctually until they manage to grow beyond that. As the ghosts mature (emotionally anyway) their obsessions would be less and less important. They might still enjoy things about it, it was an obsession for a reason after all, they may even still fulfill it to some extent, but it's less a *must do* and more of an 'I like this, but it is not an all consuming need that without fulfilling I will literally die'. This would also work to explain how and why the Fentons think this is the truth without making them the worst scientists imaginable. Most ghosts that want to cause a fuss/fight/whatever are likely less self actualized/younger and therefore are more likely to cling to said obsession. A ghost mature enough to not cling to said obsession is much less likely to actually make themselves known to living people. Therefore they'd lack actual examples that could throw a wrench into their theories and force them to re-examine their research. //TANGENT OVER// but, it's entirely possible that I'm just. .. misunderstanding, or am an idiot. Hence why I'm shoving this question into a metaphorical bottle and yeeting it into the stormy seas that is the internet.
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sparkles-oflight · 19 days
yk, I was mostly finding the whole "you are single by choice because you are picky" situation last night funny, but now that I've thought about it, it really hurts
it really hurts I've told these people "I'm demisexual and struggle with intimacy" and they tell me to just "not be picky"
I remember having friends in the queer community telling me "you'll be single forever if you are not willing to hook up/have sex with someone you don't know that well"????? because "no one else thinks the same way you do". Bro, I'm not the only demi, and I'm most certainly not the only person who's afraid of intimacy.
no wonder people in the ace and aro spectrums often feel broken. you are telling us just to "not be picky" instead of fucking accepting we don't view love and/or sex the same way as you. thanks
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enna1251 · 2 months
You know what I love? I love seeing our boys (Tom and Mark) in HD, but you know what I hate? -- Seeing them on the Kardashians.
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pikatrainer99 · 3 months
I'm excited for Pokémon Legends Z-A, because of course I'm excited for a new Pokémon game...but I'm NOT excited for Megas to return. Megas are the most unfair of all the battle gimmicks because not every Pokémon can Mega Evolve, whereas every Pokémon can use Z-Moves, Dynamax, and Terastallization. Plus, Pokémon that didn't NEED Megas got them, like Mewtwo (who got TWO Mega forms), Garchomp, and Rayquaza just for some examples (and in Rayquaza's case, made it INCREDIBLY broken because it didn't need to hold a Mega Stone). There is one thing and one thing only that would make me feel a TINY bit better about Megas, and that one thing is giving one to EVERY starter, not just the Gen 1 and 3 starters. It's only fair in my opinion.
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chiarrara · 7 months
I don't know I just feel like....
We just watched a man self-immolate in his military uniform. And I don't want to sound like an idiot, because it's much more than this but, couldn't you say that was a very extreme form of conscientious objection?
He could not be complicit anymore, but there is literally no way out of being complicit in this genocide if you live in America. For him especially, being trapped in military service. But for all of us. All of us are trapped in complicity in some way, and we can try to counteract that sin with as much meaningful direct action as we can possibly do, but all of that action comes with some proportional level of risk.
So, a man burned himself alive in an extreme form of conscientious objection (the only form available to him - one of great violence)
And people are still on here telling people to suck it up and vote for Biden.
I just... maybe I'm really stupid and I just can't see the logic y'all are putting forward. Because the way you lay it out it all seems to make so much sense to you. I understand we're trapped in a two party system. I understand the Republicans don't have the same consciences we do and are gonna vote en masse for Trump. I understand Trump is a danger globally and domestically. I understand all that, and I don't want his second term to come to pass. I'm not ignorant of how dangerous he is.
But a man self-immolated to object to the system of complicity he's trapped in, and the most logical response y'all have to a bunch of people wanting to opt out of complicity in this election, and the next four years of horrors that will be done in their name is to tell them, you just have to suck it up and be complicit. Your only tool is to make a phone call. You can try to protest, but there's a non-zero chance you'll be beaten and arrested and have your life ruined, by the way. You can donate to try and put a bandaid on the horrors you're seeing through your phone screen everyday (and you should, but God it's sure not stopping anything). But you're not allowed to object to being complicit in the selection of the Genocider-In-Chief.
It's not going to stop the genocide. We know this. It's not going to stop the election. We know this. It's not going to change anything directly, and Trump is going to get elected (which he will either way. most people who would vote against him are doing it anyway, y'all are fighting a very very small online minority).
But a man self-immolated in his military uniform. He didn't think that act was going to directly stop aid from going to Israel, or stop the genocide, or destroy the US military industrial complex. He didn't think his one small (but extremely brave and impactful) act was going to solve everything. Everything that was going to happen is still going to happen just with one less man in uniform.
But it wasn't nothing. It didn't do nothing. It's not his fault that the military will keep on chugging. It's not his fault that things are getting worse in Gaza every day. But he's not complicit anymore and he sent a message. And he had to die to achieve that.
And y'all are telling us we can't even do the very small act of not being complicit in the presidency. It's a less effective act of protest, but I also don't have to die for it.
It's not a boycott (I've seen this strawman, i don't know why you think we think that). It's not going to "send a message to the government" (obviously, we're not ignorant). It's to the Party that runs these candidates, and makes money off of "pick us because we're not the other guy" then commits crimes against humanity. I don't want to roll over and be fucking complicit in that.
Parties and candidates look at those numbers. they see how many people voted for them last time and how many people this time.
They don't care about our voices, and our protests, and our emails. They care about donations, and they care about votes. That's it. That's all they look at. If the emails and the phone calls and the protests don't result in a drop in one of those two things, they don't fucking care.
I don't know. This is a long ass ramble, but I'm trying to work out my feelings about this. Because we can't opt out of paying taxes, we can't really opt out of the benefits of living and being born in the Global North, we can't opt out of work, we can't opt out of the military, we can't opt out of following the law without extreme violence being brought against us. We can't do a whole fucking lot besides call, email, donate, and protest in a way that doesn't get us beaten and arrested, and if you do get beaten and arrested, you'll be dealing with the legal consequences for years or potentially the rest of your life.
And a man burned himself to death to object but I can't withhold my vote???
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smugliar · 2 months
I'm totally not sour that they replaced the seventh survivor with mikaela. I'm not upset that ace wasn't given a cool, themed outfit to go along with the other original group of survivors. nah. couldn't be me.
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weird-gay-disaster · 1 year
Still haven't seen the movie yet, but....why are people surprised that Bowser, the usual villain of the Mario franchise, is evil?? Even if you aren't a Mario fan, the first trailer had him literally burn down a penguin monarchy with no regrets. Did people expect a fanfic or something?
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kellykadesperate · 8 months
sorry i'm behind on the traitors but like. i have no idea why they recruit someone, share their secret, risk them giving them away purposefully or not and then be like yeah let's get rid of them
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saintlovers · 1 year
Ofc I'm still pissed about lockwood and co being cancelled. I'm not much of a series person myself but that one I really enjoyed especially since it had shorter episodes and not 1.5 hour monsters. But like I wanted to watch warrior nun season 2 but I just didn't have the time and now that one got cancelled too. Why watch any series at all this way? Same with Winx? There's literally no reason why I should stay subscribed to Netflix when I can just... buy the DVDs to movies I wanna watch and leave them their series that get cancelled anyway
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Am I the only one who's confused about the fact that the main instrument in Wylan's theme is a cello? Don't get me wrong, it's a lovely track! But... Why a cello?
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luciolefire · 1 year
Unpopular opinion maybe, but leaving someone on read really shouldn't always be immediately considered as such a rude thing to do??? Especially if it's only for an hour or so. Like. People are busy sometimes, or they forget, or they just don't know what to say, and they can't always reply immediately
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semiotomatics · 1 year
5, 9, & 14? :3
yayayayay thank you!!
5. which song always puts a smile on your face?
9. which artist has been the most life changing for you?
honestly, at this point, prolly twenty one pilots. in ways too complex for me to get into rn, they have absolutely changed my life
14. who is the most overrated artist in your opinion?
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just. why
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feral-lore-creature · 2 years
Not WF related but who the fuck thought Summer was a good season?!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no-
We're NOT going to act like this summer is different, or that it will be "magical", or "relaxing", let alone ENJOYABLE-
When spring comes around, I don't wanna see ANYONE acting like Summer is going to be a great time.
It's gonna be what it always is: A heatstroke inducing hellscape.
Fuck the sun, and its smothering heat.
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i’m so confused with the 1x13 description????? like i am here for it bc give me lucy always but the way how lucy is described twice in it makes me wonder if that was a typo?? like it goes from “while on duty officer chen” to “meanwhile lucy and nyla” which makes me think those two things are happening simultaneously? 
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