#Israel this week 28.2.2020V
nataliesnews · 5 years
Israel this week 28.2.2020
Today I will go with Women Make Peace who want to make chains of women calling for a return to the peace process. As I have said before I don’t go with them a lot as I feel they are well meaning and good that there are people like them but groups like Machsomwatch or the Combatants are actually active. They phoned me and offered me a lift which makes a difference. And even though they are not militant in any way as the former are it is horrifying to hear, as we did in Sederot, the anger and hatred against anyone who some people think are against the government.
 Election day I am going with Ellen to the Negev where she will be taking Bedouin women to vote who find it difficult to get to the polls.
 For light relief before you start reading this. The thought that if Netanyahu is successful we will have to put up with this woman for another period is almost worse than thinking of what will happen to the country. There was a report on tv last night of the family doctor speaking to the woman and referring to Sarah not by name as “the lady” and explaining that he is apologizing for her but that the employee is harming Netanyahu. Unbelievable
: https://www.timesofisrael.com/another-former-employee-at-pms-residence-sues-sara-netanyahu-for-abuse/
  Whenever we have a demonstration I see the police or soldiers photographing us. I do not think that I saw them photographing the riff raff of Jerusalem who tried to stop our protest. Or the settlers who attack Israeli leftists or Palestinians with impunity. I don’t know if I am correct but I must check this out next time. I am sure I will have the chance of doing so before long. This is the demonstration after a young boy of 9 lost an eye in the village of Issawiya. I am the hole in the crowd. Yesterday I visited another 14 year old in Hadassah who is from the same village and is now partially handicapped on the right side of his body. Neither child would be treated in Hadassah had the army not been responsible.
  Mai was waving a Palestinian flag when she was hit in the eye by a “rubber” bullet. Muhammad was near the fence looking for metal items to sell when a tear gas canister was shot in his face. Saed’s eye was removed after a soldier saw him throwing stones and shot him.
Over the last two years, 19 people have lost one eye and two became blind having lost both eyes when they were shot during protests near Gaza’s perimeter fence. Each of these personal tragedies adds to the alarming casualty count in the protests: more than 200 people have been killed, some 8,000 wounded by live fire, about 2,400 wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets, and almost 3,000 wounded by tear gas canisters. All of these injuries are a direct result of Israel’s illegal and immoral open-fire policy.
Many forms of treatment are unavailable in Gaza, and Israel abuses its control over the crossings, refusing to allow the wounded to travel so they can receive proper medical care outside the Strip. Hospitals that can provide critical treatment and rehabilitation are located just several dozen kilometres from Erez Crossing, yet Israel sees no urgency in saving the eyesight of Gaza youths who dared protest against it.
 Don't Say We Didn't Know 685
On Wednesday, February 19, 2020, Israeli soldiers came to the Palestinian village Susya in the South Hebron Hills, and confiscated a caravan that had served as a classroom in the village school. That day, Israeli soldiers confiscated a caravan that served as a home for two elderly sisters in the Palestinian village of Birin, south-east of Hebron
 And in Hebron they are preparing the honour the memory of the Jewish terrorist, Baruch Goldstein, who killed innocent Palestinian mourners at prayer. Don’t forget he took the lives of innocent Muslims at prayer.  The following words are inscribed on the tomb: "He gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land." 
 I suggest you open this link. Does anyone remember Rachel Corrie who was killed by a bulldozer and the driver claimed he did not see her? The army has claimed that the video was set on high speed but that is not so.  No
 And the body of a man shot by the army which was dragged by the bulldozer. People, or at least some of them were disgusted, but one politician said that this was not the first time but the first time it had been filmed. There is so much that  is hidden  even  from those of us who are pretty much in the know. One of the army who was interviewed said that they dragged the body away for information…what information does one get from a dead body.  
  Now this is for light relief
 And this is some more of Israeli judges. The judge claimed that even after they closed the window they should not have been looking out of it because there had been a disturbance. Only thing is the disturbance had been the previous week
. I guess you don’t know you are not allowed to look out of your home window,
 An update on developments in a lawsuit from a Issawiya couple that a police officer intentionally shot in the direction of their head through a closed window:
On 1.11.2015 around 11:00, Mazen and Nadia Abu Hummus were together in the nursery at their home in Issawiya Bm. Outside the house were Border Police officers on the other side of the street.
Which of the police shouted to Balance and Nadia to close the window and so they did. Immediately after they closed the window and without any justification, one of the policemen fired a black sponge ball toward the window. The bullet passed through the window grid, breaking the glass, resulting in many pieces of glass penetrating their faces and both being filled with blood.
 And this is some more of Israeli judges. The judge claimed that even after they closed the window they should not have been looking out of it because there had been a disturbance in the street. Only thing is the disturbance had been the previous week and if you heard a disturbance in your street you would not look out
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