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guardianpubs17 · 3 months ago
মুহাম্মাদ (সা.) দ্যা ফাইনাল ম্যাসেঞ্জার- বুক রিভিউ
পাঠকের চোখে মুহাম্মাদ (সা.) দ্যা ফাইনাল ম্যাসেঞ্জার।
এই সিরাতটি বিশ্ব সিরাত প্রতিযোগিতায় দ্বিতীয় স্থান অধিকার করে। আর রাহিকুল মাখতুম হয়েছিল প্রথম। মাশাআল্লাহ! দুটোর লেখকই এই উপমহাদেশের স্কলার।
বিশ্বের আলোড়ন তৈরি করা এই সিরাতটি কয়েক পৃষ্ঠা পড়ে দেখতে পারেন আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে।
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themuslimreaders · 3 years ago
The Muslim Readers
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srach0 · 8 years ago
Book Review: ‘The Great Theft’ by Khaled Abou El Fadl
Khaleds views are very refreshing, and very much needed in our time. He speaks the words that many think but refrain from saying due to the fear of being condemned or seen to be 'controversial'. Let it be clear that he under no circumstances sees 'Islam' as being the issue in creating extremism, but the interpretation of Islam by some groups. Although I did not agree with all of his points, such as the extent or even the idea of 'reforming' some areas, I did agree with his general argument. I think this is necessary reading for anyone, both Muslim and non-Muslim alike. Although I do believe that it is imperative for Muslims of today to read this in order to fully understand why they see Islam the way they do. Why the majority of 'Islamic' scholarship in our time tends to push one narrative, that being a strict, black and white interpretation of Islam. Why some groups teach you not to question their beliefs, and that if one does so then one is not a true follower. Why some groups have the audacity to claim that a person is a believer or not if they do or do not believe in a particular ideology. Islam is a peaceful religion, one of tolerance, compassion, mercy, kindness and ease. Not one of arrogance, harshness, rigidness and ugliness. Khaled makes this clear in this beautifully written book. A few quotes I highlighted below: "By controlling Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia became naturally positioned to exercise a considerable influence on Muslim culture and thinking. by regulating what might be considered orthodox belief and practice, Saudi Arabic became uniquely positioned to greatly influence the belief systems of Islam itself." | p.72 "According to its adherents, Wahhabism is not a school of thought within Isla, but is Islam itself, and it is the only possible Islam." | p. 74 "In the puritan paradigm, subjectivities of the interpreting agent are irrelevant to the realisation and implementation of the Divine command, which is fully and comprehensively contained in the text. Therefore, the aesthetics and moral insights or experiences of the interpreting agent are considered irrelevant and superfluous." | p.96 "If the men of this orientation feel the need to compensate for feelings of powerlessness by dominating women, they read the text to validate the subjugation and disempowerment of women." | p.97 "All along the puritans claim to be entirely literal and objective, and to faithfully implement what the texts demand without their personal interference. This claim is simply fraudulent and unture because in every situation we find that the puritan reading of the text is entirely subjective." | p.97 "God has many attributes, but it is fair to say that the attributes most emphasised in the Quran are the mercy and compassion of God." | p.126 "In moderate thought, God is too great to be embodied in a code of law. The law helps Muslims in the quest for Godliness, but Godliness cannot be equated to the law. The ultimate objective of the law is to achieve goodness, which includes justice, mercy, and compassion, and the technicalities o the law cannot be allowed to subvert the objectives of the law. Therefore, if the application of the law produces injustice, suffering and misery, this means that the law is not serving its purposes." | p.131 "Submission to God means refusing to submit to any other person or thing. For a Muslim to be dominated or subjugated by a human oppressor is fundamentally at odds with the duty of submission to God. Human free will cannot be surrendered or submitted to anyone but God, and a Muslim is commanded to accept no master other than God." | p. 131 "God consistently sets out in the Quran the types of people that God loves - God loves those who are just, fair, equitable, merciful, kind, and forgiving, those who persistently purify themselves, and so on. At the same time, the Quran repeats that God does not love those who are aggressors, unjust, corrupters, cruel, unforgiving, treacherous, liars, ungrateful, arrogant, and so on." | p. 133 "To truly love God, one must love all human beings, whether Muslim or not, and love all living beings as well as all of Gods nature." | p. 134 "According to moderate Muslims, no person or institution is authorised to judge the piety of another or evaluate the closeness of any particular individual to God. In this regard, moderate Muslims rely on the Prophets teachings, which emphasised that people should not be so arrogant as to presume that they know what is concealed in a persons heart." | p. 137 "In numerous traditions, the Prophet Muhammaed also warned Muslims against the immorality of thinking ill of others and the arrogance of presuming to know how or what God thinks about any particular person. Furthermore, in addressing the Prophet Muhammad in the Quran, God emphasises time and time again that he (Muhammaed) was sent but to deliver a message and not to subjugate or dominate people. Accordingly, as the Quran stresses, even God's Messenger does not have the right to presume to know what is in the hearts of people." | p. 137 "Human beings make a best effort to reach for and understand the eternal law, but it is arrogant and offensive to ever claim that human beings could be certain that they have successfully comprehended the eternal law." | p. 150 "The specific rulings of the Quran came in response to particular problems that confronted the Muslim community at the time of the Prophet. The particular and specific rules set out in the Quran are not objectives in themselves. The rulings are contingent on particular historical circumstances that might or might not exist in the modern age. At the time these rulings were revealed, they were sought to achieve particular moral objectives, such as justice, equity, equality, mercy, compassion, benevolence, and so on." | p. 156 "Building upon the Islamic tradition, moderates argue that at a minimum all human beings have a right to dignity and liberty. The moderates' belief in democracy and human rights begins with the premise that oppression is a great offence against God and human beings. The Quran described oppressors as corrupter of the earth and also described oppression as an offence against God. In moderate thinking, it is recognised that all human beings are entitled to dignity. The Quran clearly states that God has endowed all human beings with dignity. Liberty and choice are the essential components that constitute human dignity. I think it is all too obvious that when human beings are shackled, imprisoned, suppressed, or denied the means to self-determination, they feel that their sense of self-worth is greatly diminished." | p. 184 On liberty and freedom of choice "In a well known islamic tradition, Umar, the second caliph and the close Companions of the Prophet, declared that humans are created free. Umar instructed one of his governors that injustice could be a form of enslavement and subjugation, and he rhetorically asked his governor: Who has the right to oppress people when God has created them free? Moderates usually cite this tradition and others in arguing that liberty is a natural right for all human beings, and that robbing people of their liberty is equivalent to subjugating and enslaving them. Submission to God can only be meaningful if human beings are free to submit or not to submit. Without freedom of choice, obedience, and submission to God became entirely meaningless. Choice (liberty) is a Divine fist, and this gift is part and parcel of the ability to submit to God, and hence, the freedom to pursue Godliness or to refuse to do so." | p.184 "Being enslaved or subjugated by a human being is fundamentally inconsistent with the duty to submit oneself without reservation to God. In fact, the Quran invites Muslims and non-Muslims to reach a consensus between them to worship God alone and not to take one another as lords. For moderates, this verse affirms a basic and crucial principle: human beings should not dominate each other. The only submission that is ethical is submission to God, but the submission of a human being before another is nothing but oppression. This Quranic discourse encourages Muslims and non-Muslims to find an arrangement according to which each one of them does not dominate the other." | p. 185 On the status of women... "There is one word that sums up the puritan attitude toward women: fitna. Fitna is a vast term that has many connotations, all of which are decidedly negative. Fitna mean sexual enticement, a source of danger, civic and social discord, a sense of instability and impending evil." "Although puritans often praise and celebrate the role of women as mothers, in every other role women are portrayed as deficient and subservient. Therefore, as a wife, she is completely under the tutelage of her husband; as a daughter, she is under the tutelage of her father; as a member of society, she is under the tutelage of all men. she is never an independent and autonomous being who shares in equal measure the obligation of fulfilling the Divine convenient. In the puritan paradigm, she is cast in a role in which she fulfils her obligations only through men-whether as husbands, fathers, or men who control the public space. Consequently, it is hardly surpassing that puritans often claim that women will not enter Heaven unless they subserviently obey men on this earth." | p. 257 "The Quran exclaimed that a husband should either live with his wife in kindness and honor, or divorce her also in kindness and honor; but in all situations, those who hold on to their wives in order to torment or harass them have committed a great sin and they have . become among those who are unjust toward themselves." | p. 270 "The Quran consistently and systematically condemned conditions that were oppressive and abusive toward women. There is a condition in the Quranic language called 'istid'af (abusive and oppressive treatment that renders a person powerless). The ethical lesson consistently and systematically taught by the Quran is that placing women in oppressive and abusive conditions is fundamentally at odds with Islamic morality and with the very idea of submission to God." | p. 270
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guardianpubs17 · 3 months ago
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guardianpubs17 · 3 months ago
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guardianpubs17 · 3 months ago
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আকিদা বিষয়ে আপনার বেসিক স্ট্রং না হলে বুঝতে পারবেন না কোন ব্যাখ্যাটি সঠিক আর কোনটি বিভ্রান্তিকর।
এই বইয়ে আকিদার কেবল জরুরি বিষয়গুলোকেই তুলে ধরা হয়েছে। আর লেখক যেহেতু আকিদা বিষয়ে একজন বিশেষজ্ঞ এবং একইসাথে দেওবন্দ ও মদিনা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ছাত্র।
সুতরাং তাঁর থেকে ভারসাম্যপূর্ণ ব্যাখ্যা বা আলোচনা আসাই স্বাভাবিক।
শায়েখ মিজান হারুন হাফিজাল্লাহু লিখিত ‘ইসলামের মৌলিক আকিদা’ বইটি ১০% ছাড়ে পাচ্ছেন ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন বইমেলার ২৩ নম্বর স্টলে।
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guardianpubs17 · 3 months ago
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শায়েখ ড. মিজানুর রহমান আজহারির সাড়া জাগানো বইগুলো পাচ্ছেন ইসলামিক ফাউন্ডেশন বইমেলার ২৩ নম্বর স্টলে।
বইগুলো সম্পর্কে জানতে ভিজিট করুন আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে।
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guardianpubs17 · 3 months ago
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কিশোর রহস্য উপন্যাস কিশোরদের দারুণ পছন্দের! কিন্তু মজার ব্যাপার হলো- আমাদের এই কিশোররা শুধু থ্রিল কিংবা রহস্য উপন্যাসেই আটকে নেই।
আমাদের জানাল, তারা ইতোমধ্যেই পড়ে ফেলেছে সানজাক-ই উসমান, হা*Ma%স ও Fiলিsতিন বিষয়ক ডাহস সাইজের বইগুলোও। এমনকি বিশ্বরাজনীতির বইগুলোও তাদের পছন্দের তালিকায়। মাশাআল্লাহ!
আমাদের বিশ্বাস আরও দৃঢ় হলো-কিশোরদের একবার পড়ার অভ্যাস করাতে পারলে, তাদের থামানোর সাধ্য আর কারো নেই!
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themuslimreaders · 3 years ago
[Islam And The World by Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, p.65-66]
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themuslimreaders · 3 years ago
Full review on themuslimreaders.com
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themuslimreaders · 3 years ago
[Life is a Fading Shadow by Abdul-Malik Al-Qasim, p. 15]
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themuslimreaders · 3 years ago
[Ten Myths About Israel by Ilan Pappé, p.86-89]
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themuslimreaders · 3 years ago
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