#Isamu Daito
thefreelanceangel · 3 months
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talesofedo · 3 years
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I was surprised this morning to see an article on Tozando about Kondo's Kotetsu, which I previously wrote about last year when it was sold at auction. (It's not actually a Kotetsu and the buyer knows this.) Anyway, in the interest of sharing the article with you, I spent a good part of the morning typing it out by hand since their website doesn't allow you to copy/paste. (Which makes me grumbly when we're talking about historical research, which should damn well be shared, but I digress.)
The Search for the Mysterious Sword “Kotetsu”
By now, many are aware of Kondo Isami. The broad faced bull of a man with a sharp, piercing stare. He was the head of the Shinsengumi, a secret police force appointed by the Shogunate to subdue unrest in Kyoto and bring unruly samurai groups back under the iron thumb of the Tokugawa.
Ironically, Kondo never seemed to be very capable when it came to shinai-kenjutsu, or practice bouts fencing with bamboo swords; but was a force to be reckoned with when a genuine katana needed to be drawn. He once famously proclaimed, “I will be more like a bushi than any other bushi.” It may be this mentality that led to his love of weapons, and predominantly among them, swords.
Yagi Tamesaburo’s “Shinsengumi Ibun” as cited in “Shinsengumi to Katana” by Ito Seiro, Tamesaburo tells us of when he and his father would run into Kondo that “he would always have something to say and smile, although he was not a man for idle talk. On the occasion that he would speak with my father, as it seemed he had a liking for swords, it would either be about swords or spears that they spoke” (Ito 31).
So, just what sort of blade would this “bushi among bushi” with an eye for blades carry as his own? That is not as simple a question as one may think.
What is a Kotetsu?
During the last fading years of the Edo Period, many sword schools in the North had lost their cutting edge (pun is the author’s own) with swords as the need for combat ready weapons had faded and the main requirement for many swords of the era was the aesthetic qualities.
However, a man born Nagasone Okisato (later Nagasone Kotetsu), a sword smith in the Nagasone smithing school, was different. In the article ‘The Life of Isami Kondo, Director General of the Shinsengumi, with His Beloved Sword “Kotetsu” he is described as “… a master swordsmith of the Nagasone Forge group in Edo.
The Edo period had completely lost touch with warfare, but Nagasone Okisato spent 20 years making swords that were extremely sharp. The Nagasone Kotetsu has a presence that makes the viewer tense, and even though it is a sword from the Edo period’s inew sword period, the iron is soft like an old sword.” (The Life of Isamu Kondo, Director General of the Shinsengumi, with His Beloved Sword “Kotetsu”).
Kotetsu, or 虎徹 in Japanese, was the assumed name of the smith and thus, also the names given to his swords. The two characters that comprise the name certainly lend to understanding the nature of weapon this man hoped to create; the first character means “tiger” while the second means to “pierce” or “run through” It is no wonder such a weapon would be adored by a bushi who was “more bushi than any bushi.”
However, there is more to this story that this. In fact, this is where the story becomes interesting. Where, in fact, did Kondo Isami get this Kotetsu, if in fact his sword was a genuine Kotetsu at all?
We know that by October of 1863 Isami already had the daisho that he believed to have been Kotetsu in his procession through a letter he had written (Ito 10).
We also know that he used at least the daito during the infamous battle at the Ikedaya Inn in June, 1864 due to a second hand account of the incident carried to Musashi No Kuni (present day Tokyo and parts of Saitama and Kanagawa prefectures) to a representative of that area also states that Nagakura Shinpachi, Okita Soji, and Todo Heisuke all had swords that did not survive the incident; either being bent or having their blades badly chipped (Suzuki 10).
We know he had this sword and that he believed it to be a Kotetsu, but then where did he get it?
Kondo Isami’s Sword in History
In Shinsengumi to Katana, Ito brings us an account from a serial publication ran by the Tokyo Mainichi Newspaper in 1910, “The Sword of Chivalry – Kondo Isami.”
In this series, it says that is 1864, on New Year’s Day Isami and another Shinsengumi member, Yamanami Keisuke, were patrolling the streets when they saw suspicious characters entering a residence. (Ito 14) They confronted the men who turned out to be thieves. A fight ensued leaving the intruders either captured or dead.
It would turn out that this residence was a villa belonging to the very wealthy Konoike family, who would then thank the men and offer a sword to Yamanami Keisuke whose sword had been damaged in the fight. It then (somehow) ended up in the hands of Kondo Isami. This sword was the Kotetsu (Ito 15).
So, is that all there is to it?
This is one possible explanation. It does seem likely that a wealthy family would not only process such a famous piece by a renowned smith, but also that they would be able to happily bestow it on someone such as how we are told.
The question does arise as to why the sword given to Keisuke, whose sword had been damaged, would then suddenly end up in the hands of Isami, but then again, being a superior, an absolute bull of a man, and the fact that he had an eye for swords may have given Keisuke a reason to offer it freely to Isami; or he may even have been given a bit of a nudge in that direction.
Another explanation comes from the same “The Sword of Chivalry – Kondo Isami” in which an anecdote is told of an interview with Saito Hajime, another very prolific figure in the Shinsengumi mythos.
The interview was actually done with Saito Goro, who was indeed Hajime, but he had changed his name several times following the Meiji Ishin to keep a discreet figure, least he be brought up on charges for his part before and during the chaotic reconstruction.
The story goes that, “Saito bought the sword from an antique shop in Kyoto for three ryo but either gave it or sold to Kondo because it seemed to be well suited for cutting (Ito 16). He also states that while the sword was unsigned, upon using it in combat and being impressed with its resilience, Isami proclaimed that it must be a Kotetsu and loved the sword (Ito 16).
Kondo’s real sword, Kotetsu’s imitation
So, it would seem that no matter which way he came about posessing the blade, the provenance for the blade was not quite what you would hope to certify the item in the modern world.
In fact, the legitimacy of the blade may have unfortunately been recently unraveled. According to an article published by the Sankei News, in June of 2020 a daito katana in a shirasaya was put to auction (Sankei News). It had been in the procession of a Meiji Period politician named Kaneko Kentaro. It was said that Isami had given the sword to the Nakamura Family of the Kanagawa-shuku rest station. Kaneko then acquired the sword from this family.
On the saya was written “Kondo Isami’s Katana.” The sword had been appraised by experts who concluded that although this was not a Kotetsu blade, it is highly likely that it was indeed Kondo Isami’s sword. Selling for what many would consider an unbelievably low price of only 950,000 yen (approx. 8,715.00 USD) the sword has moved on to a new owner, though this time one who knows full well it is not a genuine Kotetsu blade.
Regardless of whether it had been the grateful Konoike family who unknowingly gave the sword to the Shinsengumi, or if had been a quick flea-market pickup by Saito Hajime leading to Isami to proclaim the swords lineage based on its strength and cutting edge alone, we can say now that, at least if the sword that was auctioned was indeed the sword in questions, that the sword was not of the famous Kotesu Smithing School. If only the NBTHK had been around perhaps things would have been different for Isami and his love for the word, or perhaps some things are better left unknown
Itō Seirō. 新選組と刀. Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 2016.
“新撰組局長・近藤勇が愛刀「虎徹」と歩んだ生涯とは?.” Rekishiplus.com
Suzuki, Tooru. 再現・新選組見直される青春譜. Sanshūsha, 2008.
Sankei Digital. “ネットオークションに近藤勇の愛刀「虎徹」 明治の政治家、金子堅太郎所蔵.” 産経ニュース
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thefreelanceangel · 1 year
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It'd been the delight of his life to show her the beauty of his home. And a memory he disliked greatly now, for it'd become so mingled with horrors that even he looked on the landscape with sadness.
{#AuRaAugust: 19 - Scenery}
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thefreelanceangel · 1 year
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He'd warded off fangs and claws, blades and bullets. And with Imayo's blood soaking into his sleeve, he braced himself and raised his sword.
He'd ward off the dead, too.
{#AuRaAugust: 13 - Fang & Claw}
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thefreelanceangel · 2 years
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“None of us knew,” he said, thumb gently stroking the raised, slick scar tissue on her thigh. “We weren’t there, Meli. How could we know?”
When Isamu lifted his other hand to brush her cheek, Meli smiled, misery darkening her eyes. “I know. But you asked. This is why I told you.”
He dropped his gaze, unable to meet her eyes, and looked at the body she’d bared for him. So, so close to having what he wanted, to having that experience he begrudged Temujin and Estinien, and he... he couldn’t. Not the way he’d planned. Not the way he’d imagined a thousand times. 
Isamu’s broad hands stroked gently over her skin, touching each individual scar, noting how the skin was much more slick, lacking all freckles or traits he’d come to associate with her bared flesh. “...Light did this?”
“The aether, yes.” Meli looked at the window, tracking individual raindrops as his fingertips traced the outline of one scar. “I absorbed too much of it, so much it nearly killed me. And when it reached a certain point, it burned me from within.” She inclined her head a touch, pearl earrings swinging. “Alphinaud healed me as soon as he saw the burns, but ... everything was off-balance. He could only do so much.”
The samurai sighed, brow furrowing. He clasped her hips, feeling the warmth of her body, and then pressed a careful kiss to her forearm, angling his head to keep the metal-shod tips of his horns from gouging her. “You said you were tired.”
“I am.”
Isamu nodded, reaching out to pick up the loose shirt she’d discarded. “Let’s take Stefan’s room then. He’ll be out with Michael for hours. He won’t begrudge us a good night’s sleep.”
Meli took the shirt he pressed into her hands. She didn’t ask why as she pulled it back over her head. That response... She’d seen it before. Over and over, every time someone encountered one of the scars on her body. Even before she’d returned from the First with the memory of Light seared into her very flesh, it’d been that way. For all of his careless actions, even Leofard paused every time his hands found yet another scar. 
Only two had never hesitated at the sight or paused with those awkward glances and nervous questions. 
Only two. Who were gone.
“All right,” Meli said, pulling the pins from her hair to let her braid slip down her back. “Let’s go take Stefan’s bed and sleep.”
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thefreelanceangel · 1 year
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I recall when our tails entwined thoughtlessly as we spent hours in each other's company. An affectionate gesture that neither of us took much notice of, it came so naturally to us.
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Now that your tale has pulled away from mine, I will speak aloud my hopes that you gain the favor of the woman who became the center of your world. And I will quietly lay to rest my hopes that one day, your tail would so thoughtlessly twine once more with mine.
{#AuRaAugust: 22 - Tails/Tales}
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thefreelanceangel · 1 year
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He called the kitten his 'chibi tora' and never quite got around to giving her a proper name, which is why she now answered to Chi. Isamu didn't understand precisely how he'd managed to bond with a cat that he sometimes left for weeks at a time with his sister, but he also wasn't about to complain.
{#AuRaAugust: 10 - Minion}
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thefreelanceangel · 2 years
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He’d never discussed his past with the others, nor did he feel compelled to do so. How could they possibly understand that his attraction to the Warrior of Light, to their own Meli, stemmed from having once held a creature of equal beauty and power in his arms?
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thefreelanceangel · 9 months
Your choice! Is your OC able to build close friendships with people very different from themselves? Perhaps in terms of culture, age or personality?
Able? Absolutely.
Imayo's personal experience taught her to be profoundly lenient in passing judgement on another's actions or speech. She's aware that cultural differences, variations in life experience, personal outlooks, and familial upbringing can make one thing atrocious to one person and acceptable to another.
And she's interested in a wide variety of subjects, so listening to someone enthusiastically explain their expertise sounds delightful to her.
If given the chance, Imayo would put in a lot of effort to relationships to keep her friends aware that she cares about them, thinks of them, is willing to help them.
And she truly hopes that one day, she can build a close friendship. She had one, she still thinks of Isamu Daito fondly, hopes to see him again if he visits her corner of Kugane. Imayo maintains friendly contact with the criminals she provides tattoos and alchemical tonics to, but...
Friendly contacts are as close to friends as she has. They bring her gifts, exchange banter with her, smile when they see her. And they're also... very careful not to touch her too long. To avoid her shadow when it appears on the floor. To keep protective talismans on them when spending time in her presence.
Imayo would love to have a best friend. A close friend. Someone willing to hug her, to chat freely, to not stiffen every time she needs to lean close in order to hear them as best she can.
She's just not counting on ever having that with someone living.
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thefreelanceangel · 2 years
The Scions of the Seventh... Noonish
Much to Renaux’s disgust, the joking name Eva proposed--back when Meli first gathered the group of them together to face the primal Titan--stuck and stuck hard. Stefan often used the “full title” of “The Scions of the Seventh...Noonish” whenever sending letters to the other adventurers, eliciting laughter from both Light and Michael. 
Capricia almost never responded to the letters, the linkpearl chatter, the offers for beverages and casual conversation. She did, however, always show up for the fighting. 
Temujin preferred to be approached or referred to as individuals rather than an adventuring group, but whenever Isamu chimed in, he immediately voiced himself as “a Scion-ish.” Eva found it hilarious, signing all of her letters to the others with “Eva Fairdeath-ish.”
After so many years, so many battles, so many near-death experiences, so much blood and sweat, she and Light agreed that a sense of humor was the only thing that endured. 
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Meli Iliakos -- the Warrior of Light / Main Tank [DRK]
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Capricia Vetrov -- DPS [RDM]
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Isamu Daito -- DPS [SAM]
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Renaux Iseterre -- DPS / Off-Healer [SMN/SCH]
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Stefan Nachtnebel -- DPS [MNK]
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Michael Gideon -- Off-Healer [AST]
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Eva Fairdeath -- Main Healer [WHM]
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Jagged Light -- Off-Tank [WAR]
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Temujin Kahkol -- DPS [DRG]
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