#Isabela Gabor
minetteskvareninova · 3 years
Yet another rant on fucking Farya Bethlen
I know I keep bitching about this lady, but seriously, I can’t overstate the wasted potential of this character. And now that I am studying for my exams, I am even more disappointed. Because Gabor Bethlen having a kid is a seriously underappreciated alternate history scenario. Like yes, the guy was a prince of Transylvania, that’s cool, but over here his most significant contribution to history is not only leading an uprising against Habsburgs, but getting away with it. The show calls him “king of Hungary”, but he didn’t really have right to the throne? He just gave himself the title because, fuck, who is going to stop him, Habsburgs? Well, come and get me, bitches!
I am not sure whether Farya would be able to lead another uprising (although I would love it, because anti-Habsburg uprisings are my shit), but she might at least try to be elected princess of Transylvania - her show mother Catherine of Brandenburg did hold the title at least temporarily. And IRL if Istvan Bethlen kicked out what by some metric might be a rightful heir of Gabor, and that heir sought refuge in Istanbul (leaving aside his treatment of her mother, who was a sister of fucking elector of Brandenburg, one of the most important men in all of Holy Roman Empire)... You know Ottomans would use this in some way, shape or form. Probably to invade Transylvania. Which would make Hungarians very nervous, in contrast with history, wherein there was a bit of a rut in the eternal Ottoman attempts to ruin the lives of Central Europeans at every possible moment. Like a lot of occasional raids, but nothing spectacular for the whole first half of 17th century. Of course, seeing as Ottomans were occupied on other fronts and, oh yeah, fucking Thirty Years War was still raging, neither side wanted to disturb the status quo much... But then, Murad can’t leave well enough alone, so you know he and Kösem would have some quality drama(tm) around this! Either way, at least Transylvanian politics, normally pretty messy because of that whole elected monarch thing, would just get a whole lot of messier, and I would love that so much!
But no, we apparently needed a mix of Isabela Fortuna and Aybige that is somehow even lamer than either one of them (which is really saying something). *sigh*
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