#Is this technically a Thirstday update?
contentwhatcontent · 6 years
You Can’t Plan for Everything (YCPfE) RETURNS 🎉
I’m not dead. 
I know, surprising, right? (I actually have no idea if anyone will see this? Does anyone even follow me anymore? Does anyone even care about YCPfE anymore? Am I just screaming into the void?😱🌌)
(I’m sorry - this is totally gonna be a stupidly long post. Don’t feel you have to read any of it - you can skip to the bottom if you want.)⬇️
What’s Up With Me:
Okay. Remember how the last personal post I made here was about being sick again and trying to get ready for school? And remember when I took that short hiatus around chapter 24 because of health and life shit? Well, my health totally tanked. Horribly. So much so I’ve been on medical leave from school/work for the past year. (e.g. I spent New Years in the hospital. I even moved to another city for a couple months for treatment.) Life has honestly been so rough.😰🤒 (I’m not looking for sympathy - I just want you guys to know why I disappeared.)
But here’s to feeling better. 🎊 I’m not back at 100%, but I’m trying to get back to normal life. 
The Sappy Shit:
There were so many times while I was sick that I desperately wanted to be back here, writing and talking with you guys. I missed it so much.😫😥
I was just re-reading comments on YCPfE posts I made here and looking at the fan art that all those amazingly talented artists did for it. And my heart just started hurting because I love you guys so much and I can’t believe how supportive everyone was.💕❤️ I know I can’t have it all back, but even if just one person is still excited, I want to do it for them.💝 As always, it’s always been you guys that have spurred me to write. So, thank you. For all the love.😘
I really want you guys to know that YCPfE’s been a constant in my life - every morning I wake up and get to see a message in my inbox saying that people have left Kudo’s on my work.📬 And when I got comments that said you’re still supporting me, it made my mornings a just little better. You guys are my #1 heroes. I don’t think you know how much it means to me. So I can’t thank you enough.
The Actual News
What About YCPfE?:
I promised that I would finish YCPfE. No matter what. And I will. 
I’m not going to rush through it just to say it’s ‘done’. There’s still so much I want to tell story-wise. I hope you’ll stick with me for the rest of the ride.🔥 But with life so up in the air for me at the moment, I can’t promise that I’ll get back on a regular schedule yet. I’m hoping that it can be once every two-three weeks. I’ll keep you guys in the loop as I go.🍩💫
Right now I’m working on chapter 28 (FINALLY) (I’m about a third of the way through it). I’ll get you teaser once I’ve actually finished writing the chapter.😜
Knowing if there’s still interest will at least let me know what kind of pace I should have.👍
What’s Next?:
Since I’ve been gone for so long, I’m not going to lie, I’ve been terrified to look at my tumblr😖(I still haven’t looked at any new messages yet). I’ll be checking my messages slowly and responding as I can. And I think I’ll take the time to respond to comments on ao3. (Mostly for self-motivation.)📖📝
It’ll take a bit for me to get back into the swing of things. But maybe in a week or two, I can finally get you the chapter you’ve all been waiting for.😚
((Also, because I feel horribly that I’ve left you guys hanging for so long, I’ve put in a bit of failsafe - I’ve let a friend have access to this blog, so just in case anything else unexpected happens to me, hopefully they’ll be able to let you know.))
Other Shit:
Can someone update me on all things YoI I’ve missed this past year? I literally know nothing that’s happened.😳 (Is there maybe even a good discord group to join so I can keep up to date with things?)
Should I make a little post📌 that gives a short summary for each chapter so everyone remembers what’s going on? (Personally, I totally had to re-read what I’d done and I ended up using a whole notebook📚 making notes.)
tldr: I was super sick. I’m not dead. And I’m back to writing. New chapters of YCPfE to follow soon (after other housekeeping shit). I’d love to know if you’re still interested. And, oh, yes, I love you.
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