#Is a lot different from this bare-knuckles-almost-no-contact lighthearted joking-around stuff
thefaestolemyname · 2 years
I did something for the first time today!
I play-fought with a friend!
I never had male friend group until I moved to Uni, so nobody's initiated play-fighting before...
But, now I have guy friends!
The rules were a little hard to figure out
Because in most phases you have to stop strikes before contact and in some phases you need light contact, and if you do the wrong contact level at the wrong time then either your strikes aren't considered landed or you're being too rough. The weird between-light-and-no-contact thing also makes it way more complicated for when it's proper or improper for more dangerous strikes like knee and elbow strikes and the head being a target.
I don't think I'd have figured it out if not for my experience in formal sparring.
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