#Is Rex here yet? Can I foist Ahsoka off on him yet?
fireflyfish · 7 years
Aunt Fishy, I'm trying to remeber, did Ashoka managed to get her saber back? If not will she find them again?
Hello my dear! How are you this lovely evening? Well, I hope!
Ahsoka did not recover the sabers she brought with her from the future. The pawn broker sold them most likely within a few hours of Ahsoka pawning them. Like so many people on Tatooine, he simply assumed she wasn’t going to win big on the Boonta, much to his fright when Ahsoka showed back up with the money to pay for the blades. 
Listen, he wasn’t a very good pawn broker and I’m sure that if Jabba were running Tatooine this wouldn’t have happened but Ahsoka got there before the Gloriously Corpulent Jabba the Hutt brought some much needed standard business practices to Tatooine and Mos Espa. 
So Ahsoka’s blades, taken from the shattered remnants of an Inquisitor’s semi-automatic-double-bladed-helicopter-of-doom-saber have vanished into the seedy underbelly of the galaxy. Or perhaps not. Perhaps a particularly discerning collector of Jedi artifacts purchased it. 
Or maybe not. 
Someone suggested that Mama Ohnaka purchased them and while I’m sure she would love to have some lightsabers to keep on her throne (Naboo Peaches, anyone?) she did not have time to run a job on Gardulla and swing by pawn broker in the hopes of finding said weapons. 
Narratively speaking, the sabers are gone and Ahsoka will have to make a trip to Illum to replace them. For the time being she and Obi-Wan are each down a saber as they have to Obi-Wan’s sabers. This might be a good thing, since they’ll have to brush up on their single-bladed technique. Ataru and Soresu practice for EVERYBODY!!!! And some Djem Sho/Shien because Ahsoka is still Anakin’s apprentice after all. XD
I hope that answered your questions and if anyone else has any questions about Tano and Kenobi or any of the other fics I am sorely behind on updating hit me up!
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ionfusionpunk · 4 years
For the Fic title ask game: tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
[Did a little editing bc this got real long, lol]
Thank you, Nonnie! asdfghjkl I actually kinda blushed when I saw people had sent me asks for this, truly. 
Now, for this title, I had a lot of feels. It’s very poetically put, and I had to put some thought into what I might write because this sort of title, in my book, deserves that level of forethought. Ultimately there were two stories I might write based on this, the first a tad more generic than the second, but I would read them both if someone else wrote them, so I kept them, lol. Seeing as I’m currently in a SW state of mind, I stuck with that fandom, though if you’d like to see something for another fandom (Naruto, The Hobbit, LOTR, TMNT, BBC Sherlock, BBC Musketeers, Supernatural, LEGO Ninjago - all of the fandoms I’ve dabbled in), send another ask! I love hearing from others. Out of curiosity, before I give you the story, though, do you mind if I ask how you came up with this title? It’s just - so lovely, Nonnie <3
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow (First Idea)
Everyday is hard. Obi-Wan knows this. He lives this. He leads men into battle, he sends others off without his protection. He watches many, so many, fall, and feels the hundreds across the Third System Army snuffed with each campaign. 
He fights with Anakin, struggles to come to terms with the idea that his former Padawan is now a Knight with a Padawan of his own - that Anakin doesn’t need him anymore. He tries to fill in Ahsoka’s education where Anakin, in his inexperience, falls short. 
He takes on extra duties because he can, because the Republic needs him to, because he can’t bear to foist even more onto Cody’s shoulders (willing as his commander may be). He does everything he can to keep the morale and health of his men up, to spread hope and Light despite the dreary darkness the war saturates them all with. 
Obi-Wan does everything he can. He does. He tries so, so hard. He trudges through each day until he once more finds himself at his desk with yet another datapad and cup of lukewarm tea, staying up all through the night to fulfill each of his duties to the best of his ability. Then the day cycle restarts or an emergency comes up, and he’s right back at it again. 
It’s not all chaos, of course. There’s sparring with Anakin and Ahsoka. There’s the brief moments spent in the presence of his friends and fellow Councilors. There’s infrequent calls from Bant and Garen and even Quinlan. 
There’s his men. 
The 212th is, without a doubt, Obi-Wan’s second-greatest pride and weakness, tied with Ashoka herself. He loves them all - their individuality, their creativity, their dogged determination to push on as long as he does, and then more when they’re forced to carry him. Nothing brings quite as much joy or peace as walking through the halls of the Negotiator and greeting each clone by name or designation, nothing quite as satisfying as spending a quiet evening with Cody filling out paperwork and laughing over the latest stunts pulled by the 501st. 
And Obi-Wan finds that, if he focuses on those good things, those small moments of peace, then he can push off his own worries and nightmares and needs until tomorrow. He can ignore the Darkness slowly spreading for another day. He can endure one more sunset on some Force-forsaken planet where the Separatist forces seem to keep coming without end and the elements conspire against them. 
Until tomorrow. 
Just think of Waxer and Boil exchanging their latest updates from Numa. 
Think of Fives and Echo and the chaos they caused when Obi-Wan requested their presence for extra training for Ghost Company.
Think of Rex and his exasperated comm-calls about Anakin’s latest antics. 
Remember the way Cody tore through two squad’s worth of droids with Obi-Wan’s ‘saber just to give it back to him - the way his eyes rolled in fond exasperation once the battle was over and he berated his “ridiculous general” for never managing to hold on to his weapon. 
Everyday, think of them again. Drive the Darkness back until tomorrow. 
And tomorrow. 
And tomorrow. 
Do that, and victory will come. Trust in your men, in yourself, in the Force. 
The Force will be with you. 
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow (Idea Two)
Obi-Wan is killed on Mustafar. Anakin overpowers him and drives his lightsaber through Obi-Wan’s heart. 
And Obi-Wan wakes up. 
He wakes up in his quarters in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He wakes up with a tiny Anakin pressed against his side and hair an awkward, chin-length tangle. He doesn’t know what’s happening, doesn’t know if this is the Force or a vision or real, but he makes the best of it regardless. He spends two months teaching Anakin again, doing things he had often wished he had Before. And just as he finally thinks things are changing…
Obi-Wan wakes up in his quarters on the Negotiator. His chrono tells him it’s nine months into the war, and his heart aches with the phantom pains of his death. He still doesn’t know what’s happening. But still he forges on. He has a duty to do his best regardless of his own limitations, his growing insecurities and confusions. For one month, this time, he fights alongside his men, does his best to prevent the various disasters that had occurred the first time around. And if he notices that Anakin is a bit Lighter now, well. Obi-Wan is still swallowed by grief every time he looks at his former Padawan.
He wakes up, this time, on Manda’yaim, Satine Kryze a few feet away and snoring softly. Qui-Gon isn’t there, and Obi-Wan ignores the ache in his chest. For seven months they evade Kyr’tsad’s grasp, and he uses all the negotiating skill he’d lacked back then to keep Satine from falling into such a black-and-white world view. He wakes before he knows if he succeeds. 
This time he doesn’t recognize where he is. It’s hot, though, and unbearably bright. He walks outside into the waning daylight and counts two suns, observes nothing but sand and cliffs all around. He spends the next two days exploring, making his way to the settlement a few klicks west. He leaves more confused than before, because this is not the Tatooine he remembers. That night, as he meditates out beneath the triplet moons on the still-warm sand, he sees Qui-Gon. In fact, Qui-Gon talks to him. Obi-Wan is so overwhelmed, so confused, his heart pounding so sharply in his chest, that he cries. He cries for an hour, Qui-Gon hovering anxiously nearby until he can recover himself and explain in halting sentences everything that’s gone on. Qui-Gon promises to try and find some answers, then fades into the night. 
And Obi-Wan wakes up in the embrace of the Force. Peace, it whispers. 
He asks it why he’s here, why he’s seen the things he has. 
To teach you, it admits. To offer you a chance. 
Chance? What chance? A chance to torture himself with things that could never be? 
To offer you a chance to go back and change things. 
He’s shocked. Floored. All of that… was real? 
Yes. You needed to see all the things you could change so that you can decide what would best be changed. 
Me. You want… me to choose? Where I go, what I alter? 
Yes. And wherever you go, we will place the knowledge you need to succeed in your path. It will be up to you to recognize it. 
Obi-Wan thinks of all the good he could do, thinks of the Darkness he could prevent. “I want,” he says at last, “to be surrounded by Light. I want to go where I have the most chances of succeeding.” 
The Force hums around him, cradles him close. He, in turn, basks in its Light, in the comfort of home. And he lets the Force lull him back to sleep.
He wakes up on the ground in one of the only dog piles he’d ever participated in. Cody has an arm thrown over his chest, and Waxer’s stomach pillows his head. Boil’s head rests on Obi-Wan’s arm, and someone else is curled around his feet. Everywhere he is surrounded by the peaceful quiet of men fast asleep, of men who radiate love and contentment into the Force. 
Obi-Wan weeps silently for the Light that surrounds them.
And when he wakes again, it's the same Tomorrow. 
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