#Ipseity: The Enchanted
miisfits-toys · 8 months
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Some world-building thoughts as I solidify/hammer out the details of my personal project...
With The Fae being a prominent group within the lore, it's a no-brainer to distinguish them not just from the "normal" groups, but distinguish each season from one another. Give them that unique visual style for Visual Storytelling......
In order is: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
Each of the seasons are split off in their own domains, but all occupy the same "realm." The in-universe name is currently pending, but for simplicity's sake will be referred to as The Fae Realm.
The Fae Realm itself is incredibly... Nebulous. It manifests not as a place, but a series of places. Entering The Fae Realm is less being transported to a Strange, Greater place, as much as it is that feeling of realizing a bit too late "Uh oh, I took a wrong turn and I'm only now realizing I don't recognize this place at all." It's very much about "boiling the frog," and very much a consequence of the nature of the realm itself. A realm supported by finicky and volatile magic,, is finicky and volatile !!
The places that are less volatile are that way from active effort, often public/community spaces that are maintained from a consolidated effort of keeping it maintained. If you want to support your local bakery, you're going to stop by often and shop from them, you know? This is done in both the literal sense and the metaphorical sense; The rotation of bodies and the respective, passive magic from each individual being consolidated helps to maintain a location.
More powerful/innate magic users are far better at supporting locations by themselves, but Fae are such Communal Creatures that it's not really necessary. Everyone is chipping in and no one is getting burnt-out. (As mentioned before, magic here is super finicky, so the more powerful users are just people who know how to "wrangle" it better.)
The largest/most prominent of these spaces are the season's domains themselves. These spaces are supported by none other than the season's personal representations, the Heralds.
As the representatives and actors for these forces of nature, they are granted far more power than any other magic user. The Heralds are The Seasons, and The Seasons are The Heralds. For these strong, inherent ties, each domain heavily reflects their Herald.
And for some brief descriptions of each domain:
Formally known as Mirth of Reverdure, this domain is headed by its herald, The Enchanted.
Playful, flighty and frivolous, those within this domain are guided by their whims. The most chaotic of the domains, Fae from this domain have no qualms mingling with the human and living realm, even going as far to bringing them "back home" to get as much as they can out of them. This domain is where a majority of your "doppelgänger" and being "spirited away" myths come from.
The Enchanted is well regarded within her domain; She and her folk are nothing but enablers for one another.
Formally known as Her Incandescence, The Incandescent, and Aestiver, this domain is headed by its herald, The Wayward.
A domain of glamour and grandeur, those within this domain enjoy any opportunity to flaunt. Between loud and open celebrations, displays of opulence, and treating non-Fae as novelty, Fae from this domain are very much the meddling type. This domain is where a majority of your "siren" and "changeling" myths come from; They simply cannot help being conspicuous.
The Wayward is a source of contention within her domain. As a domain that has prioritized prestige for many many years, this blatantly unruly force, one that bastardizes the grandeur, is not a welcome one.
Formally known as Eventide, this domain is headed by its herald, The Warden.
Prioritizing order and normalcy, those within this domain aren't of the meddling type; A Fae from Autumn's domain is much more concerned with the goings-on of their home community. Those who do opt to travel to the human and living realm are non-obtrusive, doing so with a purpose. This domain is where a majority of your "helper/house spirits" myths come from.
The Warden is a somewhat controversial figure, primarily for their openly human appearance, and open ally-ship with those "other" deities. Despite this, the relations with The Empress do aide in keeping everything where it should be, so it's not necessarily unwelcome.
Formally known as The Mantle, The Gelid, and Penumbra, this domain is headed by its herald, The Huntsman.
Though highly inquisitive, these Fae have strange ways of going about this curiosity. A nuisance even within the Fae realm, Fae from this domain are determined to get what they want, often in overt and messy ways. Treating non-Fae as a novelty, interactions tend to border on the extreme. This domain is where a majority of your "malicious Fae" come from, and they often get pinned as "poltergeists" as well.
The Huntsman, is a source of strife among those within the domain. Though his erratic behavior bodes well for those equally sporadic, this leaves everyone else scattered. One of the names for this domain, "The Mantle," has become "His Tattered Mantle" as reference to the tumultuous state of the domain itself under his influence.
With the Heralds being a relatively new aspect to the Fae lifestyle, each domain is very much going under their own reckonings. Being a Herald was regarded as a form of medium ship, a way to communicate with/on the behalf of your season/its force of nature; It has never manifested as a walking, tangible embodiment before.
Shifting and moving between domains has always been a neutral act, many Fae unaligned even, but those who do devote to a specific domain are now grappling between sticking with what they know, and sticking with what they prioritize.
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keicordelle · 4 months
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Chapter 15 of A First for Everything, For the Weary, is up on Ao3! Minfilia's first time in the Crystarium, and Thanuri's first time out in public as a couple <3
Read it on Ao3 at the link above, or check out the first chapter on Tumblr here.
"Woah..." The soft breath of wonder she let out was perhaps the most sincere emotion Urianger had ever heard from Minfilia. In truth, he could hardly blame her for it. The Crystarium was no less stunning for having visited it before. Dazzling crystal ceilings and intricate wrought iron filigree arched overheard, twisting the blazing Light into something beautiful rather than an oppressive reminder of what this world had lost. Even distant as they were from the city’s heart, people bustled about the square: Zun and Drahn and Ronso all mingling with the more familiar Humes and Elves. Even the occasional leonine-eared Viis milled about, on their way to whatever business occupied the citizens of this crystalline stronghold.
Thancred's eyes sparkled just as much as his charge’s as he looked around the bright cityscape. He hid it when he caught Urianger looking, mellowing back into his usual sharp-edged joviality. A twinge of regret panged through Urianger at its loss, even as he cherished the smile Thancred shot him. "So, where to first?"
"’Twould be nice to take this opportunity to see the sights of the city," Urianger said, gaze sliding towards Minfilia and her wide-eyed wonder. "Long hath it been since last I set foot within the Crystarium; ‘twould be good to refamiliarize myself with it."
Thancred followed his gaze, the smile on his lips softening to see his charge so enchanted by the city. "Alright, a tour it is."
And so they wandered, ambling up the length of the elaborate stone paths and back, wherever their feet and hearts took them. Minfilia was nervous at first, hanging back at their sides and staring with equal parts amazement and trepidation at all the people who moved around them, but as morning stretched into noon, her curiosity won out over her nerves. Thancred and Urianger let her take the lead, drawing them along in the wake of her innocence as she weaved through the streets and courtyards of the Crystarium.
She paused in the Aetheryte Plaza, staring up at the massive, thrumming crystal as if she could hear the pulse of the lifestream beyond it. Surely it was not the first time she had seen one, but that did not lessen its magnificence, and Urianger found himself staring up at it anew as well, admiring as if for the first time the way the light scintillated and caught on its rough-edged beauty. Thancred drew up alongside him, the back of his hand brushing accidentally against Urianger’s fingers where he stood at his side, but when Urianger looked over at him, it was not the crystal he watched, but Minfilia. It was a more peaceful look than he'd ever seen Thancred direct towards her before. As if for once, perhaps for the first time, he saw her not as the Oracle of Light and fragment of his lost friend, but as a young girl in her own right, full of wonder and curiosity and ipseity all her own.
It was easy to see her as such here, far from the realities of her position and the constant fear of discovery and capture. Here, she was simply a teenage girl, as easily swayed by cute animals and charming shop displays as any other. The three of them wandered where her whim took them, be that out to the stables to admire the great flocks of amaro, or down through the tangled twists of corridors that seemed to house botanical research and other such facilities.
She paused before the verdant display of perennials in their carefully maintained beds, and at her inquiry, Urianger told her all that he knew about their cultivation requirements and alchemical benefits. She nodded along eagerly, asking pointed questions that betrayed genuine interest, and when Urianger had exhausted his knowledge of botany, Thancred reappeared at his side with a small pink blossom in hand. He stepped forward to tuck it behind her ear, a bright splash of color to match the ribbon on the other side.
Almost as well as it matched the color that flushed across her cheeks. She reached up to touch it, fingers gentle so as not to knock it free. "Mr. Thancred..."
Thancred looked away, his ears a chagrined red. "It looks good on you. And it's just Thancred."
Her answering smile made his awkward embarrassment all worth it. She deserved to have a few good memories to look back on, amidst all the turmoil. "Thank you."
Thancred jerked his chin down the hall as they were leaving, towards the towering double doors that stood at its far end. "Shouldn't you go get your books?"
That was why they were there, but... "I shall collect them later. 'Twould be needlessly troublesome to carry them around with us." And more than that, he was loath to cut short this time spent freely with Thancred and Minfilia. As well-suited as she seemed to be to the city's delights, Thancred was all the more so. Thancred was a man of the city, through and through. He thrived in the bustle and the connection, his finger always firmly placed on its beating pulse. How long had it been since last he'd been so in his element? It was a delight to watch him as he slipped into the crowds, chatting animatedly with every friendly citizen and crowing stallkeep who sought their attention. His eyes remained alert despite his relaxed posture, but the smile on his face seemed true: casual and relaxed, every bit as home here as Urianger was in his secluded study. And perhaps it was selfish of him, but Urianger wished to watch him like that for a little while longer.
Thancred just shrugged, familiar by now with Urianger’s eccentricities. Or maybe it was that he too was reluctant to cut their day short, when it was the first chance they'd had in so long to mingle amongst other people. To pretend to be normal: just two men and their young charge, wandering the streets of the Crystarium. "Whatever you say." His gaze strayed back to Minfilia, the soft smile on her face spreading to his as he watched her chat with the resident botanist. "Let's head over to the markets then. I think she'd like it there."
They paused on the way before a stall that smelled of honey and sugar. A handful of coins later, Thancred returned with three sticky donuts. He handed them over with a grin, tipping the edge of his against Urianger’s in a pantomime of cheers before shoving the whole thing in his mouth.
Warmth bloomed in Urianger’s chest, bubbling free in laughter as they wandered through the Musica Universalis, licking sticky sweetness from their fingers and admiring the flashy stalls and glittering displays. Minfilia stuck close to their sides, eyes wide as she took it all in.
Her gaze caught and lingered on the ornate hilt of a dagger as they passed. Even from a distance, the quality of its craftsmanship was clear, and the gems inlaid in the ferrule were nearly as stunning as the elegantly curved blade, its beauty no doubt disguising its vicious edge.
"'Tis a fine piece of artistry," Urianger said, and she tore her gaze away, a faint blush rising to smudge her cheeks. "Wouldst thou like to see it?"
"What?" It came out as more a squeak than a word, those wide, crystalline eyes staring up at him. "Oh, no, I couldn't possibly... Thank you, though, Mr. Urianger."
It was but a moment's decision to step away from their little group to approach the stall. Thancred lifted a knowing eyebrow behind him, something like fondness playing over his face as he watched Minfilia startle and hurry after him. "Take your time, you two. I'm going to go refill our supplies. I'll catch up with you guys later."
Urianger waved him off, already intent on the dagger that had caught Minfilia's eye. Thancred would bet every gil in his rapidly dwindling pouch that she'd be sporting it on her hip by the time he returned — likely with its twin at her other side, tucked away though it had been toward the back of the stall. It was good of Urianger, to offer that to her. Her borrowed daggers worked well enough, but a young girl deserved to have some nice things of her own. Things Thancred had never even thought to give her. Urianger was a good role model.
Thancred drifted through the canvas-lined alleys, intent on his own venture. Spices, flour, sugar, a small selection of cured meats and cheeses — it would be nice to offer Urianger a more elegant meal for once, though his coin purse was less than thrilled with the decision. He haggled where he could, bartered where he couldn't, and left with more than he had expected but not as much as he'd hoped.
That was fine. Most of their meals could be prepared from what they could hunt and forage within Il Mheg, and there were other, closer settlements with whom they traded semi-regularly for what they couldn't get on their own. Besides, they had to haul everything back for the week-long journey it would take to return home, and his back ached just thinking of how much it was already going to weigh.
A small tent set a little aside from its neighbors caught Thancred’s eye. Delicate porcelain lined the shelves behind the table, tucked far enough back to be reasonably safe from any stray elbows or rowdy customers. Amidst the elegant teacups and fragile carafes, one in particular snagged Thancred’s attention. A slender handle arched from gentle curves, intricate designs pressed into its lip. Like petals unfurling in springs breeze, the unusual shape stood out among its kin.
It was perfect. Thancred drew closer, careful not to bump anything despite his rucksack of goods. It was exactly what he'd been looking for. A little slimmer perhaps, but hopefully that would be okay. The design was different, but short of commissioning a new one, that was pretty much unavoidable, and he wasn't even sure he remembered the design well enough to recreate it.
"Ma'am, how much for that one on the right?"
The price she listed made him balk, but... For Urianger, it was worth it. Besides, Thancred owed him a new cup.
"I'll take it."
His wallet was a great deal lighter by the time he finally caught back up with Urianger and Minfilia, his purchased spoils stashed away in a rented room for the evening so they wouldn't weigh the group down. Sure enough, Minfilia sported new twin daggers at her waist, their curved blades glinting wickedly at her sides. She looked... happy, as Thancred approached, laughing at something Urianger had said to her, a kind smile on her lips. She looked like his Minfilia.
His heart ached at the thought, but before sorrow could rise in its wake, Urianger turned, greeting him with a soft smile of his own. "Ah, welcome back. We were just about to sit down to lunch."
Thancred shoved aside the melancholy, and the warmth in Urianger's eyes made it settle a little easier than it usually was. A soft exhale, and then his own lips lifted in response. "Perfect, I'm starved." A nod to Minfilia's new blades, a hand placed tentatively on her hair. "Those look great."
Minfilia offered him an equally tentative smile. "Thank you." Urianger had no doubt that by nightfall, they'd have found their way into Thancred's hands so he could check the balance, and that no shortage of future combat lessons would be tailored to a more specific blade.
Lunch was sandwiches and tea on an open veranda, made all the more delicious for being eaten in the company of others. How long had it been since any of them had dined out like this, enjoying each other's company and making games of eavesdropping on nearby conversations? Had Minfilia ever chanced to experience that? Urianger was glad that she had the chance now, if nothing else. That they all had the chance.
After lunch, they made their way back to the Cabinet of Curiosity, their excuse to linger running dry with their supplies replenished and their bellies filled. That, too, was a wonder to Minfilia — soaring shelves held nigh uncountable tomes, far more than their little house could possibly hold. Little wonder her eyes sparkled with delight as she gazed upon the stacks. She'd become quite the avid reader in her time spent in Il Mheg. The library here was a veritable treasure trove of untapped knowledge just waiting to be discovered.
She split off while Urianger searched for the tomes he wished to consult, wandering eagerly between the shelves and up the spiralling staircase to the higher levels. He couldn't help but smile at her wide-eyed delight, like a freshman taking their first steps into the Noumenon's vaunted halls.
All the more so when she returned some time later, eager excitement hastening her footsteps, to ask if she might be permitted to remain and read while the two of them continued on.
Thancred hesitated. "I don't know... If something were to happen to you while we were gone..."
That avid light in her eyes dimmed as her reality settled back around her. "Ah, of course..."
"Thinkest thou not that it might be feasible?" Thancred's gaze lifted to meet Urianger’s. "Few places boast the security of the Crystarium, and I've no doubt we could impose upon Moren to keep watch over her if the need arises." So rarely did she get the chance to enjoy something of her own choice; Urianger was loath to strip that from here. All the more so because he wished to foster her curiosity.
Thancred's lips pursed, but after a long moment of consideration, he reluctantly nodded. Perhaps he had come to the same conclusion. "Alright. But if anything happens, seek out the Crystal Exarch or the captain of the guard. They'll help you while we make our way back to you."
Minfilia nodded diligently, though Urianger suspected the advice was unnecessary. Both because he imagined no great strife would arise in their absence, and because he suspected that with her new daggers at hand, the girl was more than capable of handling herself should the situation demand it. So long as Ran'jit did not storm the Crystaium in search of her (which, while not impossible, seemed unlikely), she would be fine.
"Wouldst thou like me to offer thee recommendations on where thou might begin thy perusal?" Urianger asked while Thancred walked off to alert Moren of his newly assigned duty.
Minfilia shook her head, a private, pleased smile curving her lips. "Thank you, but I'm alright. I want to look through them on my own. Now go! Enjoy your time together. I'll have Moren take me to the inn rooms when I'm done."
There was a gleam in her eye that gave Urianger pause, a knowing smile playing about the corners of her mouth. Surely she wasn't staying behind just so that Thancred and he could be alone, was she? But no, they'd been careful. She had no reason to suspect anything was going on between them. And truly, who wouldn't wish to linger in the presence of such a fine selection of books?
Still, intentional or not, how fortuitous to have a chance to spend some time alone with Thancred here. It was almost like a... Like a....
"Are you ready to go?" Thancred's voice cut in over the flutter of Urianger’s own pulse in his ears.
Face warmer than it had any right to be, Urianger turned to him, carefully clutching his stack of books to his chest. "Yes, let's."
[Chapter 16]
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miisfits-toys · 2 years
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Another portion of the line up! Featuring the Heralds of Winter and Spring 🥀🥀
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