#Invincible Youth season 2
some fans said they set up Aemond with that line about Daemon and it was cringe but what if all his lines are cringe😔 some people are still making fun out of his rant to Cole in episode 9
Hi, and thank you for the ask!
I'd like to begin by saying that I personally don't find Aemond's line about Daemon cringe. Yes, there is something worth an eyeroll about it; but IMO it's not the fact that Aemond considers himself good enough to be able to stand against Daemon - it is that he thinks Daemon fears him.
When it comes to them potentially facing each other in combat Daemon definitely has an advantage thanks to his experience with actually fighting to the death, which is a completely different thing from being trained even by the best of the best. But let's not forget that Aemond has something on his side too, namely youth. And even if we discard this, I still don't think that Daemon is so superior to Aemond as a swordsman that it is ridiculous to even think the latter could have a chance at winning.
However, implying that Daemon would hesitate to face him... Come on, sweetheart.
And yet, even that does not feel cringe to me because it is 100% in character for Aemond. He was bullied and underestimated by his peers, including his brother, for years - and then, still a child, by claiming Vhagar he managed to accomplish a feat no one had thought him capable of achieving. So it's quite possible that from that moment on Aemond felt like he was meant to be the victor - in every situation; him managing to overcome his partial disability and become an excellent fighter surely helped as well. And this must have made his frustration with having to be behind Aegon - at the very least where the right to rule was concerned - grow stronger.
Aemond is dead sure he knows where to find his brother (but he doesn't); he rants about himself being a good candidate for the throne (which quite soon turns out to be quite arguable). And remember this -
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He has got off the back of the largest living dragon - of course he would be able to do just as he says and face no consequences. How could it not be true? How could it not feel true? Leo Ashton just nailed capturing this newly discovered aspect of Aemond's personality.
So did Ewan - and I can't wait to see him developing it further in Season 2. One of the most wonderful things about his Aemond is that he combines arrogance and overconfidence (which initially came from the place of insecurity) with vulnerability - sometimes even with gentleness.
Sorry, it got kind of ranty:) To finish this, I would like to say that there certainly are ways to ruin Aemond's character - but as far as I am concerned making him believe in his utter invincibility is not one of them.
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houkagokappa · 4 months
I'm back from the anime club, where we finished everything we were watching. It's always fun to finish a lot of shows at the same time, you get a sense of accomplishment and completion. Here are my final thoughts on what we watched.
I really liked Gankutsuou, it's up there with one of the best anime ever made. I don't have anything to add to what I've said already, the last episodes were very emotional and hit hard.
Great Pretender ended with a pair of crazy episodes. Earlier I questioned their last heist, but the last two episodes made it work. Personally I wouldn't have minded if some of the negatives in the character's lives would've stayed, but I can see why they went for the "he was a good guy all along" and "they didn't die after all" approach.
Bokurano's last episode was a bit drawn out and then the end card came abruptly, but otherwise it was another anime I liked a lot! Some characters/episodes were clearly better than others, but it was a cool journey to get to know them all along with the mysteries of Zearth. One guy at the club kept comparing each episode to the manga, which was apparently a little different, and I'm curious to give it a try too, although knowing me it's probably not going to happen lol.
It was a treat to get to rewatch Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road, because I liked it so. much. better. this time around!!! Now I GET Akari and she was compelling to me, rather than flat and annoying. I'm a huge fan of the "I need to kill you" "I need to be killed by you" and "I need to kill her for you" dynamic we ended the series on. As for the villains, I love how both Orwell and Flare had/have personal relations to the characters, that makes their betrayal so much more significant, whereas Pandemonium was just batshit insane in a very fun way. Sometimes it's cool to see massively powerful characters fight, but unlike other overpowered isekai protagonists, there's a clear cost to Akari using her powers, so it doesn't feel like they'll get through anything no problem at all. I also like how she's had to save Menou countless of times, not to have her feel too powerful and invincible either, considering how tough their foes have been and you want to continue to see them as near invincible. Enough rambling, just give us season 2 please!!!
Lastly I largely stopped paying attention to Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo because I found it so dumb and needlessly drawn out. It's a shame, because I liked the theme of Ureshiko, a 26 year old magical girl refusing to let go of her powers, along with the memories of her mother (and her youth/innocence in a sense?), and they could've done great things with that, but instead we got a boring anime that was entirely too predictable in a shallow kind of way. The op and ed had that 2000's charm tho!
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misirosekisiro · 11 months
Deepest Desire 1-2
ทดลอง AI gen เรื่องแนว bodysuit ก็ต้องตามแก้เ��อะเหมือนกัน AI มันคงงงเพราะเฉพาะทางเหลือเกิน ใครอ่านเอาสนุกอ่านจบแค่ chapter 3 ก็พอ ใครอยากอ่านเอาตอนจบแบบนิยายอ่านไปจนถึง chapter 5 ได้เลย
Chapter 1
The Tokyo streets buzzed with activity as people hurried about their daily lives, navigating around street performers and vendors selling everything from kitschy souvenirs to delicious treats. Amidst the chaotic melody of voices and car horns, Naoki stood motionless against a nearby wall, captivated by the sight of the teeming metropolis. For months now, he had studied every detail about Kaoru – his schedule, interests, friends, habits.
All these meticulous efforts were aimed solely at ensuring a chance encounter with the young ballplayer, if only to fulfill his wildest fantasies. And finally, tonight was the night when destiny would align their paths again.
Hunched over a counter at a dimly lit local bar, Kaoru nursed his drink thoughtfully. Though not usually one to frequent such establishments, there seemed to be something appealing about this particular spot – perhaps its vibrant atmosphere contrasted starkly with his monotonous routine.
As if drawn by an invisible force, Kaoru found himself returning time after time; it wasn’t long before Naoki recognized this pattern and began devising ways to position himself within striking distance of the unsuspecting youth. Tonight, however, fate intervened yet again; amidst a flurry of shuffling feet and clinking glasses, Kaoru suddenly locked gaze with someone who seemed utterly unfamiliar – albeit all too intriguing.
With furrowed brows and steely determination, Naoki approached the young athlete casually, feigning interest in the upcoming match season, hoping to draw out any information regarding Kaoru's lifestyle and routines. Over shared bottles of ale, they bonded effortlessly, discussing topics ranging from sports strategies to the latest blockbuster films. Unbeknownst to either party, sparks began to ignite beneath the surface.
As Naoki observed Kaoru's powerful presence and innate charm, feelings of envy and desire emerged in equal measure. It pained him to think that another individual might possess what he so desperately sought - acceptance into the world of professional athletics, while simultaneously acknowledging Kaoru's impenetrable exterior. However, this only served to fuel Naoki's curiosity even further, driving him towards a plan to exploit Kaoru's vulnerabilities. Meanwhile, unaware of the hidden agenda behind their budding friendship, Kaoru continued sharing stories about life in the limelight.
Tales of fame, fortune, and loyalty resonated deeply within Naoki, stirring up emotions of jealousy and yearning that threatened to consume him whole. Intrigued by the prospect of gaining entry into this exclusive club, Naoki couldn't help but devise a scheme, utilizing his knowledge of Kaoru's passions to weave a seductive web of temptation. Pushing aside any moral concerns, he concocted plans that could potentially grant him access to the world of professional sports while satisfying his own insatiable appetites.
As days turned into weeks, Naoki honed his skills as an observationalist, taking note of subtle nuances in Kaoru's behavior and adapting accordingly. Understanding that building trust required patience and genuine empathy, he carefully constructed opportunities to demonstrate his support for Kaoru's aspirations. Each interaction strengthened their bond and reinforced his grip upon the unsuspecting youth. With growing anticipation, he waited eagerly for his opportunity to make his move.
Chapter 2
Naoki walked briskly along the narrow alleys, his heart racing faster than ever. Despite knowing full well the potential danger, he felt invincible - driven by his singular focus on becoming more like Kaoru. With every step closer to the rendezvous point, the reality of acquiring the elusive skin suit drug intensified, sending waves of excitement coursing through his veins. As the sky slowly shifted to twilight, he reached the meeting place - an abandoned warehouse near the docks.
Its dilapidated walls whispered tales of forgotten glories, while rusty tools lay scattered among discarded scraps of fabric. Slipping inside, Naoki paused briefly to let his eyes adjust to the darkness enveloping the vast space. He fumbled with the keys in his pocket until finding the correct one. The door swung open silently, revealing an inner chamber illuminated by the faint glow of a single bare bulb hanging overhead. The air reeked of stale sweat and dust mites, amplifying the unease already simmering within Naoki.
But soon enough, the sound of footsteps drew his attention toward the entrance. Clad in a stylish black trench coat, the silhouette of The Dealer appeared, casting a menacing shadow against the backdrop of grimy brickwork.
"Well, well," spoke The Dealer, "you must be quite resourceful to find your way here." There was no trace of warmth in those words; instead, a coldness seeped through them like ice water.
Naoki managed a feeble smile, attempting to appear unfazed despite the chill running down his spine.
“It took some research,” he replied quietly, trying to mask his anxiety. “So you know why I am here.”
“Yes, yes…” The Dealer murmured, circling around Naoki like a predator studying its prey. “You seek my infamous Skin Suit Drug – legendary substance capable of transforming anyone into whatever they wish. Impressive.”
Driven by fear and ambition, Naoki forced a confident nod. “Indeed, I want nothing less.
Do you believe me?” asked Naoki, hoping to instill confidence and trust. He knew his reputation preceded him, and that he needed to prove himself worthy of handling such potent material.
Sensing a bit of desperation mixed with naïveté, The Dealer gave a slow nod. “Very well then, tell me – how much can you offer? No half measures here; remember, you seek power, transformation.”
Naoki hesitated momentarily, calculating his financial resources and weighing the risk.
Gritting his teeth, he offered, "Fifteen thousand dollars... But please understand, this is just a first payment; I need to secure future transactions."
The Dealer raised an eyebrow, assessing Naoki's sincerity once more. "Alright, we shall see how far you can go," he agreed eventually, with a hint of malice lingering in his voice. "However, be warned. This drug comes with its fair share of consequences.
Are you prepared?" questioned The Dealer, eyeing Naoki skeptically. Feeling slightly perturbed by the intensity in The Dealer's gaze, Naoki nodded firmly, declaring, "Absolutely. If necessary, I will ensure you receive payments consistently and discreetly." This declaration pleased The Dealer somewhat, seeing as his client demonstrated dedication and determination befitting a high-profile transaction.
Despite Naoki's commitment, though, the Dealer remained cautiously reserved.
Reaching into his jacket pocket, he produced a small container filled with a murky liquid suspended in transparent gelatin.
"This," he said gravely, "is the substance itself. Now take careful consideration—once ingested, there is no turning back. It's will make anyone who take it... may i say flatten like a empty balloon. or just mere skin suit ready for anyone to wear, take over their life."
There was a noticeable change in the room, palpable tension radiating off both parties. Taking care not to betray his nervousness, Naoki calmly responded, "Understood. Your terms are reasonable, considering the product's uniqueness. Can we proceed with the exchange?" 
Seeing Naoki's resolve and recognition of the price he was willing to pay, The Dealer softened slightly, feeling a surge of respect for the brave customer before him. "Of course, brave buyer.
Here's our agreement..." The Dealer pulled forth a scroll made of ancient parchment, adorned with ornate lettering and symbols. Both Naoki and The Dealer examined it closely, committing every word to memory. The contract specified the amount owed, the quantity of the Skin Suit Drug supplied, and detailed the various conditions attached thereto. It also delved into the nature of the relationship binding these two disparate individuals together – a symbiotic partnership where success depended heavily on mutual trust and cooperation.
Both Naoki and The Dealer signed the contract without delay, acknowledging the gravity of their decision.
The atmosphere grew increasingly somber as Naoki awaited the arrival of the promised package. The silence was deafening, broken only by the occasional rustle of paper or the ticking of clocks on distant walls.
Finally, after hours had passed, The Dealer returned, carrying a small vial containing the coveted Skin Suit Drug. Its contents were viscous and pale, resembling nothing else found in nature.
Gingerly, Naoki picked up the tiny bottle, inspecting its unsettling appearance intimately. Unable to look away, he noticed something peculiar – fleeting shadows dancing within the fluid, appearing almost alive. Mesmerized by this sight, he wondered if the rumors were true – did the Skin Suit Drug truly have the ability to manipulate consciousness beyond comprehension?
With the precious vial nestled safely in his hands, Naoki's pulse raced wildly as he realized the enormity of the task ahead.
The thought of ingesting the mysterious substance sent shivers down his spine, leaving him feeling anxious yet exhilarated at the same time. He knew now that crossing this threshold would irrevocably alter the trajectory of his life. Yet, unable to resist the lure of transformation, he chose to embark on this treacherous journey – armed with bravery, reckless abandon, and boundless optimism.
Stepping outside the warehouse, Naoki stood bathed in moonlight, allowing its gentle caress to guide him homeward.
In the distance, he could hear the faint whispers of sirens blending harmoniously with the urban hum, reminding him of the fragility of human existence compared to the permanence of his newly acquired possession. The weight of responsibility hung heavy on his shoulders, propelling him forward with renewed urgency.
Having secured the prized Skin Suit Drug, Naoki couldn't contain his anticipation as he set about planning the most crucial part of his meticulously crafted plan.
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a3cc54 · 1 year
charlie kelly <3 waitress
mac macdonald bonnie kelly
dennis reynolds
dee reynolds
frank reynolds
season 1
S01E01: the gang gets racist
S01E02: charlie wants an abortion
S01E03: underage drinking: a national concern
S01E04: charlie has cancer
S01E05: gun fever
S01E06: the gang finds a dead guy
S01E07: charlie got molested
season 2
S02E01: charlie gets crippled
S02E02: the gang goes jihad
S02E03: dennis and dee go on welfare
S02E04: mac bangs dennis’ mom
S02E05: hundred dollar baby
S02E06: the gang gives back
S02E07: the gang exploits a miracle
S02E08: the gang runs for office
S02E09: charlie goes america all over everybody’s ass
S02E10: dennis and dee get a new dad
season 3
S03E01: the gang finds a dumpster baby
S03E02: the gang gets invincible
S03E03: dennis and dee’s mom is dead
S03E04: the gang gets held hostage
S03E05: the aluminum monster vs fatty magoo
S03E06: the gang solves the north korea situation
S03E07: the gang sells out
S03E08: frank sets sweet dee on fire
S03E09: sweet dee’s dating a retarded person
S03E10: mac is a serial killer
S03E11: dennis looks like a registered sex offender
S03E12: the gang gets whacked: part 1
S03E13: the gang gets whacked: part 2
S03E14: bums: making a mess all over the city
S03E15: the gang dances their asses off
season 4
S04E01: mac & dennis: manhunters
S04E02: the gang solves the gas crisis
S04E03: america's next top paddy's billboard model contest
S04E04: mac’s banging the waitress
S04E05: mac and charlie die: part 1
S04E06: mac and charlie die: part 2
S04E07: who pooped the bed?
S04E08: paddy’s pub: the worst bar in philadelphia
S04E09: dennis reynolds: an erotic life
S04E10: sweet dee has a heart attack
S04E11: the gang cracks the liberty bell
S04E12: the gang gets extreme: home makeover edition
S04E13: the nightman cometh
season 5
S05E01: the gang exploits the mortgage crisis
S05E02: the gang hits the road
S05E03: the great recession
S05E04: the gang gives frank an intervention
S05E05: the waitress is getting married
S05E06: the world series defense
S05E07: the gang wrestles for the troops
S05E08: paddy’s pub: home of the original kitten mittens
S05E09: mac and dennis break up
S05E10: the d.e.n.n.i.s. system
S05E11: mac and charlie write a movie
S05E12: the gang reignites the rivalry
S05SPC: a very sunny christmas
season 6
S06E01: mac fights gay marriage
S06E02: dennis gets divorced
S06E03: the gang buys a boat
S06E04: mac’s big break
S06E05: mac and charlie: white trash
S06E06: mac’s mom burns her house down
S06E07: who got dee pregnant?
S06E08: the gang gets a new member
S06E09: dee reynolds: shaping america’s youth
S06E10: charlie kelly: king of the rats
S06E11: the gang gets stranded in the woods
S06E12: dee gives birth
season 7
S07E01: frank’s pretty woman
S07E02: the gang goes to the jersey shore
S07E03: frank reynolds’ little beauties
S07E04: sweet dee gets audited
S07E05: frank’s brother
S07E06: the storm of the century
S07E07: chardee macdennis: the game of games
S07E08: the anti social network
S07E09: the gang gets trapped
S07E10: how mac got fat
S07E11: thunder gun express
S07E12: the high school reunion: part 1
S07E13: the high school reunion: part 2
season 8
S08E01: pop-pop: the final solution
S08E02: the gang recycles their trash
S08E03: the maureen ponderosa wedding massacre
S08E04: charlie and dee find love
S08E05: the gang gets analyzed
S08E06: charlie’s mom has cancer
S08E07: frank’s back in business
S08E08: charlie rules the world
S08E09: the gang dines out
S08E10: reynolds vs reynolds: the cereal defense
season 9
S09E01: the gang broke dee
S09E02: gun fever too: still hot
S09E03: the gang tries desperately to win an award
S09E04: mac and dennis buy a timeshare
S09E05: mac day
S09E06: the gang saves the day
S09E07: the gang gets quarantined
S09E08: flowers for charlie
S09E09: the gang makes lethal weapon 6
S09E10: the gang squashes their beefs
season 10
S10E01: the gang beats boggs
S10E02: the gang group dates
S10E03: psycho pete returns
S10E04: charlie work
S10E05: the gang spies like u.s.
S10E06: the gang misses the boat
S10E07: mac kills his dad
S10E08: the gang goes on family fight
S10E09: frank retires
S10E10: ass kickers united: mac and charlie join a cult
season 11
S11E01: chardee macdennis 2: electric boogaloo
S11E02: frank falls out the window
S11E03: the gang hits the slopes
S11E04: dee made a smut film
S11E05: mac and dennis move to the suburbs
S11E06: being frank
S11E07: mcpoyle vs ponderosa: the trial of the century
S11E08: charlie catches a leprechaun
S11E09: the gang goes to hell: part 1
S11E10: the gang goes to hell: part 2
season 12
S12E01: the gang turns black
S12E02: the gang goes to a waterpark
S12E03: old lady house: a situational comedy
S12E04: wolf cola: a public relations nightmare
S12E05: making dennis reynolds a murderer
S12E06: hero or hate crime?
S12E07: ptsdee
S12E08: the gang tends bar
S12E09: a cricket’s tale
S12E10: dennis’ double life
season 13
S13E01: the gang makes paddy’s great again
S13E02: the gang escapes
S13E03: the gang beats boggs: ladies reboot
S13E04: time’s up for the gang
S13E05: the gang gets new wheels
S13E06: the gang solves the bathroom problem
S13E07: the gang does a clip show
S13E08: charlie’s home alone
S13E09: the gang wins the big game
S13E10: mac finds his pride
season 14
S14E01: the gang gets romantic
S14E02: thunder gun 4: maximum cool
S14E03: dee day
S14E04: the gang chokes
S14E05: the gang texts
S14E06: the janitor always mops twice
S14E07: the gang solves global warming
S14E08: paddy’s has a jumper
S14E09: a woman’s right to chop
S14E10: waiting for big mo
season 15
S15E01: 2020: a year in review
S15E02: the gang makes lethal weapon 7
S15E03: the gang buys a roller rink
S15E04: the gang replaces dee with a monkey
S15E05: the gang goes to ireland
S15E06: the gang’s still in ireland
S15E07: dee sinks in a bog
S15E08: the gang carries a corpse up a mountain
season 16
S16E01: the gang inflates
S16E02: frank shoots every member of the gang
S16E03: the gang gets cursed
S16E04: frank vs russia
S16E05: celebrity booze: the ultimate cash grab
S16E06: risk e. rat’s pizza and amusement center
S16E07: the gang goes bowling
S16E08: dennis takes a mental health day
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mwebber · 2 years
41, 51, 2, 8, 34 for Martian :))
hiyaa thanks for sending this along! gonna try post-retirement martian..
41. Which one would take their jacket it off and drape over the other one because they were visibly shivering?
maybe when he was younger, seb was more absentminded regarding the care and keeping of Himself--the invincibility of youth, etc, you know how it is. but as he's gotten older, he's also gotten better about preparing for unexpected weather. it's mark, surprisingly, that'll get distracted by the outdoors, and in his hubris, think he can get beat the rain home. seb's lost count of the number of times he's dragged mark under an awning and shrugged off his coat, reaching up to pull it over mark's shoulders with a scowl. why don't you ever check the weather before we leave the house, he'll say. to his annoyance, mark will simply settle the coat more securely over himself, and beam at him. i've got you to handle it, don't i? and, well. seb can't argue with that.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
it's like a dissonant, suspended chord from their red bull days, their unwillingness to be entirely vulnerable. that they care strongly for one another is never in doubt--it's impossible to go through what they did and not have an intimate understanding of the other--but sometimes, they finds themselves having to pay closer attention to their actions to understand the true extent. when mark walks close enough to seb that their hands bump, and his pinkie finger hooks around seb's; when seb isn't on dish duty, but he steps in to help anyway; when mark tucks seb's curls behind his ear, and his thumb lingers; when seb offers to help fix mark's bike; it's almost as though they're broadcasting their affection for each other. they only ever need to tune into the right frequency to listen.
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
seb gets stress dreams, sometimes. he's not one-track minded, per se, it's just that when something unresolved is on his mind, it'll stay there until he resolves it. he never remembers his dreams, once he opens his eyes; just the impression of fear, some phantom shadow curling at the edges of his vision. thus, in the early hours, it's not a manic state he wakes up in after a nightmare so much as an unsettled one. fortunately, mark can clock his mood like he's got a radar for seb's happiness installed in his brain, and he usually stirs awake too. it's helpful in moments like this, because he also knows exactly what to do: he'll pull seb closer, and hold seb's hand even if it's still clammy with sweat, and tangle their legs together, or do whatever's most convenient to remind seb that he's there, like a guard dog. or, seb thinks, as he breathes in the warmth and the lingering smell of detergent and something certifiably mark, more like a teddy bear that chases the darkness away from under the bed. when he closes his eyes again, he's on a rowboat under the stars, lulled to sleep by the gentle rocking of the ocean's swells beneath him, and anchored to shore with a rope tied carefully by mark's hand.
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
naturally, they both get sick. mark's the one who's away from home more (and more, because the race seasons just keep getting longer), so when he gets that familiar feeling of dryness in his throat, it feels like an inevitability. at first, he tries to quarantine himself, because someone's gotta take care of the animals and keep the place running. but seb insists on taking care of him instead, uncaring of the germs. it works out, in the end: when seb gets too sick to crawl out of bed, mark's well enough to feed the chickens. they take it easy for a week, or at least until they can spend a day without hacking a lung out. life goes on.
34. Who's more likely to tell a dirty joke or story to make the other blush?
if seb is anything, he's a little shit-eating gremlin who knows precisely what he's doing at all times, or at least in the times that are most inconvenient to mark. case in point, right before he's about to go on tv. seb's innuendos and double entendres aren't even subtle, as though he's stopped trying to flirt entirely, and instead taken it for granted that he has mark wrapped around the cute little index finger he sticks up in victory sometimes. the problem is, he's not wrong. mark steps in front of the camera with his cheeks tinged pink--from the heat, obviously--and a smile that twitches at the corner of his lips, like he can't help himself. viewers everywhere wonder what's so funny, especially since neither dc nor steve jones are being particularly interesting. it remains a mystery to everyone but seb, who takes a quick, suggestive picture of himself, and sends it to mark. none of the microphones pick up the notifying buzz.
ask me about martian / nobody asks you questions!
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bb-donghae · 1 year
Hello babe! 🥰
I wanted to ask you a favor 🥺 I haven't had the opportunity to listen to snsd's discography and I haven't had the opportunity to watch their shows like I did with suju and I don't know where to start. I don't consider myself sone because I don't know their discography and their stories (yet) but I really have a huge affection for them, I've grown up listening to their most famous songs and when they had their Forever 1 comeback I fell in love with them even more.
When I'll have time and opportunity I would like to update myself. Could you help me by recommending where I can listen to their complete discography as a group and as soloists? And what programs should I watch to learn more about them and where to look for them? I know maybe it's too much to ask, but your love for SNSD and SuJu reminds me that I want to get to know them more. You can take as long as you want to answer this message, without pressure. Thank you very much in advance 🤧💓
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This took me too damn long. I want to say that I was super busy but I can honestly remember the many times when I was free and could have answer this ask. I believe it's been 6 months already smh.
Truthfully, I have commitment issues and have a hard time finishing any shows I watch. At the time, I only watch clips available on Youtube which were usually snippets from variety shows. Luckily, I was not only able to find clips but also full YouTube playlists of the shows SNSD starred on.
Below are some the links to the clips/episodes/playlist that got me into SNSD. Apologies if this list is super messy.
Short Clips:-
Hyoyeon scaring Jessica
Makeup ranking - (pretty controversial especially in this current time. i’m only putting this because this was one of the first clips i watched of them. i found this funny at the time but i can perfectly understand if anyone doesn't find this tasteful)
Tiffany and her love for pink
Yuri and her cute sleeping habits
Compilation of some random clips from their old shows - (it's a recent upload but it brings me nostalgia. also, it helped me remember all the clips I used to watch in the past)
Full episodes:-
Horror Movie Factory EP01 - (I love a good horror variety show. also, Taeyeon was so cute throughout this episode. this version appears to be clearest. the account doesn't have a playlist of the series but it does have most of the episodes)
SNSD Hi 5 Ballerina: Episode 1 | Episode 2
Horror Movie Factory - (slightly lower quality and a different account)
Hello Baby - (Kyungsan is so grown up already T_T)
Invincible Youth Season 1 - (only includes Sunny and Yuri but other beautiful 2nd gen idols are also part of the cast)
Girls Go To School - (predebut show and probably one of the most important ones. also, how come I just found out that this show was narrated by Sungmin lmao)
Other than these shows listed, I used to watch a lot of Running Man and SNSD was featured in some episodes.
As you can tell that most of these episodes are subbed by Soshi Subs.
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I feel like I'm someone who doesn't have the best music taste and that I'm probably just gonna list out whatever I listen to. I assume you probably know their more popular songs, so I'm just gonna list out the underrated(?) ones. Some I've linked and some I've not.
Into The New World: Music Video | Ballad Version (LIVE) - (not an 'underrated' song but it's a must to listen to it. not just because its their debut song but because of the cultural impact it brought. this song is so powerful, people sing this song at protests. i really suggest you listen to their live performance, especially the ballad version. the one i linked is not an OT9 performance but it always moves me to tears.)
Divine - (i love this song. i believe it's one of their last song as OT9. unless you count the leaked version of Catch Me If You Can.)
Born To Be A Lady - (literally the same song as Demi Lovato's Mistake but their harmony was heavenly)
Galaxy Supernova: MV | LIVE - (it's a unique song but i really love it more when they perform this song live)
Flower Power - (a 'weird' song i know but i like the chorus)
Hoot: MV | Album Poster - (while this is their more popular song, I don't see people talking about this one as much anymore. i don't know why because the concept is so unique and i have yet to see another group take on a similar concept. oh also, there's a familiar face in the music video)
Little Touch - (it's a crime that this subunit has very little songs. they still prove they can slay even without all the members. especially Sunny)
The Boys: LIVE - (one my least favourite songs but an instant fave when it's sung live. there's probably a better live performance than the one i linked)
Holler - (one of their popular songs i know. i just wanted to mention it)
There are probably some other songs that I've missed but I don't want to make this list super long since I want to talk about their solo songs as well.
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Now that I’m thinking about it, I actually think I know listen to their solo music than group music.
By the way, I have yet to listen to all of their music.
Gemini - (love love this song)
Make Me Love You
Cover Up
Here I am
Love You Like Crazy
Spark - (i love the concept of her Purpose Album)
Something New
Starlight ft Dean
Can't Control Myself
Weekend - (lowkey a Say So copy especially with the concept but I still enjoyed it)
INVU - (SM really upped the budget for the MV, i couldnt complain anymore about the low quality of the Weekend MV)
Rain - (sometimes i forgot about this masterpiece)
Hate That - (a feature she did for Key's song)
Four Seasons
When We Were Young - (a cover of Adele's song)
All With You
There's probably some more that I forgot to list. Like Taeyeon has some really nice songs from drama OSTs. I really love Taeyeon's breakup songs so so much. But every single time she comes out with one, some people will annoyingly relate it to her past relationship(s).
Heartbreak Hotel - (my absolute favourite)
I Just Wanna Dance - (listing this here because it's the most memorable for me. not just because of tiffany's fairy ending but because i got scolded by my mom for listening to this song on blast)
Lips on Lips
Born Again - (another favourite. her lower register in this one is really gooodd)
Don't Say No - (she was an absolute woman in the music video. i love the cute little hip-shake incorporated in the dance)
Deep - (if you like spiderman, you'll love the concept lmao)
I don't listen to most of her music but she's the member that I'm most proud of at the moment. I feel like she's gotten to a point where she knows what kind of music she wants to establish and what kind of performer she wants to be.
She's no longer coming out with music but whatever. I loved these songs because it's bubblegum pop and Jessica’s voice suits these types of songs. Off topic, but Jessica creating a fashion brand is so herrrrr.
A Little Happiness - (a cover)
Into You
I guess that's it? I'm honestly too tired to list out more LMAO.
Again. I'm sorry for taking too long with this one <3
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tedstunes · 9 months
upcoming releases
there is not really a comprehensive calendar of music release dates, so i'm going to try to compile upcoming release dates here. most albums especially from major labels are dropped on fridays fyi.
to navigate, here is the format album/ep - artist [genre] (release date) {other notes}
january 2024
Hot Air Balloon - Pile [alt rock] (january 5)
Letter to Self - SPRINTS [alt rock] (january 5)
Born to Be - Itzy [kpop] (january 8)
Four-Calendar Café - Cocteau Twins [dreampop/shoegaze] (january 12) {remaster/rerelease}
Milk & Kisses - Cocteau Twins [dreampop/shoegaze] (january 12) {remaster/rerelease}
Orquídeas - Kali Uchis [r&b/neosoul/hiphop] (january 12)
Hudson River Wind Meditations - Lou Reed [ambient rock] (january 12) {remaster/rerelease; lou reed's final album}
Big Sigh - Marika Hackman [alt] (january 12)
Lovegaze - Nailah Hunter [alt folk/ambient/fantasy/harp] (january 12)
Pick-Up Full of Pink Carnations - The Vaccines [indie rock] (january 12)
Saviors - Green Day [pop punk/alt] (january 19)
Little Rope - Sleater-Kinney [indie rock/riot grrrl] (january 19)
Is Survived By (Revived) - Touché Amoré [post-hardcore/screamo] (january 19)
Peaky Blinders: Season 5 (Original Score) - Anna Calvi [soundtrack] (january 26)
Peaky Blinders: Season 6 (Original Score) - Anna Calvi and Nick Launay [soundtrack] (january 26)
Everybody Can't Go - Benny the Butcher [rap] (january 26)
Junk - Brion Gysin [avant funk] (january 26) {reissue}
People Who Aren't There Anymore - Future Islands [indie rock] (january 26)
Sadness Sets Me Free - Gruff Rhys [alt/folk rock] (january 26)
Blue Rasberry - Kat Kirby [indie rock/post-folk] (january 26)
Philip Glass Solo - Philip Glass [contemporary classical] (january 26)
Wall of Eyes - The Smile [art rock] (january 26)
What an Enormous Room - Torres [alt rock] (january 26)
Three Bells - Ty Segall [alt rock/glam] (january 26)
february 2024
What Now - Brittany Howard [rock] (february 2)
What Do We Do Now - J Mascis [alt rock] (february 2)
King Perry - Lee "Scratch" Perry [reggae] (february 2) {posthumous}
Chupetones - Meth Math [experimental] (february 2)
Band on the Run (Underdubbed Mixes) - Paul McCartney and Wings [rock] (february 2)
Compassion - Vijay Iyer, Linda May Han Oh, and Tyshawn Sorey [jazz] (february 2)
She Reaches Out to She Reaches Out to She - Chelsea Wolfe (february 9)
What Happened to the Beach? - Declan McKenna (february 9)
Phasor - Helado Negro (february 9)
Rave:N, the Remixes - Kelela (february 9)
Weird Faith - Madi Diaz (february 9)
Forgot About Me - Pouty (february 9)
Magnet Factory - Pylon Reenactment Society (february 9)
Walls Have Ears - Sonic Youth (february 9)
Coming Home - Usher (february 11)
Adult Contemporary - Chromeo (february 16)
Blu Wav - Grandaddy (february 16)
Tangk - Idles (february 16)
This Is Me... Now - Jennifer Lopez (february 16)
Hole in My Head - Laura Jane Grace (february 16)
Grip - Seprentwithfeet (february 16)
The Past Is Still Alive - Hurray for the Riff Raff (february 23)
Rooting for Love - Laetitia Sadier (february 23)
Untame the Tiger - Mary Timony (february 23)
Loss of Life - MGMT (february 23)
Daniel - Real Estate (february 23)
march 2024
YHWH Is Love - Jahari Massamba Unit, Madlib and Karriem Riggins (march 1)
I Got Heaven - Mannequin Pussy (march 1)
Playing Favorites - Sheer Mag (march 1)
Where's My Utopia - Yard Act (march 1)
Apocalypse - Thundercat (march 1)
Tyla - Tyla (march 1)
Electric Blue Light - Lenny Kravitz (march 1)
Bleachers - Bleachers (march 8)
Letter to Yu - Bolis Pupul (march 8)
Glasgow Eyes - The Jesus and Mary Chain (march 8)
All Quiet on the Eastern Esplanade - The Libertines (march 8)
Invincible Shielf - Judas Priest (march 8)
A Forsaken Lover's Plea - Chuck Strangers (march 15)
Real Power - Gossip (march 22)
Live Laugh Love - Chastity Belt (march 29)
Evolution - Sheryl Crow (march 29)
Heaven :x: Hell - Sum 41 (march 29)
0 notes
tvrundownusa · 10 months
tvrundown USA 2023.11.24
Friday, November 24th:
(exclusive): A Nearly Normal Family (netflix, Swedish limited drama, all 6 eps), Olóládé (netflix, Nollywood crime dramedy, all 6 eps), Replacing Chef Chico (netflix, Filipino sentimental drama, all 8 eps), LOL: Last One Laughing - Brazil (amazon, competition season 3 available, all 6 eps)
(movies): "The Recipe Files" (QVC+, really, holiday mystery movie, really), "Hot Girl Winter" (TUBI, Christmas rom-com, 95mins), "Elf Me" (amazon, Italian family comedy, ~100mins), "Wedding Games" (netflix, Brazilian rom-com, ~80mins), "Last Call for Istanbul" (netflix, Turkish romance, ~90mins), "Frybread Face and Me" (netflix, Navajo youth drama, ~85mins), "Elena Knows" (netflix, Argentinian drama, 100mins), "Doi Boy" (netflix, Thai thriller, ~100mins), "Cypher" (hulu, rapper Tierra Whack docu->thrilller), "Ilary Blasi: The One and Only" (netflix, documentary, 80mins)
(streaming weekly): My Demon (netflix, Korean romantic series premiere, day 1 of 2), The Great British Baking Show (netflix), Invincible (amazon, season 2A finale), Undead Unluck (hulu), Lessons in Chemistry (apple+, limited series finale), For All Mankind (apple+, episode #3 released Wednesday), "Monarch: Legacy of Monsters" (apple+, episode #3)
(original made-for-TV movies): "Letters to Santa" (HALL, earlier, 2hrs), "Holiday Road" (HALL, 2hrs), "My Christmas Hero" (GAFam, 2hrs)
(hour 1): The Greatest @Home Videos (CBS, annual holiday special), The Last Cowboy (CMT), Penn & Teller: Fool Us (theCW, preempted)
(hour 2): Shining Vale (Starz), Fboy Island (theCW), Raid the Cage (CBS, repeat)
(hour 3): Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO, repeat)
0 notes
unnursvanablog · 1 year
The Uncanny Counter, season 2 / kdrama review.
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This is just my opinions on the season two of the kdrama The Uncanny Counter, pretty much spoiler free.
I've often felt that one of the charms and appeals of kdramas is that there is only one season. There are emotions, there is plenty of quiet character moments, angst, and a beginning, a middle and an end all in one season that American show would stretch out over 5 seasons. It's not really in the kdrama formula to have a season two. It just doesn't seem to work all that well (although series like Kingdom or Age of Youth have managed it or series that are independent continuations of each other like the Reply series). And I think this second season of The Uncanny Counters sort of proves that. The story was over. It had a beginning, middle and end. It doesn't need more.
The plot here is predictable and there is nothing there that adds to the narrative of the first one. There is a lot of room for character development, but the drama doesn't use its time well at all instead giving us rather silly, fluffy moments between the characters and overall, it just feels rather poorly done. As if the people behind this didn't really care or didn't feel like it needed to bother with the plot all that much.
Instead of giving us more time to delve deeper into the characters they give us a cardboard cutout of them and a few romantic moments between some of the characters that are totally cute or sweet but add nothing to the story itself. Nothing that happens really matters. There are no puzzles to solve or mysteries to uncover, backstories to explore (like why the bad guys are bad) which pretty much takes away a lot of tension from the narrative. Everything is easy. There is no real desperation or intensity in the story. The struggles they had that made them interesting in the first season are no longer there. There is no battle going on here.
Many of the characters don't work the same as before and neither do their superpowers. The character who struggled in the first season doesn't struggle now. So Moon seems almost invincible and way too rugged and cold when he was the soft heart of the story last season. He doesn't even feel like the main character here or the sensitive as the heart of the series and we are not following him learning more about his powers. But there was still no decent successor to him to fill that main character, fish-out-of-water role so the story has no anchor or focus.
Our characters have nothing much to do but try to fight some very dull and colorless bad guys. They are not being given time to grow organically so they will change with the narrative. They have changed, without us getting to see it as it all happened off screen between the two seasons, to serve the oh-so-generic, bare-bone plot that this new series has to offer.
While the plot of the first series felt like a story that has been retread a little too often, it also managed to find some fresh and exciting angles on the very common underdog superhero story with some good tension and humor along with a great lovable cast and characters. And although the actors and characters are still lovely, the story here doesn't really nothing to say here. Not about human greed or corruption or humanity. At least not in an exciting new way. Everything is a little too simple or convenient to hit it's mark properly.
On the surface, the series is cool, flashy, with funny moments and some really cool special effects and fight scenes, but that was never really what made The Uncanny Counters, or any sci-fi for the matter show fun to watch. People may start watching genre shows for the setting; dragons, swords, superpowers and all that but people keep watching for the plot and the characters. The character struggles, seeing those less fortunate stand up for something bigger than them, people coming together and working together using their powers makes for an exciting narrative and hopefully a good story. It's so much more than just some superpowers. The previous series seemed to understand that, but this feels very much surface level to its approach to a story.
This series seems rather dull. The story is missing something and both the old characters and the new ones we are meeting do not have the same charm and depth as in the previous season. There isn't really any story going on, very little momentum or character moments that move the story forward. It just sort of tugs along. Everything is too easy, too predictable and there is very little real conflict going on, apart from cool fight scenes, or characters growth which makes it really boring to watch because nothing really happens. Or matter. There is nothing about season two that stays with you after watching it. If you have nothing to add to a story, don't make season two.
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bananafail · 2 years
Playful kiss eng sub ep 4
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Playful Kiss (YT Special Edition) BTS 1 (10. Source title: 120901 BEAST on MBC Every1 Weekly Idol Ep.01 ( ENG SUB) | ▬▬★ SO.BEAST !
Source title: Ep eng sub - free search & download - 2587 files Playful Kiss Special Edition ep 5ĮNG SUB Cartoon Kat tun ep114 pt 1 (19.05 MB) This song is also known as the bed song because its first heard during the honeymoon bed scene in ep 15 Song. Playful Kiss Special Edition ep 5 (165.29 MB)
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Playful Kiss Special Edition ep 4 avi (7.59 MB) Playful Kiss Season 1 Episodes 4 English Subtitles Romel Lavilla Fate brings polar opposite high school classmates (one obsessively attracted to the other, the other indifferent to all advances) to live under one roof. Source title: Bản đặc biệt của Playful kiss trên youtube và những vid NG (update ep 7) - SS501 & TripleS VietNam Forum Mischievous Kiss: With Jung So-Min, Kim Hyun-joong, Tae-Sung Lee, Hye-Young Jung. Playful Kiss Special Edition ep 4 avi (200 MB) HowL Playful Kiss Special Edition OST Part 2 HowL Playful Kiss Special Edition OST Part 2 (8.97 MB) More story, more conflict, moreeverything. Source title: Playful kiss special edition srt - freeload - 18 files We don’t exactly pick up the same momentum started in the last episode, despite my fervent cheers of, Come on, Show You can do iiiiiiiiit I just adore Ha-ni’s embarrassingly realistic girl-with-a-bleeding-heart-crush so much that I want more for her. Playful Kiss Special Edition Making Film 1 253 w/ G-Dragon (English Subbed) wp.5000 results found, page 1 from 500 for ' eng sub playful kiss special edition episode 1' Playful Kiss Special Edition Making Film 1 (10.85 KB) 1 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-i6 10 years ago Star Date with BEAST (English Subbed) wp.me/p1GfSf-ic 10 years ago 9 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-ig 10 years ago 13 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-ik 10 years agoĢPM Show Ep.
2 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-io 10 years agoĢne1 TV Season 3 Ep. 23 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-is 10 years ago Due to Geum Hee's picture of Seung Jo and Ha Ni asleep, the whole school finds out the two are living. 63 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-iw 10 years ago
1 Night and 2 Days 1 vs 100 2ne1 2ne1 TV 3 2PM 2PM Show 100 points out of 100 5000 Questions After School Announcements Beast Big Bang Boyfriend Boys Over Flowers Champagne CNBlue Come To Play DBSK Dream High f(x) Family Outing FT Island Full House Happy Together Heartstrings Hello Baby Season 4 Idol Maid Intimate Note Invincible Youth IU Jang Geun Suk JYJ K-drama K-pop K-show K-Wave Station Kim Hyung Joong Kim Hyun Joong Kiss the radio Lee Min Ho Lee Seung Gi M! Pick M&D MBLAQ Miss A My Girlfriend is a Gumiho Night After Night Oppa Band Park Shin Hye Playful Kiss Quiz that Changed the World Radio Star Rain Running Man Secret Show Shinee Shin PD Sistar Sistar19 SM Town SNSD SS501 Star Date Star King Strong Heart Super Junior Super Show T-ara Trax U-Kiss We Got Married 2 Win Win Wonder Girls YeoYouManMan You're Beautiful.
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0 notes
cielrouge · 3 years
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YA SFF Books by Latinx Authors
A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry: Spending the summer with his hotel-developer father in Puerto Rico, 17-year-old Lucas turns to a legendary cursed girl filled with poison when his girlfriend mysteriously disappears.
All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry: Working in the maguey fields of the Southwest, Sarah Jac and James are in love but forced to start over on a ranch that is possibly cursed where the delicate balance in their relationship begins to give way.
Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria: In the city of Eldra, people are ruled by ancient prophecies. For centuries, the high council has stayed in power by virtue of the prophecies of the elder seers. In the present day, Cassa, the orphaned daughter of rebels, is determined to fight back against the high council. But by the time Cassa and her friends uncover the mystery of the final infallible prophecy, it may be too late to save the city — or themselves.
Blanca & Roja by Anne-Marie McLemore: The del Cisne girls, Blanca & Roja, have never just been sisters; they’re also rivals. Because of a generations-old spell, their family is bound to a bevy of swans deep in the woods. But when two local boys become drawn into the game, the swans’ spell intertwines with the strange and unpredictable magic lacing the woods, and all four of their fates depend on facing truths that could either save or destroy them.
Blazewrath Games by Amparo Ortiz: 17-year-old Lana Torres, who after rescuing a prized dragon, is awarded a spot on her native Puerto Rico’s Blazewrath World Cup team. But the return of the Sire, an ancient dragon, soon threatens to compromise this year’s tournament.
They Both Die in the End by Adam Silvera: Set in a near-future New York City where a service alerts people on the day they will die, about two teens who meet using the Last Friend app and are faced with the challenge of living a lifetime on their End Day.
The Body Market (Wired #2) by Donna Freitas: When Skylar's sister betrays her and opens the Body Market, everyone in the App World is for sale and Skylar resolves to stop her sister and the malevolent market.
Bruja Born (Brooklyn Brujas #2) by Zoraida Cordova: Teenage bruja Lula Mortiz tries to save her boyfriend, Maks, by cheating Death; however, Lady de la Muerte is not so easily bested.
The Buried by Melissa Grey: After disaster strikes the remote town of Indigo Falls. A horrific event drove the residents underground, into shelters that keep them safe from the danger on the surface. Now, a handful of families inhabit this bunker together, guided by a charismatic leader named Dr. Imogen Moran. 
Cazadora (Wolves of No World #2) by Romina Garber: In this follow-up to Lobizona, Manu and her friends as they continue to fight for a better future.
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas: Latinx trans teen Yadriel, hoping to release his cousin’s spirit and prove himself as a brujo, accidentally summons the wrong ghost and resident bad boy Julian Diaz, falling in love with him.
Dark and Deepest Red by Anna-Marie McLemore: Summer, 1518. A strange sickness sweeps through Strasbourg: women dance in the streets, some until they fall down dead. As rumors of witchcraft spread, suspicion turns toward Lavinia and her family. Five centuries later, a pair of red shoes seal to Rosella Oliva’s feet, making her dance uncontrollably. They draw her toward a boy who knows the dancing fever’s history better than anyone: Emil.
Dealing in Dreams by Lilliam Rivera: 16-year-old Nalah leads the fiercest all-girl crew in Mega City, but when she sets her sights on giving this life up for a prestigious home in Mega Towers, she must decide if she’s willing to do the unspeakable to get what she wants.
Diamond City by Francesca Flores: Pulled from the streets at age twelve and trained to become one of the most powerful assassins in Sumerand, Aina Solis discovers a conspiracy that could rewrite the kingdom's history. 
Dragonblood Ring (Blazewrath Games #2) by Amparo Ortiz: After the Sire’s capture, teen athletes Lana Torres and Victoria Peralta travel to Puerto Rico with their former Blazewrath team. While Lana discovers her roots, nothing fills the void Blazewrath’s cancelation has left in Victoria. But it’s up to their team and the Bureau to protect their dragons.
Each of Us a Desert by Mark Oshiro: Xochital is destined to wander the desert alone. Her one desire: to share her heart with a kindred spirit. One night, Xo’s wish is granted—in the form of Emilia, the cold and beautiful daughter of the town’s murderous mayor. But when the two set out on a magical journey across the desert, they find their hearts could be a match… if only they can survive the nightmare-like terrors that arise when the sun goes down.
Fire with Fire by Destiny Soria: A contemporary fantasy about two sisters, Dani and Eden Rivera, who were raised to be fierce dragon slayers but end up on opposite sides of the impending war when one sister forms an unlikely, magical bond with a dragon.
The First 7 (The Last 8 #2) by Laura Pohl:  After leaving Earth, now devastated by an alien attack, and exploring the galaxy, Clover Martinez and her fellow teen survivors return home to find crystal formations in the soil that are threatening to destroy the planet, and a colony of survivors who are not who they seem.
Five Midnights by Ann Davila Cardinal: If Lupe Dávila and Javier Utierre can survive each other’s company, together they can solve a series of grisly murders sweeping though Puerto Rico. But the clues lead them out of the real world and into the realm of myths and legends.
The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante: To have her family’s asylum request accepted, 17-year-old Marisol participates in a risky experiment to become a grief keeper, taking another’s grief into her own body to save a life.
The Healer by Donna Freitas: Manifesting astonishing healing powers that cause some people to consider her a saint, Marlena Oliveria struggles with edicts that prevent her from attending school, having friends and falling in love when she meets a boy who makes her question what she is willing to sacrifice.
Hollywood Witch Hunter by Valerie Tejeda: When a coven bent on retaining their youth must sacrifice the beautiful, and rich women of Southern California, a society of witch hunters will try to protect humans from a great evil uprising. 
Incendiary by Zoraida Cordova: As Renata Convida grows more deeply embedded in the politics of the royal court, she uncovers a secret in her past that could change the entire fate of the kingdom–and end a costly war.
Illusionary (Hollow Crown #2) by Zoraida Córdova: Reeling from betrayal, Renata Convida is a girl on the run. With few options and fewer allies, she reluctantly joins forces with none other than Prince Castian, her most infuriating and intriguing enemy.
Infinity Son by Adam Silvera: In the Bronx, two brothers, Emil and Brighton, get caught up in a magical war generations in the making.
Infinity Reaper (Infinity Cycle #2) by Adam Silvera: Emil and Brighton Rey defied the odds. When Brighton drank the Reaper’s Blood, he believed it would make him invincible, but instead the potion is killing him. In Emil’s race to find an antidote that will not only save his brother but also rid him of his own unwanted phoenix powers, he will have to dig deep into his past lives.
Iron Cast by Destiny Soria: In 1919 Boston, best friends Corinne and Ada perform illegally as illusionists in an infamous gangster's nightclub, using their "afflicted" blood to con Boston's elite, until the law closes in.
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova: Alex is a bruja and the most powerful witch in her family. . When a curse she performs to rid herself of magic backfires and her family vanishes, she must travel to Los Lagos to get her family back.
The Last 8 by Laura Pohl:  After an alien attack devastates the Earth, pilot and future astronaut Clover Martinez bands with seven other teens to survive. 
Lobizona by Romina Garber: As Manuela Azul uncovers her own story and traces her real heritage all the way back to a cursed city in Argentina, she learns it’s not just her U.S. residency that’s illegal… .it’s her entire existence.
Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas:  When children start to go missing in the local woods, eighteen-year-old Wendy Darling must face her fears and a past she cannot remember to rescue them in this novel based on Peter Pan.
The Mind Virus (Wired #3) by Donna Freitas:  Skylar Cruz has managed to shut down the body market that her sister Jude opened, and to create a door to allow App World citizens reentry into the Real World. But as tensions between the newly mingling people escalate, she s not sure if it was the right decision after all. Still reeling from Kit’s betrayal, she s not sure of anything anymore.
Miss Meteor by Tehlor Kay Mejia & Anna-Marie McLemore: Two friends, Lita Perez or Chicky Quintanilla, one made of stardust and one fighting to save her family’s diner, take on their small town’s 50th annual pageant in the hopes that they can change their town’s destiny, and their own.
The Mirror Season by Anna-Marie McLemore: Graciela Cristales meets Lock, a boy who was sexually assaulted at the same party as her, and they find their fates unexpectedly intertwined during a month of vanishing trees, enchanted pan dulce, and inherited magic.
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera: After enduring his father's suicide, his own suicide attempt, broken friendships, and more in the Bronx projects, Aaron Soto, sixteen, is already considering the Leteo Institute's memory-alteration procedure when his new friendship with Thomas turns to unrequited love.
Never Look Back by Lilliam Rivera: An Afro-Latinx retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice set in the Bronx. Pheus is a bachata-singing dreamer who falls in love with Eury, a girl who lost everything in Hurricane Maria and is haunted by the trauma—and by an evil spirit.
Nocturna by Maya Motayne: In the Latinx-inspired kingdom of Castallan, face-changing thief Finn Voy and grief-stricken Prince Alfehr must race to vanquish a dark magic they have unleashed.
Oculta (A Forgery of Magic #2) by Maya Motayne: After joining forces to save Castallan from an ancient magical evil, Alfie and Finn reunite once again to preserve Castallan’s hopes for peace with Englass. But will they be able to stop sinister foes before a new war threatens their kingdom?
Pitch Dark by Courtney Alameda: Tuck Durante, a shipraider, and Lana Gray, a curator, must work together to try to rescue a space capsule hijacked by nightmarish creatures who kill with a scream.
Rated by Melissa Grey: For the students at the prestigious Maplethorpe Academy, every single thing they do is reflected in their Ratings System. But when an act of vandalism sullies the front doors of the school, it sets off a chain reaction that will shake the lives of six special students – and the world beyond.
Sanctuary by Abby Sher & Paola Mendoza: In a near future dystopian America set 2030, 16-year-old Vail and her brother must escape a xenophobic government to find sanctuary in California.
The Savage Dawn (Girl at Midnight #3) by Melissa Grey: A darkness has entered the world and the Dragon Prince is wreaking havoc wherever she goes. With the war upon her, Echo must use every bit of her firebird powers or risk losing those she holds dear. 
Seven Deadly Shadows by Courtney Alameda & Valynne E. Maetani: A contemporary fantasy set in Japan, about Shinto temple priestess Kira Fujikawa, who must seek the aid of seven demons in order to protect her village and the world from an ancient evil. 
Shadow City (The City of Diamond and Steel #2) by Francesa Flores: Aina Solís has fought her way to the top of criminal ranks in the city of Kosín by wresting control of an assassin empire owned by her old boss, Kohl. But Kohl will do anything to get his empire back.
The Shadow Hour (The Girl at Midnight #2) by Melissa Grey: With the firebird awakened, the war has become even more dangerous for Echo and her friends. There is a darkness spreading too and staying in hiding might not be enough to keep them alive. 
Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older: When her summer plans are interrupted by supernatural phenomena, Puerto Rican teen Sierra Santiago finds herself in a battle with the killer targeting her family of shadowshapers who believes she is hiding their greatest secret.
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atlasshrugd · 4 years
Hi,sorry to bother you.. what are your toughts about Brian being abusive with Justin like Jack was with his mother in the first two season? I mean, he definitely had his bad habits and sure didn't always treat Justin well and wasn't always emotionally available for him (especially in s1) and this eventually resulted as Justin being hurt sometimes but I never thought that it was that bad..
Thank you for this ask! 
Brian definitely was harmful to Justin in season 1 and 2, but I wouldn’t go so far as to compare him with his father.
In season 1, Brian is definitely emotionally unavailable. He doesn’t just not want a relationship; he despises relationships. He has removed that possibility from his mind and vocabulary, and most of all, he doesn’t believe he deserves one or is made for one.
Naturally, with all of his emotional trauma and his unwillingess to face it in any direct and healthy way, he is not ready for a mature relationship either. So when Justin comes along with his persistence and youth and adoration, Brian pushes him away. He doesn’t want to entertain the fact that someone may want him for more than sex, or for being ‘the stud of Liberty Avenue.’ Many factors come into this: Justin’s age, Brian’s belief system, his past trauma, his moral code, his experience, etc. He doesn’t believe or even want to believe that someone as young and innocent as Justin could want to be with him, and he doesn’t believe Justin should want that anyway.
But Justin makes him question this all the time. He is constantly pushing Brian, willing Brian to be the man Justin knows he is. This scares Brian; nobody has ever known him deeply enough to see through him. Even Mikey and Lindsey are blinded to who Brian truly is through their own filtered perceptions of what they want him to be. Nobody truly knows Brian Kinney. But Justin Taylor gets pretty damn close. “You can’t push me away,” he says. “I’m onto you.”
Nobody has ever stuck around long enough, or even wanted to stick around long enough, for Brian to ever hear these words. This is the first time someone has ever said that to him and meant it. Brian, most of all, is afraid to be known. He hides behind his persona and uses external means to prove his self-worth. So when Justin consistently sees through him and isn’t afraid to say it, it terrifies Brian. Most of the time it makes him retreat even further into the asshole persona as a defence mechanism. When Brian is afraid, he lashes out. 
And because Season 1 Brian Kinney is quite unhinged and in denial, he doesn’t think twice about lashing out at Justin. He convinces himself he doesn’t want Justin in his life, that he’s “trying to get rid of him” but he just keeps bouncing back. And the scary part of it is - that Brian might actually want Justin to stick around. 
Because of Justin’s maturity, I think everyone forgets how young and impressionable he is (including Brian), so Brian doesn’t think twice about possibly conditioning Justin in a potentially harmful way in the long-run. I don’t think Brian realizes just how much of a sponge Justin is until the King of Babylon contest when he uses Brian’s own tricks against him. I think that was also his first flash of fear where he thought: Perhaps I have made him too much in my image.
The truth is, Brian in Season 1 is mostly irresponsible and selfish. As much as I adore him, nobody can excuse his actions even though we know his reasons for them. He has not yet learned responsibility for another person, because part of his code of conduct is that everybody should be responsible for themselves. This philosophy is not wrong, but he takes it to the extreme to further shield himself from being let down. Even with a kid, Brian makes the choice to only be a ‘drop-in’ dad who only contributes through money, because that’s all he thinks he can be. He doesn’t want to even risk turning out like his father, so in his mind, it’s better just not to try. (However, he has a moment of clarity when he decides not to sign over his parental rights to Mel. That was his first flash of ‘Hold on. I am responsible for this child, and I want that responsibility. I accept it.’)
It isn’t until the prom when he learns what it truly means to be responsible for another persons life. There, he is forced to face reality head-on; how easy it is to lose a person, how precious life truly is, how easily it can be snatched away from you. Here we see Brian in his barest form. Terrified out of his skin, guilt-ridden, and hollow. Here is when he takes full responsibility; too much, in fact. He believes the bashing is his fault, that Justin nearly died because of him. It’s a turning point for Brian where he ceases to be that callous, selfish man from Season 1. That night at the prom, his heart was broken.
In Season 2, we see a new side of Brian. The caring, hesitant, selfless side. He knows how easy it is to lose Justin, so he doesn’t make the same mistake of pushing him away to protect himself. He lets him in a little more, he admits that he wants Justin to stay, that he will be “doing exactly what I want to do: coming home to you.” But while Brian has had a wakeup call, that doesn’t mean he will change his entire way of thinking overnight.
Throughout the second half of season 2, we start to see Brian sink into his old habits of neglecting Justin emotionally. Brian’s ‘love language’ isn’t through words of affirmation; it’s through acts of service. He believes actions speak louder than words, and with that philosophy, he convinces himself that he is taking care of Justin in all the necessary ways; namely, paying for his school fees, asking him to stay in his loft, helping him financially, driving him around, etc. Because nobody has ever done those things for Brian, he believes these actions scream affection. 
The truth is, Brian Kinney is a man of conviction. As an advertising executive, he knows the futility of words and how easy it is to manipulate them. He knows they are just words, and this has been proven to him time and time again by his parents. This is part of why he doesn’t believe in marriage and relationships. “Love is just something people tell themselves they’re in so they can get laid.” He has been proven how meaningless words really are, so he doesn’t see the necessity for them.
But Justin does see the necessity. After the bashing, he changed. He was no longer that cock-sure, confident, self-assured boy from Season 1. The bashing wiped away all control he thought he had over his life. Something was taken from him against his will, something he will never get back: his memories, the control of his left hand, his boundless dreams of being an artist. He realized that Justin Taylor is not invincible. This loss of control terrified Justin, as it would anyone. He realized that reality was harsh and life takes and takes from people who don’t deserve it. He felt like a stranger within his own body, like he didn’t own any part of himself. He felt lost and confused and helpless. 
So, understandably, he needed reassurance. He needed clarity. He needed the words, and things spelled out for him. He needed some semblance of control, some certainty in all the chaos of his mind. He no longer had the mental energy to play the guessing game with Brian. He could no longer assume Brian’s feelings, or read into his actions. He needed Brian to say the words.
But Brian couldn’t. And that was why Season 2B happened. The moral of all these ramblings is: yes, Brian inflicted some form of emotional abuse on Justin in Season 1. Yes, their relationship had toxic elements. But no, I don’t believe their relationship can be compared with that of Jack and Joan Kinney’s. That was a loveless marriage between two hateful and bitter people. While they each have their issues, Brian and Justin’s relationship ultimately is one built on trust and love.
We don’t need rings or vows to prove that we love each other. We already know that.
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itseivwhore · 4 years
|Ezio Auditore x reader|(Modern)
I was at the beach for an entire day,from morning until evening:with the sun and the impossible heat (plus my pride and the thought of being invincibile to everything and everyone),didn't exactly help the stay...so I ended up to have billions of sunburns all over my shoulders and face (who would have thought...I've been spending 17 years at the beach every damn Summer,yet I never got such a bad sunburn like this one.Invincible my ass). And I was stuck on my bed,I couldn't even move...so how better to spend all this free time if not to write something?
Have a little modern au imagine with all of the Assassins,and at least but not last,with the reader comforting Ezio struggling and being a bit dramatic with the big sunburns he got.
Because I was annoyed,and it was the only idea I got.Oh and it won't be like all my other long imagines:this one will be quite short...maybe.(Oh x 2,I would like to point this out:the writing style will be a little bit different from all the other one shots I have written,since this will be a modern one,so don't really expect philosophical speeches).
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Probably the most awaited season of the year,where everything changes and the world takes on a new and youthful aspect:longer and warmer days,holidays,exciting and fun experiences,countless of new opportunities to spend free time with friends;maybe spending a few weeks in a beautiful house right in front of a lake,in the middle of nature,away from the city and its continuous noise...and this is what Ezio organized:three weeks in that beautiful large wooden house,where he would celebrate his birthday.
Everybody knew that the Italian boy had always-always-organized fantastic parties,with hundreds of people,inviting almost the whole school and all the people he knew,celebrating all night long.Everybody knew about his famous,big parties.But the group of his closest friends was shocked and amazed,to say the least,when Ezio declared that for this year there would be no big and crazy party:just a few weeks,all together,a sort of summer holiday,near a lake,in the middle of a forest.
And everyone,of course,expected that Ezio had rented an ultra-modern and very expensive house,but when they all arrived at the place of residence,they remained amazed:that infamous house,which the Italian had so long mentioned,was nothing more than a large,simple,two-storey wooden chalet.The outside of the house was surrounded by a thick layer of grass,decorated with many small colorful flowers,overlooked by large trees that partially covered the large lawn with their shade.A hammock had been tied right in the middle of two trees,and was slightly moved by the warm summer breeze.
The interior was spacious and furnished in a very simple way with wodden fornitures,and everything was more cozy and soft thanks to that small touch of vintage everywhere in the house:pendulum clocks,antique paintings hanging on all the walls,huge windows that illuminated immensely the large living room.The second floor was just where the numerous bedrooms were,as well as having a large and spacious balcony overlooking the majestic lake,giving a truly beautiful view.
In short,a truly delightful house,reserved and discreet,away from towns and cities.
Everyone,on the other hand,had found various activities and amusements to do:who,like Edward,Jacob,Ezio and Desmond,as soon as they arrived at the chalet,had lost no time and immediately dived into the lake,swimming and playing in the cool water;who,like Connor and Altaïr,had decided to take a walk in the woods near the chalet,looking for silence and peace,away from Jacob's screams,Edward's dirty jokes and Ezio's curses;who,like Evie and Arno,sat in the shadow of the mighty tall white poplars reading books,sometimes muttering something to each other;who,like Leonardo,spent most of his time painting the landscape around him.
Y/n instead spent the hours of the day alternating between being in everyone's company:swimmimg with the four boys in the lake,or walking together with Altaïr and Connor in the middle of the woods,or simply chatting with the two readers,or watching the painter paint his masterpieces.And,during the last hours of the evening,being together with Ezio,cuddling him,spending sweet and almost infinite moments with him,laying in the hammock next to him,laughing at his flirty comments,shivering at his reserved and gentle touches and blushing at his tempting and allouring glances.
The whole group was having fun,no one was bored,the days went by fast,and Ezio's birthday was getting closer and closer.Everything was normal.
"Santo Dio!" a heartrending scream of pain,coming from inside the chalet,interrupted the quiet of that mid-June afternoon.All of them had gathered in the large living room,standing around him.Curses and cries of pain had little to do with all that fuss:the real reason why the whole group had gathered in the living room was-as one might have imagined-for Ezio himself.
Once he was finally back from a full day at the lake,most of it spent sunbathing,everyone noticed how incredibly reddish his face had become-noticing however that he was wearing his t-shirt again.But he just shrugged it off,reassuring everyone by telling that it was 'completely normal',as if nothing happened.But the hours went by,and with them grew-more and more-the pain that became unbearable,impossible to ignore,the realization that became more and more vivid in his mind.And consequently,even his complaints and pain only grew:starting from barely audible groans to loud shouts,catching the attention of the whole group...who tried to do everything to help him,but in vain.
"Don't...don't touch me!" Ezio intimidated with a threatening voice,pointing a finger at all his friends who,a little surprised,a little worried-and even a little amused-were in front of him.
"Please,you need to take of your shirt off,Ezio!"  Y/n prayed him for the umpteenth time in an exasperated tone,slowly taking a few steps towards the guy,spreading her arms,wanting him to understand that she didn't have any bad intentions.
"I don't need to do anything!Leave me be!" Ezio shouted again with eyes burning with rage,backing away when he saw his fiancée approaching him,his flashing gaze wandering quickly over all his friends' faces.
"You are shouting like a girl,mate.Quit it" Edward's loud,bored and singing voice came from the kitchen,too busy rummaging through the fridge to turn around and look at the poor boy.
"Zitto Kenway!" the Italian apostrophied him,panting heavily,red in the face,drops of sweat running over his forehead,while he walked quickly back and forth in the living room,trying to avoid the looks and comments of everyone.
"Be a man and take that shirt off,you are complaining for nothing" Jacob replied in a careless,nonchalant voice,passing next to Ezio and then placing a heavy hand on his shoulder,purposedly giving some loud pats:smirking in a purely amused way when he saw the Italian hissing and groaning in pain.
"Don't.Touch.Me." Ezio repeated in a cold sharp-edged whisper,violently swatting the Bitish' hand away from his shoulder,watching Jacob chuckling and throwing himself on the couch,sitting beside Arno,who was silently observing the scene.
"Ezio please,try to be reasonable" even Leonardo tried to persuade his friend,thus beginning to talk to him,sometimes even murmuring something in Italian,gesturing from time to time.
Desmond,who in the meantime had returned from the kitchen and was holding a beer in his hand,entered the living room,confusedly looking at Ezio for brief moments,and then sitting down next to Arno
"So that's what Italians are like when they're angry,huh?They shout and insult you?" he asked in a whisper,raising an eyebrow,trying not to be heard from him,receiving instead a furious look that,if he had the power to kill,the young Miles would find himself lying on the wooden floor,dead.Desmond simply cleared his voice a couple of times,then opened his beer and drank a few sips,turning to his French friend when he heard him hide a mischievous smile.
"Not only when they are angry.They're always like that" Arno said,raising a corner of his lip in a bitterly amused smile when he looked up at Ezio,seeing him respond to the artist in a rather nervous,impatient manner.Y/n,meanwhile,had gathered all the patience and strength she could have in herself;she knew that the boy could be dramatic when these things happened:she knew him too well,and she knew she had to use gentle manners with him,not forcing him to do things he didn't want to do.
So,walking slowly towards Ezio once more,with a small,pure smile on her rosy lips,she stopped in front of him,looking into his fervent,deep,dark eyes:and when his shiny eyes met and locked with her e/c ones,the violent fire burning inside his gaze disappeared immediately,returning to the warm,calm,soft brown eyes that she loved.She sighed lightly,looking up at him.
"You have to take off your shirt,you'll only make things worse" the girl explained in a serious tone,but not scolding him and,rising on her tip toes she grabbed his head,slowly took the sunglasses out of his hair,placimg them on a small table next to the sofa."Let me help you,alright?" she proposed to him with a sweet,loving,caring smile,starting to raise the edges of his shirt.
He couldn't do anything.How could he refuse the help of the person who endured him and loved him most of all?He simply couldn't.So he got help from her,but some loud hiss and painful groans,while she tried to get ridd off of that shirt,couldn't miss.Once the girl finally managed to get the shirt off from him,she stepped backwards,e/c eyes widening,bringing her hands on her mouth,staying silent in front of him,amazement and genuine disbelief that formed in her face.
"Oh my God" Y/n couldn't help but let out a shocked sigh at the view of his body:he was completely and totally red,to say the least,burned.Ezio didn't seem to perceive how much he had been burned also,and above all,on his torso and abdomen:but the pains and burns only increased when he took off his shirt.The Italian began frantically to ask questions on questions to his friends who,either too shocked,or too amused,didn't answer him.
Desmond suddenly stood up on the sofa and looked for Connor,who had been sitting on a chair with his arms resting against the backrest until now,and then beckoned him to come closer:
"Hey Connor...come here and stand beside Ezio" Connor,for as much as he was a little reluctant and confused,did as he was asked,got up from his chair,and walked to the center of the living room,stopping next to Ezio.
Everyone watched the two boys in silence,until the young Miles suddenly burst into a loud and hilarious laugh.
"LOOK!He's the same color as your shirt,you could blend in Ezio!" he exclaimed,pointing at the poor guy,looking at his arms and chest and then squaring from head to toe Connor,who was wearing a bordeaux t-shirt:and,not exaggerating at all,all of Ezio's skin in his whole body was exactly of that dark red color.This joke unleashed the hilarity of the whole group,who began to laugh loudly,who more openly and who adding more jokes,who giggling confidently.
"Cosa?Fammi vedere!Non c'è un cazzo di specchio in questa cazzo di casa?!" Ezio shouted loudly,looking around frantically, tarting to speak Italian -probably not realizing it because of the fury and embarrassment he was feeling at the moment-he started to rum around all the rooms to find a mirror in which he could see himself;leaving everyone alone in the living room,he ran to the bathroom,and after a few moments another 'cazzo!' echoed in the chalet.
He returned from the bathroom,mumbling lowly,keeping on cursing and talking Italian,panting,completely and utterly red,tired and angry eyes glaring at everything and everyone around him.
"What are you laughing at,Altaïr?!" Ezio suddenly asked angrily,turning to the Syrian when he heard him laugh silently.He did not even deign to turn around and look at the guy,he just looked over his shoulder,grimacing when he saw all the sunburns on the Italian's body,for then returning to watch outside the window.
"You are getting angry with everyone here.It's only your fault." Ezio took an expression to say the least shocked,when he heard Altaïr blame him so blatantly.
"Why should it be my fault?When I was about to take the sun cream it was empty" Ezio defended himself promptly and assuming an authoritative tone,frowning."And I really wonder who consumed it all" he added,raising his voice,turning to Jacob and glaring at him.All of them followed the Italian's gaze,and the whole group focused on Jacob who,still sitting on the sofa, looked around confused.
"What?It's not my fault if Evie is bloody pale!" he suddenly replied,opening his arms theatrically,pointing to his sister who was sitting right in front of him on another armchair.Laughing cunningly,he quickly dodged the slipper she threw at him.
"Yes,I agree,it's only Ezio's fault" Desmond agreed,taking yet another sip from the beer,getting more comfortable on the couch. "I mean,you are Italian,dude"he replied back,leaning forward and resting both elbows on his knees,giving him a disappointed look.
"And what does it has to do with it?" Leonardo asked,purely curious.
"Shouldn't he be used?You know,all tan,Italy' sun,the heat,Mediterranean people" explained Desmond with a careless voice,gesturing a little with his hands,receiving yet another frosty and furious look from the Italian.Ezio rarely did become nervous,there were few times when he became angry:but he was not offended with his friends or by all the jokes they were telling him;he was just annoyed,tired by the burning that was all over his body.The pain was so acute and so strong that he couldn't even make a single simple move.He appreciated that everyone wanted to help him,but he had to admit that all that talking,all that chaos,didn't help him at all.
"It's no one fault,okay?"  Y/n said,slightly impatient,looking at the whole group and then giving a serious look at her boyfriend.But Arno didn't seem to hear her and,softly scoffing,put the book he was reading on the coffee tablet in front of him.
"Do I have to remind you that you yourself have said:'Oh I don't need the suncream'?" he replied in a decisive way,trying to imitate his friend's Italian accent at his best,looking straight into his flaming eyes.
Ezio remained silent,spechless:what the French guy said was nothing but the truth.Hours before,back in the morning,almost everyone-most of all Y/n-tried to convince him on putting some suncream on.But he didn't want to know anything about it,laughing and joking about how the others were so fragile in the sun's rays,bragging a little and feeling proud,proclaiming that he,Ezio Auditore,had no need of sunscream:and so,after swimming in the lake a couple of times,he lay in the sun,and stood there for hours,not moving,even falling asleep...only to find himself,later,in such a state.
"Don't be a smartass with me" Ezio threatened again,lowering his voice in a sharp sigh,pointing a finger at him.
"Otherwise?" Armo challenged him with his natural-old-boldness,quirking an eyebrow as he raised from the couch and took a few steps towards his friend.Ezio of course did not remain silent,to suffer the lecture of Arno,and began to respond fiercely against the provocation of the Frenchman.
"Can't we just try to solve this out without arguing for once?" Y/n suddenly exclaimed in a purely exasperated tone,putting herself between the two men and pushing them away,but receiving a hiss and a painful grunt from Ezio.
"Don't we have some medicenes here?" Evie then asked cautiously,interrupting the silence that had taken hold in the living room after the heated argument between the two guys.
"The only medicine it's alcohol" Edward answered blantatly,coming out of the kitchen with two cold beers in his hand. "Here you go mate" and threw one of the bottles at Ezio,who grabbed it quickly,looking confused and annoyed at the beer that the Welsh had thrown at him.
"I think we should go to the hospital" proposed Connor in a murmur,crossing his arm to his chest,taking on a genuinely worried look when he looked-again-at Ezio's body.
"Perfect!I'll drive.Let's go,shall we?" exclaimed Jacob cheerfully,clapping his hands loudly and smiling,excitement glistening inside his eyes,quickly taking the car keys from the coffee table.
"Yogurt," Desmond said seriously from all of a sudden,silencing everyone.
"What?" Y/n asked,wrinkling her eyebrows in a confused expression,approaching and kneeling next to him.
"We should use yogurt on these sunburns.It helps" continued the young Miles with a firm tone,showing to the young woman his phone,pointing at the screen.
"How can this help?" Altaïr asked in a skeptical tone,turning around and finally taking an interest in the matter.
"Yogurt refresh the sunburns,soften them and have a pleasant moisturizing effect" Y/n read aloud the information she read from the screen,scrolling on it for some more moments,for then giving it back to Desmond.The Syrian guy kept on giving a plain,cold and diffident glance at Miles,shaking his head in the mean time.
"Don't look at me like that,I found it on Internet" concluded Desmond showing his phone,for then shrugging,returning to lay his back on the couch.
"We can try.Do we have some yogurt left in the fridge?" Leonardo asked with curiosity,hoping for the best.
"If the big giant didn't eat them all..." Desmond joked loudly,raising from the couch,giving a playful pat behind the shoulder of his friend when he passed beside him,entering in the kitchen and opening the fridge.
"I only ate the coconut ones..." Connor justified himself in a low murmur,leaning his shoulder on the frame of the kitchen's door,lowering his eyes on the floor.
"You can find a lot of false thing on Internet though" the oldest Frye said,thinking about what Demsond read about using yogurt and other things as an help with sunburns.Jacob scoffed loudly,rolling his eyes in a dramatic way.
"Oh come on Evie!At least we'll be able to help that stubborn dumba..." but Jacob was suddenly and not a little violently interrupted by Ezio's loud and hoarse voice:
"BASTA!" the Italian yelled,making the silence return into the chalet and among his friends once his shout stopped echoing in the house.Everyone was motionless,nobody dared say anything,even Jacob refrained from making one of his jokes.Everyone looked at him in amazement,to say the least,intimidated,sometimes exchanging and casting fugitive glances.Ezio was there,motionless,eyes burning brightly,rapid breathing,red in the face,passing and placing his glare on everyone around him.
"Pasta?" Desmond asked confusedly,frowning and making a grimace.
"We are not going to the hospital,no one is going to put yogurt on me,I won't take any medicine!" Ezio proclaimed authoritatively,higly and stubborly denying any kind of help and refusing any kind of purposes.Taking his sunglasses from the coffee table,placing them on his head,he started to walk towards the door. "And you..." he stopped near the treshold of the kitchen,where Edward still was,before standing im fromt of the Welsh."You can keep your beer Edward" e,taking his hand,he forcefully gave the beer he threw at him before,for then storming out from the chalet.
Y/n-who since the moment Ezio began to shout had been silent as everyone else-was trying to reach him,but she felt a hand grasping her wrist and tugging her slightly,stopping her.Turning around,she found Arno beside her,his hand now resting on her shoulder,squeezing gently.
"Leave him be.He is angry,there's no way to let him reason now" he said to the girl,giving her a bitter and soft smile,nodding towards the window and letting her see that Ezio was outside,laying on the hammock...at least,trying to lay on it,for the sunburns he got all over his body didn't allow him to move,swearing and cursing for at least another hour.
A few hours passed by all what Jacob jokingly called an 'Italian tragedy'.It was late evening by now,almost midnight,and Ezio was still outside sitting on a chair near a wooden table not far from the front door:no one had dared disturb him,for fear of increasing his anger,or of unleashing something infectious.The Italian hadn't even come home for dinner,or for any other reason:he had stayed there for the rest of the day,first lying in a hammock,perhaps asleep,then sitting in a chair staring at nothing,occasionally trying to touch his shoulder or back to see if the pain still persisted.
No one seemed to care so much about him anymore.Apart from Y/n who,of course,was the most worried of all of them:she always turned her gaze towards the windows,trying to catch a glimpse of his form,trying to understand if he was still upset or if he had calmed down,but she certainly couldn't stand there,motionless,looking at him,doing nothing.So she decided to finally get out of the chalet,and try to let him reason,and calming him
Once outside,she gently closed the door behind her,looking for her boyfriend with her eyes,finding him sitting with his back to the chalet,eyes looking at the big,calm lake.The girl took a few steps forward,starting to walk as quietly as possible towards him.But he heard her.
"If there's somebody else then you all can go away," he coldly proclaimed in a loud and decise voice,not turning around and continuing to look at the lake.It was really a beautiful evening:sky full of stars,moon high in the sky,the water reflecting its dull and cold rays on its small waves,a light and fresh breeze made the branches of the trees move gently.
"I'll go away then" Y/n replied in a neutral tone,getting closer and closer until she found herself standing behind his reddish-shoulders.He turned around as soon as he heard her voice,looking at her in an astonished and tired way.
"You're the only person I want next to me even when I'm upset" Ezio murmured in a soothing,low voice,soft and warm brown eyes pleading her shiny e/c ones,her heart almost melting when she heard such a gentle,and utter loving phrase leaving his lips.Her Ezio was back.
"Vieni qui" he whispered,opening his arms,stretching an arm out,gently grabbing her by her waist and delicately letting her sit on his lap.Muscular arms wrapped around her form,pulling her closer,not caring about the pain that action was causing him,just holding her as close as possible,face buried in her chest,snuggling his stubble against her soft flesh,smiling against her skin when he heard her giggling.
She deteached away from him,looking at him before giving him a smile when,as she was caressing his cheek,he leaned his face on her palm,almost wanting to be lulled after such a long,tiring day.He opened his eyes after a while,fixing some strands of h/c hair that were falling in front of her.
"I'm sorry" the Italian whispered suddenly,giving his beloved a look full of guilt and embarrassment.One of the things Y/n adored about Ezio was his honesty and humility:he knew when he was wrong,he knew when to apologize and he knew perfectly well when to do so."I wasn't angry with you all...I was just tired and nervous because I got all thesw fottute sunburns" he explained in a serious voice,squeezing her hips.He could read in his deep eyes how purely sorry he was.She gave him a small smile,leaning in and leaving a chaste kiss upon his lips.
"I,we know,Ezio.No one is mad at you" Y/n reassured him in a soothing and quiet voice,leaning down to kiss him again,with more passion,paying attention to where she put her hands,so as not to hurt him.
Ezio still  was whispering apologies near her ear,caressing her,kissing her,thanking her.But she got up from his highs after a while and,after looking at him seriously,the girl leaned towards the table next to them,holding an object that Ezio had not noticed until now.
"It's yogurt.Desmond tried to see if it could really help,and apparently,it could," Y/n explained,raising the yogurt jar in her hand and showing it to him,who in response sighed loudly and deeply,throwing his head back,almost looking in defeat.But despite his reaction,Ezio sat down composedly on the chair and nodded.
The girl laughed purely amused and,opening the jar,she took some yogurt on both hands,and began to smear it on his shoulders and on his red,scalded back;at first groans and hiss,his skin still too sensible and damaged,but after a while,when she started to delicately massage his shoulders with the fresh,cold yogurt,he sighed,relieved.He hummed,closing his eyes,throwing his head back.
"Quanto posso amarti?" he asked in Italian,sounding so hoarse when he-once again-groaned when her small hands slided down from his shoulders to his warm chest.
"Shouldn't you be giving a message to me?" Y/n asked him back in a sarcastic tone,leaning down,whispering that near his ear,hearing the entrance door being opened and closed.
"But it's my birthday today" Ezio answered in a mellifluous tone,claiming to be offended,giving a sad grimace to his lover,who just laughed loudly,for then suddendly returning serious.
"Who told you I don't have a gift for you?" Y/n inquires with a low and semsual voice,leaning more near him,her hands sliding down on his torso,almost tickling him,her lips on his definite jaw,feeling him almost shivering.
And just when he was about to answer her,he stopped when he saw all the others walking towards the table,singing the infamous song:it was,in fact,midnight,and it was Ezio's birthday.Jacob walked in front of everyone,holding a large pizza in his hands,on which were added candles.Once they arrived near the birthday boy,the British placed the pizza on the table in front of Ezio who,with happy eyes,looked at what was to be his birthday cake.
"We didn't have the time to go in the nearest city and buy a cake,so we make a true Italian pizza..." Connor explained with a ghostly smile on his lips,nodding towards the plate.
"For an angry,burnt italian man" concluded Arno with sarcastic voice,raising a corner of his mouth in a cheeky grin,smiling at Ezio.
"I tell you,we aren't even sorry" added Edward with a proud smile,placing his hands on his hips.
"Pizza cake" Desmond said,spreading his arms in a theatrical gesture,but Jacob promptly interrupted him,raising a hand and shushing the young Miles.
"We talked about this before,Des.It's birtday pizza.No discussion," Jacob replied,speaking seriously to say the least. "It is law!" he then proclaimed,roughly smashing his fist in the table,making the flame of the candles tremble.
Ezio heard Y/n laughing behind him,her hands were now wrapped gently around his neck.Pressing a long,chaste kiss on his bearded cheek,she whispered to him:
"The surprise has to wait"
"Santo Dio!" = Good God;
"Zitto" = Shut up;
"Cosa?Fammi vedere!Non c'è un cazzo di specchio in questa cazzo di casa?!" = What?Let me see!There's not a fucking mirror in this fuckint house?!;
"Basta!" = Enough;
"Vieni qui" = Come here;
"Quanto posso amarti?" = How much can I love you?
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leqclerc · 4 years
i just adore your i want everything playlist!! if you wanted, could you tell us what made you pick each song and if there was a specific race that came to mind with them? (i was def thinking of bahrain for the first few songs!) love you 💛💛
Oh 🥺 First of all thank you so much 👉🏻👈🏻 I’m glad you liked it! 💕 Secondly, that’s a fantastic question and I’ll happily share my little, uh, director’s commentary. You’re spot on about the first few songs being based around Charles joining Ferrari and his first races in red, with the highs and lows of Bahrain obviously being a sort of character development milestone for him. In my head the playlist loosely chronicles his development throughout the 2019 season - although there’s a bit of 2020 creeping in there too, especially towards the end.  
1. Suzi Wu - Taken Care Of 
Use it to admit I’m not strong in a place where I feel invincible/Got some brand new shoes/I’ve got nothing left to lose/Baby don’t you know I just cruise/In a place where I feel invincible/Mama, Papa love me, I think so anyway/Mama, Papa love me, at least that’s what they say/Mama, Papa love me/I am a beautiful disgrace/I am so beautiful
Those lyrics just scream Charles to me, tbh. “Brand new shoes” and “nothing left to lose” made me think of Charles finally wearing red like he’s always dreamed and feeling both the elation and the pressure of being a Ferrari driver. There’s that high of feeling so self-assured and invincible, immediately followed by doubt and self-criticism, which, like you pointed out, has major Bahrain vibes.
2. Huntar - Expectations
Crawl, scrape your knees until you've won. Run, till doubt is filling up your lungs, it's always preying on the young/I try to drown it out, I still hear the sound/ Beating in my brain, running through my veins, I’ll never be the same/And oh, will it ever be enough?
Again, pretty self-explanatory. After he was signed some people were already skeptical, doubting if he’ll be able to handle the pressure of driving for Ferrari, up against a seasoned four-time world champion, wondering if maybe he got promoted too quickly. I’m sure he’s wondering that himself at the start of the season.
3. King Princess - Tough On Myself
Nobody told me to sit down and shut up and take this shit slowly/ I get too tough on myself/Sitting alone, making fun of myself
Another song in the same vein. Charles has admitted many times that he used to be quite impatient and wanted everything to quickly fall into place, and that often meant he was too hard on himself after making a mistake. 
4.  Josef Salvat - alone
Secretly I’m not as sordid as I say I am/I’m bursting at the seams waiting to hear again how great I am/ Doing my best to juice the last out of my youth before it ends/I wish I’d done it a bit better, kept my cool around the bends/ How can you leave me just right when my head and I can’t be alone?
This feels like post-Bahrain, or maybe even post-Baku. Obviously, Charles has definitely got a thing for praise and loves to seek approval from those he looks up to, people whose opinions he values. But again that’s contrasted with his tendency to self-flagellate when he makes an error.
5. L.A. Rose - Heat 
It’s not passion till you bleed a little for it/It’s not real its its gone and you no longer holding on to it/If we want to get close then we’ll need to get lost in the heat of it
This song, in my mind, marks the start of the “evil” arc. Monaco was pretty much a write-off, which hurts doubly in Charles’s case as it’s his home race and for the past few years he’s had shit luck on that track. Post-Monaco he had a good run, with three podiums in a row (France, Canada, Austria.) I think the general consensus is that Austria was sort of the beginning of that evil arc, with Max’s aggressive move being deemed legal by the stewards. It’s kind of a pivotal moment for him, having this victory snatched away in the final laps like that. I think it really made him sit down and re-evalute his strategy going forward - notice how he becomes visibly more daring and aggressive in his overtaking maneuvers after this, notably in his rematch against Max in Silverstone. What happened in Austria and how he felt afterwards shaped him going forward and sort of set the stage for the back half of the season and all the drama and controversy to come. 
6. Elley Duhé - Lost My Mind
A pain seeking, strange feelin’s taking over me/Please don’t judge me/I am acting, acting differently/Please always love me/Even though I lost my mind/Wake up, survive/I will get better, yeah, one day at a time/Something ain’t right, I lost my mind/But I could get better, one day at a time
This is kind of a follow-up to that, touching on that shift that occurs between Austria and Silverstone and shapes him going forward. Even if he knows something’s off in his behaviour he keeps at it, still in pursuit of a maiden victory.
7. Miki Ratsula - Wicked 
Maybe you’re already too broken/Maybe you can never see/Imma waste my time on this wicked feeling/These hands been burned too many times/Save my mind from the pain you’re dealing/Cut ties as I pick up on the signs/ I was way below the surface, I was hurting/Tell me how does it feel now
Another sort of darker song. I think this would work for that stretch around Belgium and Italy. He’s adding to his pole position collection, and in Spa he finally gets his first taste of victory (albeit tainted by the circumstances.) But victory goes hand in hand with more erratic, questionable behaviour and controversies (the qualy drama in Monza, for example, and then the whole black and white flag shenanigans during the race.) 
8. Halsey - Don’t Play
Alone out in Saint-Tropez/ Lookin’ as fine as a damn Monet/Tryna hydrate on Perrier/Everybody thirsty, drinks on me/ I’m moving on, I’m getting paid/I’m on my own, I had some space to deal with it/I’m moving on, it’s getting late/Go and grab someone and find a place to deal with it/Motherfucker, don’t play with me
He won in Spa, he wins in Monza. Prince of Ferrari, king of Monza. He’s a Grand Prix winner now. He’s been dubbed Il Predestinato and so far appears to be living up to the moniker. Obviously he gets a bit carried away with the hype of it all, starts feeling more confident as a person and as a driver, finally feeling like his hard work is paying off and he’s getting the results he deserves. Also I’m not sure about the exact timeline but I think the whole breakup thing might’ve happened around this time as well. Maybe he’s a bit sharper, a bit meaner now, more guarded, but isn’t that just a winner’s mentality?
9.  BONNIE X CLYDE - Bad Behavior
Taste like honey when we kiss/Weʼll be sinners you and I/Leave you with no alibi/Meet me at my bad behaviour/I know that youʼll thank me later/Everything you have is mine
Another “evil” arc song. I can see this being set around the Singapore-Russia stretch, with the “I want everything, I just think it’s not fair” radio message in Singapore and then the team strategy drama again in Russia. If you have shipping goggles on you can also assume Seb and Charles are having angry, no-strings-attached hookups around this time. 
10. Hayley Kiyoko - Demons
Don’t bother me, my misery/It’s holding me, won’t let me speak/Please forgive me, I've got demons in my head/Tryna eat me, tryna feed me lies until I’m dead/You can’t go and pray this type of pain away/ I feel like I can’t breathe, I feel like I can’t sleep/How did I not see? I’m unwell
Okay, this one’s just really vibey. And it plays on the whole fanon headcanon that Charles is some kind of demonic entity - there were a lot of fics being written around late 2019 about Charles making hellish deals and sacrificing his soul, being a demon, etc. I love the “How did I not see I’m unwell” part because maybe he does realise he’s acting in...strange, often disconcerting ways, but he’s in too deep now and he doesn’t know how to not to be like this.
11. PVRIS - Gimme a Minute 
A year of lows spent so high/Feeling like I’m out of time/Inner peace is hard to find/They’re asking why/I think I’m losing my mind/Just gimme a minute, gimme a minute/Thought I got through it, maybe I didn’t/Thought it was over, maybe it isn’t/Break a heart, the whole body falls apart/You will never know how far/I came broken from the start/You should know, but you don’t
Kind of skipping ahead now but this is giving me 2020 vibes, everything from “a year of lows spent so high” (I was considering using this line for the title of my fic, actually, but then went with something else), the whole “they’re asking why” thing...He’s trying his best but even that isn’t enough sometimes; the performance just isn’t there, he and Seb are living on borrowed time now that he’s leaving the team, and Charles has doubts about whether Ferrari will improve in time for him to win that coveted WDC, or if he’ll just be another name in a long line of drivers who failed to secure a title with the red team.
12. Fog Lake - Push
I don’t wanna be alone right now/God, I wish it was little bit later/Think I’d rather be asleep right now/Dream about some mistake I made/That’s why I spend each day just trying to get my head on straight/Think I’ll try just a little bit harder/Some people they waste their time/While others just play to stay/I don’t wanna do either of those things, I just wanna make it stop
This one’s slower and kind of moodier and I can easily imagine this playing in the background after Turkey - the grey sky, the rain, Charles’s self-loathing and guilt and anguish at making a mistake and throwing away what could’ve been a rare podium in an otherwise unremarkable season.
13. Phoebe Green - Maniac
Your fragile heart and your paper skin/Such a beautiful boy filled with so much sin/Your reflection is your very worst enemy/Behind the glass is an angel, but the devil’s beneath/You’re so lonely, choked on money/Do you ever feel like you completely?/You’re so quiet, eyes look tired/You look like you’re barely alive/You’re so pretty when you’re spitting in the sink, but you can’t think straight
I think thematically this one’s more 2019 than 2020 but it sonically fit better down here, towards the end of the playlist. The first time I heard it I was floored by how well the lyrics fit with all these fanon headcanons about !depressed Charles and how he’s wallowing in misery and has all these unhealthy coping mechanisms. 
14. Amber DeLaRosa - Burden
I could always be better/ I’m just a burden and I need your love/I’m so uncertain, tired of yearning/ I’m just a call for love, but you can’t get closer/Somehow I’m always too much, yet never enough
We’re getting into the last few songs and they’re definitely on the shippy side. This one’s just peak pining, emotionally constipated Charles, wanting something Seb can’t necessarily give him. Also heavy on self-loathing.
15. Saro - Please 
Please let me be the promise that you keep/Offering my soul for something real/A sacrifice to feel/Please let me be the weakness in your knees/Part me from my heart, my fate is sealed/A sacrifice so I can feel/ Don’t call me a mistake, don’t throw me away/Maybe our time is up, maybe I’m not enough
My personal favourite from this playlist, hands down. Intensely pining Charles, trying to make the best of his time with Seb, knowing they don’t have much of it left. I --- god, I can see him, like, getting on his knees and offering himself and just wanting to give himself to Seb completely and---fuck. Massive see you falling fic vibes.
16. 5 Seconds of Summer - Lonely Heart
Down on my knees, I’ll always follow/I promise you until the end of time/If you leave me in the morning I’ll have such a—Such a lonely heart/If you can’t find another reason to stay, then I know I’m gonna always have a lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely heart/ Your precious heart, can’t watch it break/So I close my eyes while you walk away/Can I have a second chance? Can I have another dance? Can I start another life with you?/When I wake up in a haze and I haven't slept in days you’re a thousand miles away
I’ll be honest, I never really paid much attention to 5SOS, but someone linked me their playlist and they had “Red Desert” on it and...honestly the more I listened to their new album the more it hit me that so many of their songs have Sebchal vibes? And also they’re just, like, vibey. I already used “Lover Of Mine” on my Sebchal playlist, and here’s another song. Kind of an angsty ending, but fitting imo.
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seventeenlovesthree · 4 years
THANK YOU SO MUUUUCH!! YOU ARE AN ANGEL!! (The picture on its own ist gold, that you went to all this trouble to translate!! It's GREATLY appreciated! All love to you!! He's making a good point, too, isn't he? I'm happy to see he's quite eloquent beyond the soundbites! Thank you again!!)
Okay, gotta share the story first: I live in a rather small town and went to pick up some Amazon packages from a locker and thought, hey, why not looking for the magazine? I checked five (!) different places and neithet of those had it! I then went on the website and iiiiif I understood them correctly, they don't distribute them at the moment in order to prevent people from leaving home, but rather deliver them or offer them online. Which made me have two trains of thoughts: 1. That's amazing. 2. ... Damn it, so much for you staying home. I straight up returned home and ordered the issue online. And here you go!
You're welcome! It was just one page, so it was no big deal, especially since I found myself nodding all the time. First of all, because Bayern l i t e r a l l y never fully suceeded (read: win the treble and/or perform in an almost invincible fashion) if they don't appear as a unit/family. See season 2012/2013 under Jupp Heynckes and season 2019/2020 under Hansi Flick as examples - Pep, Ancelotti and Kovac all struggles to unite the team and some individuals always managed to stick out in unpleasant ways... (And the same goes for the NT, but psssssst.)
Second, he absolutely hits a nerve. Granted, I barely manage to watch any matches these days and rely on highlights and summaries very often, but daaaamn - the cult revolving around specific players on social media is just insane. You know, the Ronaldo/Messi era still isn't fully over, but these two (plus maybe Neymar) now have always been around. It's downright insane how easily and quickly (mainly) attacking players get hyped in a matter of minutes and by God, he makes such a good point here. (And if anyone witnessed the fan wars between followers of Kroos, Aubameyang and Özil for example knows what I mean.)
I sent this bit to @mertes4cker as well and both her and I agree that he somehow sounds like Per in this regard. I know the bits and pieces I post aren't widely received, but I am so fascinated by how hard these guys really try to raise awareness and make a change for the future. Granted, for now, they can just warn, but Per is already actively trying to influence the youth at Arsenal and that is so great. (Speaking of which, whenever someone shares his highlights of the FA Cup final 2016/2017 of Arsenal against Chelsea, I instantly retweet, because that was his magnum opus and what will cement his status as legend in the memory of Arsenal fans and that is all I need.)
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giantmuschroom · 5 years
The dramas i love!
1) not everyrhing i saw, just the one i love
2) only kdramas
The oldies
My Girl (2005) the first ever drama i watched, didn't know a word in english
Full House (2004) it on YT, go watch it
GOONG (2006 or Princess Hours)
Coffe prince (2007)
My lovely Kim Sam Soon (2005)
Iljimae (2008)
And now the good stuff (according to me)
Shining inheritance
City Hall
Invincible Lee Pyun Kang
You're Beautiful
Honorable mentions: Boys over flowers (it's stupi, but classic), Creating destiny, High kick 2, Return of Iljimae
Baker king Kim Tak Goo
My girlfriend is a Gumiho
Oh my lady
Prosecutor princess
Sungkyunkwan scandal
The woman who still wants to marry
Obgyn doctors
Flower boy ramyun shop
Deep rooted tree
Vampire prosecutor
Scent of woman
City hunter
Baby faced beauty
Can you hear my heart
49 days
Dream high
My princess
King 2 hearts
Ma boy
Arang and the magistrate
Gaksital (Bridal mask)
Queen In Hyuns man
Moon that embraces sun
Wild romance
Dishonorable mention: Dream High 2
Prime ministr and I
Good doctor (they made american show of it)
Who are you (the one with Taecyeon)
I can hear your voice
Lee Soon Shin is the best
Swedish laundry
Tomorrow Cantabile
Surplus princess
Fated to love you
Joseon Gunman
You're all surrounded
Emergency couple
Splash Splash love
Imaginary cat
Oh my Venus
She was pretty
Twenty again
Scholar who walks the night
Oh my ghost
Remember you (the one with Seon In Guk)
School 2015
Cinderella and four knights
Age of youth
Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo
Lets fight ghosts (Bring it on ghost)
Shopping king Louis
Beautiful mind
38 task force
Moon lovers Scarlet heart Ryeo
Beautiful Gong Shim
Laurel tree tailors
Mirror of the witch
Page turner
Honorable mention: Descendants of the sun(it's good drama, but i never understood the hype), Hwarang (more bromance, less romance and it could be such a good drama)
Black knight
Doubtful victory
Prison playbook
Because this is my first life
While you were sleeping
The best hit
Suspicious partner
Radiant office
Queen of the ring
Steong woman Do Bong Soon
Rebel: Thief who stole the people
Voice (season 1)
Honorable mentions: Criminal minds, Fight for my way, Man to man, Chief Kim
Hymn of death
Clean with passion for now
The last Empress (i hate this, but i love this)
Mama fairy and the woodcutter
Where stars land
Terius behind me
Devilish Joy
My ID is Gangnam beauty
Thirty but seveteen (Still 17)
Are you human too
A poem a day
Welcome to waikiki
Honorable mentions: My strange hero, Thirs charm (it will break your heart), To Jenny, What's wrong with secretary Kim
Extraordinary you
The great show
Moment at eighteen
Class of lies
Hotel del Luna
Angels last mission love
Her private life
He is psychometric
Romance is a bonus book
The Crowned Clown
Honorable mentions: Tales of Nokdu, Flower crew, Rookie historian Goo Hae Rung
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