#Internet 2.0 Conference
internet2conf · 2 years
Internet 2.0 Conference Addresses Banking Fraud At Its Winter Edition
As technology advances, fraudsters use various tactics to exploit banks, customers, and individuals. Although fraud can happen in all types of financial organizations, banks are more vulnerable because of the high volume of transactions. As many transactions are now conducted over the internet, such as internet banking, making it easier for fraudsters to steal confidential information. Internet 2.0 Conference at its Winter Edition emphasized the need for customers to be aware of cyber attacks and data breaches as banking fraud is becoming increasingly common. Let's discuss some of the fraudsters' approaches and strategies in detail that can help detect and avoid such fraud in 2023.  
 ATM Fraud
 Automated teller machines (ATMs) are a popular target for fraudsters. Common methods of ATM fraud include card skimming, shoulder surfing, cash trapping, and card trapping. 
Card skimming involves using a device to record credit or debit card details. 
Shoulder surfing is where someone watches another person's PIN number being entered into the ATM. 
Cash trapping involves jamming the ATM's money dispenser, meaning customers cannot withdraw cash from the machine. 
Card trapping involves a fraudster inserting an object into the ATM, which prevents customers from removing their card.
Leaders at the Internet 2.0 Conference suggested people be more vigilant while swapping their cards at ATMs. You never know who is following you and waiting for you to make a mistake which these fraudsters can take advantage of. 
 Phishing and Social Engineering
 Another banking fraud highlighted at the Internet 2.0 Conference was a phishing and social engineering scam. It is used by criminals to acquire confidential information such as login details, passwords, and banking information. Phishing is an email-based attack in which fraudsters attempt to acquire sensitive information by disguising themselves as trusted entity. On the other hand, social engineering is a form of psychological manipulation in which fraudsters use deception or manipulation to acquire confidential information.
The tech experts highlighted at the Internet 2.0 Conference that people shouldn't share any sensitive information with strangers even if they claim to offer some exciting schemes. Don't fall for such traps that offer you quick wins, as that's usually a scammy feature! 
 Credit Card Fraud
 Credit card fraud involves using credit cards to gain goods or services illegally. It can involve someone stealing a credit card and using it without permission or using stolen credit card details to make online purchases. Customers should be vigilant and aware of suspicious activity.
Internet 2.0 Conference asks users not to share their credit cards and information with anyone online. In case of a misplaced credit card, report the authorities quickly and block it to prevent misuse. Also, avoid purchasing things with your credit cards on unknown websites, as fraudsters can hack these websites easily or are already associated with them. 
 Banking fraud is a serious issue and should not be taken lightly. Banks should ensure that their security measures are robust enough to protect their customers from fraud. Customers must take the necessary precautions to protect their money and identity. One can attend tech events in 2023, like the Internet 2.0 Conference in the USA and Dubai, to learn more about ways to protect oneself from emerging digital fraud and scam offenses.   
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
Wouldst THou be okay with questions???
What’s your favourite thing to do at 2am (follow up question, fic recs??????)
'Course! I has puts blanket permission it on le pinned post.
Read/write fics. Unquestionably. And eat junk food (like ferrero rochers *cough cough*). If i was alone in the house at 2 am, i would probably be singing out as loud as i could.
But *sigh* I end up doing schoolwork half the time. The other half I'm laying in my bed, and sleep-deprived me takes over and magically produces a fic and its outline leaving daytime-me to write it out and expand on it.
Fic recs... hmmm... Lemme go visit my bookmarks and link the links here.
Okay, so Repletion by sardnoic-sprite is rlly good. Actually lol, im providing analyzations + some minor info and ideas on the 2.0 version of the fic to sprite rn. In this one, Uncle Edward does exist and is a certified asshole and abuser. He tries to control Tim and keep him away from the Bats and threatens to hurt Tim real bad if the Bats try to contact him.
Zugzwang by sardonic sprite is rlly good too! Very hurty. Much angst. Ra's captures the batfam and challenges Tim to a game of chess. Each move is dangerous. A small mistake puts any of the Bats at risk. And Tim has to predict which batfam member will get hurt depending on which chess piece he moves.
And the whole series of Celebrity Batwaynes by sardonic-sprite is rlly good too! It had me cracking up so much. But ofc there's angst there too, but mostly crack and i adore this series with my life. It's about the Gotham vigilantes, some rogues, and the Waynes doing internet challenges like Buzzfeed quizzes and other stuff too.
My Mummy Has Tattoos by I_is_a_fangirl_yee is v v angsty. And yes, im being prejudiced rn but what im not being prejudiced abt is the fact that i screamed out loud in class while beta-ing this fic.
Now, The Dream Of Flight by A_Canceled_Stamp is an excellent fic I will never stop yakking about. The plot is literally just Tim falling off a building. But the writing? The emotions captured within the writing, the pure act of storytelling through actions described by text is something out-of-the-world.
I adore Instead Of All The Colors I Saw by SilverSkiesAtMidnight. It deals with Tim dealing with the aftermath of Titans Tower and his relationship with Jason and oof- the angsty dialogue is PEAK.
All of Vamillepudding's works. Well, at least the Batman ones, those are the only ones i've read. But they are all. Just. So. Good. The writing and oh- the ideas especially. Definitely some of the greatest Tim joins the batfam early fics to ever have existed.
Living Dead Boy by Terranphuem. *SCREAMS*. This fic. Let me tell you, this fic. It reached into my heart, grabbed it and teared it out then bandaged it and put it back in again. It's about Tim encountering Jason from when he just rose from the grave. And Jason's catatonic and everything and Tim helps him all by himself (with special help a little later) to make him "good enough" to return back to Bruce. SUCH A GOOD READ ISTG.
untitled titan's tower fic #89268439 by Ashynarr. It's, as the title says, a TT fic, but in this one, Jason finds Tim's old fanfiction account and tortures him by rereading some stuff from there to Tim XD Doesnt get the attention it deserves imo.
come back home please by PurpleHeartsOne. Gosh, the writing in this one... it is Up There with the Greats. I love how the emotions is captured so well here and also how smoothly the progression of chapters goes! The character development and- oh! The character reveal! Ahhhhh! Please do mind, it is still incomplete 8/10 chapters rn.
sipping the piping hot tea by BlueTee. In this one, Tim sips tea and destroys Jason instead of Titans Tower happening. Gosh, i loved the nonverbal reactions so much 😂
Conference Room 2B by motelyfam. It's part of a series, but it's so good, it deserves its own special appearance. Big bro Jason Todd! And theater kid Jason Todd! They're both in here!!
of crime lords and literature by adelfie. Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! The writing! The fucking- *slams table* THE WRITING!! It's a TT AU where Tim asks help from Jason for English h.w. There's more obviously, but that's where the plot starts. It is. so good.
don't drop the baby (i'm the baby) by Ms_Trickster. I will never ever ever shut up about this. I read this twice and both times I teared up. Both times. This fic means a lot to me on a personal level. Basically, Tim accidentally time-travels and meets a baby version of himself.
Late Night encounters by paperxcrowns. Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh! I adore this fic! Not only is the writing especially good, but the story line, the slow and smooth and excellent progression of events and character! Ahhhh! It's about Tim meeting Jason accidentally at a cafe and him somehow accidentally helping Tim with his homework and becoming friends.
just be there by TaraLaurel is so so good. I wrote a fic inspired by it (it's Shiver btw, the title of the inspired fic). Heck, I love all the batfam fics written by them (I haven't read the other fandom fics). This one is touch-starved tim drake and who doesn't love touch-starved tim drake! But more particularly, the writing. The fucking- writing. I'm like, the person who reads fanfics, but the ones with good fucking writing become my favorite cuz then i can kinda read it again and learn from it yk? It's like, looking up to people. And I look up to this author. How they describe emotions through nonverbal actions and verbal actions and subtle actions but also the inner monologue as well. Love it all.
Lastly, I've been saving this for the end. Rebel Without A Clause by DangerBeckett. This fic covers topics like classism and has Deep Stuff in it which is so so fun to read! I started commenting from the third chapter. Then by the fifth chapter, my two-sentence comments turned to two-page comments. As did with so many other commenters. I love the author and their writing. It is truly top tier. I love the character development going on too and the retrospection of topics and events through fiction and fandom. Truly excellent. Honestly. I can go on and on. And I have! It's about Tim meeting the batfam through galas and slowly getting adopted by them. It's in-progress still.
Those were too many fics probably lol. But I kept going through my bookmarks like "Oh! I forgot about that one! It was so fun". Happy reading! Thanks for the ask! ^^
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every-bad-thing · 1 year
You Run Out of Sky
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(modified from "Stars glitter in the night sky above Earth's atmospheric glow" by NASA Johnson is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.) On a clear, cold night you notice: the sky is missing some stars. There are still thousands and thousands and thousands, of course. But some seem strangely absent. Like Orion's Belt: everything else is there, but the center belt piece isn't. Or the Big Dipper: there were only three stars in the handle. And the North Star was nowhere to be found. There must be some light obscuring them, you think, maybe reflected off the moon. But a few nights pass, and though the moon gets slimmer, the stars never return. Maybe it's your angle. That must be it. So, just to be sure, you walk around for a while. You still can't see them. In fact, you notice even more stars missing: Orion doesn't even have a belt anymore, and the Big Dipper lost another star in its handle. You start taking pictures of the night sky regularly. Looking through them all a few weeks later confirms what you suspected. It's tough to see, but every night there are fewer stars. One may be there one night, but the next it's just an empty black space. From what you can tell, about four or five stars disappear per night. Which of course leaves all the rest that still fill the sky, but that doesn't mean you're not concerned.
You do what most people do today and search the Internet to see if anyone else has seen this. You find an academic paper--a whole series of academic papers, really--written by scientists talking about this very thing. This is how you find out this has apparently been going on for the past two years. There have already been several conferences on the matter, and the EU formed a task force to investigate it last February. How did you never find out about this? Well, you reason, you never searched for whether the stars are disappearing from the night sky before either. You just kind of assumed, like everyone else besides these scientists apparently, they weren't.
With some effort you read the papers and find out that the scientists have no idea why this is happening either. Maybe some chain reaction caused by a dying star? Maybe rogue black holes? Maybe anti-matter? Maybe some devastating alien war? Maybe a massive star-eating space creature? There's a lot of theories. No facts. And absolutely no clue on what to do about it, or even if there is anything that can be done about it or should be done about it. No one really knows anything.
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( "Stars in the Night Sky" by thecrazyfilmgirl is licensed under CC BY 2.0. ) A few more months pass and more stars are gone from the sky. You keep taking pictures. Now it seems stars are disappearing about ten or fifteen at a time. Whole constellations are wiped out. The night sky is now pocked with empty voids like holes in a sheet. One day you watch a bunch of scientists on the news saying they still don't know why the stars are vanishing. The reporter looks surprised and says wait a minute, the stars are vanishing? And the scientists look back and ask how did you not know about this? We've been working on this problem for almost three years! There's over 120 peer reviewed articles on the subject, there's another conference planned in Geneva next March, we're forming a consortium with astronomers in China and the US, like, how is this all news? The reporter shrugs.
A year passes. The sky is a lot more empty than it was before and it's getting emptier. At this point there are maybe half as many as there used to be. Hundreds are going missing every single night. They seem to go in clumps now, whole sections of the sky emptied out at once. You've been following this on the news pretty intensely. But every time you mention it to someone else--at a party or at work or chatting with someone on line at the grocery store--they're always so surprised. The stars? They're really disappearing? Sometimes it happens at night and you can actually point it out to them. Whenever you do, their eyes always go wide and they always say they never really noticed before. They usually ask, do the scientists know what's going on? You tell them that the consortium, which now includes scientists from all over the world, has managed to rule out a lot of theories (like, it can't be black holes because we don't see light bending near the sites of the disappearances) but don't really have solid answers. Maybe at the next conference in Sao Paolo.
Another year passes and the sky is almost completely empty, just a small sprinkling of stars left remaining. And then, one night, there were none at all. This is the point where, suddenly, everyone is starts freaking out, and asking what does this mean, and what do they do, and why did no one tell them, why are they just finding out about this now. Some people, including yourself, say they've known about this for years and there's been all sorts of things written about it, but they are seen as annoying and not listened to at all. Because why would they? The stars are gone and all those scientists that everyone said was so smart couldn't do nothin' about it neither, people tend to say in different ways. Where'd all those smarts getcha? Huh? Because those stars are gone!
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They lash out because they're scared and confused, not because they're really mean people (with exceptions, of course). Still, they do have a point. What now? There's no more stars except our own, apparently the last star in existence. Everything else is a dark and empty void. Telescopes pick up nothing. Radio scans pick up nothing. Heat maps show just a uniform cold darkness. Why were we last? Was it something to do with our star, our solar system, us? Or was it completely random? The scientists had no answers. But they knew, soon, they'd have at least one. Because now that ours is the only star left, it's only a matter of time before whatever got all the others comes for ours too. And as much as people everywhere develop a sick feeling of cosmic dread, they're at least looking forward to finally finding out what it is.
Until then, however, all anyone can do is wait. It will come eventually. Whatever it is. Every Terrible Thing That Could Possibly Ever Happen will return. Eventually.
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xceltecseo · 2 years
What is Apple ARKit Overview and Its Features Highlights
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The era of augmented reality and virtual reality has only recently begun. But their use cases are still expanding in 2019. Apple just launched the updated Apple ARKit, which enables AR developers to create more detailed AR experiences for mobile devices. Let's learn about the highlights of Apple ARKit's features in more depth.
What is an Apple AR kit:
AR stands for augmented reality, and ARKit is the iOS mobile device development platform. The consumer doesn't have to worry because Apple developers mostly use the ARKit framework. For the iPad and iPhone, ARKit enables AR developers to create cutting-edge AR experiences.
Apple created the ARKit library in 2017. It enabled the creation and construction of mobile apps employing AR technology.
We can view virtual items in the actual world through the camera using AR apps.
A 2D or 3D element is added to the user experience in augmented reality (AR) so that it can be seen in real time through a mobile camera and appear to be a part of the physical world.
Without leaving your home, you may use 2D and 3D AR to see how the flower pot will look on your drawing room table. With 2D AR, you can add overlays that react in real time to geographic location or visual elements.
ARKit 2.0 was presented by Apple during the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in 2018. A slew of brand-new APIs and functionality for AR development are included in ARKit 2.0.
ARKit uses motion sensors in conjunction with visual data from cameras to track objects in the real world.
What’s new in ARKit 2?
A new component in ARKit has improved and made it even better to use. The app developer now has new possibilities to incorporate into their core development principles. Let's examine the advancements in ARKit 2.
Persistent Experiences
You can maintain an augmented reality environment and objects that are linked to real-world spaces and things, such as toys and office spaces. So, you can pick off were you last left off. Now that AR stores the sessions, the user can begin playing chess on a table and resume it at a later time with the game still in progress.
Shared Experiences
Many people engage in internet gaming. The AR apps are not exclusive to a particular individual. iOS devices can now be used by many users at once to see augmented reality experiences or play multiplayer games.
Object Detection and Tracking.
With the addition of support for 2D image individuality in ARKit 1.5, you can now start an AR experience based on 2D images like signage, posters, or pieces of art. You may incorporate moving objects like product boxes or magazines into your AR experiences thanks to the support provided by ARKit 2. The identification of well-known 3D objects, such as furniture, toys, and sculptures, is another feature added by ARKit 2.
All of the new ARKit's features were discussed in the article above. We advance the creation of apps with these additional functionalities. All those advanced features help the Mobile App Development Company developers to showcase the creativity of AR.  Recently, Clutch named XcelTec as the best AR/VR developer.
Visit to explore more on What is Apple ARKit Overview and Its Features Highlights
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educ-cursos · 1 day
Olá, pessoal!‌ Hoje estamos aqui para compartilhar a nossa experiência com o ‍incrível Smartphone Infinix Hot 30i. Este aparelho ‌é uma verdadeira joia da INFINIX, a quarta maior fabricante ⁢de ‌celulares do mundo, e traz ⁢consigo uma combinação impressionante‌ de características que prometem atender a todas as suas necessidades diárias. Com 8GB de RAM que‌ se ​expande para 16GB, 128GB de armazenamento,⁢ uma ‌câmera​ dupla de 50MP, uma bateria‌ poderosa de 5000mAh, uma tela brilhante de 6,6 polegadas e um design⁢ moderno e elegante, este ⁤smartphone é uma verdadeira revolução no mundo dos celulares. Venha conosco conferir ⁤todos ⁣os detalhes e descobrir por ⁢que o ⁤Infinix Hot​ 30i é a⁤ escolha perfeita para quem busca ‍desempenho, qualidade e inovação.Visão Geral A⁣ INFINIX, quarta maior fabricante de celulares do mundo*, apresenta o Hot 30i. Este smartphone foi projetado para atender⁤ todas as suas atividades diárias, unindo memória, ‌armazenamento,⁢ design e‍ qualidade de imagem. Com uma ⁣interface moderna e intuitiva, todas as funcionalidades estão ao alcance das suas mãos, permitindo uma navegação fácil e rápida pelos aplicativos. A memória RAM ⁢de 8GB, que se expande para incríveis 16GB, aliada aos 128GB de armazenamento, proporcionam inicialização mais rápida, mais aplicativos sendo executados simultaneamente e espaço para guardar momentos especiais. A‌ tela ⁣de 6.6 polegadas com resolução HD+ oferece um desempenho gráfico excepcional, ideal ⁢para assistir vídeos, jogar ou navegar na internet. Com uma bateria potente de‌ 5000mAh, o‌ Hot 30i permite que você utilize o celular por horas sem se preocupar com recarregar. O Processador Octa-core Helio G37, com tecnologia de produção avançada de 12nm e exclusiva tecnologia Dar-Link 2.0, ⁢garante um desempenho fluido⁢ sem travamentos em⁤ multitarefas. Além disso, a câmera dupla de​ 50MP captura momentos com clareza e detalhes, auxiliada pelo desfoque de fundo por ‍IA para fotos profissionais em modo retrato. Com a segurança reforçada ⁢pelo desbloqueio por sensor ⁣de digital lateral e o acompanhamento de acessórios como Capa ⁣de Proteção, Película, Carregador e Fone de‌ Ouvido, o Infinix Hot 30i é a escolha‌ ideal para quem ⁢busca qualidade e praticidade‌ no ⁤dia a dia. Adquira agora o seu Smartphone‌ Infinix Hot 30i e aproveite todas essas funcionalidades!⁢ Clique aqui.Destaques do Smartphone‍ Infinix Hot⁢ 30iNós testamos o Smartphone Infinix Hot 30i e confirmamos que ele realmente se destaca⁣ por ⁢vários motivos. A memória‌ RAM de 8GB, com a tecnologia de⁤ expansão‌ para 16GB, proporciona inicialização⁢ rápida e execução de vários aplicativos simultaneamente, sem comprometer o​ desempenho. Isso significa que você ⁢terá espaço de sobra para armazenar fotos,‌ vídeos e documentos importantes. A tela HD+ de ‌6,6​ polegadas oferece uma experiência visual imersiva, ideal para assistir vídeos, jogar ou simplesmente navegar na internet. Além disso, o design elegante do aparelho, com ​um acabamento diferenciado, chama atenção pela beleza e⁣ modernidade. A câmera dupla de‍ 50MP permite capturar momentos com muita qualidade e detalhes, enquanto o desbloqueio por impressão digital lateral garante praticidade e ⁤segurança⁣ no acesso ao celular. Se você procura um smartphone completo e eficiente, o⁣ Infinix Hot 30i é a escolha ‌certa para você. Clique aqui para‌ adquirir o seu agora ⁢mesmo!Análise Detalhada e⁢ Recomendações⁤ EspecíficasAo analisar detalhadamente o Smartphone Infinix Hot 30i, podemos ‌destacar a incrível memória RAM⁣ de até ⁣16GB, resultante da tecnologia ⁤de expansão da Infinix. Com 8GB originais​ e mais 8GB estendidos, além de⁣ 128GB de armazenamento, o desempenho desse celular é excepcional. A ⁣tela de‌ 6.6 ​polegadas com resolução HD+ proporciona uma experiência visual ‍imersiva, ideal para entretenimento e jogos. O design‌ moderno e⁢ inovador ⁢do Hot⁤ 30i,⁢ aliado ao acabamento diferenciado e elegante, faz com que esse smartphone​ se destaque pela sua beleza e sofisticação.
A bateria ⁢de 5000mAh garante uma excelente autonomia,‌ permitindo que você​ utilize seu celular​ por horas sem se preocupar em recarregá-lo constantemente. Além‍ disso, a conexão USB-C possibilita um carregamento⁣ rápido e eficiente. Com ⁤a ‍câmera dupla de⁣ 50MP, você pode capturar momentos de forma excepcional, com‍ clareza⁤ e detalhes impressionantes, além de‌ contar com ‌o desbloqueio por sensor de digital lateral para uma experiência de desbloqueio segura e conveniente. Não perca a oportunidade de adquirir esse ⁣incrível smartphone Infinix Hot 30i, clique aqui para comprar agora e ⁣aproveite todas essas⁣ funcionalidades em suas mãos: Compre Agora! Unlock Your PotentialEsperamos que tenham gostado da nossa análise detalhada do Smartphone Infinix Hot 30i! Com tantos recursos incríveis e⁤ um design moderno, sem dúvida, ele ‍é uma excelente⁢ escolha para quem busca um celular potente e elegante.⁤ Se você se interessou pelo ​produto e deseja ⁤adquirir o seu próprio Infinix Hot 30i, clique no link abaixo e garanta já o ‍seu: Compre agora o Smartphone ⁣Infinix ⁢Hot 30i! Obrigado por nos acompanhar​ e até a próxima review! 😉📱 #InfinixHot30i #SmartphoneInfinix #ReviewInfinix
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Unveiling the Future: What is Metaverse Web 3.0?
What is Metaverse Web 3.0?
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In this topic we talk about What is Metaverse Web 3.0? The internet has come a long way since its inception, evolving from a simple network of interconnected computers to a vast, immersive, and interactive web of information. The next generation of the internet, Metaverse Web 3.0, promises to revolutionize the way we interact, socialize, and conduct business online.
Understanding Metaverse Web 3.0
Metaverse Web 3.0 is an immersive, decentralized, and interactive internet experience that combines virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology. It’s an open, community-driven platform that allows users to create, share, and interact with digital content in a more immersive and interactive way.
Key Features of Metaverse Web 3.0
– Decentralized: Metaverse Web 3.0 operates on a decentralized network, giving users control over their data and identity.
– Immersive: Virtual and augmented reality technologies create an immersive experience, simulating real-life interactions.
– Interactive: Users can create, share, and interact with digital content in real-time.
– Blockchain-based: Secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions using blockchain technology.
The Benefits of Metaverse Web 3.0
– Enhanced User Experience: Immersive and interactive experiences revolutionize online interactions.
– Increased Security: Decentralized and blockchain-based transactions ensure secure data management.
– New Business Opportunities: Metaverse Web 3.0 enables new business models, such as virtual real estate and digital asset creation.
Applications of Metaverse Web 3.0
– Virtual Events: Immersive and interactive events, such as conferences and meetups.
– Digital Marketplaces: Decentralized marketplaces for digital assets and goods.
– Virtual Reality Education: Immersive learning experiences for enhanced knowledge retention.
Q: What is the difference between Metaverse Web 3.0 and Web 2.0?
A: Metaverse Web 3.0 is decentralized, immersive, and interactive, whereas Web 2.0 is centralized and static.
Q: How does blockchain technology contribute to Metaverse Web 3.0?
A: Blockchain technology ensures secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions.
Q: What are the potential risks and challenges of Metaverse Web 3.0?
A: Risks include data privacy concerns, security threats, and user adoption challenges.
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darkmaga-retard · 18 days
Free Speech in the Crosshairs. A Global Surge in Government Censorship and Digital Control
By Dr. James Lyons-Weiler
Global Research, September 02, 2024
Popular Rationalism 1 September 2024
“Individuals – all individuals – must stand up and continue to use their rights to free speech and disempower those who would enslave all of our minds.”
Free speech faces unprecedented challenges in an increasingly digital world. Governments across the globe are ramping up efforts to control, suppress, or outright ban speech that contradicts their narratives or threatens their authority. Recent incidents in Brazil, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, alongside established censorship practices in China, Russia, India, and Turkey, reveal a disturbing trend: the battle for free expression is intensifying, and the digital realm is the new front line.
Recent Crackdowns and Government Overreach
In August 2024, several alarming incidents underscored the vulnerability of free speech:
Brazil Cracks Down on VPN Usage
The Brazilian government recently announced severe penalties for individuals using Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to access the social media platform X (formerly Twitter). Users could face fines of up to $8,874 per day for circumventing government restrictions on internet access, effectively criminalizing the use of tools designed to protect digital privacy and access. This policy represents a significant escalation in government efforts to control the digital landscape and restrict online dissent. (Brazil crackdown on X continues with up to $8.9k daily fine for VPN users (teslarati.com); Brazil Orders X Ban: Why Using A VPN Could Be An Expensive Mistake (slashgear.com))
Germany’s Enforcement of Speech “Norms”
In Germany, the hosts of the podcast “Hoss and Hopf” are facing hefty fines and potential jail time for “misgendering” a transgender individual. This case illustrates a growing trend where governmental enforcement of social norms intersects with legal penalties, raising concerns about freedom of expression and the boundaries of legally mandated language. (German Court Forces Podcasters To Delete Episode Where They Referred To Balding Trans-Identified Male As “He/Him” – Reduxx)
France’s Arrest of Telegram Founder
Image: Pavel Durov at the TechCrunch conference in Berlin, 2013 (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)
French authorities have intensified their crackdown on digital speech by arresting Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, for refusing to censor user content. While we condemn any child pornography or its sharing on any platform, Telegram is known for its strong stance on privacy and resistance to censorship, making Durov’s arrest a significant example of international pressure on digital platforms to align with government censorship demands.
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
Mark Zuckerberg's Fashion Journey: From Hoodies to Silver Chains
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Ian Kennedy from San Francisco, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is primarily recognized for his contributions to the tech industry rather than his personal fashion, but it appears the billionaire is gradually making strides toward becoming a style icon. Zuckerberg, now worth $177 billion according to Forbes, made a significant impact on the tech scene as a young prodigy behind the creation of Facebook. Even in his early 20s, he attracted attention for his relaxed wardrobe, often seen in gray t-shirts. Today, at 40 years old, a father, and the leader of a tech empire that has grown far beyond social networking, Zuckerberg's style is once again making headlines. In April, he introduced a chain necklace to his wardrobe, and the internet quickly took notice. His nearly 14 million followers on Instagram praised his new "drip," a slang term for stylishness, with memes and positive comments. Whether attending lavish weddings, celebrating his birthday in May, or watching UFC fights from ringside, Zuckerberg's Instagram posts now have a touch of influencer flair. He left Harvard University in 2005 to focus on Facebook full-time, and his style then was reminiscent of a typical college student. In the picture above, he sports a quarter-zip pullover with blue jeans — a staple in Zuckerberg's wardrobe throughout his public life. His understated attire contrasted sharply with his bold attitude during Facebook's early days. Notably, he carried business cards that proclaimed, "I'm CEO, Bitch." Over time, Zuckerberg became synonymous with his gray t-shirts and hoodies. While his jeans varied from light to dark washes, he consistently paired them with a hoodie and a comfortable pair of sneakers, such as the Brooks tennis shoes shown in the photo above. In a 2014 Q&A, Zuckerberg explained, "I really want to clear my life to make it so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community. I feel like I'm not doing my job if I spend any of my energy on things that are silly or frivolous about my life." The photos above were taken four years apart, yet the difference is hardly noticeable. For over a decade, Zuckerberg consistently wore the same outfits. Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, mentioned on "The Colin and Samir Show" that Zuckerberg spent many years "not wasting any energy on deciding what to wear." Mosseri noted that Zuckerberg, like many tech executives, opted to wear "the same thing every day for a long time." In 2016, Zuckerberg humorously captioned a Facebook post showing a rack of identical gray shirts and dark gray hoodies with, "First day back after paternity leave. What should I wear?" Around 2018, Zuckerberg's style began to change, possibly to reflect his growing wealth. At that time, Forbes estimated his net worth at about $71 billion. Replacing his usual t-shirts and hoodies, the Meta CEO started opting for luxurious cashmere sweaters and better-fitting jeans. The pandemic has blurred the boundaries of what constitutes appropriate work attire. As offices reopen post-lockdown, there's a renewed discussion about dress codes, though for the boss, those guidelines are often more flexible. In 2021, Zuckerberg was photographed alongside Facebook's then-chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, and former White House Office of National Drug Control Policy advisor Kevin Sabet. The trio had just attended a session at the Sun Valley Conference, where Zuckerberg notably appeared more relaxed compared to his colleagues. He traded his typical jeans for shorts and paired them with slip-on sandals. During a trip to Japan in February, Zuckerberg and Chan's vacation attire caused a stir. Months before his chain became a sensation, the shearling jacket he sported in Japan captured public attention. His Instagram followers got a glimpse of his off-duty style, which typically featured a neutral top, well-fitted jeans, and white Nike sneakers. This new jacket marked a departure from his usual hoodies, and it became iconic in a "jersey swap" photo where Zuckerberg traded jackets with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, another prominent figure in the tech industry. On certain occasions requiring more formal attire, Zuckerberg isn't hesitant to conform. For court appearances, upscale weddings, and ceremonial events, he often opts for a traditional black suit. During the March pre-wedding festivities for members of India's wealthiest family, the Ambanis, Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan donned all-black outfits adorned with gold details. Zuckerberg notably wore a dragonfly pin on his lapel. At his 40th birthday party in May, Zuckerberg solidified his evolving fashion statement. Sporting a gold chain and a black T-shirt, the latter featuring a distinctive message. Emblazoned with "Carthago delenda est," translating to "Carthage must be destroyed," the phrase holds historical significance attributed to Roman historian Cato the Elder. According to Business Insider, it was a rallying cry within Facebook during its competition with Google in 2016. Zuckerberg previously shared that these new chains are part of a personal "process," hinting at designing a long-term chain engraved with a prayer he reads to his daughters. The sentiment behind his choices resonates, garnering widespread admiration and generating viral content and positive attention online. "I absolutely love it," Mosseri expressed in June. Read the full article
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Discover the Power of Windows 11 Home
Microsoft Windows 11 Home is the latest operating system designed to bring you a refreshing and more productive computing experience. With its sleek design, advanced features, and enhanced security, Windows 11 Home is perfect for everyday use on desktops, laptops, and tablets. Here’s a comprehensive look at what Windows 11 Home includes:
1. A Modern, Streamlined Interface
Windows 11 Home features a completely redesigned user interface that is both visually appealing and user-friendly. Key elements include:
Centered Start Menu: The new Start Menu is centered on the taskbar, offering a clean, organized layout for easy access to your apps and files.
Snap Layouts and Snap Groups: These features help you multitask by organizing open windows into various layouts. Snap Groups remember your layouts for seamless transitions between tasks.
Virtual Desktops: Create multiple virtual desktops to keep your workspaces organized and clutter-free.
2. Enhanced Performance and Efficiency
Windows 11 Home is optimized for speed and efficiency:
Faster Startups: Experience quicker boot times and faster app launches.
Energy Efficiency: Improved power management ensures longer battery life for laptops and tablets.
3. Advanced Security Features
Your safety is a top priority with Windows 11 Home:
Windows Hello: Securely sign in using facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, or a PIN.
BitLocker Device Encryption: Protect your data with robust encryption technology.
Microsoft Defender Antivirus: Built-in antivirus and malware protection keeps your device secure from threats.
4. Seamless Connectivity and Communication
Stay connected and collaborate effortlessly with these features:
Microsoft Teams Integration: Chat, call, and video conference directly from the taskbar with Microsoft Teams.
Widgets: Personalized widgets provide quick access to news, weather, calendar events, and more.
5. Gaming Enhancements
Gamers will appreciate the improvements in Windows 11 Home:
Auto HDR: Automatically enhances visuals in many games for a more immersive experience.
DirectStorage: Reduces load times and improves graphics performance by streamlining data transfer between the CPU and GPU.
Xbox Game Pass: Access a vast library of games through the Xbox app.
6. Productivity Tools
Windows 11 Home includes a suite of tools to boost your productivity:
Microsoft Edge: The fast and secure web browser with built-in tools for online research and shopping.
Microsoft Office Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Office apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Voice Typing: Enhanced voice recognition allows for accurate dictation and commands.
7. App and Device Compatibility
Windows 11 Home ensures compatibility with a wide range of apps and devices:
Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Apps: Access a variety of apps from the Microsoft Store.
Compatibility Mode: Run older apps smoothly with compatibility settings.
Hardware Compatibility: Works with existing hardware, peripherals, and accessories.
System Requirements
To fully enjoy Windows 11 Home, your device should meet the following minimum system requirements:
Processor: 1 GHz or faster with at least 2 cores on a compatible 64-bit processor or System on a Chip (SoC)
RAM: 4 GB or more
Storage: 64 GB or larger storage device
Firmware: UEFI, Secure Boot capable
TPM: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 2.0
Graphics Card: DirectX 12 compatible graphics / WDDM 2.x
Display: >9” with HD Resolution (720p)
Internet Connection: Internet connectivity is necessary to perform updates and to download and take advantage of some features.
Experience the Future with Windows 11 Home
Windows 11 Home is designed to bring you closer to what you love, with a modern design, enhanced performance, and integrated security. Upgrade today to unlock a world of new possibilities and enjoy a computing experience tailored to your needs. Whether you’re working, gaming, or staying connected with loved ones, Windows 11 Home is here to help you achieve more.
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internet2conf · 2 years
Internet 2.0 Conference Reviews Why IT Companies Should Address The Problem Of Scams
 It’s no secret that scams are a significant problem in the IT industry. From email phishing scams to ransomware attacks, there’s always a threat lurking around the corner, ready to exploit any vulnerabilities it can find. Unfortunately, many IT companies have been slow to understand the importance of addressing this pressing issue and, as a result, have fallen victim to various scams.
However, IT companies must realize that scam prevention is essential to any business’s operations, say speakers who attended the Winter Edition of the Internet 2.0 Conference. They added that by taking a few essential steps to protect themselves from potential threats, companies could significantly reduce their risk of becoming victims of fraud. Use this blog as a guide to understanding the effects that a fraudster can have on your business. 
Understanding The Threat Of Scams
Before taking action against scams, it is essential to understand precisely what these schemes involve. In short, a scam involves one party making fraudulent representations to another to obtain money or goods from them. As suggested by a panelist of the Internet 2.0 Conference, fraudsters carry out such activities over the internet or through more traditional methods such as telephone calls. As well as using false promises or threats of action against the target, scammers may also try to persuade victims to hand over money or other valuables with “get rich quick” schemes or fake job offers.
Due to the ease with which scammers can use technology to contact potential victims and conduct transactions anonymously, these schemes have become increasingly sophisticated in recent years. They are becoming more prevalent in all areas of life – including business and commerce. Consequently, IT companies need to understand the scope of the threat posed by scammers and its impact on their customers if left unchecked.
Why Is It Necessary For IT Companies To Take Scam Seriously?
Scams are a severe issue for IT companies, as they can have significant consequences for the company, its clients, and its customers. IT companies must take scams seriously to protect their reputation, avoid legal consequences, minimize financial losses, maintain customer trust, and mitigate cybersecurity risks. By being proactive and vigilant in their approach to scams, IT companies can ensure that they do everything possible to prevent these malicious activities.
Some reasons why IT companies should take scam prevention seriously as a speaker of the Internet 2.0 Conference reviews are given below:
 1. Loss of Business:
Scams often result in a loss of money and resources for companies. Depending on the severity of the scam, businesses can lose thousands or even millions of dollars in damages. Even worse, scammers may be able to access sensitive customer data or intellectual property, putting your entire organization at risk. Addressing this problem before it occurs can help minimize financial losses and ensure customers remain secure when dealing with your company.
 2. Poor Reputation: 
Once word gets out that a scammer has targeted your company, it can damage your reputation and deter potential customers from using your services. No one wants to trust their valuable data and information to an organization that doesn’t take precautions against fraudsters – which means taking action now can help you maintain good customer relationships down the line.
 3. Regulatory Sanctions: 
In some cases, organizations that don’t properly address scams could be subject to government fines and penalties for failing to meet specific security standards. To stay compliant with current laws and regulations, businesses must take steps toward implementing anti-scam policies and procedures within their organizations and those who work with them.
 4. Costly Processes: 
One final reason why IT companies should be proactive about preventing scams is how costly it can be if one is successful. Not only will they face direct financial losses due to stolen funds or compromised data, but they’ll also need to devote additional time and money towards mitigating any damage done by the scammer and recovering whatever assets were taken away. By proactively tackling the issue ahead of time, these costs can be drastically reduced or avoided altogether – ultimately saving your company both time and money in the long run.
 By taking these points into consideration, it becomes clear why it’s so important for IT companies to address the problem of scams as soon as possible – not only for their own protection but for that of their customers too! It’s essential for businesses operating in this field to put anti-scam policies into place so that everyone involved is safe from potential threats – regardless of whether they’re internal or external sources. To learn more about protecting your brand and business from fraud, scams, and spam prevalent in the industry, you must consider attending one of the top IT conferences and events, like the Internet 2.0 Conference in 2023!
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digitaltechside · 7 months
Tech Conferences: Your Gateway To Learn And Network
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Tech conferences have nothing but emerged as epicenters of innovation, drawing professionals, enthusiasts, and industry leaders from around the globe. These events transcend traditional learning experiences, offering a dynamic blend of knowledge acquisition and networking opportunities. This blog will talk about upcoming tech events in the USA, like the Internet 2.0 Conference, uncovering the myriad ways attendees thrive. Let’s delve into the transformative power of these gatherings, where learning and networking converge to shape the future of tech.
Diverse Attendees: From Novices To Experts
Internet conferences are not exclusive clubs for experts; they cater to a wide spectrum of attendees. Here’s a glimpse of the diverse range of participants you might encounter at these events:
Novices and Scholars: Tech events are excellent entry points for aspiring professionals and learners. They provide an exclusive chance to acquire knowledge from industry experts, obtain insights into emerging technologies, and explore potential career trajectories. Attending these conferences can be a stepping stone for those looking to kickstart their tech careers.
Intermediate Practitioners: Mid-level professionals with experience in the tech industry can benefit significantly from tech conferences. They can delve deeper into specific areas of interest, refine their skills, and expand their professional networks. A tech event like the Internet 2.0 Conference provides a platform to bridge the gap between beginners and experts.
Read More:-
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sononobello · 8 months
Week 5 
Title: Platformization with the application Web 1.0 and Web 2.0
The evolution of the Internet is often described in terms of the transition from Web 1.0, or the "Static Web," to Web 2.0, the "Interactive Web." This change is not only a technical revolution but also completely changes the way people use online web platforms. In that context, online features and interactions are completely changed in terms of experience
Web 1.0: The Foundation of the Internet
Web 1.0 was characterized by static web pages that served as digital showcases, providing information without supporting user interaction or content contribution. Nath, K (2014) describes the web as a "read-only" medium, where the flow of information is one-way, from content creator to consumer. For example, Typical applications of this era are static websites and landing pages. A common characteristic of applications in the web era is that they do not allow users to interact directly on the platform. Therefore, the Web 1.0 era prioritized content consumption over creation with a clear distinction between content creators and consumers in accessing the web separately.
So, it can be concluded that the weakness of the Web 1.0 technological infrastructure is the lack of dynamic content and user interaction, highlighting a one-way communication model that limits social interaction and creativity. collaborative content (O'Reilly, 2010).
Transition to Web 2.0: A paradigm shift
The advent of Web 2.0 represents a paradigm shift towards a more interactive and participatory Internet. O'Reilly (2010) defines Web 2.0 as the second generation of the Internet, characterized by platforms that support collaboration, social networks, and user-generated content. This era saw the emergence of blogs, social networks and wikis with examples of Facebook, Twitter or blogs like Tumblr. The delivery setup allows users to be both content creators and consumers. Hence, the development of technology such as AJAX and RSS feeds has promoted data sharing and real-time interaction, transforming the user experience from static consumption to dynamic interaction (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). The main reason may attract
Platformization and its meaning
"Platformization" is a direct consequence of the Web 2.0 era, characterized by the development of digital platforms that focus on diverse forms of online interaction. Van Dijck and Poell (2019) identify "platformization" as reflecting the increasing dominance of a few large platforms, such as Google, Facebook and Amazon, over online content and commerce. These platforms have reshaped the digital landscape, influencing not only how content is consumed and distributed but also how economic and social interactions are mediated online. Furthermore, platformization reflects the process of transferring the experience of using social networks and the ability of users to adapt to the times.
Nath, K., Dhar, S., & Basishtha, S. (2014). Web 1.0 to Web 3.0-Evolution of the Web and its various challenges. In 2014 International Conference on Reliability Optimization and Information Technology (ICROIT) (pp. 86-89). IEEE.
Fuchs, C., Hofkirchner, W., Schafranek, M., Raffl, C., Sandoval, M., & Bichler, R. (2010). Theoretical foundations of the web: cognition, communication, and co-operation. Towards an understanding of Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0. Future internet, 2(1), 41-59.
Kaplan, A. M., & Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business horizons, 53(1), 59-68.
Van Dijck, J., Nieborg, D., & Poell, T. (2019). Reframing platform power. Internet Policy Review, 8(2), 1-18.
O’reilly, T. (2010). What is web 2.0. Online communication and collaboration: A reader, 226-235.
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darilto-blog · 8 months
A Verdade Sobre o Dell Inspiron 15 3000 a0505 MM10M Análise Completa!
Na busca por notebooks intermediários, voce se depara com o desafio de equilibrar desempenho e preço?. Identificar modelos que atendam necessidades diárias, como trabalho e entretenimento, é também um obstáculo comum  para voce?
O Dell Inspiron 15 3000 a0505-MM10M mantém sua posição de destaque no mercado nacional oferecendo uma configuração intermediária com preços competitivos, atendendo diversas demandas de uso. continue nesse vídeo
Equipado com o processador Ryzen 5 5500U, 8 GB de RAM e armazenamento SSD de 256 GB, este modelo se destaca pela sua versatilidade e desempenho. Além disso, traz consigo a competente placa de vídeo RX Vega 7, oferecendo suporte para uma variedade de atividades cotidianas.
Desempenho e Configuração o processador AMD Ryzen 5 5500U, contem 6 núcleos e 12 threads, operando de 2,10 GHz até 4,00 GHz, o o que proporciona uma base sólida para multitarefas e operações mais exigentes. Sua memória RAM de 8 GB DDR4 a 3200 MHz, expansível até 16 GB, aliada ao armazenamento em SSD de 256 GB NVMe Gen3 x4, garante um desempenho ágil na inicialização do sistema e abertura de aplicativos.
Display e Design A tela de 15,6 polegadas com resolução Full HD (1920 x 1080 px) em painel do tipo WVA, similar ao IPS, e brilho de 220 nits, oferece uma experiência visual nítida e de qualidade. O chassi na cor preta, com acabamento em plástico, confere um design sóbrio e funcional. O teclado possui layout ABNT2, numérico dedicado e leitor biométrico, facilitando a usabilidade.
Usabilidade e Recomendações Recomendamos este notebook para uma variedade de tarefas do dia a dia, desde navegação na web e edição de documentos Office até atividades mais exigentes, como edição em Photoshop, graças ao seu bom painel WVA. Ele se mostra capaz de rodar jogos leves, como Counter Strike 2, Valorant ou League of Legends, com bom desempenho, contanto que utilizado com moderação.
Especificações Técnicas Aqui estão as especificações técnicas completas do Dell Inspiron 15 3000 a0505-MM10M:
Processador (CPU): AMD Ryzen 5 5500U (Série 5000), 6 núcleos / 12 threads, 8 MB de cache, de 2,10 GHz até 4,00 GHz. Placa de vídeo (GPU): GPU integrada AMD Radeon RX Vega 7 (4000/5000). Sistema operacional: Windows 11 Home. Memória RAM: 8 GB DDR4 a 3200 MHz, expansível até 16 GB. Armazenamento: SSD de 256 GB NVMe Gen3 x4. Tela / painel: 15,6" Full HD (1920 x 1080 px), painel WVA, brilho de 220 nits.
Portas: USB 2.0, USB 3.1, USB-C, HDMI, leitor de cartões, leitor biométrico, entre outros. Conectividade: Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5.0. Dimensões / Peso: 35,8 cm de largura, 23,5 cm de profundidade, 1,9 cm de espessura, 1,83 kg de peso. Recomendações de Uso Apresentamos a seguir recomendações de uso para este equipamento, levando em consideração suas especificações:
Estudos / Escritório: Ideal para aplicativos de escritório como Word, Excel, PowerPoint, com processador e memória RAM adequados. Internet: Oferece desempenho satisfatório para navegação com várias abas abertas. Filmes e Séries: Proporciona uma boa experiência de visualização em plataformas de streaming devido à qualidade da tela. Fotografia / Design: Adequado para atividades de edição de imagem, especialmente com o painel WVA que oferece boa qualidade de imagem. Edição de Vídeos: Oferece suporte para edições em Full HD, porém pode apresentar limitações em 4K. Programação: Atende bem a atividades de programação com um processador sólido e teclado numérico.
Conclusão O Dell Inspiron 15 3000 a0505-MM10M destaca-se como um notebook versátil e capaz de atender diversas necessidades, oferecendo um equilíbrio entre desempenho e preço acessível.
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mamun258 · 8 months
In the new year, where will SaaS go?
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This article explores how SaaS companies are addressing the challenges of digital transformation and proposes innovative  HE Tuber  solutions. At the same time, the article also focuses on changes in internal management of SaaS companies, especially the importance of cost control and customer success teams. In the future, SaaS companies will need to conduct more refined operations and improve financial and customer ROI to achieve sustainable development.
As 2023 comes to an end, not many companies in the SaaS circle have achieved the expected performance at the beginning of the year. The international political and economic situation, the situation of domestic customer industries, and the retreat of the capital market have all made us who were so happy when the ban was lifted at the beginning of the year feel like a slap in the face.
In Buddhism, stick drink is associated with enlightenment. What epiphanies have we had this year? What measures should be taken in 2024? Let’s take a year-end inventory together.
1. Where will China’s digitalization go?
In 2023, we are still talking about "digitization". SaaS companies stick to the digital battlefield, of course, because SaaS must be the basic component of industry digitization and industrial Internet transformation.
We can’t imagine a scenario in an industry where thousands of companies each use their own OP (private deployment) software, and only rely on API interfaces to allow data to flow smoothly - the data cannot be fully used, and the next (AI) ) era will not come.
In my many previous articles, you can see that SaaS companies in various industries have already taken one or two steps to intervene in the digital transformation of various industries: some are involved in the supply chain, some are involved in finance and transactions, and some are involved in the digital transformation of various industries. Provide data or content, and some provide design services...
As for general-purpose tool SaaS, since the industry scenario is not so specific, it requires one more step: to move towards industryization first. Therefore, the path will be longer, the financial closure will take more time, and of course the market space will be broader.
In 2023, many SaaS companies will place their hopes on AI. After all, the popularity of chatGPT at the end of 2022 has given people a glimpse of the dawn of the next era.
Ren Xianghui, the founder of Mingdaoyun, recently wrote an article about AI applications. I agree with it very much and replied to the official article: When chatGPT came, humans felt amazing, but it was only because they had raised a child for 12 months. He hadn't spoken before, but suddenly he spoke, and the parents liked him very much. But in fact, it is still early for this child to go out alone to make soy sauce!
After attending Salesforce's Dreamforce conference in September, this is what I saw - AIGC is so amazing, but it still lacks the ability and scenarios to independently make decisions.
Today, 12 months later, Copilot is still just a Copilot (a co-pilot that assists people in making decisions).
Generally speaking, most people, including most investors, know that digitalization is the only way to the next modernization, and SaaS is the necessary tool for digitalization.
But the end point is clear, but the path is not yet clear - will the digitalization of various domestic industries be led by state-owned enterprises or even the government? Or is it driven by the chain owner of the supply chain? As a more competitive force and the owner of key data, is it possible for SaaS companies to become leaders or occupy a place?
In my eyes, among the thousands of industries and sub-industries in China, the above three paths are all possible.
For our SaaS entrepreneurial team, the most important thing is to "help Chinese companies solve problems innovatively." This is also the core point of my new book "SaaS Entrepreneurship Roadmap 2.0".
Last month I visited an MES SaaS company. During the epidemic, they found that those companies whose manufacturing management level was only 30 points (of course they could not use the MES system from Siemens) were the fastest in the market and could quickly switch from producing clothing to To produce masks.
Haven't we always said - " It's not the strongest species that can survive, but the species that can best adapt to the environment ?"
Then why do our SaaS companies require "customers" to learn "advanced management" before they can be "worthy" of the SaaS tools we provide?
Again, SaaS products should help Chinese companies solve problems, and it is best to "solve problems innovatively" - this is the only value of our existence.
2. Changes in SaaS companies: right direction, excessive measures
Let’s talk about specific measures.
After the blood transfusion stops, the SaaS company must make its own blood.
Each company in our circle realizes this problem in its own way. As early as the beginning of 2021, they realized that the direction of investors was changing, and as late as mid-2023, they may have made up their minds.
This is of course related to the arrival time of the last investment amount. Companies that still receive investment funds in 2022 are lucky, and their transformation is relatively easy. But there are also those who make bold moves, and the loss of funds is regrettable.
In one field, thousands of companies suddenly stopped burning money and began to pay attention to cost control. This is really an earth-shaking change in my eyes.
Many CEOs told me that before strict cost control, they really didn’t know that their companies had so much money that shouldn’t be spent. I said that cost control is an organizational capability that requires long-term development.
My new book talks about many measures and methods of "fine management". In previous official documents, I have also analyzed that during the tightening stage, the most appropriate internal investment priorities are: service > marketing > sales > research and development.
I know that in SaaS companies, product is the most important. But the premise is not to play the card table. If you have spare energy, you can certainly continue to increase investment in production and research, otherwise it is better to be cautious.
Here’s a common, but overdone approach: I’ve been observing a lot of companies lately switching from Customer Success to Sales Performance-driven teams.
Here we need to do more financial ROI (input-output ratio) analysis.
A. If our product requires a CSM (Customer Success Manager) to start it up, solve problems during use from time to time, and proactively provide suggestions based on customer business, then a real CSM is obviously indispensable.
B. If due to the characteristics of the product, its use has little to do with CSM's service, or it is a consumable product and the amount of customer consumption depends mainly on customer conditions, then you may consider allowing CSM to only operate at the Top moment (critical moment, for example) Focus on intervention during the first month after activation, 3 months before expiration, etc.
But in any case, the essence of SaaS is renewal. Customer success is always the most important department.
If renewals mainly rely on "renewal sales", perhaps the entire SaaS financial model will not hold true.
Regarding this, you can read my previous article on financial models. Here is a brief mention:
In the newly purchased business, since there is a large portion of CAC (customer acquisition cost, which accounts for about 40-150% of the first-year contract, and has a great relationship with the method of customer acquisition), the profit contribution is very low; the profit contribution of SaaS companies is mainly Gross profit from renewals and additional purchases.
If there is a large business fee for renewal or additional purchases, there may be problems with the entire financial model.
This has a lot to do with the uniqueness and competitiveness of the product.
I believe that product is a strategic issue and marketing is a strategic issue. The former requires more in-depth thinking from the founding team.
3. Entrepreneurial Heart
The previous article in this issue interpreted "The Philosophy of Retail: Autobiography of the Founder of 7-Eleven". Suzuki Toshifumi said: I believe that "causes that the majority of people oppose often succeed." On the contrary, if everyone agrees with a cause, it will inevitably fall into a state of comprehensive competition, which usually ends in failure or mediocrity.
If you want to "win first and then fight", you must have these three points at the same time:
Unique insights after prolonged infiltration
Think uniquely and form a self-consistent system
Persistence against all odds
Most people are mediocre, and those who can achieve the above three points are rare. And each of our founders needs this set of capabilities.
This is probably Entrepreneurship!
This reminds me of the two biggest moments that touched me the most from founders in the industry—neither when talking about business, nor when they received financing.
Once, the other person and I were talking about life and death. I asked, "If I die tomorrow, will I regret the ten years of only working?" The other person gave me the answer with his actions.
Another time, a founder suddenly said that he felt a call from God. He felt that God asked him to go all out to do the business well in this life; and he himself, through so many years of struggle and thinking, just happened to He is the most suitable person to do this, and thus gets this Calling.
They are people who really "carry" and put their career and team on their shoulders...
Bless China’s entrepreneurs!
In the new year, may we have the methods and courage to get through the cold winter!
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ananovareviews · 10 months
Alibaba and Amazon: Journey Unfolded
Jack Ma, founder and CEO of Alibaba and Jeff Bezos founder and CEO of Amazon.com Inc. In book of Porter Erisman: Alibaba is a Chinese company changing face of global business. International public relations for Alibaba was handled in 2006 when Ma gave speech at Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco, has breakthrough appearance before prestigious Internet conference for Chinese company. Nowadays,…
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vroooom2 · 1 year
For almost a year, the organizers of this conference in Las Vegas, have kept contacting me for the recognition section. Each time, they send a calendly link to set up a video call.
Because I don't know anyone in this conference, I asked one of the people who contacted me, how they managed to find me, and why they're interested. The person didn't answer my question.
Today, I have another LinkedIn invite from another person with another calendly link.
Should I go further?
It's no secret anymore that I'm an internet phenomenon, I have no problem speaking on stage with a mic, I did it many times, and it's cool as I feel like a rockstar, but c'mon do they really need a hacker in their con?
Because I don't need them at all, and I don't have time for internet bullshit. They sound like an APT group.
N.B.: the DGSE wanted to sponsor my conference to get big targets. I said no. Then, they tried to negotiate by selling another idea: it's a good event to recruit talents.
Me in my head: Hey do you think I'm stupid, you told me your main intention first, the recruiting argument is a wrong move.
I proposed to organize a specific conference if they wanted, to never split the difference. As they're smart, they understood why I didn't want to mix an honest and sincere project with their undercover shady motives.
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As the founder of the best global network, I suggest a virtuous node: General Bruno Clermont and Dmitri Alperovitch should get in touch. Perhaps they could be each other's guest at Johns Hopkins University and CNews.
They can write to each other, and shouldn't forget to mention they're both recommended by Dave Aitel.
As a TPA, here's the 2FA code: JAGS&Matt
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