#Interesting style evolution and Totally Nothing Else lol
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fizzingwizard · 4 years ago
Episode 13! I don’t have all that much to say about it. But there were three things in particular I really liked!
Sorato moments! It may be small (I mean, they’re kids and they’ve known each other for like a day), but no one will be able to say Sora and Yamato didn’t have any development in this season!
Sora Getting Shit Done! She’s as cool as Yamato. Scratch that, she’s cooler than Yamato. She’s honest and compassionate. She’s brave like Taichi, values her friends as much as Yamato, AND she can get along with both of them. Bahahaha.
SO MANY adorable Jou&Gomamon moments this episode. Like seriously. SO MANY.
I’ll just tack some here:
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More below!
So our two groups are still separated! Jumping ahead, but next week we’ll see MegaKabuterimon, and that rounds out two episodes for each group. But that still leaves Zudomon’s appearance. Just a hunch, but my guess is we’ll see him the episode after which will be the reunion episode too. If not, I suppose the groups are gonna stay separated longer, but this is my guess.
So, once again, our kids have been in this world for Not Very Long At All. It doesn’t seem like they’ve had to stop and sleep so far, though they’ve eaten a bit. Probably it’s still the same day in digital world time o.o It’s completely plausible that they’ve been sleeping and we’re just not being told about it though. This is a kids show, next week Koushirou could be like “we’ve been walking for a week!” and we’ll just have to roll with it lol. But until that happens, I’m going with it’s been about a day and almost everyone’s easily got two evolutions under their belt. Evolving is much easier in this season - Taichi and Yamato even got a Jogress already - so it’s definitely past time to throw out old concepts of how evolving work. The kids clearly have Crests, but they don’t know what they are, which means that’s a thing we’ll be seeing in the future. In spite of that, they can evolve to higher levels. So, maybe something else is in store for them when the Crests become important. Very interesting.
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We are back with the trio who’s got their shit slightly more together. Except for Jou’s stomach. Was really amused by Yamato using binoculars. I assume Sora brought them. I’m so used to Taichi’s telescope, but it only makes sense that each group should have some working gear!
Also par for the course, Yamato looking at what’s ahead while Jou’s being sick and Sora’s in between helping them both :P
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They find this thing. The hive of brainwashed mecha soldier bees. The person who wrote this episode has definitely had a bad run in with suzumebachi.
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As they try to escape, Jou immediately falls off Birdramon.
Me: “Oh no! Someone go help him!”
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Like I know they’re partners... but Gomamon doesn’t even have hands. xD All he can do (and all he does do!) is fall together. They’re partners so it’s not surprising, but still... Wheeeeeee!
Honestly though it is just so adorable to me how useless Jou is and how hard Gomamon tries for him... even though Gomamon has a lot more excuse for being useless. I mean, he’s made for a water habitat.
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Gabumon: “Jou’s with Gomamon, so he should be okay...”
-___- You know nothing, Jon Snowmon. You know nothing about how much trouble Jou can get himself in
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This is what happens when you try to too hard to make a bee cute. So overdesigned xP It’s like hitting me on the head saying “I’M CUTE, LOOK AT ME!! I’M CUTE!!!” like chill dude, it’s ok. just chill
I guess it works on Sora though, she’s as concerned for this cutie pie as she is for Jou... maybe more.
We make a quick switch to group number 2 who are finally living up to my expectations for how nuts they are. Koushirou’s connection is turbulent, to use the lingo Tumblr always pisses me off with!
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Mimi offers to help. “My grandpa can get you a better one!” She... she tries.
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Taichi offers to help too. “Times like this you just gotta whack it!” Koushirou looks appropriately terrorized.
I’m so relieved to know Taichi and Mimi are both still batshit.
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Yamato and Sora hatch a plan to save Jou by getting themselves captured too. Honestly the show doesn’t spend enough time on the cool stuff like hatching this plan! It just happens! It def got me thinking how brave and cooperative Sora is. Like, we already know Yamato is cool, and he has more experience in the digital world than the others. But Sora just rolls with it. She’s not freaking out, she’s thinking things through, and she can help strategize. 99 Adventure was like “Girls don’t need to do things like pedal swan boats or take watch at night!” This ones like “Girls can definitely do those things! As long as they are pink when they do them!”
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Jou and Gomamon arrive in the hive where they are immediately separated... and Jou is thrown out with the trash. BAHAHAHA. GEEZ this show will not ease up on Jou!!
by the way... Gabumon... ARE YOU EATING YOUR WORDS YET!?!?
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Sora and Yamato make it inside and hitch a ride on Garurumon...
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... They both jump like this when they need to get off so Garurumon can evolve. With jumping style like that, Sorato is a ship made n heaven.
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Fuck everything I said about Gomamon working best in his water habitat, IT WAS ALL A LIE. First swimming through sand, now this. Jou has LITERALLY NO EXCUSE for being as useless as he is anymore
also Wolverfish is back, I am some day going to make one of those old geocities shrine sites just for Wolverfish
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They are surrounded on all sides though, so what should we do? “Go down.” Yamato, DID YOU FORGET WE ARE IN THE AIR.
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Once again Sora is A-OK with all of this! Jou’s the only one having a normal human reaction to A HOLE OPENING IN THE FLOOR OF AN AIRBORNE VESSEL
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Gomamon T____T Jou would be mince meat without you
It turns out that Yamato’s shitty plan wasn’t so shitty after all, because either he and Sora talked about what they’d have to do if the couldn’t stay inside the hive, or Sora is psychic. Or just that good at cleaning up after hot-headed men. Anyway yeah Birdramon to the rescue.
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For a hot second there it looked like Yamato was going to be like “We don’t have time to save those Digimon” again. Which, I thought we worked through last time, so I was confused. BUT it turns out he only wanted Sora to know he’s got her number. He’s figured out she’s not the type who can turn her back when someone needs help, even if she’s got her own priorities to think about. Sora’s selfless. Yamato clues into that. AND HE TOTALLY SUPPORTS HER <3
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Urrrk can Yamato do anything that isn’t Cool
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I just love the way he holds them.
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Sora faces off with the hive... who’s blast causes a volcanic eruption or something!
Birdramon fights back!
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It’s not very effective!!!
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Now as much as this is supposedly a Sora episode... she’s had some cool moments but it doesn’t feel like Her Episode as much as last week felt like Mimi’s ep, or the weeks before felt like they belonged to Taichi and Yamato. So actually, that makes it strike number two for Sora, although this episode is definitely better than episode four. It’s not fair. I’m just glad we got some new stuff for her this time, but the writers seem so determined to make her the “good girl” that they forgot character development needs to involve some stakes. So, in place of that, they just do another montage.
First Sora reflects on how useless Jou is.
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Then she reflects on how hot Yamato looks when he’s totally helpless.
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Then she thinks about how the two of them remind her of pitiful baby bees.
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The result... Garudamon!!! Always my favorite Ultimate evolution.
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It’s a laaaaaaaser battle!!!!
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Yamato’s like “Holy crap I’ve got to get with this girl”
We then set up the intro for next week’s episode, with Koushirou’s computer starting to work again, though not completely. I want it to not work at ALL so Koushirou can be like “i’m no longer useful to my friends, woe is me!” and his friends can be all “Koushirou you’re my best pal no matter what!” and then he saves the day using his noggin. If it was good enough for Mimi’s grandpa it’s good enough for you.
I’m also amused to learn that in spite of apparently selling computers, Mimi’s grandpa too is an advocate of hitting them to make them work.
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Agumon mimicking every adorable thing Taichi does is adorableness overload.
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Taichi once again offers to smack the computer, like the Taichi of my childhood. However, he claims he’s joking. He’s a 21st century kid after all.
Agumon tells him hitting the computer will hurt his hand, so he should let Agumon do it instead T___T omg that’s the cutest thing EVER I’d give this episode ten stars for this moment alone
but ignoring adorable Taichi/Agumon and Jou/Gomamon moments, I’ll give this episode a 6.5/10. It was almost there! It really needed more Sora though! You know, the spotlight character of the week??
I just don’t feel her as convincingly as the others... which is in part intentional, I think, because that’s Sora. She doesn’t talk about her own feelings so much, she’s private, but she cares very deeply about those around her. I absolutely am with that, but I think that’s really challenging to write, and it wouldn’t bother me so much if we were getting more development in small ways for all the kids all the time. Instead the primary way is these spotlight episodes. We had them in 99 Adventure too, but there was more dialogue between the kids. Watching this episode, I had a thought like “This reminds me of a formulaic Pokemon episode.” As in, there’s someone to rescue, we rescue them, it has little to no consequence for us on a personal level and next week we won’t even mention it happened. At least this episode, they did mention Neemon’s group, to show how this is a pattern for Sora. I’m gonna cross my fingers that means Sora’s going to come out big in the future, we just gotta believe in her and wait. That being said, I’m not trying to be negative, I am also happy that we got these bits for her at all, and especially that we got it confirmed that Yamato sees through her as much as she sees through him!
Next week’s preview...
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Kabuterimon: koushirou, you are helpless without your computer, never forget that!
... x’D not
Totally stoked for a Koushirou episode. I hope it kicks butt. Even if it doesn’t, we still get a good helping of my boy Koushirou. <3
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surveys-at-your-service · 6 years ago
Survey #177
“i get pretty just to fuck my face up.”
What’s your favorite flavor of ice pop? Strawberry or watermelon. Do you like animal print? What’s your favorite print? Not particularly, but I suppose jaguar. What do you think of foot tattoos? Surprisingly, not a big fan. It's gotta be cute, well-placed, and small. Did your senior class in high school have a class trip? Where did you go? Maybe? I don't remember. What do you normally order at Dunkin Donuts? Chocolate frosted. What do you drink with dinner? It varies. Can be soda, water, milk... Peanuts or sunflower seeds? I don't like either. What is your favorite grocery store to shop at, and how often do you shop for groceries? Sam's Club totally has the best deals, but I don't make the shopping calls here. Who is your favorite character from the last movie you watched? Uhhh the super paranoid lady whose actress is a legend. Where did you have your first kiss? What about your last kiss? His bed; airport. What is the last thing you spoke to your father about? Phone bill. Who do you feel you have the most in common with? Sara. Who in your life causes you the most stress or negative feelings? Myself. Have you ever apologized to someone, but didn’t mean it? I'm sure at some point. What is the one thing that you can’t resist? Reese's, I sometimes cannooooot tell myself no to a Mtn. Dew Voltage, wanting to pet an animal even if it's dangerous, and uhhh I'm sure there's more. Have you ever done another person's homework for money? No. If you could play any piece of music on an instrument, what would it be? Teach me the ending piece from WKM on the piano so I could ruin myself further than just listening to it already does. Have you ever treated someone like they were nothing? I don't believe so. If you could ask 5 questions and get an exact answer, what would you ask? Oh yikes, deep one. Um... 1.) what is the cure for cancer, 2.) cure for Alzheimer's/dementia, 3.) cure for HIV/AIDS, 4.) how can/is it even possible to obtain world peace, and 5.) will I be stable in the future are what come to mind first. Does it frighten you when animals get into fights? I GET VERY SCARED FOR THE ANIMALS. When you were little did you touch just about everything in the store? YUP YUP YUP. Do you ever leave your drinks out in the open at a party? N/A, but I absolutely would not. Ever suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? Yes. Who is someone you’ll always hate? No one I personally know. How many people do you trust 100 percent? Just one. I would include Mom, but I know she lies about Dad. Do you think you could survive a month of solitary confinement? NO, I really think I'd lose it and kill myself. Do you often start books, yet never finish them? I don't read, but I'd do that if I didn't like it. When was the last time you felt abandoned by someone? Idr. Does the sight of blood gross you out? No. Have you ever gone through a red light? No. Do you fail to stop for stop signs, sometimes? No. What is your favorite eye color in the opposite sex? Blue. When you are sad, do you cheer yourself up, or look to others? It depends, but I usually begin with the former. During which year of your life were you the most unhappy? 2016 can been damned by God themselves. Have you ever seen a bluejay in person? Yes. Have you ever eaten grass/leaves? Probably as a kid. Do you typically like green-colored candies? Yeah! Apple flavor is the bomb.com. Who is the most energetic and happy person you know of? Ryder, my nephew. Who makes you smile the most often? Sara Jane. :') How do you express your happiness? I'm louder, more talkative, goofier. When was the last time you did a good deed? Uhhh idk. It's a tiny thing, but I suppose you could count me getting my old man bub with arthritis up on the bed when he wanted up. What songs make you happy? Lots... Do you like to sing? Sometimes, but I'm not good at it. Where is somewhere that holds fond memories for you? Ummm the little pond behind the community college where we took our first prom photos. That whole day was just extremely magical, and passing it is a severe PTSD trigger so if for whatever reason we're driving past there, Mom goes around it. I did pass it a few months back when I was taking pictures of flowers around the college and I was okay, probably because I didn't even glance at it. What do you think of the gothic stereotype? # A E S T H E T I C Have you ever encountered a black widow? Yup. What scares you, more than anything else? Ending up alone/losing all those I love. Has an animal ever peed on you? Lol yeah...  Pet rodents have multiple times when getting them accustomed to being held, a puppy probably has, and Venus (my snake) did once after I held her for like an hour, aha. Couldn't be mad at that angel, she was obviously so comfy. What would make a cool substitute color for the sun? Pink. Is purple a good color for a car? Sure. Do you prefer green or purple/red grapes? Purple; crisper. What is something you like that is sour? Warheads. What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten? Some hot wings at BWW with one of the hottest sauces. When was the last time you had a real deep chat? Idk, I'm sure something with Sara. Who did you last see on webcam? I've no idea. Have you ever discovered something gross in your food at McDonalds? No. What’s your favorite flavor of Ramen? I only like the spicy chicken Yakisoba ones. Have you ever spent the night in jail? No. Name a really popular television show you never got into: Ha, a lot. Game of Thrones, for one, but I'd be willing to give it a second chance via more episodes and a different attitude and actually kinda want to. Sara, add that to our list. Do you listen to any unsigned bands/singers? Who? No, I don't believe so. I need to start listening to my old friend's band, though, because I really want to support them; they work so hard and are very serious about taking their band somewhere. Nova Mortis if you're interested and like heavy metal. What do you find really interesting? THE PARANORMAL, for one. Genetics, psychology, fossils, abandoned buildings and shacks, natural selection and evolution, outer space, differences in languages and cultures, and so much more. Who is your favorite video game character? Spyro! What kind of pictures do you post on Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat most frequently? I like never post pictures, but selfies on FB, then I have two photography Instagrams. Do you remember the first person you felt sexually attracted to? Seriously, Jason. Have you ever been on vacation with a significant other? No. Is there anything on your bucket list that you’re hoping to cross off soon? A lot of things, but. Probably won't be soon as many include travel. Of all of your friends’ significant others, who do you get along with best? And least? Sam's wife Kieley is an absolute doll; least, idk. What would your life be like if you had married your first love? HAHAHAHAHA I REEEEEAAAAALLY DON'T WANT TO PICTURE THAT KNOWING NOW HE DIDN'T/DOESN'T BELIEVE IN ME AND CAN'T COMMUNICATE FOR SHIT. What is the most difficult or time-consuming thing you’ve ever cooked? Would you make it again? N/A Have you ever had a platonic friend that everyone insisted you should be in a relationship with? Girt, hardcore. Eventually did, but we know how that went. Is there anything about a person’s sexual past that might stop you from wanting to date them? Yup: if they've assaulted someone, prostitution is involved, casual flings/one-night stands have happened, being/have been a porn star, cheated before. If someone asked your closest friends/family members what career path might suit you best, what do you think they would say? Like, everyone will answer that question with "vet." Have you ever considered “unplugging”/taking a significant period of time away from technology? lol nope I doubt I'd last a day with no technology. Do you use a photo editor? Lightroom, Photoshop, sometimes PhotoScape. Is your dad overweight? Quite the opposite. Ever been honked at? Yeah. Which do you prefer, doctor or dentist? Dentist; I'm never nervous for them. Name two things you put whipped cream on? I haaaate whipped cream. Texture thing. Favorite thing you’ve ever painted? Two meerkats grooming, done on a huge thing of burlap. What’s your favorite type of sushi? Never tried, never will. Have you ever had an ulcer? No. What’s the name of the most recent baby a friend has had? Scarlett. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster? Yup. I had a long insomnia streak where I physically couldn't sleep without Melatonin. What is your current favorite song? I'm hooked on "The Bottom is a Rock" by Mother Mother rn. If you had to move to another country, where would you move? Canada. Do you have a balcony? No. Are you jealous of anyone, even mildly? If so, who? Yeah, my sisters, as well as some real successful friends. Have you ever done a craft you saw in a magazine? No. Have you ever made a recipe you found in a magazine? No. Who is a singer that has given you chills? Celine Dion, Loreena McKennitt, Sebastian Bach, David Draiman, and Amy Lee off the top of my head. What act would you perform in a talent show? I wouldn't, I got nothin'. What area are you the most gifted in, do you think? Um... writing, I guess? Which style of wedding dress is your favorite? BALLGOWN BITCH Do you enjoy editing videos? Ye! Do you enjoy editing photos? Yup. Who do you think is the most attractive actor? I see u Jason Momoa. Have you ever been caught doing something REAL embarrassing by your parents? I don't believe so. Do you believe in reincarnation? No. Do you have any of your neighbors as friends on Facebook? No. When was the last time you thought about sex, or sexual things? Ummm within the past few days probably, at least briefly? Are there any flowers planted outside your house? We have a tall bush that sprouts big, pink flowers, if that counts. Does anyone in your family smoke? Dad. What was the very first election you voted in? I haven't yet. Do you have a drone? No. Are you the type that’s too ashamed to ask for or use directions? No, rather too shy. Were you tired when you woke up this morning? YEAH. I slept like shit and had to get up early for a VR assessment. You overhear two people gossiping about you; what do you do? I feel like I'd say something sarcastic to them. Or be more mature about it and ask why. Or cry. Are you proud of who you are? Eh, only in certain areas... Is your vision good? I can barely read the line below the big "E." So no lmao. Are you a legal adult? Yeah but idk how. Has anyone ever called you a flirt? No. What was the last compliment your received? The assessment lady at VR loved my hair. Do you know any sign language? No. Who was the last person to give you a gift? Sara, on our anniversary. Do you trust the media? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA BITCH NO. If you could kill off one species of animal, which would it be? Can gnats like????? not???????? Idk if they have a single useful function????????? What kind of cookies are your favorite? Chocolate chip. Who’d you last say I love you to? My mom. What’s the most overpaid job in your opinion? I'm not educated on this enough to give you an informed answer. What’s the last thing you wrote down? Working out a math problem during the assessment. When’s the last time you didn’t sleep in your own bed? Over a month ago. When’s the last time you heard a gunshot? Idk. Who’d you get mad at last? Myself. What’s the last thing that annoyed you? Bentley wouldn't listen. When’s the last time you gave someone advice? I think yesterday? Do you think you’re lucky, unlucky, or neither? Neither. Who did you last disappoint? Myself. Do you enjoy learning? Of course!!!! I mean there're subjects I have no interest in and don't enjoy, but learning as a whole is great. People say you learn something new every day, so what did you learn today? Well it was nothing big, but that I could return Miku before she got hurt since Mitsu didn't appreciate a new "buddy." Yes or no: eyebrow piercings? They can look super badass or awful depending on your face and eyebrow thickness imo. When I say The Beatles, what is the first song that comes to mind? "Yellow Submarine" even tho I hate that song???? In your opinion, what is the very worst type of weather? Hot and humid, especially with no breeze. Just no. You can only listen to 1 band for the rest of your life, who do you pick? DON'T MAKE ME. What is something that you had to learn the hard way? DON'T. THINK. A RELATIONSHIP. IS WITHOUT A SINGLE CHANCE. OF. SOMEONE. LEAVING. EVEN. IN THE MOST "SECURE" ONES. When was the last time you felt like your heart was actually breaking? Ahhhh I'm not sure. Either something with Mom or Sara. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Mom. If your ex called you right now, would you answer? I don't have his number, so I wouldn't answer. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Sara. Do you want your tongue pierced? It is. 10/10 recommend for cute factor, but 0/10 for the healing process and pain asjfawiwo. Mine's through the very tip of my tongue and because that area is so sensitive, it was so painful that I became immediately nauseous. Pain didn't entirely vanish for almost two weeks. BUT I have zero regrets, so worth it. Is there something that happened in your past you hate talking about? Yeah. What’s one thing in your life that you wish you could change? Financial position. Have you ever been in a perfect relationship? Ha, don't ever believe those exist. Do you still talk to the person who broke your heart the most? Nope. Have you ever done something sexual that you regret? Ummm I don't believe so. Well, I don't know if I'd take back going all the way or whatever the fuck that was, maybe I would. idk Ever had a person who was obsessed with you so much that it scared you? No. Can you drive, and if you can, do you like it? I'm capable, but I don't enjoy it at all. Have you ever said anything to the last person you kissed that you regret? Yeah, being in a shit mood and/or being impulsive with my words. Do you like french fries? Who the FUCK sayin no to this. Have you ever ate so much you puked? No. Do you care about what others think of your physical appearance? To some degree/in certain aspects. Would you rather eat cookies or brownies? Probs brownies. Have you ever played a drinking game? Which ones? No. Are you good with managing your finances? I don't. Not in that position yet. What is the closest pizza place to your house? Domino's. Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names? Hmmmm no. Are you any good at drawing? Some things. Is there anything unusual about your house? No. Can you maintain a text conversation or do you run out of things to say? I think I'm good at keeping *text* convos going, surprisingly. Do you find it hard to talk to strangers, even people who work in stores? YEAH!!!!!!! Have you ever tasted goat’s milk? No. Did you ever take classes for a musical instrument when you were younger? Yup. Band member all through middle school, stopped after my junior year of HS. Do you snore when you sleep? No, but I talk a loooot. Who is the first person who broke your heart? Dad. Do you know anyone who has fought in a war? Jason's dad was in the Navy. What religion are you? Theist, which basically just entails me believing there's a god/goddess/some sorta beginning deity, but hell if I know anything about them. I make my own guesses. Who is the last person you gave a ride to, and where did you take them? I don't have a license or my own car. What is the last thing you untruthfully denied? Hm. I'm not sure. Have you ever ridden on a real train? No. Name ONE good memory about your last ex? He's absolutely hilarious and I miss hanging out more! Would you consider yourself dishonest? Not gonna bullshit and claim I never am, but in general, no. Do you tend to let people break through your walls easily? HAHA YEAH RIGHT. What are you superstitious about? Nothing. What is the coolest thing you can do? Oh boy, hell if I know. I know from experience people are often surprised how even skittish animals/pets seem to be drawn to me; does that count? Is there anyone you want to hook up with that you haven’t? Not my thing.
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tumblunni · 7 years ago
its weird how like my fave genre of games could be vaguely categorized as ‘nurturing things’ yet i fuckin hated every single thing of that kind that was pushed on me as a child
like hell yes i love pet games and games where you get customization and a sense of progress on building your character, and like even i like ‘parent games’ when they’re that sort of thing instead of just weird shoddy gross baby diaper changing bullshit. Like wtf who on earth even wants a game about raising a kid where you don’t get to see them grow up and graduate high school and make you proud in one of 63 careers?? seriously i am still so salty that this is such an underutilzed genre and i still have to play creepy anime fanservice dos games from the 90s cos thats ALL I HAVE. Why u showing my perfect sweet videogame child in creepy fanservice costumes I JUST WANT TO SUPPORT HER ACADEMIC LIFE
but anyway lol WHAT I MEAN IS
even though i LOVE that stuff i fuckin hate all that cliche ‘girl toy’ bullshit I love character customization but I hate it when its framed as ~lol girls just inherantly love fashion oo catty girl time~ and you only have this one stupid sexist creepy giant boobs doll and no customization except costumes and the only costume options are either sexualized or really stereotypically ‘girly’ and also you have to be rich as fuck to buy all these stupidly overpriced individual outfit packs and then you cant even DO anything with your barbie! at least in a videogame you can have the novelty of replaying the same cool fantasy adventure with your different characters, and like.. it has actual substance BEYOND just the customization! And I mean you can see your customization in action in a 3D environment and having a Story and Cool Powers and a voice and animations and all that jazz! And interacting with canon characters without having to buy all those separately too, and then do terrible impressions of the voiceacting from the show on your own... cos man that’s what i used to actually do with any ‘girl toys’ i was given, i saw absolutely ZERO appeal in having fifty ordinary houses where you can do nothing but sit barbie on a damn chair and gossip about husbands or whatever. Like fuck that’s already lazy and awful cos you’re telling the kid to make up their own reasons to find any enjoyment from the damn toy, but at least cliche ‘boy toys’ got like... a story template. And one that;s actually interesting and involves fighting n shit, and their accessories actually GIVE THE TOY NEW FEATURES but yeah like even making up a whole new story about barbie being a superhero got boring quick, cos she wasn’t remotely relateable or interesting. Like I’m glad that nowadays they do more with the character but even if they’ve fixed some of the predjudiced shit she’;s still.. not interesting?? just gone from cliche fashion boring to absolutely personalityless ‘good role model’ with no defining traits whatsoever. So I used to just destroy barbies or make her the villain in everything, and had a big box of naked barbies with missing legs and stuff while i gave all their accessories to all the pokemon and digimon. Still really pissed at how few of the outfits would fit on Impmon! Seriously it sucks that also all the good ‘boy toys’ were really stereotypically macho in one way or another so i was barely ever allowed to have them and i felt like they hated me even when i did get to play with them. And the only tv shows at the time that I liked that weren’t ‘for girls’ or ‘for boys’ were pokemon and digimon, which were still kinda treated as ‘for boys’ but didn’t even get the ‘boys style’ of merchandise. like barely ever poseable dolls that i could use in more creative play, they were just like collectables you put on the mantlepiece. I WOULD HAVE KILLED FOR CYNTHIA NENDOROID BACK THEN!!! i used to break all my damn digimon trying to fit them into lil outfits or throw them around doing battles, and then i made myself hella sad. I’m sad I don’t still have that super broken but extremely loved patamon transformer doll, that thing was THE BEST! like man why did they stop doing those after the first season?? actually digivolving your digimon was the best damn idea! did they get sued by transformers or something...??? and I mean GEEZ its not like I didn’t like cute stuff or hugging stuff or being nurturing or friendly or whatever people claim is the ‘wholesome value’ that female stereotypes teach kids. but man all that shit just ruined the stuff i loved! its so alienating! and why is it always super low quality and limited?? fuckin Baby Alive Really Pees And Poops,And Does Nothing Else Ever And Has No Personality. yeah girls you sure wanna see only the bad sides of nurturing and be told over and over that your life is gonna be nothing but this as soon as you inevitably start wanting to marry boys, which is totally gonna happen according to every damn adult, and will feel like a death sentence to any kid with any other sexuality. like I fuckin got my Official Digimon Tamagotchi and it was like the whole world opened up to me, like wow Pets Can Actually Do Things Other Than Shit. And i mean at least in an lcd game thing the pet shitting actually serves some damn purpose and provides resource management gameplay to decide what evolutions you get, instead of just Somehow You Should Enjoy Changing Diapers, You Little Fuck. I loved that tamagotchi so much i fuckin broke it too, like WHY WAS KID BUNNI KRYPTONITE TO TOYS?? the battery crapped out cos like i held it too tightly and the case on the back got loose?? so it’d short circuit whenever it went into sleep mode and wipe all my save data. and i still kept playing even though i could never digivolve anyone beyond their first stage before it glitched out. And then I got THE PLAYSTATION VERSION WITH ALL THE GRAPHICS and just AAAAAA it was like the best fuckin thing ever. and Monster Rancher!! and Princess Maker!! kid me could spend 60 straight hours looking after nonexistant babies and talking dinosaurs and cry like a damn bitch when they died so DONT TELL ME I’m lacking in healthy nurturing skills just because i don’t wanna be mr marketing guy’s fucked up idea of a straight woman...
...man sorry this post turned into a really weird rant why did i think about this at 1am
also like even flash game internet dollmakers are better than the cliche stereotype dolls they were based on god I’m perfectly fine with collecting a bunch of things if they’re not forcing some offensive message down my throat! i still remember how confused and pissed off i was when i figured out that my little pony was supposed to be A Gender Thing too, like geez they’re fuckin horses. and the show was actually like THE ONLY THING i was allowed to watch that had actual adventures and fighting monsters and stuff! its so bad and minimal now that i look back on it, but like man it was all I had. No wonder i got so into pokemon when it came out, look here’s a thing to collect that’s all ABOUT fighting monsters! i always wanted figurines of the monsters from those dumb girly shows, it was so annoying that MLP g1 had that episode about ‘oh the Crabnasties are people too, they’re not evil just because they look gross’ and then WHERE IS MY COLLECTABLE CRABNASTIES THEN?? WHY CANT I PUT CUTE ACCESSORIES ON THEM?? fuck u that was the most memorable episode also actually why did i have to wait so many pokemonn generations for a crab that appealed to me? krabby is so boring, its just a crab with weird human eyes. and i’m inexplicably creeped out by that one from gen 3 cos its like an optical illusion, i thought the markings were its face! thank the gods for crabominable and also damn the gods for it being hated by 90% of the fandom for reasons I will never understand :( ...BUT STILL WHERE IS MY CRABOMINABLE BEAUTY PARLOR PLAYSET YO
fuck its 1am why am i still awake why can’t i stop thinking about dragon quest 9 but you play as crabs THAT WAS THE BEST FASHION SIMULATOR EVER, DAMMIT
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retphienix · 4 years ago
I think you're thinkin' the Link's Awakening remake but spot on and WW works too since both have that kinda style.
You're worry on this remake being too... well, just a remaster and not a remake- I'm right there with ya, or at least I am now since I hadn't put much thought into the reveal since I'm not nostalgic for 4th- your wish to see them flex on the remake is one I just have to agree with.
Ooh I like that comparison a lot because it echoes shit I've said on pokemon but in a way I hadn't thought to compare.
Pokemon SnS vs Monhun World in terms of "losing" content in order to polish a new idea where one succeeds and the other is pokemon not doing jack.
I said it more roughly, why am I so spicy and grouchy today about pokemon? lol.
On a grander scale I'll be honest and say a bit of what I said on my main.
I, by all accounts, should eat my hat and be proud that Arceus is happening since I literally said TODAY that I think Pokemon should mix things up.
But I'll be brutal and say you might be right on too little too late because I don't feel that at all.
I'll stand by it, I'll eat my hat, this is one of the things I've directly asked for.
But my stance has always been "Pokemon should either refine the hell out of itself instead of being lazy and copy pasting and cutting content and shoving one-time-use gimmicks in, or it should accept some risk and innovate"
They have kinda proven they have no interest in refining and would rather just cut content and play it so safe it loses me entirely- so I was surprised to see them do this.
I am glad they are doing this (arceus that is), but the game itself?
eh... uh...
Open world ain't enough for me to say they innovated, that's just chasing the current nintendo trend, the same trend that existed in all of gaming for years and only works in nintendo right now because nintendo hasn't really done it before.
And the game itself has nothing else that sparked interest in me- combat looked, well, Just bad. Real bad, didn't like that. So the two things they showed were "It's open world!" which by itself isn't much but IS a good step! and "Combat looks bad!" which is the wrong message to send lol.
I have genuine hope that Arceus is innovative, fun, and successful. It did not sell me on this first showing.
Between my two wishes for gamefreak, between refining and expanding pokemon or innovating and mixing up the entire formula- the former is my preference, but I'm glad they are at least TRYING the latter instead of doing neither.
My thoughts on the remake were kinda just nothing? Your words gave me more to say or think on than I had before readin' your take- my entire take was "The chibi models look like shit." because I think the chibi style only looked right in the sprites up to and including 5th gen, 6th and 7th gen used more realistic proportions on 3d models and I prefer THAT for models.
But I can't even visualize what any of the switch pokemon games look like without a google search so yet again, when it comes to pokemon, my perspective is obstructed and lacking.
I just think these 3d chibis look bad and wish they stuck with 3d well-proportioned models. The rest of the game looked... well it looked like what I've seen of let's go? Kinda "meh" battles and all? I mean this part isn't entirely the new dev teams fault but will we EVER see a pokemon game where the pokemon do their god dang moves against each other instead of just flailing particle effects at each other from across the room?
So the 4th gen remake before readin' your take pretty much left zero impression aside from "ew, don't like those chibi overworld models. Shoulda gone half chibi xy or less chibi sunmoon"
But you know what?
Both of us? Imbeciles.
We're not talking about the only objective 100% total success and the next evolution of gaming that was shown here?
So about that Pokemon Direct
Ok, I was expecting gen 4 remakes, but I was expecting them to be in the style of sword & shield, proper gen 8 games with gen 8 mechanics and maybe an added wild area, or, if failing that, to be Let’s Go style games.  This certainly has let’s go style graphics, with maybe an even more simplified overworld art style reminiscent of (though not as polished as) the Windwaker remake.  But gameplay wise?  These look to be like, tile for tile remakes of the original gen 4 games, the kind of port that you half expect there to be a toggle switch to the original game’s graphics & sound because apart form that this just looks to be straight up diamond and pearl re-makes, for better but also potentially for worse.  Hopefully they bring forward some of the rather significant improvements to those games from their platinum 3rd version, including the significantly expanded postgame features from the battle complex, or reschuffling some plot progression to reduce backtracking through the area’s very large routes with their too-frequent random battles.
Also, it’s not even developed by gamefreak?  Like, they contracted this out to another company?  That’s… I mean, gamefreak’s been putting less and less direct effort into the “main series” games, if this counts as ‘main series’ then we’ve hit the natural endpoint of that trend.  But is ‘main series’ even a thing anymore?  Will sword and shield go down as the last true ‘main series’ pokemon games?  If so, that’s kind of sad.
To be clear, I don’t hate the look of these Diamond and Pearl remakes.  The chibi, windwakerish, let’s goish graphics are, imo, a better fit for traditional pokemon gameplay, so if anything I consider them to be an improvement on sword & shield there, even if wind waker did that style much better.  And game play wise?  I mean certainly the die hard g4 fans should be excited for such a faithful recreation of the original games, but I’m left wondering how this fits in with sword and shield and the series as a whole.  Will the available pokemon be limited to the original Sinnoh dex?  Will I be able to transfer pokemon in from other games at all?  What will the multiplayer features be like?  If it’s literally Diamond and Pearl with a different coat of paint, why wouldn’t I just re-play Platinum instead, when that was already an objectively superior version of the same games, and by an even wider margin than most ‘3rd version’ games?
Of course, the big news today wasn’t the games that Gamefreak apparently haven’t been developing, but rather the game that they have been:
For years people have been saying the pokemon series needed a major shake up.  I’m not sure I agree, I think the core pokemon experience still largely held up, and just wanted new pokemon games that maintained and iterated on the best features of previous generations instead of abandoning them.  Features like the battle complex, pss, dex nav, your pokemon following you, etc.  But many wanted something radically different, a dramatic departure from the staple gameplay elements that have defined this series since red & blue.  Ditch routes.  Ditch gyms.  Ditch enemy teams.  Reimagine pokemon from the ground up.  Open World pokemon.  Pokemon: Breath of the Wild.  And this game looks like Gamefreak is legitimately trying to deliver on just that sort of major shakeup.
That’s not what I personally wanted, but it’s at the very least interesting.  That’s at least differentg.  It looks better than sword and shield.  Certainly closer to what I’d expect from a big name switch game.  Maybe not all the way there yet, and even in this little teaser there’s still some painful dropped frames, and the overworld pokemon don’t seem to be reacting to anything the character does, and I can’t quite tell if the draw distance is as ridiculously short as sword & shield’s wild areas, so maybe the game will still look like a mess.  Sword and shield had problems in its early trailers and they didn’t get better.  But there’s still up to a year of development time to go on this, and that’s if it doesn’t get delayed. so I’m not passing any sort of judgement yet.
I will say if this game is mostly restricted to the sinnoh dex, or even less than that, I’ll be much more forgiving of it here than I was with the sword and shield dexit controversy, because Sword and Shield really wasn’t trying much new in terms of gameplay, and the graphics and game balance didn’t show the sort of improvements from g7 that would justify the cuts made to what has been the defining feature of the series to that point, the pokemon themselves.  Much like Monster Hunter World’s reduced monster variety compared to previous games was easy to forgive thanks to the dramatic and largely successful overhaul of the presentation and features of that series.
It’s way too early to say whether what Gamefreak is trying here will be successful or not.  But again, it’s at the very least very interesting and, to me anyway, extremely unexpected.  Maybe too little & too late to draw back those like @retphienix who have already drifted away from the series, and I’m not at all convinced that I’ll like either of these games.  But yeah, at the very least I’ll be looking forward to hearing more about them as they get closer to release.
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comicteaparty · 6 years ago
October 11th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on October 11th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Four Corners by Boniae.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Four Corners by Boniae~! (http://fourcorners.smackjeeves.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
one of my favorite scenes is actually when hideki and kazuhiro have their little confessions. i really loved the silence, pacing, and paneling in that moment. the time it took to depict it and the fact that the images were allowed to speak for themselves made it a really great moment with fantastic atmosphere.
another scene that i quite enjoyed was when we first see ranmaru. i felt like itd been quite a while since there was a good fight, so it was good to see. but i also like the story effects the scene had. since this was really the moment hideki stopped toeing the line and was ready to admit he was in it for something more. and i think this sort of fighting parallel worked well with having such a pivotal character development
less of a scene, but in general i liked that whole chapter where hideki and kazuhiro spend time together. it was nice to see them bond over not work and learn a ton more about hideki. i think as a whole it was a needed chapter because it helped bring the characters closer together to create a stronger dynamic for what i imagine will be many troubles ahead
I made it! ^.^ I only got partly into Chapter 5, busy week... for everyone, apparently.
I'm guessing the bonding was mostly in Chapter 5, that seemed to be where it was heading.
yes it was chapter 5
cause i had to look just now XD
Was Ranmaru the guy who drugged people?
(I'm bad with names, for the record. Every week.)
Can I just say that I'm in love with the art style?
I liked seeing how the art evolved over time myself.
It's very manga-like and I like how the faces don't go overblown with details
yes ranmaru was the guy who drugged me.
yeah i also like the art style in regards to the setting. its got a kind of older manga nostalgia feel to it
but the art evolution is also fun. i forgot how diff that first chapter was (cause this is my 2nd time reading the entire comic for the record)
Okay, then yeah, I also liked the scene with Ranmaru and the two of them fighting (I'm assuming you meant that, since I think the first time we see Ranmaru he's with the fortune teller).... though part of the reason I liked it was because the guy had call waiting for another fight or something.
I actually never thought that it looks like the "vintage manga" style until you mentioned it
I noticed a mention that the comic had been reviewed in StArt Faire.
That's cool
Yeah, and it went from shading to colour - I think the artist said it was to deal better with shading? I might be misremembering. Interesting.
yeah i meant the fighting scene. sorry. im like on 3 hours of sleep atm and havent quite woken up to full function yet.
but yeah i liked how the fight was ultimately ended by a phone call
like that takes a lot of gall, but i like how it shows off ranmaru's character of not really giving a damn about their little fight that much
Not a problem, I understood, and the wee one kept me up last night here too.
Yeah, that's true, it went to characterization.
Then there was the little bonus comic (non-canon) where he was called away to talk about types of shirts. I gravitate towards the humourous bits.
That sounds cute, lol
It's cool that in a comic like this which has fighting and relationship issues, that there's still fun to be had.
I mean if it was nothing but those two it'd get boring/repetitive.
I dunno, they have pretty good chemistry. But yeah, not totally feasible for world building.
I want to see Hideki at an all you can eat buffet.
yeah. i really like that the gang focused on also is a gang who is just going around protecting ppl and stuff. i think that gives them a needed high ground for what the comic is doing.
hideki at an all you can eat buffet sounds spooky XD
Well it's almost Halloween so X3
Yeah, that was an interesting take on gangs! Doesn't seem to net them any additional popularity in the school though (or with the ladies).
I wonder if "four corners" is from, like, if you're doing evil anywhere in the four corners of the room we'll spot you.
Well it's always good to see characters doing things outside what the audience expects them to always do
Helps flesh 'em out, if you know what I'm saying
ya know ive never actually thought about what the name might stand for and now im curious
Their founder really liked squares?
i was just gonna make a square joke XD
Quick, what's the square root of 24
QUESTION 2. Though some things have been revealed over the course of the comic, Hideki still remains quite the mystery. In what way do you think Hideki was involved with Four Corners in the past? Was he some sort of consultant, a member by association, or something else? Do you think Hideki really left gang life just to avoid violence, or do you think there is something more to it? What do you think he did that gave birth to the dark rumors surrounding him? Further, what is Hideki’s relationship with the man he keeps hallucinating on seeing? What exactly happened that seemed to cause Hideki such worry and trauma? Does it have something to do with why Hideki is so knowledgeable about gang activity? Lastly, do you think his current involvement will have negative consequences for his future, especially in regards to taking over for his father?
A bit under 5, SJ.
Well, Hideki's family is into big business and all, maybe he was just looking for something to analyze in that sense, like as you say a consultant or something... makes sense that he would attempt the same thing later with ... ... damn it, I forget name of protagonist. x.x
Starts with Y.
Thanks Rebel
Oh, right.
That's not even a Y. (Is there a character page? I always need one to keep everybody straight, it's the visuals I remember more than the names.)
Sweeeeeet. I didn't remember seeing a link.
Nice hairstyles on these characters
Anyway, back to what I was saying, maybe Hideki was just looking to apply his skills, and was turned off by the violence; maybe I just don't look that deep.
Keiichi especially
But I digress(edited)
maybe although idk. itd be weird if hideki was involved cause of the business. but then again maybe his father has secret gang connections we dont know about? tbh tho i think he was just assumed to be part of the gang cause he followed keiichi around. that and was into his own sort of trouble.
keiichi does have great hair
http://i.imgur.com/qvXivUg.png Dare I say he looks like a total daddy
so i assume the man hideki was seeing is arakawa (fortune teller guy), though i didnt want to be presumptious in the question. so im wondering how the heck do they know each other. cause im worried hideki tried to join the yakuza or something but then chickened out. and thus sought refuge with the four corners when the yakuza were mad
Oh, that'd be interesting, Dad with secret connections. Or maybe the mastermind behind everything is a half brother Hideki doesn't know about. And he keeps getting pulled in by those forces.
Arakawa is half brother. Calling it now.
That would be an interestign twist
i did consider that. or if the mystery man and arakawa are two diff ppl, the mystery man is hideki's secret brother.
Hideki maybe got in over his head and figured he might need the gang, perhaps? But then realized he could just run away and that worked better, so gave it up.
I'm impressed, I just came up with random crazy plot off the top of my head.
that could be maybe. although idk where hideki's quitting resides with keiichi's death
Or maybe part of Hideki was thinking he was gay, and gangs are largely guys, and so he figured he'd try it out as a way to meet more guys, but then was turned off by the actual fighting and stuff. Because he hadn't met best fighter Kazuhiro yet.
it could be keiichi died before hideki quit
and hideki was like peace out
Hmm. Maybe but I didn't get the vibe from the timelines.
i didnt get it either but hard to say for sure.
i do think hideki had a run in with the yakuza in some way. cause itd make sense then why hed know how to watch gangs or something. and itd explain why hideki's cousin was super extra worried at the path hideki was starting down again
or maybe...keiichi was the one in the yakuza all along O_O and hideki found out and was like "how dare"
Oooh, there's a twist.
That'd be... kinda scary
I've been continuing my reading in the background and just got to this page: http://fourcorners.smackjeeves.com/comics/2456598/ch5p18/. Maybe Hideki is rebelling a bit about the fact that his future is laid out for him? Could explain some of the worry about him, as well as his investigative skills.
"I don't want to be a businessman. I want to be a private detective."
yeah on a more mundane but equally believable level, it couldve just been youthful rebellion. albeit id more believe that keiichi helped hideki with some bullies or something and hideki was like "wow if i learn to fight i can control more own life." and he just happened to be super good at it
i wonder if well get to see hideki's dad ever cause that could be an illuminating conversation
I wonder which of those two occupations would be more troublesome to work in
which two occupations?
Could be. (I think we saw his dad in a flashback panel or something, but he doesn't seem to be around. Maybe Hideki was also hoping to get Dad's attention?)
The ones Match mentioned
Businessman or private detective, I wager.
Hideki just needs to make friends with a gourmet chef. Oh wait, he has Kazuhiro there.
i dont think hideki's relationship with his dad is bad. but maybe his dad has all the answers. is like "hideki i know you miss your secret brother"
and businessman is probably harder
given the setting
Oh whoa, comic has multiple languages. (I guess when we see English they're actually speaking Japanese, and so this is... chinese?)
Yeah, his family relations don't seem bad, just distant.
I heard Japanese
I'm still reading Chapter 5, they just met Hideki's cousin.
Oh, Taiwanese. Helps to keep reading.
yeah youre gonna see some info about hideki there
which shows his dad is actually not that bad a dude just busy and socially awkward
Maybe Hideki's mixed heritage is also how he ended up so aloof.
yeah. hideki has a lot of demons there i think. or had cause i feel he seems probably more adjusted than he used to be? not that hes fully healed but he seems less troubled than in that one flashback
Seeing the banter reminds me of another scene I liked, after Hideki had turned down the girl or whatever, and Kazuhiro is hiding and then he goes... wait, why am I hiding?
yes i enjoyed that moment too. especially cause i was already laughing wondering why he was hiding.
in terms of comedy i like hideki with his "friends"
and his magical excuses to leave
QUESTION 3. Besides Hideki and Kazuhiro, we also see several scenes with the villainous Arakawa who seems to be immensely involved with what’s happening to the gangs. What do you think Arakawa’s aim is? Is it a solo goal, or does it have something to do with the yakuza? For what reason do you think Arakawa hides under an assumed identity? Is it related to his goals, or is there a different reason for it? Do you think Arakawa is still even part of the yakuza in full? For what reason do you think Arakawa tolerates Ranmaru, and how might Arakawa’s plans change to deal with him? Finally, Arakawa mentions fortune-telling and how knowing what’s going to happen beforehand is a viable strategy. What do you think this might mean for what’s going on in the story, and do you think Hideki and Kazuhiro will be able to handle it?
Money, dear boy
i mean its possible. although if arakawa wanted money i dont think hed be worked a service industry manager cover story.
Right. Also interesting how at the festival when he left his friends and encountered Kazuhiro that he played it off as the guy's just another friend from a year down.
The Arakawa fortune telling thing is an interesting angle. I wonder if he can do readings on people without their knowledge. I also wonder if he just tries to make things come true that he sees, like a self-fulfiling prophecy.
That would be interesting
As far as tolerating Ranmaru goes, sometimes it's fun to have someone around to tease? ^.^
oh thats a good line of thought. id never consider that arakawa meant he didnt actually tell the future. he meant that he just makes the future happen to suit his vision
maybe hideki was arakawa's apprentice and arakawa was trying to teach hideki all about fortune reading but hideki was like "fortune telling isnt profitable" and bailed
im gonna go the simple route with theories and say arakawa's goal is simply to eliminate competition. cause he wants to push the drugs but cant do so easily when gangs are around protecting territories. so hes just making it easy for himself
Hideki preferred using a crystal ball, but only amateurs use crystal balls, so they had a falling out.
That makes some sense, except why knock the gangs out rather than simply cutting a deal with them or something?
Pride? Desire for a monopoly?
desire for a monopoly. and like really why cut them in if theyre so simple to move out of the way. arakawa seems very much a play the long con game sort of guy. so if he has to put more in the overhead to get tons more profit later, hed probably do it
(Oh, hey, a trans character, that's neat.)
I suppose, just seems like that would call more attention to you, putting down all the gangs, which is something Arakawa wants to avoid. Maybe that's also why he has Ranmaru, to act as a lightning rod?
(Good to have them trans characters, always)
(Wow, Hideki's pretty sharp, picking up on things.)
So sharp he can easily pierce through steel
but is anyone gonna care about gangs besides gangs? cause nobody of the general public seems irritated that the gangs are being taken out XD
but yeah i do think this is why ranmaru is around
he can deal with the gangs and is crazy enough to follow arakawa
I suppose there's that. I wonder why the Four Corners is being targeted now? Is it just they were next in the region, or if there's some method behind it? Like, maybe Arakawa's behind Keiichi too.
are they being specific target tho? cause i took the 'they're next' thing as more metaphorical. in the sense that theyre on the chopping block in general and could be next or they could be taken out at any time
Not sure, just wondering if there's more to it somehow.
there could be
QUESTION 4. Compared to the present, Kazuhiro’s time before the Four Corners seems drastically different. Do you think their walk-out father is the only reason Kazuhiro and Keiichi had a strained relationship? Or was there something else going on between them? Why do you think Keiichi started the Four Corners, and why do you think Keiichi kept up with it in the face of his family’s disapproval? Why do you think Kazuhiro was so compelled to take over the Four Corners, especially considering the drastic change in personality and style he underwent? Do you think Kazuhiro will be able to uphold Keiichi’s ideals and save the Four Corners at the end of the day? Also, do you think he’ll repair some of his relationship with his sisters, or will his pursuits continue to cause a rift? Lastly, do you think Keiichi died of natural causes, or was his death caused by sinister means?
the keiichi segue
Well played.
i dont think keiichi died of natural causes. if nothing more than the fact that nobody has yet said how he died in the comic and that is hella suspicious
Interesting point about Kazuhiro taking over Four Corners, given how they didn't get along too well, that didn't even fully register with me. Maybe he realized his brother had been trying to do good? Maybe he was even a member before Keiichi passed away? (I mean, you don't get promoted from outside, do you?)
Keiichi, suspiciously walked in front of a bus.
idk id believe he got promoted from outside. if only because none of the other members ive seen strike me as leader types.
There is that. He knows the gang members pretty well though.
i do think theres some message of respect hidden behind why he took over. and he just didnt realize how much he respected his bro till it was too late
Yeah, I can see that. Nice thought there.
(Made it through Chapter 5, OMG, the anniversary/april video at the end... that's amazing. And Arakawa has a magic 8 ball, hilarious!)
I used to love those
As to why Keiichi started it up, maybe a bunch of them wanted to clean up the four corners of the neighbourhood, and decided a gang would be the best way.
maybe keiichi just thought if he tidied the neighborhood their dad would come home
although maybe keiichi felt he didnt belong to his own family. so he started the four corners to create that sense of family and fill the gap
The sister relationship angle is also interesting, I liked that it was brought up back in chapter 2, to help put the family in perspective. Might be interesting if that one unapproving sister met Lei... um, the cousin character, not on the character page... they have some things in common.
Maybe. Lots of Dad issues on the part of both main characters, for different reasons.
(whispers) HI everyone!! btw im here just listening into the conversation and screaming on the inside dont mind me
I see you're the maker of this lovely little comic~
Oh, hi creator! Hope you're screaming for good reasons.
Hi everyone!!! HAHA yes for good reasons!! Im so blown away by this conversation and just thank you all for reading it this week!!! ahhhh
So yeah, as to whether Kazuhiro will save the Four Corners, I think obviously he'll die a tragic death saving Hideki, who goes off to become a monk. It paves the way for the sequel involving sister Kiyomi taking over the Four Corners next.
Heehee, glad you're enjoying the show.
glad you could make it, @boniae ~!
Well there's only about 15 minutes left so...
I'm sure you got my comments on the art style when I popped in earlier
also lol Math
haha i did kind of route for kiyomi taking over. just an endless cycle of respect, the four corners will never die. its why the mom had kids.
oh yes
Actually, Mom had four kids... and they're the four corners gang... coincidence?
It was the Boxing club in the video parody.
@Superjustinbros YES AH thank you im so glad you like my art?! @RebelVampire LMFAOO
Aay, you're welcome! It some really good art you got going on~
@mathtans somebody's onto me...... you know too much....
lol, that's math for ya
Or possibly too little. But maybe Keiichi had wanted a boxing club and was rejected and figured, I'll start a gang instead then.
Then someone dropped a piano on him. Tragic.
Math running a gang
I can sense all the incoming math puns
couldnt get enough members to make a boxing club, but everyone was totally up for a gang
and characters with outrageous hair
Oh, speaking of gang members, just wanted to add that Azumi's an interesting member. Not just for the female perspective, but how she seemed to know how to push Hideki's buttons.
yeah i also liked that azumi had been around when keiichi was. cause i think that adds an interesting dimension to the whole kazuhiro takes over thing. since he really did kind of overtake more likely ppl to take over
Yes, that too. You can see how the continuity goes through the two leaders, and there's still respect there.
i wanna see more of the gang in general tho. especially makoto since hes supposedly a great but unreliable fighter
Started a bit into Chapter 6. Interesting fleshing out of the 'villain' characters. There's a lot of interesting characters overall.
I second Rebel's comment
Could work as a flashback. "Remember the time Makoto slept in for the big fight?"
Actually, some of the flashback stuff has been interesting in it's own right. And I felt like it was well placed. Like, relevant.
since makoto liked manga apparently, i hope the context of them seeing him fight was that someone told him his waifu was trash
yeah i really loved getting to actually see past hideki in the house and kazuhiro being grump master of glares
Heh. Gotta pick your battles.
And pick them well
Ranmaru prefers to just let things happen. He's gonna annoy the wrong person the wrong way some time... needs to adopt Hideki's "run away" strategy more often.
are there any final comments anyone wants to share?
One last thought, I wonder if the setting of 1995 is relevant? Or is that just to avoid cell phones?
Nothing much, other than that I'd like to quickly wish Boniae success on the comic, it's coming along great so far and I'm sure it'll grow to be even bigger!
(My history is pretty bad.)
Or maybe it's to have Makoto be a fan of the anime back then.
Aww thank you so much!!! I appreciate this so much you guys!!! and LMFAO i legit dont even remember why I picked 1995, I think it was on a whim and then realized i had/have to do so much research to see if things existed and what was happening in 1995
I guess we'll see then! Thanks!
You're welcome, @boniae!
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Boniae, as well, for making Four Corners. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Boniae’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://fourcorners.smackjeeves.com/
Boniae’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boniae
Boniae’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/cooljalebis
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about The Origin Story by Carolin Reich. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, October 18th, from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: https://tapas.io/series/The-Origin-Story
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