#Interesting facts about speckled hummingbirds
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equestrianwritingsstuff · 4 years ago
i....would love to hear some of your animal's names if you're up for it :)
I am always up for it.
I adore my babies so much that I will talk for ages about them.
If I don't want to talk about them, you know there's something wrong with me.
So here are some of them (not all, but some):
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This is my baby girl Juniper Ann "Junie": She is nearly 3 years old (birthday is August 17th). I met her as a baby when she was red colored and took care of her. When I got home, me and my sister worked to try and get a pen set up for her because we could've taken her home if we wanted. But, only a few months later, we were able to bring her home for a decent price. The owner couldn't bring himself to butcher her. Anyway, she was wild when we got her and quite big. It took me a whole summer to tame her and now... words cannot describe how much I love her.
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Ivy Anne: this is Junie’s daughter. She was born big and was running within three hours of birth. She was born huge too! Sadly, her destination is butcher, but she is gorgeous with black stripes lining her whole body (didn't have them in time of photo). Mama Cow Junie was not agressive towards us at all which is awesome because she was a first time mother.
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Icky: Formally Echo, then Ecky, then finally Icky. This three year old hen is a Delaware hen and boy IS SHE LOUD! Anyway, this girl with amazing confirmation took home a blue in showing (a second blue, not first so she didn't qualify for champion, but dang is this chicken the stuff!)
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Pyper: She is the baddie. I don't even count her as living for she is never around. She is brooding currently, but before she got broody she was stellar. I saw her this morning, caught her, and proclaimed her presence to my family. She was show material, even though she wouldn't ever compete for champion for this two year old is Whiting True Green which is in the crossbred egg type class.
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Tabitha: Or "Tabi" as she is commonly called. She is three and since she was a pullet (hens under a year old) I've been trying to get a good show out of her. Third her first year, then second (small class, so no competition) because when Speckled Sussexes molt, they get more speckles. I was relying on her to molt, but of course she didn't. I only recall her having 1 molt and they should molt every year. Chickens sometimes...
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Zack: Isn't he cute? He is one year old, and like a foot and a half long! But he is kind of skinny, which is probably because of his age and the fact that he hasn't filled out yet. Before his first birthday, he weighed 10 pounds. 10 pounds for an active, outdoor cat! And now he weighs even more. Slender, yes, he is so big that he walks around with a hunchback. In a couple years we are going to have a monster. But, said monster, is scared of two pound kittens and ran up a tree when he saw a feral cat.
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Clover: This is my oldest cat at five years. As pretty as she is, she is the crankiest princess ever. Even when she got sick (yesterday we took her to the vet, it was just a cold) she was still growling and hissing. Clover has this "I don't care" attitude about everything and just states her presence and goes to take a nap on the couch. If you touch her, be warned she will tear your arm off. Unless she is in a sweat mood, then you may be lucky.
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Leo: I have talked about him before. He has been in rehab since April. Everytime I get somewhere, he relapses. The dumb horse rolled down a hill and hurt a ligament in his right stifle and it doesn't help that he has arthritis everywhere (it is manageable, just irksome at the moment). A couple days ago, he bucked when my sister was leading him and kicked her hands. He broke one and gave her a couple hairline fractures on the other. Months ago, he bucked me off and I broke my rib (that was in November 2020, I still have problems with it) Other post here.
Anyway, that is just a few of them. I also didn't know if you wanted a full list of them or not so I did that too.
Chickens (in age order):
Allyberries (White Crested Black Polish)
Black Diamond (Silver Laced Wyandotte)
BDH (Silver Laced Wyandotte)
Sweet Baby (Silver Laced Wyandotte)
Pearl (Silver Laced Wyandotte)
Misty (Brown Laced Leghorn)
Sugar Moon (Brown Laced Leghorn)
Diann (Cuckoo Maran)
Snowflake (Cuckoo Maran)
Patricya (Cuckoo Maran)
Tiffanie (Welsumner)
Daffodil (Welsumner)
Icky (Delware)
Felicity (Delaware)
Tabitha (Speckled Sussex)
Lilac (Sapphire Gem)
Pyper (Whiting True Green)
Joey (Light Brahma)
Cheep (Whiting True Blue)
Peep (Whiting True Blue)
Thundercluck (Blue Laced Red Wyandotte)
Super Chow Wen (Blue Laced Red Wyandotte)
... all are female
Other Poultry (in age order):
Night Bagoo (Guinea Hen, female)
Dr. Sausage (Silver Appleyard Duck, male)
Mrytle (Silver Appleyard Duck, female)
Cats (in age order):
Cows (in age order):
Juniper (Brown Swiss)
Skylar (Scottish Highland)
Lucy (Scottish Highland) here
Rocky (Holstein)
Gypsy "Wee" as she is mostly called (Angus)
Alice (Scottish Highland) here
Vikki (Scottish Highland)
Ivy (Hereford/Brown Swiss x)
... all are girls but Rocky
Leo (American Paint gelding)
Luke (Saint Bernard/Greater Swiss Mountain Dog x)
Pigs: currently six, but only one is named (Winston) because all but him look similar. I have raised 19 in my whole life and all but five have been named.
Wild Animal Friends:
The Toad: she lived in the basement for as long as I remember and she still does
The Pheasant: poor guy can't get any ladies so he courts my hens. Let's just say that Pearl was not interested....
The Hummingbirds: every year we get a flock of hummingbirds. It started with Harmony and Hank and now the flock has grown.
There aren't too many, but I love them all and it is a perfect sized hobby farm!
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tamlins-stories-and-poems · 8 years ago
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Okay, so, I have always been interesting in how clothes look and function, and four the past four years especially my religion has played a huge role in how I see myself and the world, so I drew these clothes based around quotes, songs, symbols, and principles of my religion. This are mostly some of the more recent ones, I’ll post some older ones at another time. :)
I’ll also add descriptions of the clothes and the quotes behind them under a read more for those who’re interested.
Image 1: 1.1: A hoodie with flowers on it, based on one of my favorites, “ye are as the flowers of one garden.” I think I intended for the main hoodie to either be white, gray, or blue, with brown “soil” at the ends of the sleeves and multicolored flowers growing up the arms, back, and sides so that one even lands on the hood. 🌸
Image 2: (Top to bottom) 2.1: a blue or green hoodie with yellow lights on the edges and white wings that have more lights. Based on my favorite song to play “Angels of fire and snow”. More on that shortly.🌨 2.2: a pair of bell bottom jeans, the left leg (to the right) has flames and ember going up to a smoky cloud, as the right leg (to the left) has snow coming down from gray clouds to a field with a little snowman. Also for Angels Of Fire And Snow. Sue me, it’s a good song. 🔥 2.3: an orange belt with a snow flake clasp. … I really like that song okay? 😅
Image 3: (Middle left to right, then above, then below) 3.1: the Bellfire bell bottoms. Also based off of angels of fire and snow, drawn before the pants with both. Mostly for the pun and because I like the swooshy feel of bell bottoms. 💥 3.2: the snowbells. Guess what that’s based on. 😜 3.3: the bell bells. … not really based on anything other than the fact that we’re suppose to know and appreciate the arts, I suppose. I was showing Bellfire and Snowbells to my friends and we started chanting about the Bell Bells. It happened. 🔔 3.4: the Bell Belt. Blame the Bell Bells. Not colored, or even inked. Nor will it probably ever be. 3.5: I was in a very bell filled mood that day, and it may have been while I was fasting, so I was probably a little out of it. Why a sweater with a bell print and lots of tiny jingle bells seemed like a good idea, I’m not really sure.
Image 4: (Left to right) 4.1: the star dress. I realized I could free hand nine pointed stars, one of our most common holy symbols, also the one that it’s least disrespectful to mess with. I also love the Persian trend of bright colors against dark backgrounds. A lot. The blue stars signify (to me) Bahá'u'llah, as at least his son had piercing blue eyes; the green is for the Báb, a traceable descendant of Muhammad, who therefore wore a green turban; the yellow/gold is because it reminds me of light, gold (for purity and richness of spirit) and faith in general. 🌟 4.2: the snow belt. … back to AOFAS. It has nine points, like the star. ❄️ 4.3: a fire and snow skirt. I have since realized that flecks of red and orange should be among the white of the snow, as the embers float away from the fire, but, oh well. 💙
Image 5: (Left to right top to bottom) 5.1: the flower drop skirt. Inspired by a lack of pockets and the desire to be able to change between long and medium length skirts with relative ease. Based off of the call and response “we are drops” song, particularly the lines “we are flowers/ of one garden” and “we are drops/ of one ocean.” One of the first songs of my childhood, other than Red Grammer. It has half a zipper on the top, at the end of a waistband, and the other half on the bottom. The main print is that of pink flowers on a green back drop, and the print when it’s zipped up is deep blue droplets on light blue.💧 5.2: the droplet heals. I wanted to try making shoes. Shoes are hard. Heals are pretty even if you couldn’t force me to wear them. Water drops are vaguely shoe shaped. We are drops of one ocean. It followed! 🌧 5.3: sweet nectar tank. To be explained later👉🏻 5.4: Allah'u'abha hoodie. Ditto.👆🏻 5.5: the heart sweats. Loving everyone is a huge thing, as is “oh son of spirit, My first council is this: posses a pure, kindly, and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty. Ancient imperishable and ever lasting.” (Done from memory, sorry for any hiccups.) the hearts hide pockets because it would be crazy not to. These can be worn around the house, as pjs, or when working on a service project. ❤️ 5.6: burning kindness t shirt, “let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path” is written on the back, and a small burning heart is over the left side of the chest. (Front and back view shown 💝 5.7 burning kindness polo, for a slightly more formal event, this may or may not have the quote emblazoned on the back, but it does have the flaming heart out front. Fire always seems to be good in our scriptures. 💞
Image 6: (From head to toes) 6.1: the fruit hair tie, “ye are the fruits of one tree and the leaves of one branch.” This is a regular ponytail holder with a bow on it because I have no clue how those work, lol. The bow is green with apples on it. 🍎 6.2: Allah'u'abha hoodie. Orange, for light and because the shirt my dad has that says Allah'u'abha on it is also about that shade, so I associate it with the word. A nine pointed star made from triangles around a little heart is over the, well, the heart.✨ 6.3: the “of one tree” socks, a tree with roots in speckled dirt, with blue over the toes, and maybe the heal, for easy replacement when the cloth wears through. Slightly ironic because you need two. 🌳
Image 7: 7.1: the sweet nectar tank top. Somewhere in the Bahá'í writings there is a reference to our founder as being a humming bird, and the words of God being an irresistibly sweet nectar. For me, however, this is based off of the Seals and Crofts song “Hummingbird,” one of their top hits and also one of their most explicitly Bahá'í songs, other than “East of the Ginger Trees.” The song goes “the sweetness of your nectar, it draws me like a fly! And I just love you love you love you, don’t even know the reason why. Hummin'bird don’t fly away, fly away! Hummin'bird don’t fly away, fly away!” 🌺 7.2: the heart sweats, already explained. ❤️
Image 8: (I give up pretending that there’s any order) 8.1: Two wings T. From Red (and Kathy) Grammer’s “with two wings” and a Bahá'í quote talking about how men and women are like the wings of the dove of peace. The blue wing on the left represents the masculine gender(s), and the pink one on the right is for the feminine. I’m not sure where NBs fit into this metaphor but it was made for people in the late 1800s/early 1900s, which, while not the height of gender conformity, did put a damper on talking about trans and NB people. Let’s say the yellow is for multiple or the lack of genders. 🕊 8.2: Sore to the heights pants. If the human soul is like a bird, then God is like… space. Beautiful, endless, and always just out of reach. People as birds feature prominently in the Bahá'í writings. Probably sweats. There are two birds, one on either side, and both cover pocket openings. Clouds are white, back drop is blue. 🌤 8.3: we are one family t shirt. The one is made of little humanoid figures. I’d like to be able to get them to be all shapes and sizes and colors, but my skill isn’t quite to that level, aaaaannd I haven’t even inked it so I don’t feel comfortable coloring this yet. Just imagine the people in the one as mostly brown with some bing very pale and some being almost ink colored. 1️⃣
Image 9: A close up of what the pattern on the We Are One Family t shirt would look like. Also not colored. Still not looking all that great.
Image 10: 10.1: tiny seed t shirt. I don’t remember the official quote, but there one a song I heard that goes “I am, I am, oh my god, oh my god, but a tiny seed, which thou hast sown in the soil of thy love, in the soil of thy love.” So I put that on the back without all the repeats and never remembered to ink it in. Probably a tan shirt, has a small sprout on front. Possibly smaller than I’ve drawn it.🌱 10.2: the junior youth jersey. Speaking of song’s I’ve heard not enough times! This is from one I heard at Winter School, and only on one day! Like three or so years ago! I was helping with the JY class so I was probably over fourteen, but it wasn’t the last year I was there and we haven’t made it to winter school in two or three years, and time is hard even when it’s not 12:30 in the morning after a day of thinking a lot and breaking up a pair of siblings from fighting and dealing with the six year old melting down! (I love her, I love her lots, but she really didn’t need to do that.) Anyways the song was “my feet will hold me up! My feet won’t let me down! These junior youth have got their roots in solid ground!” Or something vaguely similar to that. I’m not sure. It’s been a few years.🎽 10.3: the zipper for the JY jersey! I really wanted a close up for my idea of curlycue letters on a pretty little triangle zipper! 🔺
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