#Interest Check Results
turtlestogetherzine · 2 years
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 Thank you all so much for supporting our favorite turtle ninjas and the project! Check out the thread to see what TMNT fans wanted or who everyone's favorite turtle is!
Applications close SOON so make sure to apply if you haven’t already!
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indefensezine · 2 months
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Thank you all for your patience! We are so grateful for the positivity and feedback we've received from you. Here are the results of the interest check!
We will be proceeding with the creation of both a physical zine and The Great Ace Attorney mini-zine add on! Contributor Applications will open on July 12th, so stay tuned 🥰 CARRD 💛 INFO DOC
Read more to see your requested ships ✨
Interest Check Listed Ships: Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright x Iris/Dahlia Hawthorne, Phoenix Wright x Kristoph Gavin, Phoenix Wright x Professor Hershel Layton, Apollo Justice x Klavier Gavin, Apollo Justice x Clay Terran, Mia Fey x Diego Armando, Mia Fey x Lana Skye, and Athena Cykes x Juniper Woods
Most requested ships: Gregory Edgeworth x Tyrell Badd, Phoenix Wright x Godot, Apollo Justice x Simon Blackquill, Eddie Fender (Ray Shields) x Katherine Hall, Athena Cykes x Pearl Fey
Other Requested Ships by Attorney
Phoenix: Larry Butz, Zacharias Barnham, Rouge (PLvsPW), Dick Gumshoe, Shi Long Lang, Jake Marshall, Herman Crab Mia: Aura Blackquill
Apollo: Ema Skye, Wocky Kitaki
Athena: Sasha Buckler, Trucy Wright, Robin Newman
Gregory: Manfred von Karma
Calisto: Aura Blackquill, Dee Vasquez, Yatagarasu Throuple, Shi Long Lang
Dhurke: Datz Are'bal, Amara Khura’in
Jill Crane: Jack Cameron
Poly Ships
Phoenix x Edgeworth x Gumshoe, Phoenix x Edgeworth x Larry, Phoenix x Edgeworth x Lang, Phoenix x Edgeworth x Kristoph, Mia x Aura x Lana, Apollo x Klavier x Ema, Apollo x Klavier x Simon
These ships were sent in to us by you, and is no way a definitive list. Please do not hesitate to pitch other ships! ⚓
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wh10yearszine · 3 months
After notable time spent away✨......
We present The 10 Magical Years Interest Check Results!💖🌟
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We once again, cannot even begin to thank you for all your support and patience with us.✨🌟
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ophazines · 1 month
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Here are the results of the interest check! There were 185 responses. Thank you so much for your interest!
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companionszine · 5 months
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We received 146 responses over the past month, and will be going ahead with the zine! Mod Peren (that's me) will need a little help, though—so if you want to be a mod, apply here! Now, onto the results.
73% of you (that's 107 people) said that you'd be interested in purchasing this zine (shoutout to the person who said, "If there is any Zevran in it I will absolutely throw money at it." I appreciate you greatly) while 67% (98 people) expressed interest in contributing to the zine! The number of contributors accepted into the zine will ultimately depend on how many applicants we get, but I would say at least 30 people—both writers and artists.
All three games' companions will be featured in the zine (the Awakening DLC companions will absolutely show up if I have anything to say about it)! Apologies to our NPC lovers and comics fans, though. We see you, but this zine is centered around the companion characters. OCs will show up but will not be the focus of the zine.
We will have a digital and physical zine, and the digital zine will be free to download! As for merch, production will depend on whether any artists are interested in designing it.
Thank you for your interest in this project! The singular mod (me again) really appreciates the support that we've received from you. We hope this information gives you a better idea of what the zine will be! Applications will open on May 5th, so prep your portfolios and think up some content ideas!
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neondownpourzine · 8 months
RAIN CODE ZINE - Interest Check Results!
Hello! After a week, we've gathered an encouraging 88 responses! With that in mind, I've decided to go through with the zine 🎉🎉🎉
Here is the full results report:
In terms of participating, we have an overwhelming majority wishing to participate as artists! There's a fairly even split between writers and readers only, and just slightly less on anyone willing to take on either writer/artist roles. With this in mind, I've considered having this zine include 24 artists, 3 digital merch artists, and 6 writers, not including the moderators.
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Here are the results regarding the zine's theme. We will be focusing on a general RAIN CODE zine! However, there will still be a theme so the zine can remain cohesive.
The theme is: A Trip Down Memory Lane!
For this theme, I'm hoping for a variety of pieces focusing on each chapter of the story, from the prologue to the epilogue. I'll permit some pre-game and post-game works as well, but would prefer a major focus on the canon story.
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We have a staggering dominance of people preferring to be an art moderator. Even with this in mind, we will be accepting one art moderator and one writing moderator. I will handle scheduling. Applications for both will be sent out soon.
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Most people have agreed on a writer/artist collaboration, which means that 6 of the artist participants will be paired with a corresponding writer to draw art that accompanies their writing.
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Most folks would be willing to have digital merch attached to the zine! We will accept 3 artists to make digital merchandise. The merchandise doesn't need to fit into any one chapter, so the rules will be a bit looser on what the art can portray.
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And those are the results!
Regarding some suggestions and questions asked in the interest check:
You should add keychains/physical merch/ physical copies. Full disclosure, this is the first zine I've ever run, so this zine will be a free, digital only PDF. This is to keep it as simple and manageable as possible.
A cosplay section? I would count cosplay under art. When I release artist applications, cosplayers are welcome to submit cosplay photos and even create them as entries to the final product.
Artists should make promo art! Once I have co-moderators and participants, any artists who are willing to offer simple doodles for promotional material are welcome to contribute.
Link contributor's Ao3 accounts in the zine? The zine will offer full credits for all participants in the zine. This includes any preferred social media accounts for sites such as Ao3, Wattpad, Twitter, Tumblr, and anywhere else.
How will this be scheduled? I intend to drop a full schedule post soon, but the basic rundown will be: 15 Jan - 22 Jan: Moderator Applications 24 Jan - 25 Jan: Moderator acceptance/rejection emails sent out, mods invited to the zine's discord server and emailing list. 1 Feb - 20 Feb: Artist/Writer Applications 25 Feb - 29 Feb: Artist/Writer acceptance/rejection emails sent out, participants invited to join the discord server and emailing list. 1 March - 15 Jun: Production period, with monthly progress check-ins for all participants 16 Jun - 29 Jun: Countdown period 30 Jun: Zine releases
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I assure you, Vivia Twilight will appear at least one time in this zine!
As an additional note, I'd like to thank @rararazaquato for coming up with the title of the zine!
And thank you everyone for your responses!
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zukaangweek · 5 months
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Interest check results are in! But first, we'd like to announce the dates for Zukaang Week this year:
Zukaang Week 2024 will be held from July 8 to July 14!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our interest check! With 74 responses, there is overwhelming support for having Zukaang Week in 2024:
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A total of 35 people responded "yes" to being a contributor this year, with almost the same number answering "maybe":
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We can hope to see many different types of fanworks, with fanfic and fanart receiving the highest number of responses:
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Last but not least, thank you for all your suggestions for a theme! Over the next few days, the mods will put together a list of the most popular theme ideas and open up voting to select a theme for this year's Zukaang Week.
Once we have a theme, the mods will determine the prompts based on the theme. (Not sure what it means to have prompts based on a theme? Please see this post!) We plan to release the theme and prompts sometime in May.
Thank you all again for your responses and outpouring of interest in Zukaang Week! If you have any questions, check out our Carrd for more info, rules, and FAQ, or send us an ask.
We'll open up theme voting soon, so stay tuned 💛❤️
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yashita-zine · 3 months
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First of all, thank you so much for filling out our Interest Check! Below are the compiled results, along with some decisions we've made based on them as we move forward with the zine!
We have received 40+ responses! Below is the distribution of the level of interest for the zine, along with how the respondents would like to participate in the project.
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And now the interest for the digital merch and the zine's price.
We will be doing digital merch for our zine! The merch types will be finalized when our contributors are picked.
As for the pricing, although we initially intended for the zine to be free, given how evenly distributed the results came out in regards to that, we have decided for the zine to be pay as you wish and for charity!
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And that concludes our Interest Check report. Please be on the lookout for our Contributor Application that's opening within the next few days! We look forward to seeing your submissions.
For more information on our zine, please check our carrd!
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hearthtriozine · 3 months
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Thank you all for an incredible turnout of 104 responses! We were super pleased to see the support and we appreciate your input. Now, without further ado, let's see the results!
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So many of you would love to see this zine happen! A majority of 52.9% of respondents selected "5" for their level of interest. "4" comes in a close second at 41.3%.
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Lots of interest in both participating and buying we see! With a healthy level of interest in all positions, we're sure we'll be able to offer and deliver a wide variety of content.
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47.1% of respondents indicated preference for a 50% profit, 50% charity split for proceeds. We'll be moving ahead with this information in mind!
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For a physical zine only, the most popular price range was $25-$30. For a digital zine, the range was $10-$15.
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For a full bundle, the most popular price was $60-$70. For a physical + digital merch bundle, the range was $35-$40. Based on these responses, we'll shape our budget accordingly.
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A large majority of 81.7% of you were interested in AU content! We hope we'll be able to deliver lots of amazing AU content for you all.
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Page art is our most popular form of art, with 95 votes. Short comics and spreads follow close behind, with 76 and 75 votes respectively.
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Lots of interest in short fics, which received 85 votes! Coming in second and third are journal entries with 62 votes and letters with 61 votes.
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For digital merch, our most popular selections were wallpapers and emotes! That said, expect to see many other cool items included in our digital merch selection!
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And finally, our physical merch interest results! Prints and acrylic charms were extremely popular, and sticker sheets and enamel pins also received interest. We'll make sure to put together a bundle full of varied merch that we're sure you'll love!
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naruto-fantasy-zine · 8 months
🔥 The Naruto Fantasy AU Zine Interest Check results are in! 🔥
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Thank you for your overwhelming support on our interest check!!!
You voted and we listened! "Dreaming in Daylight, Drowning in Darkness" will include the following:
A beautiful hardcover book (art + poetry)!
A lovely softcover side-zine (featuring sketches, process work, and fics by our amazing contributors)!
Our yearly tradition, a letter-size wall calendar!
And tons of merch! – prints, stickers, acrylic charms, hard enamel pins, and more!
Applications officially open today! We hope to see you there. 💖
⊱⊹⊰ Schedule ⊱⊹⊰ FAQ ⊱⊹⊰ Twitter ⊱⊹⊰ Carrd ⊱⊹⊰
↓ Click for image transcript! ↓
Interest Check results: Your top Zine Picks! - Physical zine - Merchandise - Side-zine (physical) - Calendar And here are some of your AMAZING suggestions for which fantasy worlds you would like to see brought to life:
High fantasy
Yōkai / Creatures
Isekai / Reincarnation
Fairytale / Folklore
Modern / Urban
Fae / Elves /Shifters
Angels / Demons
And more!
Your top Merch Choices!
Prints Enamel pins Acrylic charms Stickers Metal bookmarks Standees Button pins Tote bag Wooden charms Leather notebook Wall calendar with standard illustrations, not pin-up
Thank you!
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heart-teyvat · 1 month
Here are the results of our interest check!! We've learned you guys really like cats! Which is understandable, cats are pretty awesome.
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Thank you so much to everyone who filled out the IC! Applications will be opening August 15th, and we hope to see you all there!!
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droujizine-redesign · 1 month
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒖𝒕! ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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Thank you all for 118 responses! We are absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of support we received. Here is the summary of the Interest Check:
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We have enough interest for writers, digital merch and cosplayers! Unfortunately, we won't be having fashion design as a separate contributing role this time as there were less than 50% people expressing interest. We will also be allowing both original designs and existing outfits for contributions!
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We will be accepting guest artists! Potential guests will be contacted within the next few days, and they will be announced after our moderator lineup has been released. Our theme will also be changing from ouji only to both ouji and lolita! As a result, we will be introducing TWO new mascots in addition to our current ones! Follow us to find out who they are!
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The zine will only be focused on characters from the main games as there is a lack of interest for non main game characters. However, contributors are free to include them in the background if they wish to!
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Thank you once again for the support! Our title will be revealed on August 10th, along with more details about the zine! Mod applications will be open on the day after at 10AM EST, so make sure to watch out for that!
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Today’s post features: Spot art by @rainbow-cheshire (Inspiration: Classic Ouji)
Have any questions? Feel free to ask in the comments or Retrospring!
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prettywittyzine · 19 days
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✂️ Our Interest Check Results have just been tailored in✂️ With tons of new information that you can't miss out on ~𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘢 ✨
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Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr | Retrospring
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galacticguidebookzine · 2 months
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💫Interest Check Results Are Here!💫
Hey everyone, we got your responses together and here's the results of the interest check!
If you're interested in being part of Team Galactic, don't forget to apply!
Merch Artists
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volleboo-zine · 2 months
👻𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍!👻
App forms below!⬇️⬇️⬇️
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🎃𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬🎃
🧡ESP: https://forms.gle/ZTeSNkCV4UeW6jba7
🖤ENG: https://forms.gle/fWffUZqxg3gEMjqm8
🎃𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬🎃
🧡ESP: https://forms.gle/91PSGAixiwtk1hGw9
🖤ENG: https://forms.gle/yWg35zUY5Ptsg2Xy9
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krbkevents · 2 months
KRBK Advent Calendar IC Results
The holidays are only four months away and we have some delightful holiday prompts coming your way! Below you will find our Advent Calendar prompt results, with text breakdown of the prompts. And please be sure to read the details on our new posting guidelines!
Happy KRBK Month!⚙️💥
Signups open August 5th!
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Prompt List:
KFC (Fried Chicken)
Baby's First Christmas (KRBK Dads)
Lighting of the Menorah
Hallmark Movie
White Elephant Gift
Ice Skating
Office Party
Snowball Fight
Surprise Visit
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The info stated that posting will be different this year. How will that work?
Unlike last year, posting will run a bit differently. All participants will be required to have an AO3 account for posting. If you do not have one, please make a note of it on the signup form so that we can get you an invite link.
Participants will be required to submit their work to the AO3 collection by November 24th. Works will be marked as 'unrevealed.' On your designated posting date, your individual work will be revealed and a preview graphic will be posted on all socials (with you tagged). You are free to post the full thing anywhere else you would like immediately after that.
Why is it different?
For two reasons:
This ensures everyone can see all the works no matter which platform they choose to view them on (Twitter, Tumblr, Bluesky, AO3).
It will be easier to track any potential drops and make sure we have an entire week for pinch hits if necessary, as last year we had people that posted their work at the very last minute, making it hard to tell if they were going to post at all.
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