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telaviv-delhi · 1 year ago
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Nos, ebbe a nevetségesen drágán (600 millió forint/2 millió dollár) létrehozott, "konzervatív" közösségi térbe meg kocsmába sohasem mertem betenni a lábam, mert féltem, hogy a bent dagonyázó kiéhezett, torz arcú zombik és szociopaták megeszik az agyam vagy kivágják és eladják a veséim. Tudjátok, fideszes keltető, itt gyülekeznek azok a rosszarcú, de feltörekvő ifjabb kannibálok, akik az idősebb "konzervatívokhoz" hasonlóan szeretnének egy jó nagyot harapni Magyarország testéből. Tökös belvárosi román vagyok, de azért van egy határa a bátorságomnak is. Chaim cimbi viszont eszetlenül bátor és kíváncsi nyújorki hászid, bűnöző hajlamokkal, "nekem már a kóservágó nagyapám is ült a szockóban, illegális disznóvágásért". Zárás környéke volt, megkönnyebülésünkre csak egy eltévedt szláv lánycsoport alapozott lármásan a szombat esti faszvadászatra. Hát mit dünnyögjek, 2 millió dollárért már jachtot lehet venni, nemcsak ilyen szockó hangulatú (bocs, retró) búfelejtőt, Pistának jó lesz, Kádár népének ízlése transzgenerációs traumaként pusztít. A falakon a névadó konzervatív filozófus aranyköpései, legyen már a wannabee tolvajoknak is valami ideológiája, mégis jobban hangzik, ha konzervatívnak nevezi magát valaki és nem szimpla tolvajnak. Most már tudom, hogy a Isten, haza, polgári, keresztény stb. fideszes bullshit mellett a konzervatív is kiknek az eufémiája :) A sör középtakony Hübrisz, ami egy közepesen ismert geci "kézműves" kreációja. Van olyan szar, mint a Csíki, a konzervatívoknak sem fenékig (fenékbe?) tejföl az élet, mindannyiunknak áldozatokat kell hoznunk a jutalomra várva. Vajon Scruton mit mondana erről a nagyszabású lopással indított gecifészekről? Én mindenesetre nem láttam semmilyen problámát, amit a majdani lázadó tömeg ne tudna néhány kézigránáttal vagy egy lángszóróval megoldani.
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djmstudio · 7 months ago
Welcome to D.j.M Studio. channel where we explore the rich cultural and intellectual history of India. In today's video, we delve into the fascinating topic of Nalanda University: A Testament to India's Intellectual Heritage.
 यह वीडियो आपको भारत की एक अनमोल धरोहर, नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय के बारे में जानकारी प्रदान करेगा। नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय एक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान था जो भारतीय बौद्धिक विरासत का प्रमाण है। इस वीडियो में हम नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय के महत्वपूर्ण योगदानों पर चर्चा करेंगे। यह विश्वविद्यालय विश्व के एक प्रमुख शिक्षा केंद्र था जो भारतीय बौद्ध धर्म और संस्कृति को प्रचारित करने का कार्य करता था। इस वीडियो को देखने के फायदे में शामिल है भारतीय सांस्कृतिक विरासत के प्रति जागरूकता बढ़ाना, भारतीय इतिहास और संस्कृति के प्रति रुझान बढ़ाना, और अपने ज्ञान को विस्तारित करना। इस वीडियो को देखने के बाद, आप नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय के महत्व को समझेंगे और भारतीय बौद्धिक विरासत की महत्वपूर्णता को समझेंगे। इस वीडियो को देखने के लिए धन्यवाद। #नालंदा #विश्वविद्यालय #���ारत #बौद्धिकविरासत #इतिहास #संस्कृति #शिक्षा #ज्ञान #योगदान #वीडियो #हिंदी #जागरूकता
#NalandaUniversity #IndianHistory #IntellectualHeritage #Bihar #AncientEducation #Scholarship
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vasiliik-ih-2-2019-blog · 5 years ago
Essay - Imagery For Intellectual Heritage II
In this blog, there are countless images that are both abstract and realistic. Each image serves the purpose of explaining the context of the Intellectual Heritage II Classwork. Themes are mentioned as Hashtags, as well as quotes from the readings we have done throughout the semester, and original fragments made by myself to represent the context of famously known ancient philosophers and scientists. 
These images were selected to flow through different sections, each related to either Philosophy, Mythology, Science, Nature, or Civilization. The Hashtags are helpful in navigating through time how each image is important in conceptualizing human civilization, how we are connected deeply to nature, the relevance of studying mythology and philosophy, and how science may further contribute to our understanding of the wold and even further the universe. 
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ismailignosis · 8 years ago
"Like each of you personally, the University also remembers its heritage on a day like this. That heritage is rooted in the rich history of Islamic intellectual accomplishment, including the work of my own ancestors in ancient Cairo 1000 years ago, when they founded the Azhar University and the Dar-ul-ilm, the House of Knowledge. This story continued for several centuries, as Muslim centers of scholarship and culture involved and inspired people of many traditions and faith communities. A respect for diversity, a welcoming, cosmopolitan ethic has been a hallmark of this heritage — an increasingly relevant legacy in the emerging “border-less” world that President Rasul has so aptly described. It was this intellectual heritage that inspired my grandfather, as Imam of the Ismaili Muslim community, to make education a top priority. In fact, he started the first Aga Khan School in Africa over 110 years ago in Bagamoyo, Tanzania. And that same legacy was in our minds when we began planning for this new Aga Khan University." - Imam Shah Karim al-Husayni Aga Khan IV 2015 Aga Khan University Convocation Ceremony (Kampala, Uganda), 26 February 2015 http://www.nanowisdoms.org/nwblog/10885/ #Ismailis #Ismailism #AgaKhan #AhlAlBayt #ProudIsmaili #SpiritualChildren #HazarImam #SpiritualFather #SpiritualMother #ShahPir #Blessed #Faith #Love4Imam #Imam #Imamat #IsmailiPride #LessonsInIsmailism #Nanowisdoms #DidYouKnow #OneJamat #IntellectualHeritage #Fatimid #DarUlIlm #HouseOfKnowledge #Cairo #RespectForDiversity #CosmopolitanEthic Please visit www.ismailignosis.com or visit our Facebook page www.facebook.com/IsmailiGnosis for more gems about Mawlana Hazar Imam, the Imamat, and Ismaili history and philosophy.
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philajazzproject · 4 years ago
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Check out @templeuniv's - Core Futures 2021: A 5-day, virtual exploration of democracy, race, history, culture & scholarship. Organized by the Intellectual Heritage Department, this program will include lectures, dialogues, screening and performances, including folks like…     ▪    Jeannine A. Cook, owner of Harriet’s Bookshop     ▪    Rasheedah Phillips, Black Quantum Futurism     ▪    J. Michael Harrison, of WRTI-FM     ▪    Alonzo Demetrius , Trumpeter     ▪    Immanuel Wilkins, Saxophonist     ▪    Vashti DuBois, of The Colored Girls Museum     ▪    Michael Clemmons, of The Colored Girls Museum     ▪    Homer Jackson, director of the Philadelphia Jazz Project     ▪    Eric Battle, illustrator and art director     ▪    Brian Jackson, Pianist Composer and Flutist     ▪    and more For More Info: https://bit.ly/2Ph6rls #PhillyJazz #TempleUniversity #CoreFutures2021 #IntellectualHeritage #JazzStories #JazzArt #JazzBook (at Temple University) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM02T2RjWqF/?igshid=z4izywbwybxy
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philajazzproject · 4 years ago
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Join us at Temple University - Core Futures 2021: A 5-day, virtual exploration of democracy, race, history, culture & scholarship. Activities include lectures, dialogues, screenings & concerts. Organized by the Intellectual Heritage Department, this program will include lectures, dialogues, screening and performances; including a conversation about Philadelphia Jazz Stories: our new 45 minute video exploring our book, Philadelphia Jazz Stories Illustrated: Volume One. The film will be available for viewing online at the Philadelphia Jazz Project - Youtube Channel starting Wednesday, March 24th as well. For More Info: https://bit.ly/2Ph6rls #PhillyJazz #TempleUniversity #CoreFutures2021 #IntellectualHeritage #JazzStories #JazzArt #JazzBook (at Temple University) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMu7ajGDMDg/?igshid=1uig3wfzvzb87
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