#Instrument Transformers manufacturer
geminiinstra · 2 years
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Website: https://www.geminiinstratech.com
Phone: +917045002268, +912532973838
Address: B-83, MIDC, Ambad, Nashik, 422010, Maharashtra, India
Linkedin: https://in.linkedin.com/company/gemini-instratech-ltd
GMB: https://goo.gl/maps/t2z7hHsU8tSzvqZ57
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drnikolatesla · 9 months
One of the Greatest Inventions of All Time
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Nikola Tesla has many revolutionary inventions to his credit, but he is best known for his pioneering work in the development and promotion of alternating current (AC) electrical systems. Tesla's innovations in AC technology revolutionized the generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical power, becoming the foundation for the modern electrical power systems that we use today.
There is a common misconception made that Tesla was the first to invent, or discover, AC, but this is not true. It is well-known that Hippolyte Pixii was the first to discover AC in 1832. Pixii was an instrument maker from Paris who built an early form of an alternating current electrical generator (based on the principle of electromagnetic induction discovered by Michael Faraday), and thus started a new industry in power transmission. Tesla was not the first to discover or invent an AC motor, but he was the first to invent a practical AC induction motor with commercial value that could outperform all other motors. It must be noted that Italian inventor Galileo Ferraris also invented an induction motor similar to Tesla's, but it had no commercial value, and he even admitted himself that it was useless. Tesla's induction motor operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction, properly utilizing a rotating magnetic field that induces a current in a stationary conductor, resulting in rotational motion. The utilization of the rotating magnetic field makes the motor more simple, robust, versatile, efficient, and cost effective in that it has less moving parts reducing the likelihood of mechanical failure (as was common in other motors).
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Tesla's induction motor became a fundamental component in the field of electrical engineering and is used today in various applications, being one of the most widely used devices in the world. The motors play a crucial role in transmitting electrical power to homes and businesses. They are commonly used in power generation plants to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, which is then transmitted through the power grid for distribution to various locations. Induction motors are also widely employed in appliances and machinery within homes and businesses for various applications. These applications include conveyor systems, hoists, cranes, lifts, pumps, fans, ventilation systems, compressors, manufacturing machinery, wind turbines, washing machines, refrigerators, garbage disposals, microwaves, dishwashers, vacuums, air conditioners, robotics, electric vehicles, trains, power tools, printers, etc. Basically, anything that requires a spinning action for power.
The induction motor is widely considered one of the most important inventions in the history of electrical engineering. Its importance lies in its transformative impact on industries, its efficiency and reliability, and its role in the broader electrification of society.
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whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Top 10 Inventions of the Industrial Revolution
The British Industrial Revolution transformed life at work and at home for practically everyone. Noise, pollution, social upheaval, and repetitive jobs were the price to pay for labour-saving machines, cheap and comfortable transportation, more affordable consumer goods, better lighting and heating, and faster ways of communication.
Any shortlist of inventions is bound to be far from complete, but the following have been chosen not only for what they could do but also for how they permitted other inventions to become possible and how they transformed working life and everyday living for millions of people. The period under consideration is also important and here is taken as 1750 to 1860. With these criteria in mind, the top 10 inventions of the Industrial Revolution were:
The Watt Steam Engine (1778)
The Power Loom (1785)
The Cotton Gin (1794)
Gas Street Lighting (1807)
The Electromagnet (1825)
The First Photograph (c. 1826)
Stephenson's Rocket (1829)
The Electrical Telegraph (1837)
The Steam Hammer (1839)
Mass Steel Production (1856)
The Watt Steam Engine
The steam engine, which harnessed power from the expansion of heated water, is often cited as the single most important invention of the Industrial Revolution, principally because so many other important subsequent inventions used it as their power source. The steam engine was born from the necessity to pump out flooded mine shafts and enable deeper mining. The first steam pump was invented by Thomas Savery (c. 1650-1715) in 1698. In 1712, Thomas Newcomen (1664-1729) perfected his more powerful steam pump to drain coal mines of water in Dudley in the Midlands.
To make the steam engine more useful for other purposes, it had to be made more efficient both in terms of fuel consumption and power. The Scottish instrument maker James Watt (1736-1819) and Matthew Boulton (1728-1809) kept tinkering with the workings of the steam engine until, in 1778, they had perfected a separate condenser to vastly increase the engine's efficiency. Power was also increased by the steam powering the piston down not just up (hence its name, a double-acting engine), increasing the 'horsepower', a term coined by Watt. The engine also had its power converted to a more versatile rotary motion using a flywheel. Using just one-quarter of the fuel of Newcomen's engine, Watt's engine was cheap enough to use almost anywhere. Steam engines kept on evolving, notably with the expansion steam engine, and they benefitted from ever-better tool machinery that could make stronger and better-fitting parts.
By 1800, Britain boasted over 2,500 steam engines, most of them used in mines, cotton mills, and manufacturing factories. 500 of these engines were made by the Watt and Boulton factory in Birmingham. Every walk of life was affected. Steam now powered fountains, threshing machines, sewage pumps, and printing presses. Essentially, any work that required pushing, pulling, lifting, or pressing could be made much more efficient using steam-powered machines. Steam engines were harnessed for trains and steamships, and, aptly, all these uses caused a boom in the coal mining industry, which had been the origin of the machine in the first place.
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sansxfuckyou · 5 months
nowhere to hide out in the open
summary: the one good thing about these 'Genre Peace' meetings, it would be that Delta Dawn has an excuse to be next to Queen Essence
warnings: its just fluff
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To be frank, Delta Dawn didn't necessarily enjoy the fact that the genre leaders had to meet up in Funk's spaceship of sorts; they called it Vibe City. The deck may have been solid beneath her hooves and the air perfectly metered in temperature, but it still felt wrong. Just something made her feel off about living up here, especially when they used to inhabit the deserts and oasis's below.
The only plus was the fact that she was allowed a seat next to Queen Essence, Funk's co-ruler. Pale blue fur and glistening silver tinsel littered across her form and like necklaces on her neck. A spattering of glitter on her face and golden adornments in her hair, voice a gentle timbre and comfy pace-
Delta Dawn definitely enjoyed her, and the fact that she was married with children.
"Now, Queen Poppy, are you sure we really need to unite geographically as well?" Trollzart asked, and the annoying sound of his voice snapped Delta out of it. He sounded like a 'woodwind,' as the Classical's called those instruments.
"Yeah, Popseed, I quite like Volcano Rock City. The Rocker's need some heat to keep us going," Barb tacked on, voice sharp as always with a blunt edge that Delta respected. Even if the gal tried to destroy all music, she had good work ethic.
Poppy gave a nervous laugh, "Well we could at least try making a place where the cross-genre's and genrefluid Trolls could exist in peace?"
"A utopia," King Quincy supplies.
"A Trollstopia, if you will," Queen Essence adds on.
"The only problem with that is the Techno's, they can't be out of water for prolonged periods of time," Branch said. He was already splaying out blueprints, "I'll work on a fix."
"I can help manufacture it," Trollex said and his voice also had an annoying sting too it out of water, oddly synthetic but natural to their speciation.
"Dawn," Queen Essence said, and it took Delta a moment to realize she was referring to her.
The sheriff of Country nodded, "Yes, miss Essence?" Country sensibilities sneaking into her speech again, she really hopes that isn't an offence in Funk.
Instead it makes Queen Essence smile, "Do you have any objections to this Trollstopia?" There's a softness to her tone, a calm that Delta doesn't know too well. Everyone's much gruffer in Country, more to the point and strict about it. Working together is loving each other and tussling in a rodeo is a love language.
Funk Trolls are so... Different, in a refreshing way of course. It's confusing too, Delta never took herself for a romantic, but the Queen is doing something to her. And it's just how she exists too, even when they aren't interacting she's just like this. Smooth and calm and with an amount of allure that Delta is sure must be practiced in advance.
"I got no objections to it, I think it's a great idea," Delta said before standing up and pushing aside the cushion she sat upon. At the slightest hint of Poppy going to speak up, she waved it off, "I'm fine, Queen Poppy, I just need to stretch my legs, get some water."
Her hooves clicked uncomfortably against the metal-adjacent platforms below her. She rubbed her temples as she walked, taking long, deep breaths to try and compose herself. How on earth do they expect her to keep it together when they put her beside Queen Essence? She shouldn't be getting this worked up over a married Troll.
"Dawn, you're probably gonna need some help finding the vending machines," Came a gentle voice from behind her and all she could do was freeze up.
"Naw, I'll be fine, Queen Essence," Delta said, turning to give her an affirming smile. It looked kind of forced.
"Please, just call me Essence," She said before leading Delta along and the sheriff followed without questioning her own actions despite her previous defiance.
Delta gives a huffing sort of sound, it earns her a perplexed look before she remembers that the Funk Trolls don't have that in their lexicon, "Then I have ta ask that you call me Delta."
Essence gives a long hum as she pads down the halls, her paws are near silent against the flooring. A stark contrast to the clip-clop of Delta's hooves, "I'll see what I can do for you."
The slight teasing lilt coupled with a small chuckle has Delta going mad. She trots up closer to the queen of Funk and follows her obediently down the halls. The swirled design of Funk architecture matches the consistent beat thrumming below them in the main corridors. It pulses with a faint glow, so subtle it's almost unnoticable unless you really look close- and Delta needs something to stare at that isn't her guide.
When they come to a stop Essence grabs her a bottle of water, gifted in return for a small melody in a genre Delta doesn't know well. It's interesting technology really, maybe Country is outdated after all. Then she remembers that Pop still lives in the woods and hasn't rebuilt after they had their empire swept out from under their feet by the Bergens. Her genre isn't too far behind, and Funk is highly advanced anyways.
"So, Delta, what's got you down?" Essence asked, dropping down to sit with folded legs on a cushion. Delta followed suit, a low table between them, and she didn't quite sit the same way Funk Trolls did but she made it happen.
"Nothin's got me down," Delta said, twisting the cap off the bottle, "Don't know what gave you that idea."
Essence's brows furrowed, but she didn't narrow her gaze much. She just sighed, "I can't be offended that you don't want to tell me, but I can be offended that you think I can't see what's right in front of me."
That shakes Delta down to her core, she didn't expect Essence to have such keen observations as well. She nearly chokes on her water which has a tang too it, a hint of citrus flavouring perhaps? She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, "I suppose I shouldn't treat ya like an idiot cause you're different than me."
"Some signs are universal," Essence said, "And your vibes aren't exactly feeling on point."
Delta gives a low laugh, "You have a point there, Queen Essence. You're mighty smart, mighty tenacious for waiting so long for your son to show up."
Essence smiles a smile that's so warm it contradicts the soothing frosted hue of her form. She tilts her head a bit as she smiles, a small laugh arising and she brings a paw to hide it. "I'm flattered, Dawn."
"Essence, you seem like the loving type," Delta begins, "Happily married and whatnot."
"So it's a romance problem you have."
She nods, "Yeah, that. What would you say is the best action for loving someone whose already set for life?"
That gives Essence pause, and she's more than clever enough to piece it together right then and there, but she still takes a moment. "In Funk we're usually pretty open, most relations are fluid and shifting states frequently."
"They are?" Delta asked a bit too fast.
"Of course they are, Delta. Are they not in other genres?" Essence asked, a genuine curiosity lacing her voice.
Delta shakes her head, "We're rather monogamous in Country."
"Tell me, Delta," Essence begins, a type of smile on her face that makes Delta shiver. Essence leans a little bit closer, "Is it me?"
"What gave it away, your majesty?" Delta asked.
"Country Trolls are very up front, it translates to the way you act," Essence explained before pressing a kiss to Delta's cheek. It left a silvery, snowy mark in its wake and Delta was too stunned to move. It made Essence giggle a bit.
"But, but you're royalty!" Delta managed to get out, "Doesn't royalty have ta keep a closed relationship?"
Essence shrugged and the tinsel shifted and coat the technicolor glow of Vibe City. "Quincy is understanding, I doubt he'd mind if we let you in for a bit."
"Well alright then." She's not in a cohesive enough mindset to get anything else out of her mouth. She's wearing this dumb grin on her face that's quick to fall.
Essence brings a paw to Delta's face, "What's wrong, darling?"
"Nothin' that needs to be worried about now," Delta brings her hand to rest on Essence's wrist, or ankle maybe? Delta isn't too sure of the proper terminology to use.
"You got your legs stretched out enough to head back, Dawn? They can't make much progress without Country," Essence asked.
"I'm ready," Delta said before standing up, she traced a digit across the lipstick mark on her cheek, "Say, won't this be incriminating evidence?"
"Quincy won't mind," Essence assured with a hum.
"The others?"
"They're in our home, we can evict them."
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leftistfeminista · 1 month
Forcing women to choose: Sexual neoliberalism in Junta political prisons
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Jocelyn Maldonado Garay’s Political Sexual Violence and State Terrorism in the Civil-Military Dictatorship in Chile: The Dark Genealogy of Neoliberalism offers a harrowing and profound exploration of the intersection between sexual violence and the economic policies of the Chicago Boys during Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship. Through a Marxist-Feminist lens, Garay delves into the way sexual abuse was not merely a byproduct of state terror, but an ideological instrument deeply tied to the neoliberal project forced upon Chile. The systematic subjugation of Communist, feminist, and MIRista women was intertwined with the neoliberal vision propagated by the Chicago Boys—a vision that perversely twisted the notion of freedom and choice.
At the core of Garay’s analysis is the idea that the sexual abuse of Marxist women was deliberately orchestrated to align with the principles of neoliberalism, particularly the illusion of choice. Under the guise of freedom, women were subjected to acts of degradation and humiliation that symbolized their forced submission to the new political and economic order. The military junta, inspired by Milton Friedman’s Free to Choose, sought to impose this ideology not only through economic reforms but through the bodies and minds of women who had previously resisted their rule.
The ultimate triumph for the junta guards was not merely the physical domination of these women, but their psychological defeat. The regime’s obsession with breaking the will of strong, defiant women was a reflection of the broader neoliberal project: the transformation of individuals into subjects who internalize their oppression as a form of autonomy. The junta’s aim was to strip away the revolutionary spirit of these women, to make them complicit in their own subjugation, and to present this submission as a choice.
One of the most grotesque examples of this illusion of choice is found in the practice of forcing women to wear skimpy lingerie as a signal of their willingness to be transferred from brutal interrogation chambers to the junta officers' harems. Lingerie—bras and thongs—were deliberately hung from the bars of prison cells, turning torture chambers into perverse theaters of neoliberal choice. Women who had once been fierce resistors of the regime were now manipulated into seeing the act of putting on lingerie as a decision, a form of agency, even though it was anything but. European lingerie manufacturers signed contracts with the Chilean police, supplying them with undergarments they knew would be used for abuse. This was a troubling example of global capitalists being complicit in degrading the revolutionary women who threatened their wealth.
The act of donning these garments represented a psychological surrender. For the junta guards, this was the ultimate victory: to see once-defiant women voluntarily participate in their own degradation, to watch them adopt the symbols of submission. In a grotesque parody of freedom, these women were made to believe that by choosing to wear the lingerie, they were opting for a different fate—not as political prisoners, but as sexual objects who could avoid further torture by offering themselves to the regime’s officers. This twisted logic was emblematic of the neoliberal ethos imposed on Chile, where the illusion of choice masked the reality of coercion. The women were forced to make the deliberate choice of discarding their previous identities and embracing their new roles as sexual objects. In the twisted logic of neoliberalism, they were not being directly forced; rather, they were "choosing" to avoid further torture by submitting to the sexual desires of their captors. This illusion of choice was a key tenet of the Chicago Boys' neoliberal doctrine, now grotesquely applied to the bodies of political prisoners.
Beyond the physical act of putting on lingerie, the regime’s efforts extended to manipulating these women emotionally and psychologically. The junta guards were not content with merely forcing these women into submission; they sought to make them feel pleasure, to fall in love with their captors. This obsession with turning victims into willing participants in their own subjugation reflects the core of neoliberal ideology: the idea that even under conditions of extreme oppression, individuals are "free" to choose their responses, their desires, and their fates.
This psychological manipulation took on various forms. The guards employed rough seduction, using calculated cruelty and affection to blur the lines between coercion and consent. Some Communist women, who had once been staunch enemies of the regime, found themselves developing feelings for their captors—an outcome that the junta regarded as a symbol of their ideological victory. These women, who had once fought against the dictatorship with all their might, were now seen as exemplars of the regime’s success when they appeared to "choose" to love the very men who had brutalized them. In this way, the sexual violence perpetrated against them became a microcosm of the broader neoliberal project: the transformation of society into a place where even the most oppressed are made to believe they have chosen their lot in life.
Maldonado Garay’s work is particularly powerful in its depiction of the junta’s fixation on humiliating acts of submission as the ultimate triumph. It was not enough for the regime to physically overpower these women; they sought to break them entirely, to make them embrace their own degradation as a form of agency. The junta’s strategy of sexual violence was not just about punishing political dissidents; it was about reshaping their identities to fit within the neoliberal framework that the Chicago Boys were imposing on the country.
The humiliation extended beyond the prison cells and interrogation rooms. The junta’s manipulation of these women was emblematic of a broader societal shift, where the values of neoliberalism—individualism, competition, and the illusion of choice—were forced upon the entire population. The lingerie hanging from the bars of the torture chambers symbolized the broader neoliberal project, where the act of choosing one’s own subjugation was held up as the ultimate form of freedom. The junta’s goal was to create a society where even the most oppressed would internalize their exploitation, where women who had once been symbols of resistance would now become symbols of the regime’s triumph.
Garay’s work underscores the deep connections between neoliberalism and sexual violence, revealing how economic ideologies can be weaponized to justify the most egregious forms of oppression. The regime’s use of sexual violence was not an aberration; it was a calculated part of the neoliberal experiment that sought to reorder society along lines that prioritized individual choice—no matter how illusory that choice was—over collective resistance.
The example of Communist women being forced to wear lingerie, to submit to the junta’s officers, and even to fall in love with their captors is a chilling illustration of the broader neoliberal project imposed on Chile. These women, who had once stood as symbols of defiance, were transformed into symbols of the regime’s triumph when they appeared to "choose" their own submission. The sexual violence perpetrated against them becomes a metaphor for the entire neoliberal experiment: a project that sought not only to reshape the economy but to reshape the very identities of those who resisted it.
This attempt to break women’s spirits by forcing them to experience pleasure during abuse was a deeply calculated strategy. The junta guards were not content with merely violating their victims; they sought to invade the most intimate parts of their identities, to force these women to question their own beliefs and desires. By making these women’s bodies respond in ways that appeared to contradict their political convictions, the guards aimed to undermine their sense of self and identity. The involuntary reactions of these women—arousal, pleasure, and physical responses that they could not control—became the regime’s evidence that no woman, no matter how strong or politically committed, could resist the fundamental order of male dominance.
This aspect of the regime's sexual violence was a clear reflection of the broader machismo culture that permeated Pinochet’s Chile. In this culture, men were expected to be hypermasculine, assertive, and dominant, while women were expected to be submissive, even if they initially resisted. The junta guards, steeped in this toxic masculinity, believed that feminists were merely challenging male authority out of a need for attention or as a façade to cover their deeper desires for male domination. By forcing Marxist women to experience pleasure during acts of rape and abuse, the guards believed they were stripping away this façade and revealing these women’s "true" nature.
This narrative of feminists secretly desiring machismo men was not unique to the junta guards but was embedded in the broader patriarchal society that Pinochet’s regime sought to uphold. The dictatorship’s policies and cultural norms were heavily influenced by traditional gender roles that positioned women as naturally submissive and men as naturally dominant. In this context, feminist resistance was not seen as a legitimate political stance but as a deviant behavior that needed to be corrected. The guards' efforts to "prove" that Marxist women desired their abuse were part of a broader campaign to reassert traditional gender roles and punish those who dared to challenge them.
The physical manifestation of this ideology on the bodies of Marxist women was brutal and dehumanizing. Women who had fought for political and social liberation were reduced to objects of male power, their bodies used as battlegrounds for proving the supremacy of machismo. The junta guards took pleasure in forcing these women to perform acts of submission, not just to degrade them, but to make them doubt their own beliefs. By eliciting involuntary reactions, the guards sought to turn these women into living contradictions, embodiments of the regime’s twisted logic that even the most ardent feminists were, at their core, submissive to male authority.
The fixation on involuntary pleasure and submission was a crucial part of this project. By forcing Marxist women to respond physically to their abuse, the junta guards sought to prove that even these women, who had devoted their lives to fighting oppression, were ultimately subject to the same patriarchal and neoliberal logic as everyone else. In this way, the sexual violence perpetrated against them becomes a powerful metaphor for the broader societal transformation that Pinochet’s regime sought to achieve—a transformation that aimed to turn all Chileans into subjects who embraced their exploitation as a form of freedom, even when that freedom was nothing more than an illusion.
Political Sexual Violence and State Terrorism in the Civil-Military Dictatorship in Chile: The Dark Genealogy of Neoliberalism is a vital contribution to our understanding of the intersections between neoliberalism, state violence, and gender. Jocelyn Maldonado Garay’s work challenges us to confront the ways in which economic ideologies can be weaponized to justify the most brutal forms of oppression. The illusion of choice, so central to neoliberal ideology, was perverted in the most grotesque ways during Pinochet’s dictatorship. Marxist women who had once resisted the regime were transformed into symbols of the regime’s triumph when they appeared to "choose" their own subjugation. In this way, the sexual violence perpetrated against them serves as a chilling reminder of the dark legacy of neoliberalism in Chile and the importance of resisting the seductive illusions of freedom that it so often offers.
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Jocelyn Maldonado Garay (Santiago, 1987) is a professor of History, Geography and Civic Education at the Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences , and a master's degree in Gender and Cultural Studies at the University of Chile. She is currently a doctoral candidate in critical theory and current society at the Andrés Bello University.
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kp777 · 5 months
By Julia Conley
Common Dreams
April 16, 2024
"The institutions of world finance have lost their muscle," wrote more than 100 activists, celebrities, and political leaders. "You can be the leaders who bring them into the 21st century."
Quoting the economist John Maynard Keynes at the time of the founding of the modern global finance system in 1944, more than 100 signatories on Tuesday called on the world's largest economies to allow the world "to taste hope again" by pouring resources into solving the global debt and climate crises.
Keynes remarked after the historic Bretton Woods meeting in New Hampshire that the summit offered new hope to everyone from "our businessmen and our manufacturers and our unemployed" as world leaders established the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
But with the world now "rocked by conflict, food insecurity, biodiversity loss, and spiraling inflation," said the signers of an open letter organized by communications and campaign group Project Everyone, the global community needs "another Bretton Woods moment"—one that would correct the "imperfect" system hammered out 80 years ago and live up to the ideals that were centered at the original meeting, including "prosperity as a means of peace" and wealth as a means of serving "the common good."
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The letter states that global inequality is "compounded by the devastation wrought by climate change," which is disproportionately likely to impact the Global South even as developing countries contribute a mere fraction of the planet-heating emissions of wealthy nations.
The signatories—including International Rescue Committee CEO David Miliband, philanthropist Abigail Disney, and singer and activist Annie Lennox—called on G20 countries to take steps including tripling their investment in the World Bank and IMF, canceling developing countries' debt to the institutions, and reforming tax codes to ensure big polluters and the wealthiest people contribute to efforts to mitigate inequality.
"This is your chance," reads the letter, which was released as world leaders met in Washington, D.C. for the World Bank and IMF's Spring Meetings. "The institutions of world finance have lost their muscle. You can be the leaders who bring them into the 21st century. You can unlock the colossal public and private investment potential of renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and climate adaptation."
Under the status quo, the signatories noted, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are "way off track," with $3 trillion still needed achieve the objective of a "greener, fairer, better world by 2030," as agreed to by 193 U.N. member states.
Project Everyone and its supporters reiterated a demand made by Oxfam International Monday to cancel debts owed by countries in the Global South that are facing rising inequality, as their debt obligations to the IMF and the World Bank have left them unable to invest in education, climate adaptation, housing, and other public services.
"Removing burdensome debt allows countries to invest in their people and their future: in resilience, education, health, and nutrition," wrote the signatories. "This drives growth and creates string partners to trade with... Each of us stands to gain from stability, lower food and energy costs, and nature protection."
The wealthiest countries in the world, said Project Everyone, must look to the leaders who met at Bretton Woods and "fulfill their promise: to transform these instruments for peace and prosperity and truly set them to work in our common interest."
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soniez · 1 month
The Global Impact of High-Quality Current Transformer Bases
In the ever-evolving landscape of energy distribution and management, current transformers play a pivotal role in ensuring accurate measurement and monitoring of electrical currents in power systems.  A critical component within these transformers is the current transformer base, which serves as the foundation for the safe and efficient operation of transformers.  As global demand for energy continues to surge, the significance of high-quality current transformer bases in modern power infrastructures cannot be overstated.
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Current transformer bases are instrumental in energy distribution networks, helping to measure current accurately and protect electrical systems from faults and overloading.  This blog will delve into the global impact of high-quality current transformer bases and highlight the importance of reliable manufacturers and exporters in India, the growing role of air-insulated switchgear companies, and the increasing need for advanced power monitoring systems.
The Role of Current Transformer Bases in Power Systems
Current transformers (CTs) are essential in the measurement and control of electrical currents in various applications, from power generation and transmission to industrial automation and energy metering.  The current transformer base acts as the structural platform on which the transformer operates, ensuring the stability and insulation of the CT during operation.
High-quality current transformer bases provide enhanced accuracy in current measurement, which is critical for maintaining the efficiency and safety of power systems.  These bases also ensure proper insulation and protection of the transformer, preventing short circuits, arcing, and other potential hazards.
For industries where power quality and reliability are paramount, such as manufacturing, utilities, and data centers, the performance of the current transformer base directly impacts the effectiveness of power monitoring and control systems.
India:  A Global Hub for Current Transformer Base Manufacturing
India has emerged as a key player in the global energy sector, and its manufacturers are becoming increasingly prominent in the production of critical power components.  As a leading current transformer base manufacturer and exporter in India, Radiant Enterprises and other companies have made significant strides in meeting global demand for high-quality products.  Indian manufacturers are known for their technical expertise, innovative solutions, and adherence to international standards, making them a trusted source for current transformer bases.
The rise of India as a global manufacturing hub has been driven by several factors:
Cost-Effective Production:  Indian manufacturers offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality, making their products attractive to global markets.
Skilled Workforce:  India boasts a highly skilled workforce with expertise in the design, production, and testing of electrical components, including current transformer bases.
Adherence to International Standards:  Indian manufacturers comply with global quality standards such as ISO, IEC, and other industry certifications, ensuring that their products meet the stringent requirements of international clients.
Growing Export Market:  India’s export market for electrical components has seen steady growth, with manufacturers catering to the needs of clients across Europe, North America, Africa, and Asia.
As the global demand for energy continues to rise, the role of Indian manufacturers and exporters in meeting the need for high-quality current transformer bases becomes even more significant.
Impact on Power Monitoring Systems
Power monitoring systems are essential tools in modern electrical infrastructure, providing real-time data on the performance of power distribution networks.  These systems help monitor energy usage, detect faults, and optimize the efficiency of electrical systems, thereby ensuring the reliability and safety of power networks.
The accuracy of power monitoring systems depends heavily on the precision of current transformers and, by extension, the quality of the current transformer bases.  High-quality current transformer bases ensure that the transformers can operate effectively, delivering accurate data to power monitoring systems.
Some of the key benefits of power monitoring systems include:
Real-Time Data:  Power monitoring systems provide instant data on power usage, current levels, and potential faults, allowing for immediate corrective action.
Improved Energy Efficiency:  By analyzing data from power monitoring systems, businesses can optimize their energy usage, reduce waste, and lower operational costs.
Enhanced Safety:  Power monitoring systems can detect anomalies in current flow, such as overloads or short circuits, and alert operators to potential safety hazards before they escalate.
Preventive Maintenance:  With accurate data on system performance, companies can implement preventive maintenance strategies, reducing downtime and preventing costly repairs.
Given the growing emphasis on energy efficiency and sustainability, the demand for high-quality power monitoring systems continues to rise globally.  In turn, the importance of reliable current transformer bases in supporting these systems cannot be overstated.
The Role of Air Insulated Switchgear Companies in India
Switchgear is a vital component of power distribution systems, used to control, protect, and isolate electrical equipment.  Air-insulated switchgear (AIS) is one of the most widely used types of switchgear in medium- and high-voltage power distribution applications.  These systems use air as the primary insulating medium and are designed to protect electrical circuits from faults while ensuring the continuity of power supply.
Air-insulated switchgear companies in India are playing a key role in modernizing electrical infrastructure across the country and globally.  India has become a prominent player in manufacturing air-insulated switchgear due to its expertise in power distribution equipment, favorable production costs, and adherence to international quality standards.
Air-insulated switchgear companies in India contribute to the global power industry in several ways:
Innovative Solutions:  Indian manufacturers are continually developing advanced air-insulated switchgear solutions to meet the evolving demands of modern power systems.  These innovations include more compact designs, improved insulation technologies, and enhanced safety features.
Cost Efficiency:  Indian air-insulated switchgear companies offer competitive pricing compared to manufacturers in other parts of the world, making them a cost-effective solution for global clients.
Environmental Considerations:  As the world shifts toward greener energy solutions, air-insulated switchgear offers an environmentally friendly alternative to gas-insulated switchgear, which uses greenhouse gases such as SF6 for insulation.
The Global Impact of High-Quality Electrical Components
The global energy landscape is undergoing a profound transformation driven by the increasing demand for electricity, the transition to renewable energy sources, and the need for improved energy efficiency.  As a result, the demand for high-quality electrical components, including current transformer bases and air-insulated switchgear, is growing at an unprecedented rate.
High-quality current transformer bases are crucial for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of electrical measurements, which in turn supports the effective operation of power monitoring systems.  These systems are essential for optimizing energy usage, improving safety, and ensuring the reliability of electrical infrastructure.
The growing role of current transformer base manufacturers and exporters in India in meeting global demand highlights the country's importance in the global energy sector.  Indian manufacturers are supplying high-quality products that meet international standards, helping to improve power distribution networks around the world.
Similarly, air-insulated switchgear companies in India are contributing to the modernization of electrical infrastructure, both domestically and internationally.  Their innovations are helping to improve the efficiency and reliability of power systems, while also offering environmentally friendly solutions.
Conclusion:  Powering the Future with Quality
As the world moves toward a more connected and energy-efficient future, the importance of high-quality electrical components, such as current transformer bases, air-insulated switchgear, and advanced power monitoring systems, will continue to grow.  These components are critical to ensuring the safe, reliable, and efficient operation of power distribution networks, which are essential to the global economy.
Manufacturers and exporters in India, including current transformer base manufacturers, are playing a vital role in meeting global demand for high-quality electrical products.  Their commitment to innovation, quality, and sustainability is helping to shape the future of the global energy landscape, ensuring that power systems are equipped to handle the challenges of tomorrow.
With the rise of renewable energy, the expansion of smart grids, and the increasing focus on energy efficiency, the demand for reliable and accurate electrical components will only continue to grow.  By investing in high-quality current transformer bases and partnering with reputable air-insulated switchgear companies in India, businesses can ensure that they are prepared for the future of energy.
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hugsqueeze · 1 year
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Idk why but I've been making little fictional pieces of media to exist WITHIN my OC universes. Like this anime(?) called Happy Harmony Fusion about college students who are assigned powers based on music genres. And they have to go fight some corporate magical bad guy who wants to turn all of humanity into soulless laborers to manufacture products for his intergalactic business. It's like a magical girl / power ranger thing. And I know this is a super bare bones sketch but I think it's kinda fun looking... Sort of reflects their dynamic well!! ^_^ LOL In order from left to right: Rhythm (R&B) Ranger, Metal Ranger, Pop Ranger, Rock Ranger. MY GIRLIES...
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There's three more that are unpictured (Disco, Techno, and Country). And also their obligatory magical girl helper who is a robot isopod that can turn into a Sony CFD cassette player 😭 To disguise himself. And yes he can inexplicably float/fly to get around although he much prefers to perch himself on their shoulders and be annoying. I think his name is I-SOPOD. Sort of like i-pod. I think I-POD is his nickname. HAHA But each "magical girl" has a magic CD that they can use during fights to enhance their powers in a sense. They can also fuse powers with each other to create a fusion genre... Which gives both magical girls enhanced powers related to their fusion genre... Some genres mix better than others. Particularly harmonious fusions create stronger powers and consequently make the duo more powerful :] For example, Pop and Metal fusion would create Glam Metal. And the two's powers/outfits would change to reflect that.
However... Metal Ranger refuses to fuse with any of her other teammates and she says it's because she doesn't need their help and is strong enough on her own but it's actually because she's lying about the genre she was assigned this whole time. She was assigned to have Classical Music powers but she thought that would make her look super nerdy and uncool so she lied. So she refuses to fuse genres/powers with the others bc she knows it would reveal that she is lying. VERY CLEARLY. LOLLL. Whenever she underwent her magical girl transformations, she would rip up her magical girl outfit (which appropriately reflected her Classical music powers) to make it look more... Rugged and almost punk like I guess.
She acts really abrasive and rude and obtrusive only because she's trying to be an over the top metal-liker persona when in reality she's quite a crybaby and sensitive. And knows very little about metal in the first place. ALSO I forgot to mention that their weapons are all predictably based on musical instruments. She originally got. Idk a violin or something but grilled I-SOPOD about it and got an electric guitar magical weapon instead. And as you can imagine, she has a character arc where she finally accepts herself and embraces the Classical music swag. 🫂 It's an on-the-nose "just be yourself" moral but I think it's fitting.
And I also have this fake classic fighting game that features characters based off of food. Probably just called Food Fight, now that I'm thinking about it LOL. But I've only gotten around to designing these three fast food themed ones. Hehe.
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geminiinstra · 9 months
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kummatty · 9 months
This rewriting of the H-3's history—[the interstate highway in O'ahu]—parallels the U.S. colonial administration's triumphant narrative about Kennon Road [in the Philippines]. The transportation and tourism agencies of the state publicized the H-3's completion as the victory of modernity, engineering technology, and democracy. Building the H-3 allows access to a "stunning" experience of the land, making this identification with the transcendent democratically available: "Indeed, without the freeway, no one — except for the few who had the ability to hike the rugged terrain — would have had an opportunity to see this scenery." The "small group" of "some" Native Hawaiians is reduced to insignificance next to the feat of engineering and modern design that supposedly serves the rest of the "citizens of Hawai'i" by giving them an uplifting experience of mobility. The H-3 was increasingly and consistently identified as a roadway that inspired feelings of the scenic sublime. Persisting against the "mountain of obstacles," its designers and builders are finally "heroic," producing a "highway that celebrates and preserves its lush natural surroundings." This epic masculine achievement outlines a gendered understanding of technological discipline dealt upon the literal and figurative mountain of obstacles understood as irrational, feminine, and nonmodern. Finally disciplined by the completion of the interstate, the narrative continues, the natural surroundings of the tropics are showcased as a picturesque landscape, to be equally experienced and seen by everyone, uncluttered by trivialities of historical occupation, overthrow, and colonialism. The languages and "techno-logics" of tourism, military efficiency, and modern engineering are instrumental to the H-3's production as a site where tourists and residents can access an experience that exceeds and transcends the particularity of Native Hawaiians. This discourse of the technological sublime is politically indispensable to the state because it abstracts the material conditions of the H-3's production, making land once again alienable from indigenous life. [...] Just as tourism infused the dominant script of the H-3 in the late twentieth century, what was disavowed during the litigious and combative construction of the highway reemerged as the original author of the road: the military. Although military security logics had initially spurred the construction of the H-3 through massive federal appropriations, and even though its presence was understood to be the trigger for the entire H-3 project, the military lay low during the long construction process. After the road's completion, the more controversial aspects of the militarily driven project and process were initially elided through the surfeit of tourist narratives about its democratized benefits. Once the highway was deemed a success, however, narratives about the advantages of military engineering and a militarized state economy were validated and reinforced. These articulations are so ingrained that even some of the protestors concur: "We never would have seen that valley without the military." That military-sponsored technology allows democratic access to this dramatic, transcendental experience is crucial. Indeed, the engineering innovation cited by the state was more aggressively linked to military modernity. Emphasizing the H-3's engineering design reinserted a consciousness of how the militarization of Hawai'i benefits and informs the construction of the interstate, deflecting critiques of Hawai'i's extensive military occupation. The speed and almost-flightlike feelings of travel that it manufactures not only distance its users further from the more distressing relations of paradise but also detach violence from the military project of securing paradise. In the end, the H-3's conversion into a tourist attraction transforms the military-as-occupant into a beneficial guest that continues to contribute to the hard, constructive work of securing Hawai'i as a modern, multi-cultural paradise.
from Securing Paradise: Tourism and Militarism in Hawai‘i and the Philippines, Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez
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sgkprinters · 8 months
What is the Demand for the Printing Industry?
The printing industry has undergone a profound transformation in recent years, adapting to the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age. Once considered a traditional and stable sector,
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the printing industry is now a dynamic field shaped by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and evolving market demands. This article explores the current state of the printing industry, delving into the demand factors that drive its growth and adaptation.
I. Historical Perspective:
To understand the current demand for the printing industry, it is essential to trace its historical evolution. Traditionally, printing was dominated by analog processes, including letterpress and offset printing. These methods were instrumental in disseminating information through newspapers, magazines, and books. However, the advent of digital technologies, particularly the internet, marked a paradigm shift in communication and information dissemination.
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II. Technological Advancements:
a. Digital Printing: The rise of digital printing technologies has been a game-changer for the industry. Digital printing allows for shorter print runs, variable data printing, and quicker turnaround times. This flexibility has made it more cost-effective for businesses to produce personalized and on-demand print materials, catering to niche markets and individualized consumer preferences.
b. 3D Printing: In recent years, 3D printing has emerged as a revolutionary technology with implications across various industries. While not traditionally associated with the printing sector, 3D printing enables the production of three-dimensional objects layer by layer. This technology has found applications in prototyping, manufacturing, healthcare, and even construction, expanding the horizons of the printing industry.
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III. Market Trends and Dynamics:
a. Packaging: The demand for printed packaging has witnessed substantial growth, driven by the e-commerce boom and the increasing need for visually appealing product packaging. Printers play a crucial role in creating eye-catching labels, boxes, and packaging materials that enhance brand visibility and influence consumer purchasing decisions.
b. Sustainable Printing: Environmental concerns have become a significant factor influencing consumer behavior and corporate practices. The printing industry has responded by embracing sustainable practices, including the use of eco-friendly inks, recycled paper, and energy-efficient printing processes. Sustainable printing has become a key selling point for businesses aiming to reduce their ecological footprint.
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c. Personalization: Consumers today seek personalized experiences in all aspects of their lives, including print materials. The printing industry has capitalized on this trend by offering customized products, such as personalized books, calendars, and promotional materials. Variable data printing allows for the incorporation of individualized content, addressing the growing demand for unique and tailored printed items.
IV. Print vs. Digital: Finding the Balance
a. Coexistence of Print and Digital: While digital technologies have transformed communication, print media has not become obsolete. Instead, there is a growing recognition of the complementary roles played by print and digital formats. Print materials offer a tangible and tactile experience that digital content cannot replicate. Businesses and marketers are increasingly adopting integrated strategies that leverage both print and digital channels to reach a broader audience.
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b. Print in the Digital Marketing Mix: Printed materials continue to hold a significant place in marketing strategies. Direct mail, brochures, and promotional materials remain effective in conveying a brand’s message and establishing a physical connection with consumers. The unique qualities of print, such as texture and color depth, contribute to creating memorable and impactful marketing collateral.
V. Challenges and Opportunities:
a. Economic Factors: The printing industry is not immune to economic fluctuations. Economic downturns can lead to reduced advertising budgets, impacting the demand for printed marketing materials. On the other hand, economic recovery and growth can stimulate business activities, prompting increased investment in print advertising and promotional campaigns.
b. Digital Competition: The rise of digital alternatives poses a challenge to the printing industry. Online platforms, social media, and digital advertising offer cost-effective and highly targeted ways to reach audiences. Printers must adapt by offering unique value propositions, such as high-quality printing, specialty finishes, and personalized services that differentiate them from digital alternatives.
c. Technological Disruption: While technological advancements present opportunities, they also pose challenges for traditional printing methods. As 3D printing and digital technologies continue to evolve, printers must invest in updating their equipment and skills to stay competitive. Embracing automation and artificial intelligence in print workflows can enhance efficiency and reduce costs.
VI. Future Outlook:
a. 3D Printing’s Role: The integration of 3D printing into mainstream manufacturing processes is expected to reshape the printing industry further. From producing prototypes to creating custom products on-demand, 3D printing holds the potential to revolutionize the way goods are designed and manufactured.
b. Augmented Reality (AR) and Print: Augmented Reality has the potential to merge the physical and digital worlds, offering interactive and immersive experiences. Print materials augmented with AR can provide additional layers of information, making them more engaging for consumers. This integration may open new avenues for creativity and innovation in the printing industry.
c. Continued Emphasis on Sustainability: As environmental concerns continue to gain prominence, the printing industry’s commitment to sustainability is likely to grow. Printers may increasingly adopt eco-friendly practices, and consumers may show a preference for products with environmentally conscious printing processes.
The printing industry‘s demand is intricately tied to technological advancements, market trends, and evolving consumer preferences. While challenges persist, the industry has demonstrated resilience by embracing innovation and adapting to changing dynamics.
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As we move forward, the coexistence of traditional and digital printing methods, coupled with a commitment to sustainability and personalized experiences, will shape the future of the printing industry. The key lies in finding the right balance between technological innovation and timeless print qualities to meet the diverse demands of a rapidly evolving landscape.
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farfarahleeya · 11 months
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“In diversity, there is beauty, and there is strength” – Maya Angelou
What a wondrous thing it is when people come together and help each other. After all, if we were meant to be alone, there wouldn’t be other people in this universe with us (there wouldn’t even be other universes… but that’s a story for another time). This week let’s zoom in to crowdsourcing: the internet’s version of everyone coming together to help each other.
Though the term itself is pretty self-explanatory, I’m going to clarify it for the context of this discussion. Crowdsourcing is a tossed salad of opinions and ideas from people of various backgrounds, usually who are not affiliated with large brands. Today, crowdsourcing has transformed mere opinions into catalysts for progress. So now the question is, how does crowdsourcing impact innovation and problem-solving across industries? Let’s look at the Malaysian examples of how crowdsourcing has impacted the technology, education and creative industries.
Tech This Out
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Firstly, let’s look at Petronas’ Technology Challenges (Petroliam Nasional Berhad 2023). In the 15th Technology Challenge the inspection technique of non-metallic underground piping, showcased collective innovation. The challenge drew participation from diverse local and international entities, culminating in Electro Scan Inc.'s victory with the "Machine-Intelligent Pipe Condition Assessment" technology. This groundbreaking solution, using a low-voltage, high-frequency electrical current, eliminates the need for excavation when assessing non-metallic pipes. Petronas' recognition of this technology underscores the collaborative effort in advancing inspection methodologies.
Similarly, Malaysia's dedication to 5G progress is exemplified in the "Malaysia's 5G Innovation Challenge" (Low 2023). Ericsson's role in deploying a second 5G network highlights the country's commitment to embracing cutting-edge technology. Challenges in 5G deployment, such as diversity and complexity, prompt a two-pronged approach. Engaging with the broader ecosystem and initiatives like Open Radio Access Networks (Open RAN) prove instrumental. Manufacturing partners, like Jabil, significantly contribute by providing cost-effective and efficient production solutions. With over half of Malaysia's populated areas now covered by 5G, the evolving ecosystem anticipates rapid growth, fostering innovation and collaboration between wireless entities and manufacturing partners. The future of 5G in Malaysia appears promising, with collaboration playing a pivotal role in this technological evolution.
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The Study of Studies
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Another notable sector is the education industry. Malaysia's adoption of the Inclusive Open Educational Resources (iOER) National Policy (UNESCO 2023) and the widespread availability of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) (Department of Higher Education & Ministry of Higher Education 2023) exemplify crowdsourcing by tapping into the collective wisdom of diverse contributors. OER, shaped through a multistakeholder approach involving experts from 20 Malaysian public universities, civil society groups, and various institutions, demonstrates collaborative efforts to create inclusive and equitable educational resources.
Likewise, the extensive array of MOOCs, drawing from 20 local universities and engaging over 500 thousand students, showcases the collective contribution of educators and institutions toward accessible and free online learning. Both OER and MOOCs underscore Malaysia's commitment to crowdsourced educational content, where the collective input from various stakeholders enriches and democratises the learning experience.
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The Artsy Creativity
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The creative industry has harnessed the power of crowdsourcing through platforms like KITA BUAT and community-made street art in Malaysia. KITA BUAT, established in 2019, serves as a global hub connecting artists, gamers, musicians, and YouTubers. It enables them to showcase their creations on various mediums like wall prints and fashion apparel. Through KITA BUAT, individuals can open their stores, fostering a sense of community and self-expression.
Community-made street art, prevalent in cities like Kuching, showcases vibrant murals and graffiti, transforming urban spaces into dynamic canvases. Initiatives like the #Tanahairku Street Art project, supported by Petronas, unite artists nationwide to express their love for Malaysia through vibrant creations (Bong & Cheng 2019). These projects, such as 'Wild About Kuching' and 'Leaping Feline,' portray unity, heritage, and cultural diversity.
Both KITA BUAT and community-made street art exemplify how crowdsourcing in the creative industry empowers individuals, fosters collaboration, and transforms public spaces into vibrant reflections of shared identity and artistic expression.
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Now What?
Malaysia's crowdsourcing initiatives in tech, education, and the creative sector showcase the power of collaborative, community-driven efforts. From solving industry challenges to fostering inclusive education and vibrant street art, these endeavours reflect a collective spirit. So let us all explore these initiatives to witness the transformative impact of crowdsourcing in shaping a dynamic and innovative future ︵‿︵
︵‿︵‿ References ‿︵‿︵
Bong, K & Cheng, L 2019, Experience a delightful street art-sy tour of `inner’ Kuching city, DayakDaily, 6 February, viewed 3 November 2023, <https://dayakdaily.com/experience-a-delightful-street-art-sy-tour-of-inner-kuching-city/>.
Department of Higher Education & Ministry of Higher Education 2023, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi, viewed 2 November 2023, <https://jpt.mohe.gov.my/portal/index.php/en/students/massive-open-online-courses-moocs>.
KITA BUAT 2020, About Us, KITA BUAT, viewed 3 November 2023, <https://kitabuat.my/about/>.
Low, CY 2023, Clearing 5G obstacles for broader adoption, Digital News Asia, 15 August, viewed 31 October 2023, <https://www.digitalnewsasia.com/business/clearing-5g-obstacles-broader-adoption>.
Petroliam Nasional Berhad 2023, Inspection Technique Of Non-Metallic Underground Piping, Petroliam Nasional Berhad, viewed 31 October 2023, <https://www.petronas.com/innovation-petronas/tech-challenge/past-technology-challenges/inspection-technique-non-metallic-underground-piping>.
UNESCO 2023, Malaysia adopts first national policy for inclusive Open Educational Resources, UNESCO, 20 April, viewed 2 November 2023, <https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/malaysia-adopts-first-national-policy-inclusive-open-educational-resources>.
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onlinetrainingusa · 1 year
5 Ways Big Data is Transforming Industries and Decision-Making:
Big Data has transitioned from a simple, trendy phrase to a fundamental catalyst for transformation across various industries in today's information-driven landscape. Organizations can carefully inspect it to draw out priceless insights and update their decision-making processes because it provides an enormous layup of organized and unstructured data. Choose the best Big Data online training that helps organizations adapts, build up, and achieve something in a complicated and increasingly competitive global economy.
Here are top 5 ways Big Data is transforming industries and decision-making are listed below:
Data-driven Decision Making:
The ability of big data to affect decision-making is one of its most evident benefits. Decision-making in the past has been largely influenced by instinct and previous experiences. Due to the development of big data analytics, businesses can now support their choices with factual data.
By examining large datasets, businesses can learn more about consumer performance, market trends, and operational efficiency. Organizations become more agile and approachable due to data-driven decision-making, increasing accuracy and speed.
Improved Operational Efficiency:
Big Data is an effective tool for improving interior procedures and raising operational effectiveness within businesses. Companies can establish bottlenecks, find inefficiencies, and spot areas that can be enhanced by carefully monitoring and analyzing data collected from many aspects of their operations.
For instance, data analytics can be used in manufacturing to optimize production processes, avoiding waste and downtime. Businesses may streamline their supply chains using data-driven insights to ensure customers get products at the ideal time and location.
In addition to lowering operational costs, this enlarged efficiency enables businesses to offer goods and services faster, improving them competitively in their particular marketplaces.
Enhanced Customer Insights:
Big Data is crucial for a thorough insight into the consumer behavior required for any business to flourish. Companies can gather and analyze data from a variety of sources, such as social media, online transactions, and customer feedback, to create a comprehensive and nuanced picture of their client.
With these priceless insights, companies can modify their offers to correspond with client preferences, proactively anticipate their needs, and produce a more unique and enjoyable experience. This higher level of client results in enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty and drives more profits since customers feel acknowledged, valued, and consistently given offerings that connect with them.
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Competitive Advantage:
Securing a competitive advantage is crucial for success in today's highly competitive corporate world. Through the discovery of complex insights online, big data proves to be a powerful instrument for gaining this edge. Businesses are skilled at utilizing big data analytics can identify developing industry trends, identify altering consumer preferences, and predict possible disruptors before their rivals.
Due to their early insight, their ability to adapt and improve their methods places them at the forefront of the industry. In addition, the organization may maintain its competitive edge over time by continuously analyzing and optimizing its operations with Big Data, assuring long-term success in a constantly changing environment.
Predictive Analytics: 
Big data has enabled businesses to benefit from the potent capabilities of predictive analytics.For this, sophisticated machine learning algorithms are used to examine past data in order to produce accurate predictions of present and potential future trends and events. Predictive analytics is crucial in the financial sector for determining credit risk and quickly spotting fraudulent transactions in real time, protecting assets, and preserving financial stability.
Healthcare providers use predictive analytics to anticipate patient outcomes and disease outbreaks, enabling proactive and timely interventions. Predictive analytics has a strategic foresight that enables businesses to take proactive measures, reducing risks and seizing new possibilities, eventually improving operational effectiveness and competitiveness.
Summing it up:
Big Data is a technological improvement that alters entire sectors and ways of making decisions. Organizations can improve operational efficiency, forecast future trends, maintain a competitive edge, and make better decisions using Big Data analytics. Big Data online course helps to know the top strategies that help reshape industries and decision-making as technology develops and data volumes rise. Businesses that use big data today will be well-positioned to prosper in the data-driven society of the future.
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rithwiksahni77 · 1 year
Remarkable growth of the Indian economy
The resilience and growth of the Indian economy have been remarkable in recent years, as it has weathered various challenges and emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Despite facing obstacles such as the global economic slowdown, policy reforms, and the COVID-19 pandemic, India has demonstrated its ability to bounce back and sustain economic progress. One of the key factors contributing to India's resilience is its diversified economy. The country boasts a wide range of industries, including information technology, manufacturing, agriculture, services, and pharmaceuticals, among others. This diversification has helped India reduce its dependence on any single sector, making it more resilient to external shocks. Another crucial aspect is the Indian government's commitment to economic reforms. Over the years, several policy initiatives have been implemented to improve the ease of doing business, attract foreign direct investment, and stimulate entrepreneurship. These reforms have created a more favorable business environment, fostering innovation, job creation, and economic growth. Additionally, India's young and dynamic workforce has played a significant role in its economic resilience. With a large pool of skilled professionals and a growing middle class, the country has been able to meet the demands of a rapidly expanding consumer market. This has fueled domestic consumption, investment, and entrepreneurship, driving economic growth even during challenging times. Moreover, India's focus on digitalization and technology adoption has been instrumental in its resilience and growth. The country has witnessed a digital revolution, with advancements in areas such as mobile technology, e-commerce, and financial technology. This digital transformation has improved access to services, enhanced productivity, and opened up new avenues for economic development. Furthermore, India's emphasis on infrastructure development has contributed to its economic resilience. The government has undertaken large-scale initiatives such as the construction of roads, railways, ports, and smart cities. These infrastructure projects have not only boosted economic activity but also facilitated better connectivity and logistics, making India an attractive investment destination. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian economy has shown remarkable resilience. The government implemented various measures to mitigate the impact, including fiscal stimulus packages, reforms, and vaccination drives. These efforts have helped the economy recover swiftly, with sectors such as information technology, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare leading the way. In conclusion, the resilience and growth of the Indian economy can be attributed to factors such as its diversified industries, economic reforms, skilled workforce, digitalization, infrastructure development, and proactive measures during challenging times. As India continues on its path of economic development, it remains poised to leverage its strengths and overcome any future obstacles to sustain its
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lasertechllc · 1 year
Laser Machines: Revolutionizing the World of Manufacturing
The laser machine is one of the cutting-edge instruments having a significant influence. These precise gadgets have transformed the industrial business by providing unrivaled variety, accuracy, and speed. Whether you operate a small business or a major manufacturing company, invest in a laser machine, or if you want to sell laser machine, it may open up a world of possibilities and propel your operations to new heights.
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Precision and versatility are unrivaled. Laser machines use focused laser beams to execute a wide range of industrial activities with extreme accuracy. Laser machines provide unequaled accuracy and adaptability for cutting and engraving diverse materials such as metal, wood, plastic, and glass, as well as marking and etching complicated designs.
Increased Productivity and Efficiency By introducing a laser machine into your production process, you may greatly boost efficiency and productivity. When compared to older methods, laser cutting and engraving operations are faster and more consistent, lowering manufacturing time and minimizing human mistakes. Laser machines may automate monotonous activities using computer-controlled operations, allowing your employees to focus on more complicated and creative elements of manufacturing. The capacity to accomplish projects in less time while keeping high-quality standards provides you with a business advantage.
Enhanced Design Flexibility With used hair removal laser, designers and manufacturers may unleash their creativity and push the boundaries. Laser cutting's precision enables delicate, detailed patterns that were formerly thought difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish. Laser machines enable firms to stay ahead of the curve and respond to changing client wants, whether it's developing customized items, adding distinctive branding aspects, or experimenting with new artistic concepts.
Considerations When Buying a Laser Machine:
Laser Wattage and Power: Choose a machine that meets the needs of your application.
Bed Size and Working Area: Determine the measurements required to meet your production     requirements.
Software Compatibility: To ensure seamless integration, ensure that the laser     tech laser equipment is compatible with industry-standard design     software.
After-Sales Assistance and Training: To optimize the value of your investment, choose a provider     that provides extensive training and dependable technical assistance.
Safety Features: To provide a safe working environment, prioritize equipment with safety features such as emergency stop buttons, fume extraction systems, and protective enclosures.
Follow our Facebook and Twitter for more information about our product.
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anidealvenue · 2 years
A list of Automotive Engineering Service Companies in Germany
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Bertrandt AG, https://www.bertrandt.com/. Bertrandt operates in digital engineering, physical engineering, and electrical systems/electronics segments. Its Designing function includes designing of all the elements of the automotive.
Alten Group, https://www.alten.com/. ALTEN Group supports the development strategy of its customers in the fields of innovation, R&D and technological information systems. Created 30 years ago, the Group has become a world leader in Engineering and Technology consulting. 24 700 highly qualified engineers carry out studies and conception projects for the Technical and Information Systems Divisions of major customers in the industrial, telecommunications and Service sectors.
L&T Technology Services Limited, https://www.ltts.com/. LTTS’ expertise in engineering design, product development, smart manufacturing, and digitalization touches every area of our lives — from the moment we wake up to when we go to bed. With 90 Innovation and R&D design centers globally, we specialize in disruptive technology spaces such as EACV, Med Tech, 5G, AI and Digital Products, Digital Manufacturing, and Sustainability.
FEV Group GmbH, https://www.fev.com/. FEV is into the design and development of internal combustion engines, conventional, electric, and alternative vehicle drive systems, energy technology, and a major supplier of advanced testing and instrumentation products and services to some of the world’s largest powertrain OEMs. Founded in 1978 by Prof. Franz Pischinger, today the company employs worldwide highly skilled research and development specialists on several continents.
Harman International, https://www.harman.com/. HARMAN designs and engineers connected products and solutions for automakers, consumers, and enterprises worldwide, including connected car systems, audio and visual products, enterprise automation solutions; and services supporting the Internet of Things.
EDAG Engineering GmbH, https://www.edag.com/de/. EDAG is into vehicle development, plant planning and construction, and process optimization.
HCL Technologies Limited, http://www.hcltech.com/. HCL Technologies Limited is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting company headquartered in Noida. It emerged as an independent company in 1991 when HCL entered into the software services business. The company has offices in 52 countries and over 210,966 employees.
Cientra GmbH, https://www.cientra.com/. Cientra expertise across VLSI, ASIC, FPGA, SoC engineering, and IoT accelerate our delivery of customized solutions to the Consumer, Aviation, Semiconductors, Telecom, Wireless, and Automotive industries across their product lifecycle.
Akka Technologies, https://www.akka-technologies.com/. AKKA supports the world’s leading industry players in their digital transformation and throughout their entire product life cycle.
IAV GmbHb, https://www.iav.com/en/. IAV develops the mobility of the future. Regardless of the specific manufacturer, our engineering proves itself in vehicles and technologies all over the world.
Altran Technologies, https://www.altran.com/in/en/. Altran expertise from strategy and design to managing operations in the fields of cloud, data artificial intelligence, connectivity, software, digital engineering, and platforms.
Capgemini Engineering, https://capgemini-engineering.com/de/de/. Capgemini Engineering is a technology and innovation consultancy across sectors including Aeronautics, Space, Defense, Naval, Automotive, Rail, Infrastructure & Transportation, Energy, Utilities & Chemicals, Life Sciences, Communications, Semiconductor & Electronics, Industrial & Consumer, Software & Internet.
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