thanawalamaternity · 5 years
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YashodaIVF centre is the best Fertility treatment centre in Navi Mumbai provides happiness to the childless couple through Advanced Infertility Treatment(ART).We provide Laser Assisted Hatching, Embryo Freezing,Blastocyst Culture.For more information http://www.yashodaivfcentre.com/fertility-treatment-in-mumbai/ or Contact us at http://www.yashodaivfcentre.com/contact-yashodaivfcentre-for-fertility-treatment/  022 – 65721882/ 022 – 2743 5500/ 91 9022335332.
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Affordable IVF Centre & Fertility treatment in Navi Mumbai
           Today many couple facing the problem of infertility.The most common cause of infertility in female is irregular or lack of ovulation and in male is due to problem in testes and lack of sperm.
           Infertility can be diagnosed by carrying out certain tests like Semens Analysis, Infection Screening (HIV I and II,HBsAg,Anti HCV,VDRL), Hormonal Blood Tests (FSH,LH,AMH,Prolactin,TSH) on the couples separately.
               Infertility can be treated with medicine, surgery, artificial insemination, or assisted reproductive technology. Many times these treatments are combined. In most cases infertility is treated with drugs or surgery. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is the most effective multi-stage treatment option available for fertility treatment for all couples having difficulty in conception. Although ART is the most effective treatment option, it requires the involvement of specialists in various domains. The provision of 'safety' to the Embryos is directly translated to the quality of the embryos which in turn may result in successful pregnancy.
The fertility treatment options available at Yashoda IVF Centre are listed below:
·       Ovarian Reserve Screening
·       Semen Analysis
·       HSG/SIS
         Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS )
·       Endomestriosis
·       Ovulation Induction
·       Acupuncture
·       Recurrent Pregnancy Loss.
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·       IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)
·       IVF ( Intro-Vitro Fertilization)
·       ICSI (Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
·       PESA / TESA
·        Laser Assisted Hatching
·       Blastocyst Culture
·       Embryo Freezing
·        Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
·        Embryo Donation
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In most of cases, our infertility treatment focuses on basic medical therapies such as medication or surgical repair of reproductive organs. At this treatment level, our patients enjoy the opportunity to achieve parenthood in as natural way as possible.
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YashodaIVF centre is best fertility treatment centre in Mumbai,provides happiness to all childless couple at very affordable price.we have well equipped laboratories,all test are available under one roof.for more information visit to http://www.yashodaivfcentre.com/fertility-treatment-in-mumbai/   or fix appointment at http://www.yashodaivfcentre.com/contact-yashodaivfcentre-for-fertility-treatment/
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YashodaIVF centre is the best IVF centre in Navi Mumbai provides happiness to the childless couple. We provide latest Advanced Infertility Treatment(ART),Laser Assisted Hatching, Embryo Freezing,Blastocyst Culture . For more information http://www.yashodaivfcentre.com/fertility-treatment-in-mumbai/ or Contact us at http://www.yashodaivfcentre.com/contact-yashodaivfcentre-for-fertility-treatment/
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Causes of Male and Female Reproductive system
Once a problem has been diagnosed, we immediately try to find out the cure for the diagnosed problem, however to have a detailed explanation of the problem, it is very important to understand the anatomy and the physiology of human reproductive system.
Female Reproductive System:-
The female reproductive system is very complex, as it involves a series of complex process. Every month, a single egg (Oocyte) undergoes a maturation process inside a dominant follicle. Once the egg is matured, the follicle releases the egg, this process is called OVULATION. Once the egg is released, it starts travelling from the Fimbril end into the Fallopian Tubes. This is the perfect time for fertilization to occur. During this period, if a couple performs unprotected intercourse, the Sperm with the help of their tail move inside the vagina and enter into the fallopian tubes where if the egg is available fertilises, resulting into an embryo. The embryo then travels from the fallopian tubes and implants in the lining of the uterus called the Endometrium, which grows further providing a coushin for the baby to grow for nine months.          
This is the natural process of fertilization, however any abnormalities or deviations in any of the above mentioned processes, may result in difficulty in conception and require medical help.
Some causes of infertility in women may include:
Medical Causes May Include:
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian syndrome)
Tubal Blockage
Diminished Ovarian reserve
TB (Tuberculosis)
STI’s (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases)
Non-Medical Causes May Include:
Increased Age
Delayed Marriages
Working schedules
Higher Body Mass Index (BMI)
Decreased Coital Frequency
Lifestyle factors (Smoking, Drinking)
The severity of the issue may vary, but with the expertise at Yashoda hospital, most of the issues can be handled with successful results as we have the best doctors equipped with the best treatment procedures.
 Male Reproductive System:-
Sperm production and maturation takes place in the seminiferous tubules of the testes. Once mature, the sperm are stored in the epididymis. During exual intercourse, the sperm leaves the epididymis and travels through the Vas Deferens to get secreted at the time of ejaculation. Here the sperm gets mixed with various secondary secretions, which increases the capacitation of the sperm to travel through the vagina to the fallopian tubes for successful fertilization.   
Some causes of infertility in men may include:
When it comes to infertility in men, more than 90% of the cases are due to:
Low Sperm Count
Poor Sperm Quality
Hormonal Imbalance
Genetic Defects
Obstruction in the Vas Deferens
Non-obstructive Azospermia
Erectile Dysfunction
Blockage in the Ejaculatory ducts
There has been great progress in understanding the treatment options of male infertility, including sperm-retrieval techniques, Like PESA/TESA and ICSI  for men with low sperm count issues.
We at Yashoda Hospital, help you with our expertise and strive hard to heal the fertility issues with a detailed examination of the cause of infertility to give the best possible outcome.   
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