#Industrial biotechnology course
Exploring the Future of Science with Biotechnology: A Pathway to Innovation
In today’s rapidly advancing world, biotechnology stands at the forefront of scientific innovation. From improving healthcare solutions to enhancing agricultural productivity, the field of biotechnology is reshaping our future. For students with a passion for science and a desire to contribute to groundbreaking discoveries, pursuing a degree in biotechnology opens up a world of opportunities. This article delves into the various pathways within biotechnology education, with a focus on Industrial Biotechnology, MSc Biotechnology courses and BSc Biotechnology programs.
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Industrial Biotechnology: Bridging Science and Industry
Industrial biotechnology, often referred to as white biotechnology, is a sub-discipline that applies biotechnological techniques for industrial purposes. This course is ideal for students who are interested in developing sustainable and efficient solutions for industries. From biofuels to biodegradable plastics, industrial biotechnology plays a crucial role in minimizing environmental impact and promoting green technologies.
Students enrolling in Industrial Biotechnology courses will gain hands-on experience in utilizing biological processes for commercial applications. The curriculum typically includes subjects such as microbial biotechnology, enzyme technology and bioprocess engineering. Graduates of this course are well-equipped to pursue careers in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to environmental management.
MSc Biotechnology: Advancing Knowledge and Expertise
For those who wish to deepen their understanding of biotechnology, pursuing an MSc Biotechnology course is a logical next step. This postgraduate program provides an advanced education in the biological sciences, focusing on the latest research and technological advancements in biotechnology.
The MSc Biotechnology course offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers molecular biology, genetic engineering, bioinformatics and more. Students are encouraged to engage in research projects that address real-world challenges, preparing them for careers in research, academia, or specialized roles in biotechnology companies. This program is ideal for those who aspire to become experts in the field and contribute to scientific advancements that have a global impact.
BSc Biotechnology: The Foundation of Scientific Exploration
A BSc in Biotechnology serves as the foundation for students interested in entering the world of biotechnology. This undergraduate program offers a solid grounding in the principles of biology and chemistry, along with an introduction to various biotechnological techniques.
Throughout the course, students explore key areas such as genetic engineering, cell biology and microbiology. The BSc Biotechnology program is designed to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enabling graduates to pursue diverse career opportunities in research, pharmaceuticals, agriculture and more. Additionally, this program lays the groundwork for further studies, such as an MSc in Biotechnology, for those who wish to specialize further.
Somaiya Vidyavihar University: A Hub of Biotechnology Excellence
When it comes to pursuing a career in biotechnology, choosing the right educational institution is crucial. Somaiya Vidyavihar University (SVU) stands out as a leader in biotechnology education, offering cutting-edge programs that equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this dynamic field. With a strong emphasis on research, innovation and industry collaboration, SVU provides an environment where students can thrive and make meaningful contributions to the world of biotechnology.
Somaiya's commitment to excellence is reflected in its state-of-the-art laboratories, experienced faculty and a curriculum that is constantly updated to keep pace with the latest developments in the field. Whether you're interested in pursuing a BSc in Biotechnology, an MSc in Biotechnology, or specializing in Industrial Biotechnology, Somaiya Vidyavihar University offers the resources and support you need to achieve your academic and professional goals.
In conclusion, a career in biotechnology is both rewarding and impactful. With the right education, such as that offered by Somaiya Vidyavihar University, students can embark on a journey of scientific discovery that has the potential to change the world. Whether you’re starting with a BSc, advancing with an MSc, or focusing on industrial applications, biotechnology offers endless possibilities for innovation and success.
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juituniversity · 2 years
Information Engineering and Information Technology are two distinct fields that have their differences. While both focus on the use of technology to better manage data and information, they each offer unique advantages in terms of implementation. Information Engineering focuses more on the development of software solutions while engineering in information technology is focused more on the management of those solutions. By understanding these distinctions, businesses can make thoughtful decisions when determining which field best fits their needs.
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megumi-fm · 4 months
Hi Meg, I was wondering if I could get your insight on something... I'm interested in bioinformatics as a career but am not sure whether I should pursue just a Master's or try for a PhD. How did you decide how far you want to go with your education? I noticed you mentioned you hope to do a PhD someday? Thank you so much!
hey anon! okay, so in this answer I'ma focus on two things:
my thought process behind finalizing on a PhD
my approach to furthering education
I. Why PhD?
1. I love my subjects. I love the interdisciplinary nature of computational biology and it's sister subjects and I can see myself in academia- constantly learning and researching and exploring. 2. Even on the off chance that if I don't pursue a career in academia, I think I need a PhD anyway? Most high level positions in the industry for life-sciences requires a level of expertise that only comes with a doctorate, and I think my career opportunities (+ growth) will be rather limited without it.
Considering these two points, a PhD would be most suitable for me.
Now, choosing the right type of graduate program can always be challenging because there are so many ways to go about it, and I am a very indecisive person so this was especially difficult for me. Here is my approach
II. Factors I considered before taking my next steps
My Primary Short-Term Goal(s)
I opted for a B.Tech in Biotechnology after 12th grade, and it is through the course of this degree that I realized my interest in computational biology and bioinformatics. My undergrad focused on too many topics and often emphasized wet lab over dry lab, so although I'm graduating with a specialization in Medicinal and Computational Biology, I don't know nearly enough regarding the computational aspects Thus, my short-term goal is to expand my theoretical understanding of the important aspects of bioinformatics & computational biology.
2. Course Options that Work
Now, I know that I want to continue my education, I've got two options- Masters and PhD. When I considered my immediate goal against these two options, I realized four things: a. I'm not equipped with the required dry lab skills to dive headfirst into research. b. I don't know enough bioinformatics to commit to anything long term right now c. I'm looking for a course that feels like an extension of my undergrad d. I want to keep my options open and consider all career opportunities Given these three options (+ course-related expenses + my skill level), it made most sense for me to choose a MSc at the moment rather than a PhD.
3. How the Course Ties in to My Long Term Goals
As I mentioned, my long term goal is to do a PhD. However, my upcoming graduate course is actually an MSc by Coursework degree, which- unlike a Thesis program, focuses on skill development (especially industry related) rather than research. In fact, most Thesis Masters can be converted to a PhD, but my program does not have that option. At first glance, this course might seem like it's going against my long term goal but consider: - Industry related or not, I need to develop computational skills before I can pursue research - After this course I might prefer to gain work experience for a couple years before opting for a PhD. - My preferred uni(s) for PhD are different from my preferred uni for Masters. [^To give an example on the last point, for masters i considered countries/unis known for their quality of education + closer to my home country (this will be my first time living abroad alone) but for my PhD, I'm looking at countries/unis that are pioneers in research for my subjects of interest (even if they are a lot farther away from home)] So essentially, I'm relying on this course to give me the skills and knowledge I need for a PhD in the future, while also giving me a buffer to understand and align my future goals and plans. Jumping from this to a PhD would be a lot harder than from a Thesis Masters, but that's a risk I'm willing to take.
So yeah, this was the way I went about choosing both my short term and long term academic goals. I hope this provides a good starting point for you! Don't stress out too much about it though; the truth is that there is no right or wrong choice, whatever decision you make will warp around your intentions and work for you the way you want it to. Best of luck for your future endeavors!!! I'm sure it'll all work out <3
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Biotechnology and the future of humanity
Animals Are Commodities Too
Under slavery human individuals are owned, are property. Under capitalism workers aren’t owned but they have to sell their labour/time/creativity because capitalists own everything (land, the means of production, transport and communication etc) that would enable people to live outside of wage labour and the market place. Now, instead of individuals owning non-human animals as part of their subsistence, corporations are claiming the right to ‘own’ whole species of animals. This process of patenting life can be traced back to the 1980 US Supreme Court ruling, which stated that a GM bacterium (modified to digest oil) could be patented. Not just that one bacterium of course but the whole, created species. In 1985 the US Patent and Trademark Office ruled that GM plants, seeds and plant tissues could be patented. Now the corporations can demand royalties and licence payments every time farmers use those plants or seeds. Monsanto holds a patent on (i.e. owns and rents out) all GM cotton and soya. Patents have been granted on biological characteristics of plants as well. For example, a patent has been issued to Sungene for a variety of sunflower that has a high oleic acid content. But the patent covers the characteristic as well as the genes that code for it, so any plant breeder who achieves the same result by traditional methods could be sued.
In 1987 animals joined the biotech market place when a Harvard biologist patented ‘oncomouse’, a GM organism (mouse) predisposed to develop cancer for use in medical ‘research’. By 1997 40 GM ‘species’ of animal had been patented, including turkey, nematodes, mice and rabbits. Hundreds of other patents are pending on pigs, cows, fish, sheep and monkeys among others. In 1976 a leukaemia patient named John Moore had his cancerous spleen removed under surgery at the University of California. Without his knowledge or consent some of the cells from his spleen were cultured and found to produce a protein which could be used in the manufacture of anti-cancer drugs. The estimated value of this cell-line to the pharmaceutical industry is $3 billion. In 1984 the California Supreme Court ruled that he was not entitled to any of these profits.
A US company called Biocyte holds a patent on (owns) all umbilical cord cells. Systemix Inc has a patent on (owns) all human bone marrow stem cells, these being the progenitors of all cells in the blood. The worldwide market for cell lines and tissue cultures was estimated to be worth $426.7 million to the corporations in 1996. Not only cells but also fragments of DNA can be patented (owned) in this way. Incyte, for example, has applied for patents on 1.2 million fragments of human DNA. The logic of this is that ‘genes for’ particular diseases such as cystic fibrosis, diabetes, various cancers etc could become the property of pharmaceutical companies who could then make huge profits on tests for such genes and genebased therapies. There is no space here to get into a lengthy criticism of the reductionist idea that individual genes simply map onto well-defined physical traits underlying the whole theory and practice of GM. It’s enough to say that research into patenting (owning), for example, a supposed’ breast cancer gene’ is of little benefit to humanity if it is true, as some scientists have estimated, that 90% of breast cancers are unrelated to genetics but are triggered by environmental pollution, diet and lifestyle factors. So what’s new? Capitalism, indeed class-society in general, always seizes the living and turns it into profit and power, declares ownership where previously there was only life: from the enclosure of the commons to the seizing of millions of human beings from Africa to be slaves to the current looting of tropical biodiversity for use in the biotech labs.
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stevenbasic · 8 months
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Growing into the Job, Post 373: Evolution Concerns
We’re just worried that her growth chart is beginning to look logarithmic came the message, the most recent in a series of alarmist communiques from a technician at their daughter company in the US.
Kristina Zhestakova had received the first text as she’d been talking with prospective recruits, young women in their second and third year. She was now between meetings, walking down the hallways of The Medical University of Warsaw. The school was her alma mater and she recognized most of the landmarks, the twists and turns of the old passages, the labs and classrooms. Many of the professors were new; the plaques on the office doors had been largely replaced by female names. Twenty years, she thought with a nod, had brought on some welcome changes. 
You are working on the sequencing data? she replied, relying on the translation software of KOLECTV’s encrypted messaging app. Her English had improved over the last couple decades, ever since she’d been tasked with establishing the company’s first North American facility on the island off Mexico's coast, but she still preferred writing in her native Polish. She was glad this technician - Marcia was her name - used the secure proprietary messenger as she’d been asked; not all at this upstart American company Evolution Pharmaceuticals did. 
Yes we have the bloodwork. Working on it but it’s complicated, came the tech's next message. They all knew that MM-1A’s eldritch origins complicated things, making the polymerase chain reactions difficult and keeping them from using the Sanger or NGS. The witches and their ways tended to do that, make everything either too easy or too much of a chore. But KOLECTV’s science had learned and become powerful. We’ve already identified the location of the breath and the voice. 
Yes. Doctor Zhestakova’s heels <click-click-clicked> on the tiled hallways of the medical school. Ostensibly, she was still, in title, Senior Vice President of Biotechnology at Gray Global Enterprises, once an American shipping empire that was now little more than a shell company for a good-sized group of the collective’s holdings. KOLECTV, technically, was one of those. However, in the early days, like a tick it had drained GGE’s resources and quickly came to dwarf its parent company and now controlled its interests. It was now an enormous, if still shadowy, network with tendrils not only in the medical and scientific industries around the world, but deep in other businesses, banking and politics.
The hope was that, soon - especially after the victorious results in the recent American elections - KOLECTV would finally shed the false auspices of GGE and begin to reveal itself. It would  grow in power tenfold, it knew, when it could step out of the shadows on its six-inch stilettos and begin to claim its empire. When it is done send the sequencing package to my team at Coronado. 
Of course Doctor. We’ve also located multiple other newly active gene loci, of unknown phenotype expression, the technician’s next message explained. Dr. Zhestakova knew what that meant, other potential abilities budding within the subject. 
She’d spent many of her early years with the company, after being sent to America soon after medical school for project “Bridesmaid”, and then setting up and studying at their island research facility, KOLECTV’s first in the New World. The project, nearly twenty years prior to today, had ultimately resulted in the takeover of GGE and the facility was now one of many jewels in the crown of the movement. Dr. Zhestakova had been not only an operative (088) in that operation and an integral player in building the prototypes for what the women of the new world could be, but an early beneficiary subject (Program, 3133j) as well.
Send it all. But tell no one else, for now. I want Coronado to go over it so we can develop an isolation plan. Dr. Zhestakova knew that Oksana and others in KOLECTV’s higher ranks were made nervous by her tendencies towards self-autonomy and transgression; she’d seen the old files they kept on her. She knew that her independent streak, coupled with her Program-gifted intelligence and with what they called her “relative lack of empathy” was seen as both a powerful opportunity for the movement but something they struggled to keep in check. She knew her file also described her tendencies for excessive behaviors and indulgences. Those, over the past decade or so, she’d made good progress in controlling, reining in. 
She could really use some vodka. 
The height? The explosion in strength? We’re not worried? came the technician’s concern.. 
Fuck the height and strength. I’ve seen the monsters they’d made, the failed experiments in Siberia and Kazakhstan. That can be dealt with when the time comes. Let the other abilities manifest first, so we learn, glean, farm. No we are not yet concerned.
Others would be, she knew. Others would be very concerned. Dr. Zhestakova could only do so much, but she had been trying her best to keep the snowballing irregularities in Project MM-1A's case “under the radar”, as they might say in the US. If they were to attract notice, the project could get shut down; Kristina knew there was so much potential to be culled, so much that could be achieved. Just imagine, she found herself thinking, an army of superwomen not only bigger, taller, stronger than any man alive, like we’d planned…
No, the possibilities might go well beyond that.
…but impervious to heat, and harm, and bullets…
And in a rare moment of heart-pounding speculation…
Imagine an army of women that can fly…
for more on the enigmatic, psychopathic and high-functioning alcoholic Dr. Zhestakova,  as well as “Project Bridesmaid”, please see required reading “Trophy”
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thedivinelights · 9 months
Console.WriteLine("A Christmas Carol");
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Scrooge and Marley were together, to begin with. There could be no doubt about that. Their marriage had not been consummated by legality, but had been consummated nonetheless in the eyes of the bankers, the investors, the shareholders, and the chief partnership. Scrooge signed the cohabitation agreements. Marley confirmed the merger of their lives. And in the world of markets and business and consumerism, their word might as well have been law.
Yes, as their employees had muttered and murmured to anyone somehow unaware, the Old Scrooge-Marley duo were, in fact, shagging.
Now, the question as to how the labourers had been privy to such information was as much a mystery to you as it is to me. In a time of outdated legislations and the basic etiquette of privacy, one would think that such intimate details would remain concealed behind closed doors and closed lips, only to be spoken out by those allowed to speak. But upon this Sceptered Isle that I call upon as my one abode, you may permit me to state that I find myself at liberty to both discuss and regale you with such tales. After all, what power could impede a narrative save for whom the narrative is about? If you were unaware of Romeo and Juliet’s affections for one another, would you still remember them as the star-crossed lovers of Verona? And if you were not privy to Scrooge and Marley’s companionship, would their story be as captivating? I think not.
Of course, Scrooge and Marley were well aware of this arrangement. How could they not be? If one had the gall or the balls to ask, they would say it was naught but a matter of convenience, devoid of personal affections or romantic inclinations, though such claims would fall short of convincing anyone. They had been partners in every sense of the word. They were each other’s sole companion, their sole confidant, their sole lover, their sole business associate, their sole tormenter, and — though not in the sense of the law — their sole husband. They clawed their way to the top with cunning, calculative precision, hand over fist, soaked deep in the blood, sweat and tears of the corporate enemies who dared to try and make a fool of them.
Asplex Industries, est. 1980. A multinational technology conglomerate with more billions in their coffers than most nations could only dream of having in their treasuries, fingers dipped in every sort of emerging innovation, from artificial intelligence to biotechnology, from robotics to renewable energy. The purest result of Machiavellian manoeuvres, evasive extorting, and cutthroat competition, built up from the ground up by two men with more ambition than what could possibly be constrained by mortal bounds. Brick by brick. Line of code by line of code. Hostile takeover by hostile takeover. And no, I will not be resorting to flaunting numbers with an arbitrary number of zeroes to impress upon you the sheer magnitude of their clout. Suffice it to say that Scrooge and Marley were perched on top of a gilded tower that scraped the heavens, constructed from the bones of their competitors and built upon the foundations of two simple game developers who wished to find their way in the world.
Oh, but how callous they had been, Scrooge and Marley! The wringing, clasping, twisting, shaving, clenching, esurient old sinners!  Quiet and venomous like a viper, deadly and circling like a shark. No warmth — not even their own, as dim as it were — could temper the coldness that clung to them like a shroud. The media could paint them in the most wondrous and exaggerated colours they pleased, but the truth remained ever starkly evident to those who worked under, worked with, or worked without: Scrooge and Marley were ruthless. They were the kind of leaders who could make the bravest of souls quail and the most stalwart of hearts tremble beneath their heel. The Chief Executive Officers of Asplex that the business world celebrated and scorned in a single breath. The kind of commanders who could squeeze out every ounce of profit, every iota of innovation, every morsel of loyalty, with enough pressure and heat to turn carbon into diamonds.
No self-respecting charity approached them for philanthropic efforts. No innocent child invoked their names. No nefarious politician bribed them for their riches. For there was no charity they supported, no child they cherished and no politician they trusted. 
And they cared not. Not one single bit.
On one particular evening — four days prior to Christmas Day, 2010 — Scrooge and Marley sat comfortably in their office. The weather, as it often was in England, was cold and damp and miserable, with not even a speck of snow to accompany their bleak surroundings. The office they shared, small and unwelcoming, held not a single ounce of the opulence that their wealth could afford. From the fraying curtains to the worn cushions to the scratched mahogany desk, every facet of their workspace retained much of the furniture that could be salvaged from their beginnings. Sentiment? Frugality? None could say. It only made logical sense, however, that they would share a desk instead of having two, for they would have no use for separate stations when their work was so intertwined and interdependent.
Jacob A. T. Marley, the elder of the two, sat with his long fingers steepled beneath his chin, sharp green eyes examining the computer monitor before him. His greying black hair was tied up in a loose, frayed bun, and his tailored, almost impeccable suit hung on his lean frame, his thin lips seeming in a perpetual line, upturned only by necessity. Marley held the numbers in the palm of his hand, for he was the financier who knew every pound, dollar, franc, and euro in the corporate coffers. The charmer who could convince the saintly to buy the Old Scratch’s own pitchfork. The smiler who could turn a conversation on its head with only the truth and leave his interlocutor baffled and speechless. The world called him a serpent in the grass, slithering along the ground and shedding the scales of genuine emotions behind him. But what everyone seemed to forget was the addendum that this serpent had fangs dripping with venom. That this viper could bite, and he could bite hard.
Ebenezer L. P. Scrooge sat beside him, reclining in his worn leather chair with blue eyes half-lidded as he ran a hand through his wild and unruly brown hair, somehow ageing faster than his husband appeared to be. Scrooge was the strategist, the man who could play the market like Martha Argerich played the piano, anticipating every turn and shift of the trends with such precision one would think that he himself had been controlling them. It mattered not if your contracts had been gone over with fine-tooth comb, went through with every nuanced detail down to the thinnest of fine print and reviewed by a legal team more akin to feral, rabid bulldogs in suits. If you sat across Scrooge at the negotiating table and he wanted anything — your assets, your stocks, hell, even your staff — he would tear it all away from you, piece by agonising piece, limb from torturous limb, like a megalodon towering over a school of hapless minnows. To call him a shark would be far too polite, perhaps even a compliment. Scrooge was the tempestuous sea itself, and woe betide the ones who dare try and tame it.
On the other side of the office door, checked in only by a cheap baby camera super-glued onto the counter, they kept a close and vigilant eye upon their secretary, who sat upon his chair with an urgent focus belying his relaxed demeanour. Bob Cratchit, he was called, and his loyalty to Scrooge and Marley had been just as unshakeable as it had been when he had first arrived. Even in the chill of the room that retained the bare minimum of heating, causing him to adorn more layers than he’d needed outdoors, Bob remained ever diligent. For he had maintained their public image, their social media presence, their events and their correspondences with partnering companies.
“Merry Christmas, Tito Ben! Tito Jake!” A cheerful voice cried out. The voice of Scrooge and Marley’s nephew, Frederick Villanueva, burst into the office with such joviality — eyes sparkling, cheeks rosy, dressing in a garish red sweater and topped with reindeer antlers — that you’d think him as Saint Nicholas himself.
“Bob…” Marley warned, completely ignoring his nephew’s cheerful greetings to glare at the man who was supposed to keep him away, only to receive halfhearted apologies and the familiar shrug that said he had ‘tried’ to keep him away, as if he had even tried at all!
“Damn it all, Fred, can’t you see we’re busy?!” Scrooge snarled, his train of thought momentarily shattered by the buffoon who waltzed in without knocking.
“Oh c’mon, Tito Ben. It’s almost Christmas!” Fred exclaimed. “Work can wait until after the New Year, can’t it?”
“Almost Christmas means it isn’t Christmas.” Marley retorted monotonously. “And in case you haven’t noticed, we’re not the only ones working, nor are we your personal charity. And unlike some of us, we have money to count and responsibilities to uphold.”
Fred, clearly not satisfied with that response, moved in closer to their desk, resting his hands atop the wood and shuffling Scrooge’s carefully-laid paperwork, his chagrin clear to all as he glared daggers so pointed his nephew might as well have been murdered just by sight alone.
“Why do you two have to be so stubborn?” Fred returned gaily, a glint forming in his eyes. “You’re both the richest men in the world! Forgoing a few million pounds is worth it for celebrating Christmas dinner with Mum, Nanay, and I, don’t you think?”
Scrooge and Marley exchanged a meaningful glance for but a moment, a silent communication that only they could decipher. They knew their answer, and they knew their answer well.
“What we think, dear nephew…” Scrooge slowly stood from his seat, his taller frame looming over the young man’s petite stature. “...is that Christmas is nothing but a time of blatant consumerism. A time when people wastefully spend on frivolous ‘gifts’ that most would forget about in mere weeks. A time when they indulge in gluttony and sloth to drown away the sorrows of their sad, sordid little lives. And when the clock strikes twelve on the twenty-sixth, what do people do? Goodwill toward men, more like good riddance to genuine morality and hard work.”
“You can’t be serious!” Fred cried out in exclamatory and exaggerated surprise.
“There’s no denying the truth of Scrooge’s words.” Marley continued for him with a sterner tone, just as steadfast in their decision as they had countless years before. “It’s a hypocritical holiday that picks one’s pockets every twenty-fifth of December, Fred, and we simply want no part of it. Send your mothers our regards, but don’t expect us to bend over backwards to cater to their whims.”
Fred, unfazed by their coldness, simply chuckled and shook his head. “Alright, alright… Tito Ben, Tito Jake, you’re impossible. But you know what? I still love you guys, even if you probably don't want me to admit it. So, I’m going to keep coming back, year after year, Christmas after Christmas, to invite you. And someday, somewhere, I hope you’ll join us, even if it’s just for a little while.”
“Goodbye, nephew.” Scrooge said.
“And who knows? While you’re at it, you’ll both truly understand just what you are missing.”
“Goodbye, Fred.” Marley said.
“I’m sorry you can’t see past your numbers and your profits, but I promise that, when I make a name for myself — as loud and as proud as your own — then I shall invite you over for the greatest Christmas bash the world has ever seen! Maligayang Pasko, Tito Ben, Tito Jake!”
“Good. Bye.”
“At Isang Manigong Bagong Taon!”
Before the broad men with scowling faces and state-of-the-art equipment could even dare to snag him, Fred had already spun on his heel and made his grand exit with a dashing flourish and a dashing swiftness, stopping only to bestow a hearty ‘Merry Christmas!’ to the grateful secretary, who returned them just as heartily.
“Honestly, does that boy have anything better to do than to pester us?” Scrooge grumbled as he scooped up a handful of his papers, his mood soured both by the visitations of his sister’s son and the wishing of tidings he overheard. “Seventeen going on eighteen and still doing nothing with his life.”
Marley scoffed, sharing the sentiment. “Well, we can’t exactly blame him for his upbringing. It was Fan after all who brought him into the world.”
“You watch your mouth, Marley.” Scrooge shot a warning look to his partner of nigh-on three decades, and friend of even longer, his hands stilling for a moment. “That’s my sister you’re talking about.”
“As if that makes a difference. You haven’t talked to her in years.” Marley waved a hand dismissively. “Fan’s had a bleeding heart since she was a little lady, and now she’s passing that onto her drifter of a son. All idealistic dreams and no purchase on the harsh reality that awaits him. If there’s one thing Aurora and I agree upon, it’s that Fred needs to pull his head out of his arse.”
Neither of them spoke a word of the matter after the fact, content to remain in their cold, unwelcoming bubble in their dingy office, fearing not the slightest bit of a changed nature to their familiar surroundings. They were habitual beings, they supposed. Always retaining a routine. Always seeking a schedule. That was the way in which they operated. Two halves of a whole. Two peas in a pod. A pair unlike any other.
They didn't spare a second glance towards Bob when he stood at the door frame and waited for one of them — usually Marley, sometimes Scrooge — to bid him enter. He walked with a hesitant stride, like a little boy who had been called over by his parents with his full name spoken in distaste.
“Mr. Scrooge. Mr. Marley. I received a call from Save the Children International.” Bob toyed with the volume buttons on his tablet, shifting the white sound bar back and forth. “They’re, uh… waiting on a response for the substantial charity donations that were discussed last week.”
Scrooge sighed. “What were these donations for again?”
“It was for the winter relief program, sir. The one to help provide warm clothing, food and shelter for underprivileged and impoverished children here in England.”
“The parents can claim Child Benefit, can they not?” Marley asked.
“I’d suppose so, but some—”
“And free school meals? Eligibility for a child’s bursary?”
“Hardly something to—”
“What about the Public Health insurance?”
“Mr. Marley, that’s not—”
“Cratchit, my good man, if these benefits are all in effect still, why should we be the ones to offer handouts to nameless children with parents of their own? Parents who should, in their duty as parents, stop living off of the government’s capital and get a real career.” Marley looked up from the monitor, a glimmer of annoyance in his eyes. “It is not as though it were I or Scrooge who sired them.”
Bob withered under the scrutiny and the cruelty, slouching downwards as he spoke with nary a whisper. “But… But think of the—”
“I believe Mr. Marley and I have made our stance on the matter rather clear to you, Cratchit.” Scrooge slammed his hand forcefully onto the desk. “No. Means. No. Tell those plebs to go and find someone else to bother. Or, better yet, not bother at all.”
Under the hard and icy glare of Scrooge, Bob relented in his persistence, dreading the moment when he would have to inform the hopeful and committed volunteers of the fund of the disheartening news, fully ready to receive the brunt of the disaster in all of its glory. He turned back towards the door and his small space in front of their office when Scrooge called to him to stay in his ever-commanding tone.
“I’m guessing you and the rest of our sorry lot want Christmas and New Year’s off, eh?”
“If… If that's convenient, sir.”
“Ha! Convenient?!” Scrooge laughed bitterly, the sound a cacophonous noise to anyone who hadn't been him or his husband. “Convenient hardly even begins to describe it.”
“Productivity isn’t exactly optimal during the festive season, Mr. Scrooge.” Bob returned cordially.
“But still far more productive than no production.” Scrooge added with a wry smile, before slumping in his seat. “...Bloody hell. Take your goddamn holidays off tomorrow. But we expect you all to be refreshed and ready when the second of January rolls around. No laziness. No slacking off.”
Bob smiled happily, grinning like the Cheshire Cat as he bounded up and down slightly, before remembering that a professional setting had still been established, and he bowed in thanks, and bowed once more, before running out to tell the other employees the good tidings. It would not be until a few hours later — as the toll of the clocks and the ringing of phones so aptly deigned to make themselves known to the people — that Bob, in his jubilant nature, bid his employers farewell, donned a tightly-covered jacket, cashmere and wool all threaded and frayed, and rushed to the grand elevator, squeezing in with all the others bound downwards like sardines in a tin can, rushing through the streets of Canary Wharf with great haste and even greater sense of relief.
Upon the departure of their faithful secretary, Scrooge and Marley agreed to follow suit. They shut down the computer with a bitter roughness, sorted out their cumbersome paperwork with the enthusiasm of a sleeping sloth, and closed up with all the mechanical efficiency of a well-oiled machine.
Sometimes they took the train. Oftentimes Marley drove them back in his old Vauxhall Velox. But they had gone together every single time. Pedestrians and strangers who knew none of the true extent of their reach still gave them a wide berth as if they were infected by a miserable little contagion they feared would infect them as well and ruin their joyous celebrations. It was an odd thing for them, ending so early on a Tuesday when there was still much left to be done, but as Marley often reminded Scrooge, they were the bosses. They could do whatever they damn well pleased. And if they pleased to have an early dismissal, then so be it. Scrooge would complain. Marley would not. 
The night had been just as cold and just as miserable as it had been but a few hours prior, perhaps even more so than it had been in the presence of the two who shared its disposition. The Wharf itself, a forest of steel and glass that comprised the financial district of London, was as bustling as it had always been, with suits and ties and dresses flitting around like skittish rodents, suitcases and bags clutched to their chests like holy relics, and the discordant sound of motorists and engines whizzing past in haste or stalling with a low purr. Pollution covered the sky in a thick, grey, smoggy blanket, blotting out the stars and the moon like an impenetrable wall of burnt oils and coals barring the Earth from the firmament in which it hung. Caliginous, and much colder. Biting, unforgiving cold, just how they liked it.
They had their quiet dinner in their usual quiet restaurant, a small place with just as much disdain for the holidays as they retained, sipping on hard liquor and nibbling on food in silence. Neither of them uttered a word about the day’s events — not even a whisper about the charity or the nephew — and spoke no more than necessary when paying the bill without so much as a tip for the waitstaff who had their wages to survive, and not much was to be expected by the two patrons who kept to themselves in the furthermost corner of the establishment.
Marley drove home in silence, Scrooge looked out the window with an absentminded gaze as he watched the world go by in a blur of lights and movement and activity. Conversation was short and succinct, never deviating from anything unnecessary. Would they need to go grocery shopping, or did they have enough in their terribly-stocked fridge? Scrooge would have to check. Did they need to review the reports for the latest subsidiaries, or could that wait until the year turned? Marley would decide that. They discussed the evening news playing like the murky sounds of the fifties in the background, heard but not truly listened to, discussing the scandals and legislations between competitors and politicians and looking to see if Asplex was affected in any way. They were not, thankfully, as the news had been as dull and boring as it had always been.
In the muted county of Essex, their home remained, ever as it had been since they bought it in years uncountable. It was a semi-detached house only a few minutes away from the school in which they had both attended. A building so vastly different from its merry companions with their garlands and their lights, you would think that it would have been plucked out from some distant faraway land in a distant faraway time, aged not with grace but with disuse. 
Now, let it be known that there was hardly anything particularly remarkable about the door of their house, nor the doorbell in which accompanied it, except that it was large and sturdy, built to withstand both the elements and the unwanted attention. You may also be interested to know that the fence that surrounded the front yard was so imposing and towering that it could deter even the most determined of carolers and most desperate of beggars from approaching. Finally, let it be known that Scrooge and Marley’s security system, as could be expected from men as high-profile as themselves, was the sort that could be exaggerated as the rival of Fort Knox or the vaults of the Bank of England. And then, after learning all of what has been known, explain to me, if you can, how in the deepest pits of hell that a wreath — a single, lone, sentimental, boring, old wreath — was found perched upon the front door of their house, hung with a pitiable attempt at Christmas cheer.
A wreath, of all things! They might as well have had a bright neon sign slapped across their front door, boldly screaming that they celebrated the infernal holiday! What an affront to their sensibilities, an invasion of their sanctuary, a mockery of their stoic resolve! Scrooge and Marley scowled at the sight, as if the mere presence of this festive decoration was a personal provocation to their very existence.
“Who in the hell…?” Scrooge snatched the ring of greenery off of the door, slender fingers gripping it as if were a vile and infectious object.
“Someone with a death wish, it seems.” Marley remarked, his ears attuned to the sound of high-pitched giggling, followed promptly by loud and distressed shushing when his gaze turned to the alley in which the noise originated, only to catch the briefest glimpse of worn shoes and tattered coats disappearing around the corner. 
Good. It appeared the brats knew their place well enough. 
“Fucking children…” Scrooge gave the wreath one last contemptuous look before tossing it aside, not caring where it landed as long as it was out of sight. “Let's not waste any more time on this nonsense.”
Barring the disruption upon the front with the atrocious festivity, the house had been much the same in its sterility indoors. From the moment they stepped inside, a flight of stairs greeted them on their right, a shoe rack — wooden and gnarled from pests they had long since forgotten — standing resolute beside it, yet barely used as Marley kicked his loafers off with the enthusiasm of a parched man trudging through a blazing desert in July, and Scrooge kept his oxfords on the rug beneath the coat rack in a pile of pairs lining the wooden floor like breadcrumbs left behind for Hansel and Gretel.
Marley checked, double-checked, triple-checked the locks placed upon the door, the cold and stiff handle stubborn against his movements before relenting with a loud click and shift of the lock. Scrooge, meanwhile, had dipped into the kitchen on the left, clearing out the rusted steel and antique cookware that filled the basin before their leave in the morning. 
“Where are the toothpicks?” Scrooge asked with a grumble as he rummaged through the cupboards, hoping to find the elusive nicotine fix to settle the itch of his vices.
“Third drawer, by the sink.” Marley drawled as he made his way to the living room, catching a brief glimpse of the triumphant smirk on Scrooge’s face as he popped the toothpick into his mouth. “You should really quit those things, Ebenezer.”
Scrooge rolled his eyes. “You and your neverending health crusade. You sound like a broken record, Jacob.”
“Is it really a crime for me to worry about my partner’s health?” Marley raised an eyebrow as Scrooge made his way over to him, the latter’s taller form allowing him to ruffle the former’s hair with ease.
“Only when you make a habit of it.” Scrooge quipped.
Soon after, in the comfort of their living room, Scrooge had brought out a bottle of Scotch. An aged one, a twenty-five-year-old Macallan. Aged Scotch, a source of great indulgence and insatiable temptation, the elixir of life itself as the two had often considered it to be. They had no reason to celebrate, and they hadn’t needed any. There had been no grand occasion to warrant its opening, nor any justification to drink a bottle of Scotch that could fetch a fair sum on the market. But perhaps it had been the alcohol that made it so tempting, a mere cherry atop a most delightful cake that would sweeten the taste of reality they had so despised. They had shared a glass, and then another, and then another. They sat upon their antique leather sofa — brown and worn from years of use, but comfortable nonetheless — in contemplative silence, staring into the fire with a great sense of detachment from the world beyond their door.
Scrooge took the remote, then, jabbing at the power button a few times before the television in front of them finally lit up. Flicking through the channels with all the enthusiasm of a boy who had been forced into a lecture on the history of theoretical physics by Sheldon Cooper.
“Just because I cannot see it, doesn’t mean I can’t believe—”
“Will you please tell Santa that instead of presents this year, I just want my family—”
“It’s not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love—”
“Bah!” Scrooge snarled, tossing the remote onto the coffee table, refusing to retrieve it even as it slid off like a skater upon thin ice. “I swear, they start with this shit earlier and earlier each year.”
Marley chuckled, taking a long sip of his Scotch. “You’re just a ray of sunshine today, aren’t you, dear?”
“Only if you find the sun’s rays as toxic as I do.” Scrooge grumbled, taking a swift swig of his Scotch before Marley refilled it once more.
They sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments, the background noise of Sky News revealing media revelations they cared little for. Marley felt the buzz of his phone tucked comfortably in his trouser pocket, the soft vibration against his leg breaking him out of his trance. He withdrew the device and glanced at the screen, his brow furrowing at the urgent message displayed upon it.
To: [email protected] Subject: C-Suite Executive Replacements Dear Mr. Jacob Marley, Per our previous discussions in the meeting last month and the immediate termination of our COO, CMO and CTO, I am pleased to inform you that the new appointments for these positions have been selected. They have been considered with careful consideration for their aptitude, experience, and potential compatibility with Asplex Industries. As requested, over the next three days, both yourself and Mr. Scrooge will be speaking to each of them individually to discuss their roles and responsibilities as well as to assess their suitability for these key positions.  Please find below the schedule for the introductory meetings: Chief Operating Officer: December 22nd, 10:00 AM Chief Marketing Officer: December 23rd, 10:00 AM Chief Technology Officer: December 24th, 10:00 AM Attached is documentation and background information regarding each candidate. We do hope you will take them into consideration. Regards, Tristan Grantham Chief Human Resources Officer Asplex Industries
Marley sighed, setting the phone aside for the moment as he reached for his glass which had been half-empty for quite some time. “Looks like we’ll be busy. The new executives are set to join us over the next few days for introductory meetings.”
“Couldn’t we observe them all at once and make a quick decision?” Scrooge muttered, the effects of the Scotch evident in his slurred words and flushed cheeks and gentle sway in his seat.
His husband, who had always been the more tolerant of the vices, shook his head. “And risk having all of our other responsibilities pile up when we entertain these newcomers? We could be inviting in serial killers for all we know.”
“Better to be disrupted than to be inefficient.”
“And better to be inefficient than to be careless.” Marley poured out more of the amber liquid into their glasses with one hand, sending a brief yet swift message with his other. “I requested our schedules to be completely cleared so we could focus on these appointments. We’ll do it one at a time, Ben; it’s more thorough that way.”
“Fine, then.” Scrooge relented, more amicable now than he had been in his mildly intoxicated state. “Hopefully they’ll be far more competent than the previous lot.”
The sentiment had been shared between them, and a valid one it had been. They’d made the mistake of being too lax when it came to the appointment of their previous executives, opting instead to pass the matters of recruitment to an external firm who promised the best candidates. An external firm that, thanks to ruthless efforts and the wondrous world of extortion, coercion and intimidation, had mysteriously vanished from the market. Scrooge and Marley had been more than happy to take the incompetence of their C-suite executives to the media, hiding those sadistic smirks as the BBC gobbled up the folder that just happened to cross their desks one morning. It had been almost too easy to make their previous COO, CMO, and CTO the sacrificial lambs to the corporate wolves, firing them with all the grace and sympathy of a ravening pack of piranhas, but who would miss them? Scrooge and Marley certainly wouldn’t.
Thoroughly inebriated in this rare fine indulgence and bottle completely emptied of its contents, Scrooge and Marley clamoured their way up the steps, shedding their attires and letting them fall to the ground in a careless heap haphazardly formed on their bedroom floor, not bothering to freshen up until the morning. Scrooge still held enough sobriety to take on the nightly duties of checking each room to see if all was as it should. There were no monsters under the bed, or hiding in the closet, or wearing invisible cloaks in the corner of the room.
And when he returned to the bedroom, Marley had already begun to undress, tie and suit tossed onto a chair somewhere, trousers pooling at his feet and dress-shirt loose against his frame. He reacted not when Scrooge joined him in his ritual, mimicking his movements with a practised position. And in their shared silence, when Scrooge had at last relieved himself of his shirt, Marley came up from behind him, movements gentle and languid as he leaned in against his husband, burying his face into the crook of his neck.
His protests, if there were any to remain, fell on deaf ears as Marley hushed him with a quick press of his finger to his lips, neither of them fully understanding how they managed to land themselves onto the bed with the blur of movements they would never fully remember in the morning. And when — perhaps in the way in which their lips pressed together in a passionate embrace, or the way they tangled themselves under thin sheets, or the way they whispered each other’s names with fervour, or the way they wrestled control from each other in such a way that Heracles himself would baulk at — they disappeared into the night's embrace, they did so with the knowledge that no one else in the world would ever know them as intimately as they knew each other.
Tagged: @rom-e-o @crimson-phantom-designs @quill-pen @a-christmas-carol-from-hr @ray-painter
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Exploring the Top-Ranked Programs at SRM University, Sonepat: The Top Private University in Haryana
SRM University, Sonepat, stands proudly as a beacon of excellence in higher education in the heart of Haryana. As a top private university in Haryana, SRM University Sonepat has garnered a reputation for excellence, offering a diverse range of programs designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in today's competitive world. In this article, we will delve into some of the top-ranked programs offered by SRM University, Sonepat, which highlight the institution's commitment to academic quality and innovation.
Engineering Excellence:
SRM University, Sonepat, is popularly known for its wide range of engineering programs that have consistently earned recognition for its quality. The university offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in various engineering disciplines, including Computer Science, Electronics & Communication, Mechanical Engineering, and Civil Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, the university provides students with a strong foundation in theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The state-of-the-art laboratories and industry collaborations ensure that students receive hands-on experience and exposure to cutting-edge technologies.
Management for Tomorrow's Leaders:
The School of Management at SRM University, Sonepat, offers an array of management programs that are designed to nurture future business leaders. With a focus on contemporary business practices, these programs cover areas such as Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, and Entrepreneurship. The faculty members, many of whom are industry veterans, provide valuable insights and mentorship, preparing students to tackle real-world challenges.
Innovation in Computer Science:
The field of Computer Science is evolving rapidly, and SRM University, Sonepat, has kept pace with the industry's demands. Their computer science programs are renowned for their relevance and innovation. With cutting-edge courses in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Cybersecurity, students are equipped with the skills needed to thrive in the tech-driven world.
The Biotechnology Department at SRM University Delhi-NCR, Sonepat, was founded in 2018 and offers a Postgraduate M.Sc. program. Their mission is to provide students with strong technical skills and real-world understanding. They have well-equipped labs and experienced faculty members who teach both fundamentals and advanced concepts. In addition to traditional classroom teaching, students gain practical experience through lab work and develop critical thinking skills. They also offer project training in top organizations like DRDO and CSIR, organize workshops, invite experts for talks, and encourage students to participate in national and international events.
Humanities and Social Sciences:
The Humanities and Social Sciences Department at SRM University, Delhi-NCR includes four departments: English, Economics, Political Science, and Psychology. Thier vision is to nurture a love for knowledge and an understanding of the world through interdisciplinary learning. They aim to create a welcoming and inclusive academic environment for high-quality education.
Whether the students are studying at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, are prepared for various professional careers, including education, research, business, law, government, publishing, journalism, advertising, corporate sector, NGOs, and higher education.
SRM University, Sonepat, firmly establishes itself as a top private university in Haryana through its commitment to academic excellence and innovation. The institution's diverse range of programs ensures that students have a wide array of options to choose from, depending on their interests and career aspirations. With a faculty that is dedicated to nurturing talent and state-of-the-art facilities that support learning, SRM University, Sonepat, continues to be a preferred destination for students seeking quality education in Haryana.
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igeekymayank · 2 years
best Masters in Agricultural Science university in Haryana
Geeta University is one of the leading universities in Haryana, offering a range of courses across various disciplines. Among its many offerings, the university's Masters in Agricultural Science program is highly regarded for its academic excellence and research-oriented curriculum. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Masters in Agricultural Science program at Geeta University and what makes it one of the best programs in Haryana.
The Masters in Agricultural Science program at Geeta University is a two-year postgraduate course that is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the field of agriculture. The program is divided into four semesters, and students are required to complete a range of core and elective courses, along with a research project.
The core courses in the program cover topics such as agricultural economics, plant breeding and genetics, soil science, agronomy, plant pathology, and agricultural extension. These courses provide students with a solid foundation in the fundamentals of agriculture and equip them with the knowledge required to understand the various challenges facing the agricultural sector.
In addition to the core courses, students can choose from a range of electives based on their interests and career goals. Some of the popular electives offered in the program include agricultural biotechnology, precision agriculture, agroforestry, and sustainable agriculture.
One of the key strengths of the Masters in Agricultural Science program at Geeta University is its research-oriented curriculum. Students are required to undertake a research project in their final semester, where they work closely with faculty members to design and execute a research project in their chosen area of specialization. This project allows students to apply the theoretical concepts they have learned in the program to real-world problems and develop practical solutions.
The faculty members at Geeta University's Department of Agricultural Sciences are highly qualified and experienced in their respective fields. They bring a wealth of academic and industry experience to the classroom, and their research work is recognized both nationally and internationally. The faculty members are actively engaged in research and regularly publish their work in leading academic journals, which keeps them up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of agriculture.
Geeta University also provides students with access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources that are essential for their academic and research pursuits. The university has a well-equipped laboratory where students can conduct experiments and carry out their research work. Additionally, the university's library is well-stocked with a vast collection of books, journals, and research papers, providing students with access to the latest information and research in the field of agriculture.
Apart from the academic curriculum, Geeta University also offers various opportunities for students to develop their practical skills and gain hands-on experience in the field of agriculture. The university has a 50-acre farm where students can undertake field visits and gain practical knowledge of crop cultivation, soil management, and other agricultural practices. The university also conducts regular seminars, workshops, and conferences where students can interact with industry experts and gain insights into the latest developments in the field of agriculture.
In conclusion, the Masters in Agricultural Science program at Geeta University is one of the best programs in Haryana for students who are interested in pursuing a career in agriculture. The program's research-oriented curriculum, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and practical learning opportunities make it an excellent choice for students who want to develop their skills and knowledge in this dynamic field.
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chemblrish · 2 years
what uni do you go to? (im looking for a uni that will suit me when i finish high school and i saw your notes in polish, so i thought id ask since im polish too)
Hi there! If you're asking which exactly uni I'm studying at, then sorry but I'd rather not say that publicly. If you're asking what *type* of uni I'm studying at, then it's a "general" (that is, science isn't the only thing you can study there) research university.
I'll be honest with you, choosing the right uni is hard and stressful but the great thing is you're 100% allowed to change your mind and migrate elsewhere - that's exactly what I did. I picked a non-research natural sciences uni first, because I thought it was the right place for someone who loves science as much as I do and their biotechnology course was widely known as one of the best ones in Poland. And then I got majorly disappointed lol. Even though it was a natural sciences uni, it was more focused on the industry and the whole time I was there I felt more like I was being prepared to enter the food microbiology business. That's obviously not a bad thing by itself, but it was definitely not what I wanted (+ I realized I actually hate biology, but that's beside the point).
Like I said, I'm at a research uni now, and even though I'm just a first year and not part of any research project, the difference is massive. The professors here approach us mostly as future scientists and the syllabi *actually* focus on the natural sciences instead of the industry, but tbf the expectations are higher too.
Obviously, we have politechniki here in Poland too, but I don't have any experience with these. I've been told by several people the math is insane there though, but always half-jokingly 😅
1. "Science" unis aren't always better than general unis
2. Research unis are great if you're a big science-loving nerd
3. Biology sucks
If you have any other questions, feel free to hmu :)
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juituniversity · 2 years
When choosing the right stream or field after Btech, it is important to evaluate your interests and passions, career goals, job market prospects, salary potential, and lifestyle preferences. Taking into consideration all of these factors will help you make an informed decision about which path to take in order to maximize your success. With a B.Tech degree under your belt, you can pursue any number of exciting and fulfilling careers! b. tech colleges in himachal pradesh.
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thementorscircle · 2 days
Why Pursue an MSc in Food Engineering in Ireland with The Mentors Circle
Ireland is fast emerging as a global leader in food technology and innovation. With its booming food and agricultural industries, pursuing an MSc in Food Engineering in Ireland offers an excellent opportunity for students to combine technical expertise with practical experience. The Mentors Circle is here to guide you through the process of selecting the right program and maximizing your career potential in this ever-growing field.
Why Choose Ireland for an MSc in Food Engineering? Ireland is home to many leading food and beverage companies and has a strong reputation for excellence in food safety and quality standards. With a vibrant research community and world-class universities, Ireland provides students with cutting-edge facilities and opportunities to collaborate with top industry professionals. Here’s why Ireland is an ideal choice:
World-Renowned Universities Ireland’s universities offer innovative MSc programs in Food Engineering that combine theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience. With a focus on sustainability, food safety, and technological advancements, these programs equip graduates with the skills needed for global careers.
Industry Connections The Irish food industry is a major contributor to the economy, offering students unique opportunities to engage with leading corporations and startups. Universities often have strong connections with the industry, allowing students to gain internships, job placements, and practical exposure during their course.
State-of-the-Art Facilities Irish universities boast cutting-edge research facilities, including food processing labs and pilot plants. This gives students a chance to work with the latest technologies and equipment, ensuring they are industry-ready upon graduation.
Focus on Sustainability and Innovation Ireland places a high emphasis on sustainability and innovative practices within the food sector. As the demand for eco-friendly and efficient food processing methods increases, having an MSc in Food Engineering from an Irish institution will give you a competitive edge in the job market.
Key Modules Covered in MSc in Food Engineering Programs An MSc in Food Engineering in Ireland typically includes a wide range of modules, ensuring students gain a comprehensive understanding of the food industry. Some of the key topics include:
Food Process Engineering
Food Safety and Quality Assurance
Sustainable Food Production
Biotechnology in Food Engineering
Advanced Food Packaging and Preservation
Supply Chain Management
Career Opportunities after MSc in Food Engineering Graduates of MSc programs in Food Engineering are well-positioned to enter various sectors of the food industry. With Ireland's thriving food and drink sector, you can explore careers in:
Food Manufacturing and Production
Quality Control and Food Safety
Research and Development
Packaging and Preservation Technologies
Supply Chain Management
Sustainability Consulting
How The Mentors Circle Can Help At The Mentors Circle, we understand that choosing the right program and destination for your education is a crucial decision. Our team of experienced advisors provides personalized guidance to help you:
Identify the best universities in Ireland offering MSc in Food Engineering
Prepare and streamline your application process
Secure scholarships and funding options
Navigate visa and immigration procedures
Connect with industry professionals for internships and placements
Conclusion Pursuing an MSc in Food Engineering in Ireland can be a life-changing decision, offering a wealth of opportunities in a dynamic and ever-evolving industry. With Ireland’s emphasis on innovation, sustainability, and food technology, graduates are well-prepared for successful careers. Let The Mentors Circle guide you through the journey of making your dream of studying in Ireland a reality. Start your path to a rewarding future today!
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collegedunias · 4 days
Vellore Institute of Technology: Your Gateway to a Bright Future in Education
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When it comes to pursuing higher education, choosing the right institute is critical. One such institution that stands out for its academic excellence, world-class infrastructure, and strong industry connections is the Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT). Known for producing top professionals across various fields, VIT is a highly sought-after destination for students who aim to achieve great things in their careers.
Why Choose Vellore Institute of Technology?
The Vellore Institute of Technology is consistently ranked among India’s top universities. It is known for offering a comprehensive educational experience, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills that prepare students for real-world challenges. VIT’s reputation for excellence in engineering, technology, business, and other disciplines makes it a preferred choice for students from all over the country.
VIT follows an interdisciplinary approach to learning, which means students get a holistic education that goes beyond textbooks. The institute emphasizes hands-on learning, internships, and industry projects, ensuring that students are job-ready from day one. With a vibrant campus life and a focus on personal development, Vellore Institute of Technology offers a well-rounded educational experience.
Top Programs Offered at VIT
VIT offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs across multiple disciplines. Whether you are interested in engineering, business, or computer science, the Vellore Institute of Technology has something for everyone.
Engineering Programs: VIT is particularly renowned for its engineering programs, which cover various specializations such as Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. These programs are designed to keep pace with industry standards, ensuring that students acquire the latest technical skills.
Management Programs: For students interested in pursuing careers in business and management, VIT offers highly rated MBA programs. The institute focuses on nurturing leadership and decision-making skills, which are essential for succeeding in the business world.
Science and Technology: VIT is also known for its programs in fields like biotechnology, physics, and chemistry. The curriculum is designed to encourage research and innovation, providing students with ample opportunities to explore new ideas and technologies.
Humanities and Social Sciences: The Vellore Institute of Technology recognizes the importance of a well-rounded education and offers programs in humanities, social sciences, and law, allowing students to diversify their skill sets and career prospects.
Admission Process at Vellore Institute of Technology
Getting into VIT is a dream for many students, and the admissions process is designed to identify the best talent. For undergraduate programs, VIT conducts the VITEEE (VIT Engineering Entrance Examination), which is a national-level entrance exam. It tests students on their knowledge of subjects like physics, chemistry, and mathematics. A good score in VITEEE is crucial for securing admission to top programs.
For postgraduate courses, students need to have a relevant undergraduate degree and may have to appear for entrance exams such as CAT, MAT, or GATE, depending on the program they wish to pursue. The Vellore Institute of Technology also offers scholarships to meritorious students, making it more accessible to students from different financial backgrounds.
Campus Life at VIT
VIT’s vibrant campus life is one of the reasons students love studying here. With over 200 clubs and societies, there’s always something happening on campus, whether it's cultural events, technical festivals, or sports competitions. The diverse student community at Vellore Institute of Technology adds to the richness of the campus experience, offering students the chance to learn from peers with different backgrounds and perspectives.
The university also encourages students to participate in national and international competitions, giving them the platform to showcase their talents on a global stage. This exposure not only enhances students' skills but also boosts their confidence and prepares them for the professional world.
Placement Opportunities at Vellore Institute of Technology
One of the key reasons students choose Vellore Institute of Technology is its excellent placement record. VIT has a dedicated placement cell that works tirelessly to connect students with top companies from various industries. Every year, leading multinational companies visit the campus to recruit graduates for high-paying roles.
With strong industry links and a focus on practical learning, VIT graduates are highly sought-after by employers. The placement cell also organizes pre-placement training, which includes resume writing workshops, mock interviews, and personality development sessions to help students perform well during the recruitment process.
Some of the top companies that recruit from VIT include Microsoft, Google, Cognizant, Wipro, and Infosys, offering students exciting career opportunities in fields such as IT, engineering, consulting, and finance.
VIT’s Global Outlook
The Vellore Institute of Technology is not just focused on Indian industries but has a strong global outlook. The university has partnerships with over 200 international institutions, offering students opportunities to participate in exchange programs, internships abroad, and collaborative research projects. This global exposure prepares students for international careers and broadens their horizons.
Students at VIT can also take advantage of the university's strong alumni network, which spans across industries and countries. Alumni often return to campus for guest lectures, mentorship programs, and recruitment drives, providing current students with valuable insights into the professional world.
If you’re aiming for a university that offers world-class education, a strong focus on practical learning, and excellent placement opportunities, then the Vellore Institute of Technology should be your top choice. With its wide range of programs, cutting-edge facilities, and a global outlook, VIT prepares students for successful careers in India and beyond.
Whether you are passionate about engineering, business, or research, Vellore Institute of Technology provides the perfect platform to achieve your goals. With a competitive admissions process and a diverse, vibrant campus life, VIT stands out as one of India’s leading educational institutions.
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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Against Agriculture: Sowing the Seeds of Resistance
For those of us conscious about the way our food choices affect others, the basic act of cutting out meat and/or dairy products, or eating only organic, feels like a huge step and is often as far as we can manage to take our concerns. But the politics of food go far beyond veganism and organics. Economic and social factors like the conditions of migrant farmworkers, or the low labor standards in most Agriculture in the global south, rarely influence our cultures’ purchasing decisions. Even organic farming often reproduces many of the same ecological and economic dynamics at work in commercial farming. What about the soil erosion from over-farming huge fields, even if crops are organic? (According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, topsoil is lost on average 17 times faster than it is formed, and it takes at least 100 years to form one inch of topsoil). The use of Slaughterhouse byproducts to replace the soil lost from heavy tilling, and the overuse of “biological” fungicides and herbicides, undoubtedly maintains an imbalance in the give and take relationship that forms the basis of ecological values.
The trends toward “natural food” and “organic” are quickly being co-opted, as green businesses consolidate their power and corner markets, gobbling up profits as they go. Consequently, these concepts are losing their meaning altogether. The notion of “sustainability” has been colonized by the profit-hungry. The biotechnology industry touts the term whenever they get the chance. Of course, what they are talking about is the sustainability of profits and the dependence of farmers on them, not sustainability of ecological systems and social bonds. So when we examine the idea of sustainability we should always define what ft is we are trying to sustain. If we are thinking of ecology and cultural survival, then we must remove the factors that contradict those: industrialism and capitalism, to start with.
To be against agriculture does not require advocating mass starvation or a return to an exclusively primitive or foraging existence, and it doesn’t lave to mean eradicating cultivated food altogether. We need to make a distinction between “agriculture” and other plant (aid possibly animal, although the ethics of the domestication of animals should be viewed with suspicion) “cultivation” methods that have been, and are continuously being developed by people around the world. The problem of agriculture is largely related to the scale. “Horticulture” refers to garden-scale cultivation rather than field-scale, as in the prefix “agri”. For example, permaculture is a specific cultivation method that aims to integrate die garden system into the wild ecosystem around it. Industrial farming (even organic) places the “field” — the monocrop — outside of our immediate surroundings, removing our social lives from the polycultural, intimacy of “the garden”. Subsistence horticulture doesn’t depend on industrial systems or take more than they give back ecologically, or even require specialization of labor, or long monotonous work hours. The most effective methods have always been diversified community efforts, which cut down on work hours as well as monotony.
When farmers in India plant a seed they pray for its endurance. But the “gene giants” have their sights trained on “terminator” technologies that break the seed’s reproductive cycle. Hybrid seeds produced in laboratory conditions are usually bred to retain certain characteristics patented by the breeder. If saved and replanted they will not show the same traits, and may turn out to be something weird and unpalatable. Open-pollinated seeds defy this controlled approach. When replanted for generations they adapt to local climate conditions, and develop a bioregionally distinct immunity. When saved for many generations they become Heirloom Seeds. For example, we have seeds that have been in circulation since Cherokee gardeners first grew and saved them hundreds of years ago, and took them on the Trail of Tears. They made their way back to the Southeast and to this day are still being passed around. The more they’re grown out, the more decentralized the seed becomes. These seeds are crucial to maintaining plant biodiversity. The reduction in varieties that comes with industrialization and capitalism has created a massive loss of genetic diversity (75% in the last century, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization), which weakens the plant’s insect blight and disease resistance, and their adaptability to changing growing conditions. The Irish potato famine was a direct result of the dependence on one variety. Breeders had to go back to the Andes to find a potato that would resist the blight. In the face of the elimination of ancient varieties in favor of more uniform crops that ship and store more efficiently, heirloom seeds are truly Seeds of Resistance. Check out Seed to Seed by Suzanne Ashworth for detailed instructions on seed saving.
Humanure and Greywater are traditionally used methods intended to keep nutrients in the garden ecosystem, thereby closing the circuit rather than requiring imported materials. As these methods are inherently non-capitalist and non-industrial, it would not be possible to adopt these practices (or to return to them, depending on how we look at it) beyond just a small privileged minority, within the capitalist market or the industrial model. True sustainability actually requires the subversion of those institutions.
On a personal level, we can take steps to re-establish foodways in our cultures by learning about our food, discovering what foods grow where and in what season — and where those foods originated. We should know where our food comes from and seek out food grown locally. We can seek out those with traditional knowledge, learn how to cook with whole foods, then teach others. We can learn about the wild edible plants that grow around us, and about the ancestral people who ate and propagated those foods. This knowledge provides us with an essential missing component that early horticultuialists combined with cultivation. (A great reference is the work of Steve Brill, an urban wild plant forager in New York City: www.wildmanstevebrill.com). Challenge your taste buds to appreciate foods in their natural state, and replace the junk foods you crave with natural sweets and snacks.
Reconnecting with our food goes beyond the personal. Taking food out of the capitalist market means reintegrating ourselves with the processes of growing food — whether that means getting to know local farmers and buying from them, getting involved in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) or a food co-op, going to farmers markets, or even better — growing your own. These options increase the security of our access to healthy food, lessening our dependence on the market. In urban areas this can be much more challenging, but all the more rewarding if you can challenge the obstacles. For some inspiring examples of urban food security check out Www.foodsecurity.org. The Hartford Food System in Hartford, CT (www.hartfordfood.org) and The Food Project in Massachusetts (www.thefoodproject.org) are amazing examples of urban food security ] that truly challenge the class structures that keep people dependent on Agriculture.
The challenge of feeding ourselves ! sustainably might be the fundamental question for our future survival. There is not one path forward out of this mess, but many possible options, and we’ll have to make up a lot of it as we go. But our paths will be totally new and unique. Learning from the mistakes and the successes of the past is crucial to bringing the modern world back in direct relationship with nature, and the life-support systems on which we depend. We should celebrate the opportunity we have to examine and analyze what has worked and what has compromised our freedoms and our health, and move toward post-industrial and post-capitalist models of sustenance. Rather than an afterthought of social revolution, reclaiming truly sustainable foodways could itself be a catalyst for challenging the deep alienation of our modern world.
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Regulatory Affairs Courses in India: A Complete Guide for Aspiring Professionals
The field of Regulatory Affairs is gaining immense popularity as the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries continue to expand globally. With the increasing demand for safe and compliant products, the role of regulatory professionals is becoming more critical than ever.
Regulatory Affairs involves ensuring that companies comply with all the regulations and laws pertaining to their business. In India, this career path is becoming more prominent, and various institutes are offering specialized Regulatory Affairs courses.
Why Choose Regulatory Affairs?
Regulatory Affairs professionals play a vital role in ensuring that pharmaceutical and healthcare products are safe, effective, and of high quality. These professionals are responsible for submitting drug approvals, ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards, and managing product lifecycle documentation.
Pursuing a career in Regulatory Affairs can lead to roles in:
Drug development and approval processes
Clinical trials management
Compliance with national and international regulations
Regulatory submissions and audits
Labeling and marketing authorization
Post-market surveillance and product lifecycle management
Given the growth in the pharmaceutical and medical device sectors, the demand for regulatory professionals is on the rise.
Top Regulatory Affairs Courses in India
India offers several excellent courses that provide both academic and practical knowledge in Regulatory Affairs. Here are some of the top programs you can consider:
1. Lscope Pharma Institute
Program Offered: Certificate and Diploma Courses in Regulatory Affairs
Overview: Lscope Pharma Institute is one of the leading providers of specialized Regulatory Affairs courses in India. Their programs cover key areas like pharmaceutical regulations, drug development processes, clinical trials, and compliance with international regulatory agencies. These courses are ideal for professionals looking to advance their careers in regulatory affairs within pharmaceutical companies.
Course Link: Lscope Pharma Institute Courses
For a more detailed list of regulatory affairs courses in India, you can visit Lscope Pharma’s dedicated course page, which offers comprehensive information on available programs and career paths.
2. Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi
Program Offered: M.Pharm in Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs
Overview: This program provides in-depth knowledge of regulatory guidelines, with a focus on drug approval processes, clinical research, and global regulatory environments. The curriculum covers both Indian and international regulations, including those of the USFDA, EMA, and CDSCO.
3. National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Mohali
Program Offered: M.S. in Regulatory Toxicology and Regulatory Affairs
Overview: NIPER offers one of the most comprehensive programs in Regulatory Affairs in India, with a focus on regulatory toxicology, clinical trials, and global regulatory standards. This program is ideal for students looking for advanced education in regulatory affairs with research-based learning.
4. Institute of Clinical Research India (ICRI)
Program Offered: Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs
Overview: ICRI offers a combination of clinical research and regulatory affairs, focusing on compliance, clinical trials, and submission processes for drug approvals. This course is designed to provide both theoretical and practical insights into regulatory affairs.
What You Will Learn in a Regulatory Affairs Course
Whether you choose to pursue a certificate or a degree in Regulatory Affairs, the coursework generally includes:
Regulatory Frameworks: Understanding the regulations governing pharmaceutical products in India and internationally (USFDA, EMA, CDSCO, etc.)
Drug Approval Process: Learning how to navigate the drug development lifecycle, from preclinical trials to post-market surveillance
Clinical Trials: A detailed understanding of clinical trials, ethical guidelines, and the role of regulatory professionals in monitoring trial compliance
Quality Control & Compliance: Ensuring that products meet national and international safety standards and quality guidelines
Global Regulatory Submissions: Preparing and submitting documents required for drug approvals in different regions
These courses provide the necessary foundation to pursue a successful career in the regulatory field, with opportunities to work in pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms, medical device companies, and regulatory bodies.
Career Prospects in Regulatory Affairs
A career in Regulatory Affairs is both challenging and rewarding. With the pharmaceutical industry in India rapidly growing, the demand for regulatory professionals is increasing. Upon completing a Regulatory Affairs course, you can explore various job roles, including:
Regulatory Affairs Executive
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Compliance Officer
Clinical Trials Coordinator
Quality Assurance Specialist
Salaries for regulatory professionals can range from INR 3–6 lakhs annually for entry-level positions, with experienced professionals earning upwards of INR 10 lakhs per annum, depending on the company and location.
Choosing the Right Course
Before enrolling in a Regulatory Affairs course, consider the following:
Curriculum: Make sure the course covers both Indian and international regulatory frameworks, as pharmaceutical companies often target global markets.
Accreditation: Ensure that the institute offering the course is recognized and accredited by regulatory bodies.
Industry-Relevant Learning: Look for courses that include practical training, case studies, or internships, as these are invaluable for real-world regulatory work.
Institutions like Lscope Pharma Institute offer targeted Regulatory Affairs courses that are updated to meet the current industry standards and expectations. For further reading, you can also explore their detailed blog post on What is Regulatory Affairs in Pharma? to better understand the field.
With the increasing complexity of global regulations, the role of regulatory professionals has become indispensable. Pursuing a Regulatory Affairs course in India equips you with the knowledge and skills to navigate these regulations, ensuring that products are compliant, safe, and effective. Whether you aim to work for a multinational pharmaceutical company or in the growing biotech sector, completing a course in regulatory affairs can be your gateway to a rewarding career.
If you’re looking to start or advance your career in Regulatory Affairs, consider enrolling in a specialized program like the one offered by Lscope Pharma Institute, which provides comprehensive courses tailored to the needs of today’s pharmaceutical professionals.
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