#India Household Cleaning Market
India Household Cleaning Market Share, Report 2022-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated the India household cleaning market size at USD 7,621.1 million in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, BlueWeave expects the India household cleaning market size to grow at a robust CAGR of 21.4% reaching a value of USD 29,617 million by 2029. Major growth drivers for the India household cleaning market include an increasing rate of urbanization, rising disposable incomes, changing lifestyles, and growing awareness of hygiene and cleanliness. The market is further benefiting from the increasing prevalence of virus-induced illnesses, which exhibit flu-like symptoms and various health complications, creating a favorable outlook. Notably, the market is witnessing growth due to expanded product availability and the proliferation of organized retail stores, particularly in tier 2 and tier 3 cities across the nation. The Government of India is also actively involved in promoting household hygiene awareness in rural areas through various initiatives. Also, consumer preferences are shifting towards specialized cleaning solutions suitable for a range of surfaces such as glass, stainless steel, wood, and concrete. This trend is further boosted by the rising demand for environmentally friendly cleaners composed of natural ingredients like citrus solvents, corn starch, oxygen bleach, baking soda, and alcohol, contributing to market expansion. However, price sensitivity and intense competition are anticipated to restrain the overall market growth during the forecast period.
India Household Cleaning Market – Overview
Household cleaning products cover a wide range of items used for cleaning tasks in homes. This includes laundry detergents, dishwashing liquids, surface cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, window cleaners, glass cleaners, and floor cleaning solutions. These products come in various forms like trigger sprays, aerosol cans, pouches, and pump-actuated bottles. They contain a mix of powerful ingredients, such as abrasives, acids, alkalis, bleaches, sanitizers, detergents, spirit solvents, and degreasers, which are designed to break down and remove dirt and stains from various surfaces, ensuring thorough cleanliness in households. The household cleaners often have pleasant fragrances like lemon, lime, rose, lavender, and sandalwood to add a fresh and inviting scent to indoor spaces. Many of them also include chlorine, which helps protect against flu viruses and various foodborne illnesses. These cleaners play a vital role in preventing the growth of mold on surfaces and walls, as well as the buildup of allergens that can trigger allergies in people. Also, they efficiently remove dirt, germs, and various contaminants from different surfaces while also preventing the formation of unsightly hard water marks on glass windows and mirrors.
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Impact of COVID-19 on India Household Cleaning Market
Covid-19 pandemic had a positive impact on the India household cleaning market. With heightened concerns about hygiene, demand for household cleaning products surged. Government initiatives to promote cleanliness further fueled this demand. Manufacturers responded by introducing eco-friendly and natural ingredient-based cleaners. Shifting consumer preferences towards specialized products also accelerated market growth. Also, factors like the expansion of organized retail, rising incomes, urbanization, and e-commerce availability contributed to the market's upward trajectory.
India Household Cleaning Market – By Distribution Channel
Based on distribution channel, the India household cleaning market is divided into Supermarkets, Department Stores, and Online segments. The supermarkets segment held the highest share in the India household cleaning market by distribution channel. he convenience and one-stop shopping experience offered by supermarkets make them a preferred choice for consumers to purchase cleaning products. Supermarkets often stock a wide variety of brands and products, catering to different customer preferences and budgets. Likewise, the ability to compare prices and access promotional offers in supermarkets attracts cost-conscious shoppers. Also, the modernization of retail infrastructure and the growth of organized retail chains have further boosted the dominance of the supermarkets segment in the household cleaning market.
Competitive Landscape
Major players operating in the India household cleaning market include Hindustan Unilever Limited, Rohit Surfactants Private Limited, Reckitt Benckiser (India) Limited, Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Healthcare Ltd, Jyothy Labs Limited, Nirma Limited, Fena (P) Limited, Dabur India Limited, S. C. Johnson Products Pvt. Ltd, and Pitambari Products Private Limited. To further enhance their market share, these companies employ various strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, license agreements, and new product launches.
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imperfectorange · 2 years
Diwali: Pan-Indian in its Truest Sense!
One of the biggest festivals in India, Diwali knows no foundation of the North and South as it is celebrated with great zeal across the country. Diwali falls on the 15th day in the month of Kartik according to the Hindu calendar. Celebrated as a cumulation of various festivals spread over a period of five days, the rituals of Diwali take place on the third day.
The first day of the festivities is celebrated as Dhanteras. It is believed that on this day Lord Dhanwantari came out of the ocean and bestowed Ayurveda to mankind. The second day is celebrated as Choti Diwali/Narak Chaturdasi, the day when Lord Krishna killed the demon Narakasur. On the third day, Diwali rituals are fulfilled and Lakshmi Puja takes place. The puja is done to seek blessings for wealth and prosperity. The fourth day is celebrated as Govardhan puja, attributed to Lord Krishna. The fifth day is dedicated to all sisters as it is Bhai Dooj. It is believed that Lord Yama visited his sister Yamuna on this day and granted her a boon that whosoever visits her banks on this day will be liberated from all of their sins.
The legend behind the culmination of the festival is well-known in the entire region of India. Diwali is associated with the return of Lord Ram to Ayodhya after vanquishing the demon king, Raavan. It is said that the entire city of Ayodhya was lit up with candles and diyas, so much so that the night appeared to be as bright as day. The tradition of lighting diyas roots in the same legend. The festival is also associated with Goddess Lakshmi’s marriage to Lord Vishnu and also Lakshmi’s birth. Diwali also signifies the harvest festival. As it occurs at the end of a cropping season, it is also believed that Diwali originated as a harvest festival. Following the same notion, many households in urban and rural areas prepare the dish of Poha from freshly cropped rice.
Although the zest of Diwali is unsurmountable and is perhaps one of the most awaited festivals in the country, the rituals differ from region to region. While gurudwaras in Punjab are lit up with candles and fairy lights even though Sikhs are not directly a part of this festival, Goddess Kali is worshipped in Bengal. In Eastern India, in addition to diya and candle lighting, doors are kept open by people to allow entry to Goddess Lakshmi. Western Indian regions mainly associate Diwali with business and trade and the time is considered auspicious to invest in new ventures, land and businesses. In Gujarat, a diya is left burning for the entire night and in the morning the residual material is collected to make kajal and is used by women, which signifies prosperity for a whole year. In Tamil Nadu, Naraka Chaturdasi is the main day of celebration, where the oven is cleaned, smeared with lime, and religious symbols are drawn on it, filled with water, and used on the main day for an oil bath. There is a musical act of Hari performed in Andhra Pradesh where there is a common belief that Krishna’s spouse, Satyabhama actually killed Narakasur.
The varied interpretation of the same festival across different states provides a detailed insight into the diversity contained in India. People from different regions, communities, religions, and classes celebrate this festival to the best of their abilities is further proof that Diwali is not restricted to one section of society. The handicraft market booms around this time as diyas, decorative items, and firecrackers (although hazardous) sell like hotcakes, providing employment and some financial stability to the families involved in the same.
- Ananya.
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aelaer · 1 year
Okay so. THREE YEARS AGO, back in early 2020 before The World Went To Shit, I posted a "whump prompt request" thing with icons to basically request fics based on the whumpy icon. I answered 2 or 3 of them before I basically stopped writing for like, over a year.
This year I'm doing my damnedest to finish the 6 whump prompts I have from early 2020 and the last (anon) prompt I have from 2019. That's my goal. (If I can get to the 2022 user-submitted prompt as well this year, that's an extra bonus).
I don't think this user is even in the fandom anymore (possibly not even on tumblr), but I'm still doing the prompt fics. As always with tumblr prompts, my tumblr followers get them first, and I'll post it on AO3 at a later time.
Obviously the prompt is chains. For 2 years I was trying another fic to fill this, but when it just wasn't happening, I threw out the original idea for this new one below.
So I've done alternate meetings between Stephen and various Avengers before, but I wanted to try something different and have a different set of Avengers meet him in different circumstances. Well, not that different because I just enjoy seeing Stephen suffer. Sorry love. But it's a different crew of Avengers, so it's at least a little different. I don't think I've seen this particular group meeting him before in this timeframe, either.
This fic stars Steve, Nat, Sam, and Stephen, and is actually written from Steve's POV! First time writing from Steve's POV so it was a lot of fun. Not betaed, but this is still about 7,000 words long, so enjoy!
Ever since aliens attacked New York in 2012, alien technology was a major part of the arms dealing scene in the black market. Nuclear missiles were old school; Chitauri-powered weaponry was the cream of the crop. And as the United States' Department of Damage Control seemed to have done a very lousy job at controlling all the weaponry leaving the country the last several years, Steve Rogers figured he'd put his time out of the country to good use and clean up for them.
From all the people that came back from the Raft, only two were with him now. Clint and Ant-Man—Scott, nice guy—had families back home and went for a plea bargain. Wanda asked to be dropped off in Europe and Nat provided her with a new ID and enough money to get by for a couple months without any sort of job. Bucky—well, Bucky was getting help in Wakanda.
That just left him, Sam, and Nat. When he told them what he planned to do, they were fully on board. Nat even had some old KGB connections to get them started.
And that's how they had spent the last year, going from city to city, country to country, chasing leads on illegal alien weaponry across Asia. They started in Yemen and Oman, then went north to Syria (where they got into a tight spot and found Nick Fury of all people waiting for them. How he got to Syria in the first place, Steve had no idea.) After a tense conversation with him, he parted with him in Lebanon, then they started their way east to Iraq, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan.
It was another old contact of Nat's that pointed them to their next destination: the state of Uttar Pradesh in northern India.
With most of their hits, it was clear that terrorists, insurgents, and other sorts who dealt with black market arms were getting types of Chitauri weapons. With their information out of India, it was less clear what the nature of the weapon was.
"From how they're discussing it, it sounds alien," Nat said as she read over her contact's notes. "And they're guarding it fiercely. But it appears they don't know what to do with it."
"Who has the weapon?" Sam asked. "Lashkar-e-Taiba? ISIS?"
She shook her head. "It's a small splinter group of revolutionists. No household names here."
Steve frowned; these small groups were more difficult to determine how to respond to. "Are they considered terrorists by the United States?"
Nat shook her head once more as she looked through the notes. "Strictly Indian. This group doesn't go beyond their borders."
"Then let's go for a nonlethal encounter, as much as possible. We're not here to say who's right and wrong about such things, so long as they're not hurting anyone in their actions."
She half-smiled. "They do have a weapon, Cap." They've likely hurt people, she didn't say.
He quirked his lips in return. "And that's why we're going to relieve them of it." In the end, it was up to the local authorities to take care of the people themselves and to put them through due process. If Steve could, he'd do the same for every terrorist, too—but he didn't have that luxury when they were caught in the middle of a gunfight, or when it was just the three of them versus dozens in enemy territory.
He wasn't happy with the fact, but he made do with what he could. He didn't particularly enjoy killing others in the war, either—and the fact that he still had to from time to time was an unhappy reality.
So when he could get through an incident without death, he gladly took it.
"All right," Sam said. "Next stop, India."
Nat's connections made getting the quinjet from country to country actually possible. From there, they paid someone enough cash to both keep an eye on the jet and to keep quiet about it. These people made a living on such gigs, so after a year of seeing such deals, Steve was a lot less worried about it than when they first started.
Their contact got them a van and from there, they fit everything they needed into it to get to a safehouse and gather more intel from there.
Uttar Pradesh was a land of extremes. As the most populous state of India, it also saw some of its richest and poorest citizens, some great beauty and great ugliness, and both wondrous joys and terrible suffering. Steve didn't interact with the locals—Nat did all that if they had to, as she somehow knew Hindi as well—but he could see it in the people's faces as they went from city to village, and back again.
It took them a couple days to secure their safehouse to their liking, then another few days to find the location of their target. It took Nat and Sam another 48 hours to break into their security and tap their communications, and it wasn't too long that they got the location of the weapon.
"They're not giving any further description on what this weapon is," Nat said with a grimace as she leaned back in her chair. "I don't think the guys we bugged actually know what it is, just where it is as they were guarding the building. On the second floor, so that narrows it down further."
"That's annoying," Sam said. "I'll look up the address and see what I can find on the building. This city's large enough to have blueprints."
"Not sure how much you'll find," Nat said. "I'll drive out there and scout it out tonight."
"You can add it to what I do find," Sam said, grinning.
When Nat came back from her scouting just before dawn, Steve woke up to find her thoughtful. "What happened?"
"The building was unusually busy, considering the time of night," she said. "The good news is that I found the most likely room in which they're keeping the weapon."
"Should be an easy snatch and grab?"
"Absolutely; this is a group of amateurs. You and Sam can probably stay in the car."
Steve snorted. "Well, if we would just get in your way."
Nat smirked, then went to get herself some breakfast. "I'll listen in today to see if anyone says anything more about the weapon."
About two hours later, Sam and Steve were mapping out their route away from the building once Nat had the weapon. From the corner of his eye, Steve saw her frowning as she listened to the tapped broadcast. He did not like that frown. "What is it?"
She listened for about ten more seconds. "It sounds like they have a prisoner."
Sam jerked his head up. "What?"
She paused as she listened, then after two minutes she shook her head. "These idiots know nothing. They think he was after the weapon, naturally, but for all they know he could be a political prisoner or hostage." She sighed. "Should've bugged someone more useful."
"This changes things," Steve said.
"A rescue mission makes this more complicated," Nat pointed out.
"Are you suggesting we leave him?"
Nat smiled slightly. "Just making sure you were aware."
"Well, I've never been one to back down from a challenge." He looked at Sam. "You'll be fine alone in the car?"
Sam shrugged. "I can keep the engine running. You sure you won't need help with sneaking in?"
"No. Show me what blueprints you found again, Sam." He had learned several things about subterfuge and stealth over the last year from Nat. He had to.
With their combined intelligence gathering, Steve was able to map out his own route to search for this prisoner. It was likely he was being kept in the basement level of the building, so Steve would start there and work his way up, if need be. As decided before, Steve wanted to go for the non-lethal route, and they had just enough drugs to knock people out to make it happen (one of the good things of running into Fury all those months ago was getting supplies of that nature).
With their plan set, all they had to do now was wait until nightfall.
Nat was right: these guys were amateurs. Steve was certain that she'd be in and out of the building in five minutes, tops. He had the longer route here just because he had to find the room this prisoner was actually being held.
Half the people in the building were asleep on the second floor; those awake were either guarding the mysterious weapon (Nat had them handled) or posted around the perimeter. He only encountered one other guard on the first floor before making his way into the basement. Those he did encounter he stashed away in dark corners so they weren't easily spotted by anyone passing by.
The basement was a little busier. The stairwell led to a long hallway filled with several tiny rooms, one of which was easily seen as occupied the moment he came to the floor. Steve took out two guys in a room at a pair of computers and kept them propped in their chairs. The other rooms in the hall were empty of people, largely filled with storage and detritus.
At the edge of the corridor was another hallway and Steve carefully peered beyond the corner to see if anyone was there. There was a man sitting outside of a door playing on his phone; that was very likely the door Steve was looking for. It was child's play to sneak up at him and jab him in the neck just as he had done with the rest. 
He lowered the guard to the floor before he could fall out of his chair, then peered through the small window—hole, really—within the door to take a look inside.
Well, he had definitely found the prisoner. While the light in the room was dim, he could tell that their prisoner didn't appear Indian; his skin was just too light. Steve frowned; what was a foreign national doing dealing with a group that largely dealt with Indian affairs?
It appeared that he had crossed them in some way because the man looked terrible. Bruises and bloody scrapes blossomed across his face; they appeared to be recent hurts, gained in hours or days rather than weeks or months. His dark hair was pressed damp against his head, though from sweat or water, Steve did not know. His clothes were unlike anything Steve's seen in the future so far, at least outside of movies. 
Despite his poor state of being, this group had considered their captive enough of a threat to chain him to the wall itself. Steve had no idea wall fetters like that still existed. The man was leaning his head against one of his arms pulled up, though sleeping or unconscious, he couldn't say.
Steve soon discovered neither. As soon as he took the cell door key off the unconscious guard and slotted it into the lock, the man's eyes snapped open and he straightened his position as much as he was able to. And he didn't appear afraid at all. Resigned, perhaps, but not afraid. Interesting. Nat would have quite the analysis on him from just this.
The man's grim resignation turned into outright confusion as Steve opened the door to reveal himself.
"Keep your voice down," Steve warned as he dragged the guard's body from the hallway and into the cell. He carefully shut the door to make it look closed, but left it open a crack in case it locked from the inside. He turned back to the hostage. "We'd rather avoid a full on confrontation if we can."
"Captain America?" Disbelief dripped through every syllable, but he kept his voice low. And he sounded American; that wasn't expected at all.
Steve could not help his unhappy smile. "Not so sure I can call myself that anymore."
The man remained still as Steve closed the distance between them. "Let me get these off," he muttered as he brought up the key again. But he could see the problem immediately—the key was too large for the manacles.
The man was watching him and seemed to catch his realization. "I imagine that one of the leaders has that key," he said, voice flat. Not panicked at all like many others would be if they thought they were so close to freedom and were stuck.
This man was no normal civilian, that much was clear.
Steve, though, had another idea. "Hold on." He took hold of the left manacle and chain, then paused as he caught long scars on the hand accompanied by a tremor that certainly wasn't fear. "This might pinch. Brace yourself."
The man said nothing, but hissed softly as Steve snapped the chain from the manacle as the rough metal scraped against him, despite Steve's best efforts.
"Okay?" Steve said as he slowly let go of the manacle still around his wrist, allowing the man time to gain control of his arm.
"Fine. Don't worry about it."
Steve moved to the other manacle and saw the same patterns of scars on his right hand, as well. He broke the chain with as much care as he could, and this time the man remained silent at the break.
"Can you stand?"
The man was already standing—or at least attempting it. He managed to get up to his feet, but he was leaning heavily against the wall. His eyes were focused on the corner where Steve had deposited the unconscious guard near the door. Steve followed his gaze and saw that beyond the guard was some sort of red fabric in the corner.
"I need that," the man said, leaving no room for argument in his voice. With some bemusement, Steve gathered the long length of red fabric in one hand (a coat?), and with the other dragged the guard to where the hostage once sat so anyone looking in the dimly lit room would make out the figure of a body. So long as no one took a closer look, it would hold until morning.
The man took the red fabric as soon as Steve offered it to him and slung it over his shoulder. Steve caught the glint of silver of what he assumed was some sort of clasp on his coat, and while he was no expert, it looked like the real deal. 
"Surprised they didn't take those," Steve said as he nodded to the ornamentation. "Lean on me."
The man did so without protest. Steve couldn't see what was causing the other's inability to fully stand, but that would have to be examined later. He did mutter, though, "They couldn't rip the clasps off. Then they thought they were maybe cursed." For some reason this seemed to amuse the man.
Right, then. "Follow my lead," Steve murmured.
He locked the door behind them and dropped the key in one of the storage rooms within the basement. Steve was slower going out than coming in, but he had been thorough in jabbing everyone and placing them in either hidden areas or in discrete positions, should anyone pass. But for all the rumors of having a powerful weapon, as their security personnel was not what Steve would consider top-rated, he wasn't expecting any change of guard anytime soon.
The building was thankfully small enough that the journey from the cell to the exit was less than five minutes, even at the slowed pace they were forced to go. From the corner of his eye Steve saw the man turn his head at the sight of one of the men stashed on a chair, positioned as if he were asleep rather than drugged.
It wasn't until they were past the building's outer fencing and around a corner that Steve breathed more easily. Perhaps the man sensed it, because he spoke for the first time since they left the cell. "Did you kill them?"
"The guards?"
"No. Just drugged."
Steve felt the man exhale beside him. "Good."
That… wasn't expected. But then again, nothing about this man met any of the preconceptions he originally thought about the person he would be rescuing. "What's your name?"
They turned another corner. "Your name is Strange?"
Fair enough.
"How far are we going?" Strange asked. Steve was supporting more of his weight now, his hidden injury seeming to do a number on him.
"Not far," he assured him. "I've got a car waiting."
"Great." The 'great' sounded oddly sarcastic.
The van was only a couple minutes further, which was good because Strange only seemed to be getting weaker with every step. By the time they turned the final corner to meet it, Strange's left leg fully gave out on him. Steve caught him before he could totally collapse, but he noticed Strange's attention was fully on the van.
"I'm not the only thing you're taking from that building, am I?" he asked between clenched teeth.
How could he possibly know? Steve didn't know how to answer, but before he needed to, Sam was stepping out of the van to assist him. He took in Strange's interesting fashion choices with a raised brow, then took on the role of medic immediately. "Where are you injured?" he asked as he took Strange's other arm. He spared a look at the hand and the manacle, then gripped him on the forearm as he slung it over his shoulders.
"It's complicated," was Strange's cryptic answer. "Nothing you can—" He sharply inhaled, "—help right now."
Once they loaded Strange into the back seat (with his coat on his lap—though it was rather large to be a coat, now that he took a longer look at it), Steve asked Sam quietly as they rounded the car, "You found the weapon?"
"Well, we definitely found what they were hiding, though I'm not so sure I'd call it that," he replied.
What on earth did that mean? Steve sent Sam a look, but held off on any further questions until they were out of immediate danger.
Nat had slipped into the driver's seat as soon as Sam was out of the van, and Sam gave it up with the roll of his eyes. Steve decided to sit in the back with Strange to keep an eye on him as they drove back to their safe house about thirty minutes away. Somehow Strange seemed worse resting in the van than moving. Yes, the road was bumpy and unpaved in many spots, but he would have thought walking from his prison would have been more taxing on him. 
As he eyed Strange's clenched fists, tight eyes, and pallor face, he wondered where these hidden injuries lie—and if they were all physical in nature.
Perhaps more importantly, he was wondering what on Earth another American was doing all the way out there in the middle of Uttar Pradesh and far away from any sort of tourist destination (and they had done their research—this was absolutely not an area for tourists). 
Apparently he wasn't the only one wondering about him. "So, you gonna tell us who you are and what on earth you're doing all the way out here?" Sam asked, turning himself partially around to look at him.
"If we could save the interrogation for when we're stopped, I would greatly appreciate it," he said without moving his eyes from the center of the windshield.
"Carsick?" Nat asked in that casual way that was anything but casual. 
"Yes," Strange said, but Steve wasn't sure if he fully believed him. It was the tight anxiety in his gaze that pointed to something else. 
But what it was wasn't important for him to know. Every man had his demons. So Steve said, "His name is Strange."
Sam looked between the two of them, gaze settling on Strange. "Seriously?"
"Yes," Strange said, curt and tense.
"Right," said Sam. He cleared his throat. "Well, Mr Strange, when we get to our little base, we'll take a look at you and see what we can do for your injuries."
At first, Strange didn't seem like he would reply. Then a moment later, after Sam had already turned around and Steve was getting ready to settle in for a long, silent trip, Strange said, "Doctor."
"Pardon?" Steve asked. Sam slightly turned his head.
"It's Doctor Strange."
Well, that just created more questions than it answered. 
Doctor Strange could barely walk by the time they made it to the safe house. His lips were pressed tight as he contained what appeared to be excruciating agony. Steve had seen that look on men's faces before in war as they lost limbs and burned from napalm fire.
What sort of wounds was he hiding underneath all his clothing?
"He can take my cot," Sam said. The cots were in a separate, smaller room to the side of the larger room that held their base of operations. Their vital equipment didn't exceed what could fit in a single van should they need to leave fast, but at this point they had acquired decent bedding, more fresh clothing, and a mini-fridge alongside the basic necessities of the trade: their tech, a well-stocked first aid kit, non-perishables to last for several weeks, and a few weapons.
Sam already had their first aid kit by his side as they got Strange to the cot, and Strange collapsed as soon as they let him go. However, when Sam started to undo his belts to his—robes, Steve guessed—to get access to whatever hurts he was hiding, Strange stopped him by grabbing at his arm. But the grip was minimal; Strange's hand was shaking badly enough to continuously jiggle the ugly manacle still there. 
"Not—not hurt—physically," he panted.
Sam raised his eyebrows incredulously at the comment. "You've got bruises all over you. Look, with this weakness, you could have a bad internal bleed—"
"No," he hissed. "Listen." His weak grip readjusted itself on Sam's arm. "Move the statuette—away from me."
Steve turned a confused look to Sam, but Sam had stilled and was looking at Strange with narrowed eyes. "How did you—"
"200 feet," he interrupted. "For an hour. You'll see." With that, he finally passed out.
"Statuette?" Steve asked. 
"It was what they were protecting." Nat appeared at the door and frowned at Strange as Sam, obviously, ignored his protests and started stripping him down to both attach him to a BPM and to look for any signs of massive trauma. "He shouldn't know that we took it."
Steve frowned. "He said something of the same just as we got to the van."
Nat's eyes narrowed. "Did he, now."
Steve shook his head. "But that doesn't make sense. They were supposed to be holding onto some powerful weapon."
"Whatever our intel, the statuette was definitely the only thing they were truly guarding," Nat said. "Had two men at the entrance and one on the ground below—even more than last night." She kept her narrowed gaze upon Strange. "Maybe he is what caused all the disturbance last night, too."
Steve frowned at the information. "Did anything about it seem suspicious?"
Nat shook her head. "Not from a cursory look. It's just a rather ugly statue made out of stone. Weighs no more than 10 pounds. I was saving the closer examination for when we got back here, though."
"This makes no sense." It was Sam this time, and he was looking at the diagnostics on his small handheld that he had hooked up to Strange.
"What is it?" Steve asked. 
"His vitals are not what I was expecting. His blood pressure is higher than normal, which is opposite what you'd see with internal bleeding, and none of this bruising is severe. I mean, he should still get himself to a hospital when he can to double check, but I'm not seeing any obvious signs of hemorrhaging."
Nat looked back at Strange. "He's not faking it. He's out."
"I know." Sam worked on cleaning up some of the cuts on Strange's face because they were, apparently, the worst wounds they found. "But from what I can see, he shouldn't be unconscious. I found no head trauma, no major blood loss, and his temperature's stable."
Steve pursed his lips together in thought. The world had gotten very weird the last few years.
Nat read him like a book. "You're going to entertain his idea?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, the world isn't exactly what it used to be," Steve said. "We can try for an hour. Just to see what happens."
Nat canted her head, then nodded slowly. "I know a spot. Be back soon."
Fifteen minutes later, Steve had his chair at the doorway between the beds and the rest of the space as he kept an eye on Strange. Sam was working on repairing some of their surveillance tech while Nat was looking up something at the computers after having returned just a couple minutes ago.
"He said Doctor Strange, right?" Sam asked. "You think, being an American with robes and a cape and all, that he's playing at being some sort of superhero with a secret identity or something?"
Steve blinked and took another look at the red pile of cloth resting at the foot of Strange's cot. Huh, yeah, he supposed it could be a cape. A red cape like Thor's, to boot.
"I'm not so sure," Steve said as he eyed the man. "He didn't act like a civilian playing hero that got in over his head when I found him."
"Not a fake name, either," Nat said, causing the both of them to turn her way. She recited, "Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange, MD, PhD. Neurosurgeon. And yes, I found images. It's him, just without the beard and a little less grey hair."
For some reason the name sounded familiar, though Steve had no idea why. He definitely hadn't met the guy before; he was pretty sure he'd remember him if he had.
Sam raised his eyebrows high. "What in the world is a neurosurgeon doing dressed like that in the weeds of Uttar Pradesh?"
"Former neurosurgeon, actually," Nat said with a thoughtful frown. "Last news I can find of him is from early 2016 after he got into a bad car accident. His hospital doesn't list him as a doctor there, anymore."
Steve frowned softly as he looked back at Strange. That would explain his hands. But as Sam said, it didn't explain what he was doing all the way out here. Then he narrowed his gaze as he saw Strange stir—or he thought he saw him move.
Then Steve blinked as he saw the edges of the red cape start rising upward. It reminded him of a cobra. He blinked again, and yea, it was definitely moving a bit like a snake. It was slinking.
"Hey uh, Sam?"
"Clothing generally doesn't move on its own in this century, right?"
"Uh, what?"
"You better come see this."
Steve felt both Sam and Nat beside him as they watched the cape—definitely a cape, not a coat—extend itself upwards until it was no longer a bundle of cloth at the edge of the bed, but fully extended and covering Strange from the bottom of his neck to his feet.
This cape might've been bigger than Thor's cape.
"So that's definitely not normal, yes?" Steve reiterated.
"Yes, Steve, that's not normal," Nat repeated. "You two sure there wasn't any sort of tech embedded within it?"
"Surveillance would've picked up something," Sam said, which Steve knew that Nat knew.
"Right," she said. "I'd ah, I'd keep my distance from it, gentlemen."
Another twenty minutes passed before Steve heard a groan coming from the cot. He looked up from his sketch to watch a minutiae of expressions cross over Strange's face before it settled on the blank expression of a man who woke up in unfamiliar, potentially dangerous situations. Steve saw that expression all the time once, a lifetime ago.
Strange was not just a neurosurgeon, no matter where his internet trail ended. Nearly two years had passed since early 2016, after all—and much of the world had changed since then.
Steve pushed away the troubling, all-too-personal train of thought before it went somewhere dangerous. "Welcome back, Doctor Strange," he said. He kept his distance.
Strange glanced his way with a furrowed brow before a light of understanding came to his eyes. "Ah. Right." He slowly sat up, grimacing softly, frowning down at what was obviously rumpled, disturbed clothing. Speaking of clothing—the cape was floating a bit more now, its collar at the same level as Strange's head.
"Oh, good, I'm glad you're starting to feel better," Strange said, and he was definitely talking to his cape. Steve was certain about it.
"Uh," Steve started, causing Strange's eyes to focus again on him. They were no longer clouded in pain, and he could see the man had an unusually sharp gaze. "Nat was going to remove those manacles off you, but then your cape started moving…" He trailed off.
"It's a cloak," was Strange's absolutely absurd reply.
Steve was saved from replying by Sam joining him. And just out of sight of Strange, Nat lingered, listening. "Hey, doc. How're you feeling?" Steve was pretty sure Sam was mostly staring at the half-floating cape—cloak.
"Much better. Thank you for moving the statuette." He frowned at the manacles on his wrists before making something of an effort to straighten out his robes. The red cloak moved behind him and settled itself upon his shoulders with Strange saying nothing about it.
"Uh, you wanna tell us what that is?" Sam jerked his chin to the cloak as it moved.
"It's a cloak," Strange replied. With eyes that sharp, Steve knew the man was being purposefully obtuse.
"Funny." Sam crossed his arms. "You wanna tell us why it flies?"
"It's called the Cloak of Levitation. That's what it does."
Steve wasn't sure if he should be annoyed or amused by the obfuscation. He settled for something around the realm of exasperation. "Doctor Strange, please." Strange stilled his adjusting and settled his gaze on Steve. "If you would sit down with us," he gestured past his shoulder to the main room, "Natasha can remove the manacles while you answer a few questions."
Strange pursed his lips. "I don't suppose you'll let me go without answers," he said dryly, but he stood up. Steve stood as well to give Strange ample room to pass.
Steve could feel Nat stepping into line of sight just behind him. "Consider it payment for us getting you out of there."
Strange huffed as he stepped through into the main room; with his so-called cloak, his whole ensemble had an odd feeling of completion that was missing prior. "I thought the Avengers were meant to be altruistic." Steve had been pretty certain that Strange knew who the other two were, but that at least confirmed it.
Nat smiled. "Some of us are more altruistic than others." She nodded to the table where the laptops were sitting a minute ago, but were now closed and set aside. "Sit."
Steve was more than happy to leave the bulk of the interrogation to Nat. He retook his chair and Sam went back to his tech maintenance corner while Strange sat adjacent to Nat at the center table.
With her left hand, Nat slid her fingers underneath the manacle to offer some cushioning between the metal and Strange's skin, certainly raw from the metal and more sensitive with whatever lay underneath his skin now. Steve knew, only after being with her for so long, that it was yet another way she could better tell truth from lies by being right on top of his pulse.
She had never forgotten her years and years of training.
"Why were you being held in that building?" she started as she flicked open the pick.
Strange narrowed his eyes at the question. "The same reason you were drawn to it."
"And you were caught trying to take it."
"Well," Strange said, "I was not expecting to have such an adverse reaction."
Nat kept her gaze on the manacle, seemingly. Steve wouldn't doubt that she was looking up at Strange through her lashes at pertinent moments. "We came because we heard there was a powerful weapon being held there," she said slowly, "but it seems only to affect you."  
Strange didn't reply, at first. "Was there a question in that statement, Miss Romanoff?"
Nat smiled. "You know my question, Doctor Strange."
Strange, again, considered his words. "And what would you do with that knowledge?"
Something that looked like true confusion flickered across Nat's expression. Steve doubted Strange caught it, but after all these years, he did. "What do you mean?"
"Don't be obtuse," Strange said, and there was an edge to his voice, suddenly. "After all, it was not even four years ago that the very agency you worked for created a weapon to kill millions. What am I to think of a person who worked for such an organization?"
The flash of something real crossing through Nat's eyes was so fast that Steve wasn't entirely sure that he hadn't just imagined it. "And all of us here were part of the team that exposed that plot." The first manacle clicked open, and Nat removed it, allowing Strange to take his wrist to rub it. "And when the worlds' governments tried to force us to sign a document that we believed endangered the world's freedom, we ran. And here we are."
Strange stared at her wordlessly, and they held a battle of wills. He had seen this expression on Nat very few times. The first she started showing it to him was when they really started working together, when—
Steve suddenly remembered. "Hydra!" At his exclamation, the battle of wills was dropped as everyone looked to him, but his eyes were again on Strange. "During Project Insight—one of their high level goons mentioned your name, your name and a few others—as he explained exactly what the algorithm was written to do." He looked at the other two. "Sitwell on the rooftop, remember?"
Realization came to them and they looked again at Strange, perhaps in a different light. "He did mention you," Sam said, pointing a screwdriver his way.
Strange cleared his throat. "That was in 2014, years before… this. They couldn't have known this would happen to me."
"And what is 'this', Doctor Strange?" Nat asked. She gestured for his left hand, and Strange gave it to her wordlessly. As she slipped her fingers underneath the metal and against his wrist, she asked, "What makes you different from us that the statue would only be an effective weapon against you?"
The silence sat. Strange said nothing, and it remained steady until the second manacle clicked open. Natasha removed it and stared at him for a moment, but when he remained still, she simply nodded and stood. "Steve can help you make arrangements to get back to where you need to go," is all she said, and turned to leave.
Nat stopped mid-step.
"The statuette has an adverse effect upon people who practice what you would call magic."
Sam was the first to break the silence. "Wait, do you mean 'You're a wizard, Harry,' type of magic?"
Strange's carefully blank expression fell away into a look of distaste. "The preferred term is sorcerer."
"A sorcerer is just a wizard without a hat," Sam said in return, and Strange's expression went through the whole range between gobsmacked and irritation, and back again.
Steve stepped in before Sam was completely eviscerated. "Right, so the statuette's bad news. What did you want to do with it?"
Strange seemed surprised by the question. "If it were up to me, I'd have it destroyed; were that impossible, burying it several miles deep or throwing it into the Mariana Trench is a good alternative. I'd say it could be placed in another dimension, but I'd be worried about another intelligent species potentially coming across it."
Right, dimensions. That was—something. Steve just nodded, as if all of that sounded perfectly reasonable and not completely insane.
Still, there was something Strange wasn't saying, and Steve had to make sure. "And these adverse effects—they're not permanent?"
"They're not."
"You sure?" Sam asked. "You were pretty badly off there for a time."
Strange cleared his throat. "I had been within near proximity to the object for almost a day, and the car ride's enforced closeness simply exacerbated the symptoms. They were unpleasant, but not permanent for the length of time I was exposed."
Steve narrowed his eyes; 'unpleasant' was a soldier's word for 'agonizing, but it didn't kill me so I'll be fine.' And Strange had the gaze of a man who had seen battle.
The other two noticed, naturally. They were both soldiers too. But it was Nat who prodded, to see just how much she could glean. It was almost instinctual for her to do so, Steve thought. "Sam is right to be concerned. You were near catatonic by the time the drive was through."
Strange's lip twitched upward in displeasure. He would allow some prying to establish—what? Some sort of basic trust? Whatever it was, it only went so far, and when Strange said, "I'm fine, thank you," Nat laid off with a raised hand and a slight smile.
Steve switched topics. "If you knew this statuette was so dangerous, why did you go in alone?" At Strange's quirked brow, Steve explained, "I assume there's more than one sorcerer around. You had to learn it from someone. You needed backup." Steve allowed a tone of disapproval to shine through his last sentence.
Strange heard it and rose up to it. "The statuette hasn't been encountered for quite some time, so its intensity wasn't known to any living sorcerer. Besides, we thought it was something else entirely here. If we'd known it was the statuette, we would have used a completely different strategy in retrieving it. On that note," he said, tone moving to decisive and unrelenting, "I'd like my phone call, now."
"Your what?" Sam asked. 
"Well, Miss Romanoff said you'd be assisting me in getting out of here," Strange said. "To do that, I need to call somebody."
Steve nodded, though that statement led to more questions as to how Strange got out here in the first place. Did that mean there were other sorcerers in the vicinity?
They had several burner phones as part of their stash. Nat selected one not on their persons, so not yet in active use. Depending on what happened here would determine if they kept it or threw it out after this.
Strange nodded in thanks and dialed a number slowly enough that it didn't take a spy to read his movement, should he decide to steal the phone for some reason. Steve didn't think he would. Besides, if he was more concerned about keeping the number private, he certainly wouldn't have dialed it in front of Nat.
Regardless, it took about ten seconds from Strange lifting the phone to his ear for him to start talking. He stood as he did and began to slowly pace during the conversation.
"Wong, it's Stephen. I have good news and bad news." A pause. "The good news is that it wasn't the Jade of Antioch. The bad news is that it's the Empirikul Statuette."
Another pause. "Oh yeah, it's as bad as the books say it is. Can't say I recommend the experience." His cloak was swaying quite a bit. Was that natural? "The Avengers. Or, well, three former ones, I guess." Another pause. "Yeah, them. And yes. Where do you think I found a phone?" Pause. "Why would I have my wallet on me? That's an awful idea. It would've been taken from me if I had brought it."
Strange paused mid-stride as the response on the other side went for a few seconds longer than the other replies. "It wasn't—you're exaggerating. No, it wasn't that bad. The issue was the Empirikul Statuette, not the guys holding onto it. It wasn't even a day. I'm fine. But they did take my sling ring, so."
Strange rolled his eyes after another pause. "Look, it could have happened to anyone. It was just my luck that I went searching rather than someone else." He huffed in annoyance. "I just need someone to pick me up. Can you do that?" Another pause. "It's not in my immediate vicinity, but it's still too close. Give me ten minutes to walk—not going to chance the Cloak right now." A beat. "Yep. Right. Bye." He snapped the phone shut and looked at Steve. "If that's all, I should be on my way."
That phone call had only made him more curious about Strange. And when Steve exchanged looks with Sam, he could see the same on his face.
And apparently Nat wasn't going to let it go so easily, either. "This area can be dangerous at night," she said. "We'll escort you to a safe spot."
"That won't be necessary," Strange said. He set the phone back down on the table. "I can take care of myself."
Sam asked, "Your powers are fully back, then?"
Strange pressed his lips together at the question. He answered, "As I said, I can handle myself."
"So that's a no," Sam supplied.
"We wouldn't want anything to happen to you," Steve added.
Strange looked between the three of them, then exhaled in resignation. "You'd follow me regardless, wouldn't you?"
Nat smiled at him. "Wouldn't want our hard work to go to waste."
Strange rolled his eyes and gestured to the door. "Lead the way to this 'safe spot', then. Away from the statuette, if you would."
"Gladly." Nat headed to the door and Strange followed. Sam followed and Steve did as well because of course he wanted to see where this went. Before leaving, he swiped the burner phone Strange had left and slipped it into his pocket.
Nat led them through the dark back alleys southward of their hideout. In a few minutes, they were at a dead-end corridor nestled between three silent industrial buildings. "How's here?" she asked as she looked at Strange.
Strange's brow furrowed and he looked at his hands and made a gesture, then suddenly a bunch of golden sparks appeared on the tips of his fingers. "Here is far enough," he said.
Steve exchanged a look with Sam, and the latter asked, "So… what exactly can you do with magic?"
"Many things," Strange said as lowered his hands again.
Steve frowned at the vagueness of the answer. "And what is it that you do use your powers for, doctor?"
Strange looked at Steve again, his gaze considering. After a moment, he said, "When I was still learning the Mystic Arts, I was told that the Avengers handled physical threats to the world, while sorcerers handled more mystical threats—a countless number of them."
Sam folded his arms. "And that statuette is one of these so-called mystical threats?"
"In a way. In the wrong hands, it could cause a catastrophe." Strange waved his hand. "But I was thinking more along the lines of extra-dimensional entities that would enjoy consuming the Earth."
Nat tilted her head. "And do you come across those often?"
"More often than you would think," said Strange. 
Suddenly, golden sparks appeared in the air behind Strange up against the wall. Nat took a step back, hand on her holster, and Steve felt Sam tense beside him. Strange, however, just turned and said, "And here's my ride."
The golden sparks widened into a circle large enough for anyone to walk through it. On the other side was a room and another man, Asian, dressed in brown robes and looking exasperated. "Strange."
"Wong." Strange stepped through the circle to the other side.
This so-called Wong glanced at Steve, then Nat and Sam. "Thank you for the assistance. We'll take care of the relic from here."
"Relic?" Sam asked.
"The statuette. You won't find any use for it, I assure you."
Nat narrowed her eyes but didn't argue. Steve decided to keep it simple. "Happy to help. You can, uh, call on us if you ever need assistance." He held the burner phone up.
Strange shot him a raised eyebrow. Wong's expression, however, remained even. "You should hope that day never comes, Captain." With that, the golden circle closed, leaving the three alone in the dark once more.
"Are we just gonna let them take the statuette?" Sam asked.
Nat's lips were pursed. "They may already have. He was able to get to Strange without knowing where he was physically. And if they were able to find the statuette in the first place without any sort of scouting and they now know it's in this area, I suspect that they could have moved it since they can travel with portals like that."
"He was right in that there's not much we can do with it," Steve said as he opened up the burner phone. "We can take a look to see if it's in the hiding spot or not anymore." He pulled up the last called number. "Either of you know what country code +977 is for?"
Nat was faster with searching. "Nepal."
"Huh. They're right next door." Steve closed the phone. "Still, I'll keep this phone handy. They may prove to be useful allies in the future."
Sam sighed. "So I guess it's now the big three rather than the big two that we gotta keep an eye out for."
"What?" Steve asked as they headed out of the alley.
"Well, it was just robots and aliens before. Now it's robots, aliens, and wizards. Or at least magical 'entities', whatever that means."
Steve huffed in amusement. "Well, we certainly do live in interesting times."
"Can't argue against that."
The history of going after weapons in Syria then Lebanon, and getting picked up by Nick Fury are actually from the MCU Prelude comics! Those are considered backstory canon so I definitely recommend giving them a read, they're really interesting and fill in some holes for a lot of Avengers-related stuff around AOU, CW, and IW. (The Doctor Strange ones are really great, too.)
According to Wiki, Nat spoke *at least* 11 languages. I'm not sure how much of this is from the MCU or not. But I figured her having another language under her belt wasn't the most insane thing in the world.
The "jab to instant unconsciousness" isn't a thing in the real world, but it was established as existing in the MCU in FFH, so it makes these non-lethal special ops missions much easier. It's a fun trope so I certainly don't blame Hollywood for having it.
Finally, the Empirikul Statuette is a made up item, named as a nod to the Empirikuls, who in the comics kill all magic—items, books, users, etc. So an item that makes magic inert and makes magic users suffer in its presence seemed an appropriate item to name after them.
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favouritefab-blog · 6 hours
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novasysgreenergy · 5 days
How Residential Solar Panels Offer Energy Independence
In an era where energy consumption is at an all-time high and environmental concerns are more pressing than ever, the need for sustainable and self-sufficient energy solutions is critical. Solar panels for residential buildings provide a viable answer to these concerns, offering homeowners a pathway to energy independence and substantial savings. Companies like Novasys Green are at the forefront of this green revolution, helping households across the globe harness the power of the sun.
Understanding Energy Independence
Energy independence refers to the ability of a household to generate its own energy needs, reducing or even eliminating reliance on external energy suppliers. Solar panels for residential buildings are pivotal in achieving this independence. By installing solar panels, homeowners can produce their electricity, significantly lowering their utility bills and protecting themselves from rising energy costs.
Benefits of Solar Panels for Residential Buildings
Cost Savings: One of the most compelling reasons to install solar panels for residential buildings is the potential for significant cost savings. You can drastically reduce your monthly energy bills by generating your own electricity. Over time, the savings can add up, often covering the initial installation costs and then some.
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Increased Property Value: Homes equipped with solar panels tend to have higher property values. Potential buyers recognize the long-term savings and environmental benefits, making solar-equipped homes more attractive in the real estate market.
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Choosing the Best Solar Panel Company in India for Home
When considering solar panels for residential buildings, selecting a reputable and reliable provider is crucial. Novasys Green, known as one of the best solar panel companies in India for home installations, offers top-tier products and services. Their expertise ensures that homeowners receive high-quality solar panels tailored to their specific energy needs.
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The Installation Process
The process of installing solar panels for residential buildings involves several steps:
Consultation and Assessment: Novasys Green conducts an initial consultation to understand the homeowner's energy requirements and assess the property's suitability for solar panels.
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Solar panels for residential buildings are not just an investment in property but an investment in a sustainable and independent future. With companies like Novasys Green leading the charge, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of reduced energy costs, environmental conservation, and increased property value. By choosing the best solar panel company in India for home installations, such as Novasys Green, homeowners can take a significant step towards energy independence and a greener planet.
Also Read:
Benefits of Choosing 10W Polycrystalline Solar Panels
The Role of Solar Panels in Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives for Commercial Entities
Originally published at https://novasysgreenergy.blogspot.com
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marketsndata · 6 days
Global Palm Kernel Fatty Acids Market Assessment, Opportunities, and Forecast, 2030
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Global Palm Kernel Fatty Acids Market size was recorded at 7.39 million tons in 2022, which is expected to grow to 11.52 million tons in 2030 with a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period between 2023 and 2030. The prime growth trends boosting the revenue expansion of the palm kernel fatty acid market include increasing sanitization & hygiene needs from various end-use industries along with rising consumer preference towards organic materials deployment in cosmetics & personal care products.
The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing sanitization norms in industrial manufacturing facilities, and the rising consumer inclination towards home cleaning products are the key trends driving the adoption of cleaning products. Also, the growth of the personal care & cosmetics industry is attributed to variables such as increasing research & development activities, rising company targets for bio-based ingredients in cosmetics products, and robust sales from the online sales channel. As a result, recent trends such as the rising utilization of cleaning products and increasing adoption of natural ingredient cosmetics are fostering the demand for palm kernel fatty acid to ensure high Lauric content is propelling the market growth.    
Sample report- https://www.marketsandata.com/industry-reports/palm-kernel-fatty-acids-market            
Increasing Adoption of Palm Kernel Fatty Acids in Cleaning Products Supplements Market Growth 
Palm kernel fatty acid has superior cleaning agent properties. As a result, palm kernel fatty acid is ideal for cleaning products such as detergents, soaps, and surfactants to boost the foam. The changing lifestyle habits of people coupled with the rapid pace of urbanization is increasing awareness related to hygiene & sanitization products, which, in turn, is spurring the demand for cleaning products.
For illustration, according to the recent statistics published by the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products (A.I.S.E.), in 2022, the European home cleaning products industry was valued at USD 35.9 billion (Euro 34.1 billion), representing a year-on-year growth rate of 5.2%. Likewise, the industrial cleaning sector in Europe was valued at USD 9.2 billion (EURO 8.7 billion), an annual growth rate of 19.1% in 2022. Henceforth, the rise in the production of cleaning products is fueling the demand for palm kernel fatty acid since it is a key ingredient in household and industrial cleaning products, this, in turn, is amplifying the market growth.
The Rise in the Deployment of Palm Kernel Fatty Acids in Cosmetics & Personal Care Products is Spurring the Market
The key benefits associated with palm kernel fatty acids include protection against harmful UV rays and enhanced vitamin E content in the skin. Thus, palm kernel fatty acid is ideal for cosmetics & personal care products such as shampoo, creams, and lotions for wrinkles & fine lines. The increasing demand for long-lasting skin hydrating creams, along with the rising regulations for toxic additives elimination in skincare products, are the prominent aspects driving the cosmetics & personal care industry growth. 
For instance, as of October 2023, L’Oréal S.A., a leading manufacturer of cosmetics & personal care products, employs palm kernel oil derivatives, including palm kernel fatty acids in products such as shampoo and skincare products. Hence, the increase in the deployment of palm kernel fatty acids in cosmetics & personal care products to ensure superior cleaning impact for the skin is a prime element augmenting the market growth.    
Asia-Pacific held the Dominant Share in the Palm Kernel Fatty Acid Market
The presence of prominent market players headquartered in the Asia-Pacific countries such as Malaysia, Thailand and India, the prospering investment opportunities in various end-use industries, the rise in the production of cleaning products, and the increase in the shift from chemical-based products to bio-based products are several major determinants proliferating the palm kernel fatty acid market growth.
For instance, according to the Chemicals and Petrochemicals Manufacturers’ Association (CPMA), in 2021-22, the production of synthetic detergent intermediates was 780 thousand tons, an increase of 6.0% compared to 2021. Therefore, the rise in the production of cleaning products in the Asia-Pacific region is fostering the demand for palm kernel fatty acid to ensure adequate cleaning functionality, thereby driving the market growth.         
Future Outlook Scenario
The increasing adoption of long-term sustainability targets in the metallurgy and chemical industry will boost the adoption of palm kernel fatty acids. For instance, BASF SE is targeting to increase the voluntary commitment to sustainable procurement of primary, intermediate products based on palm kernel oil and palm oil by 2025. Hence, the increasing sustainability norms will accelerate the adoption of palm kernel oil derivatives, including palm kernel fatty acids, this, in turn, will create a lucrative growth opportunity for the market in the upcoming years.
Robust demand growth for personal & hygiene products and the development of new manufacturing facilities will propel the demand for personal hygiene products in the long run. For instance, according to Invest India, an Indian government nodal agency, in 2022, the Indian personal care and hygiene industry was valued at USD 15.05 billion. It will reach USD 17.34 billion by 2026, representing a growth rate of 15.21%. Hence, the future anticipated revenue expansion of the personal care and hygiene sector will create a prominent palm kernel fatty acids growth outlook during the projected forecast period.
The recent investments in the food & beverage emulsifier manufacturing facilities will drive the adoption of palm kernel fatty acids in the future, thereby creating a vital potential for market growth. For instance, in June 2020, Palsgaard, a food emulsifier manufacturer in Denmark, invested USD 114.2 million (EURO 100 million) to double the production capacity of emulsifiers in Denmark by 2024.     
Palm Kernel Fatty Acids Market: Report Scope
“Palm Kernel Fatty Acids Market Assessment, Opportunities and Forecast, 2016-2030F”, is a comprehensive report by Markets and Data, providing in-depth analysis and qualitative & quantitative assessment of the current state of palm kernel fatty acids market globally, industry dynamics and challenges. The report includes market size, segmental shares, growth trends, future outlook scenario, opportunities and forecast between 2023 and 2030. Additionally, the report profiles the leading players in the industry mentioning their respective market share, business model, competitive intelligence, etc.
Click here for full report- https://www.marketsandata.com/industry-reports/palm-kernel-fatty-acids-market
Mr. Vivek Gupta 5741 Cleveland street, Suite 120, VA beach, VA, USA 23462 Tel: +1 (757) 343–3258 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.marketsandata.com
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Discover the Best Wooden Flooring Brands in India with Span Floors
Explore top wooden flooring solutions with Span Floors. From the best wooden flooring brands in India to specialized decking flooring and wooden flooring Delhi, Span Floors offers unmatched quality and variety. Transform your space with elegant wooden floors today!
When it comes to upgrading your home or office interiors, nothing exudes elegance and warmth like wooden flooring. At Span Floors, we bring you the finest wooden flooring options, curated from the best wooden flooring brands in India. Whether you are in Delhi or anywhere else in the country, our extensive range of products and services ensure you find the perfect flooring solution to match your style and needs.
Why Choose Wooden Flooring?
Wooden flooring has always been a popular choice due to its timeless appeal, durability, and ease of maintenance. Unlike other types of flooring, wood adds a touch of natural beauty and sophistication to any space. Here are some key benefits of choosing wooden flooring:
Aesthetic Appeal: Wooden floors offer a classic and elegant look that enhances the beauty of any room.
Durability: High-quality wooden floors can last for decades with proper care.
Easy Maintenance: Wooden flooring is easy to clean and maintain, making it a practical choice for busy households.
Versatility: Available in various styles, colors, and finishes, wooden flooring can complement any interior design.
Top Wooden Flooring Options from Span Floors
At Span Floors, we pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of wooden flooring options sourced from the best wooden flooring brands in India. Our collection includes:
Solid Wood Flooring: Made from a single piece of wood, this type of flooring is known for its durability and natural beauty.
Engineered Wood Flooring: This consists of a top layer of real wood with multiple layers of plywood beneath, offering stability and resistance to temperature changes.
Laminate Wood Flooring: A cost-effective alternative that mimics the look of real wood while being easy to install and maintain.
Wooden Flooring in Delhi
If you are looking for wooden flooring in Delhi, Span Floors has you covered. Our showroom in Delhi showcases an extensive range of wooden flooring options, allowing you to see and feel the quality before making a decision. Our expert team is always available to guide you through the selection process, ensuring you find the perfect flooring to suit your home or office.
Decking Flooring Solutions
In addition to indoor wooden flooring, Span Floors also offers premium decking flooring solutions. Perfect for outdoor spaces like patios, balconies, and gardens, our decking flooring is designed to withstand the elements while adding a touch of sophistication to your outdoor living areas.
The Span Floors Difference
Choosing Span Floors for your wooden flooring needs means opting for quality, expertise, and exceptional customer service. Here’s what sets us apart:
Quality Assurance: We source our products from the best wooden flooring brands in India, ensuring you receive only the highest quality materials.
Expert Installation: Our team of skilled professionals ensures precise and hassle-free installation, giving you peace of mind and a flawless finish.
Customer Satisfaction: We are committed to providing excellent customer service, from your initial consultation to after-sales support.
for more information:
Address: M8, 1st Floor M Block Market, Greater Kailash II, New Delhi, Delhi 110048
Phone no : 9971509922
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johnthejacobs · 15 days
Roots Multiclean Share Price on an Upward Trajectory
Introduction Roots Multiclean Limited, a key player in the cleaning equipment industry, is experiencing a notable rise in Roots Multiclean Limited Share Price. This upward movement is driven by the company's strong performance and favorable market trends. Here’s a closer look at the factors contributing to this growth of Roots Multiclean Limited Share Price and what it means for investors. Roots Multiclean Limited is recognized as India's pioneering manufacturer of mechanized cleaning equipment. The company focuses on the production and sale of various cleaning machines, including sweepers, scrubber dryers, vacuum cleaners, single-disc machines, high-pressure jets, carpet care equipment, city cleaners, steam cleaners, mops, and trolleys. RMCL provides comprehensive cleaning solutions for industrial, commercial, and residential sectors, serving industries such as manufacturing, railways, defense, pharmaceuticals, and automotive.
The company operates a state-of-the-art production facility located in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. According to its credit rating assessment, Roots Multiclean offers a complete range of cleaning solutions tailored to diverse industrial, commercial, and household needs. The company's products are supported by a robust network of 15 after-sales service centers across India.
Established in 1962, Roots Multiclean Limited has a long-standing reputation for quality and innovation in the cleaning equipment industry.
Impressive Company Performance
Roots Multiclean Limited has shown consistent financial strength, underpinned by its diverse and innovative product offerings. The company manufactures and sells a wide range of cleaning equipment and machinery, including:
Scrubber Dryers
Vacuum Cleaners
Single Disc Machines
High-Pressure Jets
Carpet Care Equipment
City Cleaners
Steam Cleaners
This extensive product portfolio meets various industrial and commercial cleaning needs, establishing Roots Multiclean as a market leader. The company’s commitment to quality and innovation has been crucial to its sustained success.
Favorable Market Conditions
The cleaning equipment industry is witnessing significant growth, fueled by an increasing focus on hygiene and sanitation, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. As businesses and public spaces prioritize cleanliness, the demand for advanced cleaning solutions is on the rise. Roots Multiclean, with its comprehensive range of products, is well-positioned to benefit from this growing demand.
Furthermore, positive market conditions, such as economic recovery and heightened industrial activity, have created an encouraging environment for the company's expansion. This has bolstered investor confidence, contributing to the rise in share prices.
Attractive Investment Opportunity
The upward trajectory of Roots Multiclean’s share price reflects strong investor confidence in the company's future growth. With a solid market position and proven performance, Roots Multiclean presents an appealing investment opportunity. Analysts are optimistic about the continued rise in share prices, aligning with the company’s growth potential.
Staying Updated
For investors and stakeholders, keeping abreast of the latest developments is essential. The Planify website provides real-time updates on Roots Multiclean’s share price, along with news and analysis on market trends and company performance. Staying informed enables investors to make timely and informed decisions, optimizing their investment returns.
Roots Multiclean Limited’s share price is on a steady upward trajectory, driven by strong company performance and favorable market conditions. As the demand for cleaning equipment continues to grow, the company is well-placed for further expansion. Investors looking for promising opportunities should consider the potential of Roots Multiclean’s shares. For the latest updates and detailed analysis, visiting the Planify website is highly recommended.
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321regalo · 16 days
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Top 10 Modular Kitchen Design Brands In India
Originally posted on : https://www.regalokitchens.com/
The modular kitchen sector in India has expanded considerably during the last decade. As modern lifestyles demand greater convenience and efficiency, modular kitchen have become an integral component of modern homes. These kitchens are not only functional, but they also improve the overall aesthetic appeal of the home.
Regalo Kitchens Regalo Kitchens is probably the best modular kitchen brand in India. Regalo Kitchens, known for its superb craftsmanship and unique designs, has established itself as an industry leader. The brand provides a wide selection of personalized kitchen solutions to meet the specific needs of each customer. Their designs combine functionality and aesthetics, ensuring that each kitchen is more than just a place to cook but also a work of art. Regalo Kitchens creates durable and attractive kitchens using high-quality materials and cutting-edge technologies.
Key Features: Customizable designs High-quality materials Innovative storage solutions. Advanced technology integration. Excellent client service.
Godrej Interio Godrej Interio is a well-known brand in the Indian furniture industry, and its modular kitchen is no exception. Godrej Interio kitchens are known for their durability and modern designs, which are intended to maximize space while keeping an appealing appearance. They offer a variety of finishes and materials to suit different tastes and budgets.
Key Features: Wide range of materials and finishes Space-efficient designs Durable and long-lasting products Good after-sales service
Häfele Häfele is a global leader in kitchen fittings and accessories, and its modular kitchen demonstrates the company's commitment to quality and innovation. Häfele kitchens are renowned for their clean, modern style and exceptional functionality. The business provides a wide range of kitchen solutions, including cabinets, countertops, and appliances.
Key Features: Innovative design solutions High-quality fittings and accessories Comprehensive range of products International standards
Sleek by Asian Paints Sleek has established itself as a key participant in India's modular kitchen sector, particularly since being acquired by Asian Paints. Sleek kitchens represent modernity and efficiency. They provide bespoke solutions geared to the specific needs of Indian households, with a focus on optimal space utilization and attractive design options.
Key Features: Customizable designs Effective space use Modern aesthetics. A wide selection of finishes.
Veneta Cucine Veneta Cucine, an Italian brand, has made a considerable impact in the Indian market with its high-end, luxury modular kitchen. Veneta Cucine kitchens are renowned for their elegant designs and exceptional craftsmanship, combining flair and functionality. They provide a variety of premium materials and finishes, making them a popular choice among those looking for luxury kitchen solutions.
Key Features: Luxurious designs High-quality materials Superior craftsmanship. Premium finishes.
Kohler Kitchens Kohler is a name that is synonymous with quality and innovation in the home solutions industry. Kohler Kitchens are created to be both useful and elegant, taking into account current kitchen design trends. The brand focuses on building attractive and functional spaces, with a strong emphasis on sustainability.
Key Features: Innovative designs High functionality Sustainable solutions Durable materials
Livspace Livspace has transformed the Indian home interiors market by providing end-to-end design and execution services. Their modular kitchen is tailored to the specific demands of Indian households, focusing on functionality and beauty. Livspace provides a seamless experience from design to installation, ensuring a smooth procedure for customers.
Key Features: Comprehensive service Customizable solutions Modern designs. Professional installation.
Pepperfry Modular Kitchens Pepperfry, a renowned online furniture and home design marketplace, has entered the smart kitchen area with an emphasis on affordability and style. Their smart kitchens are designed to meet a variety of budgets while maintaining high quality and style. Pepperfry offers a diverse selection of styles and finishes, making it a popular choice for budget-conscious shoppers.
Key Features: Affordable pricing Stylish designs Wide range of finishes Easy online customization
Hettich Hettich is a well-known global company that produces high-quality kitchen fixtures and accessories. Their modular kitchen is intended to deliver optimal effectiveness and comfort. Hettich designs kitchens that are ergonomic and user-friendly, with an intense focus on durability and utility.
Key Features: Ergonomic designs High-quality fittings Durable materials User-friendly layouts
Wurfel Küche Wurfel Küche is a luxury kitchen brand that provides European-style kitchens suited to Indian requirements. Wurfel Küche kitchens are known for their attractive designs and high quality standards. They are meticulously made. The brand creates kitchens that are both beautiful and functional by combining high-quality materials and modern technology.
Key Features: European-style designs High-quality materials Precision craftsmanship Advanced technology
Conclusion The modular kitchen market in India is active and diverse, with solutions to fit a variety of preferences and budgets. While each manufacturer has its own set of qualities, Regalo Kitchens is the clear pick due to its unrivaled quality, innovative designs, and exceptional customer service. Whether you are seeking luxury or budget, the brands listed above have a number of options to help you design the ideal kitchen for your home.
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clearpani · 20 days
Top-Rated Mineral Water Brands in India: 2024’s Best Picks.
Why trust us?
Our reviews are research-based, and all trials and testings are conducted in-house over days and weeks. We have a strict no-free-sample policy to ensure our reviews are fair and impartial.
Well, sometimes, when you are in the middle of your day crunching up your bench press numbers, and running on a treadmill, your body starts to sweat a lot, and you begin to feel a bit dizzy. It is a problem we have all faced when we are low on hydration. See, the human body is made from 70% of water, so it is common for us to feel dehydrated quickly. As a result, you need to have a water bottle with you all the time from which you can drink water and make yourself hydrated. But when you are not carrying a  bottle with you due to some reason, you can always have mineral water in the packaged bottle.
There are some brands out there that are serving some of the purest forms of water that is available in India. We are going to show the list of top mineral water brands in India that you can trust, and can consume their water without having any second thoughts about purity.
Why does our body need water?
The reason behind why we need water is because 60% of our body is made up of water, every single cell, organ, and tissue in our body uses water to maintain the temperature and keep the organs working properly.
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Mineral Water Brands In India
Now let’s come to the list of best mineral water brands in India. These are some of the most common names you might have heard in your daily traveling via train or flight.
1. Bisleri
Bisleri comes at the top mineral water bottle brands in India. We are sure this name is familiar to you. A lot of times, people actually ask the shopkeeper on the platform to give you a ‘Bisleri’, and he instantly understands that we are looking for a packaged water bottle. Bisleri, for most people, is the synonym of packaged water bottle companies in India. Bisleri has been ruling the packaged drinking water brands in India. Now hold on to your seat as we are going to provide you a fantastic fact about the Bisleri. Even though it is a household name still, Bisleri was not always an Indian brand, meaning it was owned and controlled by an international mineral water brand located in Italy.
Bisleri was launched in India in the 1960s, and in the year 1969, Parle Group bought it on our Indian shores. Right now, Bisleri holds 40% of the total share in the packaged drinking water market in India. Thus, it is fair to say it is amongst the most water bottle company in India.
2. Kinley
Kinley is another big name in the list of packaged water companies in India. It holds 17% of the total shares of the packaged water bottle market. The company was introduced in the Indian market by Coca-Cola in 2000, and since then, it has been ranked amongst the best drinking water brands in India. You can decide how much water you want per day, the mineral water company provides different packaging sizes starting from 200 ml to 5 liters. Also, the starting price of the bottle is Rs 10, and it can go up to Rs 45 depending on the size of the bottle.
3. Aquafina
Brand Aquafina is related to our childhood and surely is one of the best drinking water brands in India. They provide the best water in India without any added flavor. The process which the company follows to purify the water is reverse osmosis, ultraviolet along with ozone sterilization. In the year 2007, the company started putting a disclaimer on their water bottles that the water comes from the public source. Also, you can get several flavors in Aquafina, yes, water does have some character if you want to taste them, some of the most common flavored water is rose water.
Aquafina is one of the best mineral water brands in India, its origin country is America, at present India has more than 15 manufacturing plants to produce clean water under the rules and conditions of Aquafina. You can get mineral water in different packaging from 300ml to 500ml, and it can go up to 25 liters. The price of a single bottle of Aquafina mineral water starts at Rs 7. Thus, it is one of the more affordable mineral water brands in India.
4. Bailey 
At number four, we have Bailey, which started its journey in the year 1993. It is one of the top-rated brands on our water company names list after Bisleri. In addition to this, for many, Bailey is the symbol of purity in water. Some offices only use drinking water from Bailey. There are around 52 different plants spread all over the country. That provides packaging and delivery of pure water to the community under the name of Bailey.
The main reason people opt for Bailey is its competitive price in the packaged mineral water market in India. You can choose for a daily refill of 5 liters, 10 liters, and 25 liters depending on your requirement at a much affordable price point.
5. Himalayan Mineral Water
Himalayan is a newer mineral water bottle brand in India, which comes under the Tata Global Beverage Group. The company first started providing clean water to India in the year 1997. And since then, there is no competition to its quality when it comes to delivering pure water from natural resources. Just from the name, you know from where the water is coming. And for a lot of people, the Himalayan range is sacred. People of the Himachal state worship the mountains; thus, having a company that is providing water from the sacred mountains is quite precious to natives.
The company is taking the water from the Shivalik range of the Himalayas. The water has filtered automatically in nature for the past 23 years. You can get your hands on one of their packaged mineral water bottles in the size of 300ml, 1 liter, and 2-liters. Also, there are no large plants and machines that are working to give you pure water. As a result, the price of the water bottle is quite low, and anyone can afford it.
6. Kingfisher Mineral Water
Well, we know this is the name you were not expecting to come up in the mineral water brand names list. But in truth, the makers of one of the most popular beer brands in India were also good at making clear water! Kingfisher launched its mineral water packaging in the year 1998 and the company headquarters in Mumbai. As per last estimates, the company makes around $50 million by selling clean water in India.
The packaging of their mineral water comes in multiple sizes starting from 200ml and going all the way up to 20 liters per pack.
7. Qua Mineral Water
Qua is another mineral water brand that has its headquarters built in Maharashtra state. Narang Group owns this mineral water company in India. The company uses a unique french technique to fill its mineral water bottles. Moreover, just like Himalayan mineral water, Qua is also delivering clean water by sourcing it from the Himalayas. The natural water comes in two variants. Either you can go for 500ml, or you can purchase 1 liter. If you compare the prices of 1litre of natural water, you will find that Qua is providing amongst the most affordable prices. That’s one of the reasons for its success in the Indian market.
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8. Tata Water Plus
Tata water plus is the joint venture of two beverage giants in the world. The first one is Pepsico, and the second one is Tata global beverages. Both these companies came together in the year 2010 and formed the Tata Water Plus. The company can produce 20 million liters of pure water annually.
The sizes available from this brand of packaged water are 1 liter, 5 liter, and 20 liters. With over $40 million of revenue coming every year from Tata Water Plus. Tata is looking to expand its business in the water purification market in India.
9. Rail Neer
Last but not least, we have Rail Neer, which is the most common water bottle you must have seen when you traveled by train. It doesn’t matter if you are going to Maharajas’ Express, which is the most luxurious train in India and the world, or you are traveling in the sleeper class compartment of a long journey. You will be getting a water bottle of Rail Neer.
The mineral water bottle is produced by the IRCTC that has the daily capacity of producing 0.10 million liters of mineral water.
9. Clear Premium Water
Established way back in 2005, Energy Beverages Pvt. Ltd. has always believed in giving back to the people and the environment. The idea of a vital product like bottled water came from the fact that millions of people do not have access to safe and clear drinking water. We at Energy Beverages practice a strict quality centric process and place great importance on being a virtue driven manufacturing company.
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Clear Premium Water - your trusted choice for the best bottle water brand in India. Enjoy pure hydration with our 1L, 200ml, and 500ml bottles!
Why is Water Purity quite important in India? 
As a nation that is still developing, finding a reliable source of drinkable water is pretty hard. On the other hand, when you are visiting someone’s home, you are surely going to see some differences in the taste of the water which you are drinking; this is because everyone uses a different water purification method in India.
See, when you have non-purified water, you will see it has a taste of chlorine when you drink it. To reduce the amount of chlorine in your water, you need to purify it. Also, a lot of people are purifying their water as it is cost-friendly and costs much less than asking for clean water from the government or society management.
Furthermore, when you purify the water, it removes any bad and unpleasant smell and taste that may be present in your water, and make it taste good for you.
Purifying helps in eradicating any contaminants that are present in your water in a more efficient way. Read our detailed water purifier buying guide to pick the best water purifier brand for your needs.
Final Words
We listed top brands of mineral water. These brands are trusted by many peoples. Purification of water is something much concerned nowadays.
Let us know which brand you trust the most in the comment section?
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vijay1225 · 20 days
Mouthwash Market Forecast 2024-2033
Overview and Scope Mouthwash refers to a liquid solution used to rinse and clean the mouth and gums. It typically contains an antiseptic to destroy harmful germs that may reside on the tongue and between teeth.
Sizing and Forecast The mouthwash market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $7.56 billion in 2023 to $8.11 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to consumer oral care awareness, regulatory standards, brand loyalty and marketing, dental recommendations, flavor preferences..
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The mouthwash market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $10.72 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to rising health consciousness, innovative product formulations, environmental sustainability, e-commerce growth, emerging market trends.. Major trends in the forecast period include focus on teeth whitening and cosmetic benefits, introduction of multifunctional and specialty mouthwashes, rise in sustainable packaging practices, innovation in flavor profiles, digital integration for oral health monitoring..
Segmentation & Regional Insights The mouthwash market covered in this report is segmented -
1) By Type: Therapeutic, Cosmetic, Anti-Septic, Other Types 2) By Flavor: Active Salt, Mint, Fresh Tea, Other Flavors 3) By Sales: Modern Trade, Departmental Store, Drug Stores, Online Stores, Other Sales 4) By End-User: Household, Hospital, Dental Clinics
North America was the largest region in the mouthwash market in 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the global mouthwash market report during the forecast period. The regions covered in the mouthwash market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth An increase in the incidence of dental problems is expected to propel the growth of the mouthwash market going forward. Dental problems are conditions that impact oral health, including tooth decay, gum disease, tooth erosion, and gum infections. Mouthwash is essential in preventing cavities by reducing plaque and germs in the mouth. A mouthwash can fight cavities when used correctly and daily to prevent periodontal disease. For instance, in March 2023, according to the World Health Organization, a Switzerland-based United Nations agency, oral diseases affected close to 3.5 billion people worldwide, with 3 out of 4 involved living in middle-income countries. Globally, an estimated 2 billion people suffer from caries of permanent teeth, and 514 million children suffer from caries of primary teeth. Therefore, the increase in the incidence of dental problems is driving the growth of the mouthwash market.
Key Industry Players
Major companies operating in the mouthwash market report are Colgate-Palmolive Company, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Johnson & Johnson, Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC, Hindustan Unilever Limited, 3M Company, Church & Dwight Company Inc., Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Kao Corporation, Procter & Gamble Company, Amway Corporation, Lion Corporation, Koninklijke Philips N.V., SmartMouth Oral Health Laboratories, Caldwell Consumer Products Corp., Dabur India Ltd., Dr. Organic Ltd., Biotène, The Himalaya Drug Company, Beacon Pharmaceuticals LLC, Delta Pharma Limited, Drug International Limited, Dolphin Pharma Limited, Lancer Therapeutics, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited, Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Cadila Healthcare Limited, Unichem Laboratories Limited, Esteve Teijin Química S.A., Sandoz International GmbH, Mylan N.V., Hetero Drugs Limited, Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited
The mouthwash market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary 2. Mouthwash Market Characteristics 3. Mouthwash Market Trends And Strategies 4. Mouthwash Market — Macro Economic Scenario 5. Global Mouthwash Market Size and Growth . . . 31. Global Mouthwash Market Competitive Benchmarking 32. Global Mouthwash Market Competitive Dashboard 33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Mouthwash Market 34. Mouthwash Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 35. Appendix
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businessindustry · 21 days
Trash Bag Market Demand, Share by Regions 2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Trash Bag Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Trash Bag Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Trash Bag Market?
The global trash bag market size reached US$ 10.6 billion in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 16.73 billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2% during 2024-2032.
What are Trash Bag?                                                                                                                                                                            
A trash bag, also called a garbage bag or bin liner, is a disposable bag used for collecting and transporting waste. Usually made of plastic, these bags are large and sturdy enough to hold different types of trash, from household waste to industrial rubbish. They often come with drawstrings or tie handles for easy closing and carrying. Trash bags play a crucial role in managing waste by offering a convenient and hygienic way to dispose of garbage, helping to keep environments clean and tidy.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/2238
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Trash Bag industry?
The trash bag market growth is driven by various factors. The trash bag market encompasses the production, distribution, and sale of disposable bags designed for collecting and managing garbage. This market serves residential, commercial, and industrial sectors, offering a variety of products in different sizes, materials, and strengths to meet diverse consumer needs. Factors such as urbanization, environmental awareness, and increasing waste production are fueling demand for trash bags. Manufacturers are also responding with innovations, including eco-friendly options made from biodegradable materials, to address sustainability concerns. Hence, all these factors contribute to
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
North America
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Berry Global Inc.
Four Star Plastics
The Clorox Company
International Plastics Inc.
Inteplast Group Ltd.
Poly-America L.P.
Hefty (Reynolds Consumer Products LLC)
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Trash Bag-market
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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Reports and Insights consistently mееt international benchmarks in the market research industry and maintain a kееn focus on providing only the highest quality of reports and analysis outlooks across markets, industries, domains, sectors, and verticals. We have bееn catering to varying market nееds and do not compromise on quality and research efforts in our objective to deliver only the very best to our clients globally.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
Contact Us:
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azurepowerseo · 22 days
Economics of Solar Power: Cost-Benefit Analysis for Homeowners and Businesses
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The global push towards sustainable energy has put solar power at the forefront of the energy transition. With advancements in technology and favorable government policies, solar power has become increasingly accessible and economically viable for both homeowners and businesses. This article explores the economics of solar power, providing a cost-benefit analysis for those considering this renewable energy source.
Understanding Solar Power Economics
Solar power's economics are influenced by several factors, including initial installation costs, government incentives, energy savings, and maintenance expenses. The financial appeal of solar energy lies in its ability to provide long-term savings and environmental benefits.
Initial Installation Costs
The upfront cost of installing a solar power system can be significant. This includes the price of solar panels, inverters, mounting equipment, and installation labor. However, the costs have been decreasing steadily. In India, for instance, the cost of solar panels has dropped by nearly 80% over the past decade, making solar power more affordable than ever.
Government Incentives and Subsidies
Governments worldwide, including India, offer various incentives to encourage the adoption of solar power. These incentives can significantly reduce the net cost of installation. The Indian government provides subsidies under the National Solar Mission, making solar energy systems more accessible to the masses. Additionally, tax benefits and accelerated depreciation are available for businesses investing in solar power.
Energy Savings and Payback Period
One of the main economic benefits of solar power is the reduction in electricity bills. Solar energy can offset a substantial portion of a homeowner's or business's electricity consumption. For businesses, especially those with high energy demands, the savings can be substantial. Typically, the payback period for solar installations ranges from 5 to 10 years, after which the energy generated is virtually free.
Maintenance and Lifespan
Solar power systems require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning and occasional inspections are usually sufficient to keep the system running efficiently. Solar panels have a lifespan of 25-30 years, ensuring a long-term return on investment. Inverters may need replacement after 10-15 years, but this cost is relatively minor compared to the overall savings.
Economic Analysis for Homeowners
For homeowners, the decision to switch to solar power can be financially prudent. A typical residential solar power system can generate enough electricity to cover most, if not all, of a household's energy needs. With the falling costs of solar technology and the availability of subsidies, the initial investment can be recouped within a few years through savings on electricity bills. Furthermore, homes with solar installations often have higher property values, providing an additional economic benefit.
Economic Analysis for Businesses
For businesses, especially those with large energy requirements, investing in solar power can lead to significant cost savings. Utility-scale solar projects can provide a stable and predictable source of energy, shielding businesses from the volatility of traditional energy markets. Companies like Tata Power Solar and Adani Solar, among the top renewable energy companies in India, offer comprehensive solutions for commercial solar installations, ensuring efficient and cost-effective energy production.
Energy Transition in India
India's commitment to renewable energy is evident in its ambitious targets and supportive policies. The country aims to achieve 100 GW of solar power capacity by 2022, with substantial investments in utility-scale solar projects. This energy transition is crucial for reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable development. The involvement of top renewable energy companies in India has been pivotal in driving this transition, with significant contributions to both grid-connected and off-grid solar installations.
The economics of solar power are increasingly favorable for both homeowners and businesses. With decreasing installation costs, substantial government incentives, and significant energy savings, solar power presents a viable and attractive option for reducing energy costs and contributing to environmental sustainability. As India continues its energy transition, supported by top renewable energy companies, the adoption of solar power is set to rise, offering long-term economic and ecological benefits.
Switching to solar power is not just an environmentally conscious decision but also a financially sound investment that promises enduring returns and sustainability for the future.
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team-laminates · 22 days
Discover the Best Laminates in India for Your Interior Needs
When it comes to enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of your interior spaces, choosing the right laminate is crucial. With a wide array of options available, finding the best laminates in India can be an overwhelming task. However, understanding the qualities that make a laminate superior can simplify your decision-making process. This guide delves into the key factors to consider and highlights why certain laminates stand out in the Indian market.
What Makes the Best Laminates in India?
One of the foremost considerations when selecting laminates is their durability. The best laminates in India are crafted to withstand daily wear and tear, making them ideal for high-traffic areas. These laminates are resistant to scratches, stains, and moisture, ensuring that your surfaces remain pristine for years. Investing in durable laminates means less frequent replacements and lower maintenance costs in the long run.
Aesthetic Appeal
The aesthetic value of laminates is another critical factor. The best laminates in India offer a wide range of designs, colors, and textures that can mimic natural materials like wood and stone. This versatility allows you to create the look you desire, whether it's a classic, contemporary, or rustic theme. High-quality laminates also maintain their color and finish over time, ensuring that your interiors continue to look fresh and appealing.
Environmental Friendliness
With growing environmental concerns, many consumers are looking for eco-friendly options. The best laminates in India are made from sustainable materials and are manufactured using processes that minimize environmental impact. These laminates often have certifications that attest to their green credentials, giving you peace of mind that your choices are not harming the planet.
Key Features of the Best Laminates in India
Resistance to Heat and Chemicals
In a country like India, where temperatures can soar, having laminates that are resistant to heat is essential. The best laminates in India are designed to withstand high temperatures without warping or losing their structural integrity. Additionally, they are resistant to chemicals, making them suitable for kitchen countertops and laboratory surfaces where exposure to various substances is common.
Easy Maintenance
Ease of maintenance is a significant advantage offered by top-tier laminates. The best laminates in India require minimal upkeep, saving you time and effort. A simple wipe with a damp cloth is often enough to keep them clean. This feature is particularly beneficial for busy households and commercial spaces where maintaining cleanliness is a priority.
While high-quality laminates might come with a higher initial cost, they are cost-effective in the long run. Their durability and low maintenance requirements mean you save money on repairs and replacements. The best laminates in India offer excellent value for money, providing a balance between affordability and premium quality.
Choosing the Right Laminate for Your Space
Selecting the best laminates in India involves considering the specific needs of your space. For instance, for a high-moisture area like the kitchen or bathroom, water-resistant laminates are ideal. For living rooms and bedrooms, you might prioritize aesthetic appeal and choose laminates that offer a warm, inviting look.
Consulting Experts
If you're unsure about which laminate to choose, consulting with interior design experts can be beneficial. They can provide insights based on your specific requirements and help you navigate the myriad options available in the market. Professionals can also recommend trusted suppliers who offer the best laminates in India.
In conclusion, finding the best laminates in India requires careful consideration of factors such as durability, aesthetic appeal, environmental friendliness, heat and chemical resistance, ease of maintenance, and cost-effectiveness. By prioritizing these qualities, you can select laminates that not only enhance the beauty of your interiors but also offer long-term benefits.
Whether you're renovating your home or outfitting a commercial space, choosing the best laminates in India will ensure that your surfaces remain stylish, functional, and enduring. Make a thoughtful choice today, and enjoy the lasting impact of premium laminates on your interior spaces.
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Best Home Automation Company in Mumbai: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024
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Imagine controlling your home's lights, security systems, and even your coffee maker with a simple voice command or a tap on your phone. Sounds convenient, right? Home automation is no longer a futuristic concept; it's a growing reality, especially in bustling cities like Mumbai.
With urban life becoming more fast-paced and tech-driven, home automation is the key to a smarter, more efficient lifestyle. This post will guide you through the best home automation company in Mumbai, helping you find the perfect solution for your needs. You'll learn about the leading players in the market, their offerings, and why investing in home automation is a game-changer for modern living.
What is Home Automation?
In today's tech-savvy world, home automation is transforming how we interact with our living spaces. Imagine having the ability to control your home's various systems with just your voice or a simple click on your smartphone. Let's explore what home automation is and the numerous benefits it offers.
Definition and Components
Home automation refers to the use of technology to manage and control various household functions automatically or remotely. This can include everything from lighting and temperature control to security systems.
Key components of home automation typically include:
Smart Lighting: These systems allow you to control the brightness, color, and operation of lights in your home from a remote location. You can set schedules or use motion sensors to improve energy efficiency.
Thermostats: Smart thermostats adjust the temperature based on your preferences, weather conditions, and even your daily routine. This can lead to significant energy savings.
Security Systems: Modern security systems integrate cameras, door locks, and motion sensors that can be monitored and controlled via your smartphone, providing enhanced security for your home.
The Rise of Home Automation in Mumbai
As one of India's most bustling cities, Mumbai is rapidly embracing the technological marvel of home automation. Let's explore why this megacity is becoming a hub for smarter living.
Urbanization and Lifestyle Changes
Mumbai is known for its fast-paced urban lifestyle. Over the past few years, the city has seen significant growth in population and infrastructure. With more people flocking to the city for work and better living standards, the demand for convenience is at an all-time high.
People are juggling work, family, and social commitments, leaving them with little time for household chores. Home automation steps in to offer a solution, impacting daily lives in significant ways:
Time-Saving: Automated systems for lighting, cleaning, and security help people save precious time.
Convenience: Smart home devices can be controlled remotely, ensuring homes are running smoothly even when no one is around.
Lifestyle Enhancement: With the ease of automation, residents can focus on other priorities, improving their overall quality of life.
Overall, home automation company in mumbai like Hrita solutions are revolutionizing the way we live in our homes. With their innovative solutions and cutting-edge technology, homeowners can now enjoy the convenience and comfort of a smart home like never before.
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trendingreportz · 26 days
Global Ready To Drink Tea Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Overview
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market size is estimated to reach $38.9 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Ready-to-drink tea falls under the category of already prepared beverages generally served in cold and hot form. Black tea and green tea are the two most frequently consumed types of RTD tea. Moreover, there is a variety of flavor options available in RTD tea such as fruit, lemon, herbal, spices, and others. During the industrialization preparation of ready-to-drink tea, chemical compounds like acidulants are added with the aim to reduce the overall pH level. Also, various herbs added to it to extend the properties of nutraceuticals. Besides extending appealing aroma and taste, this pre-made drink extends several health benefits as it is prepared according to the criteria of clean label standards. RTD tea has naturally occurring polyphenolic antioxidants that curb the risk of developing cancer. Moreover, green tea is scientifically proven to have anti-obesity and anti-diabetic properties. The global ready-to-drink tea market outlook is fairly enchanting as the popularity of pre-made tea is enlarging worldwide. Furthermore, appealing packaging, availability of a variety of flavors, rising health consciousness among people and ascending disposable income benefits which protect consumers from are factors set to drive the growth of the Global Ready to Drink Tea Market for the period 2022-2027.
Report Coverage
The report: “Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Forecast (2022-2027)”, by Industry ARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Global Ready to Drink Tea Market.
By Type: Bottled, RTD refrigerated tea, Instant tea mixes, and bagged tea.
By Flavor: Lemon, Fruit, Herbal, Spices, and others.
By Packaging: Cans, Plastic bottles, Glass containers, and others.
By Distribution Channel: Offline (Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Convenience stores, and others), and online.
By End User: Households and Foodservice providers (cafes, restaurants, hotels, and others).
By Geography: North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Rest of South America) and Rest of World (the Middle East and Africa).
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Key Takeaways
Geographically, the Asia-Pacific Ready to Drink Tea Market accounted for the highest revenue share in 2021 and it is poised to dominate the market over the period 2022-2027. The growth is owing to spiraling GDP per capita income, humungous population, and rising health cognizance among people.
Health-hitches linked with carbonated drinks, appealing packaging, strengthening retail channel networks, and health benefits accompanied by ready-to-drink tea are said to be preeminent drivers driving the growth of the Global Ready to Drink Tea Market. Harsh environmental conditions, strangled production attributed to the COVID-19, and high price compared to ordinary tea are said to reduce the market growth.
Detailed analysis on the Strength, Weaknesses, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Global Ready to Drink Tea Market report.
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Segment Analysis-By Distribution Channel
The Global Ready to Drink Tea Market based on the distribution channel can be further segmented into offline (supermarkets/hypermarkets, convenience stores, and others), and online. The offline segment held the largest share in 2021. High dependence of consumers on physical stores for FMCG products for their day-to-day lives. Moreover, consumers prefer buying in bulk so they can escape the hassle of going to shop every day which is not possible with online buying as e-commerce deliver most of the products separately. Also, one thing online platforms lack that modern retail outlets and traditional stores have in common is their across-the-board presence. Thus, still the first preference for billions of people living in rural and pastoral areas. Furthermore, the online segment is estimated to be the fastest-growing with a CAGR of 6.4% over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to changing lifestyles of people. The COVID-19 outbreak has changed peoples’ way of perceiving the world. To ensure safety consumers nowadays are looking for every single reason to avoid contact with others. On another hand, technological advancements, budding smartphone users, and advantages associated with e-commerce (round-the-clock access, time-saving, festival sales, doorstep delivery, return options, and others) are providing growth opportunities.
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Segment Analysis-By End-User
The Global Ready to Drink Tea Market based on end-user can be further segmented into Households and Foodservice providers (cafes, restaurants, hotels, and others). The household segment held the largest share in 2021. The growth is owing to enlarging trend of healthy drinks like RTD tea among youngsters. Moreover, the non-availability of café services during widespread lockdowns to curb infection rates around the globe. However, the food service provider segment is estimated to be the fastest-growing with a CAGR of 6.3% over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to the reopening of such hospitality venues. In addition to that, the trend of having tea and coffee in cafes is deeply indulged in the lives of millions of consumers living in high-income countries. Also, these hospitality venues provide a conducive atmosphere for spending quality time with loved ones, interacting with strangers, and clinching business deals.
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Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Segment Analysis-By Geography
The Global Ready to Drink Tea Market based on Geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Rest of the World. Asia-Pacific held the largest share with 39% of the overall market in 2021. The growth in this segment is owing to the factors such as the biggest tea-producing countries which include China, India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Japan. Every year China produces nearly 2,400,000 tons of tea, whereas, India has over 900,000 tons annual production. Tea is already deeply rooted in Asian culture as it is consumed among billions of households to kick start the day. Therefore, the Asian population has a natural inclination toward ready-to-drink tea. Moreover, Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing segment over the forecast period 2022-2027. This growth is owing to the mounting GDP per capita income of developing countries like China, Indonesia, and India. Thus, with expanding disposable income middle-class consumers have started reaching out to such products. In addition to that, rising health complications like obesity and diabetes with enlarging old-age population the overall demand for RTD tea has witnessed a sheer surge.
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Drivers
Growing health attentiveness is Anticipated to Boost Market Demand.
Green tea is deemed to be a sound source with anti-obesity and anticancer properties as it is home to naturally occurring polyphenol antioxidants. Unsurprisingly, obesity is one of those health problems that has affected the quality of life of millions of individuals worldwide. According to a report by Harvard University, nearly 35-36 percent of the world population was obese in 2020. Likewise, the figure reached 36.2 percent in 2021. In addition to that, many island nations such as Nauru, Cook Island, Tonga, and others have more than 50 percent obesity rates. In addition to that, the numbers are anticipated to witness a rise owing to poor sedentary habits, poor ingestion, and little to no exercise. As a result, the demand for RTD tea is growing steadily.
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Augmenting GDP per capita of developing nations is Expected to Boost Market Demand.
The developing countries like India, China. Brazil, Indonesia, and others are becoming the new wealth center of the world as the exports of these nations are witnessing a sheer rise year after year. Owing to cheap labor, a massive network of quality expressways, skilled labor, and appealing government policies China has emerged as the biggest exporter worldwide. China’s GDP per capita has recorded a sheer rise in the last decade and has reached over $12,551 in 2021. Similarly, Indonesia’s GDP per capita income was whirling around $4,256 (nominal) in 2021 and is anticipated to reach nearly $5000 by 2023. On another hand, India is recording slow growth in terms of GDP per capita but the situation is likely to improve as it is projected that India will take over Japan to become 3rd largest economy in the world by the year 2030.
Global Ready to Drink Tea Market Challenges
Harsh environmental conditions, high price, and negatively impacted production are Anticipated to Hamper Market Growth.
Enlarging population, widescale CO2 emission, and rising global warming are resulting in extreme weather anomalies such as unexpected floods, widespread drought, changed season durations, torpedoes, and others with are not conducive for tea cultivation. According to NOAA's 2020 Annual Climate Report, the combined land and ocean temperature has increased at an average rate of 0.13 degrees Fahrenheit ( 0.08 degrees Celsius) per decade since 1880; however, the average rate of increase since 1981 (0.18°C / 0.32°F) has been more than twice that rate. As a result, it is posing a serious threat in front of the global ready-to-drink tea market. On another hand, compare to traditional tea, RTD is a bit expensive which may turn consumers aversive toward it, Also, negatively impacted production activities are resulting in a gap between demand and supply chain.
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Global Ready to Drink Tea Industry Outlook:
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the aforementioned Market. Global Ready to Drink Tea top 10 companies include-
Suntory Holding
Coca-Cola Company
Sapporo Beverage
PepsiCo Inc.
Nestlé S.A.
Unilever PLC.
Danone S.A.
The Republic of Tea
Snapple Beverage Co
Tata Global Beverages
Recent Developments
On July 27, 2021, Kolkata, India-based well-recognized tea supplier company “Tata Tea” announced that the company has successfully acquired London, United Kingdom-based teas company “Tetley.” A payment of $450 million was made by Tata in order to bring the acquisition to a close. Tata has used leveraged buyout option to conclude the transaction.
On October 6, 2020, London, United Kingdom-based company “Unilever” which is well-recognized for its supplements, foods, and tea announced that it has successfully acquired California, United States-based company “Liquid I.V” known for its health-science portfolio. The financials of the acquisition were kept closed. Also, the transaction strengthened the wellness products portfolio of Unilever.
On March 11, 2020, New York, United States-based renowned food and beverage company “PepsiCo” announced that it has successfully acquired Nevada, United States-based company “Rockstar Inc” Known for its non-alcoholic drinks. A payment of $3.85 billion was made by PepsiCo to bring the acquisition to a close.
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