#Inder Agarwal
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townpostin · 7 months ago
Adityapur Industrialists Protest Holding Tax Imposition
ASIA seeks DC intervention as water supply access denied over tax dispute Adityapur Small Industries Association challenges the legality of holding tax on industrial units in JIADA jurisdiction. JAMSHEDPUR – Inder Agarwal, President of Adityapur Small Industries Association (ASIA), contests the imposition of holding tax on industrial units, leading to water supply access denial by Adityapur

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iimtcollege · 2 years ago
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IIMT Cricket Premium League tournament started at Shaheed Vijay Singh Pathik Sports Complex. Mrs. Medha Rupam, SEO, Greater Noida Authority, was the chief guest, and BJP leader Captain Inder Singh and BJP spokesperson Sudesh Verma were also present on the programme as special guests on the occasion. Dr. Mayank Agarwal, Managing Director, IIMT College Group, welcomed all the guests. 16 teams from different colleges in Delhi-NCR are participating in the IIMT-CPL-2023. The inaugural match took place between Amity University and Galgotias University. In which Amity University won by 7 wickets. The second match was played between GL Bajaj and Sharda University. In this match, Sharda University won by 8 wickets. . https://www.iimtindia.net Call Us: 9520886860 . #IIMTindia #IIMTCPL #CPL2023 #cricketfans #cricketmatch #cricketpremierleague #IIMTCollegeofManagement #IIMTNoida #AdmissionOpen2023_24 #ManagementCollege #BBA #BCA #EngineeringCollege #AKTUadmission2023_24 #btechadmission #MBAadmission2023 #ManagementCollege #Btechadmission2023 #BJMCadmission2023
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jaipurhoch3 · 5 years ago
Krankenhaus und Diwali Holidays
Oh je. Die Zeit rennt und es passiert viel, ohne dass man hinterher kommt, davon hier zu berichten.
Obwohl ich mir super viele Sachen aufgeschrieben habe, von denen ich berichten wollte, habe ich erschreckend viele Details schon wieder vergessen. Wie soll das erst am Ende des Jahres werden?!
Eine Erfahrung von der ich erzÀhlen wollte, ist meine Bekanntschaft mit einem indischen Krankenhaus. Mitte Oktober war zuerst Celine mit zwei Tagen Fieber ausgeknockt und kaum dass sie wieder gesund war, hat es mich dann plötzlich in einer Mittagspause auch getroffen. Innerhalb von einer halben Stunde hatte ich 39 Grad und das blieb dann die nÀchsten vier Tage auch ziemlich konstant so. Als dann die Lehrerinnen mal zum Erkundigen nach der Arbeit auf unser Stockwerk gekommen sind, waren sie total erschrocken und wollten, dass ich sofort zu einem Arzt gehe. Ist hier um 8 Uhr abends aber auch nicht mehr so leicht.
Nach einigem Rumtelefonieren unteranderem mit Gurpreet, die mit Maxi gerade beim Yoga war (und da ist telefonieren strengstens verboten), sollte eine der Lehrerinnen, Kriti, mit Celine, Maxi und mir in die Notaufnahme fahren, Gurpreet ist nachgekommen.
Es war bestimmt ein lustiges Bild wie wir drei Weißen durch die Flure gewankt sind, weil Maxi und Celine darauf bestanden haben, mich links und rechts zu stĂŒtzen.
In der Notaufnahme angekommen wurde ich dann auf ein Bett verfrachtet. Da ich aber etwas grĂ¶ĂŸer als der durchschnittliche Inder bin, haben meine FĂŒĂŸe ein gutes StĂŒck hinten ĂŒber geragt.
Nachdem auch die Ärzte einmal Fieber gemessen hatten, habe ich ĂŒber den Tropf eine ordentliche Portion Paracetamol und einen Liter Wasser bekommen. Weil ich mir ein paar Tage vorher dank Kreislaufversagen den Kopf an der Wand aufgeschlagen hatte (hier nochmal Danke an Celine fĂŒrs Haare auswaschen), wollten die Ärzte und Gurpreet zur Sicherheit noch ein CT machen, damit innere Blutungen ausgeschlossenen werden konnten.
Mit der entsprechenden Vorauszahlung fĂŒr die Behandlung seitens Gurpreet wurde ich dann also zĂŒgig in einen Rollstuhl, dann in die Röhre, wieder in den Rollstuhl und zurĂŒck verfrachtet und hatte keine 15 Minuten spĂ€ter ein paar hĂŒbsche Aufnahmen von meinem unverletzten Gehirn.
Das Angebot, die Nacht vorsichtshalber im Krankenhaus zu verbringen, konnte ich dann zum GlĂŒck vehement genug ablehnen.
Insgesamt war es eine interessante Erfahrung, einmal das teuerste Krankenhaus der Stadt von innen zu sehen. Das anwesende Personal wirkte kompetent, das GebĂ€ude hat aber eher wie ein BĂŒrogebĂ€ude im Stil Öffentlicher Dienst erinnert. Und mit dem Datenschutz wurde es auch nicht so streng wie in Deutschland genommen.
Geholfen hat die Behandlung aber auf alle FĂ€lle und so konnte ich fieberfrei in die Diwali-Ferien starten.
Die ersten Tage waren wir noch ziemlich erschöpft vom Kranksein, sodass wir den ersten Tag zum Ausschlafen nutzen wollten. Zum GlĂŒck sind wir schon gegen 10 Uhr aufgewacht, da um Viertel nach 10 Gurpreet, ihre Tochter Ayana und Jyoti Didi und Lali Didi, die beiden Haushaltshilfen der Schule, in unsere Etage eingefallen sind, um uns beim Diwali-Putz zu helfen aka unsere ĂŒber das Stockwerk verteilten Sachen alle in unser neu bezogenes grĂ¶ĂŸeres Zimmer zu verfrachten.
Ohne FrĂŒhstĂŒck oder irgendeine Vorwarnung stand dann fĂŒr den Vormittag die Putzaktion an, die uns so geschafft hat, dass wir den restlichen Tag fast ausschließlich im Bett verbracht haben. Mit der Ausnahme, dass Maxi und ich Celine zum Bahnhof gebracht haben, weil sie ĂŒber die Ferien andere Freiwillige in der WĂŒstenstadt Jaisalmer besuchen wollte.
Die nĂ€chsten Tage haben Maxi und ich dann versucht langsam wieder etwas mehr zu unternehmen. Unter anderem waren wir auf einem Foodwalk (also einer FĂŒhrung zu verschiedenen guten EssensstĂ€nden) von einem Freund Vinayak, bei dem groß gefeierten ersten Hochzeitstag der Lehrerin Kriti, haben das Observatorium Jantar Mantar so wie das Albert Hall Museum besichtigt und den City Palace aus finanziellen GrĂŒnden wieder verworfen.
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Dann war auch schon der 27. Oktober, Diwali. Gestartet haben wir den Tag ganz gemĂŒtlich um 14Uhr. Aus den drei verschiedenen Einladungen fĂŒr die traditionelle Feier haben wir uns fĂŒr die Familie des Yogalehrers entschieden, weil wir uns mit seinen Söhnen Atray und Maitray auch ganz gut verstehen.
Eine Stunde bevor wir losfahren mussten kam ĂŒberraschend Gurpreet mit ihrem Mann Gagan und Ayana vorbei, um mit uns das Pooja (den traditionellen Teil) zu feiern. Ohne Vorwarnung wiedermal.
Da in dieser Familie nur Gagan Hindu ist, hatten Gurpreet und Ayana keine Ahnung, was zu machen war und Ayana auch relativ wenig Interesse. Aber selbst Gagan musste immer wieder in einem kleinen Anleitungsheft nachlesen, was als nĂ€chstes passieren sollte. Dann mussten wir auch schon los und sie alle weiter zu einer amderen Feier, sodass dieses Pooja ein eher verwirrendes, etwas herzlos wirkendes Ereignis war, das fast zwischen TĂŒr und Angel stattgefunden hat.
Bei den Agarwals war es dann schon eher so wie wir uns das vorgestellt hatten. Als die ganze Familie inklusive Opa versammelt war, wurde das Pooja mit einer Zeremonie fĂŒr Ganesha gestartet, um den Haushalt zu Reinigen. In verschiedenen Schritten wurden die Bilder der Götter und die vielen ÖllĂ€mpchen (Diyas) mit Wasser betröpfelt, und Reis, Linsen, GewĂŒrze, FrĂŒchte, rotes Pulver und Blumen "geopfert". Das gleiche wurde in der selben Reihenfolge fĂŒr die Göttin Laxmi veranstaltet, die GlĂŒck und Wohlstand bringen soll. Zuletzt wurden fĂŒr den Feuergott noch Zucker und Butter verbrannt und einige Mantras gesungen.
Jeder Schritt wurde uns erklĂ€rt und wir durften, im Gegensatz zum ersten Pooja des Tages, auch alles einmal machen. Wir haben sogar das traditionelle BĂ€ndchen umgebunden und den roten Punkt auf die Stirn gemalt bekommen. Es war rĂŒhrend und herzzerreißend zugleich, zu sehen wie warm und herzlich die Familienmitglieder miteinander umgegangen sind. Zum einen, weil wir unsere Familien dann natĂŒrlich vermisst haben, zum anderen aber auch, weil das eher eine Ausnahme war und diese NĂ€he im Alltag nur selten zu sehen ist.
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Anschließend sind wir alle nach draußen gegangen und haben Wunderkerzen angezĂŒndet und auf weitere Freunde der Familie gewartet.
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Als dann alle da waren haben wir erst zusammen gegessen und danach ein bisschen Feuerwerk gezĂŒndet. Irgendwer ist dank der ausgelassenen Stimmung auf die Idee gekommen, Maxi und ich sollten doch etwas singen. Nach ein paar Kinder- und Geburtstagsliedern haben sich die anderen Freunde der Familie verabschiedet.
Den richtigen Moment zu gehen haben wir irgendwie verpasst, sodass wir die letzten GĂ€ste waren. Der Yogalehrer hat dann vorgeschlagen, wir könnten ĂŒbernachten, weil es ja "schon halb eins" und daher viel zu spĂ€t sei. Also sind wir spontan dort geblieben, natĂŒrlichen nur in unseren festlichen Kurtis, ohne jegliche Schlafsachen. Trotz der super kalten Klimaanlage gegen die Moskitos konnten wir halbwegs schlafen und haben uns am nĂ€chsten Morgen auf den Weg nach Hause gemacht.
Das war unser Diwali.
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Am letzen Ferientag ist Celine aus Jaisalmer zurĂŒckgekommen und konnte ganz viel von ihrer Reise erzĂ€hlen. Und am Tag danach ging es schon wieder in den Arbeitsalltag..
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tsmsnoida · 3 years ago
Best IGCSE Schools in Noida | The Shriram Millennium School Noida
Keeping up with the competitive spirit amidst rigorous study schedules, the students of The Shriram Millennium School, Noida brought laurels to the school with the accolades they won in ‘EMWS Battlelaureate’ - an event organised annually by the Ecole Mondiale World School, Mumbai as part of the IBDP CAS Activity.  Securing the First position in the Drama event, our team of IGCSE students Aaliya Chugh of Grade X,  Sarah Khanna and Samarth Sampath of Grade IX, and ISC Grade XII students Marushika Agarwal amd Sabreen  Kaur Sukhija, bowled the judges with their stupendous performance. Soumya Gupta of IGCSE Grade X won the Second position in the Shark Tank event with a creative and interesting business model developed and presented by her.Siya Thakur of IGCSE Grade, X won the Third position in Art with her depiction of ‘My Ideal World.’ In the E-Sports event, for the game ‘Fortnite,’ Jai Inder Setia and Ardaan Bhatia, of IGCSE Grade X won the First position and the Second position respectively, after completing 10 challenging rounds. Congratulations to our Shri Ansh for their remarkable achievements!
The Shriram Millennium School is one of the Best IGCSE Schools in Noida, Contact us for more details.
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palpalani · 6 years ago
Megha Akash’s debut Bollywood film’s producer owned the remake rights of ‘Thadam’!
Megha Akash’s debut Bollywood film’s producer owned the remake rights of ‘Thadam’!
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Having Arun Vijay, Tanya Hope, Vidya Pradeep, Smruthi Venkat, FEFSI Vijayan, Yogi Babu, Meera Krishnan, Soniya Agarwal and George Maryan in the important roles, ‘Thadam’ is directed by Magizh Thirumeni with the bankrolling of Inder Kumar’s ‘Redhan – The Cinema People’. With the great suspense-action thrilling genre, the plot in the film had been recognized with good response on screens with great

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todaybharatnews · 5 years ago
via Today Bharat nbsp; Nivetha Pethuraj and Malavika Sharma have been roped in to play the female leads in this crime thriller. Actor Ram Pothineni and director Kishore Tirumala are teaming up for a film and it has been titled RED, the remake of the hit Tamil movie Thadam. This information was disclosed by Ram Pothineni on his social media page. He wrote: ldquo;!! #RED !! This one is going to be...So-Bloody-Different! #REDTheFilm #RAPO18 #RAPO18FIRSTLOOK.rdquo; !! #RED !! This one is going to be...So-Bloody-Different! #REDTheFilm #RAPO18 #RAPO18FIRSTLOOK pic.twitter.com/4jXhicUyrK mdash; RAm POthineni (@ramsayz) October 28, 2019Nivetha Pethuraj and Malavika Sharma have been roped in to play the female leads in this crime thriller and Mani Sharma will be composing the tunes. The shooting of RED will begin on November 16 and more details about the project should be available by then. Thadam is an action crime thriller film that was written and directed by Magizh Thirumeni and produced by Inder Kumar under the banner Redhan ndash; The Cinema People. The film had Arun Vijay, Tanya Hope, and Vidya Pradeep playing the main leads. The music was composed by Arun Raj, with cinematography by Gopinath and editing by N. B. Srikanth. Interestingly, both Ram Pothineni and Kishore Tirumala have had a good year so far. Ramrsquo;s iSmart Shankar has been declared a smash hit making his fans look forward to his next. The film was directed by Puri Jagannath. Ram Pothineni played the title role in it with Nabha Natesh and Nidhi Agarwal playing his heroines. iSmart Shankar had Brahmanandam, Rao Ramesh, Tanikella Bharani, Pavithra Lokesh among others in supporting roles. Mani Sharma composed music for this flick with Raj Thota cranking the camera and Junaid Siddiqui in charge of editing. Shaik Jonny was the art director of iSmart Shankar with stunts choreographed by Real Satheesh. Kishore Tirumalarsquo;s Chitralahari, which had Sai Dharam Tej in the lead role, was also a hit. The film had Kalyani Priyadarshan playing the female lead with Sunil, Nivetha Pethuraj and Vennela Kishore in supporting roles. It was bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers.
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bollywoodpapa · 5 years ago
16 Bollywood Celebs Who Died Of Due To Massive Heart Attack
New Post has been published on https://www.bollywoodpapa.com/16-bollywood-celebs-who-died-of-due-to-massive-heart-attack-2/
16 Bollywood Celebs Who Died Of Due To Massive Heart Attack
Today we are going to introduce you to Bollywood actors who may have been happily spending a good time with their loved ones one day before leaving this world. All the artists involved in this list have lost their lives in the heart attack. Take a look:
1. Inder Kumar
Bollywood and TV actor Inder Kumar, known for his role in Salman Khan’s film ‘Wanted’, passed away on 28 July, at 2 am due to a heart attack at his residence in Mumbai. He was 44 years old. The actor reportedly suffered a heart attack at his residence in Four Bungalows in Andheri, Mumbai. The fatal attack occurred at 2 am.
Inder has been a famous model during the 90’s and has featured in many hit songs. He has acted in more than 20 Bollywood films. He rose to fame with Salman Khan’s film ‘Wanted’. Some of his films are ‘Khiladiyon Ka Khiladi’, ‘Agnipath’, ‘Tumko Na Bhool Payenge’.
2.Reema Lagoo
Famous Bollywood and Television actress Reema Lagoo, who was lastly working on Star Plus’ hit show “Naamkaran” passed away on May 18 morning due to cardiac arrest. She was 59.  She was best known for playing the on-screen mother to protagonists in hit films like ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’, ‘Hum Aapke Hain Koun’, ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ and ‘Hum Saath-Saath Hain’.
3. Om Puri
Veteran actor Om Puri has passed away after a massive heart attack on January 6. The actor was 66. The Padma Shri-winning actor died of a heart attack at his home in Mumbai. Puri was awarded an honorary OBE for his contribution to the British film industry in 2004. He was known for his performances in critically acclaimed films like “Ardh Satya” and “Paar” and the satirical “Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro”.
4. Razzak Khan
Veteran actor Razzak Khan who was famous for playing the role of Golden Bhai in the popular comedy show  “Comedy Nights With Kapil” is passed away on 1 June 2016. He suffered a massive heart attack and rushed to Holy Family hospital in Bandra, where doctors declared him dead on arrival. Khan has acted in more than 90 films and was noted for supporting and comic roles.
5. Aarthi Agarwal
Actress Aarthi Agarwal made her debut at the age of 16, with “Paagalpan”. On June 6, 2015, Agarwal was pronounced dead in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Agarwal, who had undergone a liposuction surgery six weeks prior, had severe breathing problems before her death. Her manager stated the cause of her death was cardiac arrest.
6. Abir Goswami
An Indian film and television actor, Abir Goswami, who worked in television serials like “Kkusum”, “Yahan Main Ghar Ghar Kheli”, “Pyaar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyaara Pyaara”. Goswami died on 31 May 2013 at the age of 37 due to cardiac arrest when he was running on a treadmill.
He worked in films like ‘Lakshya’, ‘Khakee’, ‘Ugly’, ‘The Legend of Bhagat Singh’, etc.
7. Sudha Shivpuri
Veteran actress, Sudha Shivpuri, more popular for playing the role of ‘Baa’ in Ekta Kapoor’s longest-running TV show ‘ Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’ died on May 20th morning. She was 79. According to reports, the actress had not been keeping well since 2013. She also suffered a heart attack in December 2013 for which she was in the hospital for 6 months.
She made her film debut with Basu Chatterjee’s Swami in 1977 and went on to act in films like Insaaf Ka Tarazu, Hamari Bahu Alka, Sawan Ko Aane Do, Sun Meri Laila, Burning Train, Vidhaata and Maya Memsaab. In 2003 she acted in the Hindi film “Pinjar”, based on Amrita Pritam’s famous partition novel.
8. Vivek Shauq
Vivek Shauq is not only a good comedian but also a good actor, writer, and singer too. Along with films he was seen in shows like “Ulta Pulta” and “Flop Show’ alongside famous comedian Jaspal Bhatti. He suffered a heart attack on 3 January and was admitted to Jupiter Hospital in Thane. On 10 January 2011 Shauq died from septicemia at the age of 47.
He still remembers for his role in films like ‘Aitraaz’, ’36 China Town’, ‘Dil Hai Tumara’, ‘Gadar: Ek Prem Katha’, ‘Tango Charlie’ etc.
9. Navin Nischol
Navin Nischol, a first gold medalist from the Film and Television Institute of India, say goodbye to the world in 2011. He worked in many TV shows like “Dekh Bhai Dekh”, “Daal Mein Kala”, “Waqt Ki Raftaar”, “Aashirwad” etc. Nischol died of a heart attack on 19 March 2011 en route from Mumbai to Pune. He was 64 years old.
10. Farooq Sheikh
An Indian actor, philanthropist, and a popular television presenter, Farooq Sheikh act in several notable films such as  “Shatranj Ke Khiladi”, “Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani” , “Chashme Buddoor”. He has been the host of the very popular TV show “Jeena Issi ka Naam hai” in which he interviewed many Bollywood celebrities. Farooq died of a heart attack on 27 December 2013 in Dubai, where he was on holiday with his family.
11. Rajesh Vivek
He is best known to Hindi film audiences for his role as Guran in “Lagaan” as a postmaster in “Swades”. He had also played the role of Vyasa in the popular Indian series “Mahabharat”. He was roped in for an ad series of Cadbury 5 star as the father of the two sons. Rajesh died on 14 January 2016 at the age of 66 due to a massive heart attack while shooting for a film at Hyderabad.
12. Deven Verma
One of Bollywood’s best comedian Deven Verma who was working in some of the most memorable movies of Bollywood like ‘Dil To Pagal Hai, Ishq’, ‘Kya Kehna’, ‘Dil’, ‘Andaz Apna Apna’ etc. He passed away on 2 December 2014 in Pune following a heart attack and kidney failure. He is still considered one of Bollywood’s best comedians.
13. Zohra Sehgal
Bollywood’s sweetheart actress, dancer, and choreographer, Zohra Sehgal was full of zeal and enthusiasm. In her career-span of over 60 years she acted in numerous movies but her role in films like “Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam”, “Veer Zara”, “Saawariya”,” Cheeni Kum” is remembered till now. She said her final goodbye on 10 July 2014, aged 102, after suffering cardiac arrest. She is still remembered in our memories.
14. Dev Anand
Dev Anand, regarded as one of the influential actors in the history of Indian cinema. Padma Bhushan and the Dadasaheb Phalke awarded Dev Anand spanned more than 65 years with acting in 114 Hindi films and did two English films. Anand died in his hotel room in London at the age of 88 on 4 December 2011 of a cardiac arrest.
15. Suchitra Sen
One of the finest actresses of Indian cinema, Suchitra Sen was also the first Bengali actress to receive an international award in Moscow in 1963. Suchitra Sen was admitted to the hospital on 24 December 2013 and was diagnosed with a lung infection. She died at 8.25 am on 17 January 2014, due to a heart attack.
16. Vinod Mehra
Vinod Mehra started out as a child actor in the late 1950s before starting his film career as an adult in 1971. He acted in over 100 films through to his death at the age of 45 in 1990. Mehra died of a heart attack on 30 October 1990. He was only 45 years of age. Vinod Mehra’s son Rohan Mehra is making his debut in Nikhil Advani’s “Baazaar”.
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thoth4555-blog1 · 7 years ago
In this Video, Infotainment Will Explain 11 South Indian Celebrities Who Died in Young Age. Subscribe Our Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCDb... Similarly, for vacation or tourism, we tell our readers about the best places in the world for tourism. If you like to see historic places, there is 11 South Indian Celebrities Who Died Young | Shocking for you right here. If you are into 11 South Indian Celebrities Who Died Young | Shocking, 11 South Indian Celebrities Who Died Young | Shocking  for that as well are here. Similarly, if you are the guy who wants to take his family and friends to a great green nature loving place, welcome 11 South Indian Celebrities Who Died Young | Shocking  for that. Top mountains, top countries for tourism, top places for fun, top countries for sports, 11 South Indian Celebrities Who Died Young | Shocking is right here in this video. Tollywood actress who died recently Uday Kira He was skilled, youthful and completely gorgeous. He appeared in the film 'Chitram' which was a superhit movie. He supposedly hanged himself from the roof of his Sri Nagar province loft in Hyderabad. His passing appeared to be a shockwave as he was an extremely celebrated, youthful and developing legend. Silk Smitha indian celebs who died in poverty Telugu conceived on-screen character who has acted in more than 450 movies in dialects like Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Hindi and Kannada. Real Names of South Indian Actresses https://youtu.be/PIUfWJ3ysrE South Indian Actors and Their Unseen Wives You Won't Believe https://youtu.be/OVg3yyMfXxk South Indian Celebrities Who Are Real Life Brother and Sister https://youtu.be/fcA9LBZBxjM Top 11 South Indian Actress Without Makeup Unseen https://youtu.be/gCn43BVO8Os Silk Smitha conferred suicide in the year 1996 in her Chennai condo. Monetary emergency, longing for adoration and liquor overdose drove her to gloom which has supposedly driven her to confer suicide. Soundarya Soundarya's first film in Telugu was 'Rajendrudu Gajendrudu' nearby Rajendra Prasad in the year 1993.Soundarya is prominent for her awesome and humble identity. Her demise was stunning and totally disheartening. She kicked the bucket in a plane crash in the year 2004 Divya Bharathi Performing artist Divya Bharathi appeared in Telugu film 'Bobbili Raja' in the year 1990 at 16.she years old passed on at 19 years old capitulating to head wounds because of tumbling off from her condo's gallery. The examination was shut as her folks educated told the police that it was a mishap Aarthi Agarwal The senior of Aditi Agarwal and a Tollywood performing artist, Aarthi Agarwal appeared in the Telugu film 'Nuvvu Naaku Nachav' nearby Chiranjeevi.In the year 2015, Aarthi was announced dead because of Cardiac Arrest. The explanation for the catastrophe was liposuction which gave her a considerable measure of breathing issues. Yasho Sagar The Telugu film 'Ullasamga Utsahamga' acclaim on-screen character Yasho Sagar ended up plainly popular as 'Aravind' in the year 2008.The child of Kannada film maker B.P. Somu, was executed in a fender bender alongside his two companions in the year 2012. Prathyusha At 17 years old, on-screen character Prathyusha entered the film business and won the hearts of numerous with her lovely grin. She appeared in the Telugu film 'Rayudu' in the year 1998. There have been gossipy tidbits that she was executed by manual strangulation yet nothing had been affirmed and the case was shut. Achyuth Achyuth had acted more than 50 movies and 50 TV serials. He was extremely mainstream for his supporting roles.He passed on in the year 2002 because of a gigantic heart assault deserting an extraordinary check in the Tollywood and Television ventures. Bhargavi she turned out to be more well known when she facilitated a TV demonstrate named Ammamma.com delivered by Just Yellow. In the year 2008, she was killed alongside her ensemble troop administrator Praveen Kumar. The secret behind her murder is as yet obscure. Yasho Sagar His acting abilities were lauded, however he appeared to be novice at a few scenes the content helped him get saw in the business. Be that as it may, his profession did not keep going long as he was murdered in an auto collision, on his way back to Hyderabad from Mumbai on 25 December 2012. Inder Kumar Bollywood performing artist Inder Kumar passed away at his habitation in Four Bungalows, Andheri in Mumbai on July 28. He kicked the bucket of a heart assault at 43 years old
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