aayannaktay · 3 years
Key Dynamics of Globalization
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This is an example of time-space compression because it talks about technology, transportation and the internet. Which are all prime examples of time-space compression.
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This is an example of flexible accumulation because it shows how communication and outsourcing can cause flexible accumulation.
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This is an example of increasing migration because the graph shows how many migrants there are in countries per 1000 population.
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This picture is an example of uneven development because these areas are very close and only separated by a wall but they are very different. One side of the pictures shows a congested area where it looks like there is a short supply of essentials. On the other side there is space and nice tennis courts, and it looks very clean.
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This is an example of adapting to the natural world because we use air to adapt to the natural heat in the world.
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mariar2491 · 6 years
Increasing Migration
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After the civil rights movement African Americans people moved from the south to the north. African Americans migrated to the north for a better life. This caused whites to move away , which was called the Great White Flight.
This is a example of increased migration because the civil rights movement caused a lot of people to move among the south and north.
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owensjoniyah-blog · 6 years
Increasing Migration
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Globally, migration has been a huge factor over the years. Migration can be caused by the need to work for a higher outcome or even flee violence/conflicts. In this picture you can see the perfect example of how much of an increase migration has been worldwide, not to mention It has even tripled since the 1970s level.
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deaunjanaewise-blog · 6 years
Increasing Migration
Increased immigration is increased movmenent if people from one area to another. Cities are becoming more overcrowded due to the increased amounts of migration of people.
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A few of the main reasons why people migrate is to improve health and financial well being. Urban areas like Baltimore, Chicago, etc become urban because they have several job opportunities for people to pursue in a certain area. This leads to the attraction of more job seekers to move to the city.
Some people migrate because they want to improve their health. If someone lives in a third world country that lacks adequate housing, food supply, and other essentials to living they would migrate to another area if given the opportunity to.
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Increasing Migration
People in other countries or states are realizing that by traveling or moving around, better opportunities will come. For example, my family is from Belize and my mom knew that by coming to America, one day she will be able to give her family a better life than what she had. Not only are people relocating because of jobs, but to better their lives mentally and emotionally. Living in countries that have negativity around them such as wars, motivate them to migrate and move to a better place. Over the years the number of people migrating has increased drastically and seeing how the world is now, that number will increase even more. 
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lamyahed-blog · 6 years
Increasing Migration
This article is about the significant amount of over 70 million people that are migrating across the world. People are being forced to move due to many circumstances. They’ve had to leave their homes for reasons such as natural disasters that have recently happened & more. There are many people from other countries that come to America for better lives for them and their families. People want better education, different climate, different government and more. These people believe that being migrants will help them achieve their hopes & goals.
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j0rd03-blog · 6 years
Increasing migration: This link shows that a bullet train will be built in order for Maryland and DC residents to travel to and from the different cities in as quick as fifteen minutes as opposed to an hour or two by car.
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Increasing Migration
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With this app, it allows you to Instantly send money between friends or accept card payments no matter the distance you are from the person sending or receiving the money.
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This article relates to increasing migration. Increasing Migration is the accelerated movement of people both within countries and between countries. Trump is trying to decrease the amount of migration that is occurring in the United States, this is the exact reason why there are more immigrants rapidly migrating to the United States. Reasons why they are migrating is to build a better life with more opportunities for themselves as well as their family members. Building the wall would increase the distance of the possible human relationships and interactions from Mexico.
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quin10jackson-blog · 6 years
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This picture generally highlights business migration. It is how business are able to move past boarders and enter other countries. Usually it is the extreme major businesses such as McDonalds; Apple or even Nike, in which uses imports and exports to sell their product and promote their business.
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Donald Trumps threat to change immigration laws is increasing migration to get to the United States for a better life.
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Companies like Disney, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodeon provide TV shows, movies, merchandise, hotels, cruises, etc. Therefore making an abundance of easy money.
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jazzsblogs-blog · 7 years
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Migration has been increasing tremendously with the downfall and rise of some cultures. When people feel like other countries have more opportunities than the one they are in then they will begin to migrate over. This can provide opportunities to some but it can also add to over population that could lead to migrating out of the country they came to.
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sylverposts-blog · 6 years
Increasing Migration
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Increasing migration is basically the movement by people from one place to another with the intentions on settling either permanently or temporarily. In the photo above it shows how the population in Canada increased rapidly over the past 100+ years. The reason for the increase could've been because of scarcity of resources in other areas of the world or better living conditions in Canada.
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pink-jadab-blog · 6 years
Increasing Migration
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Increasing migration is accelerated movement of people within & between countries. This image of the movement of Mexicans shows the inclined need for more opportunities that America has to offer. From January 2014-2015 there is a rapid growth of immigrants coming into America, and although the legal process is long immigrants have attempted to become citizens to contribute and take advantage of the benefits in America. With the sudden increase, there have been more jobs being fulfilled. Not only are there more jobs, but there is a better connection to distant parts of the world. 
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