#Inception The Cobol Job
goodjohnjr · 9 months
Inception: The Cobol Job
Inception: The Cobol Job (2010) What Is It? The 2010 animated comic short film Inception: The Cobol Job. Trailer: Inception: The Cobol Job Reel Video Clip: INCEPTION : The Cobol Engineering Job This is how The IMDb describes this animated comic short film: This Inception prequel unfolds courtesy of a beautiful Motion Comic, and explains how Cobb, Arthur and Nash were enlisted by Cobol…
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mister-eames · 4 months
darling, you have to give me more flesh on the scenario “what if arthur went to mombasa aka cobols backyard to fetch eames on doms request” would inception still have happened? or would end credits roll immediately? You can’t dangle that scenario infront of me like a carrot infront of a horse and say nothing :(
I love this question!! <3 I could write a whole novel on the possible canon-divergence, aha, sorry this took me a to minute to reply x I imagine it went something like this:
Above the din of the gambling house Eames suddenly notices two things at once.
One, the sharp scents of Davidoff Cool Water and nicotine.
The other is the barrel of a gun pressed in-between his shoulder blades.
Between his restless fingers the chips stop moving before resuming again. Saying nothing, Eames places the chips on the unluckiest number he can think of - if the person behind him is who Eames thinks it is, not a single sliver of luck can be wasted on something as frivolous as a dice game.
"Now, now," says Eames, sitting up straighter until the gun digs into his back. "Is that a firearm or are you just happy to see me? Goodness. You could at least buy me a drink first."
The dice roll on the table. Eames has lost. He wears his best look of disappointment as the dealer collects his chips, fewer than before, but still enough to cash in on. Currency comes in all shapes and forms and, hearing the tap of Arthur's loafers behind him as he's followed to the cash exchange, Eames very much get's the sense he'll need every last iteration of currency to bargain with.
"That's an interesting way of spelling Mombasa," Arthur says somewhere over his shoulder.
After all, Arthur is a man who plays to win.
"So," Eames deshells a pistachio and pops it in his mouth, "to what do I owe the pleasure of your company, dear Arthur?"
On the other side of the table sits Arthur, composed of long lines, angular limbs and dark fabrics, hair slicked back so perfectly it can only be a product of industrial-strength pomade and Arthur's sheer will. A pair of wayfarers are perched upon his nose, an old pair. His face is angled to the view outside beyond the terrace.
The nail of Arthur's right thumb, bitten short, digs into the side of his beer bottle.
"I'm here to offer you a job."
"That so?" Eames pries open another another pistachio, leaning back in his chair. "Tell me, was the gun to my back part of your offer?"
"Had to make sure you wouldn't run."
"What makes you think I still won't?"
"You won't," Arthur says confidently. "Not when you hear what I'm selling."
"And why would I buy anything from you," Eames asks, following Arthur's line of sight to the people milling in the market below, "when I could simply cash in on the price on your head?"
The challenge hangs in the air, suspended, awaiting Arthur's repartee. Instead, Arthur sighs, finally sliding the frames off his face, slipping them into his breast pocket. His expression turns pinched. "You won't," he repeats. He sounds less sure.
"I might."
"You would've done it already."
There it is. Eames shifts in his seat, throwing an arm around the back of it. "How'd you end up pissing off Cobol Engineering, hmm? Let me guess."
"How'd you know about that?"
"How did you know where to find me?"
"Inception," Arthur says suddenly.
"The job," Arthur clarifies, a little uncomfortably. "Our client is asking for inception."
Eames stares at him.
Under the weight of Eames' gaze Arthur seems pressed to project nonchalance, sitting up straighter in his chair, re-adjusting his legs until they mirror Eames' outstretched ones. Eames knows him better. He's already catalogued all of the little things that are different with Arthur since they last crossed paths - some for the better - a nicer suit, longer hair. Some for the worse. Tired lines. A tie tied too tightly, begging to be made crooked. Bitten nails.
The problem with Arthur is that Arthur cares so much that it's written all over him.
"You do recall what happened the last time we attempted inception, yes? How horribly we failed at it."
"And you recall telling me from the get-go to the get-gone that it wasn't possible?"
Arthur shakes his head. "Doesn't matter. You still think it can be done."
"You don't," says Eames, confused. "Which leads us to the inevitable question of why you, Arthur, are here, risking your head to ask me onto what you in your mind consider to be a fruitless endeavour."
"Cobb wants you on the job. You'll get paid."
"Try again."
The exhale that escapes Arthur's nostrils seem to deflate him a little. The too-short nails stop digging into his bottle as the hand retreats to his lap. "If we're to succeed, the client will secure Cobb's return to the states."
"In shackles, I hope."
He shakes his head. "To his kids."
"I'm still failing to see what I get out it."
When it's clear that he won't capitulate, Arthur sighs. "What do you want?"
To never be in the same room as Dominic Cobb ever again. To wind back the clock three years. To live out his retirement in peace.
"Something priceless," he says instead.
"The opportunity to achieve inception isn't priceless enough?"
Going quiet, Arthur appears to think on this. "This is the last job," he says after a moment. "No more. He'll either go home or go to prison."
He says it like it's fifty-fifty; luck; the toss of a coin. Eames considers this, wondering uneasily if he is the element that will give weight to one of the coins sides - which yet, he isn't quite sure. Which Eames wants, he knows even less.
"And you'll be a free man."
"And what are you planning to do with yourself after?"
"That," Arthur raises his chin, meeting his gaze, "I will let you decide."
Lightning crackles up Eames spine.
"...That is priceless, indeed."
"Yeah," Arthur smirks. "So, what do you say?"
Eames writes down an address on a napkin. He slides it over and stands.
"Meet me here in an hour. I know of a chemist that might be useful."
Arthur blinks down at the napkin. "Why? Where are you going?"
Eames tilts his head towards the bar where a middle-aged suit sits, eyes flicking towards their table.
"Giving you a chance to shake your tail."
Arthur looks over to the bar and swears under his breath. "Does this mean you're taking the job?"
"Depends on whether our friend over there shoots first. Go on."
"Wait," Arthur says, placing a hand on Eames' arm. He raises an inviting eyebrow, eyes brightening brilliantly. "I've got a better idea."
Twenty minutes later emerge from a narrow alley with a matching pair of bruised, bloody knuckles, an unconscious body slumped in the shadows of the alley.
Eames grins at Arthur, who is already smiling wide at him.
Something in Eames' chest is in freefall, starting from his throat, right down to his sternum. The same thing that always robs him of any good reason when it comes to Arthur - the one that hits the reset button in his doldrums, like pulling the lever at a poker machine and says come on, try again, hoping that he might make dividends this time. A horrible lack of certainty; a wonderful, frightening unfurling of possibilities and hope.
Arthur's shirt is crumpled to hell; dirt and dust mar the cuffs of his suit jacket, the shine of his loafers. He places his wayfarers back onto his face and Eames thinks hello again. Hello Arthur, the man who is both nineteen and twenty-nine in Eames' mind, who has kept the same sunglasses from five years ago and wears Davidoff Cool Water because it was what he wore when he needed something cheap and accessible and never quite grew out of it, even when he has the means to afford 'better'. A creature of habit - and sentiment.
"Cobb wanted to come to ask you," Arthur says, tone light, shoving his bloody hands in his pockets as they rejoin the greater crowd, sides brushing as they close in to avoid getting separated.
"Thank christ he didn't."
Arthur hums agreeably at the sentiment. "What would you have said, if he had?"
Eames shakes his head, not even needing to think about it. "I'd tell'im to piss off. Probably had sold him out before he touched soil."
"Come on. You would not have."
"Would've. There is not a single thing in Cobb's coin-purse that would sway me to sign up for this," he insists.
Arthur rolls his eyes, squeezing past Eames to get through a narrow opening in the crowd. Eames follows closely, eyes trained on the back of him.
Well... maybe one thing.
He'll take the job. And after that... Eames has some ideas already.
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 9 months
Arthur didn’t miss the militarisation; he chose to omit that information : a word salad
I don’t think there’s a single mistake in movie history that has riled up this many people as arthur darling missing militarisation of Fischer. It’s (beautifully, always) taken as the moment eames shows arthur “it’s okay bb I love you” in all the fics ever (keep doing that please it’s my jam) and over the past 13 years people have been toying different ideas trying to figure out the reason for the best point man in the industry to miss such important detail of the job.
nobody asked, but here’s my two cents on it.
But first, lemme briefly mention the theories I have seen so far in the fandom regarding this
1. Arthur missed it. Just as it’s portrayed in the movie. He’s just human and humans are bound to make mistakes. There’s no mystery/backstory/explanation; he just missed it. cause even tho he strives to be, he isn’t 100% perfect.
(it’s very possible, but where’s the fun in this explanation cmon)
2. Arthur missed it cause he was too burned out by the long two years of babysitting cobb and he was too busy in inception job itself playing mentor to Ariadne while doing his point man duties
(I agree. totally. He needed to be wrapped in a blanket and fed cookies 30 seconds in to the damn movie)
3. Arthur didn’t miss it. He hid the fact intentionally to con the team. He was double crossing cobb/Eames and was actually helping cobol/CIA so he made the job difficult by keeping it a secret
(I’m not overly fond of this explanation, and it’s doesn’t ring true with the canon, but I see the appeal. The whole eames/arthur enemies to lovers extravaganza *chefs kiss*)
4. Arthur didn’t miss anything. Fischer wasn’t militarised. The projections were cobbs, including that giant ass train.
(Im not smart enough to completely understand this explanation but it’s a big brain idea *applause*)
so.. now onto the silly little idea I had.
(this could very well be an already discussed idea, I’m waaaaay late to the party, but I just haven’t come across it so far. Please bear with me if you’ve mentioned/seen someone mention it anywhere)
What if..what if it was arthur himself who militarised Fischer. What if it’s a job he did while running around the world with cobb and he did it from everyone?
in actual, real world, country hopping, funding lawyers, paying for law suits and funding for two kids actually need a truckload of money. While the Miles couple must’ve helped with some of those expenses, there must’ve been a huge amount of balance for cobb to cover, and despite being a runaway dad, cobb must’ve tried his best to make things at home were going smooth at home, taking as much jobs he could get, even the riskier and shadier ones.
however, with his mind falling apart and mal being not so lovely, there must’ve been a moment the efforts just weren’t enough. Cobb wouldn’t have mentioned it or more likely, wouldn’t have even noticed it, cause if the movie is any indication, the tabs must’ve been kept by a certain very meticulous point man.
arthur ,more than anyone else, knew how much cobb wanted to see his children and how hard he was trying to get his name cleared and get back to them. so, letting cobb know that he wasn’t dong enough as a father and a protector was definitely out in arthurs book.
so what if, while pretending for both his and cobbs sake that everything was just fine, arthur started taking up extra work to fill out those gaps? certainly not heavy inception-level work, but the ones which would only require a point man or just an architect. jobs without too much trouble, almost legal and which could be done in between jobs.
and arthur wouldn’t have minded missing a few nights sleep here and there, if it meant the lawyers keeping the feds off cobbs back were paid and happy. he knew his best friend was already beating himself up for mal, both the real life person and the projection and leaving such young kids alone, so even when cobb grumbled about research being completed late, arthur never let cobb know it’s cause he’s also handling another jobs research and add to the staggering weight of guilt his friend carried.
so what if, militarisation of Fisher was one such run-in-the-mill job that was done in super secrecy? Arthur was consulted when fishcer senior fell ill, arthur flew in (stateside), met Robert barely once, did the job and flew back.
when inception came along, arthur was obviously in a nice little pickle and he knew he had to talk cobb out of it (in the movie, we could see arthur being wary of inception from the get go, and while the extreme chance of utter failure could’ve been the reason, this could also be the reason why he didn’t wanna go through with it *cue stabby salad scene*) there was no way arthur could tell this to cobb without hurting him as then he would’ve had to explain all the rest to him as well.
being the point does mean he has to know it all, but it never says the others also have to know as much he does. so arthur keeps it hidden, but takes all the precautions; he makes sure everything is planned well and that everyone is trained in gun combat ( even the first class flight attendant specially the first class flight attendant ), knowing that worse that could happen would be dying in a dream, which for arthur, only meant waking up at that point. arthur was sure they could go thru with it cause as he says in the movie “it’s nothing they haven’t dealt with before”.
I love the level of calmness arthur was exuding when cobb tears him a new one and while it could be simply because arthurs life long experience of dealing with cranky cobb, there was also this hint of resigned “I’ve been expecting this” nature to his demeanour that was too calm, even for arthur. He tries to calm cobb down in the most placating manner cause Arthur must’ve decided that he deserves whatever that’s coming along his way and has been ready to take the blame since day one and tries his damndest to make sure everyone makes it out alive cause he was prepared and was sure. arthur didn’t mind playing the betrayer so that cobb could walk away guilt free out of inception.
however, what arthur never, ever expected was the person he has considered as his closest friend, to betray him and everyone else in the worst possible manner.
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dreamingdruka · 2 months
just discovered that inception: the cobol job, which i thought was just a normal still comic, is actually an motion comic. MY MIND IS FUCKING BLOWN ITS SO GOOD????!?!!??!?!?
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papermoonknight · 3 years
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Inception: The Cobol Job (2010) Cover
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read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3l9KmBV
by storm_of_sharp_things
Did Nash end up given to Cobol? Dom may have shrugged it off, but you know damn well Arthur would follow up, detail-oriented point man that he is. After the Fischer job, after he and Eames settle a bit, and well after a particular bit of personal history and attraction Arthur thought was long past. Oh, and there are escape rooms. Because ESCAPE ROOMS.
Words: 2544, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Inception (2010)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Arthur (Inception), Eames (Inception), Nash (Inception)
Relationships: Arthur/Eames (Inception), Arthur/Eames/Nash (Inception)
Additional Tags: tidying up loose ends, Escape Rooms, New Beginnings, bit of, Dom/sub Undertones
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3l9KmBV
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tanteikid13 · 5 years
Something I see in a lot of Inception fanfic is Arthur following Cobb around from place to place, them traveling together between jobs and that's an interesting take
It's just not one I agree with?
Pretty early in the movie before Saito contracts them, the two establish that after the mess that was the Cobol job, Cobb is going to Buenos Aires and Arthur? He's heading stateside. Sure, one could argue that they were splitting up specifically because Arthur was heading stateside, but the conversation implies no prior knowledge or coordation between the two so they could travel together after the job.
I'd even go so far as to say they might not always work together? Cobb's issues with Mal definitely do seem like they've been getting worse over time, since he's been entrusting the "architect" role to others like Nash, but Arthur not catching on to how bad it's gotten?
In that first extraction with Saito at the party, Arthur isn't surprised that Mal shows up but he also isn't expecting it. Cobb, on the other hand, immediately diverts to go to her. He also trusts that Dom can take care of it and doesn't seem worried that she's there. He leaves with a mild "We're here to work", which doesn't strike me as the sort of thing he would do had he known she would compromise the job.
Regardless, Arthur and Cobb don't vacation together, so you know who Arthur could be vacationing with while Cobb is lying low?
Someone he knows is in Mombasa
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How important is coding?
Coding is and has always been the most futuristic job. It will remain relevant until the end of technology because apparently without coding you cannot design a program or give a new shape to A.I (Artificial Intelligence).
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Coding, also known as programming, basically implies writing codes for computer programming or building web pages and applications. HTML/CSS, PHP, Javascript, C+, and Dot Net are few of the examples of most adopted programming languages. Whatever we see inside a computer, on the internet, or machines with a graphical interface such as a smartphone is basically made from coding.
Coding as a Tech Job
8 out of 25 jobs posted are Tech Jobs. With the rising demand of developers, coding has become an essential skill in almost every resume.
The essence and importance of programming cannot be denied in today’s world where almost everything built by human runs on arrays of codes.
Large conglomerates such as Apple, Google, and Microsoft who house thousands of employees demand expert programmers. Although an exceptional case, a programmer made as much as $3million a year in salary and stock at Google. This makes coding the most sought after job in the world.
The most sought after Tech jobs in the world are as follows;
·         Information Technology (IT) worker
·         Data Analysts
·         Artists and designers
·         Engineers
·         Scientists
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2012, the average salary for an application software developer was $93,000, with only 10 percent of such developers making more than $139,000 in salary.
10x Engineer
10x Engineer implies that the computer engineer can code 10 times faster any average coder or he can do 10 times more than any coder. They are the highest-paid tech workers in the world. Although a popular concept, there are likely only 1% 10x Engineers in the world.
Along with the coding, testing the application, debugging, and designing (UI/X) are equally important job descriptions. However, the demand for a coder exceeds any other tech jobs.
Importance of Coding
Developing a program through coding involves a series of steps where a programmer will define a problem, plans a solution, code, test the code, and finally document the program. The importance of coding can be simplified through the following points.
Systems Knowledge
Coding helps a programmer to gain a full understanding of the how and why of computer systems, including system limitations. They can work around those limitations to fully maximize the use of the equipment and its accessories.
Creativity Platform
Coding has always been a platform to showcase creativity, especially for entertainment. With the help of coding, the game develops can create new video games, graphics, and animations to showcase new business ideas or to resolve a particular problem.
Interactive Education
Coding helps in interactive education by offering interactive web applications. Used on online learning platforms, these applications have allowed distance-learning programs to take off. Today, almost all major learning institutions have some form of online learning implementation, thanks to computer programming such as cloud computing.
Defining the Future
Every major futuristic accomplishment has been done by programming. Future-technology such as voice-recognition, artificial intelligence, and touch-simulation in devices keep evolving and getting better with the advent of new coding. The rise in online shopping gave way to eCommerce and easy online payment systems. A.I. in smartphone and websites can offer suggestions, advice, or solutions at ago.
Machine Language
Since computers work with numbers, programming allows a person to represent machine-language in a human-readable format. This reduces the chances of introducing errors and wasted time in debugging and correcting mistakes
Different Programming Languages
A programming language is known as a vocabulary with a set of grammatical rules instructing a computer or computing device to perform specific tasks.
Although the term programming language usually referred to high-level languages, such as BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, Java, FORTRAN, Ada, and Pascal, today it is used for almost every set of a programming languages such as PHP, Javascript, Python, Dot Net, and C+.
Some of the most implemented programming languages are as follows;
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More than 80% of the internet is powered by PHP. Everything ranging from website, applications, to portals are designed in PHP. Since its inception, PHP developers have always been in high demand. Due to the availability of open-source content management systems, frameworks and a good compromise of speed, code quality, and development PHP are chosen as the developer’s tool for years.
Laravel remains one of the most adopted PHP frameworks that is used to develop dynamic web pages.
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C++ is an all-purpose object-oriented programming (OOP) language. C and C+ were its predecessors. The main highlight of C++ is a collection of predefined classes, which are data types that can be instantiated multiple times
Dot Net
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The advent of Dot Net improved development experience and relieved engineers from security operations, active memory management, and other low-level efforts that C/C++ developers had to bother with.
.NET is a language-independent framework that provides programming guidelines to develop a wide range of applications for web, mobile, and Windows-based applications. The .NET framework can work with several programming languages such as C#, VB.NET, C++, and F#.
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JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language with first-class functions. While it is most well-known as the scripting language for Web pages, many non-browser environments also use it, such as Node.js, Apache CouchDB and Adobe Acrobat.
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AngularJS was developed to tackle the growing needs of developers. It is a structural framework for dynamic web apps and uses HTML as the template language. It is a JavaScript-based open-source framework used for building a front-end web application.
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Node JS relies on Javascript and uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. It remains perfect for data-intensive real-time applications running across distributed devices.
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React JS is an open-source JavaScript library designed by Facebook. It is used for building user interfaces or front-end framework specifically for single-page applications. It is used for handling the view layer for web and mobile apps.
Most Demanded Programming Language
Here are the Top 7 programming languages with the most job postings on Indeed as of January 2019.
·         Java – 65,986 jobs
·         Python – 61,818 jobs
·         Javascript – 38,018 jobs
·         C++ – 36,798 jobs
·         C# – 27,521 jobs
·         PHP – 16,890 jobs
·         PERL – 13, 727 jobs
How can I learn to code?
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It is easy to learn coding if you can invest few hours of your day learning the basics of programming, such as language (PHP for dynamic web page, Swift or C for iOS mobile apps, and Java for Android apps), code implementation, toolset, framework, testing, and developing applications or web pages.
Online Courses
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Online courses offer you a flexible schedule. You can learn the coding at the comfort of your home. Most online courses offer classes and conduct exams in return for a small fee.
The Odin Project is one of the sites offering an online course on programming for solo practitioners.
Subscription-model certification courses from Udacity or Treehouse offer an opportunity to ask a tutor.
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You can get free practical JavaScript course from Watch and Code, which revolves around a single project that you continually iterate.
Watching videos and tutorials, reading e-books, and practicing your own project can help you gain programming knowledge quicker than you can think.
The ability to code comes with greater benefits. You can find a high-paying job at almost any Tech company. With the rising demand for programmers, you are less likely to be returned from job interviews.
The important thing to keep in mind to keep yourself updated. With the changing face of technology comes bigger challenges such as keeping yourself updated, learning the additional language for larger outreach, and collaborating with like-minded personnel’s. The GitHub offers a large resource of knowledge, codes, and an opportunity to collaborate with programmers around the world.
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filmflits · 6 years
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray
Nieuwe Film Merchandise op https://filmflits.nl/inception-4k-ultra-hd-bluray/
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray
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EAN: 5051889614326
INFO: 4K_BLURAY | Engels | 05 december 2017
PRIJS: €29,99
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray Gegevens
Releasedatum: 05 december 2017
Distributeur: Warner Bros Home Entertainment
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray Cast & Crew
Acteur(s): Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanabe, Tom Berenger, Marion Cotillard, Cillian Murphy, Dileep Rao
Regisseur(s): Christopher Nolan
Personage: Geen personage
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray Kijkwijzer
Advies: Angst, Geweld
Adviesleeftijd: Vanaf 12 jaar
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray Specificaties
Drager: 4K_BLURAY
Aantal stuks in verpakking: 2 discs
Verpakking: Amaray
Speelduur: 142:00 minuten
Regiocode: 2
Taal: Engels
Overige talen: Spaans, Italiaans, Portugees, Catalaans, Pools, Frans, Duits
Ondertiteling: Engels voor doven en slechthorenden, Nederlands, Frans, Spaans
Beeldkleur: Color
Beeldformaat: 16:9, 2.35:1
Audio: Dolby digital 5.1, DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
Extra’s: • Dreams: Cinema of the Subconscious • Prologue – Inception: The Cobol Job Digital Comic • 5.1 Soundtrack Selections From Hans Zimmer’s Versatile Score • The Inception of Inception • The Japanese Castle: The Dream Is Collapsing • Constructing Paradoxical Architecture • The Freight Train
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray Cijfers en feiten
Tagline: The dream is real
Budget: $ 160.000.000
Filmlocatie(s): Engeland, Japan, Canada, Frankrijk, Verenigde Staten
Oorspronkelijke productie: USA, Groot-Brittannië
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detype54-blog · 5 years
Would Our Internet Developer Sell United States A Junk Style?
A web site is a software application plan. By meaning, a bundle is a ready-made program that is readily available to users for use to carry out some jobs. These users include non-IT experts. Therefore, a website qualifies to be a plan like Microsoft Office, Peachtree Accounting plans.
Prior to the revolution of The Web (WWW), development of software plan was the special preserve of experienced programmers. Programmers or software application developers develop the reasoning of programs which a plan will eventually use to operate. This logic structure aspect of software application advancement needs high level of intelligence. This together with the complexities of mastering programs languages made the advancement of packages unattractive and dull to a large spectrum of individuals.
Following the transformation of The Web, it became possible for non-programmers to establish packages right from the inception. These are web-based packages and naturally, website, needing no programming abilities. The outcome was the development of a new type of profession called Web Design. A web designer is someone who arranges a websites by arranging texts, photos, animations, types etc on a page and formats them to produce good presentation. All he needs do is to utilize any of the appropriate web advancement tools like Macromedia Visual Studio and Microsoft FrontPage. Through the Design area of Macromedia Dreamweaver, for instance, you can http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/web design northampton create an entire web page without using HTML codes. What you have is a web site. A web site is several web pages. These web advancement tools are the equivalent of what the popular bundle Adobe PageMaker does which is to arrange and format pages of books, magazines, papers and so on. No programs is needed.
The restriction of web creating is the development of static web websites which may appropriate for some applications but not all. They produce non-dynamic and non-interactive website that disagree for particular applications and requirements. For instance, online registration. The role of a web designer stops at this moment which of a web developer starts. As a result of the restriction of fixed web sites, the requirement to move further developed. Individuals desired websites where they might post types for jobs like developing accounts online and authentication of passwords. This led to the advancement of web programs languages otherwise called scripts. Examples are JavaScript, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, PHP, ColdFusion and so on. The result was the production of the profession of web programming. A web developer is somebody who develops programs for the purpose of carrying out automated tasks on a web website. Some choose to call them software designers. Example of such jobs are:
Information recognition.
Kind submission.
Sign Up.
Database search.
Thus, it became possible to develop vibrant and interactive website capable of doing what conventional software could do on stand-alone computer system and network using non-internet technologies. Online banking, stock broking are examples. These functions can now be brought out entirely on internet. To establish practical scripts for such automated jobs, logic building and mastery of the shows language to utilize in terms of syntax are required. The majority of the programs are written from scratch.
Can you be a web designer and a web developer? Yes, you can. There are individuals who double as web designer and web developer but experts are noted for doing much better in their respective fields of specialization than non-specialists. Some sites do not require more than web designing but lots of websites nowadays need both website design and web shows like the multi-tier applications that have presentation layer, the reasoning layer that interfaces the presentation layer with the database, and the information layer that includes the database. There are even database experts who design database and write what is called saved procedures and sets off right inside the database. Making use of stored procedures increases the general performance of website execution as it reduces the number of times SQL statements are parsed, put together, and optimized during execution. You can see that website advancement is rather deep.
The functions of web designers and web programmers are complementary in the advancement of website. You need to recognize where your ability lies and allow that to notify your choice of location of specialization. If you know you have the ability to write programs, you can exceed web designing and become a web developer but if it is otherwise, stick to website https://www.detype.com/ design and continue to grow and sharpen your skills. The reality of the matter is that shows is not for everybody.
If you are a traditional graphic artist, you will find it simple to crossover to website design and if you are a traditional programmer, you can easily crossover to web programs. What I indicate by conventional graphic artists are those who have the expertise in making use of tools like CorelDraw, Photoshop, and PageMaker to perform Desktop Publishing jobs. By standard programmers, I mean the experts in shows languages like C++, FoxPro, COBOL, and Dbase.
As long as you can determine where your ability lies, you will surely overcome aggravations in your tasks of developing web sites and you will continue to enjoy what you are doing. If you are a web designer and you have a task that involves programming which you can not deal with, look for help from a web programmer. If you are a web developer and you are having problems with web developing in your job, seek the assistance of a web designer. If you can handle both locations to an extremely big level, well and good.
A lot of trusted web designers understand not to choose a web host just since they are the most popular or because they provide the cheapest web hosting. Some sites do not need more than web designing but lots of sites nowadays need both web designing and web programming like the multi-tier applications that have presentation layer, the logic layer that interfaces the discussion layer with the database, and the data layer that contains the database. The roles of web designers and web programmers are complementary in the development of web site. If you know you have the capability to compose programs, you can go beyond web designing and end up being a web developer but if it is otherwise, stick to web developing and continue to grow and hone your abilities. If you are a web developer and you are having problems with web designing in your job, look for the assistance of a web designer.
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 2 months
Inception 30 day challenge 2024
Day 25: When Saito was a child, what did he want to be when he grew up?
elephant owner/herder.
ever since the trip to his hometown when he was five, he had been mesmerised by the majestic creature, the royal walk which commands respect and dignity. he was amazed by how such a gargantuan being would harm no one, getting its sustenance from leaves while the mere presence of the creature would shake any animal to their core, including the terrifying canines. as he grew up, he couldn’t stick to his childhood fantasy career, but he took inspiration from the idea of the animal to build his empire; gentle yet intimidating. he went on to own a couple of tuskers but he never caged them, just making sure they are well protected in their own habitat.
so when the cobbs second in command started to tell him about elephants, of all the things, saito knew he could rely on their work, despite the botched cobol job, that mr arthur has well and truly researched him, that they have passed the test. that he’d entrust inception to them.
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webart-studio · 6 years
The rising pressure of ladies in tech – Search Engine Land
Whereas they comprise half of the U.S. workforce, ladies nonetheless maintain lower than 20 % of all tech jobs. By comparability, ladies will symbolize 23 percent of the incoming 116th Congress.
Let’s let that sink in for a second.
Congress, by the numbers, is now extra progressive and fewer of a “boys’ membership” than the know-how sector. However whereas these numbers might really feel shocking, diving into the background of ladies and tech — exploring the early feminine tech pioneers and what the longer term holds for girls within the business — really paints an image that’s far much less bleak. Stick with us; it’s price a deep-dive.
The parable of the male tech genius
Check out the latest and present legends on the tech enjoying discipline and also you gained’t discover a lot gender variety: Jobs, Gates, Zuckerberg, Web page, Brin. And if you begin to examine enterprise capital funding mechanisms and startup incubators, it turns into clear that the business has a historical past of mythologizing — even fetishizing — unreasonable males of “genius” whereas shutting out different genders and skillsets. Sadly, the ensuing lack of feminine position fashions isn’t solely unhealthy for the recruitment of ladies into the business, however it additionally perpetuates the unfaithful stereotype that ladies can’t lower it as tech leaders.
There’s even a subset of males within the business who would have us consider that there’s something inherent, even organic, preserving ladies from getting into and attaining inside the sector. This sexist perspective isn’t solely unhealthy science, it’s additionally costing firms {dollars}. Actually, there may be proof that tech firms with ladies in management positions are measurably extra profitable than people who aren’t. A latest survey of over 20,000 corporations throughout 91 international locations discovered that companies with ladies of their C-suite tended to extend their internet revenue margins. As for startups, Forbes has reported that women-built companies herald some 20 % extra income for half the cash invested; they’ve over a 3rd greater ROI when enterprise backed; and so they generate 12 % extra income, general, than male-run startups.
The numbers don’t lie: ladies are good for enterprise. And if the mythological male tech genius isn’t profitable for firms, perhaps it’s time for one thing else. Fortunately, there have been ladies quietly paving the way in which in tech, all alongside. Let’s have a look.
A gender fairness mannequin
Whereas the present tech atmosphere is much from ideally suited with regards to gender parity, the street traveled by early feminine tech pioneers was inarguably even bumpier. The truth that many ladies, regardless of usually overwhelming social obstacles, left indelible marks of their rising fields is each a trigger for hope and a mannequin for a brand new sort of tech business nonetheless rising.
Mathematician Grace Hopper, an early pioneer in coding, might have been often called the Queen of Laptop Code, however she by no means rose to Jobs-level fame. Past her achievements in coding, she additionally labored her method up the ranks of the U.S. Navy to turn out to be a Rear Admiral, changing into so indispensable that she was recalled from retirement a number of occasions, with Congress ultimately granting her permission to work past the traditional obligatory retirement age. “Superb Grace” Hopper contributed to the event of UNIVAC, helped develop the COBOL and FORTRAN programming languages, and made huge contributions to creating requirements and bettering computing all through navy and civilian follow.
Later within the twentieth century, American programmer and engineer Radia Perlman created the spanning-tree protocol (STP), a basic piece of community bridges and a foundational a part of what would turn out to be the web as we all know it. The MIT-educated Ph.D. and creator continues to work within the pc science discipline, refining and innovating on her earlier developments. She’s downplayed her contributions, saying, “In engineering, the purpose is to get the job carried out, and individuals are completely happy to assist. You need to be beneficiant with credit score, and you ought to be completely happy to assist others” — an perspective some tech leaders may study a factor or two from.
Supporting potential and variety
Happily for all of us, folks — each female and male — are waking as much as the gender-equity tech downside. There at the moment are organizations throughout the U.S. and the world actively supporting and educating ladies within the STEM discipline. A number of notables embody:
Ladies in Engineering ProActive Community (WEPAN), whose objective is to remodel the tradition in engineering schooling, making the environment and tradition of engineering extra amenable to ladies. They assist a community of scholars at over 150 campuses throughout the U.S. and attain nicely over half of the feminine engineering pupil inhabitants of the nation.
Nationwide Ladies Collaborative Tasks (NCGP) works to extend sources accessible to women that may increase schooling and profession curiosity in STEM fields. Since 2002, they’ve engaged 31 collaborative networks to make extra and higher STEM studying sources accessible in 39 states.
Ladies Who Code, based by Reshma Saujani, an American lawyer and politician, has reached over 90,000 ladies throughout all 50 states. In response to Saujani, the group has reached a tipping level in its mission to construct ladies’ capabilities, careers, and communities in pc engineering—and is on observe to realize gender parity in pc science by 2027.
Charitable efforts alone gained’t resolve the gender hole; fortunately, they gained’t should. In an effort to deal with the issue, construct stronger organizations, and make more cash, some tech firms are beginning to work on the issue as nicely, making aware investments in variety and dealing to advance ladies into management roles.
Cloud-based CRM large Salesforce, for instance, embraces variety as a core firm worth and has a Chief Equality Officer who oversees nonprofit partnerships that assist variety, audits of pay gaps, and different initiatives to make sure variety and equality. And different energy gamers within the tech discipline, like Dell, IBM and Intuit have scored excessive in elevating gender equality and variety all through their tradition and insurance policies as nicely.
The longer term seems (extra) feminine
Establishments and companies don’t make change in a vacuum, and the very fact stays that particular person ladies inside the business have been pushing onerous for reforms since its inception. On the age of 26, for instance, programmer Samantha John based Hopscotch to show kids to program video games and animations of their very own. British tech entrepreneur Kathryn Parsons co-founded and serves as co-CEO of Decoded, a London-based startup with a mission to show novices to code in a day and enhance digital literacy, together with in any other case underserved populations. On the identical time that these startups are serving to construct entry to tech know-how, high-profile gamers like YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki and Fb COO Sheryl Sandberg supply highly effective examples for girls in tech management.
Right here at CallTrackingMetrics, we consider gender fairness is a aggressive benefit, and we’re proud that greater than half of our workers are feminine. Having a powerful feminine crew helps us entice gifted ladies who might not really feel at residence at different know-how firms. It additionally provides us a bonus in referring to our buyer base, significantly within the promoting business, the place 85% of shopper campaigns purpose to succeed in ladies.
It stays to be seen whether or not the present efforts and a focus will likely be sufficient, in the long term, to counterbalance the undercurrent that lingers within the business. However this 12 months’s modifications to Congress function a probable indicator of issues to return throughout all fields and industries, the place ladies are working to shake issues up. And, we’re assured that good and savvy companies will observe go well with.
About The Creator
CallTrackingMetrics offers dialog intelligence to hundreds of companies, worldwide. From understanding which advertising and marketing campaigns are driving conversions to superior name automation for contact heart operations, we arm companies with the instruments to remodel communications into actionable intelligence.
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source https://webart-studio.com/the-rising-pressure-of-ladies-in-tech-search-engine-land/
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The growing force of women in tech
While they comprise half of the U.S. workforce, women still hold less than 20 percent of all tech jobs. By comparison, women will represent 23 percent of the incoming 116th Congress.
Let’s let that sink in for a moment.
Congress, by the numbers, is now more progressive and less of a “boys’ club” than the technology sector. But while those numbers may feel surprising, diving into the background of women and tech — exploring the early female tech pioneers and what the future holds for women in the industry — actually paints a picture that’s far less bleak. Stay with us; it’s worth a deep-dive.
The myth of the male tech genius
Take a look at the recent and current legends on the tech playing field and you won’t find much gender diversity: Jobs, Gates, Zuckerberg, Page, Brin. And when you start to read about venture capital funding mechanisms and startup incubators, it becomes clear that the industry has a history of mythologizing — even fetishizing — unreasonable men of “genius” while shutting out other genders and skillsets. Unfortunately, the resulting lack of female role models is not only bad for the recruitment of women into the industry, but it also perpetuates the untrue stereotype that women can’t cut it as tech leaders.
There’s even a subset of men in the industry who would have us believe that there is something inherent, even biological, keeping women from entering and achieving within the sector. This sexist attitude is not only bad science, it’s also costing companies dollars. In fact, there is evidence that tech companies with women in leadership positions are measurably more successful than those that aren’t. A recent survey of over 20,000 firms across 91 countries found that businesses with women in their C-suite tended to increase their net profit margins. As for startups, Forbes has reported that women-built businesses bring in some 20 percent more revenue for half the money invested; they have over a third higher ROI when venture backed; and they generate 12 percent more revenue, overall, than male-run startups.
The numbers don’t lie: women are good for business. And if the mythological male tech genius isn’t lucrative for companies, maybe it’s time for something else. Thankfully, there have been women quietly paving the way in tech, all along. Let’s take a look.
A gender equity model
While the current tech environment is far from ideal when it comes to gender parity, the road traveled by early female tech pioneers was inarguably even bumpier. The fact that many women, despite often overwhelming social obstacles, left indelible marks in their emerging fields is both a cause for hope and a model for a new type of tech industry still emerging.
Mathematician Grace Hopper, an early pioneer in coding, may have been known as the Queen of Computer Code, but she never rose to Jobs-level fame. Beyond her achievements in coding, she also worked her way up the ranks of the U.S. Navy to become a Rear Admiral, becoming so indispensable that she was recalled from retirement multiple times, with Congress eventually granting her permission to work beyond the normal mandatory retirement age. “Amazing Grace” Hopper contributed to the development of UNIVAC, helped develop the COBOL and FORTRAN programming languages, and made enormous contributions to developing standards and improving computing throughout military and civilian practice.
Later in the twentieth century, American programmer and engineer Radia Perlman created the spanning-tree protocol (STP), a fundamental piece of network bridges and a foundational part of what would become the internet as we know it. The MIT-educated Ph.D. and author continues to work in the computer science field, refining and innovating on her earlier developments. She’s downplayed her contributions, saying, “In engineering, the point is to get the job done, and people are happy to help. You should be generous with credit, and you should be happy to help others” — an attitude some tech leaders could learn a thing or two from.
Supporting potential and diversity
Fortunately for all of us, people — both male and female — are waking up to the gender-equity tech problem. There are now organizations across the U.S. and the world actively supporting and educating women in the STEM field. A few notables include:
Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN), whose goal is to transform the culture in engineering education, making the atmosphere and culture of engineering more amenable to women. They support a network of students at over 150 campuses across the U.S. and reach well over half of the female engineering student population of the country.
National Girls Collaborative Projects (NCGP) works to increase resources available to girls that will boost education and career interest in STEM fields. Since 2002, they’ve engaged 31 collaborative networks to make more and better STEM learning resources available in 39 states.
Girls Who Code, founded by Reshma Saujani, an American lawyer and politician, has reached over 90,000 girls across all 50 states. According to Saujani, the organization has reached a tipping point in its mission to build girls’ capabilities, careers, and communities in computer engineering—and is on track to achieve gender parity in computer science by 2027.
Charitable efforts alone won’t solve the gender gap; luckily, they won’t have to. In an effort to address the problem, build stronger organizations, and make more money, some tech companies are starting to work on the problem as well, making conscious investments in diversity and working to advance women into leadership roles.
Cloud-based CRM giant Salesforce, for example, embraces diversity as a core company value and has a Chief Equality Officer who oversees nonprofit partnerships that support diversity, audits of pay gaps, and other initiatives to ensure diversity and equality. And other power players in the tech field, like Dell, IBM and Intuit have scored high in elevating gender equality and diversity throughout their culture and policies as well.
The future looks (more) female
Institutions and businesses don’t make change in a vacuum, and the fact remains that individual women within the industry have been pushing hard for reforms since its inception. At the age of 26, for example, programmer Samantha John founded Hopscotch to teach children to program games and animations of their own. British tech entrepreneur Kathryn Parsons co-founded and serves as co-CEO of Decoded, a London-based startup with a mission to teach novices to code in a day and increase digital literacy, including otherwise underserved populations. At the same time that these startups are helping build access to tech know-how, high-profile players like YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg offer powerful examples for women in tech leadership.
Here at CallTrackingMetrics, we believe gender equity is a competitive advantage, and we’re proud that more than half of our employees are female. Having a strong female team helps us attract talented women who may not feel at home at other technology companies. It also gives us an advantage in relating to our customer base, particularly in the advertising industry, where 85% of consumer campaigns aim to reach women.
It remains to be seen whether the current efforts and attention will be enough, in the long run, to counterbalance the undercurrent that lingers in the industry. But this year’s changes to Congress serve as a likely indicator of things to come across all fields and industries, where women are working to shake things up. And, we’re confident that smart and savvy businesses will follow suit.
The post The growing force of women in tech appeared first on Marketing Land.
from Marketing Land https://ift.tt/2RBu7NM
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ranpoint · 7 years
arthur is a very skeptical person . he knows the world , he’s seen the bad stuff , he’s been apart of it , been on the end of it . he’s not really the one for lifting spirits in a time of trouble . he’ll get them out of the situation , sure , but he won’t help anyone feel better about it . the thing that surprises me the most though is this quote from the movie: we have dealt with sub-security before. if we be a little more careful we're gonna be fine! (it sounds a bit wrong , i got it off his wiki so i don’t think it’s 100% accurate but w/e) he said that they’re gonna be fine . it’s obviously not this deep , except maybe it is because nolan is a deep shit and everything has a meaning but anyways , when i read this all i could think about was cobb . arthur has followed cobb all over the world , he didn’t have to , he wasn’t in trouble with the (american) law , he wasn’t banned from the country , he could go back anytime he wanted to ( and he had planned too , after the cobol job went to shit ) but he stuck with cobb , he stayed with him even though his subconscious was constantly tearing him to pieces , he was getting killed by mal in almost every dream , cobb was getting more distant and cold , he kept spinning his fucking top and no matter how many times they fought , both of them so stubborn , arthur never left . this last job though , this one last job , arthur wants it to work out more than anything . he wants to finish it , he wants the inception to work , he’s followed cobb for so long and he wants him to go home , he wants him to see his kids , he wants the running to be over . ( but also , cobb is the king of dramatics , arthur is also 100% most likely just FED UP with his annoying ass . )
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mobileappsdubai · 7 years
Web Site Development – The Roles of Web Designers and Web Programmers
A web site is a software package. By definition, a package is a ready-made program that is available to users for use to perform some tasks. These users include non-IT professionals. Thus, a web site qualifies to be a package like Microsoft Office, Peachtree Accounting packages.
Before the revolution of The Web (WWW), development of software package was the exclusive preserve of skillful programmers. Programmers or software developers develop the logic of programs which a package will eventually use to function. This logic building aspect of software development requires high level of intellect. This together with the intricacies of mastering programming languages made the development of packages uninteresting and unattractive to a large spectrum of people.
Following the revolution of The Web, it became possible for non-programmers to develop packages right from the inception. These are web-based packages and of course, web sites, requiring no programming skills. The result was the creation of a new type of profession called Web Design. A web designer is someone who organizes a web page by arranging texts, pictures, animations, forms etc on a page and formats them to produce good presentation. All he needs do is to make use of any of the appropriate web development tools like Macromedia Visual Studio and Microsoft FrontPage. Through the Design section of Macromedia Dreamweaver, for example, you can design a whole web page without using HTML codes. What you have is a web site. A web site is one or more web pages. These web development tools are the equivalent of what the popular package Adobe PageMaker does which is to organize and format pages of books, magazines, newspapers etc. No programming is required.
The limitation of web designing is the creation of static web sites which may be suitable for some applications but not all. They produce non-interactive and non-dynamic web sites that are unsuitable for certain applications and needs. For example, online registration. The role of a web designer stops at this point and that of a web programmer begins. As a result of the limitation of static web sites, the need to move further arose. People wanted sites where they could post forms for tasks like creating accounts online and authentication of passwords. This led to the development of web programming languages otherwise known as scripts. Examples are JavaScript, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, PHP, ColdFusion etc. The result was the creation of the profession of web programming. A web programmer is someone who develops programs for the purpose of performing automated tasks on a web site. Some prefer to call them software developers. Example of such tasks are:
Data validation.
Form submission.
Sign Up.
Database search.
Thus, it became possible to develop dynamic and interactive web sites capable of doing what conventional software could do on stand-alone computer and network using non-internet technologies. Online banking, stock broking are examples. These functions can now be carried out entirely on internet. To develop functional scripts for such automated tasks, logic building and mastery of the programming language to use in terms of syntax are required. Most of the programs are written from scratch.
Can you be a web designer and a web programmer? Yes, you can. There are people who double as web designer and web programmer but specialists are noted for doing better in their respective fields of specialization than non-specialists. Some sites do not require more than web designing but many sites nowadays require both web designing and web programming like the multi-tier applications that have presentation layer, the logic layer that interfaces the presentation layer with the database, and the data layer that contains the database. There are even database specialists who design database and write what is called stored procedures and triggers right inside the database. The use of stored procedures increases the overall efficiency of site execution as it minimizes the number of times SQL statements are parsed, compiled, and optimized during execution. You can see that site development is quite deep.
The roles of web designers and web programmers are complementary in the development of web site. You need to identify where your ability lies and allow that to inform your choice of area of specialization. If you know you have the ability to write programs, you can go beyond web designing and become a web programmer but if it is otherwise, stick to web designing and continue to grow and sharpen your skills. The truth of the matter is that programming is not for everybody.
If you are a conventional graphic artist, you will find it easy to crossover to web designing and if you are a conventional programmer, you can readily crossover to web programming. What I mean by conventional graphic artists are those who have the expertise in the use of tools like CorelDraw, Photoshop, and PageMaker to perform Desktop Publishing tasks. By conventional programmers, I mean the experts in programming languages like C++, FoxPro, COBOL, and Dbase.
As long as you can determine where your ability lies, you will surely overcome frustrations in your tasks of developing web sites and you will continue to enjoy what you are doing. If you are a web designer and you have a job that involves programming which you cannot handle, look for assistance from a web programmer. If you are a web programmer and you are having issues with web designing in your task, seek the assistance of a web designer. If you can handle both areas to a very large extent, well and good.
Article Source: http://ift.tt/2rruYax
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from WordPress http://ift.tt/2rrtdtK via IFTTT
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filmflits · 6 years
Tumblr media
Nieuwe Film Merchandise op https://filmflits.nl/inception-4k-ultra-hd-bluray/
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray
EAN: 5051889614326
INFO: 4K_BLURAY | Engels | 05 december 2017
PRIJS: €29,99
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray Gegevens
Releasedatum: 05 december 2017
Distributeur: Warner Bros Home Entertainment
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray Cast & Crew
Acteur(s): Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanabe, Tom Berenger, Marion Cotillard, Cillian Murphy, Dileep Rao
Regisseur(s): Christopher Nolan
Personage: Geen personage
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray Kijkwijzer
Advies: Angst, Geweld
Adviesleeftijd: Vanaf 12 jaar
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray Specificaties
Drager: 4K_BLURAY
Aantal stuks in verpakking: 2 discs
Verpakking: Amaray
Speelduur: 142:00 minuten
Regiocode: 2
Taal: Engels
Overige talen: Spaans, Italiaans, Portugees, Catalaans, Pools, Frans, Duits
Ondertiteling: Engels voor doven en slechthorenden, Nederlands, Frans, Spaans
Beeldkleur: Color
Beeldformaat: 16:9, 2.35:1
Audio: Dolby digital 5.1, DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
Extra’s: • Dreams: Cinema of the Subconscious • Prologue – Inception: The Cobol Job Digital Comic • 5.1 Soundtrack Selections From Hans Zimmer’s Versatile Score • The Inception of Inception • The Japanese Castle: The Dream Is Collapsing • Constructing Paradoxical Architecture • The Freight Train
Inception 4K Ultra HD Bluray Cijfers en feiten
Tagline: The dream is real
Budget: $ 160.000.000
Filmlocatie(s): Engeland, Japan, Canada, Frankrijk, Verenigde Staten
Oorspronkelijke productie: USA, Groot-Brittannië
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