#In which there are two Sunblades on this list and Gin has a problem
drunkenworgen · 7 years
Similar: Three members of the same sex they find attractive. Different: Three members of the opposite sex they find attractiv
My Character Must Confess in Threes
“There’s an…elven woman ah know.  Ah’ve no’ seen ‘er in a long while, bu’,” she trailed off, looking back down at her work. ( @unholysunblade; AU)
“Kiya.  An’ she knows.  She enjoys exploitin’ ‘at lil’ fact.”  ( @kiyastrasza; AU, MU, and everything in between)
“ ‘At Wieda’s quite attractive, as well.  Shame we didn’ meet sooner.”  ( @wiedaashcroft; MU)
“Terrick, o’course.  Those blood red eyes an’ dashin’ charm o’ ‘is.  Makes me weak in th’knees.”  ( @terrick-ebonsteed; MU)
“Gatz - while ‘e can be a bit of an arse - is dashin’.  Ah’ve grown rather fond o’ ‘im over our time t’gether,” her voice trailed off as she toyed with the beads in her hair.  ( @brashtide-menace; AU)
Gin takes a moment to think, swirling her whiskey around in her glass.  “There’s a ‘igh elf ah know, named Anierous.  ‘E’s quite pleasin’ t’look at.” ( @anierous-sunblade; for your high elf AU)
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