#In this house Adriens pain is acknowledged and not justified for the sake of other characters smaller problems
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familyagrestefanblog · 3 years ago
My sugar take on SentiAdrien within the shows canon and me slightly ranting about current bad fandom takes for Adriens situation in general (because FFS guys)
My personal take on Adrien being a Sentimonster is that Emilie created him to be a human (as Thomas DIRECTLY confirmed is indeed possible) out of her emotion of love so strong that it overstepped the limitations of the peacock miraculous and broke it.
And for his creation to have THIS EFFECT on the miraculous he needs to have a quality about himself that seperates him vastly from the other Sentimonsters. So until Canon proves me otherwise this quality of his is for me the fact that Emilie loved and wanted him to be human so much that he actually CAN'T be destroyed out of existence anymore by the peacock miraculous holder. He is an actual human, because that's what he was created to be.
If he were a Sentimonster who still stands under such control of the peacock miraculous (holder) than there would be no reason for the Miraculous to have been so maxed out because of his creation that it's power destroyed and destabilize the jewelry vessel it is contained in. That makes no sense. Adriens creation must have gone at least one solid step BEYOND even the most powerful and perfect Sentimonster that can be created, since maxing the Peacock power out to its limits like this is STILL very much within its natural limitations. Even if it stretches the most upper limit the miraculous has, the creation of even the most powerful and perfect Sentimonster would NOT naturally have the effect of breaking the miraculous. So Adrien can't be a normal Sentimonster whose existence follow the same rules as the others.
Also, I legitimately dig the thought of the Black Cat of Destruction being brought into his Ladybugs world as a Sentimonster through the power of a mothers love so powerful that his creation immediately broke the nature of the source of the unnatural restrictions of his existence until only the direct influence of the sources power on him (here the twin rings) is left to keep him under realitys natural orders control. But if he somehow manages to actually ESCAPE said direct influence he can even destroy them and break free of their control and the last restrictions keeping him from being his own person as a free human being in the world he so desperately wants to be part of.
Yeah not gonna lie, that concept is FIRE and I absolutely adore it!
This would also explain the imo biggest reason what spoke against Adrien being a Sentimonster before the release of "Ephemeral".
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Because in "Chat Blanc" (what a COINCIDENCE that it is this episode and "Ephemeral" that once again form a bigger picture huh?) the wave of destruction that extinct all of humanity including Ladybug and Hawkmoth also obviously would have destroyed the twin rings, of which one was in Gabriels possession and the other still in Emilies as we saw one episode later in "Felix" (again, what a coincidence)
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Yes, the episode didn't show us if Emilie also ended up a corpse of ashes like everyone else, but... it literally is the only logical conclusion when Chat Blanc was the only person left in that future who survived that destruction wave. If Emilies body simply being underground had made her unreachable to Blancs destruction then a whole bunch of other people would have survived his power escalation as well. Unless you wanna make the nonsense argument that somehow Emilie was the only person NOT located on the surface area of earth at that moment then her being uneffected simply doesn't add up to the circumstances Chat Blanc’s future were shown to be: an akumatized Chat Noir was the only survivor because his power escalation turned everyone else into a damn dust corpse.
Meaning so was Emilie and therefore the twin ring she wore as well. And THAT means BOTH of Adriens amok objects got destroyed but he still proceeded to exist despite of it. You can write this off however you want but I'm seeing a bigger picture here and I will talk about it.
Adriens was created out of Emilies emotion of love so powerful that it destroyed/ destabilized the peacock miraculous and put her into a magical coma (death, let's be real) because Emilie pushed the Miraculous beyond its natural limits turning her son into an actual normal human being.
The only Sentimonster quality still about him currently is the fact that he is controlled by whoever wears his control amok rings, but that's only because Adrien was created out of the peacock Sentimonster power which fundamentally require a control object to even begin the creation process and the fact that these rings STILL EXIST. But if these rings were to be destroyed (maybe even only by the power of destruction but who knows) it wouldn't affect him the same way it would a normal Sentimonster. Because he's not. He's a HUMAN.
So here is how I want this go down:
I want it canonly confirmed that Adrien/Chat Noir was indeed created by Emilie with the peacock miraculous power and all its horrific and abusive implications that come with this truth. And the twin rings are his amok control objects that also get used against him to drive home the point of how absolutely horrifying his living conditions were in the villains wrath.
But have two things happen to resolve his terrifying enslavement. It doesn't matter in with order but 1) have a peacock miraculous holder (doesn't matter who right now) actively try to wipe him out of existence but to everyones shock it doesn't work on him. And 2) when Adrien gets his rings and is finally free of everyones outside-force control over him actually let him cataclysm the damn rings. Because he knows that for the rest of his life those rings are too easy to be taken from him again, violating his entire free-will and autonomy. That is a lifetime of living in paranoia and fear because NO ONE should have and never should have HAD this kind of control over him, so he rather leaves by his own choice as a free person instead of someday having to end up completely at someone else's mercy again. For who knows how long and who knows WHAT they will do to him and have him do.
And NO. Don't even start with the arguments of Marinette/Ladybug always getting the rings back for him to save him or even the utterly disgusting option of Marinette (wearing them to) keeping them safe for him.
That's is absolutely NOT the way for the horrifying nature (and TRAUMA) of Adriens fucking life long mental and physical ENSLAVEMENT to be solved! Marinette is in no position and has absolutely NO RIGHT to hold this impossibly wrong amount of power over her future-husband for the rest of their lives. No, she does NOT. Marinette is a human being. A very flawed human being as she is correctly portrayed for the entire show because demanding that she is anything but is outright dehumanizing. It doesn't MATTER how much Marinette loves him and would never try to take advantage of that power; she is a normal and flawed human, she WILL make mistakes and that is completely inevitable! No matter what kind of mistakes it were and if she was even actually at fault in the first place. It's doesn't matter, because this is NOT about her!
And you can't possibly demand from Adrien to just accept, forgive and comfort HER when HE was the one who had to suffer through mental and physical ENSLAVEMENT again (maybe even accidentally by her own hand because she dared to have an impulsive, negative-emotional and instinctive human reaction to something regarding him at ANY POINT of their sheared lifetime). Do you understand the horrific and naturally toxic/abusive nature of this absurdly concerning power imbalance between them in this scenario? Marinette wouldn't even have to make a mistake INTENTIONALLY for Adrien to fall back into his learned survival techniques of self-protection to avoid having to face the terrible consequences of "getting on her bad side". And it doesn't MATTER how sorry Marinette would be afterwards, because Adrien would still life in at least somewhat paranoia and fear of his own wife. And I KNOW for some of yall the husband being afraid of his wife somehow equals to couple goals but keep that shit out of this scenario Miraculous could very likely talk about in the future.
Not only should Marinette absolutely NOT have this much power over the love of her life for his sake, it is also beyond awful to demand of MARINETTE to carry such a burden all her life when she is literally by the nature of human existence set up to make unforgivable mistakes against her loves very humanity! The constant pressure she would be under 24/7 for all her life to not accidentally repeat the same abusive mind control Adrien had to live under and escape from in the highly abusive family he grew up in. The unspeakable guilt she would have to life with whenever a mistake happenes and Adrien is hypocritically forced by himself, maybe even her to some extent, their friends and environment to make and accept excuses for her harmful behavior/ actions towards him because "Gabriel is evil, him doing it was inhumane and unacceptable for Adrien to forgive but Marinette is GOOD! Her hurting him in similar ways can't possibly be compared to Gabriels doings in any way and therefore shouldn't be hold responsible or be treated as such. How DARE Adrien even think about comparing Marinettes actions to Gabriels? She LOVES him! How ungrateful, irrational and selfish of him!"
I hope im getting the point across that this solution is outright one of the worst ways to handle this for every party involved and should NOT be fucking justified by "Adrien just trusts her so much! \^o^/"
Just as the very existence of these damn rings is absolutely unacceptable to go beyond the resolution of this arc. Give Adrien back his rings in season 5 with all the painful knowledge they come with (don't you even DARE argue against that!) and let all the aspects of the show that involve Adriens/Chat Noirs suicidal behavior lead to a massive final act of defiance (because the show is NOT shying away from actually portraying it like this) where everybody god damn HAS to get their shit together and face the reality of his situation no matter how much it upsets them.
Because when Adrien is granted the dignity to do this for himself because he KNOWS he doesn't deserve the fate these rings hold for him and WON'T accept the helpless conditions they bring upon his life AND EVERYBODY HAS TO GOD DAMN DEAL WITH HOW UNBEARABLE THIS IS FOR HIM; it's is THEN that it is revealed for good that destroying the rings has no affect on him and his life turned out to not be as unbearably hopeless as it was made out to be. But everybody is from then on on the same damn page from what horrific pain Adrien/Chat Noir has to come back from for the rest of season 5 and everything Adrien/Chat Noir was put through and is still painfully sidelined for everyone elses sake since the beginning of the show can be properly resolved with them working it out UNITED.
THIS is how I want this to get resolved and I'm not taking any kind of criticism that dismisses Adriens/Chat Noirs pain that has been inflicted upon him til now and still WILL be inflicted on him for any other characters sake. I don't CARE, because the pain has now grown to such a massive size and will utterly mercilessly be brought down on him escalating in the worst way possible in near future that no character is Miraculous comes even CLOSE to what Adrien/Chat Noir has to endure (Marinette/Ladybug is a solid second, but keep in damn mind that Marinette ALWAYS had and always will have HOPE and control and most if not all the agency in the show. She is solid SECOND).
Im more than willing to see what the show has planned since everything that has happened til now is completely within what I expected the show to do, because I'm now more convinced than ever that I KNOW what she show has been leading up to since the very beginning.
I said it before, I'm saying it now and I'll say it a hundred-and-one times again (hah, see what did there), but I legitimately TRUST the show with what is happening but I just KNOW a solid part of the Fandom is gonna piss me off.
So I just had to get this out of my system since I've seen way too many horrible takes in way too short of a time on how the SentiAdrien story aspect should be resolved and I'm not having it right now.
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