#In the sense that God can't do anything beyond being a memetic entity
Some of you, not all of you but some of you fuckass motherfuckers don't seem to understand.
God is real
But not in the sense that the sexist city destroying world deleting homophobic cunt actually has any power to answer your prayers and or make miracles happen.
God or more accurately the Abrahamic God-
(I know there are others but these jokes work better with the funny shrimp denier in the sky don't worry about it kitten)
-is what I would consider essentially a meme given too much power a fictional being people have convinced themselves exist
The god meme works based on the premise that if you don't believe in this God meme/ don't do what people say the God meme says then you will go too hell and burn forever
and if you believe/do the things people say the god meme tells you to do then you go to heaven forever (yippee)
The carrot and the stick essentially
The God meme thrives in echo chambers and amongst reactionary people who don't take the time to consider all the logical fallacies that come with the God meme
It is especially effective towards children because children tend to be gullible
Of course due to the nature of humans and the fact that everyone's experience with the God meme tends to differ
once the God meme has been around long enough we'll slowly start to see different groups of people believe in different versions of what the God meme says
This leads too conflict
You see if someone has been infected by a God meme that says 'Don't eat shrimp'
and someone else has been infected with a God meme that says 'you have to eat shrimp'
and both say that if you don't follow their specific set of rules you go too hell
we get conflict
hellish conflict
You see once someone who has the God meme lodged firmly in their skull realizes that a certain group of people are going too hell forever for not following their God meme. well the moral choice would be to spread the God meme further
The problem arises when those people think the same but for a different God meme, a different set of rules
Then what that person sees is suddenly, not a group of people who need too be saved, but a group of people actively condemning other people to hell forever and vice versa.
You can imagine the consequences
what the fuck are we to do about this?
What be the cure to the God virus?
Well the short answer is teaching the people afflicted about the scientific method and all the logical fallacies that come with believing in God
long answer
No God can be proven to exist anyone who tells you other wise is either lying or ignorant or both confirmation bias is really effective on religious people.
Most of the time pointing out that all the other religions have just as much proof as each other goes a long way towards making people think for them selves
(This also works for the Roko's basilisk because its just pascals wager for edgy Redditt atheists)
The argument 'Well my religion is diffrent because we do this diffrently than everyone else' doesn't work
doesn't make the likelihood of your specific version of the God meme being the right one any higher.
Religious experiences like seeing god or meeting a demon or whatever you think you've experienced can be harder to lodge from your brain
(It should be noted that literally every religion (yes even the false ones) have records and accounts of people seeing their God or a demon or having a prayer answered)
The supernatural miracles and God are by definition impossible therefore it is always and I mean fucking always going to be the least likely explanation
What's more likely Jesus Christ himself, holy holes and all showed up in your dream and told you to do x. Or it could have been just a dream about a topic that is widely spread and talked about a lot in popular culture. It might as well have been fucking Adam Sandler showing up.
Dreams are literally things that aren't real happening inside your brain
Or maybe you were fully awake when you saw god descend from the heavens and tell you to start doing x.
Whats more likely that it was God or that you hallucinated all of it
one short google search will tell you that hallucinating once or twice in a life time can be quite common even when its not born out of stress or drugs or you being an undiagnosed schizophrenic or lack of sleep or hell maybe your brain just decided to malfunction for a short moment and never did anything unusual ever again.
I mean fuck me people it doesn't even have to be a hallucination maybe someone just decided to fuck with you.
What's more likely you praying God will cure your cancer caused him to ignore all the other cancer patients, children with malaria, fucking world hunger, just to cure your scrawny ass.
Or the doctors could have misdiagnosed you. or maybe the chemotherapy worked or like a fuck ton of other reason
All of these things are more likely than a miracle, God, or the supernatural.
Which need I remind you are by definition impossible
My point being that you have to rule out literally fucking EVERYTHING before you can even think about thinking about the fact that it might have been God
Even if its one in a trillion as long as its possible its still more likely than God miracles or the supernatural.
And even then after you have definently 100 precent ruled out
every. single. fucking. explanation. EVER.
You still cant be sure it was your God.
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