#In a soft almost sleepy sounding voice he says ‘Hob.. what.. how..’
yeagerprogram · 2 years
Okay now I need Hob to introduce Morpheus to the wonder that is the weighted blanket. I know he doesn’t need to sleep but he can rest tho!
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Writer’s Month 2019
Day 5: Word Prompt: sound
Soul frowned, scratching his head as he stared at the pen and paper lying on the desk in front of him. He growled as he leant back in his chair, pulling tightly on his hair. Why was this so hard? It has never been this hard before.
         Minute after minute passed as he stared – though it may have been more accurately described as glared - at the paper as if it held all the knowledge in the world and could magically give him all of the answers. Soul picked up the pen and scrawled quick notes across the page. Then in a fit of small rage, he flung the pen across the desk and watched as it rolled and fell down the crack beside the wall.
         Three quick knocks suddenly sounded from his door accompanied by a female voice calling his name. Soul sprung up from his slouch, hands rushing over the mess of papers, trying to hide their details. A second later, the door opened and the voice's owner walked in, just as Soul managed to pull his homework book in front of him, obscuring the papers beneath.
         "Hey Maka!" he greeted, spinning around in his chair.
         "Hey, I’m heading out to meet Tsubaki, Liz and Patty. If you want, you can invite Black★Star over, just make sure that the place isn't in total ruins when I get back." Soul nodded, thinking about the last time when Black★Star came over and insisted on cooking a meal that his weapon had made the previous week. In the end, the kitchen was almost unrecognisable and Maka had banned the other male from their apartment for a month. “I’ll probably be back late, so don’t wait up.” Soul nodded again and Maka left the room. Soul let out a sigh, leaning back to stare up at the ceiling. What now?
         Suddenly, an idea jolted through Soul's body, moving him into a sitting position. He jumped from his seat and yanked on his jacket. He checked that he had everything he needed and then made his way over to Black★Star's place.
         When Soul knocked, it didn't take long for Tsubaki to open the door. "Oh, hello Soul. Are you here to see Black★Star? He's in his room." Tsubaki stepped aside, letting Soul inside. "I'm just leaving to meet Maka and the others, so just make your way through." Tsubaki turned back into the apartment. “Bye Black★Star!” She called out before she left, closing the door behind her. Soul wandered through to Black★Star's room.
         "Hey, Black★Star!" he called through the door. "You busy?" Soul opened the door, finding Black★Star on the floor doing sit-ups.
         "Hey Soul!" The blue-haired teen greeted.
         "Hey, can I ask you something?" Black★Star nodded as well as he could while doing sit-ups. "How do you show Tsubaki that you care about her?" He couldn't believe that he was asking his best friend this but Black★Star was the closest person he had who was in a relationship.
         Black★Star laughed, pausing his sit-up to look over at Soul. "I let her be in my presence of course! How else can a big star like me show her?" A few moments passed in silence before Black★Star sat up and turned to face his friend. "Why are you asking anyway?" A curious tone laced Black★Star's words.
         Soul hesitated, "I want to do something special for Maka but I can't think of anything that she'd like." he confessed.
         "Sorry Soul," Black★Star's voice was suddenly serious, the usual joking tone gone. "I can't really help you. I mean, what I do for Tsubaki wouldn't work with Maka. They're two very different people."
         Soul nodded, agreeing with his friend's statement. Black★Star frowned. He didn't like seeing his friend down. He suggested they do something, and both left to go to a nearby bar.
         They called Kid on the way and the black-and-white-haired teen met them there. Soul and Black★Star found the grim reaper in a booth, eyes analysing everything for symmetry.
         The newly arrived teens each said hello before ordering some drinks and the conversation started. They discussed recent missions they had gone on with their partners and some new techniques they had seen and wanted to try out, the next time they trained.
         About an hour in, as their conversation turned to Soul’s problem, arms suddenly slid over Kid's shoulders and Liz rested her head down on his shoulder. "Kid! I didn't know you were coming out tonight! You could have come with us!" Kid gently removed his drunk weapon's arms from around him, giving her an unimpressed stare. "Oh! Soul! Black★Star! You're here too!" Liz's voice was slurred, and her eyes darted about between them.
         Kid let out a brief sigh. "How much have you had to drink?” He looked her up and down before seeming to make his decision. “Looks like I have to take you home, Liz. We have training first thing in the morning." The weapon protested, making loud whines, but Kid just stood up and slung her arm around his shoulder. "I'll see you later. Good luck with Maka, Soul. I'm sure you'll find something." This piqued Liz's interest and sober-eyes were trained on Soul.
         "What?" Liz looked up through her hair at Soul, "You want to give something to for Maka?" Soul nodded, figuring the other wouldn’t remember in the morning and therefore, wouldn’t be blabbing to anyone. "Why don't you play the piano? You know she loves it when you play."
         Before Liz could say any more, Kid had said his goodbyes and carried her away, only pausing to collect the weapon's sister who was sat at the bar, smelling of alcohol yet only humming to herself as the two other girls chatted casually. Patty gave Kid a salute and hopped from her stool, and on incredibly steady feet, followed Kid out, waving goodbye enthusiastically to their friends.
         Soul watched the trio leave and Tsubaki and Maka come over to occupy the now free seats. Soul sat mostly in silence, mulling over what he had been told. He hadn't played the piano since they defeated the kishin. Of course, he knew that he could still physically play but he didn't know if he could make himself do it, mentally.
         “Are you alright, Soul?” Tsubaki’s quiet voice broke through Soul’s thoughts and when he glanced around, he saw all eyes on him.
         “Yeah!” He replied with a chuckle, faking enthusiasm. The night continued, drinks being poured and lots of drunken laughs and giggles from Maka and Black★Star until eventually, the two sober teens, decided that it was enough for one night. Tsubaki pulled one of Black★Star’s arms over her shoulders and began the walk home, declining Soul’s offer to walk them.
         Soul watched the tall, thin girl wobble away from the bar until they turned a corner and disappeared from sight. He glanced over his shoulder at his meister who appeared to be passed out against the wall. He let out a sigh and lifted Maka into his arms, bridal style.
         As he walked home, he felt Maka nuzzle her head against his chest. He kissed the top of her head, revelling in the fact that he could actually get this close without the fear of getting a book lodged in his skull, and carefully, readjusted his hold, pulling her closer to him even though Maka was already pressed against him.
         Once back home, Soul placed Maka in her bed. He carefully stripped her to her underwear (they had lived together for years, it wasn’t anything new to him) and as he finished folding her clothes, Maka rolled over and wrapped her arms around him from where he sat on the bed.
         Soul tried to remove her hands, but it was like they had turned to stone. With every attempt to remove the hands, Maka pulled back, taking the white-haired teen with her. Eventually, Soul gave in and toed off his shoes before lying back next to Maka.
         He rolled over in her arms and wrapped his around her, hugging her tighter. Her head nuzzled against his chest again and they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
 Soul pushed his head down, nosing at the softness that smelled so good. It was familiar and sweet. He took a deep inhale, trying to place where he recognised the smell from.
         Slowly, he opened his eyes and was met by pale brown hair. He tried to wriggle backwards to get a better picture but found that his arm was stuck under a warm body. Memories came back from the night before and Soul formulated a plan to get out.
Being extra careful not to wake her, Soul lifted Maka and released his arm. He then slid out of bed and rushed to the door, only pausing to grab his shoes.
Once Soul had closed Maka’s door behind him, he leaned back against it. He let out a sigh before going to his own room to change. He got all washed up and, having had no sign of Maka being awake, decided to make a start on breakfast.
When the bacon was sizzling in the pan, Maka emerged from her room. Her usual pigtails had been released from their bobbles but since she had them in all night, a clear parting could be seen in the wild, sleep-styled mane. She had pulled on a pair of jogging tracksuit trousers and a large hoodie that Soul was sure belonged to him.
“Morning.” He greeted, watching over the eggs and bacon that were cooking on the hob. In reply, Soul got a sleepy groan. Soul handed Maka a mug of coffee and directed her to the kitchen table where she sat down and sipped at the hot liquid.
Silence fell over the two as Maka slowly woke up and came to her senses while Soul worked on making breakfast. The silence was comfortable, not awkward. Soul guessed that Maka had either no memory of the night before or she didn’t care. Soul hoped for the former.
Finally, Soul pulled out two plates and two sets of cutlery. He piled the plates with equal amounts of bacon and eggs before handing one place to Maka. He placed the cutlery around her plate and set up his own meal on his side of the table.
“How’re you feeling?” He asked, concerned for his meister. Maka stared blankly at her plate before she looked to Soul, eyes still slightly heavy with sleep.
She hummed for a moment before answering, “I’m okay. My head is killing me though.” Soul nodded and turned in his seat to reach for the pills on the counter. He picked them up and then passed them to the meister.
“These should help.” He watched his partner pick up the small pills before he reached behind him again for the glass of water that he’d prepared. Maka swallowed the pills down and thanked Soul with a smile. Soul gave Maka a nod before digging into his breakfast.
Breakfast passed in silence and once the dishes were piled in the sink, Maka disappeared into the bathroom to shower and wake herself up. Soul watched as the door closed and then his eyes slid over to piano that sat against one of the living room walls. He stared for a few moments before ripping away his gaze and setting to work on washing the dishes.
But every few moments, his eyes wandered to settle on the piano. Until finally all the dishes were clean and drying on the rack, when he had no other excuse.
He sat himself down on the stool and lifted the cover. Maka had bought the piano a few years ago. It had been a birthday present after she had discovered his musical ability. He skimmed his fingers over the keys. He hadn’t played that much. Its placement in the middle of the apartment meant that he always wound up with an audience when he practiced. And then the kishin happened and playing began to be associated with more darker thoughts.
Taking a deep breath, he pressed down and began to let his muscle memory kick in, playing familiar, simple songs that he knew by heart. It came back quickly, and he let the music fill him, as his fingers danced over the keys. He got so lost in the melody that he didn’t hear the bathroom door open, nor the footsteps coming towards him until he felt a warmth at his back and heard a soft voice by his ear.
“It’s such a beautiful sound.”
His fingers hesitated in their song but picked up quickly. He was playing for her, after all.
“I missed hearing you play.” Maka just stood behind him and listened. Then when the song finished, she slid onto the stool next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. “Will you play for me again?”
Soul smiled gently, and rested his head atop hers as he whispered, “Always.”
-=[Additional Notes]=-
This is a work which I adapted from a piece that I started years back but I basically edited and rewrote half of it today. I am actually happier with how this came out. 
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