#In Alio Loco
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So I love @haru-sen 's fic In Alio Loco and they've also gotten me into baldur's gate 3 with their other fic through the gates of horn and oak, so I've decided to combine the two, so here is lucky and her lovers from faerûn!
I imagine lucky as a tiefling, I can't explain why, just trust me
I was gonna make gabe a full elf, but I couldn't find a face that really fit with him, so half elf he is!
I gave Jack a ponytail, sue me, it's more surface area to pull ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
And finally I made her guardian Shin because angst reasons
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk, I definitely don't think about this for hours at a time, it's not unhealthy, shut up
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Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic (Video Game), Overwatch (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Reader, Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison/Reader, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison Characters: Darth Marr, Darth Acina, Darth Thanaton, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes, Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Rycus Kilran, Genji Shimada, Moira O'Deorain, Jean-Baptiste Augustin, Echo (Overwatch), Andronikos Revel, Darth Nox, Darth Malgus, Keeper (SWTOR), Lena "Tracer" Oxton Additional Tags: Crossover, crackfic, Threesome - F/M/M, Bondage, Bad Boundaries, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Attempted Sexual Assault, Implied/Referenced Torture, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Inappropriate Use of the Force, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Reader-Insert, Exhibitionism, Dubious Consent, Because you certainly didn't invite them to project their fantasies into your brain, Oral Sex Series: Part 7 of In Alio Loco Summary:
You don't like loose ends. You aren't the only one.
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My highschool video game men
My college video game men
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Jodido Mariposin
Este headcanons ocurre cuando Marinette tenia 17 años, ella hace un año dejo de ser presidenta de clase, aclaro que lo fue por 3 años seguidos
Gabriel en su desesperación por tener un akuma lo sufientemente grande, dejo de atacar por exactamente 6 meses seguidos , investigando las influencias sociales de su hijo
Se alio con leila Rossi, viendo como todos son tontos y cayeron , excepto la joven Marinette , ella es bonita se sorprende que no acepte la agencia de modelos, también es buena cociendo y muy ingenua
La zorra mentirosa de Leila logro su cometido y desconfian de ella, le suplico de 8 literalmente a Adrien que la ayude, pero el gatu feo por un tonto temor a un akuma se unio al grupo de bullyingh , los ataques de akumas bajaron, cosa que ella aprovecho su tiempo libre para tratar de ahorrar dinero, trabajaba de niñera, haciendo manualidades caseras y las vendia a una plaza , tenia pensado ir a vivir con su tio en China, Shangai despues de graduarse
Llego una nueva profesora de música que, le pidio unirse a la banda, ella se nego, aunque estuvo en el coro de su antigua iglesia local, luego de su primera comunión, no volvio ni a pisar una iglesia ni a tocar su flauta en seis años
Sin embargo como fue muy amable con ella y paro los que se reian de ella en el recreo , le dio mucha confianza, por eso no se sintio mal cuando el le pidio su número de telefono, mientras llegaban en su camioneta a su casa
Ni cuando le ofrecio una bebida que dijo era de su país natal
Ni la camara de grabar
Ni cuando se deslizo de su ropa, distinta a la que tenia
Esas botas las compro hace una semana
Ella diseño toda esa ropa
Sin embargo Tikit viendo que su ella no podia reaccionar la ataco , Marinette quedo en el suelo, viendo el piso , pensando en lo que paso
Intento violarla
No la violo , pero , sabia qie era atractiva
Si recuerda que un fan loco de Adrien que llego al colegio , se sorprendio cuando le entrego la tarjeta de la agencia de modelos
O cuando Nathaniel, Nino, Luka, Zoe, Margot, la niña que cuida le dicen bonita, pero, ella la proboco , no la violo, pero en su cabeza ella provoco que la grace mientras la viola, la golpea hasta dejarla esteril, sin su "pureza" sonara anticuado pero ella en verdad queria perder su virginidad en su luna de miel, con una cama grande con sedas, petalos de rosas y todas esa cpsas cursis, tener hijos, una familia
Grito , lloro por primera vez en 5 años
Aferrandose a sus piernas
La joven en su trauma por el intento de la violación, en su mente se creyo que si fue violada, golpeada, hasta quedar esteril, que esa es su culpa por la ropa que usa, por su caracter fuerte se merece los maltratos
Tikit al ver su reacción trataba de hacerla reaccionar tocando su mejilla, sin embargo no reacciona
Nadie se atrevio a lastimarla así
Excepto Gabriel Agrest que en su oficina trataba de localizar a su sentimonstruo
Es lamentable que para el mariposon solo sea un sentimonstruo , pero para Marinette era su razon de suicidarse, su razon para ella, porque Tikit al notar que su poryadora se hizo cortes en sus brasos y piernas con los pedazos de un vidrio roto
Trataba de hacerla reaccionar, sin embargo Marinette se tiro como lo que ella era
Un cerdito al matadero
Me can a matar, pero, esto si pudo pasar en la serie, el mariposon en su desesperación pudo mandar a un pedofilo violador para así tratar de hacer un akuma
Mi bella maryquita no merece perder su juventud y inocencia
Aqui seguiran otros headcanons
Si en en mi jeadcanons Mitologia Griega
Tikit llamaria a Apolo para que le cure sus heridas
Los Olimpicos curiosamente estaban en una junta con los lideres de cabaña,se sorprendieron al verla en ese estado
No eran tontos , Ares deseaba saber a quien lanzarle su lanzita(Referencia a Destripando la historia) Artemisa con sus cazadoras afilan sus flechas, Hestia llamo a sus dragones
Sin embargo como estaba tan traumada se aferro a Quiron, se quedo en la casa grande
Ares se quedo viendola con lagrimas , para sorpresa de todos
Esos mismos signos
Creer que si no se hubiera puesto otra ropa
Se puso esta ropa fea bajo la tonta fe de que no volcera a ser violada
Ni se bañaba por verguenza a ella misma
Ni era capaz de dormir, cada que cerraba el ojos, aunque sea para parpadear el miedo seguia
Asi los dioses al no poder obtener respuesta decidieron que mejor destruirian la humanidad
Hola Shuumatsu no Valkirye
Si es mi headcanons de D C
En movil Tikit llamaria a toda la bati familia
Entre todas le dan un abrazo
Se queda dormida en los viejos brazos de Alfred
Damian, su novia, Jason, Harley Quin, estan mas que dispuestos a torturar hasta que ruegen suicidarse a los involucrados
Rick que tenia a los titanes estaba en shock se debatia entre su instinto natural y los codigos de Bruce, el cual por primera vez se desmayo del shock, su hija le pidio recogerla, pudo salvarla, pero , Selina Kyle, alias la gata callejera lo convencio de quedarse a follar
Las enseñanzas de Ras y las enseñanzas de su padre Tomas Wayne en su cabeza
Damian le dio un enorme puñetazo a Bruce
Damian : Si habrias tenido ordenado tus prioridades, nada hubiera pasado
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…in loco que uocitant Elzeto cum fueros de totas nostras absque aliquis uis causa, id est, de illa costegera de Valle Conposita usque ad illa uinea de Ual Sorazanes et deinde ad illo plano de Elzeto et ad Sancta Maria de Uallelio usque ad illa senra de Pobalias, absque mea portione, ubi potuerimus inuenire, et de illas custodias, de illas uineas de alios omnes que sunt de alios locos, et omnes que sunt nominatos de Elzeto, senites et iubines, uiriis atque feminis, posuimus inter nos fuero que nos fratres poniamus custodiero de Sancta Maria de Valle Conpossita…
0/10 xDDDD I’m pretty sure this is Italian or even Latin xDDD Because I’ve seen some of words in Latin class xDDDD
Try again pal xDDD
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Hae duae provinciae bello quondam piratico catervis mixtae praedonum a Servilio pro consule missae sub iugum factae sunt vectigales. et hae quidem regiones velut in prominenti terrarum lingua positae ob orbe eoo monte Amano disparantur.
Ex turba vero imae sortis et paupertinae in tabernis aliqui pernoctant vinariis, non nulli velariis umbraculorum theatralium latent, quae Campanam imitatus lasciviam Catulus in aedilitate sua suspendit omnium primus; aut pugnaciter aleis certant turpi sono fragosis naribus introrsum reducto spiritu concrepantes; aut quod est studiorum omnium maximum ab ortu lucis ad vesperam sole fatiscunt vel pluviis, per minutias aurigarum equorumque praecipua vel delicta scrutantes.
Et eodem impetu Domitianum praecipitem per scalas itidem funibus constrinxerunt, eosque coniunctos per ampla spatia civitatis acri raptavere discursu. iamque artuum et membrorum divulsa conpage superscandentes corpora mortuorum ad ultimam truncata deformitatem velut exsaturati mox abiecerunt in flumen.
Haec ubi latius fama vulgasset missaeque relationes adsiduae Gallum Caesarem permovissent, quoniam magister equitum longius ea tempestate distinebatur, iussus comes orientis Nebridius contractis undique militaribus copiis ad eximendam periculo civitatem amplam et oportunam studio properabat ingenti, quo cognito abscessere latrones nulla re amplius memorabili gesta, dispersique ut solent avia montium petiere celsorum.
Et quia Montius inter dilancinantium manus spiritum efflaturus Epigonum et Eusebium nec professionem nec dignitatem ostendens aliquotiens increpabat, qui sint hi magna quaerebatur industria, et nequid intepesceret, Epigonus e Lycia philosophus ducitur et Eusebius ab Emissa Pittacas cognomento, concitatus orator, cum quaestor non hos sed tribunos fabricarum insimulasset promittentes armorum si novas res agitari conperissent.
Ergo ego senator inimicus, si ita vultis, homini, amicus esse, sicut semper fui, rei publicae debeo. Quid? si ipsas inimicitias, depono rei publicae causa, quis me tandem iure reprehendet, praesertim cum ego omnium meorum consiliorum atque factorum exempla semper ex summorum hominum consiliis atque factis mihi censuerim petenda.
Sed si ille hac tam eximia fortuna propter utilitatem rei publicae frui non properat, ut omnia illa conficiat, quid ego, senator, facere debeo, quem, etiamsi ille aliud vellet, rei publicae consulere oporteret?
Haec igitur lex in amicitia sanciatur, ut neque rogemus res turpes nec faciamus rogati. Turpis enim excusatio est et minime accipienda cum in ceteris peccatis, tum si quis contra rem publicam se amici causa fecisse fateatur. Etenim eo loco, Fanni et Scaevola, locati sumus ut nos longe prospicere oporteat futuros casus rei publicae. Deflexit iam aliquantum de spatio curriculoque consuetudo maiorum.
Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne 'inquam' et 'inquit' saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur.
Accenderat super his incitatum propositum ad nocendum aliqua mulier vilis, quae ad palatium ut poposcerat intromissa insidias ei latenter obtendi prodiderat a militibus obscurissimis. quam Constantina exultans ut in tuto iam locata mariti salute muneratam vehiculoque inpositam per regiae ianuas emisit in publicum, ut his inlecebris alios
Hae duae provinciae bello quondam piratico catervis mixtae praedonum a Servilio pro consule missae sub iugum factae sunt vectigales. et hae quidem regiones velut in prominenti terrarum lingua positae ob orbe eoo monte Amano disparantur.
Ex turba vero imae sortis et paupertinae in tabernis aliqui pernoctant vinariis, non nulli velariis umbraculorum theatralium latent, quae Campanam imitatus lasciviam Catulus in aedilitate sua suspendit omnium primus; aut pugnaciter aleis certant turpi sono fragosis naribus introrsum reducto spiritu concrepantes; aut quod est studiorum omnium maximum ab ortu lucis ad vesperam sole fatiscunt vel pluviis, per minutias aurigarum equorumque praecipua vel delicta scrutantes.
Et eodem impetu Domitianum praecipitem per scalas itidem funibus constrinxerunt, eosque coniunctos per ampla spatia civitatis acri raptavere discursu. iamque artuum et membrorum divulsa conpage superscandentes corpora mortuorum ad ultimam truncata deformitatem velut exsaturati mox abiecerunt in flumen.
Haec ubi latius fama vulgasset missaeque relationes adsiduae Gallum Caesarem permovissent, quoniam magister equitum longius ea tempestate distinebatur, iussus comes orientis Nebridius contractis undique militaribus copiis ad eximendam periculo civitatem amplam et oportunam studio properabat ingenti, quo cognito abscessere latrones nulla re amplius memorabili gesta, dispersique ut solent avia montium petiere celsorum.
Et quia Montius inter dilancinantium manus spiritum efflaturus Epigonum et Eusebium nec professionem nec dignitatem ostendens aliquotiens increpabat, qui sint hi magna quaerebatur industria, et nequid intepesceret, Epigonus e Lycia philosophus ducitur et Eusebius ab Emissa Pittacas cognomento, concitatus orator, cum quaestor non hos sed tribunos fabricarum insimulasset promittentes armorum si novas res agitari conperissent.
Ergo ego senator inimicus, si ita vultis, homini, amicus esse, sicut semper fui, rei publicae debeo. Quid? si ipsas inimicitias, depono rei publicae causa, quis me tandem iure reprehendet, praesertim cum ego omnium meorum consiliorum atque factorum exempla semper ex summorum hominum consiliis atque factis mihi censuerim petenda.
Sed si ille hac tam eximia fortuna propter utilitatem rei publicae frui non properat, ut omnia illa conficiat, quid ego, senator, facere debeo, quem, etiamsi ille aliud vellet, rei publicae consulere oporteret?
Haec igitur lex in amicitia sanciatur, ut neque rogemus res turpes nec faciamus rogati. Turpis enim excusatio est et minime accipienda cum in ceteris peccatis, tum si quis contra rem publicam se amici causa fecisse fateatur. Etenim eo loco, Fanni et Scaevola, locati sumus ut nos longe prospicere oporteat futuros casus rei publicae. Deflexit iam aliquantum de spatio curriculoque consuetudo maiorum.
Itaque tum Scaevola cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, exposuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et cum altero genero, C. Fannio Marci filio, paucis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo; quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentes, ne 'inquam' et 'inquit' saepius interponeretur, atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur.
Accenderat super his incitatum propositum ad nocendum aliqua mulier vilis, quae ad palatium ut poposcerat intromissa insidias ei latenter obtendi prodiderat a militibus obscurissimis. quam Constantina exultans ut in tuto iam locata mariti salute muneratam vehiculoque inpositam per regiae ianuas emisit in publicum, ut his inlecebris alios
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Classes sociales
Classem socialem definire possumus tamquam praedicamentum ex hominibus constitutum qui, in structura sociali historice determinata, similem locum obtinent ac simile munus in sua ordinatione funguntur.
Exempli gratia: lacus et opifices, actores, professionales, milites, possessores et operarii agriculturae, etc., classes sunt sociales.
Karl Marx genus sociale definit loco hominum in relationibus productionis fundatum. Secundum discipulum essentialiter duo genera sunt: capitalista bourgeoisia, constituitur ex dominis instrumentorum productionis et proletariae, quae instrumenti productionis non habent et suam vim laboris tribuit. Marx intellegit distributionem facultatum inter coetus sociales magis implicatam esse ac differentiam, sed quid interest describere, antithesin est quod rationes fundamentales capit rationes societatis capitalistae oeconomicae.
Max Weber enim, positio in systemate oeconomico magni momenti est, sed, Marx comparatus, proprietatem minoris tribuit in considerandis formis stratificationis socialis et magis extollitur dignitatis socialis. Ideo praedicationes professionales et entrepreneurialis magni momenti habentur quae, licet instrumenta productionis non possident, opera aptissima exercent. Loco vocabuli classis Weber vocabuli genere uti mavult.
Classis socialis
Verbum genus indicat coetus hominum qui in lifestyle
milliarii pro eo, quod intra comitatum est, occupant. Differentia classium oritur ex statu oeconomico, quod inaequalitatem divitiarum secumfert et ex statu sociali, quod inaequalitatem divitiarum secumfert.
dignitatis aequalitas.
Exempli gratia, ille qui medicus laborat, potest magni aestimari, etiam si non habet magnos fructus; e contra, modestae culturae homo, qui magnam pecuniae vim cumulavit modis honestis, non obstante eius divitiis, parum sociali dignitate frui potuit. Tertius aspectus est status politicus, qui inaequalitatem potentiae secumfert, i.e. facultatem influxum oeconomici et socialis ad proprium commodum.
Hae tres rationes non coincidunt, sed inter se dependentes et unus e tribus statibus ad alios augendos uti potest: exempli gratia, propter pecuniam, ingenia opulentissima facilius ad principatum potestatis pervenire possunt.
Sociologi Americani illas societates considerant in quibus regimen oeconomicum est liberae competitionis aequale esse.
Hae societates substantialem opportunitatis aequalitatem praebent, sicut in illis omnibus occasio est ditari. In hoc casu diversae classes sociales sunt mere sociales stratae a diversis oeconomicis et pro- diversae.
#COGNATIONE INTER SINGULAS ET SOCIETATIS#afrikaans#south africa#lucifer#lgbtq#Karl Marx genus sociale#diversae classes sociales
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Pro Caelio 36
Sin autem urbanius me agere mavis, sic agam tecum; removebo illum senem durum ac paene agrestem; ex his igitur tuis sumam aliquem ac potissimum minimum fratrem, qui est in isto genere urbanissimus; qui te amat plurimum,
However if you prefer me to act in a more urban manner, I will deal with you as follows; I will remove that harsh and slightly savage old man; from your family here I will take someone, especially your youngest brother, who is the most urban of all of your kind; who you also love very much,
qui propter nescio quam, credo, timiditatem et nocturnos quosdam inanes metus tecum semper pusio cum maiore sorore cubitavit. Eum putato tecum loqui: "Quid tumultuaris, soror? quid insanis?
who on account of some kind of diffidence, I believe, and silly fear, during certain nights as a small boy always slept with you, with his older sister. Imagine him speaking to you; why are making a scene sister? why are you turning mad?
on account of some kind of timidity and foolish fear, during certain nights as a little boy always slept with you, with his older sister. Imagine him speaking to you:Why are you making a disturbance, sister? Why are you going mad?
Quid clamorem exorsa verbis parvam rem magnam facis?
why after making such noise, do you still turn little issues into bigger ones with your words?
Why having made a clamour, do you make small matter a large one with your words?
Vicinum adulescentulum aspexisti; candor huius te et proceritas, vultus oculique pepulerunt; saepius videre voluisti; fuisti non numquam in isdem hortis;
you looked at your younger neighbour; the radiance and height, and his face and eyes, struck you (with craze); you wanted to see him more often: you were sometimes in the same garden
You saw your young neighbour; his radiance and stature, and his face and eyes, drove you crazy (lit. 'struck you'); you wanted to see him more often; you were sometimes in the same gardens
vis nobilis mulier illum filium familias patre parco ac tenaci habere tuis copiis devinctum; non potes; calcitrat, respuit, non putat tua dona esse tanti; confer te alio.
you, as a noble lady, want to have that son (from a family stingy and held fast by forces) you cannot; he kicks, he spits back at you, he doesn't think your gifts are worth it, move onto someone else.
You, a noble woman, want to have that son (from a family with a stingy and griping father) be ensnared by your wealth; you are not able to; he kicks, he rejects [lit. spits back] you, he doesn't think much of your gifts; bestow yourself on someone else
Habes hortos ad Tiberim ac diligenter eo loco paratos, quo omnis iuventus natandi causa venit; hinc licet condiciones cotidie legas; cur huic, qui te spernit, molesta es?"
you have gardens along the Tiber, and carefully prepared in that place, where all the young men go to bathe; from here you can select which men will suit you daily. why do you hassle this man, the one who rejects you?
You have gardens by the Tiber, carefully prepared in that place where all the youth comes to bathe; from here you can pick out people to suit you every day. Why do you hassle this man, who rejects you?"
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the original Decretum is in Latin, you say? after a bit of googling I managed to find a copy, and I think it's worth sharing for some context
here's the section on strap-ons, number 154, with my translation:
Fecisti quod quaedam mulieres facere solent, ut faceres quoddam molimen aut machinamentum in modum virilis membri, ad mensuram tuae voluntatis, et illud loco verendorum tuorum, aut alterius, cum aliquibus ligaturis colligares, et fornicationem faceres cum aliis mulierculis, vel aliae eodem instrumento, sive alio, tecum? Si fecisti, quinque annos per legitimas ferias poeniteas.
"Have you done that which certain women are in the habit of doing, that is, making a certain implement or device in the form of a male member, to your desired dimensions, and tying it to the region of your private parts, and fornicating with other women, or other women fornicating with you using the same instrument, or another? If you have done this, you must do penance on the appropriate days for five years."
it seems like the beginning part about "certain women" being "in the habit" of doing it is part of the formula - something similar was at the start of many of the sections I read
the next one, number 155, is on masturbating with a dildo, as already mentioned:
Fecisti quod quaedam mulieres facere solent, ut iam supradicto molimine, vel alio aliquo machinamento, tu ipsa in te solam faceres fornicationem? Si fecisti, unum annum per legitimas ferias poeniteas.
"Have you done that which certain women are in the habit of doing, that is, fornicating alone with yourself using the aforementioned implement, or some other device? If you have done this, you must do penance on the appropriate days for one year."
(having a wank is apparently only one fifth as bad as using a strap-on)
@minne-gone-mild (sorry if this is a weird place to get tagged) and anyone else wondering about the focus on penetration here with regard to lesbian sex, the immediately next section, number 156, is about tribadism:
Fecisti quod quaedam mulieres facere solent, quando libidinem se vexantem extinguere volunt, quae se conjungunt quasi coire debeant et possint, et conjungunt in invicem puerperia sua, et sic confricando pruritum illarum extinguere desiderant? Si fecisti, tres quadragenas per legitimas debes poenitere.
"Have you done that which certain women are in the habit of doing, when, wanting to extinguish the lust inflaming them, they join together as if it were right or possible for them to copulate, and each join their genitals together, and thus by rubbing them wish to extinguish their passion? If you have done this, you need to do penance for three of the appropriate forty-day periods."
it's really interesting how it mentions feeling horny as a reason women want to do these things - it doesn't even say there's anything wrong with that feeling, though it might elsewhere
overall this is a fascinating text - just looking at the nearby sections, we have discussions of everything from paganism and werewolves to abortion and incest. I even came across one about women making bread on their ass (in the commentary section of the linked page)
history is just great
it's me and my two sources on medieval strap-ons against the world
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Random IAL headcanons bc im bored
-snickers make up a good percent of the candy Lucky keeps in her desk for Gabriel..... Snickers Satisfy
-since Lucky regularly gets cigarettes from Gérard, whenever she gets a new pack, she flips one- the whole lucky cigarette thing which I do too whoops
-Tavio/Ainsley is gross but also cute fuck you
-I want Lucky to meet Tracer.... I feel like it would go either of two ways:
Lucky sees her like Feng or Maggie
Lucky sees her like Gabriel sees Reinhardt
-imagine, a late night Gabriel and Lucky stay up working...
Gabriel groans as another phantom itch makes what's left of his arm feel like its been dipped in ants. As he rubs the pain away, Lucky looks up from her desk, shooting him an empathetic look.
"It lessens after a while," she says gently, metal fingers flexing.
Gabriel says nothing, not even risking a glance in her direction. He feels guilt, and.... shame, he decides. Stupid emotions.. He doesn't want her pity. But Lucky understands. She crosses the distance between them to sit on his desk/the edge of the bed.
"Look at me," Lucky grabs Gabriel's chin to point his face. She smiles at him.
He takes her hand and kisses her prostheses. He mumbles gruffly, "It's nothing I can't handle, corazon."
She kisses him then, reassuring and gentle. Distracting, and he knows it. He melts into her scent, the feeling of her lips; losing himself for a moment.
When she pulls away, she closes the screen of his tablet and takes his hand.
"It's late."
Idk how to end this, I just had fluff on the brain
-Lucky likes to send viral animal videos to Jack and Gabriel. Occasionally, she'll get some crazy videos in return from Jack saying "let's teach Isha to do this"
-Jesse still has feelings for Ana, but focuses more on trying to be a role model for Fareeha, he's attached. 🤷♀️ Bandit and Fareeha are tight, too.
-is it too much to ask for a chapter with any of the kids ? I'd write it but I can't write for shit. I want to see little Kseniya kick some ass and take names. Or Fareeha kick ass and then have ana flip tf out, and Jesse try to convince her Fareeha knows how to take care of herself. Yay angst
-chapter 147 broke my heart a little bit ngl
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God dammit, @haru-sen, you've ruined fanfiction for me. In Alio Loco is so good! I can't find a fanfic as long or as good as it in any of the fandoms I like. Oh well, guess I'll just have to read it again.
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To the anon who wrote me an essay to ask why I wrote a certain character a certain way for In Alio Loco,
I'm not so certain this was a good faith inquiry. Telling me something is "shocking, considering the current circumstances going on," for a fic that finished in early 2022, doesn't really feel that way. But it's difficult to tell tone via anon ask.
In Alio Loco was written to as an AU for Overwatch, as a polyamorous romance fanfic, set decades into an alternative future with killer robots, and not meant to be an accurate reflection of current events or political situations.
If you really want to discuss something in good faith, feel free to dm me and we can talk about character lore. I'm still unsure why his nationality is controversial given the fact it's all backstory and certainly not an endorsement of any nation.
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It's been a while since I've drawn R76 kids and stuff.
Also I'm fighting artblock so my art has not been up to par
So here's Lucky Strike (based on my appearance) with her son Johnny whom actually pursued a career within Oasis academy.
Carmella is joining the OW recall and will have an updated design too.
Lucky Strike belongs to @haru-sen. Please check out their overwatch literature! Its amazing 13/10 would recommend to overwatch fans
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Side characters of In Alio Loco
Personal comments:
Chang looks like a hardcore mom. Gave her a mood that just says "don't fxck with me".
Feng is just downright playful. Checking back in her profile, I dreaded her full arm tattoo (did she do a Hanzo influence? XD). Took a bit of digging to find a set of spiral-based tattoo that would go all the way down to her fingers.
Shin. INTERNALLY CRYING. Gdi why did I do this to myself. I'm not trying to be self-praising or anything but after I penned Shin I'm like... Why dis boi ded TTv TT . *cries in ugly*
Ainsley is uh... Just made her look er... Her role in the story. Luckily, I can't draw annoying faces very well.
Ziv though *laughs*. Can't say I'm used to drawing characters with a bush for hair, so he's quite an attempt. No better way to portray him than ticking Lucky off.
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@haru-sen; I drew Ziv the asshole hacker. Thank you, I love him so much. (Ziv is from @haru-sen’s fic ‘In Alio Loco’)
#overwatch#fanart#overwatch fanart#oc#original character#hacker#overwatch oc#in alio loco#fic art#not my oc#not my character#fanart on tumblr#fanartist#pencil sketch#pencil#traditional art#traditional media#beginner#beginner artist#I love him#good boy#art#my art
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Thirsting for the COD men is just reminding me of my overwatch days
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