#Im worried about him bc its clear the younger and probably un-neutured male cats in the village is fighting him
mrfoox · 2 years
Help, my old cat is 15 and still acting like he's like 5 😭
#miranda talking shit#Hes been outside since he was small bc its mt parents who own him and they are hardcore believers of the#'cats are wild animals they should be allowed to be outdoors' like whej im home visiting my parents i let my cats be outside for a while#But im always outside with them so they never wander off the yard and they want to come inside after like 30 min anyway#But my old cat ...oh boy...#He just gets an cat necklace on wigh a bell and then he'll go out on his own for many hours#If he gets to decide he'll be out for 10+ hours in the spring and summer ...#And he gets into fights with other cats and is generally pretty aggressive when it comes to his 'spots'. But like... Its clear it's hard#For him now. He's not stepping on thw breaks like the last 5 yrs hes come back home with many wounds most likely from fights#Nothing has been so bad that he lost anything or such but still gotten some bad scars now#Im worried about him bc its clear the younger and probably un-neutured male cats in the village is fighting him#But hes also so... Idk if wild is the right word but.. We've tried to have him inside for days but he goes apeshit#And basically refuses to use fhe litter box until he'll basically explode...#My now dead old cat would easily become an inside cat bc he was anxious and generally didnt care for the outside.#But this old man... Yeah no he seem to have inprinted in his brain he needs to be outside and keep his domain safe#Hes been like this all his life . As an baby he was even worse. We couldnt touch him or look at him without him hissing#Now hes fairly tame towards us humans but he still always has the thought of being outside and hunting or defending in his mind#Like 4 yrs ago he saw an black cat walking like 300m away from the house as he was sitting in our window with an musquito filter in it#And i kid you not he broke out he just forced his way out and jumped the 3m from the window and ran to beat the cat up 😭#Theres so much more but just damn... Im worriwd for him#Idk what i can actually do about it though. Like my parents will not just listen to what i want and change their routines for him#I wish he could be calmer and less... Well wild but it haven't calmed down much at all sincs he was young even now at 15
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