#Im not a proshipper but I've seen this so many times with you guys
confused-canid · 3 months
Btw, if you call people you don't like delusional or schizo as an insult you are ableist, no ifs ands or buts about it. I don't care if you're disabled yourself, you're a fucking ableist. I don't care if they DO experience delusions, if you're using it as an insult you. Are. Ableist. Also, please do NOT call yourself "delulu" or stuff like that, it's fucking ableist. Don't call people narcissistic or psychotic or a sociopath as an insult, THAT'S FUCKING ABLEIST. It doesn't matter if it's "just a word" if I walked up to someone and called them several slurs and said it's "just" a word I'd get my fucking teeth kicked in.
(Also, I've seen this in proshipper circles so many times so I'm tagging it there. It's getting fucking ridiculous. Do better, genuinely. If you try to argue with this post, I WILL laugh at you and I actually don't care what you're going to do, I see you as an awful horrid ableist. I'm so fucking angry right now.)
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takaispog · 1 year
DSAF hot take [not really]
Steven x Peter is less horrible than Davesport. I'm only saying this due to the amount of HATE I've seen for the Steven x Peter ship. I get having opinions, but outright hating on the ship and calling it "toxic" has been pissing me off.
If you want to talk "toxic", let's talk about Davesport!
I ship Davesport myself, but ONLY Flipside Davesport. I do NOT ship Jack and Dave during the first or second games, nor do I ship Davetrap with Jack, no matter how many romantic lines there are between them, I will NOT ship them then. Dave practically ruined Jack's life. He outright doesn't feel remorse for anything he's done, only when his soul is split does he feel bad. But the fact he had to have his soul SPLIT IN TWO to realize what he did was wrong, and even then Flipside Dave has to FIND OUT Henry is a bad person and still defends him until he comes to the conclusion Henry is a bad person.
Dave was manipulated BADLY, I get that, but it doesn't excuse the shit he did.
The amount of toxicity between the two of them if you decide not to help Dave is BAD. It shows how easily Dave can turn on Jack if Jack decides not to go along with everything he wants.
Also Dave.. stalks Jack? I don't know why people romanticize that. Stalking is fucking CRAZY behavior and I don't care if Jack "doesn't care" THAT ISN'T CUTE.
Flipside Dave is a DIFFERENT STORY. That's why I only ship his good side with Jack.
Now for Steven x Peter! I don't get why people hate the ship so bad. I get having opinions, I have opinions of my own, but usually my opinions are backed by.. valid points?
I get why Steven x Peter can be seen as "toxic", but outright it just.. isn't? At least not to the extent people think it is. If you want to bring up the point of "Steven turning Peter into a phone guy and basically ruining his life", you'd be hypocritical to the fact Dave also ruined JACK'S life.
You cannot defend a ship that is, on realistic standards, WORSE while hating on a ship that isn't even that bad.
Peter never outright says anything bad towards Steven. I've played through the game multiple times, I don't even think they get angry at each other ONCE.
Steven also goes to APOLOGIZE to Peter for what he did. They're not shown to be mean towards each other throughout the 3rd game. It mostly comes down to mischaracterization [people making Peter into a "bad guy" when in reality he's one of the characters that hasn't done anything horrible, making Steven into "anxious boy" when he's not and he's just scared of dying [he's still an asshole, he just wants to change]] and I see that A LOT with this fandom.
Get a grip.
And Peter's line about some people not deserving to be saved, I don't know why people decided that was about Steven? It could've been about Dave or even himself.
At the end of the day, Steven x Peter isn't as toxic as the fandom makes them out to be. You can have your headcanons and say they hate each other, but leave people alone when they say they ship them together.
It's literally a game about pixel men and child murder. As long as you aren't shipping characters together that are ACTUALLY EXTREMELY toxic or just fucking illegal [im looking at YOU proshippers.] you're fine.
Ship Flipside Davesport, ship Steven x Peter!! As long as you're happy and you aren't causing others harm, you're fine.
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That's about it!! Thank you for reading <3
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nihiltism · 1 year
i thought its about time i finally made one of these so hi!!! im veebert "the kazoo" deebert, this is my real name, you can call me vee or whatever other nicknames you think up though! i go by it/vee/that one/she and im a little beast full of generally good video game taste and Massive Amounts Of Propaganda for those. the fastest way to make friends with me is just to ask me for recommendations im 100% serious.
uhhh what else do i put here. okay so my main Things^tm right now are live a live and hatoful boyfriend, but the larger list of interests is:
wandersong, kirby, hatoful boyfriend, live a live, ghost trick, mad rat dead, pokemon mystery dungeon, the world ends with you, (also everhood, shovel knight and bug fables but i probably won't talk about those as frequently. also metal hellsinger but i only really talk about that to bark about it. yknow how it is.). also in Non Video Game interests i also like wander over yonder, cucumber quest, fashion, metal music (my favorite albums are the gallery by dark tranquillity and damnum by allegaeon! please dont ask me to pick a favorite band i can't choose) and probably some other stuff you'll see when you see it! (also its not really an interest but i do Love beasts and creatures and anything youd describe as a Little Guy. if anything gives you little guy energy please send it to me)
i do my best to spoiler tag stuff, since i have so many recommendations going out at any given time. that said, the ones i use most commonly are #live a live spoilers , #hatoful spoilers and #holistar spoilers (for people who've played the first hatoful boyfriend and not the second).
my other tags are:
#vee shut up : general talking tag!
#the beasts they are demonic in nature : my pets!
#veedia 2023 / 2024 : my first thoughts on whatever media I've just experienced! good way for me to keep track of everything I've seen.
#veepaganda : recommendation posts!!
#veesketches : my sketch tag! everything unfinished basically
#look at my art boy : my finished art tag! its. kind of small rn.
#blorbos from my brain : braindumping or notes about my ocs! for specific ocs I'll also use #(insert name here)posting
#ratclips : me showing off in mad rat dead <3
#peace and love on planet earth : peace and love tag what doesn't add up here
please don't follow me if you consider yourself a proshipper or bring lgbt infighting onto my dash, also.
thank u for reading!! ill make this nicer later maybe probably not. look at nigel
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numberoneanika · 3 years
ahaha. fictional characters
hello and welcome to my (sometimes) multifandom blog. i am absolute chaos
fandoms i'm in, other blogs, about me, and others V
other blogs:
@campcamp-soupicane (dead because Where Is Season Five. im also probably not going to get back into camp camp anytime soon. so.)
@rarepair-central (also dead because i have Several Hyperfixations And Hobbies. i plan to revive it with danganronpa rarepairs)
@vivazaki (somewhat dead, and main blog, no fandoms rather than shitposting)
listen okay once upon a time i WAS in multiple fandoms but well. as of now i'm just obsessed with danganronpa.
fangans i also like:
danganronpa despair time (I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT IT!!! VERY NORMAL!!!)
brave danganronpa: coward's paradise
project eden's garden (VERY!!! NORMAL!!!)
danganronpa (he)artless deceit
ace attorney games i've played through:
pheonix wright trilogy
apollo justice trilogy
miles edgeworth investigations 1 and 2
other media:
favorite characters and ships (that also conveniently doubles as a simp list for many of these characcters! ask me about any of the bolded items and i will love you forever):
canon dr: kiyotaka ishimaru, gundham tanaka, korekiyo shinguij, shinnaga, sondam, ishikuro
drdt: arturo giles (sorry everyone i'm a kiyo fan it was bound to happen), charles cuevas, rose lacroix, charuko, terurose, veroruko, teruvid, whitco
dra, sdra2: haruhiko kobashikawa, nikei yomiuri, hajime makunouchi, emma magorobi, setsukei, makurobi, satsuhiko
drhd: tomoya morita, denshi shigenobu, ryuuji himura, akimoya, katsuhidechou
bdr: ichirou taida (trust guys he will Not die), no ships yet
p:eg (unfortunate acronym): ulysses wilhelm, mark berskii (purely out of my speculation i think about him being the mastermind so much i think it's a problem), kaimon, ulymon
aa: matt engarde, KLAVIER GAVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, damon gant, SIMON KEYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rules???? i don't know????
credit me if you use art. and uhh don't be a dick
-homophobes and transphobes
thin ice:
about me:
i'm anika but you might've known me as kaileighs-multifandom-mayhem. the only reason my url didn't say anika is because i was weird and insecure about my name
i go by she/her and am aegosexual (ace but i still think about horny shit sometimes), cis, and bi-questioning
possibly autistic. i think so. maybe adhd still looking into it
i'm indian but i live in america in the midwest where i have never seen a hill. it's on my bucket list actually
kinlist: whit young (drdt), min jeung (drdt), sebastian debeste (aai2), klavier gavin (aa4), trucy wright
dob is 23 august, where my summer birthday lads at
yeah that's it
good and nice. goodbye
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