#Im hoping after a few weeks i will be able to reintroduce that in the mornings
freebooter4ever · 1 month
One thing i am learning:
so leading up to this from the end of my stomach virus on July 1st till July 27th I was having huge gas issues with my stomach. Lots of bloating, lots of farts, just so much fun. But then around July 25 the farts slowly stopped happening but thats when instead the gas seemed to be getting trapped in my gut and just not coming out. And i suspect that's what was triggering the panic, heartrate, breathlessness, etc. So after this last monday while with my friends my goal was to get the farts to come back, which probably sounds insane but keep in mind my brain has not been fully functional lately. So on wednesday, the best day this week and when i felt the most normal, oxygen levels back to 99, when i took the probiotic and experienced the most farts/gas/etc i thought that was what i was now aiming for.
But the interesting thing now is that after completely overhauling my died and only eating bland foods / high fiber foods / vegetables, both friday and this morning i have not had much gas at all....but i also am not having that intense difficulty breathing reaction despite eating more calories than i have in days. Tldr i think a combination of being on the probiotics plus eating foods that are easy to digest has stopped the bloating rather than just let me fart more to release the bloating. So i guess thats my new goal: to get to a base stable point where im eating a healthy bloat free diet. And not feeling like im starving all the time. Yay.
Ngl im gonna really fucking miss my terrible eating habits but i think i knew that one day they would come to bite me in the ass. Im hoping eventually i will be able to eat things like pasta and cheese and stuff again, but thanks to that terrible virus i had i think i have to be extra careful with my gut now. Ethan kindly spent like an hour of his lunch break talking to me on friday and that was one of the things he joked about - that as sad as it is at some point in the aging process our bodies change and cant handle stuff we used to. He's been helping me out with easy food to start introducing into my diet thats significantly healthier than like...pasta...and cheese. (ethan also had some scary health issues related to oxygen levels and has an aunt who is a doctor so he was able to put my mind at ease a lot about what's been happening, and make me feel less insane)
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loiswasadevil · 2 years
So I happened to have discovered this account by pure accident and I hope I do not come off as rude for asking what I'm about to ask. How does 'reality shifting' work and if it isn't too much of a personal question: why lois?
It isn't rude at all !! Reality shifting is what it sounds like- shifting realities, (some believe) there are a lot more realities than just our present reality. Peter once described it as like taking your mental and physical form from point A to point B. I begin using practices FROM meditation, but reality shifting is not meditation or dreaming, if you're doing either of these you're doing it wrong. There's a lot of different methods people use (my partner @peter-mcgill has written a few guides!!); Some people listen to YouTube videos and repeat affirmations, but i script my dr (desired reality) usually, me and @peter-mcgill attempt to shift to the same Spooner Street script and raise our Family Stewie, Chris, And Meg together 😍 Though peter has been wanting to shift to Bob's Burgers more which i haven't been successfully able to do. Probably because of the negative thoughts I get when I think about him wanting to go to Bob's Burgers instead of Family Guy, and thats a good tie-in to your second question. Kinning is complicated. I didn't choose Lois, You just go through your entire life with these memories and as you grow older you realize. As children my brother Jonas and I would LOVE Family Guy and we'd always play it, act out episodes and stuff. We would seriously watch family guy like every day, and when we played it went without saying He was my peter and I was his Lois. We never really picked our roles, it just happens naturally. Sometime's I'd be Stewie or Brian, we would fight over those sometimes but like never with Peter and Lois. Though i don't really know if Jonas kinned peter, I didn't really have a name for what I was experiencing until i was reintroduced to technology and found out about kinning. our dad f/cking hated when we would watch "Dirty Cartoons" and such so for a while we lived off the grid so we could be cleaned, we had to wash our feet in the creek. We'd just kinda talk about the episodes at first since we thought it was a normal camping trip but after like a week we realized this was our ""forever life"" (clearly not since im typing this out now), but we weren't allowed to talk about family guy or any Fox cartoons, my dad also hated SpongeBob so honestly i've never even seen an episode of it in full. But back to what I was saying; We weren't allowed to even talk abt fg anymore so we would act it out and I would be Lois and Jonas would be Peter, we used to walk about a mile or so out to this ditch we found our ""spot"" of sorts, and thats when i realized I had most of my Kin Memories. My earliest Kin Memory was Giving birth to Stewie, but my earliest memory that isn't fuzzy (probably because of literally giving birth) is Stewie's Birthday, from Season 1 Episode 3, I remember watching it and just feeling this deja vu' almost sort of clarity, that's the best way to explain it. You just know with kin memories??? I remember the emotions precisely, I was so mad at Peter for not reserving the restaurant that he PROMISED to get reserved, It's actually the same type of anger I feel when Peter flakes on our plans, or wants to shift to BB instead of FG. That's what I'm talking about with the "deja vu clarity", idk if anyone else knows what i mean by that.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 5 years
-I guess I’ll just post articles or of it and rant about it till the movie is out 🤪
We got a new article about the Rick Grimes movies and answers from Gimple. It’s not anything much new to it but it’s handy. There’s a lot of Gimple-speak or talk that isn’t clear ..or like because they’re just starting to make the movie.
Ofc the fandom just joke/bash on Gimple and the movies. Idk why but I’m tired of it. It’s like the s6 cliffhanger. It’s annoying and boring. It gets me feeling negative...I mean I wanna see straight forward/positive answers or facts. Ok... Or heck maybe I’m just being unreasonably hopeful. sigh.
From the article, I kinda feel like the interviewer didn’t ask the right questions. He didn’t ask when the movie will come out or when the filming starts. Idk. But I noticed Gimple answered about how they don’t have a director yet. That’s straightforward and it tells me that they’re not ready yet for filming or like in Dec. They’re in Pre-procduction stuff rn. Idk much about movie productions. I don’t think Gimple, AMC,Skybound, and Universal would lie. So.. If the movies are not gonna happen I would think someone would say something.
Anyway. ..I noticed the article said Part 1. So I guess we’ll get another part soon about the movie or.. other shows.
Gimple said the movies will go in wild new directions. I figured. I keep thinking the movies will be like a lot of TWD universe actors from all shows and reintroduce Rick and walkers/zombies. New adventures yeah and to use that story that last three movies. I wonder if my theory would be true with the movies would be like 2 years ahead of the TWD show or take place after TWD show series (estimated) ending timeline.
The talk about Michonne seems like her exit is the first clue or something to know what’s about the movies. Keep the secret hidden. “We worked hard on that.” IMO it sounds like he just wants to keep it unspoiled on her exit rn.
I know fans are impatient and Gimple just announced so early on. It’s all so vague. IMO, Nov. ‘18 was when they just started things. Then July ‘19 they got a deal from Universal and it’s gonna be 3 movies. It’s all very early news. I mean we are still kinda in the know.
Idk im tired of fandom drama. We’ll know when we’ll know. Also it’s not the first time a tv show to make a movie.
ok so vvv I copy/paste the article.
The Walking Dead movie to go in 'wild new directions'
In part 1 of our comprehensive TWD overview sit-down, Scott M. Gimple gives an update on the Rick Grimes story for the big screen
By Dalton Ross January 06, 2020
It has been more than a year since Andrew Lincoln’s Rick Grimes left The Walking Dead TV series and franchise chief content officer Scott M. Gimple announced that the actor and character would be appearing in a trilogy of TWD films. But other than a cryptic teaser at San Diego’s Comic-Con in July 2019 that announced the first such film would be appearing “only in theaters,” news has been scarce on the project.
EW sat down for a wide-ranging discussion with Gimple on the state of The Walking Dead franchise, and in part one of our chat, we asked where they are with the film script, if a director has been chosen, where exactly people will be able to see it, and what we will see on screen. (Stay tuned all week for Gimple’s updates on The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, The Walking Dead: World Beyond, and other upcoming TWD content.)
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: It has been more than a year since you announced you would be making a Rick Grimes Walking Dead movie. Do you have a timeframe in place in terms of shoot dates and locations already locked, or at least close to locked? SCOTT M. GIMPLE: We have a couple of different plans that we’re going with depending on a couple of different factors we have to deal with on everything from story to product aspects. There have been a lot of different aspects to it in terms of timing that are pretty much coming into rapid focus right now. I would say the past year in a lot of ways has been R&D on a lot of aspects of it.
Where is the script? Where are you with that? We are currently refining it. I don’t want to say much more than that. It’s coming together amazingly, but we’re trying to make this very special for everybody involved and we’re holding our feet to the flames. It’s an incredibly deliberate process right now.
Do you have a director for the film yet? The director has not been chosen for this film.
In that little teaser you showed at Comic-Con in July, it said, “Only in theaters.” What does that mean? Is there anything you can tell me about the theatrical window because obviously it’s AMC, but you’ve got Universal and Skybound so there are all these entities involved. This is a movie that’s going to be watched in the movie theater. Eventually you won’t need a movie theater to see it, but more in line with how movies work.
So this is not a situation where it screens in theaters, but then airs a few days later on AMC? No, this is a theatrical film. Yes, there’s AMC, there’s Universal, there’s Skybound. There are a lot of parties working together to cook up something special.
Is the plan still for three films? Yes, but we are still playing with things. That’s the plan right now.
We know it’s Michonne’s last season. Is Danai Gurira going to be a part of this film in some way? I don’t want to get ahead of The Walking Dead. I don’t want people already looking to what Michonne might or might not be doing next. She has an amazing story coming up on Walking Dead that informs everything moving forward, but I don’t want to get ahead of that. We worked real hard on that.
What about other people in The Walking Dead universe? I’m thinking about Heath, or other people that we haven’t seen in a little while that might potentially be popping up in terms of some surprises? I can’t even give you a definitive thing because we really are playing around with it a little bit now. We have a terrific area and direction we’re moving in, but we’re playing around with various aspects of it.
What can you say narratively about Rick? We saw him going off in the helicopter. What can you say about where the story’s going to go? We are going to continue to tell Rick’s story, and we are going to discover so much of the world through that story. Rick will be challenged in different ways that, in some ways, everything that he’s been through has sort of prepared him for. It’s a much larger world than one that he had been operating in, and that was challenging in and of itself. Now things are heightened, and just as we’re going to the movies — and it is the movies proper, suitably wide screen — we’re going to be filling that screen with a brand new world.
I was going to ask you about that in terms of the production elements: How is the scale different? How is your budget different? The scale is bigger and the budget is bigger, and it’s The Walking Dead, but heightened, both in the narrative themes, but also in just what we see onscreen. I say heightened, but I should also say it’s also very different. It’s not going to be the exact same thing we saw on television, just larger. We are going in some wild new directions. Movies are a different beast than television. Television is like, boom, we’re done. Movies, to calibrate an hour and a half, two hours is no joke, and it’s been a lot of fun, but it’s a real challenge and we take it very seriously for the fans. We really want to deliver them something special, something worth their trip to the movies. We’re trying to be very deliberate and deliver something new.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
How I Survived Cutting Out Dairy For A Full Week
Quitting dairy was the very last item on my Find Out Whats Causing My Chronic Congestion to-do list. Ive been struggling with this issue since I moved to Tampa five months ago, and I am pretty sure its related to allergies, but I wanted to exhaust every possible scenario before opting for an ENT specialist. So far I have tried: prescription allergy meds, saline sprays, a neti pot, hypoallergenic pillows, a humidifier, an essential oil diffuser, nasal sprays, and Breathe-Right strips. I even had the maintenance team at my apartment community do a mold inspection. Though, since these apartments were built in 2014, I was pretty certain they wouldnt find anything. They didnt.
So, dairy. Dairy is on the list of things to eliminate if you struggle with congestion. Ive always had a certain sensitivity to milk, but its never been something that has affected my life so much that I needed to eliminate it. I just need to be close to a bathroom after drinking a Frappuccino, is what Im saying. But, I figured, lets try eliminating dairy! Who knows maybe my sensitivity morphed into a full-blown allergy and just randomly coincided with my move. Stranger things have happened, right?
Last week, I eliminated dairy from my life and it led to some really interesting epiphanies on my end. First of all, I never realized how much dairy I consume on a daily basis. I drink a cup of coffee with full-fat creamer most mornings. I like pizza and pizza rolls and cheddar-and-bacon potato skins and cereal with cows milk and sub sandwiches with mayo and butter on my veggies. I like cheese string cheese, feta cheese, mozzarella cheese, all of the cheese. And chocolate. Oh, do I love chocolate. Milk chocolate, not dark chocolate. I love creamy, delicious, soothing milk chocolate.
My diet? Was going to have to go through a drastic shift for this dairy-free experiment.
But I did it. I went a week without eating dairy. (Mostly, I had some oops-I-didnt-realize-this-contained-dairy-until-I-ate-it moments.) It was a good week and it was a bad week, and I want to start with what didnt go so well.
It was boring.
I derive a lot of enjoyment from food, and I love looking forward to a meal. I did not look forward to any of my meals during this experiment. What I ate was fine: Nutrigrain waffles with peanut butter, salads, clementines, chicken and rice, etc. But it was just food. It tasted good, but it didnt excite me. I want my food to excite me.
Dairy is in every good thing in this world.
Eating out was fairly impossible, which is why it only happened twice for me. I even had to turn down pizza and cake at my nephews birthday party, and I think I may have hurt my sister-in-laws feelings in the process. (Oof. Not intentional!) And dairy is in. I didnt realize this until I started taking a look at the ingredient list for many of my favorite foods. How does someone with a sweet tooth eat dairy-free? Riddle me this, Batman, I want to know.
I was so hungry the whole week.
This was probably the hardest part of this week. I washungry every single day. It makes sense, though: dairy has a lot of protein and in the process of eliminating dairy, I essentially eliminated a good chunk of protein. Rookie mistake.
The first few days were outrageously hard.
But arent they always?It was hard not to give up. I desperately wanted to in those first few days when I was so hungry. I knew I just needed to get over a hump, and it would be smooth sailing from there, but man, getting over that hump is so damn hard.
Okay, so now that Ive laid out the difficult parts of last week, lets dive into the positive aspects of my dairy-free experiment!
Ienjoy eating healthy
I know this contradicts my first point above, but hear me out. Eating healthy does not come naturally to me. I dont reach for fruits and veggies, lean meats and brown rice. I reach for the bad stuff and I eating the bad stuff. I do not naturally eating the good stuff, but when I do force myself to eat it, I realize I enjoy healthy foods and its tasty. Healthy food can taste good! (Rinse and repeat.)
I slept better and felt more energized than I have in a while
Sigh, this happens when I clean up my diet and start exercising more frequently. My sleep improves! I feel great! My energy levels are up! And yet Ive never been able to stick with eating healthy for the long-term. But this week lets just say I finally slept soundly, which leads into the next point.
My congestion (mostly) cleared up
!!!!! Okay, okay, I was hoping the congestion wouldnt clear up because I didnt want to actually have to consider eliminating dairy full-time.But my congestion really cleared up. Not completely, but enough to make a huge difference in my sleep and, to be dramatic, my life.
So, where do I go from here?
Essentially, eliminating dairy from my diet did exactly what I wanted it to do it helped to clear up my congestion. That said, I am going to see a doctor about my congestion. My congestion never fully went away, so I think its time to get a specialist involved.
Even still, I am truly interested in eating mostly dairy free. It was a hard week, I wont lie, but it also felt really good. I lost 3 lbs, which is a feat for me lately, and I was sleeping better. I want to aim for the 80/20 rule 80% of the time I eat dairy free with 20% allowed for indulgences. Pizza with friends, dessert at book club, things like that.
My plan for the week after my dairy-free experiment was to begin reintroducing different dairy products into my diet to test how my body reacted to them. And Ive been doing that, and in the process, my congestion has come back with a vengeance. It is quite frustrating, but it just shows me that my body is now reacting differently to dairy than it has in the past. Thats life, right? Bodies are weird, complex organisms and we have to learn how to adapt to them.
Im really glad I experimented with eliminating dairy, and now Im excited to figure out how to lead a dairy-free existence. Ive already discovered vegan mayonnaise (Veganaise), which I find to be incredibly delicious. This weekend, Im going to try my hand at vegan baking (< something I never thought Id say.)
Also? Im really proud of myself for sticking with eating dairy-free, especially when it was intensely difficult, and not giving up. Thats something to be proud of, no matter what.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2kyrZFI
from How I Survived Cutting Out Dairy For A Full Week
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