#Im also toying with throwing bow in via spiderverse shennigans
bittybattybunny · 3 years
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Currently calling this au BCU and it’s kinda turned into less romance than my normal AUs and more dad time
After she’s adopted Kaya often stops by Thatcher Industries main office if she needs Ru to sign off on stuff for school (namely permission forms she needs signed for sports meet ups or such. honestly he’s happy to sign off on most things so long as she’s not fighting crime)
However Kaya always gets a really weird feeling around one of her dad’s workers; specifically his assistant’s “older brother” something about him really unsettles her every time and King loathes him. (the reason is Craft is actually Loki. And while he doesn’t know Kaya’s exact deal he knows there’s something off with the teen and wants to attack her to see what happens. this intent is what unsettles her spidey sense)
I mentioned I did some “Nightingale” Sketches! Eclipse (Rather Amaris Nightingale) was a woman with poor health and a sharp mind, her elder brother Dr. Sena nightingale was a researcher for the military back during the days before the first world war. While working on a way to improve stamina and health Sena was able to create a formula to enhance, but it had a lot of issues. While he was passed out (drank too much in his frustration) his sister had a look and made some notes (realized it had issues binding to the y chromosome) and when Sena found this out was both thrilled and upset cuz he had a feeling no one would volunteer. But his sister ended up despite his protests and became the first super solider codenamed “Nightingale”. Unlike Cap in the films however, they sent her straight into the field with no training to test it out. She ended up getting pretty hurt as she adjusted to her new body. Despite it all she remained diligent and did her best, learning to fight on the go. She ended up during the battles, saving a small black cat, and this helped her when she had her big confrontation with “Horizon” a group who sought to ‘unify’ the world. But during an infiltration, her brother was taken to her dismay. and she had to fight Twilla the leader of the Horizon group. She was severely injured and was about to detonate the entire facility with her inside to get rid of all the horrible tech but was Saved from the explosion by Loki god of mischief. It turned out the black cat she saved and had named “Craft” was none other than the chaos lord themself. She was taken by the god to Asgard to recover and spent her time healing there. After a while however she did want to return home (even knowing the time passes differently between worlds) but due to how bad her injuries had been and how the serum interact with the energy in Asgard, she had a bit of memory loss when they returned to earth. Craft took up being her ‘brother’ and helped her get a job at Thatcher Industries (and met a familiar face which was confusion for both parties) He won’t tell her she was a solider because he wants her to try and have a decent life without that (but she winds up becoming a hero again anyway)  (btw Ander/Tim’s Friend is thor in this and he and Craft have a good relationship without rivalry, Craft really is more interested with Earthlings than anything so Ander deals with Asgard with Odin (tim))
Then some fun Kaya doodles, one of her just swinging around the City, then showing her hero costume off. The first also shows a bit how King will “attach” and become her claws. She wears a simple tank top and leggins with her bulky socks and then throws a sweatshirt on the top and called it her “hero costume” with a mask she made herself (she also hides her webshooters in bulky wrist cuff fingerless gloves) This was the outfit she wore when Ru met her
The far right is the outfit Ru had commissioned for her, because while he hates her fighting crime, he knows he really can’t STOP her. But he can take measures to keep her safe and help her own image. He got the outfit from @/doodleimprovement’s Jose who works in his PR department. Ru had it made from thick materials (at least on her vest) with a black and red theme (Since red is Kaya’s favorite color and King is Black) it has a bulletproof lining, shoulder, elbow and knee pads and boots with grip so she can still climb walls but also absorb some impact when she lands too hard.
She cried when he gave it to her.
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