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Fujimotos use of Body language and how it tells us EVERYTHING we need to know.
[Minor spilers ahead]
We need to talk about the art in chainsawman, because I feel like it's hardly ever addressed and it's one of those things that could easily get lost in adaption with the anime coming out this summer. The way Fujimoto priorities SHOWING emotion over telling it, is in my opinion, under appreciated and under utilized in modern manga. And I'm going to prove it. At this point its almost a running joke. That every Shonen manga in existence will have the main character loudly declared his beliefs and goals to every person he meets. Stuff like "I do this for my freinds/You have angerd me!! I will make you pay" but fujimoto dosnt do that at all. In fact he actively avoids it by having his characters and often Denji deflect from there emotions or hide and mis interpret them all together.

We all joke at this panel because it comes OFF as a joke. Denji who has just finished a kill on a devil man is distracted by porn mags. Haha but is that really what's going on in this panel? No. Sure denji goes on to make seeing/ touching boobs his goal but is that really thr only thing that he wanted? Well no. In fact when denji GETS the thing he claimed to want hes..dissatisfied, left to ponder if it was even worth it .until he meets makima again he doesn't even want anything to do kissing, relationships, or even boobs, they dont even cross his mind at this point. So what else DID he want I'm this panel. Fujimoto doesn't shove it in our mouths via big rallying speach - but he dose still give us the answer. In context this frame happens right after Denji makes the choice to kill a devil man for the first time. A devil man. The same thing denji is. Not only is denji also a devil man but by the empty dirty apartment full of porn mags its extremely clear that this devil man was probably completely alone, poor, and without direction. A very simulare lifesryle that denji has lived in all his life. He was faced with a reflection of his own self and told to slit its throat. He does. With hesitstion of course but one that he quickly covers up by grabbing a couple of porn mags and complaing that "he didn't want blood on the magz". The whole place is full of magazines. Personally I don't think Denji would have been that picky. But denji never openly admits his complicated feelings on this event. Instead he tells himself "I want to touch some boobs". Now in Denjis case it's clear that his gut reaction to deflect from his feelings may not even be something he's aware of. Denji knows he wants SOMETHING (a better life) but he dosnt know WHAT so he process then best as he can. His body language shows us that hes struggling. Hes hunched over almost hugging himslef in comfort, eyes cast down, despite the joke he shows no sign of lauging. Denji is a character who struggles with even understanding his own internal struggles. Not only is this a great way to show how fujimotos art direction lends to the narrative but it also shows great character decision. Denji hides his feelings because he canot process them. Unlike other characters such as Makima, Aki , and Reze who actively hide there emotions while knowing exactly what they want. Which is also shown through Fujimotos art, through misdirection, subtle body language, and even specifically placed eye contact.

Despite the proud talk from the man Makima in this panel isn't the losing party. We know this even befor the fight begins. Not because of diologe but because of her composure. Calm. Collected. Amused even. Surrounded by enemies who would have no qualms of killing her. Her gaze just as unflinching as his yet far more relaxed.
Then we have rezes moments. Moments where she realizes something. But doesn't comment on it.

Her expression is that of controlled surprise. She knows something isn't right. But she's choosing not to comment on it.

Even when she does decide to speak to Denji about it (despite her best interest not to) she still holds an air of controlled silence. Her face completely hidden except for a still smile. The panels flipping between denjis struggle to understand her questions and her still hidden reaction. Instead of explaining any more to denji or talking about her feelings. She changes the subject. She never says "oh this is awkward/ time to change the subject" she just does. The mood is tense ans uneasy And once you learn more about Reze that's when you understand why. She never tells us directly but for those who have finished the bomb arc well we have our answers...
As for aki. Even The cold cool calm collected REAL Shonen protag still has plenty to hide and plenty emotions to work through.

. After Angel tells him that he has loss years of his life just for saving Angel akis eyes immediately flash with regret. At first he's shocked and stares straight ahead. Then fujimoto brings even more attention to Akis eyes as aki begins to understand and come to terms with the Angles words. Finally. Regret tenses through his face and Aki says "I've had enough of watching people die in front of my eyes". These words seem sincere....but yet again aki is posing a contradiction. Aki is a devil hunter he has and will continue to see the people around him slaughterd daily. As long as he has his job he will continue to be followed by death. If it was really about not wanting to watch people die he would have quit after thus. And yet he doesn't. He stays. And spends a considerable amount of time with Angel after this. Despite his suffering and what it took to get here he has found something to belive in. And from Angel's body language we can assume the feeling is mutual. Angel is not naive to Akis decision and once again fijimoto focuses on the characters eyes. His body becomes lax and a sense of peace washed over his face. He is no longer fighting against Aki. In this panel both aki and Angel have found there reason to continue living yet they can't say those words outloud.
These aren't the only Show Dont Tell moments Fujimoto utilizes but they are some I wanted to point out. I really hope this kind of writing style sparks a bit of change in our current Shonen wave as it's one I enjoy a lot.
#both Vagabond and berzerk have utalised this writing/art direction in masterful ways#to be fair there are plenty of Shonen that have this kind of writing pepperd kn here and there#hell even BNA has its moments of this style#but its rare to see it so intertwined with the themes and arcs of the charcters#chainsaw man#csm#anime analysis#manga#long post#another REALLY big scene for this is the movie theater date with makima#but i dont want to spoil that for anyone in this post#could make a separate post about it later#chainsawman#Im REWRITNG THIS TONIGHT I HAVE MORE IDEAS HOLD ON
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