#Illumi x maid!reader
narrators-journal · 3 years
Help from the help
Narrator, do you have a thing for these sorts of power dynamics mayhaps? Do you maybe want to get railed by Illumi while you’re his maid? Yes. Yes I do.
cw: I dunno, maids? Illumi being awkward maybe?
In total, you'd seen Illumi Zoldyck maybe five times during your time as a temporary maid for his family. Three times when you'd cleared dinner dishes, once when it had been your turn to clean his wing, so you'd been making his bed and he'd come in and ordered you to not forget to clean his bathroom too, and once when you had been putting a load of laundry into the washer and turned around to find the tall, dark-eyed assassin so close you actually ran into him a bit, he'd apparently come in to try and find out if a piece of clothing had been washed. Aside from those times, you'd hardly seen him. Despite these sparse encounters, you were rather smitten with him almost from the first time. It wasn't like he was insanely better looking than any other Zoldyck, Kikyo was very pretty, Silva was nowhere near the worst to look at, even Milluki had his charms and wasn't hard on the eyes, but something about the doll-like assassin drew you in more than the rest. Probably the unattainable aspect you mused to yourself one day as you made your way upstairs with a laundry basket full of cleaning supplies, heading to clean said son's wing of the home today. Or maybe I just have a thing for men with long hair, you continued as you went, finding the upstairs cleaning closet and fetching the vacuum as you lost yourself in your thoughts. You were spacing out pretty hard, just mulling over all of what you found attractive about Illumi, entertaining yourself with ranking which Zoldyck you'd date before the rest, stuff like that while you worked, so you didn't notice until you'd turned the corner at the end of the hall leading into Illumi's wing that you had that static-y, fuzzy feeling his aura left you with creeping up your spine. Confused, you looked around, giving a small yelp when you realized Illumi was damn near leaning over you from behind,           "Uh, s-sir??" you squeaked with wide (e/c) eyes before quickly clearing your throat and speaking again in a more composed voice "is there something I can help you with...master Illumi?" He simply stared at you, straightening at least when he had gotten your attention,             "I was wanting to ask something." He finally explained, walking around you to be in front, which helped you relax a tad bit, as at least now you weren't relying on somewhat intimate senses to gauge where he was,            "Well sir, if this is about some cleaning issue, I wasn't the one to clean your wing yesterday, that was a different maid," you chirped, using your happy demeanor to hopefully hide the filthy places your brain had shot to after his words.            "I know, I ran into the maid yesterday. I'd rather ask this of a woman closer to my age." he said flatly, and if he noticed any giveaways for your lascivious thoughts he didn't acknowledge them as he went on, "you see, father has told me I lack experience with women, and if I'm to find a wife I need to learn. So, would you help me?" he asked, making you blink, your brain temporarily screeching to a halt.         "Uh, I don't see how I could help with that, master Illumi." you pointed out, laughing awkwardly while he looked at you coldly, and you knew you might've offended him,         "(Y/n), I know very well that you are attracted to me, you more than any other maid should realize I have no trouble attracting women." and just like that, the color drained from your face. Your heart felt like someone was trying to squeeze the blood from it while you scrambled to reassure him, the task not made easier under his calculating, unreadable gaze. Finally, after a moment of floundering, you gave up and just went quiet, resigning yourself to the embarrassment of so brutally having your crush called out,           "A-alright, so...what did you need help with?" you asked, your voice somewhat quiet, which seemed to amuse or please the long haired billionaire in front of you,           "I need practice with seducing a woman, and if I am to try, I'd prefer to seduce someone I find attractive. So, I chose you." The words made your breath catch in your throat, but before you could put together the words to ask your next question, or even the power of thought required to register that last part, he spoke again, "No, I am not a virgin, I just don't have a plethora of experience, and my father says that I need more if I'm to get a wife." he explained, and you decided not to push it further or ask about why his father was concerned with the issue,           "Alright, so what do you want me to do to help?" you asked instead,           "I would like for you to let me try to seduce you. You have my permission to tell me if my attempts are off in any way," You nodded, agreeing to help the struggling assassin. After that was settled, he left you alone to continue cleaning. What followed was possibly the most awkward period in your life. True to his word, Illumi did try his best to try and seduce you over the next two weeks, and true to his word, he did need work at it. Part of you was somewhat charmed at how awkward this intimidating murderer was when it came to trying to flirt, but the rest of you lowkey wanted to be one of his hits rather than hit on for that same reason.
At first, his lines were rather cheesy, stuff that you guessed he heard his parents use or from movies, but as time went it became pretty obvious that the lines weren't exactly the issue, his delivery was.          "y'know, this might work better if you were more...expressive," you advised one day after he'd tried another miss of a pick-up line, and all you really got in response was a slow, owlish blink,          "Expressive? I'm expressive," he argued, but you shook your head,                  "You have a tendency to sound bored or uninterested when you speak, and it's currently what's making you sound so awkward...sir." you explained, and for a moment he looked a tad lost, but than hummed,          "What should I sound like then?" he finally asked, "Hisoka?" Your stomach dropped at the thought of Illumi trying to imitate Hisoka's way of flirting. You'd run into the brightly colored magician a few times, mostly whenever he'd stop by to be tortured for interfering with jobs, and you'd been hit on each time by the man. You didn't know if you could survive Illumi being as brash, forward, and creepy as that.          "I wouldn't suggest following his lead, but m-maybe finding a middle ground? L-like, sound more...coy? Flirtatious? But don't sound quite as...aroused, as master Hisoka does." you advised, and Illumi seemed to understand better.           "so, what if I did this," he than walked towards you, backing you to the wall of room you'd been cleaning in his wing and than caging you between his arms before leaning down so your faces were closer together before he spoke in a much more playful, husky voice, "Would you let me bed you now, (y/n)?" and you couldn't even respond. It was like he'd knocked the wind from your lungs in one try, leaving you feeling as if you were going to melt down the wall. Thankfully, Illumi inferred your answer from there and smirked a bit while his hands slid down and than around you, pulling you closer to him so you didn't have the option of sliding downwards anymore.         "I didn't expect it to be so easy to win you over, (y/n). I've only changed one thing and you're already putty." he purred, and all you could muster up was a pretty brainless reply,          "It's a pretty big...change." even in your derpy, hormone-addled state that sounded kinda dumb, but it got you a small laugh from Illumi. After that, the assassin took you by surprise and actually went in for a kiss, though he pulled away when you squeaked,          "What?"         "ah, n-nothing, just didn't expect you to...do that." you squeaked out, your body now fully aware of just how close his was, and of a small spot of pressure.        "I did say I would try to seduce you, that includes getting you to have sex with me." he pointed out, and his return to a disinterested, aloof voice did nothing to stop his words from being gasoline on a bonfire to you. So, when you couldn't form any other arguments, he kissed you again, and this time you were swift to return it. You wouldn't admit it, but you were a little surprised at just how good of a kisser Illumi was. Yes, he'd said he wasn't a virgin, but after some asking around you'd learned that he at most has has sex 4 times, all for jobs, so you were not expecting his kiss to knock you on your proverbial ass like it did. Though, you were glad to be in one of his side rooms when it did, because the way he dominated your tongue with his, and slid his hand down your back, over your ass and down your thigh to pick up your knee may have gotten a pretty inappropriate noise out of you. So, when he finally broke the kiss to step away in order to strip, you were already panting while following his lead and losing your own clothing. Once fully disrobed, he wasted no time in scooping you up and pressing you back into the wall with another kiss, letting you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his hips for support. Then, he set to work on getting more moans out of you. He started with pressing his body to yours, and you rewarded him with a mewl and a hip wiggle when you felt his swiftly stiffening member against your stomach, you also gasped and moaned when his lips moved from yours and down your throat, zeroing in on your sweet spot within seconds and nipping and sucking at it until you were sure to bruise. After that, you were already soaked enough for him, but he kept going, keeping you up with one hand on your ass, using the other to rub your clit and send shockwaves of pleasure through you so powerful you curse and arched your back.            "it's been a while since you've gotten off, hasn't it?" He asked, using that playful purr you'd later curse yourself for teaching him to use, but for now you just nodded. It really had been a long while since you'd had sex, if at all, but either way the way he played your body like an instrument had all other times currently beaten. That decision was set in stone when you felt him leave your clit for a moment to slip a finger inside of your already soaked cunt, giving a few testing thrusts just to make you moan again, then he pulled his hand away and instead grabbed onto your hips to lift you up more, which earned a squeal when your hips pressed more against his member on the way up. He quieted you down briefly with another kiss while your veins coursed with lightning and he lined himself up with your entrance. He pulled away just as he pushed into you, wanting to hear you whine his name as he filled you up. Once you were full, he began to move, briefly setting a slow pace, but once you were moaning more he was quick to get rougher. Pretty soon you were a mess of moans and curses, clawing into his shoulders a bit, which got you pretty mercilessly rammed into as punishment, but the pain only seemed to further feed your lust at this point, along with Illumi sprinkling in hungry kisses while he slammed his dick into you repeatedly. Though, he made sure to use one hand to hold your hips in place while the other was in your (h/l), (h/c) hair to keep you from moving up the wall or turning your head to avoid his demands for kisses. In a short time you could feel a knot in your stomach tighten, your orgasm quickly approaching. So, with one final cry of his name, you let yourself fall over the edge, Illumi soon following after. Though, part of you was a bit sad that he pulled out to spill his seed onto your stomach and not fill you up with the warm fluid, but you kept your complaints to a small whine, which earned you a look that you gauged as intrigued.          "Did you want me to come inside?" he asked, and while his voice was back to being flat, and notedly not changed by the activity he just partook in or the fact that he was holding you up, you could hear the hint of maybe surprise in it.          "A little..." you admitted with an embarrassed, breathy laugh before trying to unwrap your legs from around him so you could get dressed, but he moved his hand from your hair to your thigh, keeping it in place,          "Well than, I'll have to fix my error."
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iaal · 4 years
how strict is the uniform policy for maid reader?? she obv isn’t gonna wear the traditional “maid uniform” that everyone thinks of, but is she allowed to just wear her regular clothes?? are they like the uniforms in heavens arena?? so many questions arise
Hisoka x Maid!Reader Part.2
“Do you really need to wear...” Hisoka scrunched his faced and point at your clothes , “...that.”
You looked down on your uniform, it was just a black ensemble, pants and a blouse with the company logo embroidered on the chest. Your clothes were easy to clean and move around with, good for your job. Sure it was nothing fancy but nothing to warrant this kind of repulsed face – you almost pout before realizing in front of whom you were standing. Showing coquetry would just bring unrelenting teasing.
“I do, it’s the mandatory uniform, Sir.” It was kind of a lie. Of course newbie had to wear it but when you got enough of your own regular clients it was at the maid’s discretion if they wanted to wear something else. As long as the clients didn’t complain the company was lenient on how you dressed and it wasn’t like they were watching you anyway.
“Oh really? It’s so strange,” he questioned, finger tapping on his lips. “I recall one of your predecessor from the same company saying they weren’t that strict with it.”
You didn’t even flinch. Since the time he tried to make you wear what he considered a “proper” maid uniform you’ve thought of every excuses you could imagine to refuse when he’d inevitably try again, even imagining how he would counter it. You were ready for him.
“Of course, it’s not like they can force us to wear anything once we’re out on our own,” you started to explain, dusting the shelves. “I find it unprofessional to wear anything but the one they provide us though. Rules are not meant to be broken just because no one is actively enforcing it.”
“My, my! How serious of you!” Hisoka surprised you by patting your back as he praised you. “When you’ll get tired of wearing this hideous garb I’d be more than happy to provide with something more alluring.”
More surprising was how easily he gave up, you almost felt disappointed to not be able to use all the arguments you prepared. You should have been relieved but it was so out of character that you could only be more suspicious of his words.
His intention became clear once you got home and undress. On the back of your blouse, in big bold letters “Hisoka’s Pet ♥” was written. No matter how much you washed and scrubbed to erased it it wouldn’t come off. You didn’t even care to know how to managed to do it you just swallowed your pride and with a sigh threw your cloth in the bin. This time was his win.
You opened your dresser and prepared your next work clothes. This one was white, with a flower pattern that wouldn’t be out of place as your grandma wallpaper and two size too big for good measure. He’s going to regret messing with your uniform.
“And it’s not even my final form” you smirked.
“You have what now?” you blurted dropping the broom.
Hisoka furrowed his brow, “I said I have a friend who’s going to spend the night. Did you perchance thought I didn’t have any friends?” he said in a hurt voice.
‘Yes’ you thought. “Of course not, Sir,” you answered.
Hisoka’s “friends”, so far, always shared his room and you seldom only met them on their way out. So for him to ask you to prepare the guest room and even to go all out for diner it meant friend-friend. You picked up the broom and your countenance and went back to work.
Your curiosity has been piqued though and you spent the rest of the day imagining what kind of person Hisoka call a friend and more importantly, what kind of person would hang out with him. For free. You barely managed to stand him because that was your job, CHOOSING to be with him was a mystery.
Almost everything was ready when the doorbell rang. You exited the kitchen to answer the door a pang of excitement and apprehension to the person you’re going to met. Either someone with the patience of a saint or an even bigger weirdo than your employer.
You weren’t prepared for you eyes to met a pair of cold dead black eyes. The excitation was short lived.
“Welcome, Sir. Please come in.” You moved out of the way to let the guest enter and motion to take his jacket before guiding him to the living room. All the time you felt his gaze boring a hole at your back.
“Oh Illumi! You’re finally here! Should I give you a tour?” Hisoka was smiling, obviously thrilled to have his friend home.
“Why? I don’t think you have anything of interest here.” The guest answered without looking at his host, sitting on the couch.
You took that at your cue to start serving them drinks while they were chitchatting, well it was mostly Hisoka who was running his mouth non stop. He looked positively beaming in stark contrast of Illumi. What and odd pair.
When you started serving dinner Illumi’s eyes resumed following your every move to the point of making you nervous. After serving Hisoka you move away to returned to the kitchen but a hand gripped your arm and you topple on his lap.
“Mr Mo-” you started to complain but cut yourself by the thick tension you felt rising at the table.
“Please, Illu, don’t bully my maid.” Hisoka said in a cold voice you never heard him use, looking right at his guest.
Confused you looked between the two men. Illumi did nothing, only Hisoka was gripping at you and preventing you to stand up.
“It would be safer if we were to talk about the next mission.” Illumi didn’t even blink.
“You don’t have to worry that. Right?” This time he was looking at you with his usual smile but it sends a shiver down your spine. You understood the message clearly. Hisoka let go of your arm and you made your exit. Not before hearing more of the conversation.
“No need to look at me like that, I was trying to help, Hisoka. I still think it’d be smarter to let me use a needle.” You heard Illumi say.
“I already warned you about touching my toys.” Hisoka sighed.
“We don’t have a shortage of good maid at the estate, I could recommend you one.”
“Ooh Illu, your maids are certainly well trained but they’re boring as hell.” Hisoka’s laugh followed you until you closed the kitchen door.
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You were awaken by your phone ringtone. Rolling on your side you looked at your clock, it was past 2am. You had a pretty good idea of who was calling. That was part of the job though, you sat on your bed ready to drive to Hisoka’s place.
“Yes?” Your voice was a bit hoarse and you moved the phone away to clear your throat.
“You know, Illu’s maids call him Master.”
You hanged up. Immediately Hisoka tried to call again, you put your phone on mute and went back to sleep. Waking up to 34 missed call was a bad sign of how the rest of your day was going to be. Hisoka was going to be more petulant than usual and you’d get lucky to be able to do half your work. Fortunately he was out when you arrived and cleaning went smoothly for the better part of the afternoon. You winced briefly at the sound of the front door opening.
“Hello, honey, I’m home!” He announced in a singsong voice when he entered the bedroom.
“Hello, Sir.” You flattened the bed covers and arranged the pillows.
Really, you had no idea what game he was playing but just ignoring it as usual would be the safest choice. After ignoring him all night you had feared he had more in reserve for you than just playing house. Maybe he wasn’t as petty as you thought.
“Go home safe, honey,” he said as you departed.
“Thank you, Sir.” It was fine by you if that how he’s getting his fun, he could call you however and he seemed to focus on his game to tease you.
For weeks he didn’t stopped. “Honey could you pour me a drink please?”, “Oh honey please make pancakes for diner!”, “Honey could you clean my white outfit?”.
At first it was grating, not enough to react, but still grating. Now you didn’t even pay attention to being called honey ten times a day. It was a new routine and you even forgot what triggered it.
“Hello, honey,” Hisoka’s greeted you as you came in for work.
“Good morning, honey,” you answered automatically.
In half a second you registered what you just said and you clasp your mouth but it was too late. Hisoka was grinning ear to ear.
“Oh my! You’re finally dropping the formality! How cute!” he crooned.
“It was obviously an accident, Sir,” you dismissed. It was stupid to be embarrassed about it but you were, that was like calling the teacher ‘mom’ in front of the whole class. Just a slip of tongue, nonetheless you feel heat on your cheeks.
“Was it really?” his arm encircled you shoulders. “Are you sure you didn’t want to call me that for a while now? It came so naturally! I don’t mind if you were calling me ‘honey’.” Hisoka cooed.
Yup, he spent weeks training like a fucking dog so you’d slip and call you exactly what he wanted to be called. And now he was gloating about his win. What next? He was going to make you bark and give him you paw? Cold anger washed your embarrassment.
“Can I...can I really call you however I like? Even if it’s unprofessional?” Submissively, you looked down and didn’t even try to remove his arm around you. You even tried to blush, remembering all the humiliating moment you experienced hoping it would do the trick.
Hisoka fell silent for a moment and you wondered if he took the bait. You were maybe a bit too obvious but so far you learned he could get ahead of himself because of his pride, that could be enough.
“And how would you like to call me?” You noted a hint of wariness in his voice. Well he didn’t fell for it hook, line, and sinker but he did swallowed the bait alright.
You looked at him with your best smug face, “Sir Bozo” .
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running-with-kn1ves · 3 years
Last Updated: 2/17/24
WARNING: MANY OF THESE CONTAIN CONTENT INCLUDING: non consensual touching/kissing, yandere themes, possessive/obsessive/abusive behavior, gore/violence
Resident Evil
Male! Alcina Dimitrescu X Reader
Alcina Dimitrescu X Maid
Alcina Dimitrescu X Sick! Maid Headcanons
Male! Donna Beneviento X Reader 
Modern AU Alcina Dimitrescu X GN Reader (NSFT!)
Xenomorph X Male! Reader (NSFT!)
Male! Beldam X Reader Pt. 1
Male! Beldam X Reader pt. 2
Male! Beldam X Fem! Reader pregnancy
Male! Beldam X Reader (NSFT!)
Male! Beldam X Reader Xmas special
Ghost Rider
Blackheart X Reader Headcanons
Mystic Messenger
(NSFT!) Jumin Han X Fem! Reader
Illumi Zoldyck X Reader
Husband X Rapunzel Reader
Male! Queen of Hearts X Reader pt.1
Male! Queen of Hearts X Reader pt.2
Fear Street
Simon Kalivoda (Fear Street 1994) X Reader Headcanons
Isaac (Fear street 1666) X Reader Headcanons
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xhisokas-harleyx · 3 years
Helloo! I don't know if i can just request something, if requests are close or something please just ignore it sorry qwq
What do you think Hisoka's reaction would be if he saw Reader in yk,,,, maid outfit or "cat" outfit idk what they called. Like ears+tails. Who knows why, maybe they just wanted have fun and dear someone never knocks 🙄 ilovethismfsomuchistg- Anyways, wishing you a good day or night! 💛
Thanks so much for your request, sorry it took so long. I hope you still find this!
(hope you don’t mind that I sort of ran with this one!)
Warnings: sensuality themes, absolute PAMPERING of your man Hisoka. I mean, serious spoiling kink. Body worship
Enjoy 😊
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Hisoka x Reader: Kitten
word count: 2700
Well… you were a sight, that much was certain.
Your eyes danced over your form as you twirled in the bathroom mirror, appreciating your bare thighs in the short kitty dress you were wearing. Your black tail swayed along with your hips, your lace gloved hands placing the kitty-eared headband atop your crown. Your bust was showing through the skimpy black material, and the size of it barely allowed your rump to be covered with a thin ruffly layer of fabric. It was promiscuous and you weren’t sure it was your style… but if Hisoka picked it out for you, you were open to the idea.
Well, technically you’d stolen this item from him, but something told you he wasn’t going to mind.
As you’d been cleaning your and Hisoka’s shared apartment earlier that day, you had unassumingly stumbled upon one of Hisoka’s hidden treasures when you were dusting under the bed. There, beneath the box-spring, you’d discovered a white container which looked as if it hadn’t been touched. Normally you’d never go snooping around in Hisoka’s stuff (not that he had a lot of stuff to snoop in anyway), but because you hadn’t seen it before, curiosity had gotten the better of you.
When you opened the box to reveal the cat maid outfit, your jaw dropped, your mind baffled and scrambling for an explanation. However, it was obvious, right? It was for you, who else would it be for? It made sense- one of his favorite things to call you was kitten… you could hear his lusty voice coo it in your mind even now. But you had no idea he could take things so literally!
You’d been wanting to spoil Hisoka for a while now. He’d been coming back hurt and exhausted from his strenuous missions with Illumi, and although you could tell he wanted to spend time with you, he was always being whisked away to fight his next foe. Many times, he didn’t even get to sleep before the next mission called him. Your little discovery had given you an idea, and currently you were planning it carefully in your head. You figured you had at least a few hours before he-
“So, you found your birthday present.” Hisoka’s voice startled you, and you wheeled around, amazed at how silent he could be stalking up behind you like that. Your face turned bright red- whatever chance you had to back out before was gone now. You took in the tattered appearance of your boyfriend, complete with blood on his face.
“MY birthday present?” You asked, placing a hand on your hip sassily, and cocking your body to the side. Hisoka loved your normal fiery attitude, which could go toe to toe with his own sarcastic and sharp tongue. He knew you still had a soft side, that desire to be sweet to him, but with how far apart you’d been recently, he hadn’t seen it in a long time.
Hisoka chuckled as he captured you in the cage of his arms, his nose burying in the crook of your neck and breathing in your intoxicating scent.
“Fine, you got me… it’s really MY present.” Hisoka smirked against your neck, already parting his lips to nibble leisurely on your exposed skin. Even in his words and his voice, though they were passionate and fervent, you could sense his exhaustion. The cuts that littered his exposed arms worried you, and in a moment, you drew back, looking up into his golden gaze. Bags were beginning to form under his eyes, and although they held a hungry gleam, you could tell he was close to collapsing.
The sight of you in this outfit, however, had him teeming with excitement despite his need for rejuvenation.
“How many times have I told you not to rummage through my things, y/n? Tsk, Tsk.” Hisoka grinned widely, his own catty eyes monitoring your body hungrily. He dearly appreciated your bust peeking through the fabric, your perfectly shaped thighs accentuated by the half white laced stockings, and the collar around your neck with a small bell that showed how possessive he was of you. If you’d paid even the slightest bit of attention when putting it on, you’d have noticed your name engraved on the metal tag. Of course, it was his plan all along for you to find this little secret, and you could sense that he was trying to be his normal difficult self in denying that fact.
“How many times have a told you not to hide things from me?” You fired back, causing him to withdraw and place a spread hand over his chest.
“Ouch. It seems you’re really in character tonight, kitten.”
His use of the nickname made your blood boil, and your aura pique a little at his purposeful insult of your methods. You wondered what his undercut insult truly meant to call you, but you allowed it to slide. For as much as he could be insufferable, you still had a deep desire to please your lover.
“And…” He just had to continue, his words grating on your nerves just as he wanted. “…since you’re already dressed the part, why don’t you get to cleaning?”
You felt enraged at his comment, for a moment letting your anger get the better of you and distract you from your goal. “I-I’ve been slaving over this house all day, what is there left to clean?!” As soon as the words left your lips, however, you realized you ‘d played right into his trap.
Hisoka’s thin eyebrow kicked as if he was surprised that you don’t know... but as soon as you saw his expression, you got the idea.
“Me, of course,” He reiterated anyway, a sly grin painting his features.
Little did he know, you already had quite the plan in mind for him- and it was something not even he had anticipated.
After promptly shoving him from the bathroom, you began to set up. You’d requested that he give you ten minutes to set up for him, but knowing how impatient the bastard could be, you swiftly tried to get it done in five. Lit candles were scattered throughout the bathroom, the tub in the center of the room being filled with hot water, almost scalding, just how you knew he liked it. Evening light filtered through the sole window in the room, painting the water and floor tiles with an orange cast. You scattered some bath salts into the water, as well as some cotton candy scented bubble solution, which you knew he loved.
That’s when he came barging through the door, smirk on his face, without so much as asking for your permission. You half expected him to be naked, but he still wore his tattered clothes, and you figured he was just that tired. But as he took in the surroundings before him, his eyes widened, and he seemed surprised that you’d been able to do so much in such a small amount of time.
“…” He didn’t say anything, and you quickly assumed your role in his relaxation before he got the chance to question your motives.
“All for you, Hisoka, my darling.” You threw in a small bow, playing the part of a maid just as you’d practiced in your mind. “I hope that everything is to your liking, my king.”
That nickname made him realize how touch-starved he felt in that moment, but he swallowed the urge to foil your little game so quickly.
Seeming to realize he was visibly gawking, Hisoka closed his mouth and smirked, sauntering forward and reaching for the hem of his shirt to peel it off. Though he couldn’t bring himself to say so outwardly, he was very taken aback that, contrasting with your earlier fire, you’d gone to this much trouble on his behalf. Part of him wanted to patronize you and make you angry, but the other wanted to see when this attitude was taking him.
“Let me help you with that.” You floated forward, dropping your voice an octave to reflect the sensual atmosphere you were painting with your environment. Your hands moved expertly to the bottom of his skintight purple undershirt, where your nimble fingers ghosted just under the fabric, grazing the V-line of his pelvis as you began to slowly remove his shirt.
Hisoka allowed you to do so, but he seemed dazed by how angelic and feathery your touch could be. The skin of his chest burned with passion as you pulled his shirt above his head for him, fingertips grazing tepidly over each muscle as you discarded it to the side. The care you touched him with was something he was unaccustomed to- typically when you touched him, you made it clear exactly what you wanted from him. His gaze was intent on your face, and while you could feel him staring, you paid no mind to it and moved onto his pants.
You coyly shimmied the elastic waistband carefully over his hips, ensuring that the magician would be mesmerized by your slight of hand illusions and the ability to make his worries disappear. It was as if you were the only thing grounding him at this moment, as his breathing picked up.
"There...” You dropped to the ground submissively as you beckoned him to step out of his bloodstained trousers, and along with them you trashed his underwear to the side. You ignored his obvious excitement as you reached up again to touch his thighs.
Hisoka’s breath hitched in his throat as your gloved hands traced the detailed lines of his muscular legs, praising and appreciating every mark and every muscle, your eyes remaining in sharp contact with his all the while. You were numb with appreciation at this point, and you let it show in your every motion.
“Look at you… you are so perfect.” You purred up at him, pushing past the moan he accidentally let slip. “Your body is so gorgeous. Every muscle, every mark, every feature is something that should be admired.”
His mind was a wasteland, driven by his willingness to let you talk him up, edge him closer to snapping just with your words. He had a shameless kink to withhold his own pleasure until his very breaking point, and you were unknowingly expertly fulfilling that desire.
~Oh, don’t look at me like that, y/n… you know I just can’t contain it…~
Hisoka’s body truly was like a finely chiseled sculpture, and it made you so pleased to worship him as you felt he deserved. Even if he felt like he needed to cover his imperfections with Texture Surprise, you always had a way of letting him know you appreciated his scars and flaws. Positive affirmations hadn’t been a part of the magician’s life before you came along, but this was on an entirely new level, it was delicacy, fragility, like he couldn’t comprehend.
“Now, if you’ll just step to the tub.” Hisoka did as you asked, his hand moving into yours, and you helped your man step into the scalding water, watching as he sank down into the tub, coloring the water pink with residual blood.
“Well, Well.” Hisoka snickered as he fully relaxed in the tub, and it seemed he’d gotten his spunk back. “What’s gotten into you, y/n? What game are you playing with me, hmm, kitten? You’re not usually this... eager to please me.” His voice was like honey, his eyes closing as he began to soak. You kneeled, and took your position just behind him, sitting on the floor where you could easily access his body from outside the tub.
Your small, heated laugh sent chills up his spine, because you sent it right into his ear, as your now bare hands began to trace his chest. “And why shouldn’t I be? You are THE Hisoka Morrow. You are the most powerful man around… you deserve this.” You got some soap in your hands, beginning to wash the dirt and dried blood away from his body in circular motions. You did mean your words- while you two loved to play fight, you did have a deep, almost obsessive adoration for Hisoka, and knowing that you could serve him like this was a major turn on.
Hisoka shuddered when your compliments continued into his ear, your teeth grazing up his neck, and to his earlobe, where you nibbled lightly. His body was submitting to your touch, his tense nature flowing out of him as you placed him under your spell.
“You’re so good to me… I’m so lucky to have a guy like you.”
You were being so submissive and serving that Hisoka thought you might have been under some mind control or something. This was like a fantasy come true for the magician- of course he feels like he deserves this kind of treatment from you. He ate up your compliments, they made his ego (and something below the water) grow to painful size. What you were saying was all true, of course. He is the great Hisoka Morrow, and you belong to him. Why shouldn’t you worship him like a God?
But as it played out before him, your reverse psychology got the better of him- and Hisoka ended up being the one questioning his worthiness. He expected you to get mad and retort at him, but you were dedicated to showing him how you truly felt.
He had the tendency to be so brash- sometimes he came home and ravaged your body before even saying hello- that was how strong his hunger was for you. But tonight, you had the ability to read the situation, and knew this care, this pampering, was exactly what he needed to recover.
“Let’s get that face, hm?” You nearly moaned, scooping some makeup remover into your palm and beginning to massage the faded paint from his soft, pale cheeks. Your hands moved back toward his hair, fingertips spreading over his scalp as you massaged. But this seemed to be the final straw for Hisoka, because he startled you by grabbing your wrist with such force that you thought he might snap it. You yelped helplessly as his golden eyes flew open and looked into yours directly, as if he were feasting on your soul. You could feel the weight of his aura rising, your sensual touch becoming too much for him to handle.
You knew that look; you’d seen it countless times before. His honeyed irises reflected a deep lust, accentuated by the offset of his tongue on his bottom lip. Your normal reaction would have been to struggle against him- but you submitted to his will, letting Hisoka’s hand pull yours back to his chest… and then lower.
All was silent as you allowed him to force your wrist below the waterline- and you tried to hide your panic when you realized where the magician was leading your hand. His traced his own V-line with your splayed fingertips, as if teasing himself just along the edges of the pleasure he so desired.
“Hisoka- you’re not being any fun.” You stopped him finally, your orbs reflecting a sense of disappointment, when he let go of your hand reluctantly, but not your gaze. He knew you’d truthfully be more than happy to oblige him- he made sure to guide you toward his end goal.
“You’ve had your fun… and now, I want to have you. This was always the outcome, y/n.” He droned dangerously, relaxing into the tub for a moment longer before he sat up, bringing himself to a standing position once again.
His words broke your resolve into shards, and a small moan escaped your plump lips as your tongue grazed across them. He stood up, confidently putting his manhood at your eye level, droplets of water cascading down his glowing body that was bathed liberally in the setting sunlight.
“I believe it’s your turn to get cleaned, kitten… But let’s get dirty, first.” With that, he snickered evilly, and pulled you into the tub, eager to put your newfound submissiveness to the test.
I likeddd this one :3
Hope you enjoyed, please feel free to leave a comment!
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softinkshadows · 4 years
drunken wrong room encounters w adultrio (x female reader)
Disclaimer: contains some lime-y content! HISOKA
The elevator at Heaven’s Arena dinged softly as its doors opened to the 200th floor. Flushed with a giddy smile on your face, your heart was full from the night’s festivities. Today you scored your 4th win on the 200th floor, and took to a nearby bar afterwards to celebrate. Being one of the only female fighters on the floor, you were swarmed with many fans; you smiled to yourself remembering  the cheers and ruckus from everyone at the bar, hands offering you yet another shot, loud hooting when you downed them all as you found yourself happily egged on to take one too many drinks. Thankfully the corridor was well-lit, if not you’d have trouble finding your way back to your room. You turned the door handle, going inside.  Did I forget to turn off the bathroom light? you wondered absentmindedly, kicking off your shoes. The room smelled a little different - sweeter? There was a scent of damask rose, but you brushed it off. You hummed a small tune as you started to undress yourself for the night, stripping yourself of your pants and outershirts (a little dirtied from the fight earlier) and laying them over the armchair at the room desk, finally only clad in a fitted neoprene tank top and underwear. You sighed a little, steadying yourself with the desk in order to stand up straight when you felt a rush of heat behind you. Strong arms pinned your hands to the desk as you felt the immobilizing weight of another body leaning against you from behind, the scent of roses now wafting heavily close. In your disorientation you felt the texture of a soft bath towel against your butt. “Eh?? Who the hell -” your protests were cut short as the strong limbs flipped you around, maintaining their grip on your wrists. “My, my, it seems like someone went into the wrong room.” A voice purred. You were spun around to face none other than the strongest fighter at Heavens Arena. His striking red hair fell in a damp tangle around his face, still dripping wet from the shower. Your eyes followed the thin trickles of water, as it fell onto his bare, sculpted torso. “Hi-hisoka!” you gasped aloud both in shock at in the embarrassment of the man who was barely clothed and leaning over you on the desk. You felt your face flush with warmth, your head still spinning from the effect of alcohol. He moved closer, golden eyes glinting with mischief, until his face was barely inches away from yours. “I saw your fight earlier, you were.. good,” he emphasized the last word, his lips curling into a smirk. The slight suggestiveness, his piercing eyes, the proximity of his body were enough to make you more flustered, as a strange heat began to pool in your abdomen. “Wait- wh-what is thi- I’m gonna kill y-you,” you stammered incoherently. Hisoka leaned towards your ear. 
“Would you like me to... stop?” he whispered, biting on your ear lobe. “A-ah!” you gasped, feeling a tinge of arousal creeping between your legs. He moved downwards to breathe lightly against your neck. “Yes...” he began, using his tongue to delicately trail your skin, travelling the length from your collarbone to your ear, “or no?” His tongue flicked your ear again. His fingers laced with yours, body pressing into you, the sensation of his tongue making you tremble as you felt the heat between your legs grow. “N-...Ye-..yes,” you struggled to form your words, your mind clouded with a feeling of confusion, irritation and pleasure, along with that heady scent of damask rose.  “Very well.” You heard a chuckle before you felt the world spin a little. Everything was a blur; you being carried bridal style - the lights and airconditioning of the corridor - another door opening and closing - the softness and familiarity of your own bed. You felt exhaustion begin to wash over you, barely making out Hisoka’s chuckled words before he closed the door. “As for a fight... I’ll do you anytime. Come to me when you’re ready, or when you want your clothes back.” ILLUMI “Y/N, are you sure you don’t want me to walk you back to your room?” Leorio asked, being the gentleman that he was. It was the 287th Hunter Exam, and you managed to clear the 4th round. Now all the participants who passed were on the airship headed from Zevil Island back to the Hunter’s Association building, and you and Leorio had taken to celebrating with rounds of indulgent drinking. “NAH IM OKAY!” you exclaimed exuberantly, even though you were clearly wasted. “Thanks for, y-your hard work todayyyyyyy, Leoleo!” “It’s Leorio!!” he yelled back, irritated but stifling a laugh, before walking towards the other residential wing of the blimp.  “Room 16...17...ah 18...?” you clambered around unsteadily, before finding the door knob. The room was dark save for a rectangular window on one wall, letting in some shafts of moonlight. The bed looked incredibly inviting after a long and tiring day, especially with the physical strain of the last exam round. White soft sheets and a thick fluffy duvet heaped on the large bed. At least there were some perks for getting this far, you thought. Standing by the side of the bed, you stretched your body in exhaustion and satisfaction. “Tsukaretaaaaa~ (trans: I’m so tired~~)” you breathed, removing all your clothes in one fell swoop, letting them fall noisily to the floor. You weren’t going to bother with a shower now, you could deal with that tomorrow. Now, you just needed some quality rest before you’d be raring to go for the last exam round the day after. You pulled the soft duvet up to your chin, ready to drift into deep sleep. Next to you, on the other side of the bed, something stirred. A soft, displeased voice grumbled, “Hisoka, what is it this time...” Someone got up and was now above you, legs on either side of your waist, forearms bent at right angles and pressed to the bed to hold themselves up. “I thought we agreed...” Illumi trailed off, looking down at the person he thought was in his bed, before realizing he had made a mistake. For a moment, he was stunned. “Huh?” “Haah?” You responded, in a drunken drawl. Through your flushed cheeks, and slightly blurred vision, you saw a beautiful man with deep raven-coloured eyes. Long black hair fell silkily down to the pillow, cascading like a veil over your head. You were vaguely aware of his arms on both sides of you, and the proximity of his body to yours, but it didn’t feel intrusive. There was almost a feline lightness to his features and limbs. You were certain that you’d never seen this man before, at least throughout the hunter exam, and you were so sure that you were dreaming. Illumi turned his head to look at the discarded clothes on the floor, before turning back to you. “Ah..” He then realized the state of you resting in his bed, and his eyes wavered a little, his heart leaping just a bit faster than usual. What should he do? How did years of assassin training not prepare him for this? At this point you had made a move to sit up slightly, the duvet falling a little further around you below your chest. “Um...”  his nimble fingers picking up the duvet to cover your chest, a faint blush dusting his pale cheeks. Enjoying every moment of what you were certain was a dream, you reached up to gently twine your slender fingers in his black hair. “So soft....” you remarked as you felt the strands, your eyes dazzling with awe and inebriation. Your hands made your way to his face, and your fingers moved along his brows, nose, before resting on his cheeks. “So soft~~” you squished his cheeks gently, giggling a little. W-wh-what was that? In a flash, the man above you moved away, and your hands grasped only at air. You sulked out loud a little before falling finally into slumber, letting out a small snore. At the other end of the bed, Illumi was awake, staring at the wall with a strange tingle in his chest, his ears unmistakably red. CHROLLO You’d just about had it. Seething with anger, you pressed your floor button in the hotel lift, leaning back to the wall with your arms crossed. You knew you would have to meet unsavoury people in your job as a reporter, but nothing had readied you for tonight’s event. This gala was attended by the supremely, grossly overpaid upper class, another fundraising event to line the pockets of yet another private trust. The pitiful looks they gave you, their derogatory comments...! Thankfully as part of the job you had a suite in the hotel that hosted the event, and you exploited the complimentary flow of alcohol too... You noticed your suite door ajar, and caught a glimpse of a service cart. Hmph, at least there’s additional room service too, you thought, pushing the door open to enter. The hotel maid caught a glimpse of you, cheeks red from all the wine and champagne, stumbling a little into the suite. Her eyes glanced over towards the master bedroom and back at you, turning embarrassed as if having understood something, before leaving the room hurriedly. 
“ANNOYING RICH PEOPLE!” you yelled to yourself, flinging your shoes near the doorway before collapsing on a large leather sofa. You looked out of the down to floor windows at the glimmering lights of the city, floating hazily before you. You felt one of your dress straps fall past your shoulders, and your black evening gown was already hitched up past your knees, but you didn’t really care. A sound of soft footsteps approached before you saw someone looking down at your lying figure. His black hair fell close to his shoulders, there was a funny cross tattoo on his forehead, his grey eyes piercing and inscrutable. Ah, you remembered him from the gala too, although he was alone most of the time, interacting only with a few select people. Now he had half unbuttoned the vest of his 3-piece suit, and was in the process of loosening his tie. His voice was gentle, but contained a trace of amusement. “Miss, I’m afraid you’re in the wrong room.” “NO YOU’RE IN THE WRONG ROOM!” you yelled in drunken stupor, not even making sense anymore. You sat up disheveled. “PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE ALL THE SAME, LOOKING DOWN ON OTHERS, USING PEOPLE LIKE THEY ARE TOYS AND THEN THROWING THEM AWAY. DO YOU EVEN HAVE ANY HUMANITY?” you ranted, not realizing that he had taken a seat on the sofa near you. He propped his head up with one hand resting on the armrest, his eyes twinkling and he gazed at you. Even with his loosened tie, and a dress shirt tucked out, there was something alluring about him, drawing you deeper into an abyss. You couldn’t tell if it was dangerous or just seductive. You didn’t even hear the words you were saying. “AND DAMN YOU AND YOUR GOODLOOKING FACE.” He chuckled to himself, before looking back into your eyes with his steely grey ones.  “And how shall people like me be punished?” he asked softly. You found yourself climbing into his lap, your tousled hair now falling a little out of your bun, you knees between his, as you leaned close to his face. You felt the heat of his body below yours. “LIKE THIS.” Without warning, you raised your hand, and gave his forehead a quick and powerful flick. He didn’t even blink, although his eyes registered some kind of shock. Then Chrollo burst out into a small laugh, running his fingers through his hair. So amusing, he thought to himself. Perhaps I can enjoy myself tonight.
Feeling a little mocked, you continued, spurred by embarrassment, “Y-YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU? NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY, YOU’RE JUST... EMPTY!” 
Before you knew it, suddenly you were on you back, and Chrollo’s hands gripped both of yours, pinning you down hard. Your words had struck a nerve. Surprised from the movement and his reaction, you were speechless, your cheeks now a little warmer when you realized the position you were in, your dress now hiked up almost to your waist. “Perhaps I can prove you wrong,” he whispered, leaning so close both your lips were almost touching. Chrollo knew, from all the women that threw themselves at him throughout the gala, that any of them would immediately take this chance now. He was craving a little release after all, and by this point, no one would refuse.  Then, you stared at him, face red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment, and stuck out your tongue defiantly like a child. With your hands pinned above you, you looked away, pouting. S-so cute! One of Chrollo’s hands flew to shield his face momentarily to stifle a laugh, and a discernible blush covered his cheeks. He stood up from the sofa and straightened out his shirt, walking into the bedroom before returning with an extra duvet. By then, you had dozed off asleep, and he glanced at your weary form. Such an amusing, vulnerable creature. He chuckled, laying the duvet gently over you. “Sleep well tonight, my dear. I’ll be with you in the morning when you wake.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: I wanted to write the last Chrollo-only one for the previous situation, but somehow this floated into my mind. I found myself internally screaming when writing the Illumi portion becos Hiso-Illu just dropped so casually I’m like... sometimes I’m glad I have this brain 
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cherrysha · 4 years
👉👈 May i ask for a illumi x reader where reader sees him naked for the first time (it was an accident) but then turns else where 👁👁 srry to bother u skdksksks
Not a bother! I made it more of a headcannon because I haven’t done one yet and I’d like to write more of them since it takes me so damn long to get fics out.
Word Count: 1162 yikes this was supposed to be short
My requests are open atm
Warnings: Oral (male recieving), dubcon if you squint, and a tiny bit of degradation
As always, 18+ only
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I feel like if you were to see him naked it would not be accidental on his part
To start off, I don’t think he’d ever leave himself exposed to another person unless he was confident that he had some control over the situation
It’d have to be somewhere he was comfortable
So I’m just gunna make the reader a maid because its hot and the most believable setting
If you were a housekeeper at the estate and cleaned the wing where he lives it’d be a set time of day when it was established that you would be cleaning
The lady before you cleaned at that time too, he knows exactly when you’ll be coming
And you walk in because he should not be there, and you’re not surprised to find an empty room
It never really required more than a little dusting, folding of blankets, mopping the floors, and once a week you changed the sheets
So, you do that and then make your way to his personal bathroom
And to say your startled is an understatement
He’s there, in front of you, eyes trained on his own face in the mirror
And he’s just completely naked. Long black hair hanging limply around his face. Obviously fresh out of the shower
You will yourself not to look. You could already be fired for this. You didn’t wanna make it worse on yourself.
“Uhh.. Sorry master Illumi? I didn’t think.... excuse my disturbance.”
Hand still gripping the doorknob you take pause as he speaks
“I’ve been having an issue with your work, y/n.”
Thoughts rattling around in your mind you try to figure out exactly what you could’ve done
And why the fuck he can’t get dressed before talking about it
“I’m sorry... what was the issue? I can fix it if it’s still a problem.”
His posture remains unchanged as you speak to him, only turning to face you when you begin to get uncomfortable.
He’s naked. You willed yourself to only look at his eyes
“It’s right here” he states, “don’t tell me you’re too blind to see it.”
You look around, did you forget a fresh set of towels? Or maybe forgot to change the floor mats?
“I-I’m sorry but -“
“Come here” he’s obviously irritated, although there’s barely any change in his tone
 And no way in hell are you going to disobey your boss. You knew too well what his family’s profession was; What his profession was
So, you do as he says
Once in his reach he tugs you close, ignoring the gasp that you let out, and pushes you to your knees in front of him.
“Can you see the problem now?” And hell yes you do. He’s hard, and all you can do is stare with wide eyes
“Master Illumi I-“
His hand comes to the back of your head, pushing forward until your lips are pressed against the tip.
“You did this. Now fix it.” He states bluntly, No more care in his voice than if he had just asked you to turn down his sheets.
Would you get fired for this? After all it was his mother who signed your checks.. but it’s not like it said “don’t suck my son’s dick” in the handbook.
His patience is wearing thin you can tell, and when you finally do part your lips the smallest amount he’s already shoving himself as far as he can go.
He hits the back of your throat in record speed, still pushing down further once he’s run out of room.
You’re gagging, spluttering around him, and if anything, it only serves to turn him on more
Not that you would know from the blank expression still on his face
“You’re not a very good maid.” He says flatly. It’s a conclusion you’re still not quite sure how he’s come to
But its not like you had any room to question him
He grips your hair to pull you back, before plunging into your throat again
“Maids are supposed to be discreet. But you … you smell... It’s something sweet. On my sheets, my pillows, my towels. It all smells like you.”
Your lungs burn as he keeps you there, tears flowing freely down your cheeks
Its not until you start squirming, the need for oxygen so strong that you try to push him away, that he relents
He pops you off of him with a sigh, as if your need for air is disappointing to him
Ragged gasps fill the air as you try desperately to collect yourself
Voice hoarse, you take the limited time he gives you to apologize once again.
“I’m sorry master Illumi… I had no idea.”
“Of course you didn’t.” He pushes you back onto him. This time keeping a steady pace.
“Your perfume It’s pretty cheap, actually.”
You can’t really respond and you’re kind of glad. What would you even say to that?
His cock is fucking your throat raw. As well as his death grip on your head...As it stands, you couldn’t really do much of anything
Your hands come up to his thighs trying to maintain your balance as he gets rougher, adding a snap of his hips to the rhythm he’s set.
“I saw you bent over on my bed, changing my sheets. You lack a certain sense of propriety that someone of your station should have.”
His other hand comes down to grab the back of your neck, the other still tangled in your hair
There’s spit running down your chin, mixing with tears as a fire grows hot between your legs.
It’s wrong. You know it is, but you can’t help yourself from clenching your thighs together in search of relief.
You try your best to adapt to his quick thrusts, tongue rubbing against the underside of his length as you hollow out your cheeks for him.
Is he enjoying it? You can’t truly tell until the very end, which seems like an eternity to your sore jaw, when he cums down your throat with a shudder.
 An almost imperceptible hitch in his breathing as he looks down at you between his legs
Not one for good bedside manner, he harshly pulls you off once you’ve swallowed it all. Illumi’s face remains mostly unchanged as he stares down at you.
“Any more mistakes and I won’t be nearly as kind.”
You wipe the spit from your face, breathing in deeply and he just continues to stare.
Not making eye contact, you apologize again, hoping that was what he wanted and then he’d leave
 It’s better not to argue with him, but you’re still not quite sure of what mistake you made.
“I can have another maid clean from now on, if that’s what you’d prefer…”
He scoffs as if it’s the most idiotic suggestion he’s ever heard
“Don’t be stupid.” Is all he says before walking around you to leave, ignoring the baffled look on your face
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marvelmymarvel · 4 years
Not A Maid
Illumi Zoldyck x Reader
Synopsis: Living in the Zoldyck mansion with Illumi was wonderful, that is, if his mother left you alone.
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"My darling, you don't have to clean" Illumi's voice floated through the air and caused you to stop scrubbing at the floor. You shot a sheepish smile up at him before resuming, "I quite enjoy cleaning my love!" You huffed out, putting more force into the scrubbing below you. Illumi didn't like seeing you working so hard, especially with the pregnancy belly that you were now sporting.
Sweat dripped down you face and Illumi opened his mouth once more to interject but his mother cut him off. "Oh good! I'm glad to see that your maid is working!" Kikyo's screech caused you to wince in pain, already feeling a headache coming on thanks to her. You could feel some blood lust drip from Illumi, telling you exactly how he felt about his mother calling you the 'maid'
"I'm not the maid Kikyo. I'm your sons fiance-"
"Same thing!!!" Illumi's nostrils flared at his mothers proclamation as she flew down to her knees beside you. You instinctively flinched away, not comfortable with anyone but Illumi being this close to you. Trying to bite back a snarl, you felt Kikyo's fingers rest on your stomach. The moment her fingertips touched you, Illumi's blood lust ignited and flowed off of him in violent waves which his mother ignored.
A sickness came over you as Kikyo purred and cooed down at your unborn child, yet Illumi didn't move an inch. Looking up at him with wide eyes, you practically begged him to save you. But he just stared at you blankly, as if not knowing what to do in this moment. "You're going to be a great assassin little one. I will make sure of it-"
You were ripped from the ground and into strong arms the second his mothers words fell from her lips. "That is quite enough mother! She is not a maid, and you will stop referring to her as such. Also, this child is ours and we will do as we please with it." Illumi's hair was up as his urge to kill his mother grew tenfold. He's never been this angry, and never towards his mother.
Kikyo looked offended, as if what she said before was completely rational. You curled up into Illumi's arms, choosing the safety of your fiance despite the intense blood lust radiating off of his body. "Illumi. You know that father wants an assassin as a-"
"I don't care what father says. I don't care what you say. This is our child, not yours." Your fingers gripped his flesh harder, urging him to calm down before he did something he would regret later. It wasn't like Kikyo controlled you, and it didn't matter what she referred to you as. You weren't a maid, you were her sons soon to be wife. Illumi felt your distress below him and instantly began to calm down his aura for your sake.
Seconds later, the nausea began to fade and your eyes began to soften on Kikyo. Illumi's grip was tight on your sides as he felt your confidence grow. While he loved your sharp tongue, he didn't want to kill his mother if she came after you because of it. "You do not control me nor my child, Kikyo" her eyes sharpened at your words, displeased with the turn of events unfolding before her. Kikyo felt as if she could control everything around her and lately, you've been getting sick of it.
Kikyo opened her mouth to argue, but her eyes widened and her mouth shut instantly. Looking up, you noticed Illumi's deathly glare locked on hers. He was backing you up, and man did it make you feel powerful. "If you dont like it, then I suggest you leave the mansion-"
"Fine by me!" Illumi snapped out, hand moving down and grabbing yours as he spoke. Kikyo's mouth dropped as Illumi drug you to your wing of the mansion, tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as he ignored his mothers cries and pleas. Did he want this? "Illumi my love-" the door slammed behind you, cutting you off as he angrily stormed to the dresser. You stood wide eyed by the door, watching him as he began to quickly pack everything. "Illumi... I'm so-"
He swiftly moved to you and scooped you into his embrace. Slamming his lips onto yours, he once again successfully silenced you and your stupid apologies. He would do anything for you, and if that anything included leaving his family, then he would do it over and over again.
You moaned against him, growing aware of the pounding on the door as well as Kikyo's wails for her son to stay. Illumi locked the door with his aura while also pulling you closer. "I was raised to not love anything or anyone. You were the first person to show me what I was missing" his voice was low in your ear, as if the words were for your ears only. Your eyes were closed, slightly afraid of seeing him upset despite his words. His hands came up to cup your cheeks, thumbs running under your eyes and coaxing them to open. The banging stopped, yet her wails echoed through your head.
You just broke up a family.
"You were their last..." you cried out softly, eyes snapping open and locking with his. Your world seemed to tilt around you but his gaze was keeping you steady and safe. Steady and safe... His family was never steady and safe. Illumi smirked at your statement before pressing a kiss to your temple and wrapping you in a bone crushing hug. He had so much to say to you. Because of you, he learned that love was a great feeling and something he should cherish. Because of you, he got the strength to leave his family and start one with you. It was all because of you and he had to show you the truth to why he was leaving. It wasn't because of his mother. It wasn't because of his past. It was because of you.
And leaving was the first step to showing you that.
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spicysoftsweet · 4 years
Illumi x Reader, Emperor AU Oneshot
A/N: Meh, possibly a little basic since it was hastily written, but I felt like writing something other than my main story! I’ll post on AO3 as well~ A baby dose of smut at the end, under 18 please do not interact. 
Also this isn’t proofread cuz yeah, so any mistakes please ignore lmfao
“Thank you, come again sir!” You said, in as cheerful a tone as you could muster, as you handed over an overflowing cup of assorted, chopped fruits to an older gentleman regular. Now that it was early summer and your family farm’s harvest had been abundant, you and your baby sister sold fruit daily in the small but bustling market of your village. Your stand was successful, owing to the freshness of the produce and the polite cheerfulness you and your sister exuded. 
“I’m surprised you’re still out here!” The old man warned you, steadying himself on his cane as he held the cup with his other hand.
“Of course I am! Who else would serve you your afternoon snack?” You joked, tapping the old man on the shoulder playfully.
He returned an edentulous smile. “Just be careful, young miss!’ He warned, turning to leave.
“Understood, uncle!”
I wonder why he was surprised to see me out here…, you thought but decided to dispel the thought immediately. The old man was a little kooky anyway.
Now that it seemed that the afternoon rush was starting to wane, you inspected your stores and realized you need to replenish. You moved to the back to start preparing more of the fruit, then waved your little sister over.
“Lily, we’re running out of watermelon. Can you be a dear and bring some more?” You whispered to the plucky nine-year-old. “Are you strong enough to carry it?”
“Of course sis!” She grinned and showed a fist. “I’ll be back in a flash!” 
With that, she ran off, down the hill to the farm to collect more fruit. While you were waiting, you continued to work on slicing peaches and mangoes, humming softly as you worked. It was warm outside, even warmer in the tiny shack, and sweat was collecting on your brow as you prepared the next few cups. Once you were done, you would take a short break to get some water, so you focused on your work.
That was until you heard the clip-clop and short whinny of a horse arriving outside the stand. Since Lily was still gone, you rinsed your hands clean with a small bucket of clear water, and went to the front to serve them. 
“Hello, and welcome!” You said, brightly, still drying your hands on the apron, until you looked up and saw not the wandering traveler on horseback as you expected, but a stunning man in the garb of an imperial guard reining in the most regal-looking horse you had ever seen. 
You began to shake, and the guard gave a disarming yet malicious grin as he sensed your fear. 
“I come on orders of the Emperor,” he announced, his voice loud and spirited, and leaned over the counter of the shack, both elbows now propping up his chin. You fell prostrate at the word Emperor, on the sun-baked dirt of the road, but the guard only laughed.
“Get up, I’m not the Emperor, no need for formalities.”
You shook your head, knowing that anyone who had his seal was effectively representing the sovereign and you were just a lowly village girl. What right did you have to hold your head up high?
“Stubborn, are you?” He mused. He entered the shack, which made your heart pound in terror, and nudged you with his boot, then knelt to your side.
“If you don’t get up, you’re disobeying a direct order, and that truly would be a cause for death,” he said. With that, you immediately got up and folded your arms before you, bowing slightly.
“Hello sir, how may I serve you today?” 
“That’s better,” he said, now leaving the shack and returning to the counter. 
“Serve me an assortment and a cup of water. I’m parched.” You nodded quickly, and went to the back to present him with these items. As he drank, you watched him shyly, having never seen someone from the empire this far in the outskirts.
While the guard was stunning, he was odd-looking: pale with hair an unnatural crimson, a slender, pointed face, and heavy-lidded amber eyes, reminiscent of a golden dragon. Even though he spoke in a sing-song voice, he seemed like he could breathe fire at any time. He noticed you watching, and placed the cup down forcefully before he started on the fruit. 
“Like what you see?” He teased. It was already hot in the shack, but now you were burning up. He continued to eat in quiet but ravenously, licking his lips to collect the juices running  watching you carefully as though making a grade in his head.
It turns out he was, because the next thing he said, shocked your entire system.
“It’s your lucky day, little flower. Today is the third wave of concubine selection, and I’ll be your ticket into the palace.”
You were dumbstruck. Concubine selection? Palace? No, what you did was sell fruit, take care of your sister and parents, and work on the farm. That was your existence, nothing less, nothing more. 
“Why do you look confused?” He repeated, in genuine surprise. “The town criers were all over the land and should have notified all the villages to offer up their women of marriageable age. Did they not make it this far?” He tapped his chin, idly, looking up as he thought. “Well, that’s at least five people who will need to be executed when I make it back.”
It suddenly occurred to you. That’s why the old man had been surprised that you were still out in the open. You should have been hidden. You had heard enough about the stories of women who entered the palace and failed concubine selection only to be made slaves immediately. It was awful. Why hadn’t you hidden? Why hadn’t you known? Why had you been out in the open where everyone could see?
Now it made sense that your mother had not come out today with the two of you. Why she had looked at you so forlornly in the morning as you headed out in the morning, and hugged you extra tightly... Now you were angry. It felt like a betrayal.
You had been quiet for long enough that the imperial guard had grown impatient.
“Let’s go~ I don’t have all day.”
“C-can I say goodbye to my family first?” You pleaded. “They’re just down that hill.”
He gave you a cruel smile. “If I see them, I’m formally required to cut them down for disobeying a royal decree in not registering you for the selection.” With this, he unsheathed the sword at his side, and swung twice in swift, sure strikes. “Which would be fun, I admit.”
You immediately dropped to your knees again in pleading for your family. 
“Don’t worry, I’m too lazy to go down there anyway. Plus, I’m late,” he said, re-sheathing his sword. “How about you grab some more of that fruit for the road?”
Finally mounted on the monster of a horse and holding onto the imperial guard’s waist (he had called himself Imperial Guard Hisoka Morow), you were whisked off to the palace. You looked back at your childhood home with tears in your eyes, knowing that unless you caught the eye of the Emperor or received the favor of a high-ranking concubine, you would never have the luxury of seeing your family again. Off in the distance, you could see Lily, running up the hill, a watermelon in hand, and your heart broke.
Your entry into the palace was a whirlwind. In seconds,  you were treated to more extravagance than you had ever had in your life - inspected by the imperial physicians for health and disease, bathed in milk and rose petals, and dressed in vibrant and soft silk more extravagant that you had ever seen in your life, under the supervision of Imperial Guard Hisoka who stood outside the preparation area, monitoring the transformation of ugly duckling into swan. 
You stepped out on shoes that were like stilts, unable to walk and unsteady, stabilized by Hisoka’s hand outstretched for you. Your ears still stung painfully from the multiple fresh piercings to accommodate the ornate jewelry now framing your face. 
“W-why are you so invested in me?” You asked Hisoka, who helped you a few steps before calling for a palace maid to accompany you. He walked by your side, hands behind his back, staring straight ahead as you continued to hobble. 
“You seem like you have potential, and it’s always good to have an ally in the harem.” He got closer as he whispered this last portion.
“If the emperor doesn’t want you, I’ll add you to my household. I’m quite impressed by how well you clean up.”
You couldn’t tell if it was fear or excitement that caused the flutter in your belly, but you almost stumbled, and Hisoka caught you. Looking at the hapless palace maid by your side, his eyes narrowed.
“You are well aware that a single scrape can cause her disqualification. If she falls, I will have you executed, so accompany her knowing that your life is at stake.” Hisoka threatened. The maid looked like she had aged ten years at once. You were afraid for her, and for yourself, now making sure to take every next step slowly and carefully. 
Hisoka grinned, likely relishing in the extreme power he had over others. 
“I’ll see you at the selection~” He sang cheerfully, as he trudged ahead, sword by his side. 
Emperor Zoldyck looked from his throne out at the women kneeling on one knee before him, with their attendants, hoping for a look in their direction. Uninterested as usual, the young man, sovereign over multiple nations through subjugation of his four younger siblings, sighed and called over his lead advisor and right hand man, Imperial Guard Hisoka. 
While he was uncreatively named the Treacherous Emperor for his upheaval of the kingdom after his father’s death, he was as beautiful as he was powerful, and so the noblewomen continued to dote on him. However, despite this, he had yet to select his consorts and had never taken a legitimate wife before ascending to power. There were rumors that he was in love with his favorite guard, and this was fueled by the fact that he was bold enough to sit on a throne on his left side rather than stand guard, crossing his legs and looking onto the crowd of women as well.
“I added a few to the selection by the way, your Majesty,” Hisoka whispered to the emperor to the side. “There were a few stragglers.”
The emperor shrugged impassively. “Point out those you found fascinating. I can’t be bothered with this.”
Hisoka’s eyes gleamed as he pointed straight at you, and two other women. Fear struck your heart.
“Rise,” the emperor said, beckoning. You stood up stick-straight from your spot, not having any home training, and stumbled forward, falling into the woman before you. Who fell into the woman before her. Who fell into the woman before her…
Hisoka started to laugh uncontrollably as you got up quickly, gathering your dress, and kicked off your shoes, prostrating yourself again before the Emperor, repeating “I deserve to die, I deserve to die, I deserve to die, I deserve to die.”
The two women who had gracefully made their way to the front smiled and snickered softly, regarding her. Hisoka had to stifle a laugh as well, but the emperor, hoping to establish a sense of order, then turned to look at the rest of his imperial guards.
“Drag those two out.”
The two women froze in fear, and just like that, were carried away, kicking and screaming.
Hisoka, surprised himself, held his laughter, and raised his eyebrows at the emperor. You continued to prostate yourself, crying for having disgraced yourself to the emperor. Exasperated, he rose and without regarding you, exited to his right side.
“The selection is concluded for today.”
And just like that, hundreds of people dispersed. 
Hisoka knelt beside you again, giving you an amused, sardonic look. “I knew you’d be entertaining.” He called your attendant back and ordered her to take you to the temporary lodging palace.
“Once you’re done, go to the office of punishment to receive 10 lashes for allowing her to fall,” Hisoka said to her to your and her dismay.
“It was my fault!” You pleaded.
“Yeah, but you may or may not become one of the Emperor’s precious things. So~” His smile widened. You felt the blood run cold, but accepted defeat. “Rendezvous at the same place tomorrow morning. You haven’t been eliminated yet.”
Sleep didn’t come easily to you, and by the time morning arrived, the palace maids had to work twice as hard to smooth out the fatigue on your face, as you made it to the selection again. 
This time, the hundreds of women had been split to a select fifty, and you were surprised that you were called. Also noticeably, this time you were closer to the front, rather than in the back, right corner as you had been in the middle. The goal was probably to decrease the number of obstacles you’d have to go through, to your embarrassment. On your way here, you’d already  heard the whispers:
She looks so country…
She can’t even walk in those heels, she was a walking casualty…
Not to mention, she got the other two unfairly punished!
You still continued to concentrate on your balance as selection continued and each woman was individually scrutinized, then it came up to your turn again. This time, your attendant, her butt probably still sore from the 10 merciless lashes given yesterday afternoon, was extremely careful helping you up as you stood before the Emperor. 
You avoided looking into his eyes.
“Greetings to you, your Royal Highness,” you said in a practiced manner, hoping to cover up your country accent.
“Passed.” he said in a calm, even voice. His voice was assuring and alluring but you were in a frenzy of emotions.
Passed? What does that mean, “passed”? 
Before you could figure out what passed meant, you were dragged away.
It was when Imperial Guard Hisoka came in congratulations, surrounded by a group of senior palace maids, the ones that worked in the central palace only, and two eunuchs, that you figured out what ‘passed’ meant. You were being favored.
Your heart pounded and thumped and cried the entire time you were dressed and prepared. 
Fear of not being good enough. Anxiety of what was to come. Anger of leaving your family. Determination to remain in the emperor’s favor. 
If you were to lose favor, it would be all over for you.
Stripped to your undergarments, made up, and wrapped up in a red quilt, you were carried over to the emperor’s personal quarters, where you knelt in your underwear until he pulled back the silk curtain.
“I am at your service, your Royal Highness,” you said with eyes lowered, hands clammy, face flushed, and heart screaming in your chest.
“Your accent… is entertaining. You may rise.” 
You rose to your feet, hiding your body with your hands in shame. You were so exposed, so vulnerable both physically and in terms of power dynamic. In the snap of his fingers, he could have you executed.
You looked up and finally paid attention to his face, and immediately fell in awe. He was really as beautiful as they said.
His hair was long, lustrous and soft looking, and he had soft features, and smooth skin like a child. But most beautiful of all were his large, doe-like eyes. Despite the fact that you knew he was known to be cruel and quick to dole out punishment, even back in the countryside where you were from, you couldn’t help but fall for these doe-like eyes. 
“What is your name?”
You said your name in a soft mumble, and he repeated it, trying the words on his lips.
“Well,” he said your name out loud again, “I’ve decided to start the harem with you.”
With that, he moved quickly as you were left to process. You let out a gasp as he lifted you up in his strong arms; you reflexively put your arms around his neck. He paused, and looked at your lips longingly before placing you on the royal bed. 
Once you were on your back, he climbed onto the bed, straddling you on both sides. Your whole body started to quiver as you pulled into yourself, but he placed one hand gently on your cheek.
“Relax.” With that he leaned in, his lips cold but soft as they pressed to yours. You felt your body be consumed entirely with that kiss and your body relaxed, your arms and legs laying uselessly by your sides. You don’t remember when your undergarments were removed, but the thin fabric had disappeared, possibly ripped away by him as he distracted you with his tongue exploring your mouth.
He was intoxicating. His kisses traveled from your lips, to your neck, to your collarbones, to  your nipples, abdomen and finally down into your core, where you arched in pleasure, adjusting to a sensation you’ve never yet experienced. His hands traveled gently up and down your thighs as his tongue ran circles, spirals, and figure eights around your clit, and his tongue pierced your warm center, making you moan unintelligibly in pleasure.
“Call me by my name,” he said, his voice about an octave lower as the palm of his hand worked your bud and the tips of fingers worked the sensitive nipple of your breasts.
“Y-your Highness!”
He gave himself two pumps before entering you slowly, giving you a moment to adjust and then thrusting himself forward to the hilt, then pausing, flipping his hair back to keep it out of his face as he hung over you, completely inside. 
You were letting out small, soft whimpers, as you tried to adjust to his size. It was uncomfortable but it hurt in a way that felt good. He didn’t move and you stayed where you were, and he continued to focus on looking at you straight in the eyes.
“No, call me Illumi.”
“Illu..mi,”  you complied, still breathless.
“Good,” he said, as he started to pick up speed. 
The moment seemed to last forever, as your euphoria continued to rise and rise, and he thrust harder and harder inside of you, as if he intended to make a royal descendant that very night. The room was filled with your whimpers and moans, and soon, he let out very soft groans as he finally reached his limit. Your coil snapped first and you released, your vagina seeming to milk him of all he had. Then his final thrust came, and he tipped over as well, filling you to overflow with his royal semen.
He parted from you, and rolled beside you, not saying a word. He didn’t hold you, but existing, in the bed with him, somehow felt like enough. He was the emperor, it could be more transactional than that, but it wasn’t. He had held you, and had put his lips to yours. It was enough for now. You’d only be one of many.
But you were still curious.
“Why me?” 
“Why not you?”
You felt your face grow warm. It was as good an answer as any other. He was the emperor, he could do whatever he wanted. You wondered if you were done.
He got up and walked over to a chest, placed far away from the bed you’d both soiled with sweat and body fluid. You sat up, watching him, curious as to what he was doing. If he would leave, or have you escorted out.
He pulled out something small in his hand that you couldn’t see.
“Turn around,” he ordered.
You obeyed, and he knelt behind you on the bed, his fingers in your hair, affixing the top of your hair into a high bun, then securing it with whatever he had in hand. 
Before you finally drifted off to sleep, you took a peek at the mirror across the room to observe his handiwork; little did you know, he had placed a seal in your hair designating you as his - a single, round-capped yellow pin.
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Illumi Zoldyck Masterlist
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I Will Kill You: It was well known by everyone who you were dating, but Hisoka clearly didn’t care. Illumi tried to ignore the magician's blunt words, but one question set him off.
Head Over Heels: As Gon’s sister, you tried your hardest not to fall head over heels for the assassin named Illumi. But you couldn’t help how you felt every time you saw his soulless eyes.
Light Sleeper: You always hated the fact that Illumi was trained to be a light sleeper, that is, until you're scared in a forest with him and need to get some sleep.
Not A Maid: Living in the Zoldyck mansion with Illumi was wonderful, that is, if his mother left you alone.
Brutus: Growing up, your brother had it all and while he taught you everything, you couldn't help but hate him.
Have You Checked The Children?: No one told you that being pregnant was going to be hard, and no one especially told you about the nightmares you'd experience with your lover gone.
Nice Doggy (Prequel): Illumi Zoldyck wanted to show you something, and he had to make sure that this something would protect you no matter what.
Nice Doggy: Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika didn't know your previous relationship with Illumi until you came face to face with a giant dog named Mike...
Braids: Illumi caught you braiding Kallutos hair. You at first thought he'd be upset with you, but the look in his eyes was far from anger.
Halloween: Halloween was something the Zoldyck kids never got to experience, that was until you came along...  Much to Illumis.... Delight.
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Who’s Your Family?: The moment you met Killua and Gon, you instantly grew attached and saw them as your little brothers. But you didn't realize that one could one day be your actual baby brother.
Part 1
Part 2
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Hero or Villain: Illumi x female reader with a personality and ability like black widow from The Avengers
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narts-kakashi-doll · 3 years
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I've got like four frickin wips and they're each only like a sentence long!! So I'm putting them here so I don't forget
"keep yowling like that and all of sunagakure's gonna know you're mine" or something (kankiba? Shikatema? Reader x gaara? Idk can't choose)
Oc x yamato and Kakashi that's pretty much just pwp but there is a cute dog and a happy ending where they literally just. Retire and move to the countryside after the war
Maid feitan and vacuum lady heist movie with a necromancer and the troupe are pervs. Sharky may also be there. Y'know what they all dressed like maids but the others got fired. The big guy. The first one kurapika killed. He refuses to change out of the maid costume even though he was supposed to be a butler like chrollo. Anyways the vacuum. Has a mouth. The possibilities are endless bc of the necromancer, who the troupe found out about bc they resurrected a few of them. Like feitan, for example. If ur resurrected ur no longer living matter, right? So the vacuum yes yeah this is gonna work
Illumi x oc reader but it's partially (mostly) from his point of view and also I kill off hisoka and there is angst and relationship drama but! At the end oc gets a grouchy dog and a cute cat and a cottage in the forest and a student to teach nen to. Also illumi is demisexual
What if,,, I changed sakura's personality and abilities...? And maybe a lil villain arc? Genjutsu knife wife...? And she,, gets over sasuke,,? Maybe I redeem some of the akatsuki...? And deidara helps slightly evil nart and sasuke blow up hokage mountain with the elders inside....?
Otherwise known as team seven went rogue <3 but sakura went back to konoha bc she has the most unforgiving moral code and also parents (and she learned all the skills she needed). But sasuke and naruto join the akatsuki and get revenge on danzo and the elders for their shit management skills, and then just are like. Badass mercenaries but with a code of honor or something nart won't hurt kids. At first kakashi tries to hunt them down but then he learns what danzo had been up to and decides on non-interference and being passive aggressive to the hokage. Sakura and ino bully shikamaru into becoming hokage but he runs away to join nart bc wow that's a lot of paperwork so kakashis forced to hold down the fort long enough to make a few laws about orphans and childcare then runs away with his husbands. Who is hokage now? Poor Iruka sensei. Also they're all gay. Oh, and all the jonins are flirts. And neji lives. And Hinata kicks ass in the akatsuki with her bestie konan. And Tenten is ace.
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You can send a prompt in several ways:
A line you thought of but don’t want to write yourself!
A general scenario!
A headcanon for me to write from!
A ship you’d like to see! (This blog is poly friendly!!!)
X Readers!
Any AU’s! (Yes even SFW A/B/O)
Small note on this:
(/ or X) for a romantic
(- or &) for platonic
Add a + and a child character name for a parent child relationship.
Add a > for a sibling relationship
You can request from several fandoms or not specify and I’ll write my own OC’s:
Bungou Stray Dogs
Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer
One Piece
Naruto (not Boruto)
Uta no Prince-sama
Kaicho wa Maid-sama
Ancient Magus Bride
Boku no Hero Acadamia/My Hero Acadamia
Rokka no Yuusha
Ouran High School Host Club
Soul Eater
D. Gray Man
Avatar the Last Airbender (up to season 2 of Korra)
Natsuo no Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins
Hero Mask
Sirius the Jeager
Hunter x Hunter (certain characters in their canon are uncomfortable to me and I write them in a specific way to be comfortable with them at all so be warned)
Death Note
Things to Note:
I will write most ships. Those ships will however not be written as they are in canon. If you send me a ship and I know it’s biological incest I will not write it. Adoption/step siblings I consider a different matter because then I will write an AU where they didn’t come to that situation. Ace/Sabo of One Piece for example not ending up growing up together.
Minor/adult relationships will be made adult/adult by aging up in an AU. Bakugo/Aizawa with Pro hero Bakugo for example.
I won’t write sexual NSFW here. Any sexual NSFW I write I have found needs to be personal investment or I get tired of it and can’t write it so that will be non requestable.
I will acknowledge where characters do fucked up things unless I AU them for personal comfort. Hisoka and Illumi from HxH for example.
A/B/O will not be written with any gender bias because I hate that. I have my own rules for A/B/O universes so please don’t expect NSFW typical ones.
Lastly I will write X Readers as GenderNeutral unless A) specified and B) it gender doesn’t up in the story.
I will not write:
Animal abuse
Rape/Non-con suggestion in SFW (even as a background mention I’m sorry it makes me uncomfortable to write.)
Canon Gay characters as straight.
Angst without comfort. I am a soft bitch who needs a side of comfort to my hurt.
Sexual NSFW (gore-ish things are dependent)
Now last thing!
If anything I wrote her makes you uncomfortable or upsets you, feel free to block and move on. I am well aware both anti’s and anti-anti’s do not agree with how I write media at times. I view ships not as a ride or die but as a pair or more with a possible story to be seen. For the good or bad.
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iaal · 6 years
Master Post
Hisoka biting scenario
Illumi dub con masturbating crush scenario
Leorio stressed and getting a surprised bj scenario
Hisoka crack honeymoon scenario
Ging bday scenario
“Only one bed” scenario : Hisoka, Chrollo
Vignettes Hisoka x Maid!Reader - Part 2
Hisoka x Virgin!Reader first bj
Hisoka x reader!caught with another man
Drabble Hisoka with a s/o who kiss and dipped
Turn on and turn off
Dealing with a shy patner
Catching their crush masturbating
Dick headcanon
Getting their s/o pregnant
Adultrio+Pariston with a s/o calling them with silly pet names (crackish)
Getting turned back into children
Adultrio+Pariston wih a virgin
Adultrio+Pariston with a s/o having a fit of laughter in bed
Reaction to a crush more powerful than them
Reaction to a partner getting wounded
Adultrio+Pariston Valentine’s day hc
Adultrio lactating s/o crack hc
Having a kinky s/o
Adultrio +Pariston foods they love and hate
If they were raised in a stable family
Adultrio + Pouf and Pariston beach with their s/o hc
Adultrio + Pariston jealousy hc
Yandere Adultrio
What kind of lingerie they prefer
Shy s/o who body worship them
How they react to their s/o pets
Flirting with their crush
Hisoka and Chrollo s/o hidding their kinks
Adultrio + Pariston with a s/o bad at sex
With a s/o that write smut about them
With a s/o with wings
Hisoka dirty alphabet
Hisoka random NSFW
Hisoka kissing HC
Hisoka crack hc
Hisoka with a trolling s/o 
Hisoka receiving a thank you kiss (fluff and trash version) 
Hisoka being in love 
Hisoka giving oral 
Hisoka makeup hc 
Hisoka with a friendly crush 
Hisoka meeting his childhood crush
Hisoka walking on his crush/his crush walking him naked
Hisoka brat tamer hc
Chrollo dirty alphabet 
Chrollo reaction to his s/o having his child 
Chrollo giving oral 
Chrollo with a Spider s/o
Illumi dirty alphabet 
Illumi kissing hc
Main four:
Asking their crush on a date
Gon date
Killua, Leorio and Kurapika date
Phantom Troupe:
Uvo Phinks and Nobu s/o finding them fresh out of the shower
Uvo sfw and nsfw hc
Phinks dirty alphabet C,K 
Shizuku + Feitan dirty alphabet P,C
Shalnark, Feitan + Phinks jealousy hc
Phinks sfw and nsfw hc
Trouble trio reaction to their s/o trying to tickle them
Pariston+Knuckle kissing hc
Bisky, Killua, Pouf+Hisoka,Illumi with a s/o who dyes their hair
Kite having a crush
Pariston, Knuckle and Razor ideal attractive traits
Pouf sfw and nsfw hc
Kikyo and Silva nfsw random hc
Ging random sfw and nsfw relationship hc
Pouf start of a relationship
Pariston and Knuckle walking on their crush/their crush walking on them naked
Room prompt:
Attic: Illumi - Pariston - Hisoka
Kitchen: Feitan - Uvogin - Phinks - Ging
Bathroom: Chrollo - Shalnark - Feitan - Hisoka
Bedroom: Shoot -  Feitan - Hisoka - Kite - Chrollo - Uvogin - Shalnark - Ging - Pariston
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