#Ilford Hp5+
trenchphotos1 · 1 year
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OKC, 2023
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simonh · 7 months
000060160016-edit by Simon Hartmann Via Flickr: 10/26/2023 08:20pm 1/60 f4 chair Summit mall
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chiile · 2 years
Medium format film portrait
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iso3200net · 1 year
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Windows and a door
I've been… neglecting… my medium format film, I've been postponing the development because of many reasons, so this roll of film sat in my fridge for more than a decade. I shot this photo just before my brother sold this camera, while I was still working from the office in the city centre. I will spend three more years in that office, having that same view. March 2012.
Taken with Pentacon Six TL medium format SLR camera, with Carl Zeiss Jena Biometar 80mm F2.8 lens, on Ilford HP5+ black and white film.
That camera didn't have metered prism, which means I probably metered the light using my then-current Android phone.
Developed in April 2023, with Adox Adonal, 1+50 dilution at 21°C. Scanned with Canon CanoScan 8800F flatbed scanner, using VueScan 9.5.
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cdelrioc · 2 years
Hace más de una década, por causas que no viene al caso, acabé en Roma con una Canon EOS 300 y un rollo de Ilford HP5+. A pesar de los automatismos de la cámara (o tal vez a causa de ellos) me las arreglé para quemar buena parte de las fotos. Sin embargo conseguí obtener una del que tal vez es mi edificio preferido de todo el mundo que vale la pena por todas aquellas que no conseguí tomar.
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graph100 · 6 days
tired of people shooting hp5. start shooting fp4 its better
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53weeksorg · 24 days
… on his break (Neumarkt Südtirol). Rolleiflex 3.5F; Ilford Delta 400
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ultralowoxygen · 1 year
Morning reflections
Morning reflections by Domagoj Koprek Via Flickr: Olympus XA Ilford HP5+
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capturingtime · 2 years
Late Night Transit by Sami Männikkö
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twof · 2 months
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Berlin, 2024
Photo: Roland Helbig
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jordansfilmjournal · 11 months
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but make it fashion.
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trenchphotos1 · 11 months
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It's a grainy image, as it's on film and my current camera/film/lens/developer combo is not being what I would call cooperative. That being said, I'm posting the pic anyway because that hood ornament above him has a back story that is worth sharing. Jason owns Sublime Signs in Norman and there's a welding shop attached in the back. He welded the tailgating rig he's sitting atop and once it was all said and done, he realized it needed a crowned jewel. And he knew immediately what he wanted.
So off he goes to the interwebs with a price point in mind, and soon enough he found a skull. He contacted the seller and a conversation to settle details ensued. Except the seller found out Jason lived in Oklahoma and backed out of the deal. It should go without saying at this point that the seller lived in Texas. You guys. The same thing went on to happen another THREE times: Jason contacted them to buy, they lived south of the Red River, they tell Jason no when they discovered the delivery address.
Can you imagine being so enthralled with what is essentially cow innards that you refuse to let someone purchase it based on their address? Sounds like discrimination by the long horn of the law to me.
Obviously, he managed to find one eventually. From a seller that lives in Oklahoma.
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simonh · 7 months
000060140017-edit by Simon Hartmann Via Flickr: 10/15/2023 11:12am 1/125 f4 tables Ledges Virginia Kendall
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analogmartt · 4 months
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Ragazzi napoletani ai Bagni della Regina Giovanna.
Shot on medium format Ilford HP5 in Sorrento, Italy. Mai 2024.
I. Pranzo sugli scogli.
II. Ragazzi in fila per tuffarsi in mare.
III. Relax dopo i tuffi.
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papashittycams · 7 months
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Breakfast for Champions
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cdelrioc · 1 year
Más cartas de Regatta
En Libia viví algunos de los años más importantes de mi vida. Y el recuerdo no se desvanece #fotografia #fotografiaanalogica
Ya comenté en su momento que mi aventura con la fotografía de película se consolidó en los años que viví en Trípoli, la capital de Libia. Disparé pocos carretes en aquella época pero siento mucho cariño por todas las fotos que hice de aquel lugar que fue tan importante en mi vida.
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