#IkePri spoilers
dreamofjoys · 24 days
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dark-frosted-heart · 7 months
Gilbert’s secrets from his takeover
I tried to get them all but I don’t know how many there are in total
Spoilers and rough translations below
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He took over a country that produced honey because the kid he picked up loved it, and stimulated the economy
Supposedly improved the taste of those terrible army rations and the soldiers shed tears of gratitude
He developed a new form of medicine on the spot when his fiancée caught a fever. Walter: You advanced technology by another 100 years
With the rumors of how much he adores his fiancée, Obsidian merchants have started importing goods from Rhodolite
He's working on some sort of cryopreservation to keep his fiancee's sweets as long as possible
Roderich's weapon was made by Gilbert. It's so important to him that he never lets it go, even holding it in his sleep.
As a child, a friend from Rhodolite taught him how to use a sword. Said friend then beat him so brutally which made Gilbert avoid using swords
Recently set up a workshop dedicated to producing handmade clothes and jewelry for his fiancee.
Recently, a new part of his nightly routine is asking his fiancée to remove his eyepatch for him.
Back when he was a kid, his mother used to read him a lot of fairy tales about a prince dancing with his beloved, so he learned to dance for when that day came
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scummy-writes · 2 months
The roderic brainrot is BAD. bad bad. I edited some gil sprites to be roderic (and for the gilbert ask blog). They're not great cuz I don't do this stuff like...ever... but. yahoo.
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a bonus:
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hahaha..... i absolutely stole amon's cloak to make this.
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littlewitty · 3 months
I’m sorry but what ?!
Sorry but Leon and Chevalier are SNIFFING GILBERTS BED
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solomons-poison · 3 months
I'd gotten Chev's POV story in the current event Chev's Treasure, and wtf!!! He's so cute!!!!!!!! Wanting to show off his fighting skills in front of her, watching her expressions, even laughing because he enjoys her reactions so much.. some screenies below the cut because God he is so cute in this event. He really is just a boy in love
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"My simpleton" 😭 but also, him wanting to show off in front of MC!! He purposefully waits and fights because he knows she will be watching. And then afterwards, asking MC for a "reward" even when he knows some of his men are watching, because he wants to show that she is his.
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When Chev is helping MC with her tutoring, his reason for not using the textbook is... so that he can see her face??!! He's so funny with the way he MC-watches, the beast watching all the funny emotions humans go through, especially when everyone else around him primarily shows fear. But MC wears her heart on her sleeve, there's no hiding anything from him.
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And then my favorite: MC finding out Chev can draw amazingly, and combined with his incredible memory, his can draw maps and images of places he's been so well. MC wants to keep the drawing, but he'll only allow it if she draws something for him. She draws a white tiger reading in the rose garden. I wanna cry with the way Chev goes "something is missing" and draws a rabbit in beside the tiger, and then decides to get it framed!!!!
Ugh this was such a good event, such a cute story that really drives home how much Chev has changed since we first meet him. He was stiff, awkward, did not know the meaning or point of love and didn't understand why MC did some of the things she did. But now he's finding himself doing "pointless" things, trying to impress her, finding his own joy in hers, enjoying recreational time just spent together and not just constantly working. God he is so so so sweet and I am so happy with the way his character has grown over time 🥺
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givemegivemesome · 11 months
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I translated Beast Encyclopedia for ikepri users who have difficulty understanding Japanese. I searched the character illustrations and made it😊
I couldn't get a background illustration. Because the Beast Encyclopedia of 3 new characters currently exists only on paper goods,, Thus I did a little editing by using photo of those paper goods.
When the official version comes out, it might have some differences with officially uploded Encyclopedia.
I tried to improve the illustration quality by retouching but it's the limit I guess...🥲 I thought you might be veryvery curious before the official version come up!! hope you enjoy it💓
If there are any incorrect translation, please let me know..😅 Thank you~
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hakuoyuki · 11 months
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Hello Hello, I am back from my semi-permanent hiatus to share what's known so far about the 3 new foreign princes from Tanzanite, Achroite, and Kogyoku as shared from Chevalier Proposition of Love Chapter (a.k.a. Chevalier's Sequel which followed the event after the end of his True Love (Romantic) End)
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otomehoneyybearr · 5 months
Kagari Epilogue
The Beast Tempts the Little Rabbit
Pictures have been updated!
 The turmoil at the charity party came to a close without incident, and the following day—
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Emma: "I'm sorry."
I invited Kagari to a tea party I held in the greenhouse of Jade Castle to apologize to him.
Kagari: "It's fine. Lift your head."
Kagari: "Is what I'd like to say, but I don't recall you ever being rude to me. And it's not like me to forget things."
Emma: "It was during yesterday's party."
Emma: "I made several remarks criticizing you without understanding the situation."
Emma: "And despite being told to wait in the room, I chased after you, charged at an enemy unarmed, and fainted."
Kagari: "Just hearing that makes you sound like a beast that accidentally wandered into human territory."
Emma: "As a result, you had to carry me all the way to the guest room here in the castle. I’ve caused you a lot of trouble.”
Kagari: "I think the cause of you fainting was my fault but... it’s fine."
Kagari: "Apologies are unnecessary. I’ve already dealt with the person I was after, to some extent."
This morning, I remembered what Prince Keith had told Kagari.
(If I remember correctly, the merchant's eye and leg were considered as unusable.)
(If Prince Keith hadn't shown up when he did, it wouldn't have ended with just that.)
I couldn’t help but think about the worst-case scenario and shuddered.
Kagari: "Also, I don't feel like I was criticized at all."
Kagari: "For starters, our living environments are vastly different. It's natural for our way of thinking to be different too."
Kagari: "You simply just expressed your opinion about that difference, yet you didn't reject mine, did you?"
Emma: "...Right."
Kagari: "Then don't apologize. It wasn't a mistake."
Kagari: "But in Kogyoku, lukewarm thoughts like yours can be fatal."
Kagari: "If you want to die, that's fine, but be careful if you go there."
Emma: "Understood. Thank you for your advice!"
I nodded, and Kagari, seemingly satisfied with all that he had to say, took a sip of tea.
I was almost enchanted by his graceful movements.
(Kagari doesn't hesitate to take lives.)
(But he's not just a cruel person as he gives me advice like this and even returned my wallet.)
Although we're still practically strangers, I felt that way from every one of his words and actions.
Kagari: "So..."
Emma: "Yes?"
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Kagari: "Can I eat these dorayaki?"
In front of Kagari’s gaze was a table filled with dorayaki as far as the eye could see.
Among them was the dorayaki from the mobile shop that I had eaten yesterday.
(I remember Prince Keith telling me about it and snuck out to buy some.)
Emma: "Please do! I prepared them just for you, Kagari."
Kagari: "For me...? Then I’ll gratefully accept it."
While there was no change in his expression or tone of voice, the atmosphere around us seemed to have relaxed slightly.
Kagari’s hand reached for the dorayaki—but for some reason, he withdrew it without taking one.
Kagari: "..."
(Huh? He stood up.)
As I watched his movements, he placed his chair right next to me without leaving any room, and sat back down.
And he opened his mouth towards me.
I was left speechless with a bewildered expression.
Kagari: "Princess, you're slow on the uptake."
Kagari: "I'm going to eat you, not the dorayaki."
Emma: "Wha... You bit me again!?"
Heat spread from where he bit me.
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I glared at Kagari while holding my neck, and he stared back at me with his chin resting on his hand.
He seemed a bit disappointed.
Kagari: "Aren’t you going to say 'Ah' like you did yesterday?"
Emma: "I didn't say that."
Kagari: "Yes you did. It was cute."
Emma: "Cu... That's not the point. Please don't bite me again."
Kagari: "This is the first time I've bitten you."
Emma: " I remember you biting me yesterday, very clearly."
Kagari: "I didn't bite you. But..."
He lightly tapped the back of my hand that was holding my neck with two fingers.
Kagari: "I just lightly pressed into you with my nails like this."
Emma: "Liar..."
Kagari: "Unfortunately, I’m not lying."
(So I just assumed I was bitten and...)
(This is the worst... I wish I could faint right now. I feel like crying from embarrassment.)
Kagari: "I really liked that sound."
Kagari: "Won't you do it again? Misunderstood Princess—mmph"
Emma: "I've heard that the deliciousness of dorayaki decreases by half when it dries out, so please eat them as soon as possible!"
Intervening Kagari’s words, I forcibly fed him a piece of dorayaki cut with a fork.
Kagari: "..."
(He's really quiet now. Just as Prince Keith said, dorayaki works wonders on him.)
(But still... he must have noticed that I was flustered...)
(Kagari can be quite mean, despite his appearance.)
As I fanned my face with my hand to cool down, Kagari continued to silently eat the dorayaki at a steady pace.
Chewing, swallowing, and opening his mouth to take in another dorayaki. It was like an assembly line.
(Was Kagari opening his mouth as a sign for me to feed him?)
(...Perhaps as an apology.)
Kagari: "Princess."
Emma: "Oh, right, the dorayaki."
I pushed the empty plate aside and picked up a plate piled high with dorayaki.
(...It'll be fine, right?)
With a handful of nervousness in my chest, I offered a piece of dorayaki that I had cut into a bite-sized portion.
Kagari ate it without hesitation, then abruptly stopped moving.
(...Was it not good after all?)
Unable to bear the flowing silence, I spoke up.
Emma: "I made those dorayaki."
Kagari: "You did?"
Emma: "Just buying them seemed a bit bland, so I asked Prince Keith to borrowed the kitchen."
Emma: "I followed the recipe exactly, but it never turned out right."
(I should ask owner for some tips when I get back.)
(For now, I'll eat this one myself, and get another one...)
Kagari: "Wait."
He stopped my hand that was trying to move the plate away and returned it to its original position.
Emma: "Wasn’t it not to your liking?"
Kagari: "Who said that? It's delicious."
Emma: "R-really!?"
Kagari: "Yeah, I like the taste of something you're not used to making."
(That's... a somewhat puzzling response.)
(But I'm glad he thinks it good.)
Emma: "Thank you."
I once again brought the dorayaki to Kagari’s mouth.
He ate it, seemingly faster than before, and my expression naturally relaxed.
(Hehe, he's starting to look cute.)
Whenever I offered him a dorayaki, he opened his mouth obediently without changing his expression, and it was fascinating to watch.
(...I wonder what that was yesterday.)
●●●●●● Flashback ●●●●●●
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Kagari: "If I kneel down and cutely meow like a cat, will I get your attention?"
●●●●●● Flashback End ●●●●●●
Remembering the sweet and fierce heat I saw in his eyes, my body tensed slightly.
The atmosphere was different from when we met in the city or when he was wielding his sword.
I hastily shook off my thoughts in response to the incomprehensible fear.
Kagari: "What's wrong, Princess?"
Emma: "Oh... um, I was just thinking that I'd like to try some authentic dorayaki while watching cherry blossoms..."
Emma: "But it's just a thought."
To cover it up, I hastily came up with an excuse, but Kagari tilted his head.
Kagari: "So you want to eat dorayaki while having a cherry blossom viewing in Kogyoku?"
Emma: "Yes."
Emma: "To do that, I'll need to learn how to protect myself better and become stronger."
Kagari: "You'll probably die before you become strong."
Emma: "...You're really killing my motivation, Kagari."
Kagari: "I'm just being realistic."
After pretending to think for a moment, Kagari took a sip of tea.
Kagari: "If you really want to come to Kogyoku, call me. I'll act as your escort."
Emma: "Really? Is that okay?"
Kagari: "You did feed me dorayaki, after all."
Kagari: "And as a bonus, I'll even teach you an easy way to kill someone."
Emma: "...I'll pass on that, thank you."
Kagari: "I’m just kidding."
Kagari: "But as a minimum for self-defense, you should have a short sword or a knife with you."
Kagari: "Even if you don't want to take someone's life, it's important not to be defenseless."
Emma: "Thank you for your concern."
Even in Kogyoku, known as a turbulent country, there are safe territories.
However, I learned from the owner that most people still carry swords.
(Talking to Kagari makes me realize the stark differences between my everyday life in Rhodolite and there.)
Kagari: "Princess, Princess."
His voice interrupted my thoughts.
Emma: "Yes, what is it...? Mmph."
He suddenly stuffed something into my mouth, and the gentle sweetness spread across my tongue.
(It's a dorayaki.)
I chewed and swallowed.
Kagari: "Is it good?"
Emma: "It's delicious."
Kagari: "Then have another bite."
Emma: "Mmph-- Kagari, what's gotten into you all of a sudden? Also, this bite is a bit too big!"
Kagari: "It's fine, you can handle it."
(He's being so forceful!)
(He demanded to be fed dorayaki, and now he's turning the tables and feeding me.)
(He's really an unpredictable person.)
(But... one thing is for certain...)
As I chewed on the dorayaki, I looked at Kagari.
His expressionless emerald eyes met mine, just like when we first met.
(What does Kagari think of me after yesterday's incident? I have no idea.)
(Just one thing...)
Kagari: "Princess."
(I feel like he's... grown fond of me.)
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As I thought that, it seemed like Kagari had a swaying cat's tail attached to him.
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rosa-rubus · 6 months
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He's so silly and pretty and wow I love him
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aquagirl1978 · 6 months
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pawnkyyy · 5 months
Haha hi I draw that one scene from gil’s romantic route (try something new by posting my art here! Hello :3c )
Contain Spoilers! : Gilbert’s romantic route ch.21
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When i read this ep, these picture immediately poped up in my head. If you know what i mean….
and i know i have to draw it……………
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chandeliermichel · 17 days
Chevalier in the obsidian’s prison scene drawing by me!!
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dark-frosted-heart · 4 months
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And so cheeky
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 5 months
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Matias Asbrink Card Lines
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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Stop running; it's dangerous.
Hm? Are you in a hurry? But what if you get hurt?
If anything happens to you, I don't think my heart can take it, so please be careful.
If someone blames you for being late, just say you got caught by me as an excuse.
I want to touch your soft skin. I want to steal your luscious lips. I want to savor your sweet-smelling body and make everything mine.
I know it's a shameful desire, but I can't control it.
Haah, this makes me seem like a beast.
If I lose my composure, I'll lose in court. I guess it's the same with our relationship, huh?
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I'd pay good money to see this.
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solomons-poison · 5 months
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... I mean, the man knows what he likes, I guess 😂
From the "Wildest Dreams" story event
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