#If you're that close to my skill level then I guess u are too
batthiief · 1 year
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          Not a COD match if you     aren’t called multiple slurs after a close match.
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malleux · 1 year
Hello! I hope you're doing well, may I participate in the match up event?
My pronouns are she/her, and I have a preference towards men.
Hobbies: reading (any form, as of current I've been reading a lot of manhwa), arts, theatre production, videogames (I usually play action RPGs, fighting, gatcha and rhythm games), watching anime, cooking (by small extension), history
Skills: draw and paint (digital+ traditional), animate (just s tiny bit), arts and crafts (for set and props mostly), playing video games (is that even a skill ??? I'm not a god but I'd like to think I play games pretty well enough), writing (less creative more on academic/reports), cooking (I can only follow a recipe though), sewing (just good enough to mend small holes/ put things together)
Personality: infj, introverted, emphatic, laid back, understanding, supportive, creative, humorous, sarcastic, witty, determined, can be dense at times, lazy, intuitive (idk I'm able to guess things based on intuition), reserved (I only ever actually open up to ppl i know well), stuck in my head day dreaming/ thinking (it could be about anything lmao), non confrontational but passive agressive
Love language: quality time, acts of service (giving)
That's all! I hope this wasn't too much!!!
hi! this is perfect, thank you for requesting!
i match you with… heizou!
Hear me out… detective couple.
When I read your bio, I kind of honed in on your intuition. At first, heizou is a little on edge. He’d originally just hired you as a secretary to take requests and write down cases for him to focus on, but he couldn’t help but be intrigued when you’d make off-handed comments about them.
You talked about someone who came in and asked Heizou to investigate the mysterious disappearance of his business partner. The guy seemed severely distraught, but you’d had a bad feeling about him from the beginning. His actions just seemed… off to you, giving you a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach that was hard to shake.
Later on, it came to light that the man was behind his partner’s disappearance. He didn’t want to share the fortune, and played it off as a kidnapping from a rival business.
After many more cases with similar circumstances, Heizou started to pay more attention to you. He’d ask your opinion on things, letting you take your time and read over evidence and statements that he’d collected. Heizou would take anything you said into consideration, not hesitating to look into something you felt wasn’t right.
You became his partner in solving crime, the Watson to his Sherlock, and started to develop an unbreakable bond— the foundation of trust and partnership built long before you had actually become a couple.
Once you are a couple, though, the crime stopper partnership doesn’t end. If anything, it grows stronger. You’re hanging out way more outside of work, and Heizou will even take the day off for the two of you to have a date or take a break if he feels like you’re overworking yourselves.
Often takes you to theatre productions in Inazuma. Marionette puppet shows are common, and sometimes they are inspired by cases that the two of you solve. It’s a fun date night— spending time together, reminiscing of the past.
When you’re busy daydreaming on the job, Heizou just smiles. He assumes you’re working hard and thinking about a case, even if you’re definitely just daydreaming about him. Or the book you’re reading. Or literally anything else. He’s so proud of u.
It takes the both of you a while to fully open up to each other, but the vulnerability and level of closeness you have with each other is worth the wait. Heizou is someone you can genuinely trust and depend on with your life, and he feels the same about you. He picks up on the tiniest things about you and is never wrong with his observations.
When you’re passive aggressive to someone you’re not too fond of, Heizou knows. When your social battery is running low, Heizou knows. He makes the best escape plans for any situation, and gets the two of you alone quickly. For your sake, of course. Totally not also because he wants some alone time.
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scorchedhearth · 2 years
also do you have any unpopular opinions about either the gl corps or the old guard (or both if you're feeling it)
oh, i can never pass on the opportunity to be a hater, thank you <33
i hate how the glc are now militarized, with shore leaves and a strict hierarchy and police/army language used by the corps themselves. i understand that they fight so there must be some kind of tactical and fighter aspect, but i hate how they're so much like an army instead of a bunch of people supposed to just help their sector. everytime guy calls himself a cop i die a little inside, full hate intended. you'd think the kid abused by his drunken cop of a father wouldn't idealize the profession so much but i guess the writers don't think that much! that and the critical lack of imagination the creators have for aliens culture. maybe if they stopped licking the us boots for a second we could have more interesting than 'it's just like earth but with funny colors!'. i did consider committing a crime when i saw that isamot's gf had boobs (she's a lizarkon, like him), or when every single planet has the same way of acting than the us (when on earth you only got one us, and many other countries. the way they write their alien planet you'd think they all have one country and one city and nothing more, not even two different cultures on the same planet ffs). i also hate the parallax retcon, but that one isn't unpopular it's a 50/50 situation from what i've seen
it's been a while since i actively interacted with tog so no idea what's unpopular or not these days, but quynh isn't crazy she's hurt beyond comprehension and deserves consideration that the comics haven't given her in full with her u-turn to a bad guy with little explanation. but also, the comics are fine (not great but not bad either), and the people who hate on them haven't read them or are too attached to the movie, you just need two different approaches to enjoy them both. the sequel shouldn't have a jn flashback, and andy's breakdown at the end of vol.2 makes sense, even if the others' reaction doesn't at all (they just fought to get booker back despite the exile, and now they're all abandoning andy out of the blue isn't of sticking with her? i call bullshit). nile's lack of recognition by the fandom while upsetting unfortunately isn't surprising, and i think a good portion of her story should focus on her grieving her life and family, which doesn't really happen in vol.2 and that's a shame, i think it should be addressed more closely in the sequel because she just lost her entire life. but also, i think too many people forget that it's a netflix action movie first and foremost, and while we got some good commentary out of it about humanity and its purpose, the main takeaway should be that people can fuck you up with a sword and a gun and that it's sexy as hell when they do, that and that military propaganda slither its way into anything and you gotta be careful. and also that fandom is stupid as shit because the 'he thinks you're a mouse' isn't a private joke between joe and nicky, it's literally to mock merrick, omg you people lack media comprehension skills to a level that worries me
anyway thanks for enabling me friend <3 i won't publish the first ask but now that it made me snort out loud, and also my deepest condolences for this moment you suffered through, i wouldn't have made it out alive if i were you
sleepover asks
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actualsunflower · 3 years
I didn't meant to be rude, but why is he fat? I mean, u have to bue quite Active to survive in the commonwealth, also he is kinda like a plant right? Photosyntesis n shit shouldnt make u fat i guess
How're you gonna say "normal not fat" to a fat person, about their oc that is based off them, and then say you didn't mean to be rude.... That is a very rude thing to say...
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But back then, I was just learning how to draw, and didn't know how to draw fat bodies yet and to be honest, I wasn't putting much effort into learning. Now I do know, and now I do put effort into it. And if you've been around long enough to know what my very first drawings looked like then you should know how much my art has improved since then. At the time as well, I was just newly using art to ease and explore my dysphoria, and having him look more like what people expected men to look like felt ok. But just giving up and drawing him how he really looks and how I look has made me feel so much better about both myself and who I am as a man, and that it's perfectly okay (and sexy 😳) to be fat. And, it vastly improved my art skill.
There's a couple other reasons why he looks different in old art, 1 being that he's younger in those pictures and that's why his vitiligo is different too. I draw him at different ages depending on his age in relation to my fic which I don't plan on ever sharing any more of because of asks like this :) close friends are the only people I talk about this stuff with anymore bcs they aren't fatphobes, homophobes, or ableists
2nd, I am very active person, I walk and bike every day like, religiously, and I'm still chunky! Activity level doesn't equal weight. I do these things every day with my roommate who is very thin, and eats waaayyyyy more than I do. And I'm still fat and they're not! And again, he is based off me, so he is fat. We are both muscular and fat which just makes you look even fatter. Look up strongmen if you don't know what I'm talking about. He's that, but softer because I like belly. He's an old man, he stopped being thin with more defined muscles as he aged, just like everyone else
3rd, photosynthesis works by turning sunlight into glucose, which is sugar. Jay doesn't need to eat, but he likes to anyway. No matter how much you walk around if you're still 'eating' all day (by being in the sunlight) and then eating food on top of that, you're not going to look like one of those fake super models. Bodies just don't work that way, you're gonna be chunky. Plus some people are just big even without extra fat. Plus the dude is old as hell and has one leg, like... He isn't charging around fist fighting raiders and pretending he's Mr. Save the 'wealth like the game wants you to be. He just loves walking around with Nick studying things and farming at home. His story isn't the game's story and the game is super unrealistic in itself, I really would not base your idea of what bodies should look and be like off of gameplay mechanics.
And about surviving in the Commonwealth, you really don't have to be that active. You can just be strong, resilient, smart and resourceful and survive just as well or better than other people. I don't know why you think fat people can't walk around or whatever but we have a perfectly fine time doing stuff... I garden, walk, exercise, hike, whatever just fine and I'm still fat and I am not the only one so I don't really know why you think fat people would just like... Die off or not exist or whatever you believe
But most importantly he's fat just because I want him to be and that's it. There doesn't need to be any other justification really.
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