#If you cannot handle the swag get out of the essay
jzmn8r · 4 years
Hello friends I am going to put my DBQ outline here because I think I’m funny so here we go (some names taken out for privacy reasons)
Outline by yours truly Jasmine [lastname] on this momentous date of march the 12th 2thousand and twenty
Mrs. [last name] if you actually open this and read it hopefully you won’t I would like to formally apologize for the mess, it has been a wild ride.
I really don’t know how to outline essays so here we go cracks knuckles
These notes will all be deleted later so I apologize if someone logs into go guardian and sees this outline because it will be a mess. I cannot write outlines very well yeah I’m not deleting them, they’re funny, and on that note let’s get into it:
If you cannot handle the swag get out of the essay B)
The Primary Causes For The Fall of Rome:
1st paragraph: *sips tea* welcome, the game is afoot
The Roman Empire started out as a republic (details about said republic). Though this republic wasn’t set to last. It fell after 500 years. Yada yada yada yada the Roman empire rose to power in (insert date) and for many years was a prosperous and stable empire. Yeah, that didn’t last. It fell faster than my bio grade after a test. (I swear I know the material I just cannot take tests to save my life) Soon this empire fell into corruption and just like ms Keisha, died. There were many reasons for this but the most important ones were political deaths, invasions, and natural disasters.
2nd paragraph: Alexa play body by mother mother
Let’s see index cards shuffling hmm political deaths!! Fun topic!! So in the span of about 50 years, 22.5 emperors died (they’re still not sure if the last one is still living or not it’s Coolius Jaeser) but most (13 I think) were assassinated funnnn hrrgh hrrgh. So yeah this caused invasions n’ thingstm and economic failure because who doesn’t want that (everybody???) but holy cow this caused a bunch of sad things to happen. Rome was a mess ya’ll. Don’t go to Rome it’s not good for your mental wellbeing. Anyways yeah details and more details, conclusion.
3rd paragraph: another body paragraph to you queens, kings, and monarchs.
Next scene: we set the scene in Rome in (insert date) talking about invasions (as mentioned above)
HmmmmM, Mama Mia here we go again, but this time with invasions!! Those are always a fun family activity for the weeked, just go invade your local empire. Anyways towards the end of the ye olde empire people started migrating and bum bum bummm i n v a d i n g. (The Huns were the ones migrating in the beginning (They then snatched some of Rome) but the romans were evil little meanies so they called them animals and said they were invading but thats another story for another time.) anywAYS, the invasions were obviously a problem considering that land was Rome’s D:< but the invaders didnt really care so they invaded anyways. (evidence evidence evi evi evidence) yeah Rome then started falling faster than lightning mcqueen’s career in cars 3 or something its been years since ive watched the movie. But yeah, slap a conclusion on that there tractor and skiddaddle.
4th paragraph: oh no I am going to start crying over moulin rouge again am I not?? Anyways, its the final countdown dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun.
OHHHH NATURAL DISASTERS IN THE ANCIENT WORLD!!!! (fun fact my birthday is on the anniversy of the eruption of pompeii :) take with that information what you will)
Rome was really going through it in its final years. The poor empire was struggling with a capital s. In the (insert century and/or year) there was a large earthquake, shaky, and then a tsunami. Wow, so much fun, really sad I missed that. (side note, what a love story some of these events would make. Like a love story set in these times, hmmmm gears turning, oH gears are mega turning. (side side note, this obsession with love is probably because of Moulin Rouge)) So if that wasn’t enough to go cause this empire to go cry in a closet, there was a measles outbreak. Plagues, earthquakes, and tsunamis, that sounds like a name of a band. (add details later cause I cannot remember any of them atm) end scene.
Conclusion: well if youve stuck with me this long I am impressed and as it seems the case has come to a close, thats so sad alexa play despacito
So, overall Rome fell for a variety of reasons but the most important were political deaths, invasions, and natural disasters. Rinse and repeat the intorduction but change it up a bit so that it seems like I did more than I really did. Alas our journey ends here, and as the curtain falls I would like to remind everyone that it will rise again and that in the wise words of Shmi Skywalker (yes I am bringing a Star Wars reference into this because I have a problem) “You cannot stop change as much as you can stop the sun from setting” with that note I will always be here for more essay outlines and you can never get rid of me.
This outline was sponsored by Costco- Costco, where’s the beef? *whispers* oh thats not it, thats wendys??? Oh ok
Costco, do the right thing :D
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