#If some of you ever see Adu Du you exactly can see why he is better writing than Chloe despite return back to be bad guy
jennycinco-5 · 2 months
You know what, I would accept Chloe Face-heel turn IF she actually wrote like this character :
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He is Adu Du, former Antagonist from BoBoiBoy Series. Before landed on Earth, he was a loser on his own homeplanet, get bullied and being disowned. Adu Du decide to go to earth to find a Cocoa. So he can hailed as a hero of his planet.
He start as main Antagonist in Season 1 until Season 2, an effective threat for BoBoiBoy and his friend. Then in Season 3, he start to have his redemption arc for sake to rebuild his only friend, Probe, after being destroyed and defeated by Ejo Jo. During his redemption arc, Adu Du has lot of trouble to control his anger or be better person. But this is how Redemption arc works, show the character has an actual struggle to be change because we can't be a new leaf in instant.
Unfortunately, he went back become bad due to his mother manipulation. When he back as bad guy, he still competent villain and fully embrace his proud of being bad guys. Until the end of Season 3, he decide to help BoBoiBoy to fight against Ejo Jo and help them to reach Kaizo spaceship to saved Fang.
Despite no longer being good guy, he and Probe ended being neutral character, no longer being the main threat. In Galaxy, especially Gentar Arc, he become main focused character to saved Probe from Roksasa, making him has no other choice to send a SOS signal to get help. Eventually, BoBoiBoy, Gopal and Qually working together with Adu Du to saved Probe and Ochobot. In the end of Gentar Arc, when Qually asked BoBoiBoy if Adu Du is evil or not, BoBoiBoy believe that Adu Du is not that evil.
Now, why I compare him with S4/S5 Chloe ? Because his character is complex even after he went back to be bad guy. Thanks to his mother manipulation and support, Adu Du become lot resourceful than he was in past season. And of course he manage his privilege from his mother and thinking about his evil plan perfectly. He openly proud of it. UNLIKE SEASON 4-5 CHLOE, this make his character still engaging, memorable and watchable. He is missed by the viewer since he no longer has much screentime. He is written not by writers out-of-spite.
Adu Du return as bad guy never painted as "irredeemable" despite he has done lot of worse and is MORE active antagonist than Chloe. (Adu Du takes advantages of BoBoiBoy stress of unable to manage his time as student and superhero, then seeing him being controlled by his own Elemental Form (BoBoiBoy Fire). Which make him to manipulate the citizen by make them seeing BoBoiBoy as too dangerous as hero then build a robot imitation of the hero. Then after his plan successful, he begin to put a high donation and threaten to destroy everything. ) Heck, he still has genuine humorous moment which is not forced humor at all.
Chloe, however, to make her "irredeemable", make her "abuse" her father and Sabrina, then make her 24 hours call herself as "I'm Sooo Evulz" despite being a minion for Gabriel and Miss-3-different-faces and acting as "dumb-blonde bitch" stereotype. Resulting viewer tired of seeing her instead of hating her. Because she is written out-of-spite by the fat beared bastard
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