#If it'll help someone else he's giving every last bit of money that he has and the shirt off his back
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hellsingmongrel · 2 months ago
LOL Oh, Wolfwood would ABSOLUTELY yoink the bible money without a second thought!
Though let's be fair, other than to talk shit at Nico for doing it, Vash would, too, given the right circumstances. He's got a little bit of a kleptomaniac in him from time to time. The man's homeless as Hell, he probably rarely has two c-cents to rub together, so if he finds a random $$20 bill, WOOHOO! IT'S PIZZA NIGHT!
ok so are yall familiar with that rumor that ppl put money in hotel bibles? well my bestie and I got a hotel room together once and the first thing I did was dangle the room Bible upside down to see if money fell out. to test if it was true!! (no money came out) but she was like ur going straight to hell for that JDJD
can't help but see this happen between vashwood
ww shaking the bible and Vash is standing there yet again asking aren't you supposed to be a priest??!
wolfwood reasons they need money for the road so god will excuse him
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spacerangersam · 1 year ago
Been thinking about how I would've handled the ending of ghosts if it absolutely had to end with Alison and Mike moving out, and it was going to be bug unless I wrote it all down, so here it is:
Firstly,  I think up there needs to be more build up to it during season five, it can't just come out of nowhere in the final episode. There needs to be a bit more tension between the ghosts and the Coopers (preferably with the Coopers sometimes being the ones to upset the ghosts so it's not all one sided, or else it kind of just makes the ghosts look like terrible people), and a bit more hopelessness each time their money-making attempts fail. Not enough that there's no funny or happy moments, just enough that it's clear something has to give.
I think that episode where the ghosts really upset Alison and they spend the entire time trying to make it up to her should be the final episode before the xmas special, and it shouldn't end with them giving her a good review. Instead, they tell her that she can leave. If it's too much, of they're too much, if it'll be better for her and Mike, if it'll be better for the baby, she can go. They'll understand, and they'll love her regardless.
They all leave her to think on it and the season (almost) ends on Alison, just absolutely gobsmacked, alone on her bed.
Cut to the Xmas episode. The baby hasn't come just yet, but she's due soon and the Coopers have to make a choice on the manor. Alison and Mike actually talk about leaving, the pros and cons, and Alison is obviously reluctant to leave, even if she won't admit it. But, when Mike makes an off hand comment about it being a shame they can't all spontaneously move on, Alison gets an idea. While the ghosts have their own b plot (maybe about how they'll handle life after the Coopers leave, with some flashbacks to xmases before the Coopers came), she tries to find a way to help them all move on. She tries fulfilling their last wishes (most of which she can't do because they're impossible), she tries bringing in the priest, she tries everything she can think of, but nothing seems to work.
Finally, just as she's about to give up, she finds a blog written by someone who can also see ghosts. They suggest holding a seance of sorts, and say some ghosts will move on if encouraged/given explicit permission.
It's a long shot, but they try it. Her and Mike sit in a circle holding hands, the ghosts around her, and she closes her. One by one, the ghosts steps into the circle  and Alison tells them how weird and wonderful they are, how much they've changed and grown, how much she loves them, and then that it's time for them to move.
When she's gone through every last ghosts, she finally opens her eyes. Miraculously, it worked. They're all gone. And she immediately breaks down. She clings to Mike, sobbing, and he hugs her back, a bit teary eyed too. They were her ghosts, but he still cared for them too, in his own little way.
The final moments of the episode are a montage (preferably accompanied by an acoustic cover of an upbeat song to really kick in the misery), showing them: driving away from the manor, them moving into their new home (the ghost board hanging in on the wall), the baby arriving etc etc
The very last second though, while her and Mike are sitting down, watching TV, Alison sits up and goes "Oh fuck I forgot about the plagues!" Cut to the plague ghosts, just chilling in the sauna of Button Hotel. End scene.
Obviously this isn't perfect or anything and won't be for everyone, but I think it's the kind of ending I would have preferred.
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spacecadetspe · 8 months ago
A snippet from last year…
Jun. 29, 2023
Still no sign of a suitable job. Mom says if I don't have one by the time I leave, she'll help pay for further education, like a UX-UI boot camp. I wouldn't mind. Learning new languages and designs is pretty interesting to me. The thing is, a lot of the field is saturated at the moment. Getting a certificate might be a good thing, though.
Cheese and crackers, I need to consult my cards again. I have no idea what direction I'm supposed to go in from here. Maybe I'll talk to my aunt about trying to get published. I've got manuscripts galore to work with, one of which has already been completed. I'm sure it won't be a whole lot of money, but it'll be something I can work with. Maybe I ought to get back in touch with my former contacts about doing audiobooks. I used to love reading stories. Again, it's not a fortune, but it'll be something I really enjoy doing, and I can make future contacts in the field.
I figured I would be resting more at the Archipelago, considering the things that have been happening lately. W is testing his boundaries more, usually while I'm not around, and it seems to be having a negative effect on Fortitude. Mom mentioned that W plays a little too rough with her, and I mentioned it to Fortitude and his first reaction was the equivalent of "Does everyone have a problem with my parenting?" To an extent, I understand. W doesn't have a lot of people he can roughhouse with, since he's one of the biggest boys in his age group, so he plays rough and wrestles with Fortitude.
I quickly put that ego to bed though. I told him I didn't actually want him to change the way he treated W. The kid enjoys being able to play freely like that, without worrying that he'll hurt someone. He gets so guilty when he does that I'm well aware that it really is just innocent play. I just asked Fortitude to remind W that not everyone likes to play rough, and some people are more delicate than others.
Fortitude is perfectly willing to accept personal responsibility for the things he does. But when it comes to having parental conversations like these, he's lately been taking my information-gathering a bit personally. And granted, my mother and family aren't always going to agree with how I choose to parent my kid, but by and large I think we have reasonable standards set up. The kid says he has chores, and he occasionally does, but what he describes as chores is just his morning routine; make the bed, take a bath, brush his teeth, and Lysol the doorknobs and bathroom counter (I'm so tired of getting sick every time he comes over).
After another conversation with Fortitude, I reminded him that W has another parent who doesn't give a shit about personal responsibility or boundaries, which is why we do what we do. We're meant to guide him, to show him how to walk the path, and no one is going to do it for us. His father and his sycophant girlfriend sure as fuck aren't going to help.
I tried to call Fortitude out for being so sensitive about this; he should know I'm not constantly out to get him. And carrying the weight of his ego on top of literally everything else is exhausting.
Besides that, instead of spending more of my time in the Archipelago, I've been joining Morpheus and Vassilios on the front lines, protecting the Dream World. Looks like the Oni have taken an interest in us, this time. Morpheus said they were there in the name of conquest or resource gathering or whatnot, but my position is firm; they can come in and participate on our terms, or they can leave us alone. But it looks like that wasn't a good enough answer for the Oni, so they challenged us. Not the best idea, as you might guess. Ten percent of their initial forces left with their lives.
So it was with a certain heaviness that I trudged through my day, feeling the expectations of all the people that needed me. Fortitude needs me to check his ego more often, and when I call him on it, he's too tired to acknowledge the needed change. I don't blame him, but there's a part of me that is so tired of carrying the load for others.
Part of the reason I tend to isolate myself is that I feel like I don't belong. I reach out as often as my energy will allow, but when it comes to managing the chaos around me, sometimes it all feels like a giant weight on my shoulders. I want someone else to reach out for once. I'm already exhausted by my job hunt, the death of my grandmother, the betrayal of my friends, my divorce... I can't handle this anymore. I can't handle the responsibility for anybody else's ego, trauma, or reactive impulses. I want someone else to do it, to pick up the slack and tell me I don't have to hold on so tightly anymore.
And Phantasos did that. Phobetor did that. It was so heavy yesterday that I was almost physically sick with the effort. So I reached out to Phobetor, who I'd been keeping distance from. I can't believe how easy it is, when you're desperate. And he was there in an instant, closer than I remembered... I'd been waiting for him to reach out, but it never occurred to me that he was waiting for something, too. Stars, I've missed him.
And last night, I went back to the Archipelago. I invited Morpheus, but I doubt he came. Phantasos says he doesn't dissociate much. I got invited into a studio of sorts, where the oneiros was a bit embarrassed about his collections of posters... all of which had been promiscuously modified. I recall him shoving a microphone into my hands and ushering me back out, probably as an attempt to recover whatever dignity he had left. But luck is on his side. I don't have any interest in shaming him, and if at some point I see my own face on his wall... well, I suppose that might be an opportunity for me to explore later.
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genshingorls · 3 years ago
(Persona 5) Relationship HC'S with the Phantom Thief Girls + Sumire
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(Akihiko voice) I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS and oh good since a good chunk of you has played Persona I can finally make that joke without worrying it'll fly over peoples' heads
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Ann is an openly affectionate person, always wanting to take her S/O on shopping dates.
Getting some form of sweets at the end of it is non-negotiable as well. She is going to feed them some kind of treat, AND SHE ISN'T ASKING EITHER.
That being said, she also isn't opposed to the occassional lazy day where they're both in a room and just hanging out.
Ann also takes her S/O to meet Shiho, and the rest of the gang. Specifically Ryuji and Akira if he's around.
Ann also seems to note Morgana gets unusually pissy around her S/O, though she can't place her finger on why.
(Ann) "Mmmm, this Ice Cream's sooooo good!...Well sure, that's what I said about the donut, and the mochi and chips but, like, this one is SUUPER good! Here, try some!"
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Makoto is constantly worrying whether or not she's a good girlfriend.
Her foremost concern is whether or not S/O thinks if she's a stick in the mud.
She takes her studies seriously, but thanks to Akira and the rest of the group, she's learned how to start taking things a bit more casually.
Makoto throughout the course of her relationship learns how to start enjoying herself and stop worrying about every little thing, enjoying action movies and having dumb fun.
She's far shyer with her S/O than anyone else, but will not hesitate to run them hands with someone if they bad mouth her S/O.
(Makoto) "Thank you for coming to see this movie with me and um...Not thinking it's weird for me to like these kinds of things...Y-You want to see me do those kicking moves on someone?!"
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Futaba constantly has her S/O in her room just playing video games or watching anime.
She treats them like a close friend 90% of the time when they hang out, not afraid to let her guard down or ramble about whatever.
But that last 10% is when she starts to malfunction, as she doesn't really know what to do about real life romance.
Sure she's seen it all the time in video games, but she never really expected to get someone to call her own, and someone to call her theirs.
And she'd literally rather die than try out ANYTHING in the doujinshis she's read.
But since she has been trying to change her hermit lifestyle, Futaba does go out with S/O time to time. It's hard at times, but she perseveres not only for their sake, but her own as well.
(Futaba) "S/O. this next question will determine if we stay together or not. Who's your favorite in Genshin? There's only one right answer."
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Haru is literally the sweetest person when she's around her S/O.
She always invites S/O to her home to garden with her, but is always willing to try something new or something S/O enjoys.
There was the obvious elephant in the room about her arranged marriage, but that was thankfully averted by her good friends, leaving Haru and S/O in peace.
After her father had died, Haru swore nothing will happen to her S/O, and will be protective of them no matter where they are.
She also has her S/O try her...less than stellar cooking.
Haru won't hesitate to use her funds to get S/O something, but will be infinitely thankful that they're there for her, and not her money.
(Haru) "Here, I have a flower for my flower.~ It reminded me of you, so I hope that you like them!"
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Sumire is a complete nervous wreck around her S/O.
Yet at the same time, she feels so happy and at peace whenever she's with them.
Her S/O is always there for her gymnastics practice and competitions, cheering her on.
Their mere presence alone is enough to motivate her and sometimes turn her into even more of a klutz.
Whenever her S/O just gets close or god forbid gives her a kiss, she stutters nonstop and her brain just shuts down.
She hates it, yet she loves the feeling.
Sumire wishes Kasumi could have met S/O and vice versa. With the help of Akira, she was able to move on from her guilt, at least a little bit.
But as long as she has her S/O with her, she knows she can do anything and make her sister proud, while becoming her own person.
...The one exception where S/O intervenes is in the fashion department because good lord she is BLIND when it comes to clothes.
(Sumire) "U-Um...I don't know if being this close with you is helping me relax or even more anxious than before...But...I...I don't want you to go. Stay with me, please?"
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seonghwa-is-babie · 4 years ago
Soft kitten
Hybrid! Seonghwa x male reader
Warning: mentioned abuse, crying, angst
Note: I think this the fastest I've ever redone a fic😳😳
Hope u enjoy!
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"get up, pet" the guard said as seonghwa's cage opened, stepping out with his ears and tail hanging low. not really sure where he had to go, only knowing to obey orders, or he'll get even more beatings than just the daily torture of malnutrition.
Seonghwa lost hope ever since they kidnapped him from his home in the jungles and brought him to this prison like building, he had tried escaping many times, but every one of those failed. and the punishment for them was even worse than a failed attempt at freedom
They stopped in front of a curtain, pushing the boy through it. He fell to the ground, only when he looked up did he realise what his situation was. It was an auction, selling hybrids for a lot of money
"now up next as you can see, this beautiful white tiger hybrid, only 22 years old" prices were being shouted through the room, building up price little by little, until "$100,000,000" a voice said, this shocked everyone, including seonghwa. who'd give out that much just for a hybrid? "sold! You may come and get your hybrid after the auction"
After the auction, they put him back in his cage. He secretly hoped his new 'home' will be better than this one, though, he doubts it'll be anything different from his current life. Footsteps started coming to his cage and stopped in front of him
"get up" said the man who sold him. Seonghwa had trouble with it due to his wounds from the previous beatings "I'm terribly sorry for his lazy attitude sir" he said as the boy got up to face his new owner "it's fine" said the man who bought him. he was handsome, but seonghwa wasn't one to be fooled easily by appearances. he wore a fancy velvet suit and had (h/c) hair that was styled neatly
The older man did the leash on seonghwa's collar and handed it to the other "it's all yours now" the man nodded and left the building, seonghwa's ears still hanging low. He was glad to be out of there, but what will happen after this?
They got to a car that was parked relatively close, the other opened the door for him. Seonghwa didn't ask anything and stepped inside, the other went to the drivers seat and started driving "so what's your name?" he looked up shyly and said "s-s-seonghwa, sir." "that's a pretty name, and you can drop the sir or any formalities, just call me y/n." seonghwa blushed "thank you si- y/n, sorry" y/n shook it off.
The rest of the ride was quiet, seonghwa being too afraid and shy to start any conversation. "you don't talk much, do you?" y/n asked, seonghwa tensed up afraid he did something wrong
"it's alright, I get it. Your previous home must've been rough and laid down a lot of rules" y/n looked at seonghwa through the mirror of the car "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but don't worry, you won't have to go through that ever again, I'll make sure of it"
was his luck finally turning around? he didn't wanna get his hopes up too high too soon though, after all the man could just be lying to him "actually, I already have 7 hybrids I take care of already, they're like family to me." this made the smaller relieved, yet still nervous and frankly, a bit scared, what if the other hybrids don't like him or beat him like some of the others did back at his now old home.
They arrived at a big mansion, to seonghwa, it was a bit terrifying. When they got out of the car, y/n gestured seonghwa to come closer, the other obeyed but got extremely nervous when he felt hands around his neck, he flinched, pulling away "oh, I'm sorry, I was just gonna take your collar off since it looks a bit uncomfortable" seonghwa calmed down a bit, enough to let y/n finish taking his collar off. The older then gestured to take his hand, which the other took
Y/n opened the door, hoping the boys didn't mess up the house too bad, only to be met with no damage whatsoever "huh, that's new. Nothing's broken or damaged" seonghwa looked at him confused, but decided against asking, since he was still a bit on edge
He heard multiple pairs of feet come their way and hid behind y/n "hyung! You're home!" multiple voices said, they must be his other hybrids. All of them ran up to him to give him a hug, and that's when they noticed Seonghwa "hyung, who's that?" San, a cat hybrid who was currently in the older's arms, pointed behind y/n, eager to know the strangers name
"right, boys could you all please calm down a bit, I have some important news" that made the boys perk up "I've decided to bring another friend home, this is seonghwa, I hope you'll be kind to him like you are to each other. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to show seonghwa his room, you can ask him questions after that"
It's been about a month since seonghwa was introduced to the house, and he felt like he was in heaven, many friends, a loving owner that helped him get over past traumas, who he might be starting to like a little more than just his owner, and the freedom to finally chose for himself.
but not everything was all sunshine and rainbows. After a few weeks he started to question why he was even brought into this house, why y/n wanted him so badly that he spent $100,000,000 on him alone. how could seonghwa ever even try to pay him back, at this point he just feels like a burden to the man
One evening after dinner, seonghwa headed to his room early , claiming he was tired. When he got to his room, he started thinking 'why would he take me in, it seems like he has enough hybrids already, so why bring home another mouth to feed. He should have just left me there, where I won't be a burden to him' thinking more and more of these thoughts, he started to silently cry into his sheets
"boys, I'm gonna check up on seonghwa ok, I'll be back in a minute" the youngsters gave him quick 'ok' and went back to the show that was playing. As y/n was walking towards his room, he couldn't help but feel worried about the tiger hybrid, something seemed a bit odd when he went to his room so early.
He opened the door to seonghwa's room, only to find the latter seemingly sound asleep. y/n smiled at him and went to close the door, until he heard a quiet sniff coming from seonghwa's direction "seonghwa?" he didn't answer "seonghwa?" again, he didn't answer, but the older went in because he knew that he wasn't just hearing things.
He crouched down on the younger's bedside, but he had already covered his face with his blanket "seonghwa, could you please lower the sheets, I want to see your face for a second" y/n spoke in a gentle tone. The younger shook his head "please seonghwa, I want to make sure you're alright, and I can't do that without looking at your face
Seonghwa hesitated, but slowly lowered the sheets, revealing his red eyes and tear stained cheeks, the older immediately became worried, but tried to keep his calm "kitten, what's wrong? Did someone hurt you? Is it-"
"why did you get me?" y/n was shocked at that "you already have so many, so why bring in another mouth to feed. You could have easily left me to get bought by someone else. So why?! Why did you buy a stupid tiger that's nothing more than a burden to you?!?!"
he couldn't believe what he was hearing, to him, seonghwa, though having only been here for a short time, has become one of the most important people in his life. He couldn't let seonghwa think about himself like that
"seonghwa, i got you because from the first time I saw you, I knew you needed someone, someone that loves you and respects you, and I thought, I could be that person. It doesn't matter to me how many hybrids there are in my house, I will take care of all of you no matter what. And trust me, you're not a burden, you already help so much around the house, and the others already love you to death, I love you to death. Please, don't think that about yourself, I know you've been through a lot of stuff, but right here, right now, I'll promise to keep you save until I draw my last breath, you're save with us, with me"
Seonghwa cried, but these tears were those of happiness. He engulfed y/n in a hug, wrapping his arms around the olders neck while putting his head in his his chest "th-th-an-k you, thank you so much!" y/n stroked the younger's back, carefully lifting himself on the bed "it's alright dear, you're safe with me, no one's gonna hurt you"
After a while of comforting y/n realised he hasn't told the boys to go to bed yet "sweetheart, I have to go see the boys for a little and make sure they go to bed, is that alright with you?" seonghwa didn't let him go "can't you stay here?" he chuckled at the younger clinging onto him as if his life depended on it
"I'll only be gone for a few minutes, then I'll come straight back to you" the younger continued his whining "nooooo, I wanna stay with you" y/n lifted him up so he was wrapped around his chest, clinging on him like a koala "then you're coming with me"
"boys, it's time for bed" y/n said as he came downstairs, the others looked at him with a questioning look "what?" he asked, the others gave knowing looks to each other "hyung?" San asked "yeah, what is it?" the next words, y/n definitely didn't expect to hear "do you like seonghwa hyung?"
The question had stuck with him since the others went to bed 'maybe I do like him, he brings a smile to my face just by existing, he's a true sweetheart, not to mention he's the most beautiful person i've ever laid my eyes on' " umm, y/n?" the older turned his head to seonghwa "I ummm, might have heard what you and San talked about" y/n sighed, sitting up from the bed, already knowing where this was going "I understand it if you felt uncomfortable about that, but he wasn't wrong actually, I've found myself quite fond of you actually, but I completely understand if these feelings aren't the same for you."
the two stood there in complete silence "I guess I should go I probably made this extrem-" "no wait!" y/n looked back at seonghwa who's face was completely red "umm, I umm, I also like you, the feelings' mutual" he almost stuttered out completely. The older smiled softly at him, crawling back into bed with him, petting his ears "You're so soft, kitten."
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dasphinxone · 4 years ago
Book of Nile: Werewolf and Witch AU
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Alright, yes, I’m late for Halloween. But that also means I used Halloween to discuss an awesome AU where Booker is secretly an werewolf and Nile, his new neighbor in a rural town on the edge of the woods, is secretly a witch. Shoutout to @lady-writes​ @winterequinoxx​ @nevermindirah​ @highlightcity159​ @druidspell​ @rainofdreams29 @ruby-white-rabbit​ and the BoN chat for this amazing brainstorm.
Nile has just graduated from veterinary school after her time in the marines. She’s moved to a rural area in the northeast that’s in need for a vet since the old one plans to eventually retire. Renting a cute little cottage on the edge of the woods, she settles into a quiet life there. 
Nile does her daily runs on the trails through the idyllic woods in the mornings and sometimes at night. She gets to know the townspeople as well. They include  Andy, who runs a law firm in the town. Along with her wife Quynh, who is an interior decorator. Couple Yusuf and Nicolò run the coffeeshop/bakery across the  street from the veterinary practice where Nile works. They get to know Nile first since she swings by the shop every morning for breakfast. Soon, they start inviting Nile to dinner with them. It then eventually expands to dinner with Andy, Quynh and Booker. It’s the first time Nile meets Booker and he reveals he’s also her next-door neighbor. She’s surprised that she hasn’t met him yet. After all, she moved into the the town weeks ago. 
Booker is apparently the only single person among Andy, Quynh, Yusuf and  Nicolò. So Nile suspects the group is trying to set them up to date since they always seat her next to him. Booker’s nice enough (and pretty damn good looking). But he also seems distant towards her. While she’s fine with his company at dinner, there’s not really a huge connection there for her. However, they settle into a steady friendship, especially as she sees more and more of him as a neighbor. 
One night, Booker’s hanging out on his front porch when he catches Nile coming back from a night run. He’s stunned to see her out so late, especially in the woods. He warns her that there’s a lot of dangerous and aggressive wildlife out there that like nocturnal hunts. She waves him off and expresses that she can take care of herself just fine. Especially since she’s an ex-Marine. Booker tries to warn her again, looking worried. Nile again laughs him off and bids him goodnight. 
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That’s because unknown to Booker, Nile is secretly a witch. In fact, her family has practiced magic going back generations and even before they survived the Middle Passage. She uses the excuses of her night runs in the woods to cover up the fact that she’s doing magic rituals there. Mostly because her magic is very nature based. In fact, it’s part of the reason why she became a veterinarian; her nature-based magic gives her a healing hand with animals, including wild ones. Other rituals she does are for self-protection, opening pathways, remaining in balance with nature and warding off evil influences that seek to harm in general. That’s all why she’s not particularly scared of the woods.
In the meantime, Nile runs into Booker on her own at the supermarket while she’s running weekend errands in town. He has a whole hot lumberjack aesthetic going on as per usual, with a plaid jacket over a denim shirt, jeans and hiking boots. Nile jokes that he must be having some sort of party at his place that he didn’t bother to invite her to since he’s buying so much red meat and food for a single person Booker insists he’d never be so rude. He just...eats a lot. 
Without warning, he quickly excuses himself and all but flees from Nile. She finds it odd but continues her shopping. When she gets back to her cottage, she finds Booker reading a book and drinking coffee while sitting on his front porch. While he waves hello, he quickly goes inside. Nile is annoyed; as far as she can tell, she didn’t say anything offensive to him. So why in the hell does it seem like he’s avoiding her?
One night later, there’s a full moon. While Nile is aware that wolves are native to the area, she’s surprised at how loud they are that night. Yet the constant howling doesn’t bother her much. If anything, it soothes her to sleep. However, she wakes up the next morning to find holes dug up throughout her backyard, like some sort of dog or wolf has been messing around back there. There’s no damage or blood, so she just fixes up her yard and moves on. 
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Over the next few weeks as the autumn gets colder, Nile realizes she’s going to need to start stockpiling wood for her wood stove that helps warm her cottage. She heads back into town where she runs into Booker at the general store. This time, he’s much more friendly with her. 
When she explains that she’s going to have to spend more money than she thought stockpiling wood, he quickly offers to start chopping it for her. She’s taken aback at how quickly he does so. Yet he’s super friendly about it. At the same time, she doesn’t want to take advantage, so she tries to decline. Booker insists that it’s no big deal. He’ll just add whatever surplus of wood he doesn’t need to her pile at the side of her cottage. She won’t even know he’s there. Nile agrees. 
She starts finding herself running into Booker all over town. She also finds out from Yusuf and Nicky that they’ve known Booker for a long time. It turns out he’s a computer coder/programmer who works remotely from home. They also assure her he’s a good guy. At the same time, he can get a little melancholic sometimes and drinks a bit. Mostly because his wife divorced him after she had a string of tragic miscarriages. His wife also missed their native France. She let him keep the house and moved back to France. Last they heard, his ex is happily married to someone else and has kids.  
Nile starts noticing a pattern; Booker is either super friendly with her or oddly distant. Every few weeks, he’ll just disappear and she’ll see no trace of him at his cottage next door. She chalks it up to his depression over his breakup with his wife. While she’s not a therapist, she leaves him little care packages of her baked goods whenever he disappears. He always returns her Tupperware to her after a few days. Though the first time she includes chocolate treats, he politely tells her he’s allergic to them. From then on, Nile avoids giving him chocolate.
Eventually, Booker and Nile grab dinner together and get a bit tipsy. They end up sleeping together and both have a damn good time. Nile notices that Booker is a bit possessive in bed and seems very much into her, in a good way. He’s also super tactile. And really into how she smells. He also doesn’t seem to mind hanging around the next morning and immediately offers to cook Nile breakfast. Everything goes off without a hitch and Nile and Booker soon start sleeping together regularly.
That’s when Nile starts noticing more of Booker’s slightly odd behavior.
He’s always leaving his sweaters and sweatshirts at her place. When she tries to return them, he refuses and insists that she should wear them to keep warm. Whenever he sees her wearing one of them, he gets super excited. He offers to fix things around her house instead of her wasting money on a plumber. He always makes sure her firewood pile is stocked up. He loves taking walks with her in the woods. He’s always offering to cook for her whenever she likes. Especially because he seems to pretty much inhale a ton of food. However, he always makes sure her fridge stays stocked and she never runs out of anything. He’s protective of her but not in an overwhelming way. Nile’s not sure if they’re exclusively dating…but she wouldn’t mind if they were.
Meanwhile over Thanksgiving, Nile’s mother and brother come to visit her. Nile’s mother is still a practicing witch and her teenage brother is a warlock. As he’s not an adult yet, he hasn’t achieved his full power but he’s still able to cast lighter spells and do rituals.
Nile also has Booker over for Thanksgiving dinner since it'll be nice to introduce him to her family. As soon as Nile introduces Booker, her mother and brother immediately raise their eyebrows. For they both realize that Booker is not the human he appears to be.
Nile’s brother tries to tell her something is up with Booker. But she assures him that Booker has been nothing but sweet to her. He gives her space when she wants it. Yet he’s always willing to help her out whenever she needs it. Almost as though he revels being at her beck and call. Besides, Nile’s a powerful witch in her own right and has enough protection spells wound around her.
Her brother explains that he’s not worried about Booker doing anything to her. He’s far more concerned with the trouble he can bring to her doorstep because he’s not what he appears to be. At the same time, Nile’s brother says that it’s not his right to reveal to Nile what Booker is, as he’ll have to do that himself. 
Nile is confused, but takes her brother’s words to heart. She also appreciates how her brother does a protection ritual for her and her cottage before he and her mom leave. Nile's mom also leaves her a ton of fresh ingredients and blessed items for her spells and rituals.
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Two days after Nile’s mom and brother leave, there’s a full moon. Which means the wolves howling in the forest are back. Again, it doesn’t bother Nile and soothes her to sleep. 
That is until she’s woken up by noise coming from her front porch. She peers outside her window to find a VERY large wolf-dog looking animal whining and pawing at her door. It’s massive. Yet when it spots her, it doesn’t attack but rather starts nosing at the window, as though it’s trying to get her outside. Nile cautiously opens the door to find the wolf-dog bleeding from a nasty looking wound on its shoulder. The wolf-dog is nearly passed out and is losing blood fast. So Nile gets her veterinarian’s kit and drags the animal into her house.
It never attacks her. Not even when she sedates it. If anything, it’s exhausted but friendly. Sewing up the wound, Nile also casts some spells of healing for the wolf-dog so that it can heal faster. Not wanting to leave a traumatized animal alone, Nile falls asleep in the living room with its head in her lap. She doesn’t worry about a wild animal attacking her due to her own protection spells for herself.
When Nile wakes up the next morning? She finds Booker asleep and curled up with his head in her lap. Completely naked. And with a healed scar in the same exact place on his shoulder where she stitched up the wolf-dog the night before.
Booker quickly explains to a stunned Nile that he’s a werewolf.
In fact, the first time he met her at the dinner Yusuf and Nicolò had, he immediately picked up on how good she smelled. Just an intoxicating blend of spicy, boozy, vanilla, cinnamon and a hint of flowery deliciousness. It was so overwhelming that he mentally freaked out. And it got worse the next time he ran into her at the supermarket. That was because the closer he is to the full moon, the better and stronger she smells to him. It in turn makes him come off as awkward and weird. Mostly due to his general behavior getting more animalistic the closer he gets to the full moon.
He tells Nile that he’ glad she didn’t seem to notice his weird behavior. At the same time, Booker admits he finds it odd that out of the people he’s had a romantic interest in, Nile’s scent overwhelms him the most. Even more so than his ex-wife. Not wanting to scare her away, Booker initially thought a friendship with Nile would be enough to sustain himself. Well, that was until they slept together.
It also turns out that the reason that Booker is so close with Andy, Quynh, Yusuf and Nicky? Well, Andy and Quynh are a werewolf and witch pair, with Andy a werewolf and Quynh a witch. Joe is a warlock to Nicky’s werewolf, forming their pair as well. 
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When Booker was bitten by a werewolf, his wife was initially surprisingly accepting of it. They actually ended up moving to the town soon after his first full moon so that he didn’t have to deal with too many people knowing his secret. However, she came to hate him due to going through the trauma of her miscarriages. She blamed the fact that he was no longer human for not being able to have children. Booker blamed himself as well. After his wife left him, Booker never believed that he’d ever find his mate. Well, that was until Nile moved in next door to him. Her scent set off something primal in him that had him attracted to her nearly at first sight. 
Except werewolves Andy and Nicky never got around to explaining to Booker how their witch mates have an attractive smell to them that only they can pick up on. So Booker was going nuts trying to control himself around Nile. He of course didn’t want to be a creep and be all up in her space, scenting her.
The reason Nile smells so wonderful to Booker? He was picking up on her hereditary witchiness. However, he didn’t realize that she was a witch until she stitched him up in wolf form and cast her spells to speed up his healing. He swears he’ll keep her witchiness a secret. Especially since he trusts her to keep him being a werewolf a secret from everyone else outside of the other four.
Nile is stunned by this information. She’s also concerned about him potentially biting her and turning her into a werewolf. Booker is horrified at the concept. He explains:
1.)    Modern, enlightened werewolves do not turn people without their consent. It’s rude as hell.
2.)    Even if he were to non-lethally bite someone in werewolf form, they have to be genetically predispositioned to turning. So not everyone who’s bitten even turns.
3.)    Nile is full of powerful, generational magic flowing through her veins. Plus, her protection spells (which Booker was also picking up on before he realized she was a witch) protect her from getting turned anyway.
Booker being a werewolf also explains how Nile’s mother and brother realized that he wasn’t quite human. Along with Booker basically courting her protective wolf style while in human form. Leaving his sweaters and sweatshirts around her place means she’s constantly wearing his scent. Constantly cooking for her shows he’s a good mate who provides food for his beloved. Fixing up her place on his own, making sure her fridge stays stocked and getting her firewood also shows he’s a good mate who provides the best shelter.
Basically, modern and enlightened werewolves hunt big game during the full moon. Booker does so with his pack of Nicky and Andy. Witch Quynh and warlock Joe will sometimes accompany them because the nights of the full moon are when magic is the strongest. In fact, Booker is surprised that they’ve never run across Nile in the woods on full moon nights.
She explains that due to the wolf howls she’d hear on those nights, she practices her magic at her cottage. Which also explains why wolf Booker showed up on her doorstep when he got injured; the magic spells protecting Nile and her home ensured that he wasn’t there to harm her but actually needed her help.
Basically, Nile and Booker are both adorable dumbasses who didn’t realize each other’s true natures.
When Nile facetimes her mom and brother to let them know she and Booker are not only together but that he’s also a werewolf, the two of them joke that they’re shocked she didn’t realize something was up with Booker. After all, he was all over her and the house when they visited her for Thanksgiving. And in what were clearly wolfy courting rituals. He also was pretty submissive to Nile’s mom and especially her brother. That was clearly a sign of Booker accepting her family. Also, witch and werewolf pairings occur pretty naturally in the mystical world.
So it was no wonder that Booker was literally sniffing around her for months on end before they slept together. His scenting of her also increased afterward. Didn’t Nile realize how much Booker loved it whenever she wore his clothes? Because it meant Nile was voluntarily wearing his own scent and accepted him into her life .
Nile is aghast. Her mother and brother roll their eyes but are happy for the pair of them.
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As Nile and Booker settle into their relationship and Nile’s friendships with the other four deepen, things are going well. That is until Merrick and his assistant in Keane suddenly show up into town.
It turns out they’re trophy monster hunters who have heard rumors of witches and werewolves out in the woods. The townspeople immediately find Merrick extremely irritating and Keane scarily aggressive. With Merrick and Keane sniffing around, Andy, Quynh, Yusuf, Nicolò, Booker and Nile are on high alert.
Will they be able to survive Merrick and Keane’s invasion of their little town? And will Booker and Nile’s courtship be able to weather the coming storm?
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notsosmexy · 4 years ago
Heavens Love || Reggie x reader
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Chapter four of ‘Heavens Love’ 
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 5 
A/N: OOooOo we back! Enjoy!
Word count: 3k
Wanna be added to the series taglist? Just send an ask!
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You walked up to your locker and put your code in. Once you had all your books, someone tapped your shoulder, making you turn around quickly. To your surprise, it was Carrie. She pointed at something not too far away and left. You arched your brow but looked at where she had pointed. 
It was Julie, singing in the middle of the hallway, doing some amazing dance. You wanted to stop her, so she didn't embarrass herself. But you couldn't move. You could tell she didn't mind, or she didn't notice. Either way, you stared at her like everyone else. Her eyes were closed and she had a huge smile on her face.  
You leaned on your locker with a smirk, when she came to get her books. She gave a small smile and took her headphones out. A boy who you had seen once or twice, tapped her shoulder.  
'Are you done?' visible confusion could be seen on her face. You suppressed a laugh. ' Can I have those back?' he pointed towards Julie's back pocket. 
'Oh..' she grabbed them and gave them to the guy. She turned on her heels and faced her locker once again. You and Julie were both laughing and you could hear Flynn running up to you both. 
'Omg Julie!' she smiled. 
'Whats up?'
'Nothing, glad to see you back to your…weirdo self' You laughed
Julie rolled her shoulders and gave a small chuckle 'Thanks?'
Flynn playfully rolled her eyes 'So, how's the band? Still hot? Still talented? Still..dead?' 
You put your head in your hands. 'Flynn..' you couldn't help but laugh a little. 'They can't be… undead'
Flynn shrugged her shoulders 'We're undead' you blinked once or twice. What goes on in this kids brain? Is all you could think.
Julie looked between both you and Flynn. 'Anywayssss, Luke and I spent all weekend writing songs… wanna hear some of them?' 
'Duh!' you and Flynn both said. Julie nodded her head and you both walked towards the music room. On your way there you saw Carrie form the corner of your eye. You gave a small wave but she didn't seem to notice, instead she was looking at something or someone in front of you. You stopped in your tracks and followed her gaze. Your eyes went big once you realized who she was looking at.
'Could be nothing' you tried to reassure yourself. You ran to the music room, to make sure you didn't miss any of Julie's music playing. 
'So this is-' 
'I'M HERE!' You shouted while panting a bit. You weren't the greatest at running you had it admit. Flynn smiled and Julie cleared her throat. 
'Right, here's the first song them and I wrote.' she sat down at the piano. 'Here's some of the chorus' she started playing and you smiled. It was amazing and had a fun beat to it. 
'Wow! I like it! Def Gaga vibes' Flynn stated. You nodded your head to show you agreed. Julie smiled. 
'Now um...here's something me and my mom were working on' Your smile faltered a little. She started playing once again and once again, you love it. You could tell Julie worked hard to get it right. 
'thats- that's beautiful' You and Flynn said at the same time. 
'Now,' Flynn smirked at Julie, changing the subject. 'You have a crush. And this name is Luke.'
'And he's a ghost!' you finished her sentence and Flynn pointed towards you. Julie's mouth fell agape.
'What? No! Luke's a ghost.' she stated, but you knew Flynn wasn't having any of it.  
'A cute ghost.' Flynn stated.
Julie scrunched her nose up. 'with a perfect smile.' she finally gave in.
'Ha! We knew it's you said to Julie while Flynn high fives you but missed. You rubbed your shoulder where she accidentally hit you and she gave a quite sorry. 
Flynn looked back at Julie, you doing the same. 'Just don't get hurt'
'Obviously you guys have a connection' you added. 
'Everyone’s been talking about when you're going to play again' Flynn put her hand on her hip and took out her phone. 
'Lucky for youuu…' You waited for Flynn to finish.
'Your marketing team has been way ahead of it.' Flynn smirked and gave a small flick of her hair.  
'I… I don't have a marketing team.' Julie gave you both a confused look. 
'Yes you do!' you pulled out a flyer from your backpack and Flynn did some jazz hands.
'No wait-' 
'it's all over the school!' before Julie could protest again Flynn's phone buzzed. 'Sorry, it already has 66 likes' you. Shook your head with a smile.  You and Flynn walked don't, leaving Julie behind. You could hear her telling you guys to wait and you both just laughed. 
As you all walked down the hallway to get to your class, you once again saw Carrie. She didn't seem to care that you were walking past. She was busy on her phone, like always, but you could tell something was different. 
'Guys, go without me, I gotta do something.' Both girls looked at you but nodded their heads. You waved goodbye and turned around to go see Carrie. She was walking towards the bathroom and you knew this was  going to be so awkward.
You walked into the light pink washroom and stood in front of a mirror. You waited a couple of seconds and soon enough Carrie walked out. She gave you a small glare, but it seemed fake. 
'Carrie, you don't need to pretend it's just me and you. Nobody else.'
She licked her lips and thought for a moment. She sighed and nodded her head. 
‘Hi Y/N’ she mumbled and turned to look at herself in the mirror. 
You nodded your head slightly and looked around. ‘So, I uh, I saw you staring at-’
‘Don’t’ Carrie quickly interrupted. ‘Its nothing. I don’t- i don’t like her’ She looked like she was going to cry. ‘Even if I-i did, she’d n-never like me’ 
You gave her a sad look and opened her arms. She practically ran into them, her arms around your neck. She smelt good, like honey and sugar. Her cold wet tears were hitting the cloth on your shoulder. Every single one slowly crept through the fabric, making your shoulder wet. After a while she let go and stepped back. She gave you a small smile and rubbed her eyes.
‘Sorry’ She sniffed. You shook your head and gave her a small toothy grin.
‘Don’t be… i’m sure she likes you to’ To be honest you had no idea if Flynn did. She’s never been one to talk about who she likes. She’d never even spread Carrie a glance after… the thing happened. 
‘Maybe…’ Before either of you could say anything else, the bell rang. You both walked out of the bathroom and went  your separate ways. The whole time you were walking to your class, you couldn’t stop thinking about...everything. There was Luke and Julie, Willy and Alex, Flynn and Carrie and You and Reggie. Too many people were falling in love.
‘I wasn't in love with the idea at first as well, but it'll be a great way to up our following.’ Julie was watering the plants, while you, Luke and Reggie stood around the piano. Reggie gently put the paper down and nodded his head a bit.
‘Ya, ya! We can play wherever we can and whenever we can’ Reggie stated and a smile had grown on his face. 
‘And then, you guys put out a new album!’ You said happily and Reggie snapped his fingers and pointed at Julie. 
‘Than release a country album’ You shook your head. ‘That does surprisingly well’ He turned towards you but you keep shaking your head. Julie gave Reggie a look and Luke looked a little disgusted. ‘I shred on the banjo so...’ Reggie shrugged his shoulders and acted like it was no big deal.
‘Then i'll  learn how to play the fiddle,’ You said jokingly and Reggie gave you a side hug. 
‘And before you know it, we're being inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame.’ Luke gazed into the distance. He snapped out of it once Reggie started talking. 
‘But one of us isn't there’ you stared at him, half confused, half emmussed. ‘ Because we had a blowout in 2032. My moneys on Alex, he's just to sensitive.’ he shrugged his shoulders and you laughed quietly. 
‘Let’s get rehearsing!’ Luke pushed himself off the piano and spun on his heels. You turned around but remembered Alex wasn't there. Julie must have read your mind cause the next thing she said was exactly what you were going to say.
‘Wheres Alex?’
‘We can start without him.. He’ll be back soon’ Luke reassured you all. You leaned against something and watched them all get ready. Reggie gave you a wink and they all started playing. You blushed and looked at the ground for a few seconds. 
Once you lifted your head again, you heard a poof and Alex was suddenly through the door.
‘Hey Y/N’ you smiled and gave him a wave. 
‘Dude, where have you been?’ Luke stopped playing and let his guitar dangle. ‘We need to practice.’
‘Oh, really?’ Alex looked at Julie, his eyebrows scrunched together. ‘For what?’ 
Before anyone could answer, the door opened only to reveal Flynn. She was wearing her vibrant pink beanie, her lock necklace and the jean jacket you gave to her last year.
‘Dance news!’ she practically screamed while doing some weird pose. ‘I don't have a date but, I'm so psyched to see you guys perform!’ 
‘Oh man! We're playing a dance?’ Alex whined and looked at the guys. 
‘Course, man’ Luke sat on a red chair. ‘That's how we get a following nowadays’
‘Ya, get with the program Alex’ Julie mocked and Luke playfully scoffed. Flynn looked at you and Julie.  
‘What? They guys are here?’ she tutted and flipped her hair casually.’Hey guys!’ she waved in the opposite direction.
‘Other way, sweetie’ you said, giving her a taunting smirk. Oh was all she said and turned to wave at them. All  of them waved back, not that she could tell.
‘OK, well, now that Alex has graced us with his presence-’ you cut Luke off.
‘You should start practicing!’ You threw your hands in the air and Julie looked amused. ‘Wanna stick around?’ You turned around and asked Flynn. 
‘Im supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance..’ she sighed but smiled. ‘This sounds way more fun though’ you all laughed. 
‘Hey Julie!’ Carlos walked into the studio and you heard Luke sigh. ‘Remember those orbs in dad's pictures? I...I think their ghosts.’ You turned to the boys with wide eyes, them doing the same to you. 
‘But don't worry!’ He slammed the pictures onto the piano. ‘ This room is...is’ he did a whole 360. ‘This room is clean. I'm not getting the ghost tinglies’ He whispered the last part like it was a secret. 
‘Wrong again little dude’ You all gave Reggie an amused look. Suddenly Carlos started yelling. 
‘Have no fear! If they come back I will protect you! Because I am the man of this house!’ Carlos stated, looking proud of himself.
‘Isn't dad the man of the house?’ Julie asked. 
‘There can be two’ they both chuckled. ‘Dad needs all the help he can get right? Now, according to the internet, salt burns their souls out.’ Everyone turned towards each other with panic written all over their faces. ‘A little sprinkle will keep them from ever coming here’ He threw it everywhere and some landed on Alex.
‘No! Oh! Oh god im…’ he looked at his hands. ‘Im fine. I'm totally fine.’ he raised his head with a proud smile. 
‘Oh! Carlos you know who's hungry? Me and...Y/N. Why don't you salt us a path to the kitchen’ You gave Flynn a look and shook your head. 
‘No, I need to-’ before you could continue, Carlos took your arm and started dragging you along, while salting a path. 
‘Don't worry Y/N you won't miss much!’ Your boyfrie- Reggie yelled behind you.
@tclerateit @sarcasticallywitty15 @killingbxys @calltothewild @well-hes-just-too-cute​ 
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bumblesimagines · 5 years ago
Off to the races
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Request: Yes or No
This is loosely based off an oc story. Also, since Tommy (Malachai's actor) is Venezuelan and speaks Spanish, does that mean Malachai can too? 👀
My old man is a bad man
But I can't deny the way he holds my hand
And he grabs me, he has me by my heart
He doesn't mind I have a Las Vegas past
He doesn't mind I have a L.A crass way about me
He loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart
(Y/N) watched as Malachai and some of his buddies beat up a kid. He glanced at Jaime, crossing his arms. When a hot stranger offered him a ride, he didn't expect to hookup with him and later find out he was a gang leader. (Y/N) looked at Malachai when he backed up and walked over, knuckles bloody.
"Come on, baby." He said casually, grabbing his hand and holding it as he went back to his car.
Swimming pool
Glimmering darling
White bikini off with my red nail polish
Watch me in the swimming pool
Bright blue ripples, you
Sitting sipping on your Black Cristal, oh yeah
(Y/N) laughed when Jaime splashed him with water. The good moments when Ghoulies acted like normal people. (Y/N) liked those moments. He looked over at Malachai who watched him intently while sipping on his drink.
"Aw, cuties." Jaime cooed, making (Y/N) splash her.
Light of my life, fire in my loins
Be a good baby, do what I want
Light of my life, fire in my loins
Gimme them gold coins
Gimme them coins
(Y/N) bit down on the lollypop, chewing when it cracked and broke. He looked up when some rolled up money was tossed on the table. Malachai motioned to it.
"They're yours." He said. (Y/N) cocked a brow.
"Why?" He asked, picking it up. Malachai shrugged.
"Because you're my boyfriend and I want to give you money." (Y/N) raised his brows. Boyfriend? That was a first. He smiled, leaning forward.
"Well thank you, boyfriend."
And I'm off to the races, cases
Of Bacardi chasers
Chasing me all over town
'Cause he knows I'm wasted,
Facing time again at Riker's Island
And I won't get out
(Y/N) huffed, feeling someone grab his arm and pulled him back. He turned around, almost tripping from how intoxicated he was. He saw Malachai's face and grinned.
"Baby!" He cooed, wrapped his arms around him. (Y/N) heard Malachai sigh.
"Come on, let's head home." (Y/N) nodded happily. He knew going out and partying without Malachai's knowledge annoyed Malachai but he never stayed mad or annoyed. (Y/N) really needed to shake off that habit.
Because I'm crazy, baby
I need you to come here and save me
I'm your little scarlet starlet
Singing in the garden
Kiss me on my open mouth
Ready for you
(Y/N) laughed, falling back onto the bed.
"I already have to deal with those Serpents, I don't need to drive around town because you snuck off." Malachai said, helping him undress.
"Why don't you just kill them? Blow their brains out!" (Y/N) cracked up as Malachai rolled his eyes.
"You're crazy.." Malachai mumbled, leaning down and kissing him. (Y/N) happily kissed him back.
My old man is, a tough man
But he got a soul as sweet as blood red jam
And he shows me, he knows me, every inch of my tar black soul
He doesn't mind I have a flat broke down life
In fact he says he thinks it's what he might like about me, admires me
The way I roll like a rolling stone
(Y/N) woke up to soft kisses trailed around his face and neck. He grunted softly, bringing a hand up to his pounding head. Malachai chuckled, nudging him. (Y/N) opened his eyes, grabbing the painkillers and water. He sat up, glancing down at Malachai when he nipped at (Y/N)'s hip. Once (Y/N) took the painkiller, he lied back down and cuddled against Malachai.
Likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom
Chateau Marmont
Slipping on my red dress, putting on my make up
Glass film, perfume, cognac, lilac
Fumes, says it feels like heaven to him
(Y/N) cracked open one eye, looking at Malachai. He smiled, sliding down so the water went up to his nose. Malachai watched him affectionately.
"Hey, little merman." He greeted. (Y/N) sat up, chuckling. Malachai approached him, crouching down and kissing him. (Y/N) pulled back, noting a smell.
"Are you using my cologne?" He asked. Malachai grinned, nodding.
Light of his life, fire of his loins
Keep me forever, tell me you want me
Light of your life, fire of your loins
Tell me you want me, gimme them coins
"I love you.." Malachai mumbled, pressing a kiss to (Y/N)'s shoulder. (Y/N) smiled, turning his head and looked at him.
"Who doesn't?" (Y/N) grinned. Malachai rolled his eyes, nipping his shoulder. (Y/N) laughed softly, turning around and wrapping his arms around him. He leaned in, kissing him softly.
"I love you too, Mal." He tangled his fingers into Malachai's soft curls.
And I'm off to the races, cases
Of Bacardi chasers
Chasing me all over town
(Y/N) tilted his head back, drinking the beer in one go. He placed the bottle down and looked at Malachai.
"You're gonna get liver problems." Malachai mumbled as he counted his money. (Y/N) cocked a brow, glancing at Malachai's beer bottles.
"Your one to talk." He replied. Malachai put him on house arrest after going out without his knowledge again.
Cause he knows I'm wasted, facing
Time again at Riker's
Island and I won't get out
(Y/N) stood up, going around the table and hugging Malachai from behind.
"Can I-"
"No." Malachai cut him off. (Y/N) pouted, resting his head ontop of Malachai's.
"Why not?" Malachai sighed, grabbing his arm and kissing it.
"I want you home. Safe. With me." Malachai replied. (Y/N) kissed the back of his head and hummed.
"Sorry for making you worry so much, Mal." (Y/N) apologized quietly.
Because I'm crazy, baby
I need you to come here and save me
I'm your little scarlet starlet
Singing in the garden
Kiss me on my open mouth
Malachai tilted his head back, meeting (Y/N) in a sweet kiss. (Y/N) pulled back and bumped their noses together before grabbing another bottle and opening it.
"You've had enough." Malachai grabbed it from him.
"Go take a shower, I'll join you in a minute." Malachai said. (Y/N) huffed but nodded, walking away.
Now I'm off to the races, laces
Leather on my waist is
Tight and I am falling down
I can see your faces, shameless
Cipriani's basement
Love you, but I'm going down
(Y/N) watched Malachai's car pull up, arms crossed. Malachai got out of his car, approaching him.
"I expected-" Malachai was cut off by his own grunt, holding his jaw as he stumbled back. (Y/N) shook his hand, knuckles hurting a bit.
"You promised you wouldn't get in trouble with the law and I have to find out through Jaime that you got arrested!"
"It isn't the first time-"
"And it'll be the last or else we're over."
God I'm so crazy, baby
I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving
I'm your little harlot starlet
King of Coney Island
Raising hell all over town
Sorry 'bout it
"You're fucking joking, right?"
"You have no fucking idea how worried I was, Malachai. Don't you understand how difficult it can be when you're locked up and the Serpents take advantage of it?" (Y/N) asked. Malachai sighed, eyes hard.
"Go ahead and try me if you think I'm joking." (Y/N) turned around, entering their home. Malachai groaned loudly, following his boyfriend inside.
"You need to calm down-"
"You're so fucking lucky I didn't go to that damn jail and beat your stupid ass. You've been dealing drugs for how long? Some rookie mistake and your ass is off to jail, God, you're so lucky that Peggy is a good lawyer." (Y/N) sneered. Malachai approached him, hands up. He slowly wrapped his arms around him.
"I'm sorry, baby." Malachai said softly. (Y/N) began to realx.
My old man is a thief
And I'm gonna stay and pray with him 'til the end
But I trust in the decision of the Lord
To watch over us
Take him when He may, if He may
(Y/N) played with his necklace, glancing at the clock. Malachai knew the cops were gonna be keeping an eye on him yet he had gone out to check on the drug run. (Y/N) was usually the one to make stupid and crazy decisions but Malachai was stepping it up. He heard the front door open and stood up, leaving the kitchen. Malachai shrugged off his jacket. He tossed some money onto the coffee table.
"Where'd you get that?"
"Some of the boys robbed a gas station." Malachai replied, yawning softly. Seemed like he was coming down from a high.
"Okay... I'm going to bed." (Y/N) said, walking to their bedroom.
"Babe? What's wrong?"
I'm not afraid to say that I'd die without him
Who else is gonna put up with me this way?
I need you, I breathe you, I'd never leave you
They would rue the day I was alone without you
"I'm just tired.." (Y/N) replied, glancing at him. Malachai leaned against the doorway, playing with his bracelet.
"I love you, you know that, right?"
"Yeah." (Y/N) lied down, taking off his necklace and putting it on the nightstand. Malachai headed into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and hopping into bed with (Y/N). Despite being annoyed with Malachai, (Y/N) wrapped his arms around him.
You're lying with your gold chain on
Cigar hanging from your lips
I said, "Hon', you never looked so beautiful
As you do now, my man"
Malachai was always a pretty sight to wake up to. A blunt hanging from his lips as sunlight poured into the room. (Y/N) took a moment to admire his man. He lifted himself up, kissing Malachai's arm. (Y/N) smiled up at him. Malachai leaned down, kissing him.
"Morning, babe." He mumbled. (Y/N) hummed, flopping down onto the pillow.
"Morning, Mal."
And we're off to the races, places
Ready, set, the gate is down and now we're goin' in
To Las Vegas, chaos, Casino Oasis
Honey, it is time to spin
(Y/N) felt the wind slip through his fingers as Malachai drove. It seemed like getting shot with an arrow brought Malachai back down to earth. (Y/N) was, of course, worried when he heard that his boyfriend got an arrow to the shoulder but couldn't help bursting out into a fit of laughter learning it was a teenager who had done it.
"Still can believe you laughed at me while I was bleeding out." Malachai mumbled.
"Oh, please. Penny and the others bandaged and stitched you up." (Y/N) smiled, looking at him.
"What do you think, Mimic?" (Y/N) asked, looking at the Rottweiler puppy sitting in his lap. Mimic barked in response.
"Right? Your other daddy is so dramatic." (Y/N) cooed. Malachai rolled his eyes. Their road trip was gonna be filled with lots of fun.
Boy, you're so crazy, baby
I love you forever, not maybe
You are my one true love
You are my one true love
You are my one true love
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years ago
Gateway Drug | Part Fifty-Two
Word Count: 3.2k
Warning(s): explicit language, drug abuse, violence, sexual situations
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @cruecifymesixx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi
@fancywasmyname1 @teller258316 @ggorehorror @blowinmeupwithherlove @xrosegoldwolfx @mylifeisjustafeverdream @redlipscrystalskies14
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"Ah!" I squeal with a small giggle laced through it, Nikki's lips pressing to my shoulder while he pulls out of me and his cum spills on the inside of my thighs that are wide open.
My leg's hooked over his hip as he lays behind me with his arm snaking around my waist, between my breasts, while his hand has a solid hold on my throat.
When he's done, he's pressing one last kiss to my cheek before rolling over on his back, reaching for something on his night table.
I shift to my back, staring up at the mirrored ceiling to see him holding something out to me.
I turn my head to look at him just as he's taking my hand and sliding my wedding ring back on, pressing a little kiss to my hand before grabbing at my jaw assertively, kissing me.
"Apology accepted." I say once he pulls away.
"Yeah, ditto." He chuckles, kissing me one last time before I'm giving out a content sigh and sitting up to go shower.
Once I get out, I dry off and wrap myself in a towel, brushing through my wet hair with my fingers as I step into our bedroom to get some lotion on and get dressed.
"Wait, wait." Nikki stops me as I squeeze lotion onto my hand and I look up at him and raise my brows, seeing him grab his camera from the drawer in the nightstand. "Okay, drop the towel and oil up nice: I'm gonna need something to keep me company while I'm in the studio for countless hours the next several weeks."
I roll my eyes and hold back a smile, throwing my towel at him and it hits him in the face.
"Woo!" He cheers, tossing the towel away and I cover my chest just as the flash goes off and I shake my head a little, ignoring him collecting the dispensed Polaroid as I start putting my moisturizer on.
When I'm finished, I'm pulling on sweat pants and hooking my bra, about to pull a tank top on.
"Hey, Viv?" Nikki asks me.
"Yeah, babe?"
"Is the Lord's prayer important?"
I furrow my brows, finding it odd that's he's asking.
"Well, it's the template Jesus gave Christians to use when praying so yes, it's very important." I reply and he nods a little.
"So...like...what is the prayer, exactly?"
I drop the tank-top in my hands, my eyes widen, and I look at him like he's lost his mind.
"Okay, who are you and what have you done with Nikki Sixx?"
"Ha, ha." He sarcastically lets out.
"No, seriously, either you're a clone, had a bad dose of drugs, or your body is officially done with and dying and God's jabbing at you to throw one last 'hail Mary' attempt at salvation before you croak."
"No, I just wanna know what I need to say when I pray to you." He replies with a smirk and I pretend to nearly trip and fall on the floor as if it's slippery.
"Woah, woah, woah, you gotta give me a warning before you say something so slick." I tell him, grinning and he pulls me onto him, laughing. "And to answer your question, it's 'Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen'." I finish, deciding he wasn't even listening, but I have a weird feeling he's taking notes. "Seriously, though, why're you asking?" I add, my fingers fiddling with the various necklaces hanging around his neck.
A devious, childish, sneaky little tug of his lips his highlighting the "up to no good" look in his hazel eyes as his pointer finger traces the crucifix around my neck before meeting my gaze.
"Just curious."
Just a dumbass.
I finish dressing before stepping out to check the mail.
When I come back, I realize there's a handwritten note pinned to the door.
It's signed by our accountant and I roll my jaw.
It was $2,500.00 last May, which means he's been going through $5,000.00 a day.
"Uh, Nikki?!" I call coming into the house with the mail and the letter, going to our bedroom where he's plucking at his bass, waving the letter.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"Sixx 1 & 2,
Sixx 1 is still spending exponential amounts of money on heroin a day. I left a warning last May, and said Nikki will either be dead or the two of you will be completely broke by May this year. That still stands because the amount being spent has doubled since then. Slow down." I read it off. "Nikki, it was $2,500.00 last time so he's saying you're currently spending $5,000.00 a day on smack?!" I raise my voice. "How the hell can someone possibly do that much heroin--or any freaking drug--in one day?!"
"--That's $1.6 million a year! Did we even make that much last year!" I scream.
"We? Vivian, you've never worked a day in your fucking life. There is no 'we made', it's what I made. And because I'm the one who made the money, I can do whatever the hell I want with it so just hop off."
"Nikki, baby, we have bills, and insurance didn't cover as much on my time in the hospital and follow-ups as we had hoped so we have to spend money on necessities and not..." I trail off, calming myself down, rubbing my forehead, trying not to start crying.
"Viv, I'll handle it." He tells me after a moment of quiet between us. "Alright?"
I rub my lips together, letting out a sigh as he holds his hand out to take the stack of bills from me.
I hand them over, not saying a word more, before leaving him to continue scraping up motivation to actually write something.
He wrote "Wild Side", which completely reworks and assaults the Lord's prayer...then the bastard listed me as a co-write because, "well you told me what the prayer was to begin with so technically you helped me write it."
When the conservatives went digging around once the album was released, they dragged me through the mud when they saw my name attached to a bastardized version of something sacred to christianity and I heard every degrading, yet passive, insult any holier-than-thou Bible-biddy could throw at me.
I stopped going to church for quite a while after that because I didn't even want to face the possibility of all those people smiling in my face while thinking, "she's not the really for God."
"Valentine's Day?" I ask Doc, raising my brows. "...Really?"
"Well, they wanna get a good feel of Nikki and you're obviously a part of his life, so they figured spending Valentine's Day with you two would be pretty interesting." He explains.
"I don't want anybody getting a good feel of Nikki's anything." I reply stubbornly, crossing my arms.
"Yeah, and Viv won't let me pull out the really special techniques while someone's in the house with us." Nikki adds. "And she only lets me do them on special occasions."
"Nobody's feeling anybody else, and you two sodomites can have all the fun you want once the interview is done with. It'll take four hours, tops." Doc says, looking at Nikki. "We're gonna have to start promoting the album."
This is the selling point.
Nikki sighs, rubbing his face, groaning.
"Fine." He gives up, looking at me. "We can entertain the nosy bastard for a few hours, I guess."
"I suppose." I roll my eyes.
"Thank you." Doc let's out with relief.
"Was that it?" I ask him, glancing around his office.
"Oh, yeah." He nods.
"We drove down here just for you to tell us something you could have easily called and told us over the phone?" Nikki asks next.
"Yeah, 'cause I wanted to see how you look and sure enough you look like shit." Doc states and Nikki rolls his eyes. "Which reminds me, clean up your house and make yourself seem like you're not on drugs. K?" Doc gives us a parting word of advice as we stand up to leave.
"Yeah, yeah, got it." Nikki waves him off, leaving in front of me.
"Viv." Doc says to me and I nod reassuringly.
"I'll make sure he keeps it together for the interview."
"Thank you, you two be careful on the way home."
"We will, bye." I shut the door and follow Nikki out to his Jeep.
"I really don't feel like dealing with the press." He grumbles, looking at me now with his sunglasses on and I give him a small smile.
"Maybe it won't be that bad."
"I don't like people I don't fuck with in my house. It's my house. My space. It isn't a fucking amusement park that's open for review." He cranks the car and I put my seat belt on.
"What?" He says a little harsh.
"It will be okay." I pat his fluffy hair. "K?"
He doesn't answer, actually pouting like a spoiled little boy.
When he ignores me, about to start driving, I raise a brow, unbuckle, and my fingers slowly fumble with the button on his jeans as his pout falters and his smirk replaces it, followed by the sound of a content, groan-filled sigh, and the back of his head hitting the back of his seat when I get my mouth around his prick.
Once we get home I'm wiping the remains of slobber and cum from my lips and he's struggling to keep his legs from collapsing.
"Are you okay?" I ask him smugly when his leg shakes a little bit as he unlocks the front door.
"Watch it, Sixx." He warns as he points at me, his hand popping me on the ass when I walk in front of him to go inside, and I let out a small shriek, following it with a laugh.
My laughter abruptly stops when I see Vanity watching T.V.
She actually seems sober enough, but she looks like she just came off of a bender.
Nikki and I look at each other.
"Oh, there you are. Nikki wasn't answering the phone and I wanted to see him." She tells us, her eyes glued him, and he sighs.
"Well, I'm here. What do you want?" He asks her in a snap, taking his jacket off.
"Nikki, quit being rude." I tell him quietly.
"Showing up to people's houses uninvited is rude." He replies, glaring at her.
"Not when I gave her the code to the gate and a key." I state.
His eyes bug for a second and he's raising his brows at me.
"You what?"
"Tansy has the code and a key, Tommy, Vince and Mick have the code and a key. Izzy, Steven, Slash, Duff, Axl--"
"--That's different." He cuts me short.
"How? They're our friends and so is she." I point out.
"If I'm not welcome I can just go." She says, grabbing her coat.
"Bye." Nikki says just as I say, "no, it's okay."
He and I give each other dirty looks.
"I was actually about to start cooking dinner and invite some friends over so feel free to stay, please." I offer to her. "Nikki, I need your help in the kitchen."
He follows me and I yank on the ends of his hair once we're alone, scolding him.
"Will you stop being a jackass to her?!" I whisper-yell.
"Can you stop being so fucking nice to people? It's stupid."
"Oh, God forbid Nikki Sixx be married to someone who's not a complete bitch." I roll my eyes, grabbing a few pans from our cabinet and he let's out a heavy breath.
"She's fucking crazy, Vivian." He argues and I turn to face him.
"You say the same thing about me any time I piss you off. I really believe she's a good girl, Nikki. She just needs one, good, solid friend that isn't just friends with her to have someone to do drugs with." I explain.
"Oh, yeah, Viv, she's really good...at being a fucking slut."
I pop him in the side of the face and point my finger at him.
"You don't talk like that about Vince or Tommy or Robbin so why the hell talk like that about her?"
"Because she is one." He ignores me and I let out a breath. "Some of the dudes she's fucked are married." He adds.
"Tansy has slept with married men, is she a slut, too?" I ask him and he rolls his jaw. "What I thought."
"Viv, I really don't--"
"Okay, Nikki. Whatever you say." I interrupt him, grabbing some things from the fridge. "She's an awful person, got it. Can you please help me with this so I can clean up the house some?" I ask.
He hesitates for a second before opening the packet of chicken on the counter I pulled from the fridge.
"Thank you." I smile, kissing his cheek, before leaving him alone so I can get the house in nice shape.
To say Nikki projected shit onto Vanity would be an understatement. Her hands weren't clean, of course, but he would often externally put her down the way he internally put himself down for what the two of them were doing to me. It was moments like that, that I looked back on after finding everything out, and would want to hit myself.
He practically told me they were sleeping together without actually saying "hey, I'm screwing this woman that you think is your friend, and you're being too nice and naive to think we wouldn't do that to you."
"Tommy and Heather, Vince and Sharise, Tansy and Vanity, Duff, Slash, Steven, Izzy and Axl." I tell Mick how many people will be at dinner and I hear him let out a breath on the other end of the phone.
"I don't know, Viv." He tells me.
"Mick, c'mon, I haven't seen you very much the past year."
"I don't know..."
"--Mick, get your ass over here so we can have a good time. We're gonna see you in the studio tomorrow, anyway, so just come celebrate the commencement of the start of the new album." Nikki says after he takes the phone from me.
Mick says something and Nikki grins.
"Alright, bye." He hangs up. "He's in." He tells me.
"Thank you for snatching the phone from me, dickhead." I say, half-joking.
"Okay, I am this close," he holds his pointer finger and thumb centimeters apart from each other. "to bending you over my knee and beating your ass."
"Promise?" I reply, grinning, and he tugs me closer to him, but just before our lips meet, Vanity is walking--more so bursting--into the kitchen.
"Nikki, when are we hanging out?" She asks him, nearly bouncing on the balls of her feet.
Nikki's hands dig into my hips as if he's channeling his frustration instead of being rude.
I know what "hangout" means, and I don't need him cracked out, especially not now with guests coming over soon.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Vanity." I explain to her as politely as I can.
"Why not?" She asks me.
"Just not aright now." Nikki tells her, actually more tolerant than he was earlier.
I don't know if I'm shocked because he's not being an ass to her, or because he's  turning down the opportunity to go hit a crackpipe. 
Vanity looks at me for a split second--a very short, nearly millisecond--as if I'm the fucking Devil, before it vanishes and she smiles at us.
"Okay, I'm gonna be in the bathroom freshening up." She tells us, walking in the direction of the guest bathroom, and I let out a breath when she's gone.
"You mean you don't wanna greet our guests naked, waving a gun, and accuse them of being the FBI before opening fire?" I ask him.
He just gives me an unamused look.
"I'm gonna go change before that 'ass beating' is administered." I suggest.
"Yeah, good idea."
I change, put on some makeup, and run my fingers through my hair to comb it out before stepping into the kitchen to help Nikki finish up.
I'm met with uncooked food.
"Uh...Nikki?!" I call, glancing at the clock to see it's 8:00pm.
People will be here any minute.
I go looking for him, smelling the familiarity of cocaine.
"Oh my God." I say to myself, opening the guest bedroom to see Nikki and Vanity crouched over their pipes with a mountain of blow out.
They look at me with wild eyes.
As if on cue, the doorbell rings.
"Please be someone sober. Please be someone sober." I repeat, shutting the door as I step to the door.
I open it to reveal Duff and the guys.
"I need help." I tell them, sounding panicked. "Nikki and Vanity's cracked out."
"Um, w-we were gonna ask you for help." Duff tells me.
"What, why?"
They move over and I see Tansy, shaking a little.
"Are you--"
Before I can finish, a familiar "BANG" is sounding through the house and is joined with a loud, ear-shattering shriek of glass breaking, and we hit the ground, Duff securing me under him before a second shot is fired, breaking more glass, causing Tansy to start screaming and crying from under Axl and Steven.
I thank God when Nikki doesn't shoot again, instead the sound of him scrambling to get to his closet, and the sound of Vanity's heels scampering along with him has me sighing with relief. I hear him slam our bedroom door, and Duff runs his thumbs under my eyes to wipe at tears that I had no idea were even coming out of me.
"Holy shit." Izzy mumbles. 
"Are you okay?" Duff asks me and I nod as he helps me up.
"Tansy?" I ask her gently, she's got her hands over her ears, tears streaming down her face.
Axl carefully steps into the house as I continue to reassure Tansy.
"Uh, Viv?" Axl asks.
"I got it, Viv." Steven tells me, trying to calm Tansy down.
I follow Axl into the house, and I'm taken back by the sight of our entire ceiling in the living room shattered over our couches, the carpet, the coffee table, the T.V., it's a giant sheet of sparkling, sharp, shards of mirror.
It seems like forever just staring at the damage done to my house, and I'm unable to get words to come out of my mouth.
"Dude, is Tansy alright?" Tommy's voice sounds at the door and we snap around to see him.
I hear Heather and Sharise outside before Vince comes in behind Tommy, their brows raising at the sight of the mess.
"Hooollllyyyy..." the blonde singer drags out.
"You alright?" Axl asks me, and anger rolls through me, my teeth grinding together.
"Viv?" Tommy adds.
"Doc. Bob. Now." Is all I'm able to say.
"On it." Tommy doesn't waste a minute stepping through the glass to get to the phone in the living room while Axl tugs me back outside to avoid murdering Nikki.
That was the first straw that began the process of breaking the camel's back.
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doyelikehaggis · 5 years ago
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Enzo St. John x Maria DeLuca | Michael Quinn x Maggie James
Glancing up at the flashing neon sign above, Enzo doubts himself. Those damn travellers were so cryptic before they decided to spontaneously combust. The only thing they left behind was a note to him.
Find her. Roswell, New Mexico. Wild Pony.
For years, the thought of finding Maggie once he was finally free--because he was sure he would be, someday, somehow--was one of the only things that kept him going through it all. To thank her. To see that she got the life she deserved; a life full of love and happiness. A human life.
But a bar? She wanted to help people. He takes another quick look at the note, but sure enough, the sign reads the same name beneath the flashing image of a cowboy riding a horse.
Stuffing the slip of paper back into his jacket pocket, he shuts his car door and walks across the gravel to the entrance. He pulls the door open and steps inside.
The room's lit with soft lights, almost dim, just enough to feel welcoming. Chatter from the locals fills the air, a chuckle here or there from the tables. The quiet clatter of a pool cue hitting a ball over to his left, followed by a triumphant cheer and some lighthearted arguing.
He immediately decides that it's preferable over the Grill. Though perhaps that's because he's still unfamiliar here. Make a few enemies, specifically out of the bartender, and then it'll probably feel the same.
Not moving from the doorway, his eyes dart all across the room. They sweep from left to right, to right to left, taking in every face. None belonging to an elderly lady.
Disappointment sweeps through him briefly. Probably for the best, he thinks as the loud-mouthed rednecks at the pool table spout some distasteful language.
Ignoring them, he finally moves, making his way up to the back of the bar. Maybe the travellers sent him here to find one of her relatives, perhaps her child. Though he has no idea if he'd even recognize Maggie now, never mind a descendant of hers.
But when he reaches the bar and seeks out someone who'll be able to give him something to ease his frustrations, he stops dead. Proven wrong, it would seem, because he instantly recognizes the woman behind the bar, caught in the middle of a playful conversation with a rather tipsy man on a stool.
Except it's impossible. Not a feature has changed. She looks as young as the day he compelled her to forget him and walk out without ever looking back. Those dark eyes, so soft yet filled with life like a blazing match. The curve of her lips, that smile that filled his mind to replace the darkness everytime he closed his eyes.
It isn't possible. The only way...
His heart drops. He can't even stomach the thought. Compelling Maggie was meant to protect her, to keep her as far away from his world as possible. Unless she found another vampire more willing to turn her without knowing.
No. He refuses to believe that. But the proof is right there, undeniable. A relative, he tells himself. A daughter with an uncanny resemblance to her mother.
She notices him at last, her eyes flicking over to him. Straightening up and abandoning ber conversation in the process, she shoots him a warm, friendly smile that makes his throat close up.
"All right there?" she asks with a slight chuckle, eyeing him. "You look lost. Or like you've seen a ghost. Neither one uncommon here, surprisingly."
Enzo doesn't know what to say. He realizes she doesn't recognize him. Nothing in her expression or her eyes tells him she has the faintest idea who he is. Of course not, he chides himself. Because she's not Maggie.
"New in town, I take it?" she continues on anyway, apparently unbothered by his lack of response. "I know all of the local's faces; I should, considering I've lived here my whole life."
Something comes loose in his chest. Her whole life. Maggie wasn't from Roswell. There's a sinking feeling inside of him that he can't ignore no matter how he tries.
"Your whole life?" he hears himself ask faintly, forcing an interested smile onto his face. "Must really like this town."
The woman shrugs. "It's my home. But" --she leans both hands on the bar, grinning at him now with that same spark in her eyes-- "with an accent like that, I can see I was right in saying it's not yours."
Enzo huffs out a chuckle and nods. "You caught me. I've visited before, though. Couple times, long time ago."
Her eyebrows furrow the tiniest bit and her head tilts in curiosity as she stares at him. He can see her trying to recall him.
"Weird," she says after a beat. "I feel like there's no way I would forget someone like you..."
She trails off somewhat pointedly, expecting an introduction. He opens his mouth to give it despite his better judgment, but she beats him to it, holding a hand up to stop him.
"Wait, hold on, I'm psychic. Let me take a shot at this."
Her eyes are wide and excited, and he can barely bring himself to be fazed by the claim of being psychic. There's a snort from down the bar from the man she'd been talking to.
She rolls her eyes but otherwise ignores him, her attention fixated on Enzo. Keeping their gazes locked, her eyes narrow. It's taking everything in him not to give anything away. If she's really psychic, somehow, then that won't be a problem.
"I think that... your name is... Michael." As soon as the name falls from her lips, there's a guffaw from her friend and she groans. "Oh, tell me I'm wrong."
But Enzo's heart has stopped again. Michael was the name he had on his file when she was working at Augustine. Dr. Whitmore had taken him from the Air Force, while he was still under his alias of Captain Michael Quinn. It's what Maggie knew him as him until he confessed his real name a few months before she left.
"Just can't get me off your mind, can you, DeLuca?" her friend says, evidently enjoying himself a great deal. He turns to Enzo. "I'm Michael, by the way. The person that the lovely Maria here claims to despise, and yet..."
He waves a hand as if providing all the evidence he needs to make his point. Maybe that's it, Enzo thinks, and his mind catches the name this Michael uses. Maria. Not Maggie. Similar but not the same. Maria DeLuca, by the sounds of it. Not James.
Maria scoffs and aims the towel in her hand at Michael, who merely laughs and dodges the blow of it.
"Ignore him," she tells Enzo, turning back to him.
He laughs it off as well. "That's okay. Maria, was it?"
She nods, her lips pressing together in a smile again. "That's right, mysterious stranger whose name is definitely not Michael. Sorry about that. Sometimes I'm right, sometimes I'm wrong. It happens."
Part of him is tempted to tell her she's not wrong. After all, he was Michael for over ten years. Who's to say that means it isn't still part of his identity?
"Well, it is my middle name, so not entirely wrong," he decides to say. "I'm Lorenzo. People usually just call me Enzo."
Maria's face lights up, her smile brightening. "Middle name is good enough for me. And it's nice to meet you, Enzo. So, what can I get for you?"
"Er, just a bourbon, please."
He hesitates, then takes a seat on one of the stools. His eyes stay glued to her as she pours him a bourbon. How is this even possible?
Doppelgangers exist. He knows that far too well from his brief time in Mystic Falls, but that was a curse. Maggie was never in the middle of some two-thousand-year-old love affair involving vengeful travellers. As far as he's aware.
Maria sets the glass down in front of him. He thanks her and slides the money over before taking a long drink. At this rate, he's going to need a lot more than one glass.
"So, Enzo," Maria says, and pain spikes through his heart at hearing that same voice say his name again after all these years. "What brings you to our lovely but ultimately boring little town? Is it the aliens?"
He can't help but laugh at that. Once upon a time, it was in fact the aliens that brought him here.
"No, no, though I wouldn't mind seeing a few," he jokes, and is pleased when she laughs, too. He then sighs. "But I'm looking for someone. A woman I used to know. We... lost touch for a while."
Maria frowns. "Oh. Well, what's her name? Like I said, I know everyone in this town. If she's been here, I'll remember."
He stares at her for a moment. I'll remember. Something about the way she says it sends a shiver through him.
"Maggie James," he says before he can process he's doing it. "Her name's Maggie James."
For the briefest flicker of a moment after he says it, he admittedly expects recognition to flash across her face and for her to say that's her mother's name. Or an auntie. Someone in her family, something to explain this, because he can't think of a single logical explanation otherwise.
But her eyes stay blank and distant, still frowning. Then he notices that her frown has actually deepened. More thought than required for remembering a name of a stranger you met once or twice. And the blank look in her eyes is too blank, like they've glazed over, completely detached from reality.
Enzo's heartbeat quickens. Her expression twitches. It's a tiny movement, invisible to the human eye. But he catches it, and everything crashes down inside of him. It's the look of someone trying to unearth a memory buried beneath layers of compulsion. Just below the surface but forever unreachable.
Then she blinks, and it's as if she's thrust back into her body. She straightens up a little too quickly, her eyes wide and dazed. But alert. And lost.
"Nope," she says, and shakes her head, reverting back to her casual composure from before. "Sorry. Doesn't ring any bells."
He can hear the lie in her voice. Feel it from her. It did ring a bell, just one she couldn't quite hear. Muffled by his own doing. Or something else, he just wouldn't know what. It can't just be his compulsion. It doesn't explain why she'd still be this young, why she has a completely different identity and life. None of it makes sense.
"Don't worry about it," he tells her, plastering on another careful smile. "I'm sure I'll find her."
He doesn't know why, but it feels like the truth. Something tells him he won't have to look far. It's just more complicated now, is all. But when has he not loved a few complications here and there? They're what make things interesting.
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addictofsupernatural · 6 years ago
The Southsider (pt. 9)
Sweet Pea x reader
Chapter Summary: As y/n prepares for an important event in her life, her humor stirs up some interesting reactions from those she cares for.
Word Count: 1978
Chapter 1 • Chapter 8 • Chapter 10
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Toni taught you the main moves, and you were determined to perfect them. Some of the dance had to be from your own creativity, which you figured out along the way. This had to be perfect. Not just for Sweet Pea, but for you. "Alright, I think we could take a break. And by break I mean we're going lingerie shopping."
You nervously nodded. When you got there you just felt like none of them would look good on you. You felt awkward there. If you felt uncomfortable in a crop top for one person how were you supposed to wear this stuff in front of a group of people?
"Have you found anything?" Toni asked, poking her head out of an isle row.
"No. I don't think I'll look good in any of these." You sadly looked at the items.
She walked up to you with a few outfits in hand. "Why not?"
"I don't know. Just never been a big fan of my body I guess. It was only a few years ago when I had to cover up to hide the bruises covering my body."
She put a hand on your shoulder. "But there aren't any more bruises to cover up. Your dad's gone now and your body's thriving. You should be proud of having control over it. Now c'mon, I found a few things for you to try on."
You went into the dressing room, trying on each of them and showing them to Toni. Toni reassured you that you looked good in all of them, but you both agreed that none of them were really perfect for you. "This is stupid." You called through the dressing room.
"No it's not, now come on out. This is the last one anyways."
You stepped outside. Toni looked you over, nodding her head. "I like this one. I like it a lot."
"Yeah. This is the one." She grabbed your hand and spun you around. "Let's see that dance." Toni joked.
You hopped around, overexageratily rubbing your arms. "I'm not used to this much air hitting my body!" You partially joked. "It's so cold in here." She laughed and pushed you back in the dressing room.
You changed back and paid for the outfit. "It's getting late. Hopefully FP and Jughead will be asleep and won't see this."
You both walked back to the trailer park. As you both stopped at Jughead's trailer, Toni then said. "Y/n?"
"Pea's gonna love it." You blushed and playfully pushed her. She laughed at the reaction and walked back to her trailer.
You opened the door slowly. The lights were off. As you closed the door the lights clicked on, and you saw the two boys sitting on the couch. "Hey guys."
"Now where have you been?" FP asked.
"With Toni, like I said."
"What's in the bag?" Jughead asked.
"Nothing important." You put the bag next to your duffle bag and laid down on the small air mattress that was set up. "Night."
"Y/n." FP said in a harsh tone. You sat up, knowing he wasn't in the mood for games. "Where were you?"
"With Toni." You urged. "You could even ask her grandfather Thomas."
"That bag doesn't look like English homework to me."
You sighed. "Look, I went over to Toni's, learned some stuff, then we made a quick shopping run. I worked for the money that I spent, if that's what this is about."
"Were you with Sweet Pea?" His asked loudly, ignoring all that you said.
You gave him a really? look. "No."
"See? I told you." Jughead said. He started to get up. "We stayed up for nothing."
"Sit boy." He pulled him back down. "What's in the bag?"
You didn't want to argue or get him mad, so you grabbed the bag. FP tried to snatch it your hands, but you pulled it back, handing it to Jughead. He looked into the bag, before yanking his hand out right away. He got it. "Dad, she was with Toni."
He ripped the bag from his son's hands. "Give it here boy."
He pulled out the lingerie and stood, throwing it to the ground when he realized what it was. "What the hell is that?!"
"Careful, it was pricey!" You exclaimed. Jughead held in a laugh.
"So this is what you're doing now?" You nodded your head, a little confused. He didn't get it. "You used to be smart and open eyed, and now this is what you're doing? Sweet Pea's got you doing this sort of crap?!"
You bursted out laughing. "You think that Swee-!" you cut yourself off laughing more. You sat next to Jughead, putting a hand on his shoulder. You calmed down a bit, pointing to FP and the lingerie. "He thought that I got that for Sweet Pea~!" You started laughing again. Jughead couldn't help but laugh a little bit as well.
"Someone wanna tell me what the hell is so funny?!" FP was getting angrier.
You calmed yourself down. "Thank you for that laugh, it felt really good." You then sat up straight. "No, I did not buy that for Sweet Pea. I bought that for the serpent dance."
He put a hand to his mouth, digesting what you said. "The Serpent dance?"
"So you're gonna become a serpent?"
"Just like mummy." You gave him a cheeky smile.
"Oh." He let out a big sigh. "I just figured, cause it's Sweet Pea, you know?"
"No, I really don't." You turned to Jughead. "Why does everyone see Sweet Pea as some dark, controlling person with a knife kink or something?"
"I honestly don't know." He responded. "I don't see it either."
You nodded. "You think he'd like the outfit though?"
FP cut the conversation short. "Bed, now." You and Jughead lightly laughed as you all then went to sleep.
The next morning you woke up a lot earlier than the other two. Whenever you slept in a place you weren't used to sleeping in, you always woke up very early. You decided to make the most out of the time you had, and went to your duffle bag.
Jughead woke up the best way he could. He smelled bacon. He walked into the kitchen, groggy and tired, to see you practically shining. "Morning." You smiled at him. "I made pancakes, bacon, and sour bread french toast. What would you like?"
"The works." He sat, a plate of stacked food put in front of him. You knew him too well. He dug in as FP came out of the bathroom and sat down as well, a plate being put in front of him.
He turned off the stove and plugged in a small fan to not make the whole trailer hot. "Where'd you learn to make all this?" FP asked.
"Practice at my house. When it's just you, you don't have to feel bad for screwing up someone else's meal. I got better overtime."
After breakfast you washed the dishes as Jughead combed his hair. "So, you ready for our double date?"
You made a face. "Ugh, that's today. Why was Betty so excited for it?"
"I don't know. She's been talking about getting to know Sweet Pea because one of our best friends is dating him. She said it'll be good for the Southside to stop hating the Northside so much by southsiders getting to know her."
Oh Betty. Such a sweet heart of gold.
When you got to school Kevin immediately came up to you, linking arms. "Oh my God, we have so much to talk about."
"So you heard?"
"From Veronica, who heard from Betty, who heard from Jughead. I knew that wrinkly, sack of bones aunt was evil. Okay, no offense, but her inside kind of shows on her outside."
You laughed. "None taken. I agree, when I look at her I see my mom if she was buried in pet sematary and came back."
He laughed as well. "As much as I love talking about the Wicked Witch of the West and the Good Witch of the South, I wanted to ask you something."
"Go ahead."
"As you know, I'm directing the musical for this year, which I have selected to be Carrie: the Musical."
You nodded. "And a good choice too. I think we all know who's going to be lead."
"Pretty much, but there is another role that I think will be perfect for a certain person."
"Which is?"
"I want you to play the role of Chris Hargensen!" He smiled brightly as you, anxious. You loved musicals, but you weren't much for performing in front of others. However, seeing the smile on Kevin's face caused you to give in. You would do anything for Kevin. He was your best friend.
"Sure." You smiled back.
He excitedly hugged you. "Oh my God, this is perfect. It's a good thing you said yes, because I already wrote down the cast list and was on my way to post it on the bulletin board."
"Gee thanks."
"It's fine, Veronica was going to be my backup in case you said no." Kevin took out the paper from his satchel and posted it, people shoving past the two of you to see the list. "First meeting starts tomorrow after school."
The bell rang. "Alrighty then. I'll see you later."
The day went by a little too quickly for your likely. School ended, and Betty told you to meet them at Pop's at 4. You walked out of the PE locker rooms, which happens to be your sixth period, to see Sweet Pea waiting for you. "How are you so quick?"
"I'm just that good sweetheart." He smirked.
You laughed and lightly nudged his shoulder. "No need to brag. I was close behind you." He only responded with an unsure sounding Mm. You fake pout.
"Put the pout away." He hugged you from behind as the both of you walked to his motorcycle. "I'm here." You snapped your head and looked at him with a wild smile. He didn't know whether to be confused or nervous.
"That was the most adorable thing I have every heard! I fell for a teddy bear."
He felt offended. "I'm not a teddy bear, I'm a serpent. Nobody adorable would have a neck tattoo."
You giggled. "So cute."
You made it to his bike, and he grumpily let go of you to hop on, but you grabbed his hand to stop him. He sighed and leaned on the bike. You leaned onto him, his hands unconsciously finding your waist.
"I know you're not just a cuddly teddy bear. You're tall and dark and brooding and a mystery that people can't seem to solve. You're a badass who has a neck tattoo. You're a serpent. I know all that, but I also know that you can be a softie sometimes, and there's nothing wrong with that."
He then gently said, "I'm only soft for you."
You were about to kiss before you heard laughing. You pulled back and saw Fangs standing right next to the two of you. "I'm only soft for you? Yeah, that's something any chick would want to hear." You both stared at him, Sweet Pea fuming. "Oh, right, I'm not here."
Sweet Pea then quickly got up and chased Fangs through the parking lot as you patiently waited for your boyfriend while leaning on his bike. When he came back breathing hard with ruffled hair you smiled. "You good now?"
He walked straight up to you and pulled you in for a deep kiss. You were surprised, but quickly reciprocated. When he pulled back you were gasping for breath.
"All good. Let's go to that damn double date." You were still in a daze and extremely flustered, so all you did was nod and grab onto him as the two of you sped off.
Author's Note: Sorry that this was a little shorter than usual, and not much really happened either.
Tag list:
@madaboutlili @sireennotsiren @elsie2018 @greyfairie @iamaunicorn4704 @wanna-plan-world-domination @whenallsaidanddone @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @live-love-bailar @thecraziestcrayon @cvvlxx @grim-adventures58 @official--fangirl @jesus-jagiya @skeletalwolfcat @theunofficialduke @punkrock-cinnamonroll @rhi-an-onn @amongthewildthingss @apocalypticriot
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gastcrrific · 6 years ago
fifth member - chapter 1: queen
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a/n: i'm pretty excited for this one. hope you enjoy!
so just to note a disclaimer: history itself is connected but they're not really precise! what would be true will be the more known events (i.e. rainbow '74, live aid, some various anecdotes, etc. etc.)
^^^ i may be putting that to every chapter of the story as well.
contains: roger being an annoying lil shit (don't worry it'll go away p soon), a bit of tension.
૮ɦαρƭε૨ 1: φµεεɳ
1972, 12:50 PM
A week had passed since the last performance and since when the two of you met the band. You were getting along pretty well with the three and so was Deaky.
Everyone in the studio are currently studying their part, Brian and John rehearsing their chords, Roger testing the tempo, meanwhile you and Freddie are discussing about your part.
"So, Y/N, there won't be any piano present in this song, but, you can be part of the backing vocals." Freddie stated, handing you a handwritten copy of the lyrics.
It reads... Liar.
"You can pair with me for a while, since you haven't known the melody yet."
You nod, "Of course!" and found yourself doing a vocal range with him. Thankfully, you were a fast learner and got everything right. One thing you were missing is that you didn't have your own mic.
Freddie gathers everyone to rehearse his newly planned set list, as you followed.
He had already taught you your choreography together with him, which makes it look like both of you are the main focus of the audience.
Finding another mic stand, you try to adjust it to your height, yet one of the clips broke and left you holding the half of it. "This is absolutely fine, is it?" You awkwardly asked, as the singer comes in with the same equipment. "It probably is, B..." Deaky chimed in with your nickname, smiling as he rests his hands on top of his bass. You let out a small laugh and lightly bit your lip from smiling.
B is a running nickname for you that he always used through the years of your own friendship with him. He found it really pleasing and soft to call you that.
Oh how I wish she was mine... He swooned in his thoughts, his cheeks getting flushed.
You were completely nervous about this, even though he was told by Freddie that you and him will be by his side to sing during the bridge of Liar.
Nothing awkward happened, thankfully. The whole rehearsal went smoothly.
"Thank god we finally did it flawlessly!" Freddie flicks his hair, placing his mic stand carefully on top of a large amplifier. Roger huffs his breath out, throwing his drumsticks in the air and catching it in his hands. Brian sets his instrument down and so does Deaky. You also placed your mic stand next to Freddie's, but it had a different color.
You follow your best friend to make your way to the mixing room, but suddenly you didn't see the wire that's hanging from the amplifier. Ever since your habit has grown, you've told your clumsy self, "Once you embarrass yourself, there's no going back." majority of your own accidents always ends up to that. But this one doesn't seem to go that way.
"Oh!–" You exclaim, holding onto someone's arms, unexpecting the impact. Catching your breath and looking up, both of you had an astonished expression.
It was John.
He's holding you in his arms, few inches away from your faces. If it had gotten more closer, your lips would be meeting with his.
A heated tension fills up between the two of you.
Cheeks reddening, you slightly pulled away and stood up gently, "T-thanks, Deaks. God– I should be more careful next time..." Muttering the last part, he softly rubs your shoulder with a reassuring, yet shy smile. "It's okay Y/N... You're welcome." He hummed in the most adorable way possible as he helped you up, and made your heart skip beats.
Witnessing this endearing moment, Roger in the mixing room gives a fishy look at the curly haired guitarist, who's clearly unamused. "No. This is clearly none of your business. They're just friends remember?"
"Yeah but what if they're friends with benefits?" The blonde nagged, causing Brian to gasp in disgust.
The lead vocalist playfully slapped the drummer's shoulder, "Roger, get your fucking mind out of the gutter!" he had his arms crossed and a smug look. "Okay! Okay! I'll stop!"
You and Deaky have finally set foot inside the mixing room just as when the chaotic blonde had gone quiet. Sitting at the velvet textured couch, there was still a tiny amount of tension between the two.
That was your first time getting your clumsiness caught by him. He was never present when you had small accidents, but it sure did felt like you had been egged in the face.
Looking down, nervously fumbling with your own hands and your heartbeat pacing faster, you stutter, "I'm really sorry, John, I always avoid to be this way but I just basically embarrassed myself–"
Suddenly he raises his hand to pull you close and rub your back. Deaky gives you a comfortable grin, "Hey, B, I said it's okay.. You don't have to apologize." and finally, he warmly pulls you into a hug, burying his face to your neck, smelling your fragrant lavender cologne. Startled, you slowly wrap your arms around him, hugging back. "Thank you..."
As you two broke apart, Freddie had let out a noise of excitement which made you look at him. "Tonight, 7:30 PM, at a bar. We should be preparing ourselves soon!" He announced, earning a nod from everyone. "So, you know the drill."
"Roger, be attentive. Don't stare at the audience for too long!" The drummer nods and simply replies with "Alright!"
"Brian, double check your strings and let your inner rockstar out!" The guitarist gently tugs a grin, nodding.
"Deaky, remember to bust out your bass lines. The bassist needs more appreciation!" Your best friend smiled sweetly and nodded as he was flattered.
"And Y/N, you're always one to count on. Be graceful with me onstage!" You can't help but happily smile and giggle at his enthusiasm. "Yes, sir!" You playfully saluted.
6:55 PM, at a well-known bar...
Your band is queued next right after some light polka band is done performing for the audience, everyone's excited, except for one.
You had been noticing him taking deep breaths every minute or so. He tried to seek comfort from you, but to no avail, he never did. Being the good friend you are, you called out for him.
"Hey, Deaks. Everything's gonna go well with our performance, alright? If you think it's gonna go badly, it sure won't. I promise." He listens, calming down. "All you have to do is focus." You smiled fondly, and gave him a warm hug.
Just as the hug ended, the speaker outside had called for your group. "The next performers will be: Queen!"
"Let's kill it, darlings." Freddie mumbled loud enough to hear.
Stepping up on the stage, he greets everyone in the audience and started introducing every single one of you. "And these two lovelies are new ones! Meet Y/N L/N and John Deacon!" He waved and so you did, some people in the audience already likes you and the others despise you.
After the introduction got out of the way, the show has begun. It was only 4 songs so it wasn't too long. Nothing did go wrong in fact. The longer the songs progressed, the more wild the audience got. This was more than what you expected, and so did everyone else in the band.
"Thank you and good evening!"
8:04 PM
Right when the show has been done, all of you are finally in the van, a ride on the way to Freddie's flat. The conversation that he opened was about having to release an album.
"Where would we be getting the money for it then?" Roger stated, going to a sharp turn to right. "How much do you think this van is worth?" The singer questioned, and left the blonde to wonder. "Maybe we can discuss this later, Fred. We'll figure this out."
Reaching the destination, you and Deaky stay outside the front door, just realizing that your shared flat is just a few stops away.
"Deaky and Y/N, why don't you two come in?" He offers, but your friend protested, "It's fine, Freddie, our flat is just two blocks away." You also added "I think we could move there soon and live with the rest of you three." and smiled. "Ah, I see. Stay safe out there dearies!" The two of you bid goodbye, and headed to your shelter.
Finally getting inside, you huffed out your breath, decided to march straight to your own bed and flop on it face first. John quietly giggles while changing to his usual sleepwear, "Missed your bed, hm?" You rotate yourself so you lie down on your back to see him. "Definitely! Actually hold on let me change for a moment." You stood up carefully and changed to comfortable F/C colored pajamas. Not a second you're already back on your bed.
Even with numerous times you've seen Deaky only in his jogging pants and topless, you never stopped blushing. But eventually you manage to hide it from him. You turned off the lamp by your bedside table.
"Deaks, should we start moving at Freddie's tomorrow? It's the weekend tomorrow anyway, isn't it?"
"About that, I think we probably should... We have plenty of time to pack our clothes and other important things in the morning."
"Okay, noted. Goodnight, John!" You softly chuckled.
"Goodnight, Y/N!" He gently laughed.
What else would happen tomorrow?
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Drew & Carly
Drew: Carly Drew: I need to come over now Drew: On train Carly: k Carly: how long? Drew: idk does it fucking matter Drew: 40 mins ish Carly: i gotta clear out so yea Drew: alright Drew: do it then Carly: i am Carly: whats wrong with you? Drew: got some bad news Drew: need to get fucked up you may as well be there Carly: k Carly: ill make you feel better Drew: ha Carly: trust me boy Drew: no Drew: trust no bitch Carly: everyones out Carly: see im good to trust Carly: keeping my word Drew: tah Drew: don't invite anyone else round Drew: i don't want to fuck Carly: i wont Carly: this about her? Drew: You're jealous of Ro? Lmao, you have NO idea Carly: im not Carly: im asking for you Carly: you dont wanna fuck what else we gonna do cept talk Drew: i said Drew: get wrecked Drew: don't act like that's not what you want too Carly: k Carly: forget i said it Drew: least of my worries Drew: forget about it too Drew: doesn't mean anything Carly: yea Carly: getting that from you Drew: don't be weird Drew: don't need it today Carly: youre gonna get what you need soon Drew: i might need to hide for a bit Drew: cool? Carly: yea Carly: whenever you know Drew: good Drew: can't go back to my flat for a bit Drew: might need to move on Drew: not sure yet Carly: k Carly: for good? Drew: Yeah Drew: bridges burned, nothing here for me now Carly: they gonna come here? Carly: what you want me to say if theyre looking? Drew: Nah, nah Drew: not that Drew: Christ, I'd already be dead, that's where I've been past few days Drew: you're fine, you don't have anything to worry about Carly: Good Carly: can I come there? Carly: ill miss you Drew: I'll come back Drew: My sister will still be here Drew: we can hook up Drew: better get a new dealer for day to day tho Carly: yea Carly: fuck Drew: soz Drew: might not come to that Drew: idk what's going on Carly: what can i do? Drew: Idk, you know a good contract killer? Carly: all my contacts talk and talk Carly: whos fucking with you? Drew: no one Drew: but that's about to change Drew: you want a list? Carly: no Carly: i want you to feel better Drew: why do you care Carly: you make me feel good Carly: who does that for you? Drew: no one Carly: let me Drew: leave off Drew: i'm not in the mood Carly: anything you want Carly: when you are Drew: you're all the same, even the ones of you that front otherwise, makes me laugh Drew: tell you to have some self-respect but doesn't make a difference in the end Carly: im not hurting over this Carly: laugh it up Drew: oh, i am Drew: you're all jokes Carly: if youre trying to fight with me ill go there Carly: idc Drew: go on then 😂 Drew: what could you possibly say to make my day any worse Drew: I'd LOVE to know Carly: why do you want me to? Carly: none of your beef is with me Carly: hit up whoever else Drew: 'cos the last thing i want is that lovey dovey bullshit from you rn Drew: you said I could come to hide Drew: if you've changed your mind say Drew: don't waste my time Carly: its not Carly: you're good to me im trying to do the same Carly: if thats a waste of time its of mine Drew: no, i'm not, Carly Drew: that isn't what this is, or has ever been Drew: we use each other for personal gain, that's it Carly: yea you give me what i need Carly: let me do it for you Carly: stay here Drew: alright Drew: but that's all I need Drew: just the caravan Carly: k Drew: i only need a few days, alright, get my head fucked, then straight again Drew: i'll be out your hair asap Drew: and i'll stay on the sofa, just ignore me best you can Drew: you can keep people away for that long, yeah? Carly: yea Carly: ill put the word out now Carly: itll be sorted when you get here Drew: cheers Drew: i'm sorry okay Drew: know its not ideal Drew: got nowhere else Carly: youre welcome here whenever Drew: i don't get you Drew: none of you Carly: you know whats up Carly: personal gain Carly: i need some bad Carly: the good shit Drew: why not pay for it Drew: you have enough money Drew: what you saving for? new shoes? Carly: i got the sack Carly: whats it matter Drew: 'course Drew: nothing, nothing Drew: i wouldn't want to be anyone's bitch, that's all Carly: k Drew: 'bout 10 mins away Drew: im gonna take some in toilet Drew: can't wait Carly: dont be too greedy Drew: you'll get yours Drew: i'll do what i like Drew: my fucking drugs Carly: dont cry Drew: don't take the fucking piss Drew: you ain't paying Carly: i know Drew: had enough dealing with fucking junkies Carly: dont call me that Drew: what, grown a backbone? Drew: its what you are, darling Carly: if you wanna stay then don't Drew: might take my chances tbh Drew: doing my head in Drew: women Drew: know your bff had her baby? Carly: no Carly: she isnt my bff Drew: now, now, you're not exactly surrounded by offers Drew: though you will be taking back the flowers when you find out Carly: why would I care? Carly: nothing to do with me Drew: is with me Drew: still apathetic? Carly: fuck who you like Carly: youve wanted her for years Drew: well i got her now Drew: 25 to life Carly: thats why youre hiding Carly: she doesnt wanna play happy families Drew: yeah Drew: doubt caleb does either Drew: or her brothers and dad Drew: like i said, list is long Carly: she'll change her mind when she can't do it alone Carly: open arms for you Drew: no she won't Drew: she's not like you Carly: im not like her Carly: never having kids Drew: you shouldn't Drew: state of Drew: the way you go though you won't have choice in the matter Carly: piss off Drew: i'm serious Drew: never make me use protection Drew: doubt you do any other punter Drew: you need to take better care of yourself Carly: its none of your business Carly: im not gonna drop another kid on you Drew: yeah that's what I reckoned with Ali too Drew: like I said, don't trust any of you Drew: especially you Drew: my business when its mine Carly: its not happening Carly: you can go back to not caring Drew: No, I can't Drew: don't you get it? This has changed my entire life Drew: I've gotta leave my home and everyone I've known because Drew: even if I don't step up, she's still my kid Drew: she's not going away Drew: I've not got my head stuck in the sand or up my arse like you Drew: you'll get this rude awakening one day too, mark my words Carly: stay and be a dad Carly: theres no-one in your way Carly: and she's going to uni it'll be a part time thing Drew: Oh yeah, what a dad I'll be Drew: drug dealer with nowt else to offer but gear and a bit of dirty cash Drew: whatever she says, she won't want a kid 'round that, i fucking wouldn't Drew: and Caleb will always be in the way Drew: fuck that Carly: she cant stop you Carly: neither can he Carly: and she will want the kid to have a dad Carly: nobodys is decent Carly: be around Drew: Can if I'm a criminal Drew: they'll just dob me in when they're sick of having me hanging about Drew: it'll have a dad, she knows she's got him Drew: don't need or want me Drew: can't hack it Carly: go straight Drew: now why would you tell me to do a thing like that Drew: no more drugs for you if I'm stuck stacking shelves for a kid that calls him dad and not me Carly: youre not the only dealer, goldie Drew: i repeat, what's in it for you Drew: why you care if i'm around if i'm not funding you Carly: i wanna help you Drew: what about yourself Drew: who helps you Carly: whoever deals in your place Drew: you'll get hurt Drew: shouldn't mess around with people like that Drew: like me Carly: i can handle it Carly: nothing to matter to you Drew: s'not true Drew: you might be stoned enough to pretend you don't give a fuck about anything Drew: but i'm not a monster you know Drew: christ Carly: im not saying you are Carly: but don't pretend you care Drew: shut up Drew: of course i do Drew: i don't want you to get killed or beaten up every day 'and numbed out by the hardest stuff Drew: i only starting dealing to you so you wouldn't go to someone else Carly: its not gonna be that Drew: what's it gonna be? you'll knuckle down, get a job, get some friends, only do a bit for fun on weekends? Drew: that's not what you're doing, not where you're headed Carly: i can stop whenever i want Drew: you can't Drew: if you think you can then you're more gone than i know you are Drew: can't bullshit me on this, i have your tab, remember? Carly: fuck off Carly: im not a junkie Drew: yes you are Drew: and on the off-chance you aren't Drew: you certainly act like one Drew: do you think all girls fuck me for drugs? maybe once for a club drug but this is years now, as often as I'll let it happen Drew: and I shouldn't have but Drew: yeah Carly: don't drew Carly: dont come here either Drew: Carly Drew: I'm sorry Drew: I won't Carly: keep your sorry Carly: i wanted you ok Drew: i know Drew: i've known for a while, longer than i'd ever admit Drew: what else can i say? Carly: nothing Carly: dont talk to me Carly: stay away Drew: but Drew: i want you too Drew: i do Carly: no you dont Drew: i fucking do Drew: i just want to stop Drew: stop helping you kill yourself Carly: im not going anywhere Drew: you will Drew: everyone leaves me Carly: ive got nowhere to go Carly: this caravan is it Carly: and i cant leave you im not with you Drew: but you are Drew: you're constant Drew: you'll either get better and realise you're better than me like Ro and Ali and my own sister Drew: or you'll fuck off to be fucked up somewhere else like my mum Drew: or worse Carly: im not them Carly: im not trying to be better than you i know im not Carly: youre so good, drew Carly: i dont wanna be anywhere you arent with anyone else Drew: i'm not Drew: i'm bad but i can't stop Drew: i don't know how Carly: not to me, you've always been good Carly: looked after me Carly: you said yourself you wanted to protect me Drew: but Drew: i still gave you drugs and i call you horrible things and Drew: only see you when i wanted to, when Ro wasn't around or whatever else dirt I was pulling Carly: i ask ill stop Carly: im not scared Carly: i want you more Drew: its not your fault Drew: do you mean it Drew: will you try Carly: yea Carly: ill be better Carly: treat you better Carly: let me and youll see Drew: how do you want me Drew: i'll do whatever you want Carly: I just want you Carly: I love you Drew: I love you too Carly: be here now Drew: 🏃
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existentialstatesofmind · 8 years ago
Never A Dull Morning
Clare: didn't let boys see her undergarments. Even though she'd starting buying more interesting bras and panties last year, it was for herself not them. Of course Dakota hadn't actually done anything wrong. "It's just private." She explained. "Thank you for understanding." Her cheeks were still pink as she got dressed. Clare wasn't going to explain her weird logic in front of Emi. How she could go without wearing a bra in front of him but wasn't ready for him to see it. Clare was a little shocked after she succesfully beat up Bren. She'd learned how to do that after the whole Fitz threatening her and Eli with a knife incident because it was important to be able to defend herself. Had she gone too far? Bren hadn't actually touched her. Emi was here though and she needed to know it wasn't okay for boys to talk to girls like that even ones who weren't strangers. (Although to Clare, Bren was.) Bren didn't get a free pass. Especially after behaving like that in front of a five year old! He should be ashamed of himself! Besides Clare knew she couldn't hurt Bren badly, she didn't know how to do more than (hopefully) get him to leave her alone from now on. She stepped outside with Kota and slowly breathed in and out trying to calm down. "Is he always like that?" Clare asked. "No problem. I don't want to confuse her. Foreign languages aren't easy for me. I always want to pronounce words exactly how they are written. But in Spanish a J is prounced like an H, in Russian an I is pronounced like an E. So on and so forth. I guess that's why I like French, it's the same alaphabet as English so it's slightly less confusing for me. The difference is the French use diacritics." Clare shrugged. She didn't give up easily and at least she had been right about how to say sushi after all. She felt better by the time they went back inside. Clare smiled at Ash and Emi. "Emi did a good job. He's still down." She knew that wouldn't last much longer so she gladly escaped to the living room with Kota and Emi. Clare sat down on the couch. She bit her lip when Emi asked about purity rings. This was part of the reason why she felt like it was necessary to shut Bren up. Emi didn't need to hear about anything that pretained to sex. Of course she had questions now. Kota was lucky she only asked that one and didn't seem to care that he didn't give her a real answer. Clare winced soon as she heard the name Jenna. Maybe it was a different Jenna? No, soon as Kota got to the part about her trashy short shorts and her purposedly bending over (so everyone could see her buttcrack), Clare knew Dakota was referring to the her former friend. Who stole K.C from her using that exact tactic. He wasn't worth keeping and neither was Jenna's friendship. "I didn't know big mouth already told you all of that before we started hanging out." Clare said softly. "I guess she's still bragging about it. She's been trying to get with every guy since K.C got sick of her. Alli's brother, Sav, turned her down too. She's going to get the baby taken away from her because she won't stay home with him and there's no one else to watch him. I'd feel bad for Jenna but Owen threw my best friend Adam through a glass door for being transgender so...if that's who she wants to be with her baby deserves better." She squeezed Dakota's hand as he confessed to Kelly about his false reputation. Clare knew people might get the wrong idea when they found out she was dating Dakota especially if someone learned about their sleepover(s) but she didn't care. Anyone who mattered wouldn't believe a rumor over the truth. If Jesus Club did to her what they did to her sister, she didn't need to be part of it. However, she hoped they'd changed along with their name. Clare smiled back at him and chuckled because she'd always been able to take care of herself and now she could stand up for herself too. Well, by doing more than slapping boys and making a scene by yelling at them. The other girls at school needed to learn how too instead of relying on Kota to play superman. "I like you just the way you are even if you're reckless. There are some situations you can't get out of alone, she needed a friend." Clare reassurred him after Kelly left. "Just give them the card from now on. Kelly's right. Her dad could've killed you." She shuddered. Clare scooted closer to Dakota when Bren came in. "Do you even realize that was sexual harassment and if you keep doing it, someday a women will press charges against you and you'll go to jail." She said seriously. "You can't grope girls because you like the way we look, just like we can't do it to you. Or each other. Or a guy to another guy." She shook her head. Bren had Genesis all wrong. They were still living with the consequences of Adam and Eve's betrayal. The bible also said that outside of marriage sex was a sin. Even if you didn't believe that, there were other reasons to wait and she didn't plan to do something she'd regret. "Yeah! Let's go after breakfast before it gets too hot. Outside." She frowned. "The only problem is I don't have any exercise clothes here." Clare didn't want to wear her new outfit to the park. She supposed she could make do with what she'd worn over to Kota's in the first place.
Kota: nodded when Clare reassured him after Kelly left and kissed her cheek. "Thank you." he whispered and listened to her chide Bren. He knew that they've been there with him. "Yea, I know. That's why I ask to touch a girl's breasts. They taught me about sexual harassment in school and as long as I don't touch her without permission the most the girl will do is beat the crap out of me. So much easier in Bristol." Bren whined. "Yea, he's got a hard head. He went to Bristol and into a night club where he made a friend. She took a pill, made out with him for about ten minutes, then her boyfriend came and we got a call from the hospital. Bren had to get stitches and had a broken arm. We just sort of gave up after that." he explained to Clare. "The guy had a hard punch, once the girl realized he was beating me up, she called the cops, grabbed him and ran. I'm friends with her on facebook, she asked when I'm going back to Bristol." Bren explained to Clare. "And didn't her boyfriend threaten to kill you if you ever touched her a fourth time since you had to go find her after you go out of the hospital?" Kota asked looking at him. "Yea, but that's just a threat." Bren stated and Kota rolled his eyes. "I wish I could just beat the shit out of you right now, but it'll be futile. I only continued to help because I thought you were done with that girl and could actually change. She's fucking strung out on drugs. That night you were in the hospital she was too, an hour later she tried to kill herself because of the drugs she took. Does that really mean nothing to you, do you not see how much she's calling for help?" Kota asked. "So what she just needs to stop taking whatever drug made her want to die. If she were mine and came to me every night I'd be the happiest man alive regardless if she's strung out or not. They can help the suicide thing." Bren shrugged and Kota got up seeing the headphones still on Emi. "Bren, sex isn't worth your life nor is a girl. Who cares if she got strung out and made out with you, she's fuck-" "I don't care." Bren yelled back and Kota felt a hand on his shoulder to see his mom. "From the first time I held you, I knew you'd be trouble. You acted out more than any of your brothers and never wanted to stay. You were always trying to leave to go wherever, soon that changed and you started going after girls not caring about anyone, but you. I had these papers printed out and money put aside. They're emancipation papers, if you really want this I won't stop you anymore." She said holding his suitcase in hand and he took the papers. "I know you don't care what happens to you, but we do. I think you may need this, to go on your own for a bit and come home to us. Maybe this will help you be a better man." she said as she signed the papers after him and handed him his suitcase and passport. "There's money in there with an address book to friends I've made and keep in touch with in various countries." she said. "And I can be with Iona?" he asked curiously. "This was only an act to be with her?" Kota asked. "Well yea." Bren answered. "If that's what you want." His mom said and Bren took his things and left. "He never unpacked his things. I knew he didn't want to stay." his mom explained and he sat back down. "Maybe this will open his eyes." Kota breathed and laid his head on Clare's shoulder. After she mentioned going to the park after breakfast, he watched as Kelly bought out a plate of pancakes while Dallas carried the plates, Stacy carried sets of silverware wrapped in napkins and Ash and Dom carried sides. Without a word, Kota went to the kitchen and grabbed bottles of juice for everyone, then sat next to Clare and Emi. "Kelly, do you still have those yoga shorts that were too small?" he asked looking at her. "Yea." she answered. "I need them for Clare." He said honestly. "They're in the same place in my room. Also you're on wash duty later after Dallas does the basics. I have Victoria's Secret lingerie that needs to be washed and you're the only one who doesn't shrink them besides Stacy and she has to go home. I also have work." Kelly said and he nodded. "Ok, Stacy do you need your Victoria's Secret lingerie washed?" he asked looking at her. "Yea. Dallas will get them for you when you're ready to do the laundry. Dallas cut some of the tags off mine so that should help a bit. My bras and other items have tags." Stacy explained and he nodded as he ate. "Dom is helping me separate the Victoria's Secret from everything." Dallas stated. "Ash and I will do the dishes then." Stacy stated honestly. "Ok, that leaves Kota and Clare to the floors after dinner." Kelly said. "I wanna help." Emi stated. "We just pick up big items and leave the rest to the roomba." he informed Clare as he continued to eat. After breakfast was done, Kota went and got the shorts for Clare and one of his shirts too. "I'll go change in Dom's bathroom." he smiled at her as he handed her the clothing and kissed her chastely before going to change.
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