#If it doesn't work ah well if you like the ship just scroll i will block u if u annoy me
rutadales · 2 years
okay i kinda lied when i said i didn't like e.ternalduo but only in the sense its horrible for cfoolish like does that make sense. the energy of dying to save someone and then they end up ghosting you after is actually kind of amazing
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inverse-problem · 10 months
hiii you posted something about having read most of the like, recommended books with robots in them and i was just curious if you would be cool with listing some that youd rec? trying to read more books with robots in them and curious for ideas :]
sure! was gonna do a whole organized post but I may as well just get some down for now. not gonna be an exhaustive list (there's a bunch on my to-read list I don't want to rec before I read it myself), my summaries may be dubious, my taste may also be dubious, but here's a few I liked. I definitely recommend seeking stuff out outside of my list bc honestly it's quite limited now that I'm looking at it lol. be warned also that a lot of these deal with heavy themes of stuff including identity, bodily autonomy, etc. (idk which specific topics may be an issue so be sure to consult a trigger list if necessary). also I have yet to find anything with a robot romance that I find particularly compelling but ah well
the murderbot diaries series by martha wells: pretty much everyone's gonna recommend these to you, and for good reason imo, they're quite solid. main character is basically a security guard cyborg (humanoid but not human) who hacked its programming and is trying to figure out what it actually wants to do with itself now that it has free will. all it wants to do is watch tv shows in its head and avoid interacting with people, but life-or-death situations and its penchant for wanting to rescue people keep getting in its way
the imperial radch series by ann leckie: sentient spaceship ai that once had hundreds of human bodies all networked to a central ai, on a revenge quest. lots of themes of identity, lots of space geopolitics, a big horrendous empire that people are grappling with being complicit in, and an interesting take on a single-gendered society inspired by ursula leguin's the left hand of darkness (also a solid book, no robots there though). gets quite intense at times because of the sorts of horrors that evil empires get up to
17776 by jon bois: (note the link is to a website that turns into the story when you scroll through, watch out if flickering/eyestrain/etc is an issue) technically not a book but a multimedia webnovel of sorts (with short animations and videos, but mostly written as dialogue between characters). it's the year 17776, a lot of places are underwater, humanity has found itself immortal, and several space probes have gained sentience. now, the space probes busy themselves with watching and discussing what the humans are doing to entertain themselves, which mostly involves really absurd games of football. a bit absurdist and existential but very fun, even if you don't know much about football
the monk and robot series, by becky chambers: this one is very chill; a monk in a cozy post-industrial future setting doesn't know what they want from life so they go on adventure on impulse and meet a robot. robots have been out of contact with humanity for a long time, so both of them learn a lot from each other
the wayfarers series, also by becky chambers: haven't read all of them yet but the first book is a chill character-driven space road trip story with a friendly ship ai. lots of found family themes, and great if you like seeing a story where people are working together and are really in their element. the sequels tell other stories set in the same universe, most of which also feature robot characters, and there's interesting alien characters there too
activation degradation, by marina j lostetter: a robot gets activated on a space mining platform during an alien attack, and has to deal with a bunch of ensuing chaos and misinformation. I mostly found the plot twists interesting here, the characters themselves were so-so to me
obligatory asimov recommendations, caveat that his work is old and has historical biases etc, but also that's where you get the three laws of robotics so welp. I, robot is an interesting collection of short stories, mostly focusing on how the three laws of robotics actually can break down in various situations. there's also the robot trilogy which is basically a buddy cop detective story with a human from earth and a robot from space and they solve murders. lots of caveats with this rec (for one, I'm not big on cop shit to put it mildly) but asimov does do some interesting worldbuilding and society building with how the earth and space societies differ. there's the foundation series that follows from these books but I haven't read that haha
the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy series by douglas adams: only one prominent robot here who sporadically shows up, but also this series is just a fun time. the premise is that earth gets destroyed by aliens to make way for an unnecessary space highway, and one very tired human survives and bounces around the galaxy encountering all sorts of weird situations. lots of humourous satire, some a bit dated at this point but much still holds up. also douglas adams just has a way with words
individual short stories:
fandom for robots by vina jie-min prasad: a robot learns what fandom is! a very fun read imo
a guide for working breeds, also by vina jie-min prasad, whose writing I really like in general tbh: robots dealing with a contract job economy
68:hazard:cold by janelle c. shane: robot stranded on an ice planet. I really like the description of how a robot's view of the world and communication protocols might look
cat pictures please by naomi kritzer: an ai wants to be helpful to humanity but doesn't quite know how; a nice benevolent ai story
there were other short stories I also liked but I can't find where I put them now, welp. let me know if you read and enjoy any of these, though!
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galactic-pirates · 7 months
Regina Mills
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
23. Favorite picture of this character?
Thank you so much for the ask!! :) :) :)
10) Could I be best friends with Regina?
No I’m not cool enough haha.
Honestly as much as I love Regina and I see that her prickliness comes from pain, I would find her so intimidating in person. I scare easily.
12) What’s a headcanon I have for her?
Ah my usual dilemma of what is canon and what is headcanon 😂
Somewhat complicated by the fact that it’s been a few years since I have seen this show now. Where does time go?
Oh man this is such a good question and my brain is a total blank. Ok ok, I'm just going to have to go with the first thing that comes to mind.
I started to write a whole thing about how Regina can be her own worst enemy and I scrapped it because I wasn't being clear. So lets be specific - season 1 finale. My headcanon is that if Regina had tried to TLK Henry awake from the sleeping curse then it would have worked. I don't think it would have broken the dark curse as well so that could go down one hell of a canon-divergent rabbit hole so put in a pin that. Regina didn't even try and kiss him. She knew what he needed, she clearly thought about it, but she didn't want to know as she assumed it wouldn't work. "Too evil, too broken, he hates me, evil can't love etc." it's an insecurity.
Now I don't want to get into Regina's crimes because that's another rabbit hole. The salient point is how Regina thinks of herself and this is one of the few inconsistencies in the show I don't mind. Mental health/self-acceptance isn't a linear battle. Sometimes she can be at peace with it, other times she judges herself. Season 1/season 2 was a very low point for her. Some of which was nothing to do with all the magical crazy, and just the very real true life that her sons bio mom has shown up, and she feels 'lesser' (she's not obviously).
But I've never doubted how much Regina loved Henry. I like that she did get her own TLK with him later on. But yes my headcanon is that it would have worked at the season 1 finale.
15) What’s my favourite ship for her?
I said this the other day but ultimately it’s “Regina x Happiness” and I did like that her story ‘end’ meant it didn’t come from a man. I like that Regina forged her own family, that she broke the cycle and didn’t repeat her mother’s mistakes.
There wasn’t really anyone on the show that clicked for me and that I thought was right for her.
Now as a lighter more joking answer I don’t sleep well and I run stories in my mind. These stories are allowed to be full of OC’s and cliches and be the sort of thing that fandom ridicules because it is just me telling the story to myself. I do confess I have fixed her up in my head with an OC. I may have written about 10k of fanfic towards it once but for the most part that has died a death on my HD (aside from the odd question like this where I was like hey why not it’s just a bit of fun).
23) Favourite picture of Regina?
Well I don’t keep any saved but let’s see what the gif finder has that appeals.
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(I love it when she goes “you want to see your queen” and then nothing happens)
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Yeah I could do this all day. Scrolling through is just like mmm no hard ship at all.
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Chapter Four
Sophie shoves Jack away, as the ship comes to a landing. She races out of the ship, and continues running until she can't anymore. She finds herself in a dingy alley somewhere in London. Her legs give out, and curls up on herself, and starts to cry. After what feels like hours, when all of her tears have dried up, Sophie stands back up, and wanders away again.
Sophie isn't sure how long she walks, just knowing she wants to get away from the Master, the Doctor, and the judgement that is thrown upon her. When she eventually stops moving, she finds herself near her childhood home. She sits down in front of the fence, resting her head against one of the fence posts. Eventually, the tugs of sleep surround her, and she falls into a fitful sleep.
She slowly blinks her eyes open, and hugs her pillow to her chest. She rolls over, and stretches her arms above her head. Looking around, she freezes, finding herself in her childhood room. From down the stairs, a voice calls, "Sophie, sweetie, breakfast's ready!"
Cautiously, Sophie slips out of the room, and pads down the stairs. Standing in the kitchen is a woman who looks like Sophie's mother, except older. At the table is a man who looks like Sophie's father, flipping through the newspaper. "Ah, there you are, dearest," the man says, setting down the paper, "Any big plans this weekend?"
Sophie gulps, her eyes wide, "Uh, yes?" she squeaks.
"Well, you can't very well do that on an empty stomach," the woman states, and sets a plate down on the table.
"Right," Sophie mutters, and takes a step for the table. At the moment, she's willing to play along, hoping that whatever is going on will reveal itself.
She takes a bite of the food in front of her, and it flashes her back to her childhood. Before she realises it, the breakfast is gone. The woman smiles, "You sure are that fast, sweetheart."
"She's a busy woman, Stacy," the man laughs. "Have a good day, dearest."
She nods hesitantly, and heads back up into her room. She changes out of the pyjamas that she woke up in. She then leaves the house, taking a deep breath. She reaches for her mobile, finding a phone in her pocket. "Okay, that's weird. The Doctor destroyed my mobile, so what is this?" Nevertheless she pulls the phone out of her pocket, and scrolls through the contacts. She doesn't recognize any of the numbers in the phone, and sighs. She dials the TARDIS, and waits for a response. When the phone isn't answered, she gives up, tucking the device back into her pocket. "Right. Strange place, people who look like my parents, but can't be my parents. New phone, new contacts, and no TARDIS. What is going on?"
She wanders off down the street, and stops when she sees a bus stop. She uses her mobile to search bus routes, and finds that the next bus that'll stop is headed to Wales. Sophie doesn't want to see Jack again, not after yesterday, and the year that never was, but she doesn't see another choice. She sits down on the bench and waits, patiently.
She boards the bus as it stops in front of her, and throughout the two hour trip she wracks her brain for what could be happening. So far, nothing has made sense, except for the Doctor ignoring her call. After what happened with the Master, she can't blame him for ignoring her. When the bus stops in Cardiff, she disembarks.
Sophie wanders over to the tourist information centre, and enters. Ianto is behind the desk, and he glances up when she enters, "Can I help you, ma'am."
"Ianto? It's me?"
"Sorry, do I know you."
"Look, Ianto, I don't know what's going on, or why you've picked today of all days, but now is not the time to mess with me." The Welshman blinks at her. "Okay, I need to talk with Jack."
"Who's Jack?" he asks, but she sees him reach for the gun under the desk.
"Captain Jack Harkness. Leader of Torchwood. I need to see him."
He pulls the gun out, and aims it at the woman, "How do you know about Torchwood?"
"I work there! Please, Ianto, I need to speak with Jack!"
He keeps the gun trained on her, as he reaches for the intercom button, "Jack, there's a woman here, claims she knows you, and works for Torchwood."
There's a rustling noise through the com, and
then Jack's voice, clear as day, "Bring her down."
She lets out a sigh, "Finally, some sense in the world."
Ianto leads her through the secret door, and down to the Hub, his gun held between her shoulder blades. When she steps into the Hub, Jack is waiting, hands on his hips, "Who the h*ll are you, and how do you know about Torchwood?"
She meets his eyes, "Oh, bl*dy hll, not you too, Jack. What is going on in the world?"
"Okay. Not a normal response." He drops his arms at his side, and takes her arm, "You can head back up, Ianto, I'll handle this."
He leads her up to his office, and handcuffs her to a chair opposite his desk. He then falls into his own chair, "Who are you?"
She sighs, "Sophia Jaclyn McCoy."
"Right. How do you know about Torchwood?"
"I work here."
He chuckles, "I've been here for a long time, I think I'd remember someone as cute as you working here."
Sophie shudders, "Gah. Don't do that. Do not flirt with me."
He looks taken aback, "Not the response I'm used to, but fine. You still don't work here."
"I do, Jack. You hired me, December 8, last year. Please, Jack, you have to believe me."
He leans back in his seat, "December 8, that's when the Sky Gypsy showed up, and I know I don't remember you."
She sighs, and can feel tears starting to form in her eyes, "Please, Jack. You have to remember me. Tell me you at least remember the Doctor."
That gets a response from the man. He sits forward, eyes wide, "You know the Doctor?"
"Yes! He's my best friend, my brother. So are you! Please Jack, tell me you remember me!" Tears start to fall down her cheeks, and she tries to swipe them away, but the cuffs prevent her from doing it.
Jack's face softens, and he stands up to walk around the desk. "I'm sorry, kid, really I am, but I don't know you."
"Please," she begs, and the tears start coming faster.
He crouches in front of her, and wipes the tears from her cheeks, "I hate to see someone as pretty as you cry." He leans back on his haunches, "Say I believe you, Sophia, how come I don't remember you?"
She sniffles, "I don't know Jack. Maybe there was a time shift, and somehow I've ended up in a parallel universe, or a pocket universe."
"That's a pretty big maybe, kid, but I'm willing to believe you, if you tell me one thing, how do you know the Doctor?"
She meets his eyes, "I met the Doctor the same day my parents died. They were turned into Cybermen, and he saved me. I've known him my whole life, and I know all of his lives."
He nods, "Okay, Sophia Jaclyn McCoy, let's see if we can figure out what's going on."
"Can we take the cuffs off?" Sophie asks, hope filling her voice.
He sighs, deeply, "Just cause I said I'd help, doesn't mean I fully trust you, kid. The cuffs stay, unless I can prove you are who you say you are."
Sophie shrugs, "Worth a shot, right?"
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handsoffmyfriends · 4 years
PAIRINGS: ex!Kuroo Tetsurou x gn!Reader, platonic!Akaashi Keiji x gn!Reader, ex!Sekimukai Kouji x gn!Reader, pining!Akaashi x Bokuto Koutarou, pining!Sekimukai Kouji x Izumi Yukitaka, Kozume Kenma x Hinata Shouyou
WARNINGS: dumb choices, drinking, sex mention, kissing your best friend lmao, unhealthy coping mechanisms, pining, so much pining its a pine forest, lovesick fools, angst, really really self indulgent like look at the ships lmao
A/N: so this thing became an entire au that has evicted the actual paying tenants in my head to squat rent free lmao just a bunch of maybe chronological events beginning with The Breakup and leading up to Getting Back Together
i totally lost steam at the end rip but i need this out of my drafts since scrolling 34 years to find my smau drafts is killer
tags: @samanthaa-leanne @finnydraws @peteunderoos @lowermoons @deestielluv @angyboibakugo @carmomo18 @kuroirl​
Part One
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The day started with melancholy. The weather seemed to disagree, not a cloud in the sky as the morning sun filtered into your room through poorly drawn curtains, the warm rays scattering along your faces. 
It was your last day together before you moved to the other side of the country for college for the next four years. Hokkaido had offered you exactly what you wanted to pursue, you just had to sacrifice your life in Tokyo to take it. Kuroo had been overwhelmingly supportive when you received your acceptance letter, rambling on and on about how Kenma would make sure he had a decent computer setup so you could video call every day, how the physical distance wouldn't matter in the long run.
You didn't tell him how much it meant to you that he would go to all those lengths to be with you. You didn't tell him how you couldn't ask that of him, how unfair it would be of you to tether him to you like that. You knew he deserved better than that, better than text messages and video calls. He deserved to be with someone that could be physically by his side, and that someone just wasn't you anymore.
You woke up somber, despite the warm, comforting arms wrapped around you like a cage. You allowed yourself several minutes to relish in his warmth, to commit to memory how perfect it felt to be by his side, since you knew you would never have this again.
Usually, you were both slow to wake, indulging in early morning cuddles and kisses, but today you couldn't bring yourself to bask in the little world of happiness the two of you had cultivated over the three years of your relationship. You were going to tear it all apart, but you knew it was for the better. There was no happiness in a relationship that would be held together by loneliness and longing, of staring at phones and wondering when the next text would come, when the next call would come. It would be torture and no matter how much you loved him, you couldn't bring yourself to demand that of him.
So, you didn't roll over and kiss him awake like you usually would. You don't stare at his sleeping face for minutes on end, marvelling at how peaceful he looks in slumber. You already knew every facet of his face, every emotion he was capable of expressing, so you don't need to commit anything to memory. 
You pull yourself from his grip, despite him trying to tighten his hold on you as he came to consciousness. Even in sleep, if you tried to wiggle away, he would pull you closer instinctually. He looked up at you bleary eyed, a little confused, but happy to see you nonetheless, a sleepy smile gracing his features. The pure adoration he held for you sent your heart plummeting.
You gave him a tight smile back before leaving the comfort of the bed, the beginning of a bigger departure. You left him to doze off as you mulled around the bedroom, picking out some clothes and heading to the bathroom without a second glance. If you had looked at him again, you would have noticed him watching you with furrowed brows. 
He knew you were worried about moving to Hokkaido, he was feeling down about, too. Today was your last day together in person, but he meant every word when he said he would be on top of calling you. Part of him knew your behaviour wasn't off because of the move, he knew you were keeping something from him, but he wasn't about to pry. He knew, deep down, that something was wrong, but he ignored that niggle of anxiety, just like he ignored the space that had suddenly grown between you.
It continued in the little actions throughout the day. You could barely look him in the eyes, could barely respond to his numerous assurances that he would call you, that it wouldn't be different, not really. You tried to wear a polite smile and nod, but it felt worn, like a terrible disguise and you knew he could see through it. It caused him to lay it on thicker, that by being overconfident and overbearing in his determination to make things work, it would smother the uncomfortable atmosphere that you had created.
"It's going to be fine," he repeats for the hundredth time, rubbing your shoulders soothingly. "I know you're nervous about the move. Hell, I would be, too!" 
You hum, an acknowledgement that he's spoken but nothing more to contribute to the conversation. You're sitting in the living room, your bags packed and ready to go. You get the notification that your ride is here, that will take you to the airport and send you to the faraway island.
"You can call me when you're settled," he continues. "Or when you land. Whenever you want, kitten. I'll always answer." 
It's almost sad, how desperate he is to convince you it will be okay. You have no doubt in your mind that he would hold true to his word, that things might even work out in the end, but you also know that would demand crippling loneliness. It would demand that each of you be on each other's beck and call, that when that phone rings or a text comes through, you're expecting to answer or reply. It demands that you're both hanging on the edge of your seat, waiting desperately for that phone call, that text message.
You hum again, looking up at him in inquiry. It's a mistake, he's looking down at you with all the love in the world. It wavers your determination, makes you falter in your resolve. You want to reciprocate that love so much, with every fibre of your being, and you do, you really do, which is why the next words out of your mouth are, "let's break up." 
The next few moments go by in a blur. You barely register what he's saying, if he's saying anything at all, or what you're saying in return, if anything at all. You know deep down, this needs to be done, neither of you can live happily hanging onto that next text message, that next phone call. He deserves better than that, and so do you.
You gather up your bags in a daze as Kuroo is speaking fervently, questions and compromises falling on your deaf ears. You give him half hearted responses, barely formed excuses that you both know are bullshit. You don't look at him the entire time, knowing if you gave in and looked at the pain you had inflicted, you would cave and take it all back.
You leave without another word. Kuroo is torn between chasing after you and demanding a proper reason, but he knows it would be to no avail. He lets you go, knowing he has no chance to get anything out of you today. He tries to convince himself it's because you're leaving, that your nerves are wound up, that you're stressed and anxious about the move and about the new school, that you aren't thinking properly. That in a few days, you'll realise how silly you're being and you'll take it back.
He lets you go because he's confident he can change your mind. 
He's calling you the next day. 
It startles you out of your light slumber. You'd been going non-stop ever since you left, arranging your new room, organising your college schedule, finding the closest shops and most effective public transport, being thrown way out of your depth at the sudden independence that this new life demanded of you. Thankfully, you had a week to get used to it before college started handing your ass back to you on a silver platter.
You scramble to see the caller ID and your blood runs cold when you see. Everything in you is telling you to answer, to apologise for your actions and to take it all back, to even beg his forgiveness, but you just stare at the phone as the call goes to voicemail. You breathe a sigh of relief, though it's short lived when you get the text that you have a new voicemail. 
And then he's calling again. 
It goes like this for a solid fifteen minutes. Call after call, your heart desperately wanting to answer him, but your mind knowing you shouldn't. You've repeated it to yourself a thousand times already, that it's better off this way, that you both wouldn't be happy.
You're starting to hate yourself for being so stubborn.
The next day you're introduced to your roommate. Which, to your surprise, is someone you recognise. You hadn't expected to know anyone here, and if you're being honest with yourself, you don't really know Akaashi Keiji all that well. To you, he was just the friend of your boyfriend's best friend, who went to a completely different school. 
Well, ex-boyfriend. 
Akaashi seems to be surprised to see you as well. He introduced himself politely, finishing with, "you're... Kuroo's parter, right?" 
It stabs you in a way you didn't think possible. You can feel your heart skip a beat before it picks up in double time, loud in your ears as Akaashi regards you with polite interest. You clear your throat, avoiding his gaze as you say, "ah, n-not anymore." 
You find that Akaashi isn't a very expressive person. If he's shocked at the revelation, he doesn't show it. "Oh, my apologies." He doesn't pry any further, his voice devoid of any genuine feelings towards the matter. You don't know if you should be annoyed or relieved that he doesn't ask you about it. 
It's then that your phone, from the very traitorous place on the kitchen counter, starts to go off. Akaashi glances at it before you're able to clamber over the sofa to the offending device, Kuroo's face and ID lighting up the screen in an entirely offensive display to your pride. 
You hastily hit the reject button rather than letting it ring out, which earns you a raised eyebrow from your roommate. You can see the gears working in his brain as he pieces together the facts, though you're not given a chance to recover as your phone is going off again.
Apologies spill out of your mouth as you escape the communal area, shutting yourself in your room and away from Akaashi's judgement. You clutch at your phone like a lifeline, the feelings of remorse and desperation taking you over as Kuroo tries to call you over and over, the tears falling relentlessly for as long as he tries.
He gives up after ten minutes this time, though he leaves a voicemail for every unanswered call. 
It's later that evening that you finally emerge from your room. Kuroo didn't try to call again, but he's been texting you non-stop all day. You've been reading them, how could you not, your heart breaking all over as you read the begging. It would almost be pathetic, how desperate he is for your attention, if you didn't reciprocate. You ask yourself for the hundredth time if this is the right course of action. 
Akaashi, to your surprise, has made dinner for the both of you. He's still in the middle of serving the meal, his eyes flickering up as you enter the room. 
"Are you okay?"
The question throws you off guard. You sputter, "I— what?" like a moron, feeling entirely off balance. You'd expected a lot of things to come from Akaashi, mostly negative, but not concern for your wellbeing. 
"I asked if you are okay," he repeats, setting two bowls of food onto the low table by the couch. The apartment made use of the minimal space, meaning it was an open living layout with no dining area. 
You gaped at him like a fish, unsure of what to say. He's patient with you, taking a seat and waiting for you to catch up to the present moment. You eventually do, wordlessly taking the floor across from him, staring at the meal like it held all the answers to the universe. 
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," he continues. "I don't mean to be presumptuous, but I find myself in a similar sort of situation." 
You glance up at him like a rabbit staring down the jaws of a fox. He's regarding you with a carefully neutral expression, his hands busy with his bowl and chopsticks. You open your mouth to speak, but it's dry, and your voice comes out a lot raspier than usual. "What do you mean?" 
"A long distance relationship," he says simply. "Bokuto suggested it, but I talked him out of it. We came to the agreement that we could try again once I graduate college, since he's going professional." He arches a delicate brow when he looks back up at you as he says, "I assume you had a similar conversation with Kuroo?"
You feel the knot in your belly tighten. You swallow thickly, willing yourself not to cry. "Not really," you admit, voice laced with emotion. "We didn't... discuss anything."
He studies you in a relaxed way as he eats, prompting you to start on your own meal. You thank him quietly for the meal despite not feeling hungry at all. You eat it all the same.
Akaashi is remarkably understanding about your decision. The only thing he doesn't agree with is you shouldering the decision, but he knows Kuroo well enough to know that there would have been no convincing him otherwise. 
Kuroo continues to try to call you daily. Usually, its towards the evening, when you and Akaashi are either eating or watching TV to wind down for the day. You ignore it every time, Akaashi growing increasingly more worried about you as the weeks go by. 
The two of you talk about your not-boyfriends a lot. The difference being that Akaashi maintains a friendly relationship with Bokuto, the two texting on the daily and video calling every other day. You had been present for one of the video calls, milling around in the kitchen behind Akaashi. Bokuto had greeted you politely enough, but you could tell he was angry with you. You didn't blame him, he was Kuroo's best friend after all, and you were surprised to find him tolerating you at all. Akaashi must have explained things to him, because the next time you accidentally crashed their video call, Bokuto had been much more pleased to see you.
Kuroo's unanswered messages to you deviate from their begging to be more casual, recounting his day in a one sided conversation. Somehow, it makes it all the harder to continue reading them, but you don't have the heart to block his number and you feel like you at least owe it to him to keep reading them. You don't touch the voicemails, knowing that if you heard his voice, your resolve would crumble.
It comes to a head one day, six months later, when you're lying in bed, unable to sleep, when he's texting you again. The frequency has died down considerably, the daily texts and calls turning into weekly ones. You watch with tears in your eyes as he recounts his day yet again, how much college is kicking his ass and how much of a recluse Kenma is when given the choice. He mentions how he's been spending time with Bokuto, suggests that the four of you should all have a video call and how is Akaashi going by the way?
He calls you after he's finished, and you nearly answer. Your finger hovers over the green spot, and you're ready to give up, this clearly isn't working, but for the first time he doesn't call until it rings out to voicemail. It leaves you feeling hollow. You had finally come to terms that you weren't going to hold out, that you were going to answer him and beg for his forgiveness.
He sends you one more text that sends you over the edge. You only read the first line of the preview, "I'll always love you, kitten," before you're opening up your messages with Kenma, begging him to talk to Kuroo and ask him to stop contacting you. You couldn't do this anymore.
And just like that, Kuroo goes silent. You feel your heart shatter at the realisation that you finally got what you wanted, that Kuroo would finally stop contacting you. You aren't sure when Akaashi made his way into your room, but you're bawling into his shoulder as he holds you close, rubbing soothing circles into your back as your heart is finally able to fully break.
Things get better. You're able to focus more on your college work and your friendship with Akaashi becomes more than a pair of lovesick fools. It becomes genuine, and strangely domestic. Akaashi's a lot better at cooking than you are, so in turn you handle the cleaning. Usually, you'll watch him cook and narrate the process like you're on a cooking show, and you'll rate the dish and give a critical analysis that's full of bullshit words and terms you don't fully understand. Sometimes, you'll even get into the kitchen and have Akaashi instruct you on what to do. He almost always takes over.
You both prefer to study in the communal area, quietly enjoying each other's company, and you regularly watch TV together. You don't necessarily talk a lot during these times, but you both relish the companionship and how comfortable it feels to be around each other.
You take each other out on platonic dates on the regular, too. Usually just to the coffee shop on campus when you're both run down from a lecture, swapping who pays for whom every time. Sometimes, it's a little more elaborate, a casual night out at the local izakaya. 
Friendship with Akaashi comes as easy as breathing and he quickly becomes your closest friend. You confide in him as much as he confides in you, though the topic of conversation deviates from your mutual pining to more substantial things. You find that your original assumption of Akaashi not being very expressive was entirely false. He's just extremely guarded, but he feels at ease around you, almost as much as he feels around Bokuto, so you get to see his rare smiles and listen to his laughter.
There's a day where you're both exhausted from the week, feeling especially touch-starved, when you cross the line. Akaashi is the one to suggest it, his reasoning very sound. You're both craving physical contact, you're both helplessly in love with someone you can't be with right now, so why not give it a try? 
"You can pretend I'm him," he says in a low voice as he moves into your space. It sounds so unhealthy, but he would be doing the same with you, so it would be okay, right?
You find out very quickly that your relationship with Akaashi could never be anything but platonic. When he kisses you, and you kiss him back, you both recoil with an almost repulsed expression mirroring back to each other. You're the first to laugh, the small giggle escaping your lips with Akaashi hovering over you on the couch. He sits back and laughs along with you as you trade compliments for your kissing style, but come to an agreement that it felt wrong.
You never speak of it again.
After that, you're somehow even more comfortable with each other. You start calling each other by first name. You often gravitate to his side, whether it be huddled down on the couch, completely invading his personal space, or be it out in public, where he carelessly throws his arm around you.
The two of you could never see each other as anything but platonic friends, but you're still able to satisfy the cravings of the skin, in the form of casual touches and friendly embraces. It becomes the norm for you two to be touching somehow, whether it be hand holding or just standing shoulder to shoulder. It's therapeutic.
Some of your classmates ask if you're dating. You laugh at the questions, there's no way you could date Akaashi. You assure them that you're just best friends. It doesn't seem to convince anyone, but you don't really care. They don't understand and you don't want to make them. It's between you and Akaashi, and probably Bokuto, too.
You're at a party, entirely too drunk, when you're being pulled into a bathroom and you're being ravaged by someone you don't know. He's probably a classmate, someone you see every other day, but right now you can't find a name. You find that you don't care, and you lose yourself to his ministrations as he peels back your clothing and presses wet, drunken kisses to your skin.
It's when you muse his black hair into something far too familiar, moaning out a name you thought you'd never say again, that has you scrambling from the sink in a panic. You barely give the man another look before you run, out of the bathroom and out of the building, onto the cold, dark street. You fumble for your phone with ragged breaths, dialing Akaashi.
You're panicking and you're damn near in tears on the phone to him. It takes him no time at all to come to you, you were somewhere on campus, and he's wrapping you up in his scarf and jacket, holding you close as you come down from your hysterics. 
You walk home in silence, your hand firmly clasped in his. He sits you down on the sofa, wrapping you up even more like a burrito, setting a glass of water in front of you as he prepares tea for you both. You're dazed, or you're just still really drunk, because suddenly Akaashi is next to you and pressing the warm mug into your hands. 
"What happened?" 
You shrug helplessly. "I don't know. One minute it was fine, I was about to get the dicking of my life—" You stop yourself, your brain catching up with your words. "No, I wasn't. I was in a fucking bathroom of all places. No, that would have been a shit fuck," you murmur this to yourself, voicing your thoughts. You startle slightly when Akaashi places a hand on your shoulder, bringing you back to the present. "Oh. Um. For a second, all I could think of was Kuroo, so I panicked." 
Akaashi sighed, rubbing your arm comfortingly. "I'm glad you're okay. Next time, let me come with you."
You wiggle your eyebrows stupidly. "Why, you wanna get down and dirty with me?" The question barely makes it out before you're laughing. The idea of sleeping with Akaashi has become laughable. You suddenly grow somber as the thought crosses your mind and you look up to him with the biggest eyes you can manage. "Hey, can I sleep with you tonight?"
He snorts, an affectionate smile dancing on his lips. "You are so horny when you're drunk."
"Not like that!" you exclaim, a little too loud, a little too excited. "Just... you know. Sharing a bed. No funny business." 
He can barely hold back his own laughter, giggling softly at you. "No funny business," he agrees with a giggle, patting the top of your head. "Alright, give me a minute to make my bed." 
Akaashi is on a video call with Bokuto when he has to excuse himself for the bathroom, leaving Bokuto to spot you in the background and excitedly hollering your name, calling you over.
"We haven't spoken in forever!!" he whines as you take Akaashi's place on the sofa. 
You laugh as you say, "I'm pretty sure we spoke last week, man."
He playfully pouts, but excited all the same. "Yeah, but last week you hadn't kissed Akaashi yet!" You freeze and Bokuto bursts out into mirthful laughter. "Or slept with him!" he adds for good measure, and you feel like your entire existence should just cease to be.
"Well, uh, you see, about that," you try to explain, but you're stumbling over your words and Bokuto is having the time of his life on the other line.
"I'm just teasing," he assures in between bouts of laughter. "He told me all about it, but I've been dying to know your side of the story. C'mon, tell me, is he not the best kisser you've ever kissed?"
You pray for some divine being to smite you on the spot, to spare you the embarrassment of the conversation, but your prayers are not answered and you're forced to go along with Bokuto's asinine line of questioning. "Well, uh, no offense to you or him, but no? Like, objectively he's a great kisser, but like..." you trail off helplessly. "I've kissed better," you end up saying fruitlessly.
Bokuto's eyes shine with glee. "You mean, my best bro, Kuroo? Oh, hey, that rhymes!" 
You chuckle at him, ignoring the little pricks to your heart. "Yeah. He's spoiled me for life, I think," you say, truthfully. Neither that drunken mishap nor Akaashi could compare to how it felt when you kissed Kuroo. But, you very purposefully do not follow that train of thought, and you're blessed with the return of Akaashi. 
He gives you a quirk of the eyebrow as he takes a seat next to you, very much in your personal space, going so far as to rest his head in your lap as he looks up to the screen with pure adoration. "Are you behaving yourself, Bokuto?" 
"Always!" he barks back cheerfully. "Just sharing stories of what it's like to kiss you!" 
Akaashi buries his head in your lap and you feel like a furnace, no doubt your face is as red as the shirt you're wearing. Despite it all, you pat Akaashi's head comfortingly, and Bokuto actually squeals, an impossibly high pitch from the man, as he coos at how adorable you two are. 
"Is your partner as cool as I am with you being this affectionate with Akaashi?" Bokuto blurts. You miss the narrowing of Akaashi's eyes.
"We aren't together, Bokuto," Akaashi murmurs. Bokuto waves him off with a grin.
"I, uh, I'm not seeing anyone," you announce, forcing a laugh. You nudge at Akaashi ever so slightly, smoothly sliding out from under him. "It was nice to talk to you again, Bo, but I've got some shit I need to do. You kids keep it PG13 in the living room, okay?"
You don't see the stern look Akaashi gives Bokuto, nor do you hear the reprimanding when you close yourself in your room. You aren't privy to the conversation that follows, nor Kuroo meekly poking his head into frame. 
"This isn't healthy," Akaashi scolds. "It's been over a year, Kuroo."
"Then tell me with absolute certainty that I don't have a chance," he counters. "Tell me that it's a lost cause." 
Akaashi opens his mouth to say just that, but knows it would be a lie. He frowns as he says, "it still isn't healthy." 
College starts back up with little fanfare. You and Akaashi sign on to stay as roommates for the duration of your courses, which was a no brainer. You couldn't imagine not living with Akaashi, and for the time being, you'll let yourself live in the fantasy. You know you'll eventually have to let him go, when you both graduate and he returns to Bokuto, and you're fine with that. You don't know what you're going to do, but you figure that isn't something to worry about for another few years.
Bokuto comes to visit, though it's barely for a weekend. You try to give the two men their privacy, you know that despite not dating that they would want their alone time, but Bokuto is very insistent that you all hang out together.
Once, you would have said you were better friends with Bokuto over Akaashi. How could you not have been, you were dating his best friend and you all got along. Kuroo would often drag you along to their joint volleyball training camps, and he would often want to catch Bokuto outside of school hours. Bokuto was funny, easy to get along with, and charming in his own way. Akaashi would often accompany Bokuto on those outings, but the two of you just never hit it off.
Funny how things work themselves out.
Akaashi's having a shower when you drop next to Bokuto, throwing your legs over his lap and leveling him with a serious look. "I'm going to ask you something and you're not going to read into it or tell anyone about it," you say as you get comofrtable.
He raises an eyebrow impossibly high. "I can promise none of that," he answers truthfully. "I can't keep things from Akaashi."
You muse for a moment. "Okay, Keiji doesn't count." He suppresses a squeal of delight at you using Akaashi's given name. Something about your friendship with Akaashi really tickles Bokuto's inner fangirl. He schools his face into something more serious when you cock your head to the side. "Right. Um. How is... Kuroo?"
His eyebrows shoot even higher, eyes sparkling with intrigue. You're quick to deny any special interest (lie), you fell out of love with him long ago (lie), you're completely over him (lie). You're probably being too insistent on these facts (lies), but if you repeat them enough, they'll eventually become true, right? (Wrong).
"I haven't even said anything yet," Bokuto laughs, silencing you. "He's doing fine. I think he's seeing someone, but he's so tight lipped about it," he says with a frown while the news causes your heart to skip a beat. "He's still living with Kenma. Oh! Kenma and Hinata started dating, did you hear?" he trails off excitedly, and you find it difficult to pay attention.
Was Kuroo really dating someone? You had no right to feel as upset as you did, it is what you wanted to happen, after all. The whole idea was so you could both find happiness in someone a lot closer. Really, you should be happy that he managed to find it, but instead you feel bitter that you haven't been able to. You've been too busy denying your feelings, denying that you're still hung up on him nearly eighteen months later, but even if you decided to accept them, to take it all back, it seems it's too late for that now. You wouldn't deserve it anyway, not after how you callously threw him aside.
Akaashi joins you a little while later, and he knows something's upset you. He slips in easily between you and Bokuto, returning your legs to lay atop both of their laps, and he rests his hands on your thigh in comfort. He doesn't ask what's wrong, but he manages to steer Bokuto's topic completely away from all your old friends, to what the three of you should do tomorrow before Bokuto has to leave.
You start dating.
It's a lot harder than you ever thought. You never really dated in the first place, since it was in your first year at Nekoma High that you met Kuroo and very quickly fell into an easy relationship with him for the following three years. You didn't know how to date, and you were too embarrassed to ask Akaashi for advice. Part of you told you that he would be just as clueless.
Most don't go anywhere after the first date. It's surprisingly time consuming and you'd rather spend your free time with Akaashi. Some see a second date, but things just don't feel right and you don't pursue a third date.
You're walking through campus, on a haphazard video call with Hinata. He's not even in the country, he's in Brazil now, learning how to play beach volleyball. You'd always been friendly with the Karasuno middle blocker, but you'd made an effort to keep in contact since you found out he and Kenma were dating. Next to Akaashi, Kenma was your best friend, which meant Hinata was now your best friend, too.
"Sounds like you're having a wild time there," you remark to his latest misadventure. "Keeping it interesting so Kenma will keep sponsoring you?" you add as a tease, giggling with delight when Hinata gets all flustered and embarrassed.
As Hinata tries to save face, you notice a young man looking at you sheepishly, like a child that's lost their parent. He couldn't be older than you, maybe he's younger than you. "Ah, I'll call you back, Sho," you interrupt, quickly ending the call and giving the stranger a kind smile. "Can I help you?"
He looks about as awkward as you feel as he takes the two extra steps to approach you. "This is probably really weird, but were you just on the phone to Hinata Shouyou?"
That's how you met Sekimukai Kouji, who just so happened to be Hinata's old friend from elementary school. Your world in Hokkaido didn't seem nearly as detached as it once used to, and you struck up an easy friendship with Kouji.
It didn't take long for the two of you to start dating. It felt freeing, for a little while. You felt happy, or at least you had tricked yourself into feeling happy. As the months ticked by, guilt began to gnaw at you. Were you actually happy or were you just using Kouji as a stand in for Kuroo? Should you even get to feel happy after how you broke Kuroo's heart?
It came to a head one day, several months after that fateful encounter, when you were getting hot and heavy with Kouji. You'd invited him over, it wasn't the first time he'd been over, with the intention to study until your brains were mush. Studious as you were, study took a backseat after an hour, when the numbers and letters started to swirl around your head and make even less sense than usual, when Kouji's hands found your thighs and your attention was very much no longer on the nonsense alphanumerics.
His hands gripping at your sides, pressing hot kisses into your neck, your hands in his hair, tugging fervently, when you both moaned different names. Neither name belonged to the present company.
You might have been more upset with yourself for allowing it to happen again, if Kouji hadn't done the exact same to you. You both break away with mortified expressions, apologies ready to spill from your lips, when you both register that you both fucked up. A tense second passes before your chuckle breaks the silence, and the tension with it, and you're both laughing at how ridiculous you both are.
Kouji opens up and explains how he's in love with his best friend from elementary school, has been for countless years now, how he's never had the courage to admit anything, too terrified to lose their friendship, and how he hoped you would have been able to distract him, for lack of a better word.
It's almost funny, if it weren't so damn sad. You were both using each other as a stand in. You recall Akaashi offering the exact same scenario to you almost two years ago and how ridiculous it had seemed at the time.
You explain yourself in turn, and you're both laughing with tears at how pathetic you both are. You encourage Kouji to shoot his shot, that having been friends with Izumi for so long means a confession couldn't possibly ruin anything. Kouji suggests you at least try and talk to Kuroo again, though he understands that your side is a lot more convoluted than his.
You break up that day, but you maintain a solid friendship with him, to the point that you still call each other by first name. You're the first person he calls after he confesses to Izumi, telling you with tears in his voice that he lasted a whole week being single. You congratulate him, just as teary eyed, so overwhelming happy for him, and insist on meeting his new boyfriend.
It's a bittersweet moment when you do finally meet Izumi, several weeks later. You're genuinely happy that it worked out, that Kouji is the happiest you've ever seen him in the short time that you've known him, but you can't help but feel a little bitter regarding your own feelings, on top of feeling like you don't deserve to feel badly about it, since it's all your doing.
You still spend time with Kouji, though the majority of your spare time is dedicated to Akaashi. When you're out on campus, Kouji will join you in a video call to Hinata. He doesn't visit you in your apartment anymore, which is just as well, since you've decided that your home is for you and Akaashi only (and Bokuto on his rare visits).
Your last year of college goes by uneventfully. In the final week leading up to your graduation, and your eventual eviction from the college housing with Akaashi, you're reminded that you need to find new housing in Tokyo. Hokkaido was only ever temporary, you loved the lifestyle of Tokyo, you loved the people in Tokyo.
Akaashi already has you covered. He doesn't take no for an answer when he tells you of the apartment he's secured, that the two of you aren't parting ways just yet, that Bokuto is still abroad and besides, you're just as important to him as Bokuto is. It makes your heart feel as light as a feather, makes you even more excited to graduate.
The new apartment is a lot more spacious than what you've been living in for the past four years. You decorate it together, going to the store together to find more space fillers, more indoor plants, to make the space something that's entirely you and Akaashi. Despite how perfect the place ends up becoming, how truly at home you feel in your new home, uncertainty gnaws at you. This isn't really your place, not really, not when Bokuto returns.
"Hey, Keiji," you lean over the island bench as Akaashi prepares a simple recipe for dinner. Bokuto is visiting this coming weekend, and you need to air your concerns before then. "What happens to me when Bokuto moves in?"
Akaashi regards you with a slight frown, as if he doesn't understand why you're asking, as if the answer is obvious. "Nothing," he says with a tone of obviousness that matches his expression. "This is your home, too."
You hum in thought, feeling your heart soar. "Yeah, but... won't it be weird for you? Having me around when you start getting serious with Bo?"
He stops what he's doing so he can give you his undivided attention. "My getting serious with Bokuto doesn't mean you have to leave. We've been living together for so long now, I think it would be weirder if we weren't." He places his hands over yours, giving them a gentle squeeze. "If you do want to move out when that happens, it'll be on your terms. I'm not going to force you out, and neither is Bokuto."
You blink back tears that you didn't know were welling up. You clear your throat and pull your hands back, feeling way too loved. You aren't sure what to say to such brutal honesty, even though you're used to his brand of honesty by now. Despite not replying, he seems satisfied enough with your reaction to continue with dinner, glancing at you occasionally with a soft smile. You can't help but reciprocate.
Bokuto moves in six months later, when he's finally released from volleyball hell. You find it isn't as uncomfortable as you first feared, and you continue to live with the happy couple for a following six months before you decide to move out. It pains you to do so, to leave your best friend of five years, but you aren't really leaving, not when you're moving a few blocks away. Akaashi insists that you visit frequently, which you do, and for the most part it's like you never even left.
But, now you have somewhere to go when Bokuto wants to have his friends over. More to the point, when Bokuto wants to have Kuroo over.
Bokuto never said anything about it, never asked if you would be okay with having Kuroo visit for the day, never even suggested it. He would only ever invite Kuroo over if he knew you weren't going to be home, and he would always make sure Kuroo was gone by the time you were due to return. He probably would have kept that up for years, but when you caught wind of what he was doing via Akaashi, you felt terrible. The apartment had become just as much Bokuto's home as it was yours, but you were making Bokuto have to treat his best friend like some kind of sinful secret.
Living alone wasn't bad. It took some time getting used to, and you very quickly had to learn how to cook on your own. You often phoned Akaashi during meal times, asking him how to do this or that, and sometimes he would just come over to help you. It was a good excuse for the both of you, as he missed you as much as you missed him.
As the fifth year ticked over and Bokuto's birthday inched ever closer, you came to terms with the inevitability that you would have to face Kuroo again. It was probably childish of you to hope you could avoid him for the rest of your life, to continue avoiding the truth of your feelings. It was amazing you'd managed to avoid him for over a year since moving back to Tokyo, especially during those six months where you lived with Bokuto. You told Akaashi that you were ready, that you weren't going to miss Bokuto's birthday for something so silly.
"I don't think it's silly," Akaashi disagrees. "Bokuto will understand."
"We're adults," you say with a shrug. "I can’t avoid him forever. I might even be able to apologise.”
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iiitsnotbase · 3 years
Day 9: Text messages!!
Ship: Cherry x Smile, Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop.
Propt: Text Messages
Dynamic: Marriage? Technology.
Some texts between Smile and Cherry.
Smile, incoming:
I miss you! 8D How's the new house?
Cherry, outgoing:
It's a little big, but it's nice. My room is big, and I've been trying to decorate it but it doesn't seem complete.
Smile, incoming:
I'll have to send you something then! Some thing to fill up your room with, and then it'll be super cute!
Cherry, outgoing (+1 Image.):
Thank you, Smile.
Smile, incoming:
I'm glad you liked it, are you ready to call?
Cherry, outgoing:
'Smile' information log.
Date added: 22nd July 2021.
Current Date: 22nd July, 2031.
Texts: 20,567
Calls: 10,000+
Cherry, outgoing:
Smile what time do you get off work today?
Smile, incoming:
5:30, I'll be home at 5:50, why?
Cherry, outgoing:
No reason.
Smile re-read the messages from before and continued scrolling up wards on thier previous chats. Whenever she felt nervous, or slightly afraid, she always went to thier texts and re-read them to make herself happy again. She unlocked the door to thier apartment and removed her shoes.
The apartment they had brought had been a good combination of where they both grew up. It was large and overlooked the city, the local mall a ten-or-so minute walk away. Thier hometown was only twenty minutes away on the train, and everyone had left anyway. Mari was at university, Beaver was teaching Spanish to kids, Jori had her own bakery, and tough boy was...Being himself.
As for Smile and Cherry, they had both succeeded in thier realm of work to. Smile had become an ambassador for children, helping spread love and joy online through old music, idea's, song's, and she still streamed when she wanted to or felt like it. Cherry was a ghost writer for a haiku magazine, which payed well and meant he didn't have to leave the house to often. "What's the special occasion?" Smile asked, coming into the kitchen to see her long-term partner working on dinner, which he never did.
"I just, I wanted to talk to you. About, you know," He mumbled the last word.
"Cherry, are you alright?" She asked, he nodded, reached for his phone and typed it out. Smile looked at her phone. 'Marriage'. it read.
'Cherry <3' information log.
Date added: 22nd July 2021.
Current Date: 22nd July, 2031.
Texts: 20,569
Calls: 10,000+
Ah cuteness of proposals. I like SOME married people alright? Alright. @flufftober2021
3 notes · View notes
dear-alex-chill · 4 years
Ducktales Story from Discord #1
Louie: what's the one thing mark Beaks doesn't have?
Webby: a brain?
Gyro: originality.
Scrooge: as much money as me
Fenton: Morals
Huey: an honest plan
Dewey: these sweet dance moves!!
Louie: all correct, but no.
Louie: he’s single
Scrooge and everyone: ooooooohhh
Mark beaks walks in: what’s so funny?
Everyone: nothing-
Louie and Gyro: your depressing life.
Webby: you tell him!
Scrooge: I’m too old for this-
Louie: oh please, when you’re the nephew of the richest duck in the world—*hold up phone*
Everyone wants to be your friend
Gyro: then how come you can’t get somebody to love?
Mark: speak for yourself robot dude
Fenton: well actually-
Gyro: Uh- yeah-
Mark: oh. Oh wait! Ohhhh!!! This is so going on my feed!
Louie: ha look at that.
Webby: never would’ve guessed
Louie: really?
Webby: no it was so obvious
Gyro: Why are you posting about something you don’t have?
Mark: it's just the way the world works nerd
Louie: got ‘em
Fenton: blathering blatherskite *summons arm
shoots phone*
Gyro: Yes, get him.
Mark: Hey!! Not cool Chico! Thankfully I have my backup phone..
Mark: y-yeah well I don’t see any of these kids having love lives!
Webby: actually *holds lena’s hand*
Louie: oooooOooooh what’re ya gonna do now Mark?
Mark: I am so not accepting your friend requests now!
Fenton: bold of you to assume any of us want to be your friends to begin with
Louie: you’ve been blocked
Gyro: ->- and plus, we actually have more with our lives other than looking at a screen all day.
Dewey: Yeah. Who wants to be friends with this jerk?
Huey: a masochist
Dewey: what now?
Louie: you mean like duckaplier?
Huey: yeah..
Mark: At least I have a social life. Unlike some Chicken I know..
Gyro: Excuse me?
Scrooge: alright Goldie stole the fountain of youth let’s go kids, before this..”thing” keeps talking
Mark: whatever old man. I got a business to run anyway
Louie: actually you’ve just been canceled
Mark: WHAT?!!??!
Louie: yeah, apparently you’re..just too “Mark beaks like”
Mark: *storming out of the room*
We'll see about that
Louie: hmm the moment he tries to tries to become trending I’ll cancel him again
Gyro: snickers
Dewey and Huey: Louie!
Gyro: No, please keep going green nephew.
Louie: whatttt? Im just doing what need to be done
Webby: looks like gyro has a favorite nephew
Louie: and now he’s been canceled again.
Gyro: I do not! All of you are equally annoying!
Fenton: what about me?
Huey: your his boyfriend-
Louie: and? He’s probably annoying to some extent
Gyro: You’re the most annoying! *mumbles* In the best way-
Mark: Awww #ship it!
Fenton: awwww
Gyro: WHA- Where did you come from!?
Louie: here comes the bride- all dressed in...uh tech
Gyro: ->- green nephew, I order you to stop
Louie: yeah alrighty
Webby: I swear I have no idea what’s going on anymore this conversation is just madness
Louie: uhh he’s trending somehow- and it looks like it’s just a bunch of picture of you and Fenton. He’s calling it #fenro
Gyro: What? Give me that! points to Louie’s phone
Louie: *hands it over*
Gyro: Oh this is ridiculous.
Fenton leans over to see the screen
Louie: yeah it’s gone viral everywhere
Gyro: *Shows Fenton* there
Fenton: grabs phone and stares
Gyro: well can we stop..whatever this is?
Gyro: And hey! I was holding that!
Louie: I’d cancel it, but then I might be canceled myself-
Fenton: scrolling though the tags they made fan art
Louie: I saw some links to fan fiction too
Gyro: WHAT.
Fenton: they made us kids
Mark beaks: Ha! I win
Louie: they do based on these pictures from mark’s new phone
Louie: they’re calling you the bottom
Gyro: I AM NOT!
Fenton: well how do they know that-
Louie: well whatever the truth is, they are now saying that they want a kiss pic from Mark, who probably won’t get that and then they’ll riot
Louie: we could also just give them a cuter couple
Louie: like Webby and Lena
Webby: wait What?
Louie: or Scrooge and Goldie
Huey: penumbra and mom
Dewey: Donald and daisy
Fenton: let’s just calm down, maybe we should just see if it goes away on its own
Lena: oh come on, we are the cutest couple to exist
Louie: doubt that’s ever gonna happen
Fenton: ummm *blasts all the phones in the room* solution!
Lena: well that’s one way to solve the problem ?
Louie: *pulls out another one* yeah you’re still trending
Fenton: *sighs*
Lena: okay never mind
Louie: our motto at Louie incorporated is always have a backup phone, and after that another backup
Mark: hey that was my motto first
Louie: are you sure about that?
Louie: cause now it’s mine and trending
Louie: a lie is simply a truth that has not been repeated enough times yet
Lena: he’s not wrong you know
Louie: ayyyy
Webby: LENA!
Louie: just listen to your girlfriend Webby, she’s clearly got the right idea
Huey: LOUIE!
Dewey: *posts this on Dewey Dew- night*
Mark: your just a kid! You can't possibly *looks down at phone to see Louie trending* Oh YOU-
Louie: wait, how long have you been filming for?
Dewey: the entire time
Louie: *looks over at mark* I told you it was mine
Mark: Whatever. I'll just start a new trend
Louie: too late I canceled you
Mark: *takes a selfie* Canceled Selfie!
Gyro: *sighs* will you ever shut up Beaks?
Mark beaks: i Don’t know Gryo when will you stop making evil inventions?
Gyro: Not until I crush you.
Mark: woah woah. Assassination is not a good look on you
Fenton: who said it was on him.
Webby: I don’t think it’s a good look on anyone
Louie: oh Webby, when you’re older you’ll understand
Mark: 'specially with your little project in tokyolk
Webby: and you do?
Gyro: *punches him*
Louie: uhhhhh yes?
Gyro: Now, what was that you said?
Fenton: oh my god *starts fanboying in spanish*
Mark: who PUNCHES a guy?!?!
Gyro: Me.
Louie: you’re not a guy, nor a man. Just sad little baby
Mark: *disgusted* Augh!
Huey : uhhh Dewey did you get that?
Louie: who relies on his it list mama
Dewey: yeah
Huey: should we be worried?
Dewey: nah
Gyro: No, not at all.
Louie: get out of here beaks
Mark: Fine! But I'll be back!
Scrooge walks in the room
Gyro: uhh, no you won’t
Louie: no you won’t
Scrooge: what in the blazes happened in here?!
Mark: Your children are maniacs!
Louie: Mark was bullying us
Gyro: It was simply business Mr. McDuck.
Scrooge: oh was he now?
louie pulls out puppy eyes
Scrooge: in that case, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!
Mark leaves mumbling: stupid grouchy old man
Louie: hah! Woo
Gyro: I can now finally get away from it.
Louie: you’re welcome?
Fenton: thanks. *pats on head*
Louie: HEY!
Huey: well with that settled-
Fenton: we should probably get back to whatever it is we were doing
Louie: which is?
Gyro: I actually do not know
Scrooge: Adventure!!
Louie: oh no not again
Gyro: Ah, yes. That.
Louie: *tries to walk away*
Scrooge: Now where are you going lad?
Louie: I- Uh..I’m dying?
Lena: pffft nice
Gyro: What-
Gyro: What am I even doing here, I’m leaving this chaos
Louie: y-yeah came down with the common cold of uh WAIT FOR ME!
*runs after gyro*
Gyro: No, I won’t. *continues to walk away*
Fenton: Wait what about me?
Louie: I promise to not speak or even breathe!
Gyro: hmmmm. No
Gyro: well if you don’t hurry up Cabrera then I’m leaving you
Louie: Fenton can I come? *puppy eyes*
Fenton: yes-
Gyro: *sighs* fine.
Webby: it feels like we’ve been talking for 53 years!
Lena: I know right
Huey: I know what you mean, I feel like I’m being controlled by a teen and typing out unoriginal dialogue in a phone
Credit to the Discord Chat (for making this a proper story), specifically:
Neighborhood Nerd
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dreamerandcrazy · 4 years
Ok, so I haven't been able to comment much on my Riverdale rewatch mostly bc i'm watching it with my boyfriend and we have an agreement of no cell phones when we're watching, otherwise we can't pay proper attention to it. But I wrote down some notes about the episodes I did watch (I watched up until ep 6, which is very ironic bc apparently today is its anniversary, so yay for my perfect timing). I actually remember most of the stuff that happened in s1, so here's mostly a few things I paid more attention to or noticed about the characters and the ships, or things i'm able to look at through a different view now that i've watched all the seasons. Strap in if you want to see my notes, if not just scroll please, no ship or character hate here please. Also, feel free to ignore, this is really just a personal look in some stuff I didn't notice in my first watch.
- Betty's character used to be much happier and lighter in season 1. I know we're introduced to "Dark Betty" right in episode 3, but still, I feel like the way Lili played Betty in season 1 did not hold the same "darkness" as it does in the following seasons. The scene where she is dancing happily in her bedroom because she's going to homecoming with the boy she likes? The scene where she introduces Jughead to the Blue & Gold and gets him to work with her? Her genuine innocent happiness at seeing her sister again after so much time? The way she interacted with Kevin and Veronica? Those were all chef's kiss because she actually feels like a teenager in them. In all her girly glory, she radiates youth energy and it's a thing that was sadly lacking after s1. Btw this is not a critique at Lili's acting at all, I blame it entirely on Ras and his obsession with dark Betty.
- There's actually so many indications of Cheryl being a lgbt character in the first episodes that I have no idea how I missed it the first time. But then again, there were many indications with Veronica as well, and sadly that's not the path Ras chose for her.
- Jughead in s1 is truly so superior in so many ways that it's not hard to see why he quickly became such a fan favorite. I think even if he wasn't played by Cole Sprouse, he still would have conquered many fans' hearts. Sadly, the things that made Jughead such a loving and interesting character for me also fizzled out in s2 when the writing team decided to make him a woke serpent leader instead of allowing him to sticking to his true personality as a passionate mystery lover, a dedicated friend and very nerdy, which was very cute. I feel that we got some of that back for him in s4, which was good, but sadly s1 is where my love for him really stayed to stay. But I still care for him, and s5 has a promising storyline for him which i'm excited about, so let's see if s5 Jughead can become better than s1 Jughead.
- Going back again to Cheryl for a sec, I just noticed that the red lipstick actually wasn't that common for her in s1? At least not in the first five. I wonder when did it start becoming her trademark? Anyways, it's actually a really good look her and allows you to appreciate Madelaine's natural beauty even more.
- Also, did anybody notice how Alice lowkey figured out who killed Jason in ep 2 lmao, like... in episode two she legit says she wouldn't be surprised if the Blossoms themselves had killed Jason, which... is what happened LMAO, considering we know it was his father. And even more hilarious and tragically ironic note, in ep 6 she's laughing at Betty suggesting that Hal killed Jason because "do you think your father has the stomach for it?!"... Ma'am... i'm-.... 😂😂😂😂.
- This rewatch has reminded me of how much I adored and how I much I miss Josie and the Pussycats. The girls were such a nice addition to the cast, and their songs were so beautiful. I truly wish we get to see them again someday, but at the same time I also think the actresses deserve to be at a work place where they're given the treatment they deserve and not completely ignored and treated like extras.
- Archie/Valerie was super cute and is very underrated in the fandom, but i'm glad Valerie stood up for herself and didn't take any of Archie's or Cheryl's sh*t. Still sucks because they were really good together, though.
- Why was Jason not allowed to talk, lmao? Like, i'm sure it's become a running joke in the show at this point, but back when season one was airing what was the excuse for it? He appeared in so many flashbacks and scenes and we still never heard a single word ☠️☠️☠️☠️. I just want to know what was the reason lol.
- I liked s1 Reggie, but I feel like Charles Melton's Reggie is better because he actually feels like a douche with good intentions lol, and he has more of a personality. Most of the time I even forgot about Reggie in s1, but after s2 he definitely made me more aware of him. So for that, I like Charles Melton's Reggie more. But the actor from s1 still did a good job with what he was given.
From now on I will be talking about the ships, so bear with me, and know that I am a multishipper. Yes, I have my preferences. No, my word is not law, it's just an opinion, so please respect it.
- Bughead is still super cute in s1. I feel like from s1 they will always be my otp, even if I no longer feel as strongly about them now and have a different insight as to where I would like their story to go, and now I definitely see the problem others had mentioned before of how they kind of took over the show, which is something I kind of closed my eyes to before... But I really loved them in s1. It felt like a very juvenile teenage relationship, they didn't give much thought on why and if they should be together, they just went for it like teenagers usually do, and they were very very cute together.
- I feel like if you don't count Beronica (because they really were the best no matter what you say or ship), if there's a ship that deserves "best chemistry" award for s1 is probably Varchie. I lost my interest in them years ago, but this rewatch reminded me of why I actually loved them once. They never really became an otp for me, but Kj and Camila's chemistry in s1 was VERY GOOD, and I really liked them. Their kiss in the pilot was electric and the s&xual tension was OOF, and that chemistry carries on through the season. You can easily tell something will happen between them eventually. It makes me sad bc I don't know what happened after s1, but their chemistry from s2 onwards was just... not there for me. Which is ironic bc it's the season they truly started dating and they got a lot of smexy scenes, but I just... didn't feel it. But I'll leave that comment to my s2 rewatch. For now just let me enjoy Varchie's chemistry in s1 while it lasts because it was really good.
- Now we get to Barchie, who I made clear was the reason for my rewatch, so let's get to it. I LOVED the way Barchie was written in s1. I remember when I first watched Riverdale, I was curious about their dynamic but didn't put much thought into it because I loved Bughead too much and wanted them to be together, and I thought Barchie would be the traditional "first og ship" thing and wouldn't have a big follow up, but boy was I WRONG and am I GLAD for it. I'll talk more about their development in the next seasons when I get there, so for now let's focus a bit on s1. Just in like the first two episodes, there is so much Barchie foreshadowing, like, it's legit insane how it was right there in my face and I missed it the first time! "I have never felt what i'm supposed to feel with betty", "it's not my fault he doesn't like you", "I can't give you the answer you want"... Omg, those are obvious eyebrow raising "this will come back to bite you in the a$$" moments and it's incredible how they actually DO! I would call it clever writing, but like... it's Riverdale lol. So I really am just glad that the ship was done this way, i'm glad Barchie has the back story that they do, they've really come a LONG way and i'm happy I get to experience their whole growing storyline. It's also especially good because s1 actually provides you with scenes that show you their friendship and how they're so close, you see them hanging out, talking, their pictures together, everything was just really done well with them. Still have a bit of critique with the way Archie contradicted himself sometimes regardinf his feelings for Betty, but let's be honest, we've watched enough Riverdale to know that's just a problem with the writing.
- Kevin/Joaquin is still my favorite Kevin ship, i'm sad it's completely impossible to go back to them someday so for now i'll just be really glad it existed and that I got to see them even if it was short-lived. They had great chemistry and their kiss scenes always outsold.
- Beronica... sigh. Beronica. The most wasted chemistry i've ever seen on CW and I've watched a LOT of CW shows. There was so much potential there, s1 was practically overflowing with them and it's one of the reasons it became some popular. I remember when the Beronica fandom was the biggest one, ah, good times. Veronica and Betty were easily the best part of season 1, their friendship, their lowkey romantic moments, they were just superior in every way. This ship deserved better, not even just as a ship, but as a friendship.
- Veronica's s1 hair >>> Veronica's hair in seasons 2-4. I loved the side part and I am glad it's back in season 5, it looks so much better like that.
- Cheryl, as always, deserves better. Can't wait for her to meet Toni so I can watch again Cheryl finally get to love someone and be loved back, which is exactly what she deserves.
For now, that is all! I will probably make another post soon when i'm done with season one and from season two on I will be live-blogging the episodes since I will be watching it alone. Once again, pls, no hate, my thoughts are my thoughts. Peace.
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Emily in Paris, episode 5, or why no one wants to have a talk?
I write this as I think again about how much potential a series about how this one was nominated to the Golden Globes by apparently - presumed innocents, you know - bribing people from the Academy with visits to the set and luxury hotels in Paris. I mean, I will fall for this too. Imagine a behind-the-cameras comedy about a humble member of the crew who has to indulge in that pandering and corruption, and all this mixed with the commons issues of daily life in Paris. Yeah, the real one. Anyway, until we have that, we can stick to the series itself. Episode 5, there we go.
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Mindy and Emily are hanging at a café next to the latter's place, our Chicago girl talking about her sentimental woes. She likes Gabriel but she feels bad for not having known about Camille being his girlfriend, especially since she's nice (and very pretty too, Emily's conclusion is that it should be forbidden to be both). While Mindy's recommendation is to act normally, Emily decides to avoid Camille and Gabriel at all costs. To no avail, because - after accidentally asking for a condom with her coffee and her croissant, to Mindy's amusement - Camille shows up. She just pulled a Hollande, that's it, she just brought croissants to her lover.
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(Seriously I love this girl)
On her way to Savoir, Emily receives an invitation to an influencer lunch organized by the cosmetics brand Durée. Emily has loved Durée from the moment her friend Cindy - I had misheard that and I thought she was called Mindy, too - stole a lipstick. But, there's a problem, as Julien tells her a few moments later. They used to be a client but they split from the agency in such a bad way that they are not even mentioned at Savoir. Focusing in solving the mystery about what really happened, she asks Sylvie about why the agency doesn't works with cosmetics brands. After giving her a little lesson on how you should correctly knock at the doors - that's so relatable, suddenly I saw my 8 years-old-self being scolded at the school, that's exactly how I learnt the lesson Emily receives here - Sylvie dodges the question and asks her to think about a campaign for a luxury matress brand.
Quite irrelevant, comic relief talk about sexual postures with Luc and Julien ensues. Whatever happened, Emily is resolved to go to that influencers lunch, so she lefts for the Place Vendôme where a lot of people is already hanging out at Durées party, reception, whatever you can call it. On arrival, she receives a small gift bag, meanwhile a dog receives one considerably bigger. He has more followers. Anyway, I don't think Emily is really resentful towards Cashmere. I mean, I make that face when I see dogs too. And cats. And birds. And horses. And... well, you get the picture.
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A scene I really liked follows in which we can read the messages posted by the influencers, in different languages. It's effective, not paritcularly groundbreaking - not even in Emily in Paris' universe - but I really liked it. It just was a little weird when the boy who is writting in Italian uses osservato to post about the cosmetics, while the rests are posting about being "obsessed" or awkward variations of Yas, Queen! Did they really meant something else than being observed or seen? Did they meant ossessionato? Meanwhile, the CEO of Durée is just in the nearby room, scrolling over their posts, just to see who has the privilege of having a personal talk with her.
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Emily decides to call the CEO's attention by doing something most people wouldn't do: starting to eat the decoration. Olivia - that's the woman's name - sees it and likes the content, for some reason. So she wins the personal talk with her. We then learn Olivia knows Emily from her meme that was retweeted by Brigitte Macron. We find that also the Daily Mail gave coverage to that thing. Why would anyone quote as an achievement or a great moment in their lives to be featured in the Daily Mail is a mystery to me. Olivia tells her that agencies are expensive and obsolete, and that she considers influencers are the future. So the eventuality of talking to her about Savoir goes out that window giving to the Place Vendôme. Maybe in other occasion, since Olivia has invited her to lunch. The two of them alone this time.
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Coming home that evening she bumps into Gabriel and Camille. The latter insists in dragging Emily with them to their date/excursion/whatever. Quick montage ensues and they end sitting at an art installation which reproduces Van Gogh's Starry night. Pretty! Also, it's evident they have fun together. Why not to have a civilized chat about this. Maybe Camille is tolerant, who knows. But if everyone used their communication skills properly, Humanity would, no doubt, lost a part of its literary and cinematic patrimony. I want to sit at one of these expositions, too, by the way.
When Camille leaves them for a second to greet a friend, they talk about the kiss the other day. She apologizes, he says that kissing her back was a natural reaction (ah, si?) and they seem to agree in that it meant nothing. Which clearly means the contrary.
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The meeting with the mattress company takes place the next day. Sylvie's idea is lukewarmly received by the CEO, but when Emily talks about putting the bed in instagrammeable places of the city - I hate the sound of that - like the Gardens of the Luxemburg or the Louvre. Not a good idea to create that level of high expectations, but this is how the serie works. She goes to that lunch with Durées woman and discover she wants her as an ambassador of the brand. It's there when Emily has to confess she works for Savoir and that she would like to persuade her to go back to the agency. Olivia's opinion is a very polite Thank you, not happening. And a warning against Sylvie.
Speaking of what, she's waiting for Emily at the office, annoyed because now the mattres company woman wants the bed at the Louvre - something impossible - and because she discovered her little video from the influencers lunch. From her point of view - and its a pretty reasonable one -, it's a problem if she made publicity for free for a company while others pay them for the same. And she tells her to have her Instagram account closed.
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Censorship!, Mindy reacts later that evening as they hang together in Montmartre. Again one almost expect Gene Kelly to show up dancing, but that would be too realistic. But Emily has decided to do as told by Sylvie, not without a last farewell tour /montage thing. It ends with our two characters walking down to the Rue de l'Aubrevoir. That's the last post and the end of her Instagram account. But no.
Like one of these encores at the end of the New Years Concert in Vienna, her account is ready to put more pretty inconsequential things to look at in this world. It turns out the woman from the mattress company saw the post and wants the bed on the Place Dalida, just at the end of that street. And wants Emily at the first one posing in that bed.
There is a long series of reason why puting a bed on open air, in the middle of the city, so people can make photos laying in it is a terrible idea, whether in Paris or Villabajo (*). But it doesn't matter, Emily's account reopens, the campaign starts and she poses with Camille who is very happy because Gabriel has her as a neighbour. You all need to talk. Gabriel sees that photo and, obviously, likes it. We all ship them, boy. Aaand that's the end. We could have it all but we are heading to a boring love triangle. Cuadrangle. Whatever.
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(*) Yeah that town only exists in soap commercials. Still bad idea, Emily.
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zachsgamejournal · 4 years
PLAYING: Breath of Fire 3
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I'm not sure this game is as great as I remember. But while recently researching top PS1 RPGs, BoF3 was near the top. Ah-well, I think I'm nearing the end...
Last we left off, Nina just arrested the criminal Mayor while Rei was hunting for revenge.
Realizing the Mayor's connection to Syn City, we headed over there to arrest the boss only to find everyone dead or dying. We're told a giant Tiger (Rei) attacked and the boss has fled. Tracking the boss, we find Rei confronting the man, demanding revenge for Teepo's death. Ryu and Nina just want to arrest him. Rei, dissatisfied, attempts a killing blow. But the boss, wounded, turns into a monster (because this is a JRPG).
After we succeed, Rei seems a little down on how weak his tiger power is compared to Ryu and others. But he finds kinship in Ryu's dragon abilities and wants to join the crew to meet God and ask "what's up?"
Nina says there's a problem, her father the King doesn't like Ryu--thinking Ryu was responsible for the big messes that happened when they were children. Nina suggests we do a good deed to clear his name. There's trouble at the old plant.
We find Momo as she tries to keep the plant producing super-crops, but there's issues. Palet, the mad scientist that betrayed us before, is missing. In the game's "Resident Evil Mission" we wander the plant to find Palet is trying to use Chrysm and mad-science to bring his wife back to life. Momo's father invented the tech, trying to do much the same. But we tell Palet this is bad. We defeat him and unhook his wife from life support.
We return to the king, but Nina asks Ryu to sit it out. Asking Rei in instead. She presents Rei to the king and queen as her savior and a bad-ass dude. But then they recognize him. The Jig is up and Rei and Nina flee.
Back to Angel Tower--but God does not appear. Garr is sad. We talk to the Urkan chief and are guided to another surviving Guardian who has recanted their oath.
Finding this guy, he insists on testing Ryu. Turns out he lost faith in the cause against the Brood before the war was over. We also learn that Deis--a powerful snake-lady--is being held captive at Angel tower. This guardian's death frees her, and he willingly allows his defeat.
We return to Deis and she punches Garr in the stomach for being a dragon slaying asshat, then asks us to meet her later. We do and get a flashback with her fussing at Guardians.
I can't remember the details, but the God that ordered Guardians to kill The Brood (dragons) is her sister. She says our answers lie across the sea.
Return to Rhapala to find our ship-friends, but the boat is missing again. We needed that! We travel to Junk town to find the ship needs repairs. Momo offers to do it, but needs parts. We go to Steel Beach to collect parts that continuously wash up on shore here.
No one knows where these parts come from, or how to make them. But they've been able to build some half-ass machines from them. There's an annoying mini-game here where you have to help someone haul in something big by following flag raising. Turns out to be a monster fish.
I struggled finding the parts. Firstly, they're pretty well hidden, and secondly, some were on the beach. Oh, and thirdly, you can't know whether you found the right ones without returning to Junk town...time consuming.
Parts collected, ship repaired, we sail back to Rhapala and are nearly rammed by "The Black Ship". The Black Ship was one of my favorite sequences as a kid, so I was excited to play it. But that's in the future...
Zig, who was once an antagonist, now wants to be a helpful ship captain and offers to sail use across the sea. But no one has ever left the bay. We try. We fail. There's rumor of a Legendary Mariner that sailed from across the sea. Supposedly, the mayor of some town knows about him. When we get there, it's a fishing town and he hates fish...
This is where I gave up a few years ago. It's one of those annoying JRPG fetch quests where you've gotta do a bunch of innocuous quests to scavenge a few items, and it's like--I just want to learn the secrets of the universe--THIS ISN'T FUN!
Goofing around with cheats, I gave myself every item in the game. So I didn't have to do this quest: HAH! But I still had to cook. Luckily they give you clear instructions. He likes the food and gives us a chart. I'm not sure the chart does anything but unlock an island. I still had to look up a guide to find it...
So the game, in the second half...or middle third...starts to lose some steam. You end up retreading a lot of ground. While it does tie up a few loose ends, it's a lot of busy work.
I think the problem is that the game gets to the "BIG" question too early. I mean, you start the game as a dragon. Dragons are supposed to be extinct. No one understands your power. So of course, the BIG question of "What's this dragon business about" is there. But it doesn't truly become a primary concern until Garr joins the party. At that point he says, "Lets head east to learn more about you". But heading east has a ton of road bumps. And instead of answers, you get a: "It's my life's goal to kill dragons: die!"
Nice twist, for sure, but when Garr and Ryu reunite, the primary question is set: "Why did God tell Guardians to kill the dragons?" And then it's just a bunch of bullshit!
Take Fellowship of the Ring. There's a lot of bullshit: dark riders, hobbit eating trees, mid-night attacks, horse chases through the woods, perilous mountain peaks, dangerous mines, a fire demon, dubious wood elves, corrupted allies, and orcs. But, even though the adventurers are constantly running into obstacles, they are always moving the ring closer to Mt. Doom one yard at a time.
Breath of Fire 3, on the other hand, is rarely gaining yardage, and very often losing yardage. It's a oppressively unrewarding experience. I mean, as a child you help train a weak guy to fight a strong guy over several "nights", wander a monster infested lighthouse, and then battle a trash talking dolphin all in hopes of getting a ship and they're just like: Nahhh.
It's much different than something like Elder Scrolls where you have a sort of "home base" and must travel around the world for tasks and clues.
Been trying to think of a better way to approach this...
Maybe Garr doesn't find adult Ryu cause he wants to confront God. Maybe he wants to apologize. As they leave, they learn about the Tiger (Rei). This leads them to McNeil--get Nina, and all that. Now it's time for Ryu to prove to the king he's worthy of a pardon. Missions include: Resolving the Plant Crisis, Fixing the boat, Stopping/Docking the black ship, and a few other tasks. All in the name of clearing Ryu and Rei's criminal record.
All the while, they're learning more clues about the Brood and the past. Garr admits that he's never spoken to God and doesn't know how. He's only goal is to make amends to Ryu as a servant/companion.
One of their quests leads them to the old guardian, which leads them to Deis, and that's when they first hear that God lives across the sea. Now, instead of a million distractions, we have a clear goal to hop on the black ship and sail across the ocean--which we do.
Now, all those mundane quests that prevented progress become a part of progress--because it's helping clear Ryu's name. AND, we don't set the final goal (meet God) until we're truly cleared to chase it.
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