#If anyone mentions the H word ill cry actually because i see the color use similarities
enjoliquej · 2 months
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I can't fix it - is this where I give in?
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 2
(The idea that started it all)
(Master post)
Alya could not believe her eyes. But as clear as day on her friend’s phone the facts were present. Marinette had 100% compatibility with Adrien Agreste.
“Girl... that is amazing.” Alya managed to say through her shock.
Marinette couldn't even form words, her face was as bright and red as fire. She felt like she would combust. Sure, she said that Adrien was her soulmate, and sure she has taken a quiz or two where she was matched with Adrien, but THIS?! This was a completely different feeling, it felt real.
Alya managed to pick up her jaw.
“Chloé would have a heart attack if she found out about this.” Alya spoke with a smirk.
That statement brought Marinette crashing back to earth.
“You can NOT tell Chloé! You can't tell anyone!” Marinette exclaimed in panic.
Alya looked at her confused.
“Why not? This is the perfect chance to stick it to that spoiled brat! Not to mention it will help show everyone else that you are a perfect match for Adrien.”
“What would Adrien say? What if he sees me talking about this, using it as some sort of leverage. That is something so Lila like. I can't do that!”
“I think you mean Chloé-like” Alya corrected
“No I didn't. The main point is it wouldn't be right to do that. What if Adrien doesn't take this seriously and seeing someone he considered his friend using it to keep other girls off of him. He would think I am some sort of possessive creeper.” Marinette explained.
Alya considered her friends opinion and was going to tell her that she was overthinking it, but she actually made a fair point, it does seem kind of gross to try doing something like this.
“That is true, not to mention Mr.Model is pretty popular. You mentioning your compatibility might cause his fan club to try and slay you, or get akumatized if you aren't careful.” Alya agreed.
“You mentioned earlier that each list is private, and that no one else can see it unless the person decides to show other. I should ask Adrien what he thinks about the whole thing... Tomorrow!” Marinette answered. “So please don't mention it to anyone, including Nino. At least until I talk to Adrien about it.”
“I promise I will wait for your okay on the matter. But You know you can just message Adrien through the app or just call him.” Alya pointed out with a teasing smile.
“I... I might turn to jelly if I do that now.” Marinette confessed.
Alya sighed with a soft smile. She loved her best friend with all of her quirks.
“Alright, though this might be your only chance to message him at 100% compatibility. The 10 questions from tomorrow might change things, after all, you can only go down from 100%.” Alya pointed out after giving her friend a hug.
“Ill take my chances.” Marinette answered.
Alya grabbed her stuff and decided to head back home. Marinette waved and made sure her friend left before letting everything completely hit her again.
“So perfect compatibility?” a floating ladybug themed creature asked innocently as she floated out of her hiding spot.
“Thats Right Tikki! Adrien! We are 100% compatible. I never thought it was possible, but here it is!” Marinette swooned. “I can picture it all now.”
“We talk at school, Adrien admits that once he saw that we were compatible, he realized he was in love with me the whole time. We start dating, then go steady after university. After which we get married and have three kids....”
“That is quite a reaction from one questionnaire. How do you know its legitimate? You always did say that those magazine quizzes were nothing but junk.” Tikki answered.
“They are Tikki, but this one has a lot more to it then colors determining what model you would date! This is something in depth, it just feels more real. I just know it in my heart that there is something to this.”
Tikki nuzzled Marinette’s face.
“Well I support you. Maybe this was just the thing you needed to go after Adrien. That thing is only a bunch of questions until you act on it.” Tikki encouraged.
“Thanks Tikki. I knew I could count on you.”
The red kwami smiled, Marinette was starting to sound like Chat noir with all the talk of soulmates and fated to be together. Tikki couldn't help but wonder how she would react if she knew she was 100% compatible with Chat noir.
“Good evening my lady.” Chat noir purred.
He happily approached his red clad partner who was waiting for him on the rooftop of a rather tall building.
“Hello my kitty. How are you doing.” Ladybug answered with a soft smile as she moved closer to her cat partner.
“Quick question bugaboo. Have you heard of an app called Soulmate searcher?” Chat noir cooed as he took Ladybug’s hand in his.
“Why yes Chatton I have. Do you have something to tell me?” She inquired with an alluring smile.
“Why yes. I believe the app has helped me find you. I recently took the quiz and found out that I had 100% compatibility with someone. So of course it must be you.” Chat noir spoke as his head moved closer as if he was going in to kiss her. Until he sees she pulled away. He pauses. She let go of his hand and stepped back, her smile gone.
“My lady?”
“I never got 100% with anyone chat noir.” She took a step away from him.
“I am sorry my cat prince, but even though I have started to fall for your rugged good looks and your beautiful heart, I can't be with a man that is clearly far more compatible with someone else. I wish you the best, but you broke my heart.
Ladybug seemed so much farther away then she was moments before.
“My lady! No it doesn't mean anything! Wait!” he said as he tripped forward. Ladybug going farther and farther away from him.
Adrien found himself in the library of his school. He was seeing his close friend Marinette who was crying tears.
“Marinette, I am so sorry.”
He hardly felt it, most likely from the pain he already felt seeing her this way.
“Because of that stupid test. Luka turned me down. He said he couldn't be with someone who had more compatibility with another guy, as if me dating him would be cheating me out of a better match! I had spent Months gathering up the courage to ask him out. All of it gone to waste because you just HAD to score higher. If you were my friend, you would have never joined that stupid app.”
“Marinette please don't hate me. I had no idea. I will talk with Luka, I am sure I can...”
“You have done enough. I never want to see you again. I hate you! I wish I never met you!” Marinette stormed off. The blond model felt his heart break at his classmates words. He walked to try and get her, he paused as he noticed an akuma following behind her.
“Marinette! There is an akuma behind you!” 
He tried to reach out but his calls were on deaf ears. He tried to run to her but his leg were heavy and he couldn't reach her. It was like he was at a slow fixed speed and Marinette and the akuma were just out of reach.
The bookshelves around him shaking as books began raining down on him.
“Marinette! _______________________________________________________________________
Adrien shot up from his bed. He was sweating. He touched his face and there was no pain. Nightmares... those were not real at all.
He looked around, he heard plagg snoozing like a lawnmower.
“Oh good. it was all a dream.” He spoke to himself in relief. He fell back into his bed. His mind still thinking about his vivid nightmares. He hoped that those stayed nightmares, but he would know for sure tomorrow.
The next day came quickly. Adrien and Marinette hardly slept. They grabbed their phones and saw that their profile was ready for their first set of new questions.
Adrien answered the first few as he was getting ready in the bathroom.
Marinette answered some of hers as she got her stuff together for school.
Marinette answering questions as she walked to school and Adrien answering as he got out of the car that his bodyguard drives him in. They got to the last questions at the same time. 
They stopped moving wherever they were as they waited for their profiles to update.
after a minute, the update finished.
Adrien noticed that Kagami had went up by 2% and was now at 81% compatibility.
Marinette noticed Luka has jumped to 82% after answering.
The two teens scrolled up to the number one spot on the list. Still as clear as yesterday. 100%
“So it didn't change.” They both commented out loud. They looked up from their phones to see the other across from them as they were just about to enter their homeroom class together.
Both teens quickly put their phones in their pockets, now looking right at one another.
“Hi HEY! Hello Adrien.” Marinette stumbled, her face was red and she felt like kicking herself for that greeting.
Adrien smiled nervously, his face also red. It felt so much more real now that he was looking at Marinette face to face.
“H-hey Marinette.” Adrien responded. “Doing something on your phone?”
“Phone? What Phone! I don't phone.” Marinette garbled. She wanted to die.
Adrien felt himself get more nervous. He could tell she was doing the same thing he was, she was answering questions on her phone for Soulmate searcher. Thats why the list updated so quickly and her picture on the list had a small green light on the right corner, which says it was updated.
“So, are you... do you play...” Adrien tried to get the words out. Why was he so suddenly nervous talking to Marinette. It feels like he trying to talk to Ladybug without his mask. He feels naked and vulnerable. “Soulmate searcher?”
Marinette’s eyes went wide.
“Yea, I do. Do you?” Marinette managed to answer without stammering.
“Yea... tried it out yesterday and...”
The morning bell rang, interrupting their conversation.
“Thats the bell, we should get inside before we get...”
Adrien caught her arm.
“Wait. Can I talk to you later? Please?” Adrien asked, his eyes showing a softness that made Marinette ever more so drawn to his emerald eyes.
“Sure Adrien. I love y to! I would love to talk.” Marinette responded, Adrien let go of her arm. He smiled softly. He was relieved that she wasn't mad.
“Great. Library? His mind flashed to the nightmare he had the night before. “I mean... locker room? Should be abandoned by Lunchtime.”
“O-Okay.” Marinette responded. She opened the door and they both walked into the classroom. Maybe they would be lucky and no one was even talking about that app.
THERE I FINISHED part 2 (I am so happy you guy brought part 1 of this up so high) I really hope you guys like part 2.
If you want part 3, please let me know. I love hearing feedback and it feeds my impulsive need to write.
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jumpingjackets · 7 years
arduously alive (hamilsquad x reader)
Prompt: You are an artist, the kind that people don’t like to talk about. You met a boy who asked if you were okay. You broke.
Word Count: 2564
A/N: This wasn’t requested, but I’ve been feeling not so great and wanted to project, and I thought since I haven’t posted anything in a h*cking long time, might as well share it with you guys. (this isnt a relationship thing, by the way, i put hamilsquad cause they’re the characters of focus. think of it as a friendship, in a way)
TW: Mention of self-harm/self-harm scars, romanticizing self-harm, unhealthy coping with mental illness, suicide attempt (please stay safe)
You liked to consider yourself a happy person in general, but you knew in your heart that wasn’t true. You liked to think that you genuinely enjoyed laughing, smiling and interacting with other people, but you knew it wasn’t true. You have started to consider that happy part of you as a separate character of yourself.
They had radiant skin, glowing smile and could grow flowers in their hair with how much joy and life they created, but that wasn’t you. It was a character you created to make everyone around you comfortable. You knew no one could be able to bear the real you.
No one could bear the crying, screaming and depressed “you” that got loose when no one was around. You didn’t let it. You weren’t going to let it ruin all the hard work you had gone through to make a more beautiful “you”. The problem was, you even felt disconnected from them, too. You always felt slightly wrong. Slightly out of place, never belonging.
You found a way, eventually, to ground yourself into reality. A little prick and a little blood and your whole body felt at ease. The beauty of a metallic razor filled you, the real you, with so much reality that you and it never disconnected.
You spent so long running the little piece of metal all over your skin, creating line after line of beautiful art in your wrist and thighs that you felt like you could dance in the clouds. You and the razor became inseparable best friends, almost lovers, even. You loved it, and it loved you.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t show anyone the art to anyone. They would whisper and worry, and that wasn’t something the happy, cheery you wanted. It was fine, though. A big sweater and jeans and you were set. Nobody suspected a thing and you continued your art. Everyone was happy.
You continued with your life, as both characters, up until you got into university. It was supposed to be the happiest moment of your life, getting into your dream school and being able to achieve everything you had set for yourself. Your family and friends seemed to dance around you in a dream-like daze, but you still felt odd. You didn’t let anyone know and didn’t let it show.
Starting university was your biggest inspiration. You drew and drew until the bathroom floor was a beautiful red color. You felt yourself drifting once or twice, but you were okay. You felt alive.
Sitting in class a day after a particularly colorful night, fumbling with your sleeves, a boy you had never seen before sat next to you.
Scratch that, you have seen him before. Running around campus, loud and smiling and beautiful. His eyes were always wide and glowing and his smile was beaming. Everything about him was beautiful and alive.
“Hi.” He said simply, eyes fixed on yours, almost as if trying to connect with your soul. His smile faded in the slightest when you only smiled in response. It was weak and insincere, probably something he will never give in his life.
“What are you majoring in? I’m in Political Science.” You saw him hold back, like he wanted to speak more but wouldn’t. Shame, you liked his voice.
“Social Science.” You said, straightening in your chair. If you were going to talk to someone, being hunched over your notebook wasn’t exactly polite. You felt the happy “you” take charge. “Political and social sciences are similar, right?”
You seemed to have turned on a switch, because he smiled even brighter.
“Yeah, they are. They have differences here and there, but-but yeah they’re similar.” He stumbled, but kept looking at you.
You were about to open your mouth to keep talking when the professor walked in. Both of you sat up straight as a board and never spoke during the whore lecture.
After it was done and you had mindlessly picked up your bag and books, you were stopped midway by the same voice.
“Alexander, by the way. Hamilton.” He said, walking the opposite direction from where you were walking.
“Y/N. L/N.” you half shouted. It took him by surprise that you actually responded, but he shot you a bright smile, turned around, and kept walking.
That night, you held your best friend with a shaky hand. The movement made it glimmer in the bathroom light multiple times. Your chest felt hollow, like it always did, but your heart was pounding like an animal, trapped, wanting to get out. This had never happened before. You felt uneasy and awkward, but in a different way than before. This time, it was almost good.
The next time you saw Alexander was in the campus cafeteria, tray with food half eaten, smiling and laughing with three other people. All of them were beautiful, almost as alive and radiant as Alexander. Your heart fluttered. You had never seen a group of people so full of joy and life, none that had made your heart drop when they noticed you, at least.
The other three looked at you but seemingly thought nothing and continued talking, but Alexander waved you over to their table. You hesitated at first. They already had an obviously personal space in themselves, were you sure you wanted to invade it? Nevertheless, you walked quietly over to him and smiled.
“Hey, Alexander.” You said, half hugging him while he was mid standing up.
“What’s up? Where are you headed?” He chatted as if you had known each other for years. One of the other boys looked between the two of you curiously.
“Just wandering around campus, really. They cancelled my class for today but I don’t want to go back to my house and be alone, you know?” You talked with your hands, but you were wearing a jacket to which you had previously cut holes to stick your thumb out. Only so the sleeves never slipped and people wouldn’t see what decorated your wrists.
“Why don’t you sit here with us?” He said, scooting over the seat to give you space. You didn’t know why your heart raced.
“Oh, don’t worry,” You said with nervous laughter, “I wouldn’t want to bother you guys.” You said, shuffling the straps of your back pack. You could already feel the others hoping she would leave in silence, tears where already threating at the back of your eyes.
“You wouldn’t be bothering us. You seem innocent enough.” The boy who was previously studying you said. His eyes were also gleaming, with a different light than Alexander’s, but it was still so beautiful. And alive, most definitely.
You felt the lump in your throat relax as you sat down next to Alexander. The chatter in the cafeteria was practically nonexistent, too, so you felt at peace.
“Nice to meet you, I’m John. This is Herc,” he pointed to the boy next to him, which he waved and smiled, mouth filled with food which gave him a child-like grin (which you returned, obviously).
“And I’m Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Mortier de La Lafayette, but you can call me Laf.” The other boy, sitting next to Alexander, introduced himself before John could. He was physically breathtaking, more so than the others, which you didn’t think possible. His eyes were soft and luminous, his voice thick with French.
You smiled and nodded as each one introduced themselves. “Well, I’m Y/N, nice to meet all of you.” You were quiet, terrified. You didn’t know why. All you wanted the moment the words left your lips was to go home and draw.
Surprisingly, though, you didn’t have the worst time with them. It was easy to talk, easy to laugh with them. John was a med student, Laf isn’t an exchange, Hercules is in the college team and Alexander never stops talking. All of them had something to them that made you feel a different connection with life.
But, unfortunately, all dreams have to end. Hercules and Laf left together to study (Alexander and John started snickering once they left) and John left to feed his pets half an hour later. It was just you and Alexander. You stood up after a few minutes since John had left.
“Thank you for inviting me to sit down with your friends, Alexander. I don’t remember the last time I laughed that much.” You said, hugging him fully this time.
“Do you need a ride home? It’s getting kind of dark, it’s dangerous to walk alone around these parts.” He said, his voice sounded almost like he was worried.
You considered it. You looked out to the sky. It was dark out, and frankly you were a little bit scared of walking alone in the dark.
“I’d appreciate that, thank you.” You said. He didn’t wait one second before jumping up. He threw his tray away, and motioned you to follow him.
You walked to his car in silence, kicking a stone in the floor occasionally. You got into his car, a sweet smell hitting your nostrils immediately. You saw the air freshener sitting behind the rearview mirror.
“We all had fun today, Y/N, thanks for joining us. You’re really great.” Alexander said once you were leaving campus. You were taken aback, it felt like your mouth was a desert.
“I had fun too, Alexander. Thank you.” Was all you could muster up. Your body was starting to shut down, crash from all the excitement from the evening. Your second character was waking up. They were furious, so you stayed quiet the whole ride beside telling Alexander your address, and quickly thanking him for the ride. He hurriedly asked for your number, and you scribbled it in his hand.
That night you were at the brink something terrible, and you didn’t know why. You drew and drew until you almost couldn’t breathe. Your vision turned blurry, that had never happened. You weren’t scared, but that fact did scare you.
You didn’t know why it felt so bad, meeting other people wasn’t a bad thing. Meeting good people who make you feel weirdly happy wasn’t a bad thing either, but your character didn’t care.
“They hated you.” You could hear it say. “Should’ve just kept walking. They hated you.”
You drew more than you did ever before, but you didn’t care.
You wore a thin long sleeve the next time you saw Alexander, maybe two or three days later. You prayed red didn’t seep through the bandaging.
Alexander smiled at you, but quickly retracted it and sat down at the very front. Not far from you, but not next to you either.
The lecture came and went. You hurried back to your house, threw off your shirt, and picked up your trusty best friend.
“I am the only one that loves you.” It glinted in the light. You knew it was right.
You were in the middle of drawing, when your phone buzzed in the floor. You were startled, to say the least, even more when it was an unknown number that had texted you.
Hey, sorry I’m just writing to you now, didn’t know what to say to you. Are you ok? You didn’t seem to great in class today. Please let me hear back from you. I’m a bit worried. -Alex
Oh? You’ve only spoken to him twice, maybe? Why did he care?
“He doesn’t.” Said the razor.
Hey, Alexander. I’m sorry, I haven’t been feeling well. Thank you for worrying, though. No need for that. I’ll be fine.
Your fingers trembled as you wrote back and hit send. You didn’t know why. You put the phone down and picked up your razor.
“Yes! Yes!” Screamed the razor. It knew what went through your mind, even before you did. You put your hand over your mouth to muffle a sob.
Was this happening? Really?
“Do it.” Said both of your characters. Your phone was buzzing again, but right now you could care less. You changed into something comfortable, the short sleeves of your shirt showcasing all the artwork, intricate lines down your forearms. Some raised, some darker, some almost invisible. You thought it looked beautiful. You examined your forearms for a while, maybe too long, before you walked back to the bathroom.
You ran a bath, and waited until the tub filled almost to the brim. You crawled in, the water spilling out of the tub, but it was fine. It was all fine.
You took your razor out, fiddling with it around your fingers. Were you ready? Yes. It was okay. It was ok.
You didn’t think you would do it today. Had you asked yourself a few days ago, you didn’t think you wanted this. But now, surrounded by calming warm water and your best friend, you realize it was long overdue. When it pressed in your skin, deeper than ever, drawing so much blood, you heard something outside.
A car.
It was fine though. You continued, having to stifle a cry of pain. It was so deep now. No turning back now.
You heard a voice.
Your hand shook as blood rushed out of your wound. Not too deep, not enough.
You heard multiple voices now, your heart started racing. Who would come here?
There was a knock on the door. Your head fell back, vision blurry. Your limbs were falling asleep. You still gripped onto your razor, determined to finish.
The front door opened, since you left it unlocked, but you didn’t care anymore. It was done, you thought it was done, but why were you still so awake? Didn’t matter. You pressed it to the other arm.
“Y/N?” A voice yelled. French. You didn’t look up. The doorknob on the bathroom door shook before opening slightly as you pressed the metal into your skin, drawing more blood. You grew so weak that you dropped the razor. The door opened completely, but the person stood still, unable to react.
You head limped to the side, you saw the color in Alexander’s face drain completely. His mouth moved, as if speaking, but nothing came out. Lafayette poked his head in, but quickly went into action when he saw red-tinted water.
You could hear him calling for John. The boy immediately arrived, taking your arms and wrapping them with something.
“Laf, Alex, apply pressure here. Herc, call 911. I’ll get my kit.”
He seemed so calm but his voice was demanding enough to wake Alexander. He rushed next to Lafayette, taking your arms carefully. Your head limped from side to side from being forced slightly up, but you shrieked in pain when you felt pressure in your cuts.
Alexander winced. He could only imagine the pain. Lafayette brushed the hair out of your face.
“I know, I know. It’ll be okay, mon cher. It’ll be okay.” He whispered, breathing in heavily when you sobbed.
“It hurts.” Your voice was hoarse as you continued to sob.
“You’ll be okay soon, Y/N. Just hold on.” This time Alexander spoke. His voice trembled just as much as his bottom lip. You couldn’t process anything. The pain was too much.
You screamed in pain once again as you heard a loud siren. From the open bathroom, you could see red and white lights shining through the living room windows.
It was done. You failed. It will be okay, though. Hopefully.
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askmyboys · 3 years
Anthony and Grayson
Warning before you read! TWs: nothing directly is mentioned but i will say there’s heavy undertones of some kinda physical abuse, death mentioned as well, alcohol mentions, panic/anxiety attack mentions, and tbh deep topics n bad shit in general so if any of this kinda stuff bothers you i don’t recommend reading bout em
The lads are NOT alright here :/
| Names: Anthony and Grayson
| Nicknames: Ant/Anth (there is a certain thing he could be called but, you might trigger something for him then but aha I’ll go ahead n drop what it was… ‘My precious little flower’) and for Grayson, they only have one nickname people could call them, its Gray ofc- but there was o n e particular person that called them Grays but now that brings up b a d memories and r e g r e t s :)
| Gender: Anthony goes by he/him and they/them! and Grayson just goes by he/him
| Ages: Both their ages are N/A
| Heights: Anthony is 5’3” and Grayson is 6’7”
| Species/Race: Anthony’s a human and technically Grayson is but he’s got superhuman powers, he- well, Gray would NEVER call himself a superhero again not after the horrible thing he did ...but I won’t spoil what that is yet
| Occupation: Anthony actually owns a flower shop in the Luxport City and Grayson is technically unemployed but trust me- in his days of superheroing he made a good enough amount to not worry.
| Hair Colors: Ant’s hair is an auburn color and it’s a very messy curly undercut and Grayson dyed his hair black and it’s a mess- more messy than Ant’s ever could be- its like he barely combs it (its curly but god its a r a t nest of hair)
| Eye Colors: Anth’s left eye is a light and soft brown color meanwhile the right eye is clouded over, he can’t see too much out of that eye so he usually wears an eyepatch with a sunflower for the design on it and Grayson’s eye color used to be a near legit Sparkling Sapphire Blue but now its just dull and ironically enough gray (he’s also got REALLY bad dark circles under his eyes as well as them being pretty damn bloodshot like he barely sleeps anymore)
| Skin Colors/Body Types: Ant is extremely pale- like GHOSTLY pale actually, he looks fucking d e a d in that regard- he’s also pretty skinny too- not to the point where it looks like its harmful but he’s just a skinny lad- and Grayson’s pale too but not AS bad as Ant is and his body type is fairly average- no muscular body or anything really, just, average.
| Appearances: Before I get into details, Ant doesn’t really have a circle beard while Grayson does- alrighty- so let’s start off with good ol’ Anthony! He wears a long sleeved yellow and white striped sweater along with yellow pajama pants that have MANY flower designs over it, he wears blue jean overalls with a Coreopsis flower design on the pocket in the middle, he also wears light up yellow and white sneakers with flower designs all over it as well, he has a good few scars but most of them are covered by his clothes BUT…
There are two special markings that always seems new- it never fades- it’s ALWAYS that god awful red color- One over his right eye and then one on the right side of his cheek, it's in the shape of a fist actually but Ant seems to have no memory of it whatsoever, he doesn’t even seem bothered by it- it doesn’t hurt him, hell- he doesn’t even know what the mark is anyways! So it doesn’t matter! If it doesn’t hurt him or cause him any trouble/health issues then it's whatever! Another thing he has, he has a bandaid over the bridge of his nose- ofc its yellow and has all kinds of flower designs on it and even though most of his other non prominent scars/markings are hidden by his clothing just for another smaller detail- he has a LOT of those bandaids over them actually, he likes the feeling of bandaids in general, it feels comforting to him.
| Personality: Grayson used to be pretty strict, righteous, stern, and all those fun things- He used to be everything a Hero SHOULD be both inside and out, and even though he was pretty strict and stern with a lot of things he still had an aura of sweetness, kindness, caring, and compassion to him, he used to be so protective of everyone- There wasn’t a mean bone in his body to be honest even if sometimes his strictness and stern attitude could make him seem a bit harsh- he tried not to be TOO bad, he really did actually- He never wanted anyone to be afraid of him and he still doesn’t- but now? His attitude has changed entirely, he’s not strict nor stern nor even righteous anymore- He’s not a fucking hero, don’t even DARE call him that anymore- Nobody but him knows what happened that night… As of now he’s MUCH more reserved and quiet, not caring about anything/anyone ESPECIALLY not himself, he doesn’t even take good care of himself anymore, he’s very obviously depressed, anxious like ALL the time, hasn’t slept good in god knows how long.
He looks like he’s even haunted by something actually, he hardly EVER leaves his own home or well- might as well call it a Lair, and call him a Villain at this point- He fucking HATES himself entirely inside and outside and wishes he could just disappear and not exist anymore, he hates that people still remember him being a Hero, even though he hasn’t done anything heroic in a long time- The people still thank him, they still love him, and he h a t e s it- he wishes they’d hate HIM too… He has a pretty bad drinking problem as well too, drinking is the only way he can get to sleep at night anymore, it’s either that or on the WORST of nights he needs something like Melatonin to help him pass out, crying himself to sleep never helps anymore he’s worn that out- People do still worry about him too- but he always tells them it's nothing to worry themselves about (the reason people still love n cherish him, he did specify he was retiring and there are other heroes out there to defend them, they won’t hold no ill will against him ...Well, unless they find out his dirty little secrets eheh…)
Finally, Grayson can be VERY defensive and hostile sounding toward certain topics, if certain words are mentioned, etc- but only hostile with words/empty threats, he’ll never raise his fist again unless it’s toward himself…  it's best to just leave him alone ...and let him r o t…
Now onto Anthony! Anthony was and always will be a sweet summer child (he is an adult tho, they both are I’m just piss poor at Math and cant figure out proper ages n dumb shit) he’s got a heart of pure gold, he’s caring, kind, as sweet as can be, loving, and childish- now his childish nature can be both a pro and a con (must’ve been a con for Grays then h u h? ...Oops, I'm saying too much now but at this point I’m fairly certain you can piece together that they're tied in with each other somehow) his naivety and gullibleness can get him into serious trouble if he’s not careful… Ant hates it when someone gets angry at him or yells at him he starts going into a panic but that’s not what REALLY gets a panic/anxiety attack going for him, now if somebody raised their fist at him that’s when he literally screams bloody murder and he’ll probs trip and fall back into the nearest corner he can he’s NEVER a loud person, always soft spoken and so kind sounding but in this situation he’s screaming so loudly- screaming apologies and a name he doesn’t even know (he doesn’t know a person named that particular name! Or maybe its just his memory but i’ll get to that in a second)
He’ll scream and scream until his throat gets so raw and sore or his voice LITERALLY gives out on him and even then at that point he’ll probably faint, beforehand though- if he hasn’t fainted- (even if his voice winds up giving out) he’ll start flailing if the person who raised their fist at him starts coming closer, he’ll flail just to make sure he can keep them away- The next day though after he sleeps, he seems fine- he doesn’t even seem like he remembers that or anything that happened, maybe it’s him blocking it from his memory (lemme say, the lil accident that happened oh so long ago, he didn’t block it out himself, it was FORCED out of his head) he does seem to claim he has bad memory with certain things but he’s confident with his names and people he knows, he never forgets a face that comes into his life! (...or so he thinks) honestly? If you ask me personally, granted, I AM the creator of these boys- it’s best if he doesn’t EVER remember, with how he reacts to something as I stated back up there, god knows what’ll happen if he EVER gets that tossed back into his memory.
| Side Facts: Anthony’s a bit hard to really describe in the regards of life and death, it's like he’s in the mixture of both- except minus anything zombie like- no god awful smell of death, no decay on his body or anything exposed- just his skin being a deathly pale color but nobody seems to really question it- So I really can’t say he’s dead nor alive, he’s literally in the middle of both- He just doesn’t even know it, he’s just living normally really- Running his precious little flow- … His flower shop, he LOVES flowers- he always had back when, well- ya know- And before the accident happened as well- (I’ve decided I’m not explaining that in full detail yet, I really wanna write that story out actually, but uh anyone who ACTUALLY wants is free to theorize) Anthony loves all flowers really but if he had to pick, his top three favorites would be: The Bittersweet flower, Daisies, and finally ironically enough Forget-Me-Not flowers.
Working with flowers and everything plant wise in general really helps him feel at ease because even though I didn’t mention it, deep down he can get kinda stressed a lil easily, he does feel anxious a lot and he doesn’t even know why, sometimes anxiety just hits him like a brick but just gently running his fingers over a flower or plant seems to help keep him grounded.
He also loves music as well and he’ll sometimes sing to the plants and flowers, never for anybody else though- he’s too embarrassed to sing in front of anyone actual person, you know though, sometimes- even tho Ant can’t remember- sometimes he does feel something at the back of his mind, like there’s something important that he’s forgotten or forgetting- It’s why he sometimes writes his thoughts and certain things down but even then- Even when he’s done everything he wrote down, he still feels something but just doesn’t know what it is, and at this point he’s just learned to ignore it, whatever it is- surely if it was something THAT important he would have never forgotten in the first place.
I should also say Grayson doesn’t live in Luxport City anymore, ever since that one day he moved far away from there (so no, Gray n Ant have no contact and honestly, well- even tho Gray remembers Ant EXTREMELY well he doesn’t know he’s,, well… “alive” he doesn't know he’s walking around but it's for the best, these two should never come in contact with each other- god knows what’d happen) but now, Grayson- unlike Ant is HORRIBLY miserable likewise, he has nothing he does but sit in his den all day- he only goes out when ABSOLUTELY necessary- to buy some food or alcohol mostly, he doesn’t know why he buys himself food- he doesn’t deserve to eat anything- after all he DOES wanna rot away- his guilt and regret at this point is eating away at him- it’s probably going to be his downfall one day tbh.
Even though he does want everyone to hate him or something like that, he DOESN’T… necessarily want them finding out the horrible truth, he doesn’t necessarily want his secret to be exposed, he’s so scared of it being found out ...but ya know, that’s ONE good thing I can say about Gray here, he doesn’t keep trying to uphold a hero act, he doesn’t keep trying to be a hero- he coulda just went on and continued trying to be righteous and teach right from wrongs, etc- He coulda kept being a Hero but he hasn’t, and he fucking hates that word being used to describe himself, so that’s one nice thing and the only nice thing I can say about him.
0 notes